Trying Amazon 5-Star Products For Chronic Pain

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- Chronic pain sucks. And when you have it, there are a million different devices designed to help you manage your pain, which ones are helpful? And which ones are just nonsense. - Wow! Doggy! (laughing) - Today I will be reviewing some of the top rated products from Amazon designed for chronic pain and sharing some of my favorite things that I use every day for relief. Along the way, I'll be joined by some friends who also suffer from chronic pain, and Keith, who I just wanna see suffer. - Oh! Ow! - This is the Amazon chronic pain throw down 2K21. Pew Pew. - So much weird **** goes down in this house I swear to god. (Try Guys theme song) (violin plays) - [Zach] So I live with chronic pain, which is just defined as a pain in your body that lasts for more than three months. (metal clanging, keys clicking) (soft ukulele) I have joint pain, muscle pain and nerve pain and frankly, it's kind of hard to tell the difference between them. So I live with pain, always. I'm always in pain. Right now I'm on a journey of trying to figure out ways to manage that pain, to cope with that pain. I'm going to be making several videos that live on this channel. But first I wanted to start with just kind of a product review. When you have chronic pain, you are willing to try anything to not hurt. There's stuff like acupuncture, and cupping, physical therapy, chiropracti and massage work. It's really time consuming. And it's really expensive. Especially if your insurance doesn't cover it. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Twitter and I asked you guys like, chronic pain homies, what helps you get through your pain? What helps you manage it? So some of these are your recommendations. I thank you for it. Also, I'm saying that these are from Amazon because I got to get those clicks. Hey, hey, but, you can get these anywhere on the internet, if you don't want to support the corporate overlord. First up to help me on my pain journey, my good buddy, Keith Douglas Harbersberger. (both scatting) (metal clanging, keys clicking) - Now you don't suffer from chronic pain. - I'm 33 so, one of the knees is goofed. - You know what though? How long has your knee had been hurting? - Probably a year before our tour. So two and a half years. - That's chronic pain. - F***. Oh no. - This actually inspired this whole video. People tag me on Tik Tok with this. This is called an acupressure mat. - [Keith] Are you a magician now? - [Zach] (laughs) - [Keith] Do you do like, bed of nail tricks? Oh, this is not dull at all. - [Zach] They are shockingly sharp. So I'll stand on this. - Oh! - Barefoot actually, feels so nice to me. - [Keith] Nice? I got like very sensitive feet. Cause I always wear socks and shoes. - It's Kinda like a bed of nails. And then if you put your, your feet up, you get more pressure in the lower back. The head rest is a little too intense for me, but I'm getting more used to it. I would call it a peaceful pain. So immediately as you lay here, you, your back is hot. Like a bunch of little, little matches are piercing your skin. (laughs) - Are sure that your crying pain isn't induced by chronic pain products? All these things you do also hurt. - But this is like, a pain that I'm choosing and it's a pain to give relief. - Let me see your back. Is it all poked? Oh, it's red, oh my gosh. You look like one of those pours mattresses. Or like a pegboard. Dents are quite noticeable. - And that was only, I was on there for - Maybe a minute, maybe a minute and a half. Okay. - I would recommend Keith. you start with your shirt on. - Okay. I love that idea. - And I'm gonna turn this pillow over so you have a regular pillow. - It's not going to hurt my shirt? - Uh, we'll getcha a new shirt. (guitar riffs play) - Oh, this is very unpleasant. Oh, it was very unpleasant. I feel like I'm supposed to jump up and go yee-owch! - I think I should do without the shirt. Cause, it is like after a few seconds, it's like, okay. So I think I need the real experience. - Here's the deal. I don't think you're going to like this. (ominous music) (heavy breathing) - Wow without the shirt it's different. Oh my God. Oh, it is hot. It feels like you're laying on fire. Why is it like fire. Okay. Give me the neck one. I wanna feel the whole experience. - It's immediately fire, right? - Oh! Ah! Unpleasant. And then you say to put your knees up. