TESTING Weird Beauty Products From WISH

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hello friends it's me and today we are here in this new little corner that I made like 10 minutes ago it's still a work in progress ok and today behind the camera we have my recording me I just got this chair it's comfy it's cozy it's soft is this real sheep back oh I guess it is not a few months ago I got some things off wish because I was gonna do another you're trying weird beauty products it's kind of ended up being a wish haul but I'm also gonna be trying out some really weird products straight into the clickbait so these are silicone buttocks you know what it does perfect curve at any time any place anywhere make you go from this to that oh we got this one look a Photoshop before-and-after nice so it kind of looks like a giant egg yolk and this is pretty expensive it was like $30 no $40 oh my god it feels nice man bake me a cake as fast as you can who actually takes okay so these are pretty flat as you can see how they don't give me a but I like the sound it makes mmm smack it real good okay so I think these are some underwear oh yeah they're underwear I think he just slipped the bad boys in so it's like a push-up bra for your butt yeah I just slide right in there woah that's actually pretty cool give me a bra - yeah I could be where I mean that would be kind of weird unless you are a dude and wanted like a massive pecs that's what you get from these oh yeah this is what it looks like front back you got a little jiggle let's try this bad boy on mama got a brand new but don't get off put your weight yeah it doesn't get your money back like it's a but on top of my butt it's like constricting my butt to give me another butt but I feel like if you had absolutely no but like I'm talking about completely no but you only got some cheeks like the bare minimum this might help you out the butt pads are up here my butt is down here oh there's a lot of butts out here see I'm not saying I have four bucks two four six eight ten what do you think rate my butt I mean you're normal but I've never like the million but it's pink it's not that good yeah I kind of sucks they're really weird it's like restricting squishing you're normal yeah next up we have a good old face mask so it's not any faces I don't know what these are I think these are electrodes that shock your face until you are beautiful or dead I don't know but there's like some kind of like lotion juice thing on it oh maybe you freeze it maybe you can heat it up or maybe you can be Michael Myers and three two one he was beautiful I feel beautiful well this is like strangely like soothing and satisfying oh my God look at my face I look like that pic of that dog that somebody put a piece of ham on but not look like a ham face this feels nice like my face feels constricted I might not use eyelashes oh wow when I press it whoa something popped in it look when you press it the rest of it tightens and then it feels really good why is it making that sound I don't know what kind of masses is oh I hope it was like bursts in my face so that I'll be quiet so you guys can hear this there's like liquid inside here but what is the liquid what are the little dots I don't know but I like this and I want to experiment more with it so I'm going to breeze it I feel so naked now like my face does not feel like my face anymore I much rather be wearing this way well looks like he was a all right here we go something a bit more fun is this little massager that I got so it's just like a ball and it like moves and I couldn't help myself I used it before doing this video it was very very very satisfying and it feels so good though the ball just like rubs really good this works it's just like really awkward like somebody has to like do it for you but oops get all those nuts out very useful and out of time the next thing is very similar oh and it's very flattering it says you're beautiful no you are beautiful not really but like quiet ugly no but it's like I don't know it like that so I can't like compliment it like that so this one is for your face it's just like a ball and you just flip in it and then use it ooh it's like those Jade rollers but it's just like a circle oh I feel so good yes living for this that is the spot okay video over I just want to like do this all day okay you know what this thing works tried and tested it looks like it would be a pen I could write with it oh you can unscrew it what does that do oh I broke it okay that does nothing absolutely nothing yeah that was great thumbs up okay so the next thing we are trying is a collagen crystal neck bag of mass what the hell is a neck bag mass a bag make your neck skin smooth and whitening exactly what it says oh my god says prevent and powerful reduces dark circles powerful removes Huff eNOS and refine aging we've got dark circles on their neck do I got any dark circles yes good thing I have my collagen crystal next bag mask I can fix this ugly night in a bag for your neck no idea we're gonna find out now know that if you are bags on your neck you know me I obviously have a online so it fixes the bags on your neck you know Mar only has bags in her closet I got bags on my neck okay well so I pulled out something and okay that was the bad yeah the basket oh very it's very jelly insensitive Oh looks like a piece of flan whoa oh that feels very nice Nick very nice you can see oh it's like gold 24 karats you look ahead okay let's go to the ball or the strip club so do I just sit like this for how long how long do sit like this what are you - 30 minutes brah I ain't got time for that this is all dripping all over my leg okay we should have done this at the beginning in another video and now I feel like I have to sit very straight up and this is dripping everywhere and I'm panicking and I don't know what's in this mess we don't like break out with a allergic reaction you know we're rubbing it all over my ashy knees now really making use of that negative mask liquid no there was a foot mask in here somewhere so I think we should all here it is tendering feet mask and mister feet tender like a Costco rotisserie chicken so milk and bamboo vinegar peeling so this give you baby softy we're gonna take off the socks for the oh my god the smell oh no my feet don't smell the new line rip of my sock and it won't smell that she would fit you guys smell oh that was a big fat inhale my feet don't smell bad they never smell in all 26 years of me living maybe when I die they would smell that do you guess think you feet yeah hello stinky feet you never smelled your feet I'm a louder them okay I feel like if nobody has