Trying Everything on the Menu at a Famous NYC Taco Shop (Ft Rick Martinez) | Bon Appétit

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yo Alex Elena here in Tribeca standing on the corner of Warren and Church in front of loves tacos numero uno we're here for another episode of one of everything and I'm bringing a guest along with me Rick Martinez to eat tacos quesadillas maybe some tostadas maybe some salsa maybe some guac we've got a lot to do let's get to it [Music] all right we're at Luke's tacos numero uno and [ __ ] this with me that's Rick Martinez taco man taco man and some Rick what do you know about those tacos numero uno this is the place where I eat tacos in New York City yes we're at the right spot yeah and you just came back from Mexico literally bla you were in way blog yesterday yeah yeah I know battling the world eating time no but I can only eat tacos wherever I go that's my new role so you like the tacos I do especially the tortillas I love both flour and corn and this is one of the only places that make both which is kind of amazing okay so you've seen the show before I have okay cool and you know there's some rules we have to follow the rule tell me the rules all right we have to order one of everything on the menu we have to take one perfect bite of each thing we got to decide how we order in the menu and then finally after we've tasted through everything we decide what the best things on the menu are all right so it looks like we have three basic sections to this menu hmm so start chips and guac chips and salsa right yeah I think closet of course yeah and then also there's a beverage situation as well there's a couple argos fresca and or child to love horchata tacos so a tacos you can either choose corn or flour tortilla I think we do want to be I think we do what we have to offer science yeah exactly it's our job we would be terrible at our job we didn't order one I know can you imagine we're doing it for you tacos tostadas plus corn Olmedo and then I think we should move to quesadilla sand the mole us and then we're gonna do the on a plate so it looks like they do a non-volatile a yeah and then I hear I've been tuned in and listening there are a couple off menu items that we're gonna order to and then we figure out what's the best you know I've been here so many times I normally come in in like I get the other bottom so yeah exactly yeah that's the all-star we're not gonna say we're going in with favorites but maybe we are but it's kind of it's a kind of a favorite yeah so I said we start from starving yeah what's gonna come oh look at oh my god Oh where'd those magic magically just hit 12 o'clock in lines already slam I know it looks like we're in the right spot should we start chips and guac first y'all to it yeah when people dip and they do like at that oh it's like the saddest thing in the world that's a dip right exactly hmm what only one bite Oh so we've to judge just based on that Oh what are the thoughts I really like the texture I think a lot of times people make guac and they cut up everything to find this is really nice because you get like the chunks of onion pieces of a salon throw the tomato there's really good flavor good seasoning move on to salsa mmm that's got some heat I like that heat a lot there's salsa billions like for fresh meaning you're getting like brighter flavor and like maybe more acidity and then it's also that leans more roasty-toasty deeper concentrated flavors and this looks like we're leaning towards the fresh it's very balanced also very well-seasoned let's get into the beverage category let's tacos does she go for excess tamarind and a hibiscus so hibiscus has that insane color tamarind little visually less exciting but for me on stove hammer and flavor and then also we have for chalk I know you're a hologram totally okay cool where should we start hibiscus yeah [Music] that's also not super sweet I really don't like our frescoes that are like really really sweet it's got brightness asitane mm-hmm colors great I really like got a lot moving in the line right it's so good at it yeah I love tamarind like to me the timer and agua fresca that's always it's really good yeah finish it off with a horchata oh that's like there's no [ __ ] there they're just like no straightforward this is very much what you would find in Mexico like it's just really clean it's like rice and canola and a little sugar simple if anything else dude we already made it through one section on the menu Wow we're turning up one bite thing gonna kill me all right so like there's a lot of food left here and a crew though gets to eat all that I'm not going to wait so we're eating it I think we're on their taco course yes Rick we got a bunch of tacos I'm not sure if you're aware or not there's a much talk in front of us I'm like kind of in a daze and confused right now I'm like I want to eat everything right now okay but before we do what's your beverage of choice with tacos Santa orange oh that's orange boom yes and what are you doing I'm gonna lift a little grapefruit action Cheers all right let's get into the tacos okay where you once are carne asada yeah let's do it I think we should start with corn this little charring on the side of the tortilla like toasted corn flavor so good first of all super juicy mm-hmm and then that's it we've got the avocado you're a creme i