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Ow! Oh God! - Ow, I want to stay long enough that I get the holes in my back. - Oh yeah. Get in here. Yeah Keith, you did it. - Oh wow. That is not pleasant. - This gives you relief? - Mhmm. Does it hurt less than the pain you have? Wow. That's unfortunate. That seems unfortunate. - Keep your shirt off, I've got one more for ya. - Hot. - Now this, you may remember, from when we gave birth. - [Keith] This is the one we used on Ned, right? (screaming) - This is the exact same thing we use for the labor pain stimulator. It contracts your muscles with a small electrical current. (intense music starts) (laughing) When we did this for Ned, we were going up to like a six, seven, eight. - [Keith] Yeah, we having a good time. (laughing) I hover around like a three to four. - Look at that. Ooo. It doesn't hurt. It's just like, whabba whabba whabba whabba, and I'm not choosing to do this. And then it falls down. (laughing) What's good is that tens units typically online are like 20 or 30 bucks. - That's nothing. - Nothing. - That seems too cheap. - Tell me when you start to feel it. (intense music starts) - This makes me nervous. - Just a little buzzing. - It feels like someone's put their hand on my shoulder. Oh this is nice. - Is that too much already? - No its, well it's buzzy. - Okay, I'm gonna bring it up to a three. - Okay. Oooo. Wow, I didn't think he was up this high for you. - I, this is a three. I go to a four. - You go to a four? - Yeah, you wanna feel it? - Crank it up daddy. - Okay. - Oh, oh it's buzzin. It feel- Ah! (screaming) Wow! - That's a- - Wow! Doggy! - Okay going back down, that was a 3.2. - Woo! That was 3.2? - Haha yeah. - I thought you actually went up to five. - No, it's a very subtle turn. - I can't believe we let that woman do that to us. (laughing) But, I do like the longer I'm in it, it feels kind of good. - It normalizes for sure. All right, thanks Keith. - Cool, yeah! - Bye. - Have fun, bye. There were a couple of quick hit items that I use every single day. The first is a Coccyx pillow. (laughing) It's a butt pillow. I forgot it today, and I'm not happy about it. I sit on it and it's soft. This was something that was highly recommended to me from the AS community. Absolutely worth it. Number two, yoga mat. Gotta do your stretches. I know you don't want to. Do it. Here's a new thing that you guys recommended to me. This is called the chirp wheel. Basically a more expensive foam roller. I wasn't really sure about this one cause like, what can it do that a regular foam roller can't do. But because of its height, I think you're just able to get more into it. (bones cracking) Ahhh. Oh yeah. You can use this against the wall, if it's too intense for you otherwise. Oh yeah. It's not in my experience, it's going to help with your most acute pain, but is a good tool as part of your physical therapy routine. And then what I also like is that you can go like this and you're like, wow, look how flexible I am. And while we're talking about spending way too much money, the Theragun. Now this is the second most expensive thing I'm gonna show you today. But it is good. (Theragun whirring) Oh my God. Haha. Oh, it hurts so good Samuel, come try it. So there are two modes, (string music starts, Theragun whirring) hard and a little slower. (Sam groans) - This does like, comes with different attachments does it? - It does actually. (laughing) - Ooo! - Sam, like. Haha. For those who are thinking it, yes it does resemble the world's most intense dildo. This would wreck your orifices. You don't want to use it as a sex toy and not in a fun way. Up next to the pain palace, please welcome Alexandria. Hey Alex. - Hi. - You also have chronic pain. - I have a lot of chronic pain. (metal clanging, keys clicking) - [Alex] When I was in high school, I went snowboarding for the first time, fell on a rock. I think it just left me with like a little bit of low-level lower back pain for awhile. But then a couple of years ago, I was in a lift and then we'd got rear-ended by this Mercedes who was going way over the speed limit, and didn't see us stopping. I sprained my neck and basically my whole spine. - I have a couple products here. I'm not sure what is going to help. So lets see. - [Zach] This was another Twitter recommendation. This is the neck-tor or neck tech. (laughing) This is a heating, kneading massager. - This looks like the to go version of those massage chairs at the mall. Oh wow. - And you put your arms - Okay. - through this - Who designed this? - This definitely looks like alien tech. Now what I love about it, is that when you have a Oh *** yeah, get it in there, get the **** in there. What I like you kind of look like a Ripley in alien, like