I Let A Magic 8 Ball Control My Life For 24 Hours!

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magic eight ball for breakfast am i eating this delicious stack of waffles topped with whipped cream chocolate strawberry and caramel sauce please very doubtful nice magic eight ball am i eating this bowl of cereal with lemon juice oh bro i hope i get this one you may rely on it yes dude let's go today we're gonna be letting this magic eight ball control what i eat for 24 hours starting with cereal and lemon juice bro you like lemon juice right of course dude that's actually disgusting all right let's get a good bite [Applause] oh my god whoa actually horrible magic eight ball should never take a bite out of the cereal yes no you got to do it bro dude it kind of smells good though no no no no just take a bite i don't know why you're tripping bro shut up bro you always do this that's actually really good wait are you lying dude it's good it tastes like um i think it's good guys we're gonna have a lot of fun with this video but no since you're filming the 8-ball controls what you eat too okay hope you guys do enjoy the video magic 8-ball should everyone watching like it up my sources say no let's go all right so i have a horrible taste in my mouth right now so i need to brush but i can't be using my regular toothpaste it's between sriracha sauce or my regular toothpaste it started with a good option last time so let's start with the sriracha there's no way you get too bad in a row right it's very possible mr magic 8-ball should i brush my teeth with sriracha sauce without a doubt oh man that's so gross this is going to be my worst nightmare today ah this is so gross bro bro smells so good this is gonna ruin my day this is actually gonna ruin my day [Music] i actually can't brush with regular toothpaste after this we can't cheat all right guys so i'm definitely not full from my breakfast so i think we need to eat some real food i'm actually craving ihop so that's the good spot but noah you got to give me something that won't be good for breakfast i'd say like a gas station oh gas station food for breakfast yeah well not up to us brother you know what i'm asked for gas station first okay it can't give me three bad things in a row magic eight ball should we eat gas station food for breakfast my sources say no yes but hey could say no to ihop as well magic 8-ball can we please eat at ihop please as i see it yes hey let's go first good option for the video i'ma get some pancakes oh wait i can't because i have to ask the eight ball anyways what you're gonna eat yeah but now it comes to another one how are we gonna get there okay we're gonna do it like that literally every step of the way we're gonna ask the eight ball of course bro we're not choosing between these two oh what about between the lambo or we have to call an uber to the ihop yeah let's should we uber to ihop signs point to yes hey switch it up okay we're gonna be in an uber that's not bad like it's gonna be a different experience like i always drive someone to talk to exactly the waiting game still waiting for the uber took about 30 minutes but she should be pulling up right now it's a good option honestly the thing is you're making a new friend because that's what we're gonna do with this girl usually when i'm in ubers i like to make long combos with them oh yeah really pick their brain about some stuff hi nice to meet you it smells good in here oh thank you to ihop we go i do have some b.o though i'm not gonna lie he smells really bad so i'm sorry it's a hot day i'm sorry what's your favorite baseball team have you seen this before a magic eight bowl yeah i see he told me to call an uber [Music] so this question is for this guy okay magic eight ball should i tip this over driver one to one yes okay but you still have the hundred magic eight ball can i also tip the hundred as i see it yes 101 101 like dalmatians bro yeah one-on-one doll mate bro you know i had a fear of donations when i was younger i used to get scared when i'd see these i don't know why but like now that i'm grown up they're so cute they are though yeah well i'm excited to do this have a nice day thank you i just want to give you this tip 101 what that's for you no you can't no no i would never kid about that oh my gosh thank you you're amazing amazing driver i need the money for my team oh hopefully that helps thank you so much yolanda you're the best i love doing stuff like that man breakfast everyone in here loves us though hi wait should the magic 8 ball let you take another step should i follow our server yes sorry i'm letting the eight ball control my life i think though the eight ball should decide if we even eat here because i'm kind of feeling denny's you know what i'm saying bro stop don't do this please please it's either here or denny's does it also decide for you whether to eat with the utensils or not magic 8-ball can i please eat with utensils yes all right all right cool i'm not using my hands he wanted me to ask something else magic 8-ball should we go eat at denny's i hope it says no trust me it's just him outlook not so good oh we're staying here we're staying we're staying magic 8-ball can i have some pancakes dude this has to be yes you may rely on it yes okay i'll take a stack of pancakes yes thank you magic eight ball should noah even eat anything right now my sources say no damn i'm sorry bro we gotta listen to the eight ball i might let you share though okay okay we'll see you're gonna have to have the baseball magic eight ball can noah share my pancakes cannot predict now i think we have to wait for the food to come you want something to drink magic eight ball can i get something to drink yes all right cool orange juice or shake oh okay magic eight balls should i drink orange juice you may rely on it dang i hate orange juice all right