- Yay, we hate dictators,
but we love their food! - Fire! That was a little too
excited for a tyrant's... (quietly) Fire. - (PvF) We are going to be
trying and rating dictator's favorite foods. - Dict...
(laughs) - Oh, that's,
so it's history and food. That's me. - That's so weird, and kind of exciting. - I'm gonna try to like
psycho analyze the shit out of this, like these foods,
and it's gonna have no meaning. - (PvF) You ready to get started? - Yes, I'm ready to be
a dictator. - (PvF) You know who this is? - No. - He definitely seems
holier than thou. - Is that Mussolini? - (PvF) That is Mussolini!
- Okay. - Oh, Mussolini. That last name is very familiar. - His name sounds like
a good dish. - (PvF) Benito Mussolini founded and lead Italy's fascist party
from the 1920s. Consolidating power and creating
a totalitarian state. He allied with Hitler
during World War II, but was later removed from power
and executed. He also thought French food
was worthless. - What? - With him not liking French cuisine,
I would love to know what this trash human being
thinks is good food. Let's find out. - Ta-dah! - Is that just straight up
raw garlic with lemon? - He's a freakin' psychopath! - I might be on Fear Factor right now. - I love garlic! I don't think this is
a meal though. - (PvF) Despite having a stomach ulcer
Mussolini loved raw garlic. He also had a few weird
thoughts about food, mainly that meals should be
consumed in three minutes or less, and humans shouldn't spend more
than 10 minutes a day eating. He loved a simple salad
of roughly chopped garlic drenched with oil
and fresh lemon juice. - That's insane. - Okay, so we know for sure
Mussolini was not a vampire. - You didn't even saute it.
It's just raw. - He's such an intense person.
Like this is so chaotic. - As a whole, it's scary. - You know this is some
serial killer type bull[censored]. - Should I go fast or slow?
Fast! - Yo. - Spicy. - Okay. (gags) - This man is (coughs). - I tried, my mama didn't
raise a punk, I really tried. - Mussolini is full of hate. - But like, garlic is a great food. He just was using it
for evil. - I dare to say it's
kind of refreshing, 'cause it, ooh, I can smell, ooh. - I would rate this a seven, because kind of iconic,
a very bold choice. - A one out of 10, and the only reason why it's one, is because of the fact
that I can't give it a zero. - I'm gonna rate this
a negative zero. I know that doesn't exist. - I would rate this a one. - Kind of doable,
it's bearable for sure, so it's a four out of 10 for me. - Ugh! - Ew, we don't like him. - We all know this guy. - Hitler. - (PvF) Adolf Hitler was
an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany
from 1933 to 1945. He rose to power as the leader
of the Nazi party. He was closely involved in military operations
throughout the war, and was central of the
perpetration of the holocaust, the genocide of about six million
Jews and millions of other victims. He was also notoriously a vegetarian
towards the end of his life. - What? - He's still sick in the head. You know, those greens wasn't
really doing too much for him. - (PvF) Here you go. - Mashed potatoes? - I love mashed potatoes,
but what in the heck? - I feel like I'm on
a slippery slope with complimenting Hitler,
but man, I love mashed potatoes. - (PvF) Hitler's vegetarianism has been attributed
to ideological reasons, but it's widely believed
that the fuhrer believed a meat-free diet would curb his
chronic flatulence and constipation. - (laughs) Oh God, yeah what a
[censored] human being, am I right? - (PvF) He had a team of
15 food testers. If none of them dropped dead
after 45 minutes, then the food would be
considered okay to eat. - Honestly, smart for the time, like, poisoning, I feel like
would be an easy way to kill a dictator. - (PvF) By the end of
World War II, his favorite meal was simply
mashed potatoes and clear broth. - Really? - What is clear broth? - Clear broth. Ew, I don't wanna have that.
I'll have a little. It literally tastes like
fricking nothing. - Get that out of here. - The broth ruined (gags),
ruined everything. - Okay, what if the mashed
potatoes makes it better? No, it just makes it
more watery. - Mmm! - What this is matching up with
is the fact that he was like really regimented. - He was an extremist
on every level. - I think mashed potatoes
is also one of my favorite foods, but this broth ain't doing it. - This is not bad,
this is also depressed person's food. - I rate this a six out of 10. It's definitely above average. - As a whole,
this is like a three out of 10. - No, he doesn't deserve
a six out of 10, if you're talking about Hitler,
he gets a three out of 10. - This is like a two
out of 10. This is really bad. - I would rank that a cool seven. - I'm gonna say it's a three. - I wish I could go higher,
but it's just like, since it's associated with Hitler... - Who is this? - I have no idea
who this is. - Is this the last king
of Scotland? - (PvF) Oh, maybe he was.
- He was, woo! - Idi Amin? - (PvF) This is general Idi Amin. He overthrew an elected government
in a military coups in Uganda, and declared himself president. He ruled ruthlessly
for eight years, during which an estimated
300,000 civilians were massacred. - God. - Oh! - Fried chicken and oranges? - A man with taste, low key. - Fire! That was a little too excited
for a tyrant. (quietly) Fire.
(laughs) - (PvF) Idi Amin reportedly ate
up to 40 oranges a day. - What? - (PvF) Believing that they were
nature's Viagra, earning him the nickname
Mr. Jaffa. - (laughs) What? - (PvF) He was also
a huge fan of KFC while living in exile
in Saudi Arabia. - Fried chicken, great. - The oranges are fire,
as we all know. - This is probably one of
the only things he did right. - Oranges as Viagra,
questionable. - (PvF) During his reign,
there were rumors of him eating his military rivals. But once, when asked
if he was a cannibal, he replied I don't like human flesh.
