Trying Everything on the Menu at NYC’s Most Famous Burger Restaurant (Ft Brad Leone)

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Now that was a FOOD video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/namajapan 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I lived in nyc for 13 years and I never went to this place. Gotta go when I come back next month

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/indhiwilliams 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

damn making me hungry watching this. add it to the list of places to visit in NY

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/djprecision 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

loved this!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FoodiePinoy 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

thats a lot of food... lol how was your stomach after :P

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jrow871 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

Great video :) We use to do the same when one of our local restaurants change their menu and then we don't eat anything for the next 2 days LoL.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fuzzandbuzz 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
I'm Alex Fellini and today I am standing outside of one of my favorite places in the world it's a burger institution on the Upper East Side of Manhattan I'm talking about JG melon I'm gonna hit every single menu item here that's one of everything on the menu entrees salads sandwiches couple drinks along the way too and I've got a friend my coworker Brad Leone so enough chitchat let's get to it [Music] two big guys that small table so Delaney JG melon yeah you know you've been talking about it for years JT melon is an institution it is a New York institution opened in 1972 two guys Jack and George the J and the G their burgers highly regarded in New York as one of the best if you ask me I'd say it's the best we'll see you bribe me that easy you know take me out to dinner so lady let's take a look man you won buddy yeah but before we dive into missus we need the samples we're ordering one of everything in the menu we're taking one perfect bite we get to decide how we order and at the end we'll give awards to the best dishes all right before we even get to ordering let's look at the menu what about we do our little soup hands yeah and then we do sandwiches like burgers yeah then salad so we do have nice little crispy break before we get into the head mode oh so you're not trying to be like Wade downing you know it just seems you know it's a marathon not a sprint that's the saying that I think with each category of food we should do one drink all right Brad we got our game plan down are you ready to do this yes do it when is it too early to be drinking you know and this is time in a place where ever the time for a Bloody Mary is right now I love Bloody Marys you have to try this oh this is the bloody bowl that gives you the savory thing okay so the bloody ball this is like you're getting smacked in the face with beef Boyan it's really you mommy forward I would dial back the bullion a little to fours but I answer cool I it's a coin yeah I like the noodle shape not yet wasn't exciting unit that's all chicken noodle one down on to the next mozzarella and Carozza is at mozzarella in between two pieces of bread it's like a savory french toast my dream come true oh yeah I've never wanted this before pretty good that yeah I think it's like french toast mozzarella the French the Italians working together keeping it savory that's delicious in a real kind of cheap fun way you know yeah all right just one bite one bite I want to take two so that pace yourself well Cheers what are we drinking here buddy little allagash white oh yeah that Bloody Mary that's the only thing we're gonna waste everything we don't eat the crew is gonna eat mustard sandwiches a turkey club okay pickles I like that a nice crispy nice on the toast you can see there's mayo on it bacon looks crispy mmm good that's a good turkey club a good mayo ratio to that's one of the better of certain clubs I've had in a while you've heard it whew yeah now you get this thing's gotta get out of here yeah chicken breast sandwich comes with salsa pickles lettuce tomato onion one bite oh that chicken sauce it go texture on the outside still moist on the inside it's a breast that seems to be butterflied and then directly on the griddle maybe even pressed so very soft well roast beast this is the most important thing cookie-san for me God was super thinly sliced steak sandwich this is thinly slice I like its simplicity you can tell they put the time of day I would order that again yes bacon lettuce tomato otherwise known as the VLT VLT it's pretty perfect crispy thin bacon but it still has a little bit of chew to it because each bite is easy all right get this thing out and we either go grilled cheese tomato bacon huh the fact that you're not just doing one layer of cheese that's important people at the office disagree with me but if I'm eating grilled cheese come on American cheese just feels very homey I like the way that tomatoes get hot would order again so right on the list it's not it's