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right now we're on what's called like the love hotels Hill [Applause] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to Tokyo you know when I travel I try to stay in the most unique accommodations possible this usually goes from capsule hotels to home stays to even sometimes just people's floors or couches however tonight we have truly unique accommodation you see in Japan there's these different hotels called love hotels and there's different descriptions all over the web but the one kind of overall thing is it's a hotel with a lot of mystery involved in any event tonight with the one and only Lucille we're gonna be say hi we're gonna be exploring these love hotels so right now we're on what's called like the love hotel Hill supposedly there's a lot of options around here so we're just kind of like gonna go through the different hotels and see what this Hill has in store for us so all around there's like these different like room charge signs of like day use free time stay more day so you can either get it for two hours or three hours and to actually stay it would be 6,800 okay have a good ky you're like just master at the end of it you guys were hugging about love in Japan this is awesome going into this I thought these love hotels would kind of look a little bit like sleazy kind of like a motel would in the US but I have literally never felt so empowered to choose my hotel I've always wanted to go to Bali so how is this one yeah I don't know sir so yeah it's about like 3000 for 90 minutes yes what if literally she was like 101 201 202 203 204 3 oh that's fun oh my gosh I think this one is a hot tubs ooh still looks like you get like a jacuzzi and a really like green themed diamond room so I don't know like we've seen Paris we've seen Italy we've seen Asia what else we've seen Bali I don't know which one jumps out to you where should we go I don't know I'm I'm interested in the jacuzzi and the terrace actually yeah you think Paris all right so hopefully we can get in there this is really not screw fit well maybe you can fold or chain to throw in that we're just chillin with it we're just walking into a lover that was massive well it's like this is cool so it's like a it's like a kind of borders so there's the 205 and the 404 what you do hi um I I think we we press the button 205 sorry I can't speak English ah okay we have a Google Translate if it's okay 300 only two hour to two hours is okay yeah to our yeah yeah two hours ah ah yes okay yeah yeah it's okay yeah it's okay ah yes okay yes okay and how do we how do we get extent we just call or no cool I know call okay okay we just we come down after them okay okay thank you yeah okay thank you how did you get today Paris this is interest I do we need shampoo oh can I take the passion it's I got the shame the guy's face was so funny it was like that shampoo okay he's like nobody's asked for that today okay let's see this so it costed like forty bucks for three hours okay I am excited for this Dumbledore okay it's there no good sanitization okay welcome everybody to the love hotel room her first reactions there are no windows in this room there's a what is it go inside I wanna I want to try to go inside I'm not gonna fall there's a hole here do you see what's in there it's just like a bunch of other like broken wood it's coming like from the outside - okay okay so first impressions of this room minor details a little bit off anyway let's open this one off there just it's a window to like literally a staircase er okay let's move that okay so now now that makes sense though like the fact that you can close the window here which is actually pretty cool like close this so we do have a window but it's to a staircase and every Hotel that I've stayed in before there's a minibar but here there's a second vending machine in your refrigerator itself that is so cool Oh what did you just do I'm oh whoa I'm changing the nets and doing renders on the table have you seen the speakers over here keep going no way this is so freaking awesome yes I'll do like a theme right here okay you want to try the toilet what is it it's a lady [Laughter] oh there's a bubble bath I'm really interested to see like I've never done one of these before we get hit like Jets on this side or that's right I am so excited oh my puppet good oh my god I don't think I've ever been so excited to get in a bubble bath before like just take a look at this freaking hot through this yo oh my god you made this thing steamed in I've never been in a bath where that you can cool like bring the bubbles over to you oh my god like a really cool place so yeah I think like it's like into some enough hotels I heard that like they alone or normal people like Tuesday it is a little bit weird with you know like the window here and that to like the jacuzzi freakin I'm honestly pretty impressed I kind of want to explore some more leave a comment below if you want part two of a little hotel [Music]
Channel: LivingBobby
Views: 1,698,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hotel tour, love hotel, LivingBobby, Living on VENDING MACHINES for 24 HOURS in JAPAN, vending machines, Japanese 7-Eleven, Japan, capsule hotel, tokyo, Japanese love hotel, tokyo capsule hotel, travel, experience, red light district, lifestyle, renting a love hotel, love hotel in Japan, Japan love hotel, love hotel Japan, Japanese, Trick Eye & Love Museum, Yelps worst rated, One Star Reviews, dating, speed dating, tinder date, blind date, date without seeing
Id: pRT53J1wKwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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