situation that's more classically what you'd find in Mexico instead of American so walk welcome all your dinner it's more like a salsa that's a simple top though it's so good so good should we move on to flour yeah yeah also it's super late like look at that like you can tell the lard content all right stir the media observation for me people said do you like corn or flour tortillas better the answer is usually flour but it's kind of what do you want for the tortilla if you go for corn you get that toasty corn flavor and that becomes part of the talk yeah you go flour you're probably leaning a little bit more on texture like the chewiness flour tortillas and I think depending on like the filling to like that one I actually preferred the flour all right next one up are you tilting your head am I not okay so the rule of taco so taco is always straight yeah and you tilt your head cuz if you do the reverse everything falls and that's why I was looking like an idiot I'm here to help man I appreciate that MacGyver really charred flavor in the chicken but I didn't get that char on her steak flour corn fun I agree alright next one if I was usually like a prickly pear right like flat and all the flat paddle wood and then the needles are scraped off yeah it is like a textural singularity almost like the biggest thing it's a veggie tortilla definitely prepare that of the flour a little low one no one no but you know for the vegetarians out there get your cactus no all right on to the next our last final taco is out of us and this is what I get excited about what I come here like you walk in and you see a giant spinning the cone of me how are you not going to immediately be like I'm gonna go and I was mesmerized they're just like staring at it exactly exactly I feel like when people see this will be like a bus tour and that's not quite right bhagavata is basically a marinade and it's an adobo the biggest difference between this and the episode is the inclusion of a chi of them it's the another scene which it gives it's just like really intense bright orange color gotcha and this was like that Paul if you're if you're Lily rush warme the cooking process is exactly the same right in kind of sheets of usually grounded me stacked on top of each other on the troppo which is that kind of spit yeah that spins around slowly in a circle one that side is exposed to fire so it's constantly cooking the outside constantly being shaved sliced really thinly off so like here you've got like a really hard char on one side and it's just like nice and tender on the inside yeah it's like kind of not fair to the other top so you can change the clothes and eat but then also having that like deeper baking spicy type thing going on it just creates like a layer of flavor that goes way deeper that is something that pineapple it just kind of lift it up a little bit of acid a little bit of sweet it was just such a good taco tread flour how big can I make the but we're both where do you have taco a buddy all right yeah not bad the whole taco just changed with the flour tortilla that's amazing all right off the top the head what's your favorite of the tacos I really want another bite of this one I mean I would definitely finish that all right but this link that flowers will tell you say flour tortilla adovada I'm right there with you okay are we on to the next yeah move into the tostada I'm going to save this back Rick what are we looking at those silos toast at a time yeah but first around the drinks as well Rick with the font a grape me with the hoodie dos agua so I think a lot of people think that those Salazar ride yeah and they're actually not these are toasted on the plancha or the kabob same preparation as corn 4:00 p.m. and instead of flipping it and taking it off after about 2 minutes you leave it in there for like between 5 to 10 it dries it out and then you start to get this really nice toasty goodness on the outside and you get like these cool shapes - okay where should we start with the toast honest I mean chickens in front of us chickens right there yeah how do you properly attack I think it'll stop we're gonna have to just lean in because I have this fear it's gonna it's just gonna really yeah so get ready that's fantastic it actually it tastes like corn nuts carne asada yep having a mustache and eating any of this is dangerous you know whatever this marinade is is awesome nopales tostada all right I like their version better yeah I did too toasted corn and the texture of the Asylum works really well with it active I love our soul mate of the taco world I know the Autobahn I'm scared of how big a bite I'm gonna attack there's a father just like changes their taco completely yeah the sweetness to eat the spice the juiciness it's just like everything you want you could possibly want from a tostada filling yeah that is just beautiful I'm really impressed that we are taking as big of bikes as we are close your favorite tostada all right I mean the chicken was a close fish as close as you can get right right okay okay so this coming right let's go what have you done to me I don't know man boy I heard you were okay what so we have our four fillings let's also address the fact that these quesadillas are not folded so it's still one tortilla that's not folded over right right start with chicken again it's right there damn I really really