Brad Leone Celebrates Thanksgiving With Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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How'd the Brad and Delaney rivalry start? Are they frenemies or is it all a joke or something?

👍︎︎ 830 👤︎︎ u/poochunks 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2608 👤︎︎ u/Fearmyable 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ahahaha at the Last Dab: "I'm not puttin' any more on there, you can go fuck yourself"

The most East Coast Last Dab ever

👍︎︎ 504 👤︎︎ u/OathOfFeanor 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

This completes the triangle of Babish, Sean and Brad all having been on each others' shows right? They've both been on Hot Ones, they've both been on It's Alive, and they've both been on Binging with Babish.

👍︎︎ 581 👤︎︎ u/99213 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Brad unfiltered is really enjoyable. Fits the character. Almost feels like he has to hold back a lot on BA.

👍︎︎ 1348 👤︎︎ u/Kashmir33 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I found it interesting how Sean chose to drink the milk because he saw Brad suffering and needed to keep the interview moving.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/ZestyClose_West 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

All of BA needs to be on this show.

👍︎︎ 548 👤︎︎ u/Peter_Mansbrick 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 176 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


Is Brad the first guest to refuse an extra dab on the last wing?

👍︎︎ 164 👤︎︎ u/tymby 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh my god this isn't the hottest one so I'm so so far I have a sensitive mouth Sean I'm not good at this [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot once it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're celebrating Thanksgiving the best way we know how and that's with Brad Leone he's the Test Kitchen manager turned star and host of it's alive with Brad and it's alive going places go check those out on bone Appetit youtuber streaming channels but first a very special Thanksgiving feast with the wings of death Brad Leone welcome to the Sean thank you the wings of death huh yes yeah I'm excited man you know I had a little taste of a couple of your sauces you know it must been what a couple years ago has yeah solid two three years ago and they were pretty unenjoyable [Music] alright so we just do this uh-huh I realize curse big time let it fly nice quality chicken so it's a real Thanksgiving miracle that this bald man and a guy named Brad who talks about fermentation or somehow eating hot wings to an Internet audience of millions especially when you think about how it all started do you remember the day that you went from dishwasher to TV host it was more of a progressive build I mean when I started there was there really wasn't a video presence it was if anything it was like a couple recipe real short format hands and pans as we used to call them like overhead shot that I'm doing things in my hands were done clean swaps yadda yadda boring not to me not cooking you know so we started to experiment with other formats you know more personality driven actual human conversations and whatnot and then it's alive which you know on paper probably shouldn't have happened say oh but uh same no I always think about that I always think about that how we were like two guys that against all odds and in such a bizarre way kind of survived that pivot to video which was like such a massacre for like the rest of new media but somehow bread is Shawn me put it that way it sounds great Shawn I wanted to keep that human element of cooking the mistakes that you know the having fun with it learning you know because a lot of people are gonna make mistakes too even when I'm doing things right things happen wrong I was really I'm glad these are chicken wings you know this whole Thanksgiving special I was like oh Christ he's gonna pull out for a big turkey legs or turkey wings you know the world is Thanksgiving special we got some boards on the tab you know but the best for me and then we have some some table decor you nailed it bud and I see you got some milk to her [Music] nice many heat I want to take a wing to talk about fermentation and I mean this as a compliment because it's really amazing how you've taken this niche extremely specialized topic and made it one of the most popular shows in the zeitgeist how would you explain food fermentation in terms that even a simple chicken wing talk show host can understand so it's basically just controlled raw it's what people did before we had refrigeration essentially things are starting to break down through different whether it be yeast bacteria funguses or a combination of all of them working together to break things down and a byproduct of that is a lot of healthy probiotic benefits for us which are we're gonna need Shawn we're gonna need them bad have you ever forgotten to burp what do they call burp check Ajay a man we've had some explosions and then had like a bottle of kimchi