4 TikTok Cooking Hacks You NEED To Try

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- Dude, see, I can't even do it, 'cause it's so disgusting now. - No, I messed up. - Oh yeah, there's a microwave. - Were you going to manually melt the butter with kinetic energy? - No, stop. Stop. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) We've compiled some viral TikTok cooking hacks, and we're gonna have you give them a try. The internet loves these delicious tips and tricks, but the real question is what do you think about it? - I'm probably gonna hate them. - I cannot cook. I'm very bad at it. I don't like it. I hate everything about the process. But I mean, if I learn some hacks... - From TikTokers no less. - Yeah. - Then maybe you'll be making me dinner in no time. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - (gasps) I did this the other day! - Ohhh. I think I've seen this one. - Yeah, yeah. Gotta separate those egg whites from that yolk. - This is, I think, something that's been used for quite a while now. - Oh, that looks fun. - I can do that. My friend did it, but I was right there, so I'm gonna say I did it too. - Cool, cool. Let's get it crackin'. (chuckles) (crickets chirp) - You're gonna wanna crack your egg. Please don't break. All right, perfect. - I'm not good. Oh my god! Dude, see, I can't even do it, 'cause it's so disgusting now. - I'm so skeptical. - (James) Why? It makes sense? It's science. - I'm gonna do it the fancy way. - (Steph laughs) - Oh, no! I broke it. - I always end up getting the shell in the yolk, which is not good. - This is the one! Come on. Yes! Yes. Okay, okay. Now I get the water bottle. One fluid motion. (makes slurping noise) Yes! I did it! - I'm gonna stick that right down by the egg. These are kind of thin water bottles. Oh, it works still. Then you're gonna suck the yolk up. - They squeezed it, I'm guessing? Wait. (gasps) What? It actually works. Okay, that's sick. - (exclaims) Fire. That was amazing. - What are we doing? - (Steph) Ohhh. (gasps) Whoa. (chuckles) Plop. - Get it. Get that yolk. - (Chelsea gasps) - (James) Yeah! - Whoa! I did it! - Look at the little yolky boy! - That's... (snorts) Ooh! - That's what? - (laughs) - That's awesome. - That's how you do it. - That's how you do it. Nice! That's a useful thing. - Wow! - (FBE) Is this a hack that you needed to know? - Oh, yeah. Definitely. You should definitely use this hack. - I probably won't use it, but it's cool. - It worked, so I give it a thumbs up. - Thumbs up. - Yeah, I've always wanted to try it, so I'm glad I got to. (chuckles) - I will keep this in mind for future situations for sure. - Surprisingly, yes. - How else am I gonna be able to drink yolks. - (chuckles) Oh! - This is actually helpful. Thank you, TikTok. You didn't come up with it I'm sure, but it's very helpful. - (woman) Oh. You know what time it is. - I already don't like this. - Okay, Flaming Hot Cheetos. I like that. - (woman) ...with the pickles. - Okay, you know what? That's smart, actually. I thought they were gonna put the juice in there-- NO! - (woman) Roll. - (both gag) - Oh, no. That's the thing? - These are the best Cheetos ever. I dip mine in sour cream. - Are these Flaming Hot Cheetos? - Of course they are. I don't even think they make regular Cheetos anymore. - As I get older, my butthole doesn't agree with me when it comes to the Flaming Hot Cheetos. You know what I'm saying? It's like flaming hot on the exit as well. - Pour some in the ziplock bag, because you know what time it is! It's not even a hack. It's more of a recipe. - Harder. You got it. - Good. (crunching) - And if I make a mess, I'ma just have to "dill" with it. (chuckles) (crickets chirping) - All right. - Okay, that's probably good. Then do I pour it out on a plate? - ♪ Doing completely normal stuff ♪ - All right. - Yeah, you're gonna have to do that one. (chuckles) - My muscle strength. - Just get that out. (inhales shakily) I'm glad I like pickles. - Should I just do this? Is this an even better life hack? - (John) It looks... - (Steph laughs) - (John) We needed to crush it more, I think. Push it in now. - Okay, so you gotta really crush the Cheetos. - You gotta really crush it and squish it in there. - I obviously failed at that. - This is stupid. - Look at it. (laughs) Okay. Now... (laughs) I'm not a fan. I would never do this again. - I'm not as repulsed by it as I thought. - I'm impressed. This is gonna be a Taco Bell item within a month. - Yes. Give it a few weeks for sure. It's a last resort snack. - Mm-mm. That just tastes odd. - No, not good at all. - That just tastes odd. - It's a weird combo. - Yeah. - I