basically the plum without the bacon so all the turkey though little foam and pepper there are bees that if you tell this came out of an oven it's not dry but it's not like artificially moist obviously brand I'm not sure if you're aware this is non sandwich this I would describe as a diner humbug one of the worst things in the world is when you get a diner omelet things are just totally drawing or super or super wet like water and this is that nice image we have one bite pal sorry yeah we got like one category down man we made our way through sandwiches and this is like the most torturous way to eat here's one bite and then go back to being hungry and waiting all day hi Brad we're about to get into Berger territories I'm like now getting nervous because I am confident that this is my favorite burger I've been like I've been really hyping this up to you I'm sure given by what we've been eating so far they're gonna keep it keep it going with the burger turkey burger so this is not the burger this is a burger it's the turkey burger admittedly not what I come here to order but I've actually never tried it I like how it's kind of like a smash burger over there it is that's what it's gross out nice and seasoning textures good told you don't honk me know sometimes you just one yep I used to live ten blocks down the road this place was referred to by me as church because I would go once a weekend sit at the bar by myself oh that's have a single beer you don't just get the burger like we get the burger and the cottage fries of course and then you need to get the chili at the same time that's church it's almost like the way it's set up to eat almost like a little well I guess not really at all Oh what they call like a little bit pews you know it's got the wooden things are there we're going to open that bar just our own call it's a thing we do get me a precinct cold yeah big-time ma'am there's no bars no you don't even have to wear some silly outfit no you do have to call us god I mean just one small detail so this is the trifecta right I say we do this start with the garbage truck yeah yeah and then you gotta go Kanna try into the chili get a little cheese get a little onion look at the perfect bite all right going right oh yeah come on no problem no problem but this is probably the most polarizing french fry in new york because it doesn't really look like a french fry at all you got the coin exactly it looks like exactly it's a pickle chip you got the one it leans towards service area so it gets super crispy great for dipping I think it's brilliant burgers up is super good right so we ordered you got the classic I got the bacon let's just talk about the bread real quick I love that it's not a brioche bun it's a homemade humble bunny still squishy though not it's like a shatter it's like nice it's got a light toast look at that you ain't getting exactly a stroke that's why you use the griddle man yeah JJ does I love whispers all right one bite one bite dude do it fantastic that makes me so happy all right so not too thick not too thin too thin yes I feel like a little de Hamburglar you know you like a little sack um oh yeah tight bundle burger bundle trade market that's where the money's coming it's got the right fat content in there it's still a moist burger it's seasoned properly there's salt to it it's not letting that other stuff get in the way it's okay here's your burger the patty itself is a secret blend it's a beef patty oh my gosh this is chuck with a little short rib chuck short rib I feel like that the mystery is part of the appeal yeah let them they got it down they can worry about that and it's like you know I get your church you go I just have a little faith oh my god that's a good line bread isn't the best burger in New York City but it is a fantastic burger all right that was the main event who killed the burgers now I'm just trying to make it towards the desserts but we got some work to do in between all right yeah that sounds and entrees left we got our martinis ready I'm a channel in life my mom here do you think we have enough Salas busy busy you know what it's usually busy yeah every Thursday we got the rare Bernie we got the rare glimpse of an empty JG start with the spinach salad mushrooms feta cheese I appreciated that the dressings simple simple vinegar all right where we going next that looks like the house the JG version may be a little chubby okay thank you Brad simultaneously on show and greeting the people go ahead do it that's efficient use a little more dressing little more seasoning yeah slice chicken little pie are checking off hook I want more more dressing on top all right last one bacon mushrooms spinach straightforward classic yeah thank you good yeah this isn't a salad joint when they do have quite a few of them was the best seller I had to pick two I'd probably go JB Nisswa yep and the spinach and bacon I liked the mushroom feta situation yes big all right get him out of here bread you need a little Beaujolais in your life a little red wine for the rest of the meal if you can't tell we're doing another speed round all of the entrees coming out at once what's your eye drawn to first probably the mahi-mahi I love fish and rice I mean it's just I could eat