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today we're going to be testing a hundred life hacks in 24 hours starting with this candle hack supposedly you can light all three wicks just by lighting one of them let's try it so you're gonna start off by lighting the first one i usually burn myself so okay as you can see one of them is lit and if you hold it sideways start lighting the other one just like that you keep on turning until it reaches the other one wait for it boom we just lit all three wicks by just lighting one of them hope you guys enjoy the video if you're ever trying to avoid long drive through lines there's actually a hack for that so what you're gonna wanna do find a parking spot park your car turn it off and go inside well guys since i'm actually lazy we're gonna go through the drive-through for this next hack i saw a tick tock where you can order cake from mcdonald's and supposedly certain locations actually serve cake let's see if that's true hi do you guys have cake the closest thing we have to make is the uh cool part donut okay so you guys don't actually have full cakes no i'm sorry about that okay it's all good so there wasn't any cake at my mcdonald's but let me know if you guys could find it at your local mcdonald's so if you order fries you can actually make a little tray out of this in case you're like driving and it could be convenient at times so let's try it out supposedly you just fold this back like this then you take a ketchup and you can just put it right here so you can hold it and dip it i probably would never do this but it worked while we're here at mcdonald's there's another hack we can try if you want to make a delicious mcdonald's dessert you grab an ice cream cone and you get orange fanta soda and you can make your own creamsicle dessert so i've actually tried this with the iced coffee it was pretty good so we all know mcdonald's has the best ice cream here we go you want to dip it in there like this and keep doing that until the ice cream gets in there look at that you can actually see it changing colors oh there's about a hit it's making it creamier you could see the texture changed it's a lot more thick now so we're just gonna keep doing it until all the ice cream is in there all right and you still get some leftover ice cream i'm gonna put the cap on i'm gonna mix it up like this all right ready wow this is actually really good give it a try 10 out of 10 baby if you have a starbucks in your target supposedly you can get a free refill if you finish your drink while you're shopping but only on iced coffees hot coffees and iced teas let's go see if it's true we got the tea let's go shopping [Music] hi do you think i can get a free refill on this yeah you can get a free refill as long as you have the app right right hey that's good promo for starbucks right there huh cheese iced coffees and hot coffees hey so tick tock was right hey yo it works i actually didn't expect that of course thank you thank you so much appreciate it got my refill baby let's go all right guys another starbucks hacks because we all love starbucks so my favorite drink is a strawberry acai refresher and a grande is three dollars and eighty-five cents now you can pretty much get the same drink for two dollars and a size above so you can get a venti but for two dollars all you're going to want to do is ask for a venti water and a scoop of their dry fruit and supposedly it tastes exactly like a strawberry acai refresher so i'm gonna be the judge of that i get that every single day let's go find out and save some money all right can i get a venti ice water and can i add a scoop of dry fruit in there i saw a hack on tick tock made me do it oh it's only 50 cents oh hey well thank you so much appreciate it you too voila this was 50 cents but i'm gonna be honest with you guys the worker actually told me that they don't usually do this because you can't customize a water they just hooked it up for my video but i don't think it would work if you actually tried it let's see if this tastes like a regular strawberry acai it doesn't really taste like a strawberry acai anyways but it's iced water with strawberries so it's still good for you we can mark that one as a little fail if you want to make your car smell really really good there's this scent bomb that went viral on tick tock that you buy from autozone so i'm hoping they have it in stock and we'll show you guys how it works they got some in stock as if your car doesn't already sound like a new car i know guys this is the new car set and i got a new car this is my new car i don't think i showed it in my video but i got this for my birthday it's another g wagon baby for those who don't know my last g-wagon i had broke down on me and they couldn't fix it so i got a refund you know i had to stick with it man this car just suits me we're gonna try the odor eliminator on this car let's see if it works so this is what it's supposed to look like the instructions say to turn the ac on very high have it circulating so it's circulating throughout the car all windows have to be rolled up in the car and now what you're going to want