Trying Celebrity Guilty Pleasure Foods | People Vs. Food

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- What is this? - That's disgusting! - I don't know if I trust whichever celebrity picked this. - Man, this has to be Lizzo, bro. - Going in! (laughs) - She probably puts together some good food! ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - (FBE) So despite all you hear about celebrity cleanses and diets, sometimes famous people just want to eat a snack. - Yep, that's true. - (FBE) So we're gonna show you celebrity favorite guilty pleasure snacks, and you'll have to guess who loves each item. - Ooh! - I'm horrible at these. - The first time we did this episode, with the candy, I thought I was gonna do really well, 'cause I'm kind of a weird person that's like "I love celebrities!" So, but, I didn't do that well. - I feel like we'd be able to tell whose snack is what. - Yeah, and if we're not, that should be really funny, to see who likes what? - Yeah. - I love snacks, and eating poorly! So this will be exciting. - That's the way to go! (laughs) - (FBE) Here is the first snack. - (gasps) A Boston Creme donut! - Dude, I love donuts. This is the one thing. - Oh. - Uh, what? - What is that, is that maple syrup? - (laughs) That's coffee. - Why's it hot? Oh, it's coffee, is it coffee, oh. - Is it? (laughs) - (FBE) So here's the first one, it's Tim Hortons coffee and a Boston Creme donut. And while we don't have Tim Hortons donuts where we are, we were able to replicate the famed snack. - Okay, well, this is my favorite kind of donut, so whichever celebrity this is... - Nice. - Thank you. - They're named Tim Hortons, but they're not successful, really, stateside, because they're in competition with Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts. - Ah, where is he from, is the question. - I'm not telling you, 'cause I need to get this right. - Oh, that's how we playing? - Boston Creme donuts are my favorite. - These are so good. - I don't care who it is, honestly, I'm just gonna enjoy this donut. - Tim Hortons is a big Canadian thing, right? - Ooh, good context clue. - So, this is probably a Canadian celebrity. - This is really good. - Mm-hmm. - This is an older gentleman's like, snack, I think. - Mm-mm, it's a girl. - What makes you say that? - I don't know, because I'm a girl, and I like donuts! (laughs) - I love Boston Creme donuts. Ooh, the filling! Mmm, so good. - (FBE) Is it A, Jennifer Lawrence. - Oh! - (FBE) B, Justin Bieber, or C, Ryan Reynolds. - Oh. - How the hell are we gonna know? - I do see Bieber eating this donut. I don't know if I see him drinking this coffee. - I do not see Justin Bieber eating this, I don't know why. (laughs) - This is definitely Ryan Reynolds. This fool's weird, and this is a weird breakfast, so I'm definitely picking Ryan Reynolds. - Ryan Reynolds. - Jennifer Lawrence. - (FBE) You both are wrong. (buzzer rings) - Are you kidding me? - This is JB's? - Ah! - Knew it! They're a Canadian based company, and Justin Bieber is Canadian. - Wow. - Maybe this threw us off. - I think so. - Maybe he's like a cold brew drinker, you know, that would make more sense. - Hmm, maybe. - Kudos to you, Justin. (laughs) - I'm gonna take one more bite. - It's so good, I know! (laughs) - (FBE) Here's the next one. We've got for you some McNuggets with honey. - Honey! - Honey. - (Mikaela) Huh, I mean, it kinda, it feels like sweet and sour sauce, a little bit, but just sweet. - But it's just sweet. - I never thought to do that with honey. Mmm, okay. - I don't know if I trust whichever celebrity picked this. - This, huh. (laughs) - I don't like it. (laughs) - Nah man, I'm more of a savory type of dude. - (FBE) So which celebrity says this is their favorite fast food order? Is it A, Kim Kardashian, B, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, or C, Lizzo? - Lizzo. - Oh man, this has to be Lizzo, bro. She probably puts together some good food, so I'm gonna say it's Lizzo. - I'm just going for who I think is the, who would make the sketchiest choices out of everyone. - I feel like I'm a large enough fan of two of those people, but I would be like... - That you would know. - I don't think they would eat that. - Yeah. - Look, it could be Kim. - That's where I'm going. That's where I'm going. Bam! - No hate, I just feel like he would. - Lizzo? - (FBE) You guys both said Lizzo. You are both wrong! - No! - What? - Bro, I feel so stupid. - Are you serious? - (FBE) Kim Kardashian is the one... - Yeah, woo hoo hoo! - Whoa! - (FBE) Oh, this is actually Kim Kardashian's. (buzzer rings) - Bro. - (FBE) She says that she goes to McDonald's as her guilty pleasure, although she doesn't go that often. - Uh huh. - Oh, that often. - You have to go often enough to experiment honey with chicken nuggets, you're not fooling anybody, Kim K. - That was my least person