I'm in the tech suit. (imitates gun firing) - Or kinda like a T-Rex like, you can only move your hands this much. (playful music, laughing) - Ooo, whoa, I like this. I don't think this is like, the best way to attach it to your arms. - I don't know, I- - But I like it. - There's gotta be another way. You can do it there, and then sometimes I'll shimmy it down. Kinda wearing like a nice shawl. - Oh. - Yeah. I can like go out for a night on the town like this. - It just looks like you're wearing an alive fanny pack. It's feels great and then it's so tickly. (laughing) Okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna move back up I can't sit here like that. - And like do like about this though, is that you can adjust it in different ways. - Yeah. As opposed to like a massage chair, right? There's really only so many options there. - And they're like $5,000. - And they're, very expensive. You know you get what you pay for, but you can kind of make it work. - Uh oh, oh, oh man. - [Zach] So, also recommended to me, cervical neck traction. Benefits of using the neck traction device, relieve your sore or stiff neck check, - Me! - Check. Get relief from headaches and migraines. - Me. - Improve your posture. - Oh me. Okay. I think this is going to solve all my problems. - All of em'. (playful music continues) - Oh, look at that forearm workout. - Oh yeah. Fix your pain and get swole. - Is this changing the shape of my face? I feel like my, my cheeks are just sitting a top it. - I'm not going to lie to you, a little bit. (laughing) Like, I think you look great but I know the way that people are so critical, and you're gonna be like, it's pushing on my cheeks. (laughing) - I think both of these products are worth it. It could be a placebo effect, but I feel like we're sitting up straighter. - Here hold on, I wanna see what your reaction is. - You've used this before yeah? - Yeah, some spots it's good, sometimes it's really ticklish. (Theragun whirring) Oh, haha. Oh haha. (screams) Oh my God this feels crazy. (laughing, yelling) I told you. - Ooo! All right well thanks Alexandria. (laughing) - Next up, in my house to pain, guilty pleasures podcast, cohost Kelsey Dara. - Thank you for letting me come. - Oh, gee. - And, my things. - I asked Kelsey to bring some of her chronic pain toys. - Sure. - Is that what we call them? Toys? - Um, little angels. - Hmm, yeah. (metal changing, keys clicking) - I have what's called trigeminal neuralgia and anesthesia dolorosa, nerve damage, nerve dysfunction. - We've been talking a lot about pain cause, that's one the most common - Yeah. - And what I have, but yours is really your jaw. Kelsey. Kelsey's actually made a video like this on her channel where she reviewed some of the stuff that helps her and some of stuff that doesn't. So you can go check that out. I'll ink it. - Thanks for the plug Try Guys. (hands clap) - How many things did you bring? - Many. (laughing) - Okay great. - So this is an interesting one. (laughing) This is a clinical trial that I did with UCLA, where they made these magnetic ear molds. It makes a high frequency vibration that's supposed to disrupt the signal from the brain to the jaw. - (distorted) Wow. - All day long my body's going, hello something's wrong with the nerve. (slowed down) Hello? Something's wrong with the nerve, but I've had to train my brain to go, I know, and there's literally nothing I can do abut it. - Can you not right now? - Can you stop? - You're being a little much. - Thank you so much. - And if you could just like maybe bring it down a little bit. Thank you so much nerve - The look is, that this is only a couple, let's start with this one. (laughing) This is so stupid. This is so dumb, but you get to a point where you're like, I'll try anything, right? - Yeah. That's the point of the video. - This simply just holds your mouth closed. (laughing) - This is doing nothing for my pain. I have no pain here. - This is amazing. - You want, we bought two of them. - Can I have one? To borrow? - You can have, 15 bucks. - Oh, are you gonna make me pay for it? - No, no, no, I'm just letting you know. - Ha, I love this. - Yeah. - Sitting, watching TV, eating. (laughing) Sleeping. - I like this video, we're just going to keep repeating the same product over and over again. - Here's another silly one that I just brought cause I thought, you know what? This might help. - I have this! - You have these? - I didn't bring this. A fan gave this to me on the Try Guys tour, near glasses. They are brilliant. - [Kelsey] Amazing, I can see you guys right now huh. - What if you could look forward, but