blow up in your hand or anything oh yeah back before I knew about different grades of quality and bottles for withholding pressure from the inside I was using what they call in the industry ornamental bottles like the pop top ones you get a little restaurant they get rewarded in it so I was making the lambrusco and I I pulled it off the grapes and I was looking good so I wanted to do a secondary fermentation in the bottle to produce carbonation I was like a Chrismukkah he's what he's a senior I don't know what the hell is title is but he's the food at her that bone Appetit I work to him for years he's great he's standing next to me and I'm looking at it and I go I don't think it worked Chris I don't think I don't think it carbonated I say I'm just gonna open it [ __ ] it and as soon as I you know those little pop toppy things yeah soon as I like went to even like push it a little bit I'm talking like 12-gauge shotgun and this glass turned into sand I had little micro cuts on my face Chris was [ __ ] shaking he didn't talk for like two weeks and I mean there was there was basement brusque on the ceiling on the floor on my face ever I literally I'm luckily all jokes aside I mean it's funny as hell now but lucky someone catch you gonna shock me I could've been it could have been a real bad day well I'm thankful on this Thanksgiving that it didn't go down like that let's be thankful I didn't me or Chris Morocco did not and that is such a lovely segue to the next wing I love this we gonna go on blind let's see all right Brad we have a little surprise for you here because you can't have a Thanksgiving feast and not invite over some guests so earlier this week we reached out to some of your comrades in the Test Kitchen so here they are the bone Appetit Test Kitchen Avengers grilling Brad on Thanksgiving and at first up is guess who I don't know deputy food editor Chris Morocco Oh son of a [ __ ] hey Brad how you doing buddy your old pal Chris Crocker from the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen case your eyes are too full of tears see who it is have you ever been in a helicopter and if so why I don't talk to my lawyer helicopter ride at one time but it wasn't like for fun it was I got um I was hit by a car whoa so you had to take like the ride to the hospital I got that it wasn't free it was like 30 grand but yeah me and my friend we were we were it was our fault we were on an ATV or Perry mug no if you're listening crazy bastard I'm flying around I don't know I was 18 or something you know and and we took this one turn on the inside and we looked we didn't see any cars coming but as soon as we came around that turn Mary in the blind spot Toyota camera boom a head-on going about 40 and poor girls driving she was like she just got her license like two days yeah they're not really looking for an ATV to turn the club no you know [ __ ] and this girl like she was shaking her she didn't drive for like two years I should have [ __ ] good therapy or something I made that up but it probably would happen alright now we'll take a visit from Claire oh half's our self-esteem she has to say hey Claire in the Test Kitchen apocalypse for being invaded by zombies what piece of equipment do you take from the Test Kitchen as a weapon and why oh yeah and it bonus points that is more creative than just a knife which I believe you've chosen before I would get the largest container to carry water in because you know I Dom bees I mean unless you're talking about some like 40 days 40 what's that one called with the [ __ ] scary zombies with a running 28 days later 28 days later like that kind of [ __ ] we're in trouble just kill yourself alright you're not beating those [ __ ] not with something out of the test kitchen at least I mean what she said not a knife when I'm one of my one of my [ __ ] grabbing a bag of coffee and an onion like what are we doing packing hide for a bunch of days I think I can outrun a bunch of them stupid zombies get out of this stupid City swim across the river get the jersey and [ __ ] like head to Duluth or something you know and then water you need quick man people get ugly real quick people start killing people [ __ ] right yeah pop everybody knows Tommy's right what the hell do people get weird so I would try to get water and get the hell out of Dodge alright we have two more visitors here Oh two more guests at the table here alright up next we have senior food editor Molly what will your last meal on planet earth be what are you eating what are you drinking and who's cooking it for you I don't know man you know maybe something real simple it's gave me a real nice perfect tomato and some [ __ ] salt and olive oil just get it over it let's just take the big map all right one more for ya before you kill me yeah alright from your nemesis Alex Delaney hey Brad Alex Elena here I have a question for you [ __ ] marry kill Sylvester Stallone Arnold Schwarzenegger jean-claude Van Damme let's hear it Brad you look a little sweaty over there oh yeah but I'm talking to my butt I think I believe in you even though the