Try Not To Eat Challenge - Studio Ghibli Foods | People Vs. Food

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- (man) Sponge cake. - Sponge cake? No. - No no, don't do this to me. - I'm gonna move on from this. - You sound like you're in pain. - I am! ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, you're going to be doing a Try Not To Eat challenge! - Yay, these are my favorite, and not my favorites at the same time. - I feel that exactly, because they're super fun, and I love that we get to watch the scenes where the food is from, but I hate punishments at the end. - (FBE) All of the foods today are going to be from Miyazaki films. (Jeannie gasps) - Can I stand real quick? - She's like covered in Miyazaki art. - I have three Totoros. All like different versions of Totoro. - Totoro! - No-Face, Gigi, San. - The food always stands out in all his films. - Yes. - Every single one. - I never usually use the term mouth-watering for food, but Miyazaki films actually look mouth-watering, like they're scrumptious. They look, for some reason they're like dreamy. - (FBE) The rules are pretty simple. For every food you eat, you'll get a strike, and then you will suffer a punishment at the end if you lose. - Do we ever get to go back and try the food we didn't get to try? - (FBE) No! - Ope, well. - Oh okay, well that's gonna... - Huh! - I'll be so sad! (laughs) - I'm so hungry, this is gonna be so hard to say no. 'Cause I didn't have lunch. (fire gurgles) - Hey! - (Sophie) That's a good fire. - I knew it! - This is the eggs and bacon. - (Calcifer) May all your bacon burn. - I swear if you're gonna bring bacon out there. - (Howl) Calcifer, you're being so obedient. - Sensual touch. - (Calcifer) Not on purpose, she bullied me! - It's the voice, it's Christian Bale's voice. - It is, it's just so... - It's very different from the (growls). - (Howl) And you are, who? - (Sophie) Uh, you can just call me Grandma Sophie. I'm your new cleaning lady, I just started work today. - (Howl) Give that to me. - Hi, let me cook for you. - That was actually quite good. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - (Howl) Hand me two more slices of that bacon. - Ugh, yes, more bacon. - (Howl) And six more of those eggs. - Dang, get yourself a man like that. - Right? (laughs) - Oof. Stop, my stomach's already growling. - The egg, the egg! - Mmm. - Look at him, and then he eats like, whatever drops, I love him. - I like the face in the fire. - Oh wow. - I can smell that. - Yeah. - How can I like smell that? (Calcifer chews loudly) - I'm just entertained watching. - If I were anyone, I'd be the fire. - Uh yeah! - The fire even makes the eggshells look appetizing. Like that's how messed up this is. - (FBE) This first dish is the bacon and egg breakfast from Howl's Moving Castle. This is a scrumptious breakfast with bacon, eggs sunny side up, bread, cheese and hot tea. And don't worry, Calcifer's curse didn't work, the bacon is not burnt. - Those eggs look scrum, scrum-diddly-umptious. I can't get it. - Not gonna, you can't get it? - No. - No? - I'm trying to win. - I ate eggs this morning, I think I'm fine. - I think I'm okay. It's a good breakfast. My mouth is... - Miyazaki films have so much other food, that I wanna try the other ones. - This is American food. We don't want this. - It smells really good, 'cause I'm hungry, and I didn't have, gah, oh my God that bacon though! I'm gonna say no right now and look away. I want that winning meal. I feel like it's gonna be worth it. - I'm good. - 'Cause, you know, Miyazaki. - I don't like bacon, so I'm gonna pass on it. - I don't know! - You should have some, Tori. - My mouth is watering, but it's also only the first dish. - It is. - And I don't wanna lose immediately. Like I, (sighs). But you started so strong, which is why I'm so torn. - Here you go, eat this, you must be hungry. - Aw. - Spirited Away, this is my favorite. - Ooh. - (Haku) I put a spell on it, so it'll give you back your strength. - Ooh. - I love this movie. - If your food doesn't have a spell on it, I can't eat it. - Is the food we eat gonna have a spell? - Oh my God, this, I've always wanted to eat this. - Her eyes light up and it sparkles, look at that. - The music is unmatched. - Just everything about it is so good. - She starts to cry. - Don't cry, Chihiro, I'm gonna cry too! - I would love to cry when I eat. (both laugh) That means the food is that good. - It's so good, she's crying! - She's a young girl who's been through a lot, and now she has comfort