Trying TikTok Life Hacks to See If They Work

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what's up guys welcome back to a brand new video today we're going to be testing Tick Tock life hacks to see if they're real or fake I've done a lot of these videos in the past but ever since then there's been some new and updated Tick Tock life hacks that we gotta test before we get started I just want to say thank you all so much for your recent support it definitely keeps me inspired and motivated so I do appreciate it make sure you hit that subscribe button because we are getting closer and closer to 20 million Subs without further Ado let's get into the first live pack this might actually my favorite one to try but all you're going to need is some honey and a small empty water bottle and we're going to be making a frozen honey snack I'm sure you guys have seen this all over Tick Tock it looks super super cool once it's frozen but all you're going to want to do is You're Gonna Wanna open the honey you're gonna pour so you're gonna pour about half of it into the water but oh my God that's so satisfying probably should have put the cap no cat oh okay all right oh my gosh I'm so like so you're gonna fill it up about halfway I'm gonna look about halfway Noah uh yeah right there all right when you have your water bottle filled halfway all you're going to want to do is move it around so it covers the entire water bottle like that it already looks satisfying right we're gonna place it in the freezer for about an hour or two until it's Frozen Wait so what's that dude you're not supposed to actually bring it up what it's only to the people if they see it well now they do guys I'm not trying to beg for a sub but like if you see this you must subscribe dude this must be like an Easter egg okay okay anyways so we are gonna place it we gotta break the fridge yeah break it like do this while we wait for that to freeze we're gonna do some more life hacks so have you guys ever purchased something and you can't get this sticker barcode off without ripping it and it's just super annoying look at that ew ew you can't get a clean rip so all you're gonna need is tape and you can actually just rip it off super clean I really hope this works you're gonna put it like right here get it on there are you ready yep in three two oh yo literally cleaned I mean compared to this one that was clean wait I want to do it to one more just in case this material is like super easy we have another thing that we could try it on just do it see if it works on pretty much everything I just feel so confident in it now you ready oh it didn't do it we'll mark it as like a 50 50. half success yeah I don't know let's move on all right guys next life hack brought to you by face tape we are going to be making some creamy lemonade not regular but creamy and if you don't know means rug in Spanish all right so all you're gonna need is some condensed milk pitcher ice lemons and cane sugar we forgot to buy the juicer so we're gonna have to do this by hand but you're gonna juice some lemons into this bad boy all right make sure you get every bit okay we got the lemon squeezed we tried taking out all the seeds as well but next you're gonna grab your cane sugar I believe the correct measurement is one cup but we don't have a measuring cup so this is the phase rug one cup more a little bit more we like our sugar around here all right and next is the best part the condensed milk here we go I don't know how much this is what is what's a consistency different okay and I think that should be good now you're gonna want to stir it hopefully we get the same consistency as she did the consistency is starting to be there okay next you are gonna Place some lemon slices in there oh dude I can't wait to try this I love finding stuff on Tick Tock there are some Tick Tock videos that I do that I now use in my real life which is crazy so hopefully these videos actually help you guys next is the ice ice lemonade my neck was tripping I'm Gonna Fill that bad boy up with oh oh my gosh okay I forgot this one but you need some water so this is the last step you're gonna just add some agua I think maybe like up to here because we actually didn't have as many lemons so yeah I'll say like right there oh it's starting to look like it oh my God hey come on hey Bob was a Starbucks barista I feel like I could do it I'm gonna take all our drinks would be messed up just keep stirring okay so this does match The Tick Tock right it doesn't look thick oh I don't know though it looks good but as long as it's creamy like promised I love creamy chill bro I love it when it's creamy yeah that's true okay here we go cheers yeah yeah how are we feeling about it though very sour okay it was definitely the measurements you gotta follow but it honestly tastes like regular lemonade just try it that's regular lemonade I think we need to add more lachetta yeah let's try that okay that's a lot oh I like lachetta no you don't use a screwdriver give it a little twirl yep yep this is insane is it bad it's just very sour like funky I don't know more legitima dude no no it's not that's so hey hey stop what bro that's love lechetta okay okay bro look at the consistency now bro look at that trust me bro I kid you not still sour really just try that moral of