Trying TikTok Life Hacks That Will BLOW Your Mind!

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when you shoot a basketball why are you missing what most people don't know is that a basketball rim is a lot bigger than you think here is an official sized basketball ring wait who where did you get that from you don't want to know [Music] we're not talking about that let's just talk about how big this Rim actually is you shouldn't be missing any basketball shots I could literally fit my whole body through this thing like look at this step out I didn't realize how big Basketball rims are until you see up close and personal and I think you could actually fit three basketballs through here one two three guys look at this you can legitimately fit three basketballs through a rim that means you shouldn't ever miss a shot ever again let's continue with the life hacks video did you know that if you draw on your tile with a sharpie you can actually remove it with toothpaste are you sure I mean I didn't want to do it at my house because like I want to ruin the tile but you know my parents house if it doesn't come off like it's not a new house but I think it's gonna work I don't know how you would get Sharpie on your tile but like if you have kids and they're like drawing by accident wait you can do a signature fun fine that's a sick signature hey Mom hi how you doing I just signed the title oh with a sharpie it's like permanent too no and you're recording this why why on the tiles because I wanted to make my Mark at this house because you guys miss me oh my God Sharpie doesn't go away go do it at your house no I'm okay no Mom there is a hack they said if you put toothpaste on it that it'll come off you better come on okay okay watch this guys like I'm so confident in these Live Hack videos they always work so all right get some little toothpasty on there I don't know how people find these out I'm not gonna lie like how do you even test that stuff Moment of Truth oh no way there it is it's gone only on the tile how about the carpet let's find out no I'm just getting late hold on it actually worked but I kind of wanted to leave the signature I swear it was cute yeah so okay yeah I got you Mom I got you don't worry let me see hold on yeah we should all sign the tile yeah here you go let's see Mama rugs signature writing the worst yay I would have never imagined me and my mom just riding on our tile with Sharpie the Hollywood tile of Fame all right love you Mom miss you I miss you too a lot all right guys this next one's kind of crazy if it's true but when you go into fast food restaurants sometimes they have a trash bin where they'll have one hole for recycle and one for landfill but supposedly it all goes into one big trash bin and they take it to landfill anyways so it just makes you think you're recycling but at the end of the day it's going all the landfill it's all alive it's literally all a lie so we're about to go find out I'm scared for this one because bro I always feel like a good citizen recycling you know what I mean so if this is true I'm about to be mad oh here it is all right so one hole here I'm assuming that would be the recycle they don't have the symbol and then this one would be for the sandwiches yeah regular trash [Music] no way bro cause like I would assume like if it's fine to just throw everything away it would just be through one hole why would they make it two hey if you guys have any opinions on this let us know in The Tick Tock there was like a logo for recycle and landfill but I mean it still all goes to one trash to me it would make sense to just have one because cups could fit through this too please let me know what you guys think have a quick question I saw this on Tick Tock and like there's like the trash can over there and like there's two holes but it goes to the same trash what does that mean like it doesn't make sense to me so like I saw it on Tick Tock and I wanted to like try it and it all goes to one trash can okay okay is this meant like for recycle yeah I know me too I'm just confused but thank you guys do not mind the Tesla at the gas station but we got a gas station hack for you guys so when you pay with your card sometimes you might be filling up the gas and you might go over your limit you know you might accidentally put too much supposedly you can actually preset an amount if you're paying with card from the pump I think you just press clear and enter at the same time let's see if it works please doesn't work no I saw a bunch of tick tocks on this let's go try another one I think it should work I saw a lot of people do this but this shell in specific doesn't have it all right gas station number two come on clear and enter dude stop there's no way it should pop up right here hey we gotta ask the people inside I saw something on Tick Tock where like you could preset an amount on a debit card out there like is that true really you think on other gas stations too yay all right thank you hey we're not giving up we're going to one more gas station hey yo third time's a charm come on preset it says cannot use preset now but what about later like can I come back and it'll work I don't know I'm marking this as a fail but if you