to do activate it so that's what it's supposed to look like we're going to close the doors and we're going to check back in 15 minutes hey that looks sick hopefully it doesn't ruin my new car [Music] all right guys it's been 15 minutes oh my gosh that is strong but it smells really good so now you turn off your car and you let it air out for 15 minutes for the full result we're gonna let it air out and we'll see you guys in another 15. it's time for the moment of truth here we go oh my gosh very strong very strong but it smells really really good like a brand new car let's keep doing some life hacks man we got a long way to go next up we got another food hack because we all love food and we got kfc if you guys love their chicken sandwiches then this hack is for you so when you put sauce on your sandwich you only put it on one side and it doesn't evenly distribute but we got a fix for that now you're actually gonna take the chicken from your sandwich and put it back in the bag and then you get your favorite sauce that you usually put on your chicken sandwich mine is honey mustard and you're gonna want to put it all in there just like that and i'm probably gonna use another one second one all right and then from what i saw on the tick tock you just seal it up like this and you just start mixing it you're going to want to keep doing this until the sauce is all around your chicken so you can get the most flavor out of it oh my gosh look at that the other side as well once you're done you're going to want to take your bun again slide it back on there like that and look at how juicy that looks wow you put it back on it's time for the taste test oh my god perfect i got a great target hack if your phone is about to die and you still need to shop take your phone unplug one of these guys plug in your phone and um it's advised to maybe have one of your friends watch it but i trust everyone here so let's go before i leave the store we got a bunch of supporters here signed one forehead two foreheads i actually got you some reese's puffs hey i love you guys all right so there's a reason we didn't get any bags for all of our groceries because that's if you bring two laundry baskets with you to grocery shop you don't ever need to get bags and it'll make it easier for you to take them down when you get home so let's start loading up and just like that good to go so we all know when we pour soda into a cup it tends to fizz up like this [Music] yeah there's a hack to prevent that from happening you place the cup upside down like this and then you flip it with it like this just like that no fizz no overflowing enjoy your soda apparently if you drop an egg in a pan it'll crack perfectly let's find out maybe higher i mean i want to say perfectly i would say try it again take two oh wait a shell came out but it did crack perfectly so i'm gonna mark that as a success have you ever highlighted something and you made a mistake and you can't undo it well now there's a live hack for it we got a book right here and we're just gonna highlight you know a few lines like that according to tick-tock if you take a q-tip you rub it on an orange like this this makes no sense and you go over what you highlighted it's supposed to go away is it working or i can't tell a little bit i mean some of it did go away right here okay it's kind of working oh it's erasing the words yeah it doesn't work if you take a bite out of this apple juice bottle it'll sound like you're taking a bite of a real apple wait kinda sounds like it should i try yeah kaylynn you should try it oh yeah kind of oh yeah that sounded like it i think it worked success yeah we got a watermelon we got floss and i guess this is the new way to cut watermelons you're supposed to get the non-minty one so your watermelon doesn't taste like mint but they didn't have anything oh no wait wait you're kidding hold on and then look look look and then one wait this actually works so well who needs a knife anymore we definitely do taste the mint i would never be able to do that with a knife that's as it says if you have a problem with losing your air pods this hack is for you apparently there's a magnet in here where you can just attach to the top right oh man oh wait oh it works success baby guys if you need smaller ziploc bags but you're only stuck with a big one there's a hack to get smaller bags pop a rug you want to do the honors yep all right all right so you heat up a knife but you cut the bag because of the blade it's so hot and this is plastic so it's going to melt it shut right yeah melt it so it's going to seal it all right you'll have two bags give it a shot there you go there you go okay so now let's see let it cool for a second it's closed on this side where he made that incision it is now sealed shut along with this one as well so now you literally get two bags out of one that is an awesome hack i'm not gonna lie all right pop a rug i got you with some oreos enjoy your day at school son thank you that's a good one if you struggle tying balloons like me there's a hack you can do with a hanger so you're gonna put the hanger under your armpit like this you're gonna