I woulda guessed for this too. - Yeah, same. - That's so weird. - I think Lizzo would like more flavor than this, I'm sorry, Lizzo. - (FBE) Here's our next one. This is some Popeye's Chicken. - Yay! - Okay. - Extra crispy. - I [bleep] with it. - Hell yeah. - Aw [bleep]. - Is this Popeye's? - That's what I see. - Oh my God, I'm eating this. - That's what I see. - Yeah, it's just so hard, because all of these foods are like foods that people would eat anyway, so it's kind of hard to really be specific about who it is. - This could be anybody. (Mikaela laughs) This could be her. This could be me. - This is really good. (laughs) - Mm-hmm. - I feel like I'm just gonna be addicted to Popeye's Chicken now. - (FBE) Who is the celeb who loves their fried chicken? Is it A, Brad Pitt, B, Beyonce, or C, Robert Downey Jr. - Mmm! - Dude. - I just like all those people. That's why I was like "mmm"! - This is a hard one, 'cause who doesn't like Popeye's? - I'ma just start going for the wildest answer now. - I'm just gonna shot in the dark this one. - Me too. - Mind your business! - (FBE) Okay, let's see those answers. - Let's go get 'em! - I say Brad Pitt. - I feel like Robert Downey Jr. goes in on some Popeye's. - (FBE) And you both are wrong! (buzzer rings) - Oh my God! - Are you serious? - (FBE) So the celebrity who loves Popeye's the most is Beyonce. (bell rings) - Of course. - You know how I knew this? 'Cause I'm in the Beyhive. - You're in the Beyhive. (Shar laughs) - Hey! (laughs) - [Bleep]! - Beyonce? - Beyonce!? - (laughs) Beyonce's eating Popeye's? - I'm so sorry we didn't, I'm so sorry. - (FBE) This is Beyonce's favorite snack. She even has a lifetime supply card from the brand, but she's too embarrassed to use it. - Aw, what? - Are you serious? - Pass that on over, sis! Come on! - Really? - Why, you should respect that. - That's another person where I feel like they're too godly to eat our peasant food. - Exactly. Exactly, that's what I was thinking. (laughs) - (FBE) Next up, we have a burger from White Castle. - Woo! - Ooh! - I've never had White Castle before! - Tried this for the first time together! - We had White Castle for the first time a few months ago when we went on our... Area 51. - Area 51 road trip. - (FBE) Nice! - Loved it. - Mm-hmm. - It was so good. - I grew up in Chicago, where White Castle is. White Castle does not exist in Los Angeles. - (Sergio) Yeah! - The bread is so soft. - Mm-hmm. That is so weird. That tastes so good, but there's like no cheese or anything. - No, dude. (laughs) - Wait, this is just a hamburger? - Yeah. - Someone's favorite snack is a hamburger. No cheese? - It needs ketchup. - (FBE) So who really, really, enjoys these burgers? Is it A, Amy Schumer, B, Tom Brady, or C, Liam Hemsworth? - (laughs) Damn, what a range. - Do you think Liam Hemsworth eats White Castle? - Do they have those in Australia? - Ooh, nah, it's definitely Amy Schumer, for sure. Why am I saying this out loud? - (laughs) I know! - I'm giving her points, bro. - Bam. - I said Tom Brady, just because I thought, like it doesn't sound right, so maybe it is. - (FBE) Wrong again. (buzzer rings) - Are you serious? - Is it Liam Hemsworth? No it's not! - No it's not! - No it's not. - Are you kidding me? - Bro, you can't tell me homie comes from Australia, flies thousands of miles, and then comes to White Castle? - Yeah, that's a little disappointing. (bell rings) - It's just such a random food to like I was like Liam Hemsworth is the perfect person to just randomly like White Castle burgers. - (FBE) Liam once binged these burgers until he got sick. White Castle heard this and donated $20,000 to charity. - That's crazy. - So it must be one of those like trade offs, he's Australian, he came to the states, discovered these and just were like oh my gosh, like shoveling them in his mouth. - Yeah, had to be, had to be. - It's always the one we don't think. - I don't understand! - Next time, let's work together. (Mikaela laughs) Let's get one point. Let's get on the board. - (FBE) This next one is a Twix. - I love Twix! - I got the right Twix, you got the left one. - I feel like it's a surprising food for anyone, I've never heard someone say "Twix is my favorite candy." - Oh, true. - It's just kind of there. - (gasps) My favorite! - Ah, my least favorite. - Oh, ooh. - You can have this one! - I will! - It's for you. - (FBE) So we've mentioned before in a previous episode that Miley Cyrus actually loves her Twix, but who else just has to have them? Is it A, Kendall Jenner, B, Elizabeth Banks, or C, Bradley Cooper? - Ooh. - Huh. - Um... - You said Elizabeth Banks, Bradley Cooper, Kendall Jenner. - I'm just picking the celebrity that I'm like a huge fan of, and it's been failing me! - You ready? - Yeah, let's do it. (whistles) - Kendall Jenner, baby! - Elizabeth Banks! - (FBE) Nope. - What