TRY THIS For 7 Days To Completely CHANGE YOUR LIFE In 2022! | Dr. Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty

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you realize that it never came from anything out there it didn't come from the wardrobe or the facelift or sports car or whatever it came from within you and so you stopped looking out there for it and now the love affair begins and you never want to miss a date because it's just too good [Music] hey everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every single one of you that come back every week to listen learn and grow now you know that i love diving into really fascinating discussions with some of the most interesting people on the planet and today's guest is one that we've had on before but one of your favorites so there's only a couple of guests that we've had on a couple of times and today's is going to be a real treat we have the one and only dr joe dispenza joe it is such a pleasure to have you back i i was finally remembering the last time we were together and i have to say my audience loved the conversation they got so much out of it uh the amount that you share every time and i i'm i'm a fan so i watch you all the time so i listen to all your interviews and i always gain something new and what i loved about our approach last time is you have this unique ability to be able to go really deep into the science and then bring it back to being really accessible and then you add this layer of spirituality over it too and and i love that kind of blend so so thank you for being you thank you jay i'm happy to be here yeah and you look really well i mean it's been a crazy year for everyone yeah uh for you as well i mean you know you're used to doing so many events packed out audiences and of course last year that may have been slightly affected and what's the biggest difficulty or challenge you've had to overcome in the past 12 months i think first of all i one of the things about the global pandemic that i said to my staff and to my family the moment i heard how the circumstances in the world changed i just said i refuse to be a victim to these circumstances so a victim consciousness is when um we allow something in our outer environment to control the way we feel and think so if i say to you jay why are you so upset today and you said oh it's because of this person or circumstance what you're really saying is something in my outer environment some person or some condition is controlling the way i think and feel and that's not the truth that's just a response right so anything that controls our thoughts and feelings causes us to be victim to those things and the stronger the emotion we feel to some circumstance in our life the more we pay attention to it and where we place our attention is where we place our energy so we're giving our life force we're giving our power away to that circumstance and so i just made up my mind that it was a great opportunity to get into the cocoon and i don't think i've been healthier in my life i mean i'm usually on six different time zones in four weeks running a lot of events as you said but but i saw it as an opportunity to really self-reflect to really immerse myself into my own personal work uh to redo our website to redo our brand to connect more with my staff to cook my own meals again and work out and and use my body and do my walking meditations on the beach and of course um i've had a fabulous fabulous nine months or so uh but i think you know um i think one of the challenges i think many people have is really the discernment of information uh it's really difficult to know what's the truth anymore just because information is so accessible and i used to say that in an age of information ignorance is a choice and and now we have to confront a whole another level and that is the information that we're getting is it is it actually supporting us or is it something that really is an incentive to to cause us to make choices so um for me i think the biggest challenge has been just really an awakening to what kind of information i want to expose myself to and i and i think it's now more than ever a challenge for a lot of people in the world yeah i think it's really interesting to hear you say that difference between reacting to our external changes and uncertainty versus responding we we hear that a lot and then the pandemic comes along and everyone feels we all feel we have legitimate reasons and true reasons external of us that we can't control to feel a different way but i've heard you say before that our thoughts can make us sick and that always sticks with me like whenever whenever i think of you saying that that always sticks with me what are some of the challenging thoughts that we've all developed in the last 12 months that you think are affecting how we feel first of all every time we have a thought we make a chemical and and if you have uh an unlimited thought you will feel unlimited and if you have a self-depreciating thought you'll feel unworthy and your brain instantaneously fires circuits that signal another part of the brain to release peptides or chemical messengers that signal hormonal centers and when we get that arousal from the thought that we think those thoughts sometimes weaken the response weakens the physical body so it turns out that the emotions that are created from the thoughts are the signaling mechanisms of the body thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so it turns out that the thoughts based in the stress hormones based in survival those are the thoughts that begin to push the genetic buttons that create disease in other words a person wakes up in the morning and the brain is a record of the past the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is they start thinking about their problems and those problems are memories that are etched in the brain that are connected to certain people certain objects certain things at certain