so let me get this started for you okay thank you um can i just do regular syrup whoa i don't think you can decide that oh that's right what are the two options for me here i say butter pecan and regular am i doing butter pecan syrup i feel like regardless it's a good option cannot predict now dude this thing is broken so no syrup no no i'm not eating this with no syrup that's not for you to decide am i eating these pancakes with syrup please very doubtful so plain jane wait i still have to ask if you could share though can noah share some pancakes with me please be very helpful my reply is no oh i'm sorry brother well there's my breakfast pancakes with no syrup i feel like that should be a crime at least i can put the butter on i mean that's something moist i don't think you've decided if you can shut up bro that's enough of this one got the four stack in there you feel me it's okay i could wash it down with the orange juice you know awful hot hey wash it down bro please it was delicious very dry but delicious what was your name again lee lee yes okay magic eight ball is lea ping for me very doubtful all right i'll take care of it then i asked it's a big tip or not oh i like that i like that are we giving lee a big tip is this out look not so good but i got you i got hey this is where we could like rig it and like the eight ball doesn't decide that yeah i got you i got you thank you all right guys well we just had breakfast we're carless we have a magic eight ball now what i feel like we're gonna have to walk places or just keep ubering so in this parking lot we got a what starbucks over there i think we go to starbucks so my two options for drinks are the phase rug frappuccino which is perfect for this weather right now or just a hot black coffee which i don't want that'll so bad magic 8 ball can i please please have the phase rug drink please that looked not so good magic eight ball am i having a dark hot coffee it is certain oh my gosh why is everything not in my favor right now it's closed it's closed since this one's closed magic 8-ball should we go to another nearby starbucks it is certain okay okay what's the nearest starbucks to here let me check it's in a target oh oh no we're gonna have we're gonna have a lot of fun in target with this thing how do we get to target got an uber again magic eight ball should we walk the target oh my god concentrate and ask again magic eight ball should we walk the target it's hot very doubtful oh let's go okay wait i just want to see how far it would have been so the walk would have been an hour and 15 minutes so nice thank you magic 8-ball yeah how about you hold it all right all right should she bark for the video yes yes yes all right is that a chihuahua okay okay did i beat your bark she's beating me hey have a good one guys dude that's the fun about youtube videos you just run into people like that thank you hey by the way has anyone told you you look like moist critical yeah i get that a lot actually really yeah hey thank you for the ride have a good one all right you too we made it hi can i just do a like hot black coffee do you want any sugar no it's okay straight up nothing right yeah like just nothing all right thank you magic 8-ball should i throw this in the trash without taking this oh built to the brim it's like not horrible i do have to say one thing though bro yeah you look kind of bummy oh god you look bummy what's that supposed to be bro your outfit is just kind of trash what's that supposed to mean man you look legit disgusting okay you gotta ask a random stranger to build you an outfit if the eight ball says so right yeah and if not i get to build my fit sure magic eight ball should i let a random stranger decide my fit for the entire day as i see it yes honestly i'm down for that bro like i'm trying to get some new style yo my guy what do you rate my style right now all right let's go ask someone to pick an outfit for me hi it's like a stare down how you doing i get a photo yeah for sure but i gotta ask you for a favor can you pick an outfit out for me can you make me look stylish yeah all right let's get it in this section no we gotta go to the clothing section all right what's your name angel angel good man nice to meet you let's do that again there you go there you go let's go i'm looking for something like summer vibes because i have to wear it for the rest of the day yeah that's all i'm gonna give you i want to look like a dad you feel me like family barbecue vibes like long shorts don't let him girl you don't want to do it i'll leave go crazy i'll be right here should i get some funny yeah pick the worst outfit out this is good right perfect maybe with one of those hats you'll get this one the corona some shoes he's a size nine okay let's do a tie pants maybe go right we'll get he's a belt yeah yeah nice you think that's it yeah we should be good oh okay okay let's see what we got it's like your style i feel like so dress pants hey i like this one actually this is gonna look real good on me thank you we got a tie wait a corona yeah and then what are these called tims i don't think those are tens yeah i don't even think appreciate you bro for real thank you thank you how would you rate this experience 10 out of 10 hey that's dope can i get a pic now it's like it yo magic 8 ball can angel get a picture now pass again later all right brody i'm just kidding i'm kidding angel angel angel come back can my guy get a pic as i see it yes all right let's do it my guy put all my clothes oh my bad dude dude you're good you're good you're good i like the easies though hey you're the best bro appreciate it have a going okay [Music] silent rays this is the fit for the rest of the video i'm not gonna lie the shirt i would definitely wear you guys just got me the wrong size of everything guys look at my belt my pants are falling bro