that all glass you ever catch my money I'm betting you have yeah you driving around in the ocean in the boat you know yeah and you see like some like debris floating and they're always hanging they're always gonna be around when you catch one you keep it on line and the other one will come up right by your throne unhooking catch to read fun fact for you yeah that's just clean nice texture I'm not fishing all day Merton say there's a fish nothing roast hen is there anything more depressing than getting gummy poultry skin definitely worse things but but yeah it's horrible I get your point very nicely rendered skin I give eat that whole thing go wrong easily needs hearts heart looks like we're talking with some Jovi's here you got the capers in there you need some kind of like salty rice element car looks like a football player there's a little horseradish eating going on that too actually pretty good this is 1972 plating but the flavor right there all right so this is the chopped steak nothing cheeseburger without the bubble this is good little bite here sorry keV it's part of the job but right cheering I just oh yeah I would make that for dinner the last entrée yeah we got the sirloin yes nice here please will salt needs a little salt also we even talked about this that kitchen is tiny the fact that they're doing this with that tiny kitchen is so sick yeah cranking about I bread top three I'll do the hand for sure the Chop do its job it's like unexpect nice well silence sleeper was the fish it was good we got our entrees done it's no kind of you know a little bit finish listen Amaro little Fernet for digestion well Cheers huh yeah so for net is a style of Amaro it's actually medicinal beverage but now it's a digestif something that you drink after dinner and fernette the dominating flavor is mix this is like my preferred after-dinner beverage oh dear oh yeah we got the whole dessert spread final stage in the show let's not chocolate okay boys chocolate Clara approve touch sweet that's sugar is poison host Debbie Downer no but it's true gives you diabetes and you feel you heal on yeah get in there custard is truly one of the greatest things I'm told I'm rarely geeky on me Joe but it's nice it's nice all right be done it's actually not that bad that sweet that's actually that's a bat that's odd all right New York classic Airy not super dense got that nice tang I know I wanna well you can only have one leg you're right Apple sour cream walnut oh well you like the layers super thinly sliced apples like just almost like a crepe cake yeah this is a situation on top or chrome rowboats nice seasonal for the five-o hands down yeah top three I'm going berry I'm going T scape and then go an apple and then maybe the key lime we have ordered almost everything on the menu there's one thing left and it just so happens to be the most expensive thing on the menu yeah well it better not be a cheesecake it's a tie are your necktie Helen isn't a necktie are they the same color no come on switch Wow thank you I feel like I didn't have a choice this has been on the menu since day one really day one has never left the mini always had a melon on Oh we've officially ordered everything on the menu now we got to give the people the results in the first category is the go-to it's the regular it's the Grail it's the reason that I'm here it's the thing I want to order every single time and for me it's not just one thing it is three it's the burger the chili the cottage fries that's the Grail cheeseburger classic simple full of chili so you can dip your cottage fries in there China right there with you I think that was a pretty perfect combination I think they nailed the little package of what makes a burger and to me a burger second category the thing I'm coming back for it's what I want but it's not my first ball day two I'm getting in Turkey it was on point 100% agree it was on point you know get a little side of cottage fries at that saticons the turkey club that was like everything I wanted it was like it was a perfect 30 brought perfect Turkey lastly it's the dark horse it's the insider scoop it's the thing that people might not think about but a regular would know that's the hen for me I was into the head I agree with you man it just it was crispy everything was that kind of fall off the bone but not like a mess yeah everything was super good evening the time next wedding for sure rye bread we ordered one of everything we got our ties we got our Fernet we did it yeah maneater walked thanks for joining yeah thank you man thanks for having me as the saying goes [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,283,361
Rating: 4.9106436 out of 5
Keywords: brad leone, one of everything, jg melon, alex delany, alex eats it all, one of everything on the menu, eating everything a restaurant, alex and brad, brad, brad bon appetit, alex bon appetit, one of everything jg melon, jg melon one of everything, one of everything bon appetit, eats everything, eats everything at, everything on the menu, eat the menu, alex eats everything, alex tries everything, jg melon burger, burger jg melon, brad tries, alex tries, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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