have what eat that no well we have a way more all right that's the point I've been ordering wrong here yeah we've been coming here and getting top of any workout I really like how these tortillas are like batter this texture like they are fat then with that extra layer of cheese cheese really does make everything better it does it really does I mean you know right below what I've got the eye and cheese we do that porn see what she's just playing yeah we have the power drink this yes the nopales they need fat and the cheese man in the flour tortilla collies corn hmm the texture of the corn with the cheese is so good Robo I love that we always change this to robot I like the taco version of this one better because I feel like the cheese kind of masked a little bit of the flavor yes I mean I would still eat both of you all right last one mmm I think I actually prefer the corn overall I honestly think the chicken might have been my favorite dude dude chicken flour chicken flour you thinking flour yeah okay yeah I just think that like fat on fat content was just like maybe a little over the top in the best possible way I mean if we're gonna like make a sort of a magic I said the situation I think the cheese on a toasted corn would be really yes and actually there is a fifth mythical quesadilla Oh Alex God tell me more Rick this is the special quesadilla of which the prophecy foretold dreams are made of fry look how crispy fried that looks Wow I wouldn't say that but before we get into bed okay remember whether you're like oh we should go just yes quarantine what she's just plain yeah okay we did that it's amazing okay so these guys literally just cheese and tortilla that's magic that's like me getting home on a Saturday night and just being like what do I want to eat that is what I want to you Oh Cheers I always come back with this with food it does matter how simple it is you don't need to go over the top if it's done the right way if them tortilla is this crazy good and the cheese is really and the cheese is really very good as well it's like you only need the two things this one you thought it couldn't get any better guess when you thought kinda body shows up on a fried with the these bubbles can only exist when you have go it's that flaky and that fatty a gift mm-hmm why have I ever order that early we're saying like it's tough not to take another bite now I'm just like almost impossible just the amount of Adubato they put on here too and see how it melts into the chain see I wanna eat that forever got the camera cut the kid yeah we lost Rick I mean he'd never know like you know I could just I'll just nibble off of this or what have you done now we got more tortilla Steve we got more cheese see more - got more meat more cactus these are double cheese basically the construction of the moola sortie ax cheese filling protein salsa cilantro and then another tortilla also with cheese where do we start I mean mine can start where it's basically the flour tortilla the cheese and the chicken like that little bit of bitterness you get from the charm on the chicken it just plays so nicely with the fat of the flour tortilla the fat of the cheese so good it has everything you want mm-hmm all right chicken on corn yeah yes please keep a-movin I just love those tacos number the thing that I think is interesting about the cheese directly on the tortilla easy is that it kind of makes the tortilla less absorbent yes it gives a layer of fat that's like letting any of the juices kind of cool off of it so you gotta be a little more careful when you're eating them cuz it's gonna just blow out like a river like that like a waterfall I'm still saying chicken though over the steak interpreter nopales yeah hmm those are really good actually of all the Nepal kind of variations that we've had that's the number one for me ever shame my theory still stands you're going from nopales you need an added layer of fact maybe we should order that with like a third papaya and cheese your visionary you guys already know what we're saving for the last and basically every category it's the spinning meat stick how about my favorite word's I still can't get over the texture you'll get mm-hmm on the outer bottom like one side your mouth it's like BAM I was super super tender the other side's like that nice little crispy bit and then just like it's interesting it's an interesting feeling and I still love that the warming spices at the end you're left with that flavor and it just kind of like slowly slowly slowly slowly dissolves because it's just so deep and it hangs around behind our backs are getting smaller don't look at our byte array car numbers have doubled whoa rare new friends yeah we're with Christian and Tyler cofounders of those talks in Verona these are the guys that are responsible for all these sockets yeah I love you guys yeah how'd you come to open a taco shop Tyler and I moved out here ten years ago you know since day one we were in this rude awakening that we were missing that food from back home and we took a leap of faith and decided to put a little business plan together and bring the cuisine you know from our home to New York and yeah we started about six years ago now probably the things I love about you guys the most earnest 50s both the corn and the flour because I think we're so many Americans the the 50 is just the