dude oh yeah as you guys can tell i don't know how to tie a tie excuse me do you know how to tie a tie it's so hard but like i need to make a hole right here to like actually like clip it in but you're good bro like that's kind of sick but like i'm embarrassed right now no be honest if you saw me not knowing who i was like would you come up to me no i'd be scared bro what you said i'd literally be scared damn that's crazy anyways now that you look like that i feel like you gotta pull some women bro bro you know that's way out of my comfort zone oh you got it it's up to the eight ball that's true hopefully this time it says no magic eight ball should i get a girl's number it is certain oh my gosh dude if i successfully get a girl's number wearing this outfit then we need two hundred thousand likes that's all i'm asking for excuse me i think i could get your number can i get your number i'd like to take you out on a date okay all right yeah no problem but what do you ate the fit i like the top oh okay do you like the tie are you gonna do it i don't know how i need a wife to do it for me it's not gonna be you all right thank you it was an unsuccessful attempt i was hoping you found somebody an entire time i know i tried finding a wife and like i've been rejected so far so you could like help me try the time okay have a good one it's probably not happening listen man the whole point of this video is to let the eight ball control what we eat yeah all right so it's time for lunch i'm hungry how about this mom's home-cooked meal or we go to a mcdonald's an hour away from here okay and keep in mind we're carless so we got the uber okay this is actually huge well let's pull over to the side man magic eight ball should we eat at mcdonald's an hour away from here outlook not so good mom's cooking it's gotta be a yes can i eat mama rugs cooking without a doubt yes all right we're gonna go eat lunch at mama rug's house and go from there [Music] mother hello hi daddy's home oh my god hi how do i look you look good you always look good thank you no my dad said i look like mr furley from do i look like him whoa whoa dude that's dragon fruit yes magic eight ball can i please have some dragon fruit signs point to yes yes don't mind if i do yeah we have to give the cameraman one but magic 8-ball can my mom feed noah dragon fruit yes all right let's go what dragon fruit it is that's so good so yeah oh yeah well mom i'm here for a home-cooked meal you were here at the right house you know there's always hot meal for you so we have white rice okay oh what else carrie that is potato chicken meat that is great some jalapeno beef everything is so good mom depending on what the eight ball decides no if she said yes he's gonna not eat oh beat up the egg no no i'm just saying like are you gonna feed me this entire meal oh or am i eating is mama rug feeding me this entire meal out look good yay just like old times fire and some beef now okay thanks mom hey eight bowl can me and my wife go to the room right now oh she said hell yes let's go hey boy baby thank you apple well let's go that's disgusting that's our cue to leave i'm not even asking the eight ball if we should leave get out of here all right guys we're back home it's 7 30 getting ready for dinner and now we got to let the magic apoll decide where we're gonna eat and what we're gonna eat and i was thinking for one of the options i've never tried this because i just never had a craving for it but squid they sell squid at korean barbecue and i've seen people cook it and when you put like the tentacle on the grill like it starts moving it's super crazy i've never tried it myself so squid will be an option for the better option we should go to like a five-star steak house or something like that yeah you have to like balance it out i'll start with the squid magic eight ball am i eating squid and only squid for dinner you may rely on it hey noah you're laughing but you're eating the squid with me i'm down bro i'm excited for a korean barbecue but the only thing i could order is squid let's get it hey wait are we ubering there or can we drive that's up to the eight ball bro magic eight ball can i please drive the rug wagon to korean bbq my reply is no oh magic eight ball can i please drive the lamborghini to korean barbecue yes definitely oh okay okay we're pulling up in that lambo [Music] all right there's a lot of people out there i'm actually feeling a lot more comfortable in this outfit i feel like i look really normal squid time baby all right guys so the wait time was actually an hour as you can see there's so many people waiting outside but we got some spicy squid to cook at home the only thing i'm worried about is one i don't know how to cook and two the guy said if you don't cook this right you will get sick should be pretty interesting all right we got the squid take a look at that honestly bro i'm so hungry to the point that that looks fire to me let's give it a go wait this whole thing [Music] i already have to right it on the grill for like two to three minutes so the guy said not too tender and as long as you could poke like a fork through it what are you thinking on that one i mean it looks cooked right oh that looks pretty good bro i'm not even going to second guess this i think that's cooked bro that's actually good oh my gosh you want to try it i think it's good i don't know i don't know if that like i think the texture might like i think it's supposed to be like that all right magic 8-ball is it time that i end this video i don't want to go through any more torture can i please end the video it is certain let's go
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 5,889,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: rZzb8Kn5phs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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