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ladies and gentlemen I found a place that has the biggest grouping possibly the most vending machines in one area in all of Tokyo and possibly the world with your favorite singer No [Music] hello everybody and welcome to Tokyo Japan now the last time I was in Tokyo I lived on vending machines for 24 hours and I enjoyed this challenge so much that today I came up with a bit of a wacky idea just for some context I came up with this idea after researching about different vending machines all around Japan and I came across something that was the absolute jackpot a vending machine so right now I'm headed to this surprisingly special place and we're gonna be taking the hundred dollar vending machine challenge today I said welcome everybody to that he made a international terminal also known as heaven on earth for vending machines and I'm not talking about your drinks and snacks vending machines I'm talking about things that I have absolutely never seen before inside vending machines and uh I've seen my fair share of machines so first up it might be obvious but it's 2:30 right now I haven't had lunch and I'm incredibly hungry so I'm gonna go to not only one not two but a restaurant vending machine area so everybody to the vending machine restaurant full of a coffee and matcha machine hot foods machine a Family Mart vending machine ice cream one and then different drinks there's so many choices but to get us started off I mean I have to go with the hot foods machine so it looks like they have like some sort of fried rice / possibly chicken octopus balls but I tried those last time Bryce and then french fries I think I'm gonna have to try the thing that I just don't know very well so go with the fried chicken or rice or whatever that one is no it just deposited in here and there's like a timer they're warming it up three - one way to surprise me how hot they are oh my god that's so high don't think the French fries were there last time so I'm gonna try those - oh now also I want to try out this machine because I've actually never seen a Family Mart vending machine before definitely try one of those teriyaki chicken just like every time we go to a Family Mart or 7-eleven we gotta try a mystery food to be honest I'm a little bit stumped on what that thing is over there there's no English on the cover and it just looks like little dough balls and just to wash it all down I'm gonna go into that one because I have absolutely no idea what that is it for food we're starting off strong right so let's see how these are looking okay so it's not fried chicken it's rice obviously don't know what's in those do it looks kind of like something like grilled or fried rice oh well look it's like a little salt packet here to put salt on there and honestly it look like decent so I'm gonna start with the foods this is interesting so actually it turns out there's nothing inside it's simply just a real kind of like soy sauce rice the rice is moist the flavor is average and the kind of like grill on that rice it's good right no french fries let's give it a try yeah not not as good as the rice balls normally I'm not a huge fan of frozen food because you can normally find you know the little dishes that you're looking for from your local deli or cheap restaurant and that's a great description of these french fries like when you take a look at the inside they're quite hard still which is not what you want in a frog is just like pure starch not a fan now on to the absolutely magnificent looking teriyaki egg here with love glazed over bread here and when combined with that famous Japanese egg salad with the hint of teriyaki it weirdly makes a good flavor now in terms of the mystery food possibly cinnamon doughnuts these are dangerous man honestly tastes like it tastes almost like if a pancake was made into a tiny ball and then just soaked in syrup it's frickin wonderful I don't speak Japanese but I love ramen you know every time I visit a country I don't just want to be eating the food like yes food is absolute connection food is bonding food is love food is everything under the Sun but there's more complexities there's more levels to a culture so then my thought was if I can experience food if I can experience entertainment from a vending machine could I experience tradition like something legit ingrained into the Japanese culture and I can't believe it but I think I found something okay this is officially like feeling completely different than an airport this is a combative freaking like traditional shrine oh my gosh look at this so so this is called an Emma vending machine and they're pretty they're pretty common at like different temples and shrines around Japan and also at the Haneda Airport so how it works is you get a tablet here you write a message or you write a wish on it and then you hang it over here with all the other tablets and then supposedly it's good luck and it's supposed to come true but I mean real talk this is so freaking beautiful like what other airport in the world can you experience a tradition at through a vending machine so cool so this has never really come off in a video since I don't really do videos about this but I would say that I'm like a superstitious person like whenever I make a birthday wish or any type of wish in general but you think it has importance since this is a video with you guys I'm gonna write something down that is relatable to me and you that is a dream okay so this is my wish right here and judging from all my schoolteachers responses to my writing you probably just couldn't read that so let me read it for you so I wrote to build the dopest and most welcoming community of people that believe they have no limits in themselves and others my dream is basically to build a place like a place for our tribe a place for the people that watch this channel watch the videos and believe you know that they want to try different