the? - I'm done, dude. Damn it! Who was it? - Who was it? - (FBE) Kendall Jenner calls this candy her dressing-room must have. - Wow. - That's crazy. - Booyah! - That's crazy. - Woo! - What? - What? - Yay! (laughs) - She's just so someone that would just have that random candy that she like has to have everywhere. - I called it! - She's a liar, supermodels don't eat candy! - (FBE) Last but not least. - (both) Whoa! - This is a buffet! - Damn, this looks like a death meal. - Yeah, this looks like you're trying to have a heart attack. - Whoa. - This has to be a stoner. - Has to be. - Okay, you know what? Seth Rogen. (Darius laughs) - Is this like Seth Rogen, 'cause this is super like... - (gasps) This is munchie food? - Muchie food, yeah right? - (FBE) So this last snack includes Oreos, Golden Grahams cereal, soda, Cup of Noodles, garlic olives, Flamin' Hot Cheetos and regular Cheetos. - Drake, Lil Wayne. - This is someone that's young, because all of this spells out indigestion and irresponsibility. - 100%. - Whoever the oldest person is on this list, that's who we're going with. - No, because (sighs). - Golden Grahams? You're gonna pick Golden Grahams? - You think someone old is gonna have Cup of Noodles? - You think someone old is gonna eat Golden Grahams over... - Flaming Hot Cheetos? - Over Cinnamon Toast Crunch? - It's really good. It has like a strong (clicks tongue) taste, that makes sense. (laughs) - I'm good with my hot Cheetos. - Do they eat these all in one sitting or is this like scattered, okay. I'm ready to get my selections. - (FBE) Who's the celeb that prefers this pile of treats? Is it A, Chris Pratt, B, Rihanna, or C, Ariana Grande? I'm sorry, Seth Rogen was not on that list. - There's no way Ariana Grande could eat all this. - Chris Pratt. - Or Rihanna? Oh, I think I know! I think. - I mean the fact that you said it when you said Rihanna? - No I did not say that. (laughs) - I'm putting Rihanna. - No, don't copy me! - Ponytail. - Yeah. - This got her name written all over it. - Rihanna wouldn't do this. - You think Rihanna eatin' Golden Grahams cereal? - You think our girl is eating garlic olives? - Rihanna just doesn't sound like the kind of person that likes cheese Cheetos. - If it's Rihanna, I quit. - Rihanna ain't eatin' this mess, and who was the other option? - Chris Pratt? - (FBE) Chris Pratt. - I don't think this is Pratt. - He's gonna win. - (FBE) It was Rihanna! - Oh, no way. - Damn, that was my second guess! I almost put that! - No, it wasn't! - (FBE) It was Rihanna. - It was not Rihanna! - No way! - This is not Fenty Beauty. I know this is not Fenty Beauty! - Yeah! - (FBE) You both got it right. - No, I gave him the answer! - Thank you, Izzy! - No, this should've been a tie. - Izzy's the real star of this one. - Rihanna chooses... - ♪ Sex with me so amazing ♪ What? - Rihanna chooses Golden Graham over Cinnamon Toast Crunch? - What is this? - That's disgusting! - (FBE) So our final score is 3-2! (bell rings) - Good game, good game. - Good game. - You know, it was a close one. It was a close one. - Yeah. - Usually I say a win's a win, but when the points are this low, it's pretty embarassing. - We really finished that out 0-0 between the two of us? - We really didn't end up on the board. - We wrote different answers for one of them, and still didn't get it right. - And then we worked together on one of 'em, and we still didn't get it right. - We just couldn't pull our [bleep] together, we couldn't do it. - I knew I was gonna win this. - Listen, I didn't know, but I don't know [bleep] compared to what you do, you knew a lot. - I did. - Like a lot. - I think that they're normal people just like us, and they cheat and have their indulgences, and the things that they like as well. - Yeah, yeah. - Thanks for watching us guess celeb's guilty pleasure foods on the REACT Channel. - If you liked this episode, then hit that like button. - What's your favorite snack? Let us know in the comments! - Bye guys! - Hey guys, React Producer Lindsey here. Thanks so much for watching us Guess That Celebrity Guilty Pleasure Food on the REACT Channel. If you like this content, then make sure you subscribe. Bye guys!
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 7,145,939
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Keywords: people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, guess that, secret pro, in one, find the flaws, you're doing it wrong, can people guess, TMI, celebrity foods, ariana grande, beyonce, lizzo, kendal jenner, kim kardashian, brad pitt, cheetos, hot cheetos, oreos, guilty pleasure, Trying Celebrity Guilty Pleasure Foods | People Vs. Food, PVF2003, fbe food, celebrity food, fbe celebrity, celebrity favorite foods, fbe try not to eat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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