pull this all right and then you're gonna put it through right there and then you're gonna take it off the hanger just like that hey that was a good one come on now we got another dope balloon hack so if you ever have a dirty sink you kind of have to clean it like this and it gets annoying and it takes you a long time if you put a balloon over your faucet just like that and you cut a hole at the bottom now that you have it cut it pretty much acts like a hose so you can go like like that it all depends on the cut guys you could cut it a lot better than i did and it'll give you more pressure we got the sink cleaned another success baby all right guys if you strictly want egg whites there's an easy way to take out the yolk without getting the egg whites so you're gonna get a water bottle and oh wait hey egg whites only baby another success come on apparently you can make a bed out of balloons all you're gonna need is a vacuum seal bag and then a bunch of balloons and you're gonna stuff them in the bag suck the air out i guess the balloons won't pop we'll find out all right we got the balloons in the bag and i've never done this before so i'm excited to see how it sucks all the air out so we just sealed this at the top right we got the vacuum right here oh oh oh oh oh shoot what the yo what who wants to do the honors of actually trying to sleep on it wait dad i think you might like exceed the weight capacity i don't think so if it doesn't pop i need you all to drop a like on the video oh my gosh why wait dad it really didn't pop let me try so i saw this on tick tock it said it's for toddlers only hey this is actually the coolest thing ever now when you guys have guests spending the night at your house you don't need to get them like an air mattress what about standing on it oh it's a success so tic toc told me i was drinking this wrong my entire life they said that you're supposed to bring it home and turn it into an actual iced frappuccino i mean i thought these were invented to drink when you're on the go and you don't have time to bring it home but if you do let's make a frappuccino we got the ice right here my favorite part is hearing the pop ready pour it in here i would say okay we're really about to make a frappuccino right now think that's good let's find out did we just make an iced vanilla frappuccino at home all right let's see the consistency of this in a cup okay i think we just needed a little more eyes but that looks pretty good a bit more eyes but still tastes delicious we got another egg hack if you want an easy way to peel your boiled egg this is what you gotta do you crack the bottom i think it looks just like that right and then you're gonna put it in your boiling water just like that and now we're just gonna wait for it to be ready now that it's ready you're gonna take your egg put it in a plastic container you're gonna fill this up with cold water just like that we're gonna put the cap on now you're just gonna shake it aggressively that doesn't smell good all right guys we're gonna try boiling it again and we'll come back to this while we wait for the egg to boil we are gonna make homemade febreze and supposedly it's supposed to smell better than febreze all you're gonna need is an empty spray bottle and some fabric softener and you can make some febreze you're gonna fill this oh whoa okay set about a quarter of the way yeah that's about a quarter and then you fill the rest of it up with water okay give it a little shake we're gonna spray the bed and see if it works okay okay i mean i mean that smells amazing i mean i would just stick to febreze if we're being honest you can get creative with it but i don't think it works as good as febreze it does smell good but i stick to febreze all right take two should we try it oh no way oh my god hey that was so satisfying and it's spoiled all the way i'll keep doing this man this next one is to impress your friends so we're gonna start with one quarter and if you do what just caught it how did you do it just fast dude okay guys we're going for two here i've never tried this oh oh yo okay let's go three you're doing it i think it was like guys i literally can't bro i i i you're not doing three if i could do three guys you're not even three hundred thousand likes right i'm doing three no we're gonna go for the world record just just for fun oh my gosh i'm just doing ready yeah imagine i catch all of it set oh oh oh yo what are you spiderman wait wait i actually have never tried this before in my entire life that was sick where did the other two go i put eight blow up you can erase pencil with a balloon perfect and then for whatever reason you just don't have an eraser but you happen to have a balloon in school so you actually have ugly though i'm gonna erase it get it off the paper hold on i mean like at the end of the day it kind of worked but at the end of the day just get a freaking eraser guys for this next hack if you want to share a pint of ice cream with your fellow friends yo oh sorry sorry you want to share a pint with your friend yeah friend friend friend you can actually cut it down the middle and do you want to do