this live pack just make sure the measurements are right and it might come out better than this it's not as sour as it used to be but add it to this one so you don't do it to your own cup but yeah so you guys it just takes some trial and error and you could get the perfect creamy lemonade like this hey that is really good though all right this next one is crazy if it actually works Noah said he used to do this as a kid so let me know if you guys have heard of this hack but pretty much if you have like a controller or remote or something with double a batteries and it dies first guys I want to show you that this works it turns on so now you're gonna take if you're gonna take the batteries out and let's say one of them died or your batteries just died so you take one of them out we don't have the double A and if you have a AAA laying around somewhere and some foil you can actually make the controller turn on again all right rip some tin foil right and you're gonna crumple it up make it into a little ball and pretty much as long as you fill up the Gap with the AAA Battery it's supposed to turn on which is crazy let's put the tin foil down there tin foil is in the controller all right [Music] dude there's no way that it's gonna work three two one I'm done I'm done bro I don't know this could be old to some people but this is new to me so I'm excited I feel like a scientist I feel like Bill Nye so just to show you guys we're not capping no cuts no nothing it's the AAA in there with some tinfoil bro that's a success that so far is my favorite live pack I think we put some honey in the freezer I gotta check on that right now dude just don't Point here just don't don't all right here we go oh it's not moving you're gonna take this off so what you're gonna wanna do is you just squeeze it is how it's supposed to look dude it looks like jelly I think for a better result you're going to want to keep it in the freezer a bit longer but it does look good though but it's a success but I want to put another one in the freezer and do it the right way we're gonna leave this one in for maybe like two to three hours instead of an hour and see if it comes out better but we did do it right while we're on the topic of freezers we have another freezer life hack but this one's gonna be the most delicious one of them all I can already tell we are going to make jello grapes Frozen Jello grapes all you're gonna need is some grapes a Jello packet flavor of your choice but I like strawberry and a giant freezer Ziploc bag so first and foremost you're gonna clean and rinse your grapes then you're gonna pick the grapes and put them into the Ziploc bag while they're wet too you don't dry them when you have your grapes in the Ziploc bag this is the fun part I'm gonna take your Jello you're not gonna put the whole entire packet I'm gonna just guess how much you need [Music] say that's enough and then shake it a bit right yep you gotta shake it Shake It Up Shake It Up Shake It Up were you one of those kids no I'm gonna make sure it goes on every single gray oh oh my God what is wrong with me but hey all the jello seems to be on the grapes as long as it's spread around right yeah we're gonna put this next to Honey guy like that we'll check on both of them after a few hours shall we do more life hacks sure let's do it have you guys ever made sunglasses with plastic knives probably not but you will today all you're going to need is two plastic knives and a lighter if you're under the age of 18 please have parental supervision but anyways let's make some sunglasses out of knives you're gonna take a lighter I think you're gonna hold it like not too close to the knife but enough for the heat to make it bendy there you go oh all right we got one side ready okay so when you have both knives like this you can kind of see where this is going then you're going to want to burn them together right here at the center and you're gonna have some plastic knife sunglasses so let's do that you could hold them together for me yeah just don't burn me um what are you doing you're dangerous right now bro okay I'm sorry I think overlapping yeah maybe overlapping like that oh my gosh hopefully this works did we just make sunglasses out of knives the official try on Yo they look sick it actually looks sick hey I might have to start using them in my videos what do you guys think are they prescriptions what it is it works but it's just hard to stay on what is up guys welcome back to a brand new video should we move on let's move on guys this next one I'm so freaking excited to try pretty much we're gonna be making pasta chips so all you're gonna need is some cooked pasta wait I just realized that we're cooking pasta to uncook it yeah because we have to that's how you make chips hey Tick Tock made me do this so this is what we picked for our toppings we got garlic powder Ranch and buffalo sauce so let's put some on a little bit of garlic garlic take some ranch okay and then Buffalo whoever invented these like how smart do you have to be oh wait I forgot the main thing you need is an air fryer oh yeah now we're gonna mix it up oh that smells so good this is actually gonna be turned into a crunchy snack you mix it all together and you know you got the best so now what you're going to want to do is you're going to place