School Life Hacks EVERYONE Should Know

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hello friends it's me so i don't know what the school situation is are you guys ever gonna go back to school are we doing homeschool online school i would do it online school i don't know when you can use these hacks but here are some school hacks you see i thought this was genius whenever you're trying to sneak your phone in class you usually have it like in your desk on your lap perhaps on the ground wait a minute can you unlock your phone with your toe so we're gonna see if i can add my toe to my list of fingerprints does apple realize that it's a toe and not a finger or not it looks like it's working you want to see some real security hey we did it okay so i'm gonna put my phone right here watch this watch this oh it worked look you'll see this who's actually gonna do this me i'm doing it right now look yes nice [Music] hello i've hacked your phone please send five thousand dollars please send the better sock if you have a phone case and a hoodie on just take the little drawstrings and hang it down like that oh oh got them you know what that actually might be a decent hack excuse me miss don't go on your phone did you know gordon ramsay has a tick tock put your phone away fine what are you yelling i put my phone away i put my phone away in the sneakiest way possible okay you see you do this nice it's not going why is my phone vibrating so much okay this won't work thread too thick oh oh we got it we got it boys boom on the way all that just hurt the hang there that was a little stupid attack basically it's supposed to like hang like this this whole time i could have just had it like this boom hacks and then when i want to go on i just don't look in my passcode bro some people will do anything to cheat in class this has got to be the most advanced way to do it they hack the calculator and by hack i mean hack out a piece of it put your phone inside the calculator and then put the numbers back on so during your test just pop that piece off it's like having your phone on your desk with you big brain actually small braid because you have to cheat like me another way to sneak your phone during class put on a jacket plop both sleeves on the desk slide that hand under then boom sneak level 100 oh if you want to take this to the next level she got a whole entire prosthetic hand just so she can hide her real hand to text her man's back now that's dedication man amazon got everything gonna have to do this zip this is weird give me a sec oh okay you should probably take your phone out before you decide to do this okay here we go should probably do my other hand okay no no no you go you go over here yes sir that doesn't that looks fair that solves the problem excuse me miss what are you doing [Music] [Applause] working what are you talking about you have to stay after classroom lady for what you could say i really nailed my test if you could take the time to write in the smallest writing possible and pop it onto your fingertip you probably have enough time to study that's not very much information that you could like put in there i mean unless you got some like cardi b nails it's a lot of effort imagine doing this right before a test how you even write that small you're really going to be like this the whole time like imagine doing all this during lunch right before your test oh i gotta wash my hands uh well heck no you know what twenty twenty 2021 when people actually go back to school we gonna be doing it like this bro why are we learning math in a japanese classroom i can't even see it you have to like aha yes one plus one is indeed two are you sure [Music] now let me open up my notebook here are my notes my notes i mean i've been watching tick tocks all semester what they basically just cut out a section ruined a perfectly good notebook to hide your phone i'm surprised more people don't do this or at least put your phone behind the paper and then just like open it up when you need to like do something this is how you write a secret note so if you're passing notes and you don't want anyone to read it this is what you can do write your note in blue ink and then cross it out with red ink make sure you do the round squiggles now if anybody has red glasses or any red transparent paper and you can make this with a red marker and some plastic and when you put the red over the red squiggles you don't see the red squiggles anymore you see the secret message wow so if your teacher says you can only use one note card you can write very very teeny tiny or you can write your notes in red and blue and use the opposite color 3d glasses to see the different colors of text pretty good so i got these needle little things from target for like 50 cents boom 3d vision so i'm gonna write my secret message to my crush i'm giving this to my crush it's a secret note that only he will be able to read with this whoa digital come read my secret message wait wait wait this should cover it way better i wonder if this one will work the blue doesn't work only so the red pass this to that guy over there wow i i need this to read but you can't read it without it i can't for you stop young lady where do you think you're going do y'all ever try to sneak food in class oh he's snitching eating pringles ashley you're like 26 and still can't read so she took a fat stack put it in her crusty musty pencil case and if your pencil case is even a fraction as dank as mine y'all gonna have some zesty lead flavored pringles so she put wrapping paper on her pringles can glued on a zipper you know i thought we were making a diy case but we just want it to look like a case he's like yeah that's totally legit teacher got food vision or something but a bing bada boom now you got to stank breath all over it this dude put the answers on the test on a strand of his hair so all he got to do is just lean over and oh wait this is actually this might actually work what's next we won't be putting it on the rim of our glasses these cheating techniques are getting way too advanced here we have the ring of knowledge they really made a mini book glued it on a ring wham bam deception ma'am ah this is a good one cheated on the back of a band-aid ain't nobody gonna suspect that lift your bandaid for the answers i feel like most teachers know this by now the og way to do it was you write the answers inside your water bottle wrapper and then you just like but if they're walking around they can see it so they printed out a custom label for their drink it looks exactly like a vitamin water label but if you look closely it's a cheat sheet those are the ingredients that's the pythagorean theorem i don't even know what that says i don't know about this one someone is gonna snitch you can't just put your whole entire cheat sheet just tape it right there on the back of somebody's chair but the fact that it's like out in the open it's so easy to like overlook these things it's so crazy that it might actually just work the bonus points if your t-shirt doesn't get up but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed these videos comment below let me know when y'all are going back to school what is your school situation if you guys enjoyed make sure that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,555,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, life hacks, life hack, diy, do it yourself, life, hacks, school, lifehacks, school hacks
Id: uw26Wt5MAd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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