Trying Everything on the Menu at a Famous Brooklyn Deli (Ft Molly Baz) | Bon Appétit

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yo I am Alex Delaney and today I'm at Frankel's in New York style deli in Greenpoint Brooklyn and I'm here to order one of everything on the menu I'm talking breakfast sandwiches bagels maybe a little smoked brisket a BLT we shall see but this is my neighborhood I brought a friend who lives here and works a bone Appetit Molly Boz we're gonna get to this menu right now Oh Molly bajas you decided to come to Franco today I'm here for it you've been here before I've been here many times I live in the name what do you know about Franklin's I know people that run Franco's cool it's one of the best delis in the neighborhood probably the best ally okay it's a classic New York style deli generally when I come I go for the pastrami egg and cheese Ben is a huge pastrami fan I've been willing husband the other one that I love is the number one that's a bagel sandwich okay do you know how this works more or less but why don't you walk me through it all right we're ordering one of everything on the menu we're taking four one perfect bite of each thing we get to decide how we order in which order and at the end we're gonna give awards to the best Davis it's 11:30 we should start with breakfast right maybe sorry with the bagels do all cream cheeses and the spreads Yeah right then go breakfast sandwiches after that totally and then we'll go back to the pay packages and then I think like we move past breakfast matzo ball soup and latkes so that kind of a little snack yeah do you franchising hotdogs I mean obviously we're having hot dog we do the meat sandwiches we got a hint with some sweet drinks it oh great question so no booze here yeah what's your deli beverage of choice in here I have the option to order dr. Brown and I'm ordering dr. Brown's and I'm getting yourself what are you gonna do I am a committed supporter of Diet Coke so I am gonna go oh yeah yeah Cheers Tracy I noticed in the years I've never seen before and that's pumpernickel everything baby you've never had one oh it's a thing well it's a thing for those who know let's go through the cream cheeses there are five different kinds in front of us here yes tofu cream cheese yes ray goes regular smoked salmon scallion and dill excited about the right the dill is called my name right now it's calling me to Frank who's at base cream cheese from Stan's I said we get this guy okay let's do it I'm starting playing on plans okay that's good riches you could do I would recommend the dill I'm moving into scallion on pumpernickel everything and then tofu it's like not cream cheese but it's not but it has the texture of cream cheese like it has that thick really rich texture well Ivan had locks here that's a hard way right there alright we did all our swiping yeah we did all our bites what makes a good bagel a good day I generally like a bagel that's not too dense so it doesn't feel like 75 slices of bread smush together it has to be equal parts chewy crispy and flaky I feel like these bagels fare pretty well these are made by Baz bagels Boz bagels - cream cheese I think it's the balance between tang and fattiness so I'm never here for a low-fat cream cheese however this cream cheese is delightfully tiny and extremely creamy alright this was like the breakfast appetizer you know the classic 12 bagel appetizer yeah but okay yeah let's go for that let's do the send us get about here here we go what we got here some salad sandwich club yeah so this is how we're gonna taste their salads yes in the form of a club yeah alright sig buddy Beach start tuna starts Oona wow that's something pretty perfect tuna salad tuna fish fish okay stay in the fishbowl don't stay efficient that's so good like why is this the one that most people when they could eat that I really want to take on the bite of that I know we're saving this okay everyone's gonna get these later we're not wasting that's true this is brioche oh this looks like the best Texas toast ever made really lemony dill and lemon zester and everything that is I think the thing that stood out with all these right is the Mayo they use it's a lemon mousse you're starting with that leg acid right there it brightens everything up you're not just like getting weighed down with all this I like that play all right so we got all the salad sandwiches adds clubs what makes it a club okay well there's the obvious lettuce shredded is there anything that the bone Appetit staff who loves more than treadeth we agree on nothing at VA except for the fact that we love shredded shredded is great it's our bread it's the premier form of life yeah the bacon needs to be that perfect balance between crispy and chewy the other thing for me to talking about Chris penis is the bread you can see really crispy in toast on this side not so much on this side if you posted both sides it's a lot of texture you don't get that soft pillowy thing going on I think they strike a good ratio here of about 50% salad and then 50% club which was your favorite in my heart of hearts I want to say chicken but it was a white fish the wife or the wife fish was isn't it turned me yeah yeah hub sandwiches are great on to the next let's go let's go [Applause] this is like the pinnacle of honestly this is why what are you sorry I think we're gonna go the simplest of the egg and cheese that holler roll is insane I love the simplicity of the sandwich so good alright what's up next single bacon egg and cheese love that on a bagel okay sweet heads in towards the king you're not allowed to name