internet seems to think that we hate each other yeah your friend I'm here to support my friend I guess uh I don't even feel very good answering this ya know yeah you know it's not easy for me either I guess like the first sentence is just it's kind of funny I guess I'd [ __ ] Sean call it Van Damme right he was like handsome and [ __ ] cool and he can like stretch really good splits and [ __ ] right just between those three I see where we go Arnold maybe Mary right yeah sure and then what am I left with that means you gotta go Sylvester Stallone yeah cool leave I just said I've on the [ __ ] jean-claude Van Damme John if you're listening I'm ready alright see some [ __ ] wings [Music] okay so you grew up in Sussex County a part of New Jersey Toya that you describe as being better known for its lush forests than it's a fist pumping were you down the road from that Mountain Creek ski resort oh yeah is that on the bark back you do that that's what I was gonna say isn't that the location of action Park oh yeah action park closed on kids since 93 then yeah yeah yeah did you did you ever visit oh yeah what yeah come on small town so action park for the people who don't know is like this infamous theme park but you just have like 50 mile-per-hour go-karts and like kids bastard a man they had all kinds of no regulation [ __ ] they didn't care what stands out I have never talked to anybody who's a I don't know if this is true but I think it is oh jeez here we go so there is this they used to have this like um you know like the tube waterslides tube they had one that did it was a loop a full loop and apparently an overweight kid got stuck in it and died whoa and another one they had you know those real straight slides better I can't prove who funds someone [ __ ] out a couple people in [ __ ] flew off them there was another little ski resort that was small they're a little more mom pop called Hidden Valley so out there anymore Jesus Christ and yeah yeah man that place is this place is legit still there you should go check it out hey yeah well I'll get the UH maybe I can get like an employee discount hookup over absolutely not just tell them you've never met me and maybe they'll let you it's not to get wicked huh oh look at all that sauce on you dick oh yeah hi Brad we have a recurrence segment on our show called explain that Graham where you do a deep dive on our guest Instagram poll interesting oils that need more context oh yeah all right I know that here I know that you're big into our tripping balls I almost never there 30 yards I was about to ask what is your target distance and why do you love archery so much that's very therapeutic it's just you it's technique it's thought it's breathing and twenty eight and a half yards is the farthest I can go in my backyard it's very safe if you hear a gunshot you hear that from two miles away you know I mean it's loud everything in the woods hears that with a bow it's kind of sudden yeah it's you don't really disrupt nature which is cool you know like people say do puzzles and [ __ ] keeps your brain nice you know for you for me it's it's stuff like this you know fire fire open go for broke repeat all right you go yeah this one [ __ ] looks out on bud even a caller Savage [Music] well that's not very good it's a turning point again hot here in the background you start getting that like oh why we're doing this waters about it isn't it water oh my god this isn't the hottest one so I'm so [ __ ] I have a sensitive mouth oh I'm not good at this so you may be a city slicker living in New York City but it Shawn it's hot you have you have a heart that it just wanders in the wilderness you're a bit of a green thumb as well I know that you've been gardening a lot lately and you're kind of having like a Caddyshack experience with these groundhogs look at everything they ate everything they hate my mic my green beans they eat my zucchini they my eggplant they ate my pumpkins a my watermelon how are you trying to solve for this rifle no I'm just kidding no animals are harmed in my backyard um I got one of those havahart cages my dad brought it over and we caught that little bugger and we dropped him off in Pennsylvania well now it's getting more it's Thanksgiving you know my my garden careful around your eyes yeah thank you can't believe this four more to do yeah they're a problem the skunk's too now and the squirrels you know it's getting fall autumn II squirrels are in there digging holes everywhere putting a little freaking acorns and [ __ ] whatever cares [Music] ghost Reaper yeah let's see those what the [ __ ] all right let's eat the aka me so what are you doing just a straight-up bite your [ __ ] monster gonna start swallow [ __ ] like a [ __ ] shark just bite it and swallow it so you and the bone Appetit recently dropped a massive Thanksgiving package where you guys basically took all of the holiday classics deconstructed them and then put them in their best form right what's the key to deep-frying a bird and not burn in your whole backyard okay well start off make sure your bird is not frozen I