food! Aw. - It looks really good. - (FBE) This next dish is from Spirited Away. These are delicious rice balls made by Haku to give Chihiro her strength back. These are filled with pickled ume, or pickled fruits and salted salmon. - Wow. - I like salmon. - I would love to try one, but I can't. Play to win! - (both) Play to win, play to win! - I'm not a fan of salmon. - Oh, you're not? The presentation itself just makes me wana bite into it. - Ooh, smell it. - You don't like it? - Smell it. It smells good. - I know, it does smell good. - Bye bye, take this away from me. Take it away! - I'll do it, because I think it looks really pretty. But I know I'm gonna be really [bleep] pissed when that final one comes out. (buzzer rings) - Aw, that looks good actually. I could smell it. - It is good. - I still think I'm gonna lose, but I'm not gonna lose to this one. I'm just gonna smell it, and move on. - Fine, well I'm losing to them. (buzzer rings) - I know I'm not gonna make it towards the end, but I'm trying my hardest to put up a fight. - Mmm, I understand why Chihiro cried over this. - Aw. Oh I love this from The Wind Rises! - (man) Are you hungry? I have two slices of sponge cake. - Sponge cake? No. - No, no, don't do this to me! (paper rustles) - Oh, it looks so nice. - (gasps) Oh, this looks good. Oh, this is gonna be eaten. - Ooh, that looks good. - I think it's... - Looks like jam. - No, I think it's like red bean or something. - (man) Go ahead, take it. - (woman) Come on. - Oh! - Why did you not eat it? It's right there, it's free. - Don't take things from strangers! - I would easily take that sponge cake. - From a stranger? - (clears throat) He looked like a nice guy. - If it's a dessert, it'll be easier for me to... - Really, it's the opposite for me! - Really? - I'm like a sugar addict. - (FBE) The next thing you'll be eating, are the Siberia cakes from The Wind Rises. They are a soft Castella cake layered with Yokon, or red bean paste. - I love red bean. - It's on a newspaper. Damn it. - Oh, it smells good. - It looks moist too. - Play to win? - Play to win! Get it away from me! - Oh wow, that's cool. I'm hungry. - That's good. The bean paste is sweet. - Just gonna pass on this one. I don't know why. I'm gonna hold out. - I already went for one, so like, I'm not getting the winning dish. I might as well, you know, from this point. - I don't know! (buzzer rings) Damn it. - It's like a nice mix of kind of like sweet, but not too sweet with the cake. I like it, it's good. - I'm okay, I'm okay. - You sure? - Yeah, I'm okay. - You sure? - I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna move on from this. - You sound like you're in pain. - I am! - This one's the cutest. The cutest one so far. - Oh my God, it's so good. It's like... - Oh my gosh. - Eating an angel's butt cheek. It's so good. - If this is good, I bet that winning meal is like 10 times better than this. - But are you really winning though, 'cause you're missing out on all this good food? - Hmm. - (laughs) Cute. - Everything looks so good. (Muta grunts) - Oh my God. Any time, the way anime characters eat is just the most delightful mouth noises. - Listening to people enjoy things and eat things, this is torture. I am starving. - (cat) Tell me, who is that cat? - (cat) I believe his name is Muta. - (cat) Muta? - Muta. - (cat) Never heard that name. - The sass of that cat. - It's all gone! - (Muta) No match for my stomach. - I wish I could be like ho ho ho, no match for my stomach. When instead, I can't eat anything right now. - (FBE) So this is our take on the fish covered desserts featured in The Cat Returns. It's a delightful red velvet cake decorated with fondant fish decorations. (buzzer rings) Cream cheese frosting... - She already, she's already, she already started! Oh my gosh! - (FBE) Just like Muta, you're gonna wanna gobble it all up. - I can't, because I've gone this far. I really need to get that winning meal now. Like, I deserve that. - Bon appetit, I guess. - I, ugh. Yum. - Bah! The frosting. I'm turning into Muta. - Ooh. - That looks so good. - And then... - Yeah, do it. I'm on your team here! - I know. Ooh, now look at that. - That looks really good. You know what? - You can't. - No I'm doing it. - Oh wow. That switch was so quick. - You know why? - Why? (buzzer rings) - Are you gonna eat some? If you don't, I'm gonna eat every single one of these cherries. - No you won't. - Are you going to eat it? - I'm not gonna eat it. - 'Cause I'd feel bad not leaving any cherries for