times and places so if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny the moment you think about your problems you're thinking in the past right now every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them because we've experienced them so the moment you remember your problems now you feel unhappy now you feel anxious now you feel fear so the moment we feel those emotions it takes a thought and a feeling a memory or an image an emotion a stimulus and a response and we start conditioning the body emotionally into the past now the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing it's in that environmental condition so if the environment signals the gene and that's the truth and the end product of an experiences in the environment is an emotion we're signaling the same genes and genes make proteins and if you keep signaling the same genes you start down regulating the gene and make cheaper proteins and the body begins to break down now that's an unconscious process so what goes along with that is the moment the person feels that emotion of unhappiness or whatever it is uh the brain checks in with the body and says yeah you're feeling pretty miserable you're suffering and we tend to generate more thoughts equal to the feeling that we have and so then we get caught in this loop of thinking and feeling so if we can't think greater than how we feel our feelings have become the means of thinking then we're thinking in the past right and so we call that the familiar past and then a person gets going in the day and they start thinking oh i gotta see this person i gotta go to that meeting i hate doing this and now they get in their routine and a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition a habit is when you've done something so many times that the body now knows how to do it better than the mind so now the person running through the same routine every single day is on autopilot and their body's now dragging them into a predictable future based on what they did in the past and they've lost their free will to a set of programs right so now you have the familiar past and you have the predictable future those are knowns so the only place then reasonably where the unknown exists is the sweet spot of the generous present moment that is when the body and mind are free from those conditions so along with those emotions that influence the same thoughts people start becoming more judgmental they start becoming more impatient they start becoming more entitled they start getting more afraid more anxious more depressed and now the body is literally being depleted of energy because it's believing that it's living in an emergency situation and in emergency you tap all the body's resources for some threat whether it's real or imagined and so then when you're releasing all of these chemicals we are literally drawing the body's life force and turning it into chemistry and so for the short term that's cool but the arousal that's created from those stress hormones is a rush of energy and so then people use the problems and the conditions in their life to reaffirm their conditioning or their addiction to that emotion and in a sense they become addicted to the life they don't even like and this is why change is so hard so then when a person makes up their mind to change and they say okay i'm not going to say i can't i'm not going to judge another person i'm not going to blame i'm not going to complain i'm not going to make excuses i'm not going to be a victim i'm not going to talk trash about anybody i'm just going to stop well that works out really well for the first couple hours and the bodies sing you're out of schedule you normally at 8 in the morning you're getting traffic and you're angry then at 11 o'clock you check your emails and you're really judgmental and frustrated the body's saying well you've been doing this for the last 20 years you're just going to stop today so now the body which has been conditioned emotionally to be the mind wants to return back to its familiar territory to the known so the body starts influencing the mind and it says you know come on this is a good time to judge that come on this is a good time to suffer it's your ex's fault it's it's your it's the government's fault it's uh you know it's the weather what the news whatever it is and if we accept believe and surrender to that thought without analyzing it it slips by and it begins to program the autonomic nervous system to make those pharmacy of chemicals and so that's when the person makes the same choice does the same thing creates the same experience just for that familiar feeling okay i'll complain just so i can feel suffering then they'd rather be unhappy and step into the unknown to step into possibility and the hardest part about that process first of all is not making the same choice as you did day before and here's the payoff you got to stay conscious and not go unconscious and it turns out that 95 of the time we're unconscious so if you're going to stay conscious then there's an element that also requires a certain amount of awareness or energy and you got to step outside of that unconscious state so the thoughts that they're thinking are slipping by their awareness unnoticed because they're hardwired in their brain because they've been saying i can't it's too hard my life will never change it's someone else's fault those thoughts have consequences in the body so then if a person then becomes conscious of those unconscious thoughts becomes aware of how they speak and how they act and they notice how they're feeling they're no longer the program they're the consciousness outside the program and that's the first step to change so there are when you when you're distracted by your environment and you got your cell phone and your tweeting and your instagramming and facebook and whatever people do you're distracted by that feeling but i now know that if you take a person and you say okay close your eyes