guys go to the gas station try it out and let me know all right guys so for this next hack we got some grape juice and we got two pieces of carpet Brandon what happens like did I say that right I don't know I feel like you just invented your own way of saying it so guys obviously when you spill juice on there whether it's wine grape juice Hawaiian punch it stains it but there's a hack to remove that stain should I do it on like my real carpet because like I should trust the Lifehouse you trust the life hacked in here hey hey stop I was actually gonna pour it here so we're gonna do a before and after all right imagine you're a baby and you spilled your whole sippy cup uh-huh probably shouldn't even be doing this over my real carpet I would say let's move it over here just in case all right so obviously it leaves a stain right what do you use to remove the stain like if I did that I would have probably just like feed on it what so this is without any product now for this one dude look I'm glad I took it off the freaking carpet if you spray some hydrogen peroxide on the stain and start like patting it it should go away so I just don't see how that would work but if it does then I don't know I'd be surprised it's a life hacks video brother some life hacks don't work but we'll see let's see this one all right we're gonna start patting it okay oh it's kind of going in there it's like the same thing as the first one here's the first one that we wiped with only paper towels and so far the one with the peroxide actually kind of looks a little weird it does hold on hold on should we put more hydrogen peroxide yeah here here give me this give me this give me this the ruggy way I think we're gonna put a paper towel on top of it and let it sit for a few minutes we'll check back in a few minutes okay I mean it got lighter but I think now it's set to scrub it so let's try that guys this looks so weird to me because I've actually never seen Brian clean something himself really yeah that's crazy bro you too I mean is it a little oh dude it's wet here at least it doesn't show that's cool with some hydrogen peroxide I mean it clearly doesn't work so I think there's a l y pad LifeLock [Laughter] all right guys this next hack is actually crazy because it only works on my channel but YouTube added a feature where if you're not subscribed and you hit that subscribe button your entire screen starts shaking try it right now I lied guys I'm sorry I just phased rug view but I really hope that you could stay subscribed if you want to take the seed out of an apple you can do it with a wine opener really really raunch I'm with Papa Ranch of course uh so Dad let's try this thing I think you start by sticking this in the middle and then now you twist it you did it wrong okay all right I'm Gonna Leave it to pop a rug because he'll know how to do it all right so first you put it this way okay then you hear it [Music] I think it's gonna work all right here we go oh attempt number two should I twist it yeah oh I have faith in this one this would actually be crazy if this works [Music] um is the seat still in there let's try it again all right ready yep come on oh and now we're gonna Mark that as a fail but it might work I still have faith that works for like other people if you have the right wine opener but it didn't work for us all right for this next one I found this viral Tick Tock of someone making a custom chug rug drink with a bunch of candy shout out to Andy's live from Tick Tock I really wanted to try it so we have a bunch of candy here super sugary all right that's not candy what are you talking like this is not candy but it's an addition to the candy drink yeah you get it or no okay start by adding the ice oh I guess that works oh my it's like this ice is cold all right I think that's good enough then he added some blue Jolly Ranchers this is actually going to be crazy pixie sticks how can we do this can we just get scissors real quick okay we got some heavy duty scissors for some pixie sticks it's gonna make a mess here look at me satisfying dude this is more on like the healthier side huh yeah you're right one sip When It Hurt should be good we'll add Blue Sour Patch Kids which a lot of people say that my chug rug tastes like Blue Sour Patches I highly agree with that this is my favorite color of Sour Patch no dude this looks crazy oh my God it's time for the main ingredient dude I was thinking of making a new flavor too soon a remix hey imagine like chug rug V2 but like I have an idea but I can't say it it's crazy great idea oh it's turning blue at the bottom too this is for the homies right here for all the homies out there yeah dude it looks crazy then we add some Sprite good oh oh the sizzle because I love topping things off okay you get Gatorade to put it on top whoa oh my God hey yo that's actually sick wait we need to like mix it up not with the scissors we got straws fam we got all the ice cream mix it all together and you know you get it is it time for the taste test this is gonna be so sugary okay ready set oh my God it has straight sugar hey I'm not gonna lie that's actually so good oh the Jolly Rancher would hit mm-hmm what's unreal shout out to Andy for this creation I give