don't even think a pregnant woman would eat this. - I'm not mad. Man. - Honestly, it's not bad. I actually like it. I approve of this life hack. (chuckles) - (FBE) Did you need to know this hack? - No. - (both) No. - No. - Nobody needs to know this hack. - I mean, yeah. Why not? I might do this again. - No. Why would you ask me that? Look at this thing. - No, just eat your Cheetos on the side, maybe pickles after. (laughs) - Agreed. - I don't know if I needed to know it, but I'ma take this with me forever. ♪ (tranquil electronic music) ♪ - More eggs. All right. - Eggs. I love eggs. I'm excited. - All right. Put oil in the pan. - It's an omelet? I'm really bad at omelets. - Okay. - It's just an egg sandwich. - This one. Yeah. I've actually tried this before. - This one looks so good. - It's just an omelet sandwich. (laughs) I could do that. Maybe. - I'll hand you the supplies. - Okay. Let's make some breakfast. - So, the first step is to beat your eggs. I'm gonna do two eggs, and then I'm gonna whisk 'em with a fork. This would be a good time to put a little bit of salt and pepper in your eggs. - This is eggs-actly what I was in the mood for. (chuckles) You know what I'm saying? (crickets chirping) - Do I shake it? I usually just throw some butter on there. (chuckles) Oh, god. All right. I hope that's good. (thud) Ow! - You ready? - Yeah, this has gotta be quick, or else it doesn't-- okay. So, dip and flip. Soak it in and flip. (sizzling) - (Caylus) Ooh. - I'ma just let that do its thing a little bit. - And then let's throw our bread in, and we're just gonna let it sit for a wee bit. - Wait, I need to-- ah, what do I do now? I forget. - Then we flip the whole thing, and then you put the cheese in the-- okay. - Did we even use this? I don't think we-- - No. - We didn't even use it. We'll just put it here for decoration. Use this if you don't want your eggs to stick. - This is gonna be hard to flip. - This is-- oh my god! We're just gonna go one side at a time. - Tch. I already messed it up. - This is hardest part: flipping it. No! I messed up. - No, no, no. - Here, I'll do it. - Oh, man. We massacred it. This is when you start all over and say, "Oh, no. We messed up." Oh! You got it? Kind of. - We're gonna do what my grandma calls the egg sandwich flip. Who has to clean this place up? - (FBE) Us. (laughs) - (chuckles) Yeah, I'm sorry in advance. Ah, I flipped it over just completely. You see that? It did a 360. - The best way to do this... I'm thinking maybe go... - I think maybe the pieces of bread aren't close together enough. Yeah! - Hell yeah! - Add some cheese. We cover the mistakes in cheese. - Oh, wow. This is gonna be so bomb. Uh! - I forgot the cheese. Ah, I just com-- yeah, you know what? No cheese. You know, it's fine. - Press it down. You know, get a little crispy, the bread. - I'll tell you what guys, this is smelling great. - Voila. Boom! Look at that! - It's not bad. I'm gonna finish this. - Good? Bread's a little soggy. I could tell. - I think if we would've kept it on for maybe another minute, it would've crunched up a little bit more, but it's not bad. - That's fire. (chuckles) I've been tryna eat less cheese, because it makes me break out, but (censored) it. - (FBE) Was this a hack you needed to know? - Mm-hmm. - Definitely. I will be doing this one later. - I don't know even know if this was necessarily a hack. It was egg and cheese on bread. (scoffs) - I mean, I feel like it's easier just to do the eggs separate and then toast the toast, 'cause obviously we made a mess. - I'll probably do this at home at least once. Yeah. - Yeah, I think this seems like a quick little breakfast food. - (woman) Take one tablespoon butter and melt it. Two tablespoons of brown sugar. - She has such a soft voice. - (woman) Eighth of a teaspoon of vanilla. - Mm-hmm. And she's just gonna dip some bread in this? - (woman) Stir it together really well and add in three tablespoons of... - Okay, this is gonna be really difficult. - Oh, I'm not gonna be able to remember all this. - (FBE) We have a recipe. - Okay. (chuckles) - (woman) Spread it on a plate. - What is this? - (woman) Not too thin, though. And then you're gonna microwave for 30 seconds. - Quiet! (chuckles) - (woman) Take it out. And then you're gonna microwave for 30 seconds. - That's crack. It's that crack stuff, isn't it? - No, that's-- - Oh, it's a cookie. - (woman) For a second 30 seconds, and there you go. - It looks like if cookies could be diarrhea. - This is gonna be so good! Well, I don't know, because I'm making it. - That seems like a lot of work to make a chocolate chip cookie. - This is one of those TikToks I'm gonna