my favorite but I already know that shouldn't be legal it almost super tender [Music] thank you so corned beef shingled nice little shingle look at how many folds there are in that scrambled egg it's almost not scrambled it's almost like a folded omelet yeah that corned beef is delicious greens white mmm wasn't exactly not be so delicious the sweetness of the onion in here so perfectly distributed the way that they're spread throughout those things are bold like marbled eggs this is a challah roll with LOX eggs and onions mm-hmm last one to be berry this is my favorite breakfast sandwich Burrell is the king of breakfast me how did I not know that because you're not from New Jersey or Philadelphia okay it's tangy it's salty it's fatty it's a thing that was that was outrageous the Platonic ideal of a breakfast family give it to me a soft egg whether that be the folded technique or a soft scramble it can't be dry if it's dry it's a mess American cheese and then some kind of salty meat there's got to be that super savory element to kind of balance all the creamy cheese and it is that's what takes a sandwich next level if you're coming back you had to order another one what's your favorite what's the one day where I obviously was most blown away by this Taylor ham situation is your school at poor girl yes but I think I would preferred it on the challah roll and I'm just thinking I wonder what would happen if you did pastrami pork raw egg and cheese do it how I get to eat more bites okay here I could use this the classic egg and cheese we're gonna go a little bit of this okay that meat is so salty and savory and that is so buttery and sweet that money just ruins just generally everything for me I feel like they should put that on the menu it'll be our special it could be an off-menu secret item so anyone who watches this we can come order good Baz and Delaney special am especially small a special will talk to us killer in that well doctor management all right take over yeah we have you guys gone through this in pieces never if you had to pick one the holy grail of your menu personally what would it be I think I'd go bot cos I'm a huge like a person self excited to get this exact what do you got the turkey club hands down whoa curveball oddly enough I think the reason I like it so much is because to me it tastes like a big match like you said that since the beginning it's got to be the Russian dressing it's like the Russian and something about the bank Locker okay we have one thing that we want to talk to you guys about and that is a new idea we're calling it the A&M fish no the AMA am special and it's going to be on the challah roll the eggs the cheese and then it's one layer of Taylor ham and one layer of pastrami it would not be the craziest thing now I'm gonna drink a lot of water [Laughter] open face and closed face Oh also new around the drinks yeah your well I'm moving no diet black cherry because I feel like I've had too much sugar today okay should we start open-faced other face smoked salmon tartar cream cheese watercress onion lemon and olive oil the mincer whitefish salad dill cucumber and beat pickled onions the number one pastrami salmon scallion cream cheese and dill cucumber vanetti Scottish salmon dill cream cheese horseradish beets and onion that's the old bacon tomato and scallion cream cheese salad 25 yeah when is that asked about so excited about it very much we're professionals yeah yeah which one's your favorite oh my god I didn't think I was gonna say this oh I think it might be this thanks same if that wasn't open-faced it wouldn't be my favorite exactly what it is it's about ratios about ratios it's perfect watercress on top nice and like just bright and crisp okay come on Cruz got to eat too tell us what you think keV give us your tasting honey a little napkin over there he's better than us you're on the show okay we're not quite finished with the fish sandwiches yet God already lured the classy the classic is arrived tomato red onion capers and here Nova but frank'll says three different types of fish that you can get on the sandwich so we have Nova which is cold smoked salmon we have peppered salmon which is hot smoke which is what gives it that more cooked texture and then we have sturgeon which is another hot smoked this one is a much subtler flavor smoked flavor and a milder fish so it's not as fishy as the salmon ax sturgeon people will know because caviar is the egg the row of the sturgeon we got the classic topped with tomato red onion capers smoked fish here though is the Scottish salmon hmm it's the perfect balance of creamy and fatty and smoked it checks all the boxes yeah I think I want to taste more stuff yeah you know what second wind come on strong right now door Oh funny I'm hungry again I love a good matzo ball soup since I married a Jewish man I've been committed to the soup I did not marry a Jewish man but I proposing to these doctors you married just based on appearance glow listen or lock it yeah yeah we don't know where we let's crack into these bad what are we aristocrats that might have been the hardest one first thing about a good luck ax for me crispy exterior I never want any song also you don't want it to be excessively greasy correct on the outside correct crispy not greasy crispy not greasy and maybe a little bit of onion in there you're and then it has to be well-seasoned on the outside anything that comes out of the deep fryer it needs to get hit with salt there's a lot of salt on these and that's why they're so delicious yeah and then yeah it's the combo platter of the sour cream and the apple sauce