cultures foods and they want to see a local experience and they don't want to judge somebody just based on you know the different qualities of their culture so we'll see build a community of people that believe they have no limits and other people have no limits that seems pretty dope goodbye wish I hope you come true to me mode and now every time I go to a city I try to bring back some sort of gift for different people and specifically Lucille and today that was on my things to do this however since her circumstances are a little bit bizarre I had to do a bit of research into what exactly I could get hurt like I needed to get her something that she would actually enjoy is somewhat in the Japanese culture and overall super cool and unique which let me tell you is not the easiest thing to do when you're buying something from a vending machine okay now those heels gift is a little bit difficult she doesn't like you know your everyday tourist gives something to deal with the culture but also something that's you know obviously cute and nice I think this machine here exhibits all of that this vending machine is gifts from the Komodo Prefecture region and it just so happens that Komodo has a mascot named Q mo which is that little bear guy up there Lucille loves cute stuffed animals but also with a meaning attached to it so I'm gonna think I'm gonna get that bear for is what I like to see limited edition so what this vending machine is here is assortment of all different types of ramen from different places around Japan like they have a zombie ramen over there a ketchup ramen some sort of face guy out of this business this is gonna be fun so I have a few friends that absolutely love ramen so I'm gonna get a few of these and just kind of like Surprise them when I see this definitely going with the zombie one come to me zombie ramen so cool I feel like I'm just gonna get a few more of those because I have multiple friends that love ramen and I've never seen anything like that before are those like this is an entire instant curry vending machine that I'm pretty sure you could not even find but in other places so that's definitely gonna be one gift look at the one with the car on it [Music] now for lunch we had a pretty good assortment of different foods so for dinner I'm gonna almost like take it up a notch just in a different way to experience something I usually wouldn't have here in Japan if I wasn't exploring vending machines today so right now I'm had to do a few multiple different machines where I'm hopefully going to accomplish that yeah you guys you you guys want to try snacks with me okay okay yeah okay awesome all right come alright so you you have to tell me what they are oh you get snacks for everybody yeah did it go yeah we see I wish you know what so you see I need the best or you see snacks for all right for okay what else might this be for Cassie so maybe we try this one there's snack for you Mac for you and one snack from me it looks almost like a cheese combo or something like that Mac number two there's like like a fish on the cover of this one very lazy oh boy let's go three two one here no spicy yeah all right whoa what is this Oh [Music] it smells uh like fish oh wow that was like a fish cheeto oh yeah thank you so much yeah wonderful meeting you guys the absolute best okay so if my math is right we're at 6500 which is like just over halfway there however the next thing that we're looking for is definitely going to make a serious dent and I purposely left it to the last moment because I wanted to see like how much I could actually get so what I'm talking about is when I get back home I'm hosting a Halloween party I thought is it would be really cool to dress up as some sort of like Japanese cultural staple and also bring back Japanese snacks for everybody to share I don't know how I'm gonna find the frickin costume in the head a that Airport but we're gonna walk around and see if we can find stuff but this machine here seems to be from the Toyama province and they have a bunch of different snacks throughout the machine definitely gonna get some of those noodles that candy thing on the Apple drops is whoa I think there's a snack right there number nine yeah definitely some sort of snack why not number twelve wow that is like fishy smell coming off of it with it being closed oh and number eleven there too so cool it's like a sampling platter I think Oh like fruit didn't job I found it look at that mass there so what this vending machine is it's a Fukushima special product machine and they have all different products from Fukushima including different snack and also like that dress up old man dude it's both freaky but I know there's something attached to this cultural significant wise so definitely comment below if you know what I'm wearing from Fukushima so with all those snacks all the gifts all the food all that experience all the tradition we have officially made it $200 on vending machines and with these vending machines the cool thing is I would have never experienced the different things that I did today the different foods that I tried the people that I met the costume that I have for Halloween the only thing I can say only in Japan only in Japan can you experience a day like this on [Music]
Channel: LivingBobby
Views: 1,822,225
Rating: 4.8961349 out of 5
Keywords: Vending machine, LivingBobby, LIVING on VENDING MACHINES for 24 HOURS in TOKYO, DIY, Japan, vending machine foods, food, eating, $1, dollar, eating challenge, Japanese, brunch, 7-eleven, gas station foods, asian vending machines, burger, fried chicken, unique japanese vending machines, vending business, I only ate, 24 hours, challenge, fast food, crazy challenge, Chili Cheese Fries, Tokyo, munchies, takoyaki, hot dogs, French fries, 1 star reviews, IMPOSSIBLE FOOD CHALLENGE, only eating
Id: LBSruuYto2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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