know it sounds silly but I think like once a year someone does that it like you put it it blows up it's not a good thing don't ever do it and then having the right gear don't try to make some make shifting buy a kit you know it has the has the lowering thing they just got the proper pot you don't want a big wide one you want something tall they can just fill up and do a displacement before you go fry and put it in with water mark a line so you know you don't go filling it with hot oil put your bird in and then overflows catches on fire burn your house down you one's got to go mac and cheese mashed potatoes who now has mac and cheese on Thanksgiving mac and cheese mashed potatoes candied yams or stuffing one's got to go mac and cheese that doesn't scream Thanksgiving best and worst Thanksgiving pies best and we're I'm a fan I love a pumpkin pie my whole life I have I just get in trouble for eating too much of it cold little slivers you know little ones like 10 or 20 of them little ones to biters you come back over 15 minutes later you go back get another one all night ice-cold whoo I don't want no hot pie man I don't really like pecan pie because there's like so much like [ __ ] like just sugary kind of sticky southern [ __ ] in there that I'm not a fan of I like the nuts so for making perfect we took a pumpkin pie and we put the pecans best of both worlds right [Music] [Music] gone oh oh that wasn't good either that was a big bite Sean oh yeah I'm not sure the whole chunk and swallow was it good technique oh that's not good yeah so I want to go record [ __ ] yeah I want to go on record and say that the video that you did with our buddy Our Mutual Friend Matty Matheson where you guys went to Oklahoma and went noodling together it's got to be top five YouTube videos of the year so now that you're here who's is lean on dabomb I'd like to get a director's commentary what does it really feel like when I'm one of those catfish feels a lot better eating these [ __ ] wings sure I want to tell you that chomps down on your arm oh well pick my foot oh my god it's so hot oh you're going milk yeah drink milk a little milk Oh room temp milk grapes I seem better my eyes are tearing Sean yeah Oh yours are two tears of happiness we go there so hot yeah so noodling a lot of fun it was a little beaver hole and I had to go up to my waist in it talking hurts more and uh yeah a catfish bit my foot it didn't feel good it's so hot in this shirt yeah well I'm not I can't use this [ __ ] thing no it's been a contaminated oh [ __ ] not the shirt yeah I blew my nose Shawna just who's this it's horrible how do you do this we're living we got a brochure please damn she looks for any excuse she can to get into the get into the spotlight and pass off it will save that horn I'll blow my nose in this one let's throw it right away I feel it in my ears it was horrible all right look great never better [ __ ] never better all right firing forward Shawn all right this one is called burn after eating yeah yeah oh we gotta eat it okay well this is so [ __ ] I'm going small here I don't want to do this at all yeah really good it's a lot of fun so Brad your guy who swings arrows but also knows how to make a perfect Thanksgiving pie you're the right mix of every man and gourmand where does one find better bagels in New York or New Jersey Montreal oh that wasn't our option um I'm gonna say New Jersey New York a lot of bad bagel a lot of bad bagels in general in the whole tri-state area it's tough to find a good one but my dad it's uncomfortable night Tara my dad used to be a mailman he used to deliver mail in Livingston New Jersey careful around your eyes that's right and there was this lady who had a bagel shop and they were fantastic that's all I got have you gotten into the like CBD oil infused food and drink at all no I mean I'm a fan of CBD but like I don't want it with my meal I just want to like take it as a committer Center what's your biggest restaurant pet peeve like when you walk into a place how early can you tell this isn't a place that vibes with Brad Leonean unbalanced hot sauces you know like just over-the-top hot sauces you know I got my man of balance what was the question [Music] Brad this is the last step we call it the last dab because what are you doing or are you learning more on there so I put a little extra on the last week you don't have to if you don't want to I'm not putting extra you can go [ __ ] yourself that's terrible all right cheers bud Cheers oh my god sure don't do that my [ __ ] ears hurt sorry Brian know why I bred here we are at the end of our annual and reviving special hot ones yeah and if we've learned anything it is that you are distinctly Brad we learn many things you do this show one's the Brad way yeah at all times when everyone else screams for Turkey Brad screams for chicken I don't know when everyone screams for turkey on Thanksgiving when everyone screams for Turkey yeah Brad screams for joy on Thanksgiving when everybody screams for Turkey yeah Brad it doesn't scream for Turkey he screams for a lobster Lobster ah now