What a Day at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo is like

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[Music] good morning everyone we are back with another Tokyo zebra video I'm a little bit under the weather um not necessarily sick but I have allergies and it's been pretty bad for the last few weeks I guess a couple weeks um morning good morning good morning good morning you guys might have not seen us in a while you know we've kind of I think W be it's almost 3 years old now so a lot has happened since you probably saw us but we've just been super super busy with trying to get our Channel stabilized we're actually building out a new office soon um starting other channels and oh yeah yeah um just a lot has been going on uh and we just haven't had a lot of Y you space or bandwidth bandwidth in order to to post to this Channel or like create content but hopefully with things settling down a little bit we'll be able to do that um so that's kind of an update where we are but today we've decided to take a day off and spend a family day and take Wolfie to the zoo and then after that we'll probably go to Disney so it's going to be a full day and we wanted to bring all of you along disy Disneyland Disney Disneyland Disney Disneyland Disneyland you want to go Disneyland Y what do you want to go zoo or Disneyland zoo zoo well we wanted to go to Disneyland all day long but we couldn't get the tickets we sold out so we're just going to go after five okay so there you go that is our plan for the day ready to get started Wy say let's go let's go oh my god let's go come on no we just changed it's the one and only Disney outfit wolfy it's okay right W I think it's okay right can you see smells good smell like mango today yeah are we supposed to go straight or [Music] straight so today's plan is to drive to Tokyo's eneno zoo and then afterwards Disneyland since we live in the Shibuya area which is on the west side of Tokyo we're going to have to make somewhat of a little journey to the east side and since we don't own our own car like many people in Tokyo will'll be using a convenient car share to get us from point A to B the thing is I'm always trying to justify buying a car in Tokyo but when I do the math based on how frequently we use a car it just makes sense for us to use a car share at least for now go go go let's go we got youy I were carrying up our stroller because we thought they didn't have an elevator but we later found out that they actually had one so if you're planning to come here you don't have to go through all this hassle would have been cool though huh our struggle to get to the [Music] zoo Okay so we've made it to way Zoo this is the first part of our journey today W are you excited yeah um I don't think I've been to wayao for a long long time so it's my first time it's your first time maybe it could be my first no I feel like I've been here once at least it'll be a new discovery and sorry I apologize to all those people that don't feel comfortable going to an animal [Music] zoo what did you get what's that t [Music] [Music] oh and as you already know we brought our own stroller but they do have rentals here if you need [Music] one you like it you like you like you want to go in the [Music] baby elephant right is a baby elephant yeah is [Music] he not let's go over there over there oh over there yeah over there you go over there you yeah is it c yeah what is he doing a bear yeah it's so eneno zoo was a lot bigger than we expected a lot bigger good thing we brought our stroller or I would have had to carry my 2-year-old all around the park that would have been a rough day for Daddy plus we have to carry around all the 2-year-old Essentials diapers change of clothes toys drinks you name it luckily Michael and I plann ahead well mainly [Music] Michael food just right here there's a cafeteria there too open this what [Music] is you e his nose so we decided to have lunch at a cafe inside there was only one Cafe in the entire Zoo it was super crowded so we had a long wait in line we actually saw people eating Bento boxes on the outside tables so I think regulars here know to bring their own lunches might have to do this on our next visit to save on time as we're not a big fan of huge lines how do you feel good he's hungry are you good he's good I'm hungry so we're here monkey mountain cafeteria probably have to leave in a couple hours so I don't know if we're going to be able to see everything but just as long as you get to see some animals he saw some bears already he saw an elephant I think that's it oh and some birds and some [Music] cranes oh he's walking he just ate he ate all his food do you like the brown horse or the White Horse Brown the White Horse I think you can go here and touch it llama llama Brown pajama llama llama Brown Pama well we're happy that Wolfie is having a good time being able to see the animals that he's been seeing over and over in his picture books finally now in real life experiencing firsthand how they smell sound and even move no T it's a porcupine yeah it's porcupine it's porcupine yeah oh sorry so I guess what's nice about this place is that it's only like 600 Yen for an adult so it cost us 1,200 yen to get in and then Wolfie is free cuz I think he's sick if you're looking for something inexpensive to do in Tokyo or something to do with the kids this is actually a pretty reasonable Adventure just in case you wanted to you [Music] can you like the zoo Michel sure I wish I brought a hat it's so sunny I feel like I'm getting sunburn I put sunscreen but I don't think it's protecting enough and that's your yes that's all I'm worried [Music] [Music] about and now he gets to see the turtles he's wanted to see all this time it was hidden in the reptile house which was a bit hard to find but we're finally here mission accomplished so one interesting thing with bringing Wolfie when he is just about three is that he actually recognizes a lot of the animals and can pronounce their names and in fact he can pronounce them in English and Japanese which is pretty pretty cool you probably saw before in one of our videos we went to the aquarium and you know he didn't really know what what's kind of going on he was just looking at the animals and the the Penguins and whatnot but he really didn't um recognize the what they were but now he can actually recognize them which is pretty awesome [Music] so one thing we're not going to see today is the pandas because the line is super long we've gone on a weekday and it is just so long like look at all these people lining up to see the panda it's crazy and look the line still goes on all right so we're taking off right now going to Disneyland we got to get in the car and be on our way of course cats do yeah here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Zebra
Views: 60,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paolo, paolo fromtokyo, tokyo, japan, japan life, living in japan, tokyo life, living in tokyo, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, paolo from tokyo, maiko, paolo & maiko, japanese mom, japanese mom and baby, wolverine, japanese mother, tokyo mom, japan family, tokyo family, life in japan, japanese boy, wolfy, japan family life, Ueno zoo, tokyo zoo, things to do in tokyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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