it in your air fry that just looks good bro that's good it's a healthy amount yep and from what I saw on the tick tock you are going to put it at 10 minutes 400 degrees and how do you start it there you go in 10 minutes we're gonna have some pasta chips we'll check back with you guys all right do you think they actually turned into chips I don't know why like I just feel like anytime I cook something it just comes out wrong so here we go hey a little bird but I like that I like the crisp they're chips a little crispy yes sir here we go what are you thinking though it tastes like breadsticks oh here you go I don't know like Olive Garden yeah success this is a success I'm gonna give it a 10 out of 10 too fire we got a life hack to do the light bulb all right let's go this next one I don't think it's gonna work but you never know this is why we test them but pretty much with static electricity if me and you hold this light bulb together like this okay and we rub our feet with socks on a carpet okay and we touch fingers that light should turn on no way that's a lot I don't believe I think that's cab that's 100 cash okay wait there is no way imagine this work that's kind of scary that'd be sick though that would be scared wait ready no no we have to try it again let me hold it differently like that's why okay that's how you're supposed to hold it go okay yes like that okay okay ready this has to work yeah I think it might actually ready are you ready yep oh see it Flash how is the most insane thing I've ever seen I can't believe it actually didn't work and we pranked you guys wow okay drop a like drop a like for that it doesn't work obviously I just want to make this one quick supposedly if you put mustard on a watermelon and take a bite it tastes super good don't believe this at all but I've seen a lot of mixed opinions I guess it all just depends on your taste buds but here we go it just looks wrong bro this this really looks wrong I'm the master food reviewer here so here we go who did this I think it's a prank right I'll just say that I probably wouldn't snack on this one on board but I'll eat the regular watermelon can you finish that in less than a minute all right supposedly you can grow an inch within five minutes just from stretching if I had known this a long time ago I would be six foot five but sadly I capped that five seven so what we're gonna do is put my back against here lay this flat on my head and know if you could do the honor and Mark how tall I am right now okay so that is how tall is do you believe this no I don't either but let's try so Step One You're Gonna hang from somewhere for one minute and you're gonna move your hips left to right slightly for spine relief so this is the only place I could find where I could hang off of so see if I can do it for a whole minute I actually want to see if this works so I could feel my back too you could feel it stretching all right in three two one you're good oh okay let's see what the next step is you're gonna do upward dog for 30 seconds and it looks like this oh yup get that in there all right forward fold for about 45 seconds oh you feel that in my back I can't go any further guys because I don't know I'm just not athletic I can never touch my toes without bending my knees so this is as far as I could go next up we're gonna go upward dog for 45 seconds this one I actually peeled my calves [Music] next you're gonna do neck mobilization all sides for about 15 seconds each so foreign so far I don't feel taller but the last step is to hang again for around another minute so if you guys think this is gonna work drop a like if not still drop a like [Music] okay all right you think we grew at least maybe even like a centimeter would be crazy moment of truth I'm not toast please do the honors look no tiptoes did I shrink bro I think you shrunk instead bro there's just no faith in like short people you know like I'm just kidding short people rock all right we got our two items out of the freezer after about two to three hours so everything should be perfect we're gonna try the jello grapes first dude that isn't the greatest thing you've ever seen oh my god get one that's coated pretty well it's crazy this is crazy bro I really need you to try one that is not even real I'm not even exaggerating that's the thing I'm actually going to be making this in my free time I don't care all right I'll turn up with this this house should work now oh there we go that's how it's supposed to look and then ready to bite this is actually crazy look at this damn what a video to try some of the cool food some of the cool hacks please be sure to drop a like make sure you hit that subscribe button give me the 20 mil you guys already know the special surprise I have I'm so excited to do that huge giveaway share this video around with your friends other than that it's been rug and I'm out peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 7,729,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, life hacks, viral life hacks, tiktok life hacks, tiktok viral life hacks, trying life hacks, trying life hacks to see if they work, trying tiktok life hacks, trying tiktok life hacks to see if they work
Id: vRCPg51ohsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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