It's too salty for me. - A little tyrant
with a sense of humor. - What kind of person
responds that way when they're asked that question? - (PvF) We left that part
of the meal out. - (laughs) I hope. - I'll give it like a seven. - That's like a nine. - I would rate this an eight. - So I would rate this
on a higher end of the scale. - Six. - Let's go seven. - I already eat a lot of fruit, and that's not just
because I date. - Oh, we know who that is. - He looks mean. - That is Saddam Hussein. - (PvF) Saddam Hussein has the
dubious distinction of being the best known
Middle Eastern dictator. He ruled Iraq from 1979 until
his overthrow and capture by a U.S. led coalition
in 2003. Hussein's rule was
a repressive dictatorship. The total number of Iraqis killed
by the security services of Saddam's government
in various purges and genocides is conservatively estimated
to be a quarter million. - This is so sick. - What did he like?
(laughs) - I'm kind of excited
to see what he liked, and disappointed almost,
I hope it's some good Arab food. - What? - (PvF) Cereal! - That's what I'm talking about. - Did he say, he said,
this is a joke. Like he's trying to make fun
of Americans for this or something. - (PvF) Saddam Hussein loved
Raisin Bran Crunch, and ate it for breakfast
almost every day. - As he should! - (PvF) Reportedly one of his soldiers
incurred the dictator's wrath, prompting the Iraqi president
to shout "no Froot Loops," when offered the multicolored
breakfast rings. - You could never accuse
Saddam for being irregular. - Forget Saddam, this reminds me
of my grandpa. - Mmm. - Who knew Saddam Hussein
was a breakfast person? - It's so great, I feel like
Raisin Bran has like a bad rep, like it's bland, raisins,
but it's super flavorful. - Old people cereals
are underrated. - But now that I know
that he likes it, I worry. (laughs) - This is a six out of 10. - A seven. - A seven out of 10 again.
Pretty good. - It keeps me regular. - This is like an eight out of 10. - I don't think I'm gonna
feel good about rating anyone's food 10 out of 10. They don't deserve a
10 out of 10. - I'll rate this a 10 out of 10. You could eat this
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. - I love Raisin Bran Crunch.
He sucks though. - Okay Saddam, I got to know
you a little better today. We're still not cool though. - Another angry looking one. - Oh, he has seen better days. - (PvF) What vibes is he giving you? - Ghoul. - Is this Muammar Gaddafi? - Gaddafi. - (PvF) Colonel Gaddafi was
a Libyan revolutionary politician and political theorist. He governed Libya
from 1969 to 2011. - Wow. - (PvF) Many Libyans strongly opposed
Gaddafi's social and economic reforms. He was condemned by many
as a dictator whose authoritarian administration
systematically violated human rights and financed global terrorism. - That's so deep. - One life and you're gonna spend it
terrorizing people. - Whoa! - Oh, whoa! Why is it frothy? - Yo, what am I drinking? - (PvF) Gaddafi was famously flatulent
on account of his love of camel milk. He sometimes used his condition
as a weapon to emphasize important points in interviews. - What is up with these
dictators and farting? - You have to be such a dictator
to use farts as a weapon. - I've ridden a camel before.
I'll try camel milk. - Huh. (Anna smacks lips) - Okay, I'm done. - Tastes pretty mild. It just tastes like regular milk. - Oh okay, it's not like
thick and textured, like... - That is very surprising,
and also very refreshing. - It's surprisingly sweet. - It's not creamy at all. - I would rate this one
a four out of 10. - Two out of 10. - I will for sure give this a two. - I think I like a new thing. - I'm not a baby cow
or a camel. - That's a six out of 10. - This one is gonna be
a nine out of 10. It's so dessert-y. - Alright, big beard boy. - Castro! Cuba, right? - Is that the guy from Cuba? - (PvF) Fidel Castro was a Cuban
revolutionary lawyer and politician who was the leader of Cuba
from 1959 to 2008. Critics called him a dictator
whose administration oversaw human rights abuses,
the exodus of many Cubans, and the impoverishment
of the country's economy. - Classic dictator stuff. - Yes? - Oh, it's ice cream. - Or is this poop? - Fire. - Yay, we hate dictators,
but we love their food! - (PvF) Castro had been obsessed
with dairy throughout his life. For a typical meal,
he would consume two pints of ice cream
on top of his meal, and had a chocolate milkshake
every day for lunch. He was so obsessed with dairy, that he had one of the largest
ice cream parlors constructed on an entire city block
in Havana. This parlor was named Coppelia,
and is still open today. - Mmm. - If I were a dictator, and I had the capacity
to just eat dessert, I'd do it. - Why was he obsessed with dairy? These guys are obsessed
with farting or something. - Nothing wrong with
chocolate ice cream, plenty wrong with him. - Mmm. - Chef's kiss, 10 out of 10.
Chocolate ice cream for the people. Fidel Castro,
not for the people. - Man, it's like I'll rate him a one,
but I rate this a 10. - Personally, I'm more
of a vanilla guy, so I gotta give it like a seven. - An eight. - This is a 10 out of 10. I finally got a 10 out of 10. - It's crazy that I do have
some things that are in common, but it's kinda hard to say that. - I love this whole thing. I think I learned a lot of new things, and I realized that these dictators
don't have high standards. Hitler did,
but not in his food. - Thank you guys
so much for watching. - Did you enjoy this
interesting meal? - What other challenges
do you wanna see? - Let us know in the
comments below. - Make sure to like
and subscribe to People Vs Food. - Bye! - See ya later! - Bye! - Thank you.
Peace and love, woo woo!