ever complained to you about it they probably don't smell ok behold oh my god how do I put my foot in this but this foot shape look at a country this brown that y'all be shaped like a cream puff these are very moist okay very very very very moist oh my gosh I like it you basically put a spa why does this one not thick right this one is smaller oh my god it's on the carpet no oh my maybe the bug wasn't a spa day too maybe it wanted a neck no goodbye my precious neck bag mask I know it hasn't had enough time to fully absorb okay know what we're gonna chill here for like 5 10 15 more minutes and I'll let you know what is the light next up we have this very weirdly shaped brush I mean it doesn't even look like would you what would you think this is a brush a wig brush oh maybe the brush is that what it is yeah there's not a lot of reviews okay it's definitely brushing my hair like it says it's gonna do am i impressed not really my hair's pretty knotted Wow it's a brush seriously you guys literally clicked on this video to watch somebody brush their hair no thank you get out of here with that alright next up we have some lip plumper shade extension whatever means I'm gonna put it on my lips would you put this on your lips Jacqueline coffee thank you which I would you rather quite probably that one yeah so this is supposed to pump your lip this is not FDA approved don't try this at home that's why I'm trying it for you guys this is just off wish which I don't think they have any like health regulation or their makeup or products or anything oh my god it's looking like a liquid whoa look at this thick you see it Wow look at the thing it may buy-ins do that smells like chemicals yay I hope this isn't the one that like remember it was it like lip venom there was like a brand that did like something lip gloss and it stung so bad I guess I do have stinky feet oh good good my lips getting bigger no I just I feel like there's nowhere I think it basically just like irritates your lips until they get bigger beats them up the molecules punching other molecules like a Kylie Jenner called I still got this on my feet all lips are in progress it's my neck bag on I don't think we can do anything money during that dark circles gone no my neck look any better no why not literally scam my feet are starting to tingle supposed to tingle it's tingling tingling healing I don't like this I'm gonna take these off because I feel strangely moist Oh auntie aleni oh I feel so warm now oh it looks it feels like so they still look it just smells not smell they smell good now I was like coconut yeah cuz looks like coconut milk in it and vinegar they feel moisturize and soft and wet alright I got this thing and I forget what it is what is this do you have any idea you're a beauty guru couples rated me your knowledge is it for your time it looks like it would go in your mouth I think that's just scrape your tongue so let's tell it clean but it's like a brush yes look clean do you not clean I brush it but like not with a scraper my tongue does get dirty like yours gluten eater Kalugin makes your tongue dirty you feel like it goes into your mouth me too but how with the wet end there's like a mouth stretcher ah done with this I probably got a disease for cleanse my mouth oh so we have a waist trainer always gonna fit on me so go one size fit all which I don't think would work with waist trainers I'm a train my weight too I don't know what it would you change your ways so you stay in place this keeps my intestines in check now I know that my pancreas are warm this your stupid this will it really does nothing before waist trainer after okay this is actually useless something like you your body probably does you okay what do you do thank you do you want to see you feeI sweat even your neck is beautiful you actually convinced everyone my feet okay but are my lips bigger yes no this is literally nothing I gave them sighs I double portion is it nothing I my looks bigger Kampf Allah I want to know so I got an eye cream off wish and it was 99 cents this is what I got for 99 cents it's literally a tiny package this is how small it is and it says instantly agent is and this is not labeled for individual sale but they literally gave me this one packet I got the tiniest packet like this big I want to opened it up it was just this in it so this must be some godly cream whoa it's orange um oh my god it's like neon orange I've never seen a cream like this we that looks like pain I'll put it looks like it looks like toothpaste oh god it's not mixed like going in I'm just gonna use on my hand it smell like good ones like laundry detergent I hope this makes my hand instantly ageless I'm still waiting I'll just put it on one hand and then you guys can compare my hands to use all of it and it's not waste a single drop of this magical lotion alright look at before and after okay difference I do think there's a difference okay but obviously cuz it's a moisturizer and I got some dry AF dusty crusty hands it does yeah okay Wow no wonder they only give you one packet you gotta buy like 10 of them at once I thought I would give you like a mini jar or something no it's just like a packet smaller got a packet of salt next thing is something I got because it was cheap and cute and it's actually pretty cute in real life this is the haul portion of the video it's just a bralette it's boring it's cute it's actually like pretty good quality for a lace one and feels like two dollars so I like and this I don't know what the hell this was because I definitely didn't order this dress but look how absolutely hideous this isn't real life and if you guys could see the quality of this dress is insane in a bad way and it's like what are these arms look at this arm how do you even you can't even put this on without like getting lost they didn't think this through when designing this so basically you put your arm through a billion string this is not just any strings they're glittery and then put it on like that it's like somebody made spaghetti out of arm fat mmm all you need is the bolognese sauce phone apple teeth I hate this this is so stupid and ugly anyways it's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did and want a part to make sure you smash that like button and subscribe to my channel I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 4,499,089
Rating: 4.9230738 out of 5
Keywords: Sssniperwolf, Little lia, testing, trying, beauty, hacks, weird, wish, Wish app, Wish haul, Wish review, Testing wish products, Beauty products
Id: utmLku6nNNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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