need to rewatch like 35 times, because she's saying exact measurements and order of things. - I could totally see you doing this. - Yeah. - You sometimes melt dark chocolate in a cup and eat it. - Okay, this is actual cooking. This is hard. - I don't know how to scoop that out. I feel like this is weird to just scoop it out of a butter-- - (FBE) There's a knife there too if you wanna use that. Just-- - Yeah. I don't wanna ruin the butter. - That's honestly a lot of butter for one small little cookie. - Well, that's why cookies are good. - And I have fake nails too. There's butter under these already. - Mm, that's for later. - Yeah, that's a little second snack. - You can just melt it. It would be pretty-- - Oh, yeah. That's a microwave! - Were you going to manually melt the butter with kinetic energy? - No, stop. Stop. (chuckles) - Now we do the tablespoons of brown sugar. - (FBE) It might be easier to scoop out of the bag. - You're so smart. - I'm imagining the woman that made this lives in a trailer, because I used to live in a trailer and this is exactly I would've done. - Some vanilla, 1/8th a teaspoon. - Do 1/4th. - Half of 1/4th. Okay. Vanilla. - Okay. - This stuff smells so good. - That's not gonna do anything. A little eighth. What was even the point of that? "Stir in the vanilla and milk until mixed." Oh, okay. - Why not just bake an actual cookie? I mean, this feels like four to five cookies' worth of fat and sugar. - "Add three tablespoons of flour. Stir until you reach a peanut butter consistency, then add chocolate chips. Spread onto a plate." - All right. So, then you just stir it up. Hopefully I did this right. - Hmm. I don't know if I'm-- I don't know if this is looking how it's supposed to, guys. - So, it says to get it to a peanut butter consistency. - (James) I feel like this is pretty... - (Chelsea) Hmmm... - (James) ...peanut bu-- no. - So far, it looks like the video. - Smells like oatmeal. - And then add some chocolate chips. Okay, sweet. - The hole has been cut in this bag so that I can't just dump the whole thing in. - And I'm grateful for it. - Okay. Just like that. We like that. - It's not looking like a cookie. I'll tell you that. - There you go. - Ugh. Got some leftover flour on the plate. Okay. How long? - 30 seconds in the microwave. (microwave dinging) - (chuckles) You see how big it is? - I got a glimpse before the light went off. - Oh my god. - Okay! I see this part is cookie consistency. - Yeah. - Okay, so we wait for 30 seconds. Kind of just wanna eat it now. - What? - Why are you gonna do that? It says rest it. - (Steph) I was just gonna flatten it. - That's not leaving it resting, though. - Okay. - Let it rest. - I would say it hasn't been-- (microwave beeping) I would say it's easy so far. - I definitely would just rather buy a cookie. Yeah. For sure. (chuckles) This is supposed to save me time? - It's all bubbly, but not in a good way. (microwave beeping) Ah, this is nightmares. - Ooh. Okay, this looks amazing. - All right. It's not looking too crazy. - Oh, it's actually harder than I thought. I thought it was gonna be really gooey. It's not bad. - Here we go. Ooh. That's so good. - That's straight. It's not bad. - It's so soft. - It's weird. - Yeah. - And I have low standards. Like-- - (both laugh) - (FBE) Was this a hack you needed to know? - (both) No. - Yeah. I didn't know how to do this at all, and now I can make cookies. - No, this is trash. Don't do this. Just make regular cookies. - No. (chuckles) I don't cook really, so I don't need to know the hacks. - I could see myself making this and regretting it. - It's really crummy. (buzzer) (crickets chirping) - Thanks for watching TikTok life hacks you need to know on the React Channel. - Subscribe to all the creators... - In this episode. - Bye, guys! - Hey, guys! React producer Lindsey here. To see more of the content that you love, make sure you subscribe. We also are in the comments for the first 30 minutes of when our videos go live, so we can chat. Bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,402,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TikTok, Hot Cheetos, Food Hacks, Inifinite, TIMOTHY, StephPappas, JesserPlays, deadmeat, williamosman, Cheeto Pickles, TikTok Hacks, TikTok hack, TikTok Hacks Food, 4 TikTok Cooking Hacks You NEED To Try, RCYT2002, crazy food combos, crazy food hacks, food combos, easy cooking hacks, cooking hacks, tiktok food hacks, tiktok memes, tik tok 2020, tik tok, cringey tik toks, tiktok hacks, tik tok memes, tiktok cringe
Id: JmM5qy7yoGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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