your vision was down. It's incredible. - When I'm laying in bed at night, bish I put this on and I can watch as much euphoria as mama needs to. - I feel like I'm in an avatar. - Avatar. Why you said that? Stop grabbing my tiddies. - I wasn't grabbing tiddies. - He was grabbing air tiddies wasn't he? - I wasn't, they weren't tiddies. - What were they? - I'm not telling. - Okay. Moving on. First of all, it comes in a briefcase, that's really fun. (singing) - [Zach] This is a home cupping kit? - [Kelsey] This is a home cupping kit. So it comes with this little. - Is this safe? I think as long as you don't put it on your carotid artery, you're fine. What happens is the blood comes all the way to the front of the skin. And some people say that it brings like toxins closer to the front of the skin. Some people say it makes blood flow come to that area which helps with tension, muscle tightness, all sorts of things. - It's like a nice massage on the inside. - Okay sure. - Don't do the carotid artery. - How do I know what a carotid artery is? - I'm gonna place it for you. - Oh. It's sucking. Do I keep going? - Yeah, so now you leave that for like five minutes. - And then how do you take it off? - Well you just, - Oh. - pop the little top. Ooh, Maggie's gonna think you got a hickey. - Oh no! - Oooo, but actually see a little bit came and then right after it comes off, it feels nice. - I'm gonna give you utters. Boop. So quick right? - The idea of doing this myself never occurred to me. - I know. and you pay so much fricking money to go somewhere else to do it. - Professional cuppers know stuff that we don't and you need knowledge and experience. - Wow. You look like a dinosaur! Like a triceratops. (roars) This is someone's kink. (singing) - Where's my mic pack? This is definitely someones kink. - Ha. You like that? - Normally you don't walk around with cupping too. So this was a new experience. Do I have the marks? - Yes. - Yay, I might get this. - You should, a hundred percent should. This is fine. Do you know what you're Psoas is? - [Zach] I'm learning so much all the time. - [Kelsey] So everyone has a Psoas, it's the muscles in your hips and pelvic floor. - Wow. You find your hip bones and you'll find it cause it should hurt. And then you just lay here until you're Psoas releases. - Ohhh- - Does it hurt? - my God. - You might need to readjust. - Oh this is is unpleasant. - You look very vulnerable right now. I really want to just stick my finger in your butt crack. - What is it with girls in penetrating my butt crack. - The other thing I've heard that this helps with is a erectile dysfunction. Not saying that's what it's helping you with. Maybe it's. I don't know your personal life. - Huh. - Try and move it up a little bit too. It looks like you're kind of well on it. Yeah. - Oh my God. - You found it. - Holy shit. - And see if you can put your full weight on that. - Oh, I'm gonna shit myself. (laughing) I, I might fart, I need to stop, I'm going to fart on you Kelsey if I don't stop this. - Please don't fart on me! - Oh wow. - It sounds like you just climaxed. (laughing) So much weird shit goes down in this house, swear to god. - Such a deceptively simple device. - I know, and that's what it's 60 dollars, cause it's the only one that's doing it. - Well thanks Kelsey. - Bye. - I'm not gonna bother cleaning up. Let's keep this party rolling. Joining me next, my other guilty pleasure co-host, and also a man in constant pain, Garrick Bernard. - Hey! What's up, how's it going. - I haven't seen you in person in so long, what up? - It's been like, a year. (metal clanging, keys clicking) - I was born with half of my C4 spinal disc missing. They're like, okay. So this is the weirdest thing we've ever seen. You are missing a part of your spine and it's causing a nerve to just kind of nerve endings to just float there. (Zach groans) And sometimes your muscle touches it and it's causing your entire back to spasm. - We did not mean to make a podcast with three people whose bodies hurt, but that's what we did. Well, let's try some stuff that we got here. So this is the most highly reviewed heat pad on Amazon. So here's my problem with this. One, it's like, I get that it's like versatile, I'm like rubbing your back, as we go. - Yeah no that's fine. - Very, very nurturing. - It's very very comforting. Feels like a mother's touch. - This doesn't get hot enough for me. It's nice. But I need heat pads to singe my **** skin off. And I know that like they need to be safe so that they don't get sued. - Yeah, this is them trying not to get a lawsuit. They need to be