that so today we're closing things out with a very special Thanksgiving main event the Brad way the Brad way yeah and we're not gonna put any hot sauce on it I promise you okay well uh Thanksgiving I guess it's a sensitive subject you know but with the Pilgrims and Native Americans you know Massachusetts correct me if I'm wrong we're gonna fact-check all of that but um we won't there was lobsters there was lobster it must have been lobsters involved I'm not trying to hear that the first Thanksgiving didn't have lobsters [ __ ] everywhere should cover them with obey you throw them in the steamer we got a nice little basket in here I don't know I don't know if you guys are shooting oh sure you are we got a little cage in there a little basket you know a little quick easy release boom boom we'll throw our lobsters in there let them steam all right ten twelve minutes oh yeah you delicious creatures and then look we'll hit them with a little bag or like a lot oh yeah oh yeah cover a middle Bay that's the stuff bud are you kidding me so I like to lay down a couple good layers of newspaper here you know real nice Sean now I've imagined this alright close your eyes it's hot outside it's not Thanksgiving anymore okay you're sitting out on a picnic table you got a cold beer all right boom you've about to drop a whole bunch of lobsters we will put some work in RIT's are cracking away we're gonna eat them I'm gonna start you off with a real treat I call it the lobster shooter all right so just pop off yeah there you go pop off a claw hold this part up this is fantastic oh you're in for fun oh you don't like seafood and then you're gonna put this part in your mouth well I'll do a demo oh my god it's like shotgunning a beer I guess but it's a lobster you bring food on an airplane show yeah [ __ ] imma bring this Lobster oh my god no you know what listen I want to take this time here and Hounds on the Thanksgiving special to say this I nobody is better to sit next to on a plane than me I'm so low maintenance I take a great deal of pride in my [ __ ] you know flyer right here I'll eat it I'll eat some trail mix maybe you just sip some water but on that bring in the [ __ ] Shake Shack the whole plate I'm very polite get out thank you that you gave me the opportunity to say that you know that's often splash on the back on this show the world needs to be a better place especially in the air you like Lobster consider me a convert not really at all but you know what Brad it was a lot of fun from the wings to the lobster chaser and I do want to take this time to say Happy Thanksgiving to all the spice Lords out there all the hot ones fans who have now rocked with us from Rachael Ray Thanksgiving special to now Bradley I never run in between man I'm honored thank you for having me I bow who was on here before you had that maniac Shia LeBouf on here something yeah you know nice guy I didn't mean that in a bad way to show that you're scary so and everyone else man I thank you for having me this is fantastic this camera this camera this camera or this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life oh thank you yeah so please never really cool I make some really cool fermentation and project and where food comes from Travel Show it's called it's live and it's live going places it's on YouTube and free streaming apps with bone Appetit and find that on your Roku and stuff like that it's alive its alive going places Bon Appetit check it out good fun I me a big old lobster hand [ __ ] oh no sorry Sean that's a very nice shirt oh my god and we on actual Thanksgiving I go to my wife's family that will do this and they they all they'll get a [ __ ] cake yeah yeah and they'll be very meta as you like eat lobster while you watch oh my god very cool what's up space Lords tis I camera guy bill you know what they say about today it's all about the poultry we're worried about the Christmas tree next month this Thanksgiving I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you spice Lords you're the gravy to my mashed potatoes you're the apple of my pie because of you I still have a job and because of you my hit single xxx particular reached number one on the Platinum Billboard 100 hot fire songs this Thanksgiving while you're sitting on the couch stuffed ignoring your family members scrolling through your phone why don't you go to the first three fees page and give us a nice thankful like and subscribe it would really mean a lot to me and the rest of the hot ones family this is camera guy bill here saying it's good to be a camera guy bill [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 4,049,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, hot ones, brad leone hot ones, brad leone spicy wings, brad leone hot sauce, brad leone hot wings, hot ones bon appetit, brad leone first we feast, sean evans, sean evans brad leone, brad leone lobster, hot ones thanksgiving, hot ones hot sauce, the last dab, brad leone cooking lobster
Id: B8gVMuIywe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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