you don't just choose one you got you gotta go I do want to reiterate here that Molly is the resident muscle expert at VA she just spent a long time developing our best ever multiple soup recipe so I'm gonna let you guide us through ok evaluation ok the elements of a great matzo ball soup in my opinion are a deeply chickeny broth a ball that is at once fluffy and holds its shape so somewhere in the middle of the dense fluffy spectrum carrots and onions dill and black pepper to finish these and lots of salt okay and wait Smoltz in the hole right needs it oh my god me yes you're not putting schmaltz on your balls what really are you doing that's what's gonna give the balls that chick any flavor just chicken on chicken all right let's see mm-hmm heal me that's what I like that's some great mountain that's what I like the spoon made a clean scoop right out of the ball and you can tell that the texture is holding together so it's not just disintegrating into the broth but there's also like enough moisture in there if you squeeze that you can see how much broth and schmaltz is coming out of it you can also see that there are herbs incorporated into that I do like dill in my balls I like that too Julie balls all the way I think now's the appropriate time to acknowledge the fact that I do have the meat sweats yeah it's happy it's a little I'm doing and you feel like I was I was dewy and glowing as the new you know makeup community like I've gone beyond that I'm in sweat territory yeah I forgot my hot dog mmm so much this our go love the daily guard jelly mustard perfect I've had quite a few hot dogs in my day especially on everything you've seen but like the way I judge that again snap at the outside do that snap crackle pop damn good dog number two properly seasoned inside you're not tasting like a bunch of nitrates and chemicals all-beef I'll be that's just a good talk we're gonna keep going laughs little walk around the block oh [Applause] [Music] wow serious business got it yeah we've got all of the meat sandwiches here I'm gonna saw me start the truck hmm bronies alright moving right along except the corned beef with mustard Rudy she's great she's about to be I know my favorite does already quit brisket look like brisket stop wow this is all sourced up mmm the holidays all right where we done ELT the turkey club on a challah roll with bacon lettuce tomato Swiss and Russian and then we've got the chopped liver sandwich the roast turkey with coleslaw Swiss and Russian look at that that's like Mount Turkey and we live on let's at the same time go three two one and point to our favor oh okay ready 3 2 1 the hot pastrami make it a Reuben so add sauerkraut add a house-made russian dressing yes and melted Swiss cheese on brittle dry if there is a wall I am very close to it we have one more thing to do have a little little sweet treat there's a lot of food here Molly don't worry the crews gonna be eating it let's get these out of here let's get some dessert either I feel like you know this already about me but if you don't I'm just gonna remind you I do not prefer chocolate I don't think it's prefer chocolate I think don't like it and I see a little bit of chocolate just a little skirt this is something that to me screams Italian classic Italian really I like that they don't have rules cookies it's basically Hey we have arugula yeah feeling it's an oft overlooked cookie I didn't handle that no you go through the chocolaty part cuz I'm not gonna oh this is so moist mm-hmm this is amazing about that it's kind of like a cinnamon roll exactly chocolates world throughout baked Donna loved him that's my pick of the three vodkas best of three I'm [Applause] putting our thinking caps on our Frankel breakfast cats on I feel like that's gonna help us get in the zone we've decided we've decided we've found I feel really good about it okay the number one the first place the Grail the thing you're going to order at Frankel's when you walk in for the first time it's the hot pastrami Reuben Swiss cheese the Thousand Island dressing the sauerkraut griddled pastrami so flavor a perfect family a truly perfect ii this was a curveball secondly I think you know the second time you're in you've already had that's the whitefish Club it was so good smoking is the whitefish that nice lemon Mayo the Shred is the bacon perfectly cooked we will ever put bacon and whitefish together I never have they deserve a Nobel and then the dark course kind of insider special the veteran move the pro move the regular our move our move all right let's draw my egg and cheese we call that baby again fish that's all now you know alright we've eaten literally everything easier than I thought he's into the thought but also like that that were barely come people right now I really feel terrible the male boss thank you for joining me and friends and green pointing for having me thanks is AGGA nationally for hosting us thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 2,699,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex delany, one of everything, frankels deli, everything on menu, alex delany tries, alex eats it all, one of everything on the menu, eating everything a restaurant, alex and molly, molly, molly bon appetit, alex bon appetit, one of everything frankels deli, one of everything bon appetit, eats everything, eats everything at, everything on the menu, eat the menu, alex eats everything, alex tries everything, frankels deli bagel, molly tries, alex tries, food, bon appetit
Id: ZAfc_koiOAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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