you. - I don't really like cherries. - Okay. - If you're gonna take one for the team, I'll salute you. I'll like, the whole time while you're eating. - This is worth it, I don't care. - That for sure, is red velvet. - What happened to that saluting? - Oh, I'm sorry, the whole time. The whole time, the whole time. - Honestly, I could eat this all day. - (laughs) Yeah, just eat the whole cake, why don't ya? - I just like want a cherry. But I can't even eat a cherry, 'cause it's a try not to eat. Evil little. Everything about this is so cute. - Mm-hmm. - I love the fish and the cherries and the oranges. I'm close enough to the end. - Yeah, you're close. Like at this point... (laughs) - But like, I'm still mad at myself, and angry at this episode, I think. - (FBE) Here is the final dish. - Alright. - I'm excited, is this the winning food? - (FBE) Yep. - It's my turn. - Would you do me a favor and open the box? - (Kiki) Yep. - Oh, is it Kiki's cake? - I love Kiki's Delivery Service! - It's the Kiki, ah! You know, I'm fine, it's fine. - (Kiki) I don't get it. - (woman) Would you please bring this to a young delivery girl? She was kind to me and a very big help. It's my way of saying thank you. Ah yes... - This is the most wholesome movie. - (woman) Can you find out when her next birthday is? Then I can bake her another one. - I love her. - Then she tears up. (Kiki cries) - (woman) Kiki? - Kiki. - (both) Do you love me? (laughs) - Beside me. - (Kiki) Of course I will! And maybe the young girl will want to know the lady's birthday, because she'll be able to... - This makes me so happy. - (woman) You've got a deal. - They're so sweet! - This makes me wanna rewatch this movie. - Yeah, I wanna watch all of these movies. - Yeah. - Ooh. Hi! Wow. - How cute! - Aw. - I love the little fondant Kiki and stuff! - (FBE) The winning dish is the chocolate cake from Kiki's Delivery Service. It is a decadent german chocolate cake that has been beautifully decorated. - German chocolate. - I just don't care. - Oh my gosh, she's going in. She's hungry, hungry. - I am so hungry. - (FBE) Alright, now for the losing food. - What the [bleep] is that? - (FBE) This isn't technically a food, but it is the cause of all of the evil in Princess Mononoke. This is noodles covered in vegemite with char-broiled calamari to represent the iron and the demonic curse in the film. - That's so cute, honestly. Dangerous game. - I honestly kinda wish I ate everything. because, like those buns... - Bro! - I keep thinking about those buns. (laughs) - (screams) Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm. - Oh God, oh God. - (spits) Why is it sweet? - What the [bleep]? - And then you chew it, and it tastes like a tire. - (both) Cheers! - Alright. - Mmm. - This is really sweet. - Is it bad though? - Yeah, now it's bad, aw! - Aw man. - Let's try this. - Why would you want to go (mumbles) after this? Mmm, mmm. - I legit feel like I'm eating rubber. This is so bad. - It looks delish. - Oh [bleep] you. (laughs) - I am really happy with my decision to stay away from the punishment. Oh my God. - Kinda tastes like black licorice. - Okay, okay, okay, it wasn't that bad. - Now the aftertaste is coming! - I'm proud of you! - I did it! - To everyone who's done this, congrats if you won. I'm sorry if you lost. I'm sorry if you won too, because all that other food honestly looked really good. - That's true, that's true. - So win-win, lose-lose, win-lose. Everyone's happy! - Play to win. - Play to win. - (both) Play to win! (laughs) - Thanks for watching us try not to eat food from Miyazaki films. - On the REACT Channel. - Subscribe for new shows... - Every week! - (both) Bye! - Hey y'all, React Producer Blythe here. Wanna keep seeing the content that you love? Then subscribe to our channel, and click that notification bell. You may even get to talk to us in the first 30 minutes. Bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 4,393,288
Rating: 4.941402 out of 5
Keywords: Miyazaki, Hayao Miyazaki, Try Not To Eat Challenge - Studio Ghibli Foods, Studio Ghibli, Ghibli, Anime, Anime Foods, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, The Cat Returns, Spirited Away, The Wind Rises, Anime Movies, Try Not to Eat Challenge, Try Not to Eat, Try Not to Eat Miyazaki Foods, Try Not to Eat Anime Foods, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, eat1909, try not to, laugh challenge
Id: 4JFHu3w35xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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