vehicle it's kind of flavorless people don't think about it it just holds a filling and you know in Mexico as you know like the tortillas are an integral part of the flavor of a Dell you know whether it's the corn or the flour it's the foundation yeah don't even think about it corn or flour corn and flour okay so we still got to do the off menus yeah I think we're gonna do the Kissel taco and no vampeer Christian Tyler thanks so much for singing bye we love to hold my heroes like reading crew together oh god we're consuming more we're not looking at a tortilla right now this is the no pop way charge no polish on the bottom a lot of cheese a lot of onions genes yeah something we haven't seen before all right mom the truth really good those beans are great also I wasn't expecting it to be warm yeah it's really nice all right so off menu two items in order a queso taco meaning a taco and instead of a corn or flour tortilla the entire tortilla is made out of case of crispy fried cheese yes yes I think we should start there and then we're going to the second all right yeah so this is all cheese this is Monterey Jack kind of cakes down on top of the plancha all right you got wow this is gonna be so good all right yeah what's up with that jeez that is almost like heaven it's almost like heaven Wow need to be 100% down for the cheese pickle love you it is a lot of Jesus so compute Oh is it's basically a tostada the reason why it's called the VAM Piro is because these little edges when they kind of curl up and the taco kind of comes up like that it mimics the wings of a vampire bat alright great time just we're like I found the best thing oh yeah they're like that gets the the check mark seal of approval Oh 100% cosines by Alex and Rick mhm it's not on menu but if you ask at the counter they will add beans to any taco our we do is I think needs a little bit of charred pepper and onion so I think the thing about the beans on the taco is that it just adds a lot more chef there's more to handle with otago usually when I have beans on top of their refried they have had your refried beans a million times yeah and every single time it's been a positive okay here's the thing we've eaten every item on the menu the only thing we have left to do let's figure out which one's for the best here's how we do it we have three different categories you're gonna give you the three best things each thing appropriate for a certain situation the first is the grant this is the one shining star this is the MVP this is the thing that Rick and I both were like we need another one the next time we walk in this door we're not thinking about anything else Rick what is it especially the especi oh it's amazing it's so good you have the auto body it's the fried case of the it's like wanton and paratha but deep fried and flaky and then you've got that marinated pork and the pineapple the cheese it's perfect everything that you want in life that's the Grail yeah that's it that's it that's best yeah okay secondly this is the second time around the next time I've already had the especi ah but I'm back for more what am i ordering I think you're gonna go like more classic taco adovada flour tortilla yes okay again we're back on the auto bottom that's bit texture juiciness it's leaving adobo pineapple it's it's all there they just keep listing these words and fall deeper and deeper in love with this thing okay flour tortilla though we liked it a little bit better than the court the corn is still delicious corn was delicious I mean you're not gonna go I mean actually you should really get once you really get one of the yeah what are we said yeah get mad yeah how about without go one of each other okay and third this is the last this is kind of the hidden gem the dark horse the regulars means if you're here every day you probably explore this entire menu and you'll know deep down that you really want a chicken Lula flour tortilla absolutely that was kind of like I was totally surprised it's the one thing like that I both of us like would never order a chicken taco no that would never be a first-ball yeah and I I'm you know like it's a kiss idea I don't want to kiss him yeah I want a taco but when you put a quesadilla on top of a quesadilla and you get twice the amount of fatty flowery tortilla and I see the amount of cheese come on ya know it's amazing you can't argue with that yeah and then the fourth the thing you need to get is just an energy toasted man completely concurrently toasted Rick thanks for joining me today man dude thanks for have your expertise was a miss crucial we know what to order at low stock was numero uno now oh so do you Bon Appetit [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 1,815,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick martinez, alex eats it all, rick bon appetit, alex delany, one of everything, everything on menu, alex delany tries, los tacos no 1, alex delany bon appetit, one of everything on the menu, eating everything at restaurant, one of everything los tacos no 1, one of everything bon appetit, eats everything, eats everything at, everything on the menu, eat the menu, alex eats everything, alex tries everything, alex tries, nyc tacos, taco, tacos, best tacos, food, bon appetit
Id: pSyCiMyQVgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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