the oven yeah actually let me probably hold the knife let's run it okay okay let's go yo okay switch up knives switch over here come on brandon just don't cut your finger does it work i mean one side better yet how many idiots does it take to cut this okay okay there you go hold on oh that's gonna be hard getting through that oh hold on pull it apart and the result is you pretty much just get ice cream and it's like in a plate it just makes no sense why not just scoop some ice cream into a cup this is just more time and effort it took three three of the houses idiots hey guys does this make anyone else cringe oh does that actually make you cringe well yeah all right well that was a success all right sherman what's this next life hack you can like make siri say something when you plug your phone in like charge me up daddy you can literally have siri say whatever you want i will use this for my whole life if it's true okay so what you're gonna want to do is click shortcuts on your phone hit automation create personal automation and then you're gonna go down to charger make sure that is connected is selected and hit next and then you're gonna hit add action and you're gonna search speech speak text oh my gosh oh wait this is actually gonna work okay what should i say like we'll just do charge me up daddy do we get to like choose the voice voice samantha okay and then you're gonna untick ask before running and hit don't ask and hit done so right now you charge your phone's gonna say charge me up daddy i think so i don't know let's find out okay ready ready you guys need to work i hope this works ready ready charge me up daddy no way i'm actually using that on my phone that guy's using it too look at brandon the phoenix celente the best kevin booker is my daddy yes devin booker is my baba devin booker is my baba charger i don't wanna wait any longer [Music] what the hell yo yo yo all right guys we're gonna show you how to fold the perfect t-shirt in like two steps so you're gonna pinch the top right here okay then pinch like the middle part okay and then you're gonna fold it like that all right and then you're gonna pull your right hand like this oh my goodness you're gonna throw it like that and then fold this over just like that oh my god wait you just changed the art of folding let's say i'm packing to go on a trip no you're running away from the cia and you're in like moscow and i'm gonna fold my clothes quick come on they're coming right there cup oh my god oh my goodness let's go baby guys are you ever just chilling in bed super lazy drinking a cup of water soda and you just have nowhere to put it like okay yeah that's you can prevent that so like how do you prevent that how would i prevent that yeah [Music] how would you prevent that how would i prevent that well are you done here here i caught it what do you do with a shoe oh yo very nice that is a great dirty idea you know you can just get your bed dirty a little but i'd rather have a dirty shoe than some water spill on my bed it is you think it's so easy what so how do you prevent that well i'll show you hold on i have two tries two times so how do you prevent that i'll show you oh wow okay guys i have one hour to complete the rest of these life hacks and if i don't complete them you guys might get rewarded so stick around to the end but for this next one if you have a bucket that you're trying to fill up and it won't fit under the sink you can fix it with a pool noodle put the pool noodle in on this side put the other on the sink like this and it should be filling up just like that it's a success so the mic audio messed up on this clip but this is pretty cool you can actually go to popeyes and ask for an entire turkey and they have cajun turkeys seasoned in their own seasoning i had no idea they would have it i was shocked when they said they did the turkey was 53 dollars it's huge it weighs a lot and it even comes with cooking instructions i honestly would have never known this was a thing if it wasn't for tick tock but it's a success guys we got the turkey from popeyes it takes 72 hours in the fridge to thaw out so i can't cook it and try it for you guys but i did want to open it to see what it looks like you know happy thanksgiving almost oh my gosh oh this looks great whoa look how juicy it is what oh my gosh look at the seasoning on this thing that actually looks crazy guys the 24 hours are up i was only able to complete 33 life hacks it was a lot harder than i thought but that means i was 67 short so i decided that i'm gonna be picking 67 subscribers to send a hundred dollars to all you have to do is be subscribed and comment the word done and i'm gonna be picking 67 people from the comment section down below to send a hundred dollars to just because i came up short in this challenge well hope you guys learned something from this video peace out
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 12,299,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, life hacks, trying life hacks, 100 life hacks
Id: 0snwihRRmXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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