more McDonald's about it where they're just like, well, we're going to take more lawsuits because I mean, why not? You know. - Build the L into your business plan. - Right. It's just like, Hey, if we send people's mouth off with this coffee, we'll still sell more coffee than we will lawsuits. So there you go. You know what? This sucks. (laughing) I'm gonna be honest, this, this is not fun. - Well, why don't I give you (cord rattling) A better cake. - Okay. - This is a heating pad that you wear. What do we think? - [Camera Man] You look like you're in the galactic senate. - Yeah, I do look like I'm in the galactic Senate. - Thank you for joining us today. Bleeps and blops, we gather here, to decide what the future of our government shall be. - This isn't for me. - I think this is a look. - Yeah? - I- am I crazy guys or is he pulling this off. He looks like a hero. - I don't know what I look like, but I trust your opinion. - I bought this cause it's stupid looking. - Yeah. But I'm pretty on board. Again, not hot enough. - Yeah just getting the lawsuit, like what are y'all doing? Just get it. It's fine. - And you know what if someone dares to sue you, Garrick and I will fly in. (dramatic music, laughing) - Have you ever used these before? - Yes. I don't know if I ever use them correctly. You just, - [Together] Just get it in there. - But like barely putting any force on this here. And it is diving into my muscles. So you don't have like a - Also I can um, cosplay as like the Riddler or something. (laughing) - Another thing that also does look like a confusing sex toy, but - Yeah. - We're not mad at it. - Nope. - [Zach] So last thing, you introduced Kelsey to this and she told me about it. You love this shit. - [Derrick] It's great. Great for any part of your body, except for your face don't put it on your face cause, don't be a ******* idiot. It lasts about like two or three hours. - Oh wow. - And it pretty much just heats up that area. - Heats up. - To lawsuit level. - Oh, that's what we want. - Yeah. We want lawsuit level. Feel it? - Yeah. It's hot. - Yeah. It is. - I wanna tape my body with this. - Mhmm. - Well, thanks for coming Garrick. - Yup. - I hope you feel good. - I don't, it's fine. (laughing) - Finally, the infrared sauna blanket. This is like a sauna sleepin' back. Infrared sauna maps are actually huge within the AS community. They're very expensive. They're like two to $3,000. I think this is actually less for people with chronic pain and more for like hot Instagram models. Cause one of the main things that they advertise is that you can burn up to 600 calories. Per hour. Here's the crazy thing about this. You need to wear clothes in there because if not, it'll burn your skin. (laughing) Definitely doesn't look like I'm in a body bag. (laughing) (mystical music) How long have I been in here like 20 minutes? - [Camera Man] Yeah, absolutely. It's been 20 minutes. - I feel good. It's just so warm. While I was in there, I felt nothin', and it felt great. Anything for those little moments of bliss, but now I'm out and immediately my back hurts again. (sad guitar music) - It's a melancholy ending to this video. I hope you had fun watching, but, there's no one fix. A lot of these things don't have cures. At least not known and not yet. So, if any of these devices can help provide just moments of relief, then that's what we got for now. So this is just the first video of, of many where, I'm going to really try and tackle my chronic pain head on. I hope that it's helpful for you, but frankly, I'm doing it for me. So I hope you enjoy it and come along on this journey. God, I'm so high right now. I feel like I just took a whole bunch of edibles. (guitar strumming, clapping) Ball. - [Kelsey] Spiky ball yes. Yeah. So you can put this in your occiput. I like to use it actually when I've had a hard day typing. (electronic synth) And you can just roll your hand around it. So this is just a nice, - Jerk off relief?
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,533,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, comedy, education, funny, try, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, pain, chronic pain management, chronic pain treatment, chronic pain, chronic pain syndrome, relieve chronic pain, chronic pain relief, health, treating chronic pain, physical therapy, therapy, amazon must haves, amazon favorites, amazon favs, amazon finds, amazon products, amazon review, testing amazon products, five star, 5 star
Id: 1rxQN4unufY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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