it a 10 out of 10. that's a 10 out of 10 for me too what are we gonna do with the rest of this so guys we're gonna be doing a giveaway make sure you like the video make sure you subscribe and we'll ship this out to someone find the screen shakes when you subscribe I forgot to mention [Music] it's necessarily but if you have you can make popcorn off of this corn on the cob but it's like a special type of corn on the cob you just throw this in the microwave and it starts popping and it makes popcorn like Isn't that cool bro it is I've never seen it before we're gonna record it through the microwave I Saw The Tick Tock of it so let's see if it's actually true it's a cool microwave my first time using it so this is like pop off of the cob or like does it stay on I think it's a fail bro well damn oh there it is what the heck wait what the whole thing is pop wait that's sick okay okay it's not staying in the plate whoa that's so satisfying what the heck I'm telling you bro Tick Tock makes you discover the craziest thing I don't get this I'm about to open it ready oh my gosh it's such a mess bro what the hell taste test need some butter for sure dude this is so crazy I actually made a lot and we didn't even use all of it look at that we're good you want to try it but it's pretty good success dude no success this is not really a hack but pretty much if you have a Nintendo switch you guys will know that the games are really really small and since they're small they pose as a choking hazard to young kids if they accidentally try to eat this but they have a built-in safety feature where they make the cartridge of this taste bitter and it'll make the kid want to spit it out so I want to actually try licking this and telling you guys how it tastes dude what do these people find on Tick Tock unless this is very popular like I think this is where it tastes horrible so here we go who would have thought I would be licking a Nintendo switch game right now [Music] oh my gosh no I would tell you to like try it but I don't know if that's like sanitary it's actually super super bitter that's crazy bro hey they're super smart for that like looking out for the safety of children yeah that tastes Horrible no one wants the smoke and Mario Party I'm literally goaded at that game just gotta throw it out there so everyone knows when you cut an onion you start crying because there's chemicals in the onion that's attracted to the nearest source of water which is your eyes so for this hack if you have a wet paper towel next to the onion it attracts to the paper towel and will make you not cry so let's test it out dude that's always like the worst pain like have you ever cut onions or you don't really like do that kind of stuff what about have you been next to your mom when she's like cutting onions and like it starts burning I'm gonna soak this paper towel up I learned more on Tick Tock than I did in school we're gonna put this close to the onion so the chemicals can go straight to the paper towel I don't really cut onions either but okay this is how do you cut an onion okay guys don't make fun of me cutting the onion I'm not the best oh that smell let's see if it actually works I've never tried this hack so I think by now I should start tearing up my eyes aren't burning all right well I'm gonna mark this a success my eyes aren't burning I'm sure it soaked up to the paper towel it works if you guys ever want to make a DIY airbrush at home all you need is a straw and some dry erase markers you're gonna have to blow really hard though you put the Expo marker on the other side of the straw like this hovering a little bit under the straw [Music] dude wait why did the light just flicker dude that's freaking scary I'm gonna try this here you can give it a try too oh dang I don't know if you could like actually like write anything or like make thin lines with it but you can make some cool art wait why is yours not working try another color there you go I'm out of breath though you know how there's like artists that just like splatter paint on a canvas and sell it for like millions of dollars bro would you guys buy this from me I would say like half a milk at least half a mil right because like there's some of my spit on there too so like this is the authentic version right here so it's up for grabs whoever wants it 500k thank you so we all know what happens when you open soda after you shake it it explodes but there's a hack to make it not explode okay so we're gonna shake it up and I trust this hack so much I'm doing it in my house so if it explodes it explodes but I trust Tick Tock they're scared that it's gonna explode like guys I'm chill I'm chill watch so you're gonna go like oh dude do I trust the kid the kid was like 10 years old but there was no Cuts does it look weird or how's my form so he said do it like 10 times okay here we go I trust him all right guys drop a like on the video make sure you hit that subscribe button and we'll see you all with the next one peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 10,331,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: sdXcIpZGN3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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