sit in the in the silence of any external stimulation remove the environment sit your body down like an animal body is the animal tell it to stay i'm gonna feed you you can check your cell phone you can shower you can have your coffee but when i say and so then here comes the challenge right so and and then if you say then you're not gonna live in the familiar future familiar past or predictable future you're not going to think about how long you've been meditating what you got to do you you labor uh for that present moment people think when they do this that they're doing something wrong because there's such discomfort that comes with it but they're in the unknown they're actually doing it right people say i think i'm meditating wrong i always say oh no no no you're doing it right because when you notice that your body wants to get up and check your cell phone or have a cup of coffee and you become aware that it's on autopilot and wants to do that and you say come on over here and you return it back to the present moment you're executing a will now that's greater than the program and if the person's wants to just get angry while they're sitting there there's an arousal and they notice the body is amping up and revving up and they settle it back down now they're telling the body it's no longer the mind that they're the mind now we've researched this and it's tedious in the beginning at first because david is fighting goliath but if you keep practicing it just like training an animal sooner or later the body acquiesces sooner or later the body is trained to a new mind and when that happens there's a liberation of energy the body goes from particle to wave from matter to energy and there goes that emotion literally liberated from the body as energy so the person who has the strong emotion to some circumstance in their life and they're they're working and lowering the volume of that emotion the more they lower the volume that emotion the more they're going to take their attention off that person and problem and they're going to take their power back there's going to be a break in their attention from that circumstance and now they build their own field and now there's energy to heal now there's energy to create a new life now there's energy for the mystical moment because they've overcome their old personality self so i think you know it's not like thinking positively that's not the message it's it's overcoming overcoming overcoming overcoming until we become somebody else and when that occurs and the person starts thinking differently and they start acting differently and they start feeling differently they're a new personality and they they start seeing those synchronicities and serendipities now crossing that river of change the creative process now gets exciting because what thoughts do you want to fire in wire in your brain what kind of attention and intention do you want to place so that that becomes the loudest voice in your head and if you keep practicing it the hardware becomes a software program and it'll say jay you can do anything jay you live in no time and accomplish everything jay you're unlimited you just got to hang with it on the other side of this is greatness whatever you want to program in there you get the program in there if you sat down and say how am i going to be with my wife my husband my partner how am i going to be with my kids i'm going to be at work with my co-workers how am i going to be in traffic and you close your eyes and you begin to rehearse in your mind if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining so now the brain goes from a record of the past to a map to the future now you're installing the hardware keep practicing it it becomes automatic comes easier now it's a software program you may just start behaving differently and then if you said well listen i'm not going to wait for my healing to feel gratitude i'm not going to wait for my new relationship to feel love i'm going to actually teach my body emotionally what that future feels like before it happens now this is a big turnaround for a lot of people because we're so reliant on the outer world to change our inner world right waiting and perspiring waiting is not creating i mean period and when people are they could have the greatest intentions in the world but if they don't combine that with an elevated emotion there's no signal because the elevated emotion is the carrier it's the energy that carries the thought so then when we're in separation in lack waiting for our wealth to feel abundance we're basically living our whole life in pain right so then if you reason this and a person can get up from their meditation and they literally feel differently and they're feeling the emotions of their future before it happens this is turning the whole process around they can't be looking for why would they be looking for it if they felt like it there it already happened now there's no separation now this is when those serendipities and coincidences and opportunities begin to show up in people's lives so it's work but then when they start seeing the experience in their life all of a sudden they start believing they're more of the creator of their life yeah and less of a victim of their life yes absolutely so many parts of that i want to unpack with you but what what a beautiful answer to you know our reflection on the last 12 months and what we're creating for ourselves there were parts of it that i wanted to comment on one was the idea you mentioned around being recognizing that the unknown is actually the place of growth yeah and i think there's so much beauty in that what you were saying about meditation i remember always being trained that we think that getting distracted is taking us away from meditation when actually the awareness that you are distracted is meditating right the problem is the thought that comes after like i can't meditate it's too hard no on the other side of that thought is your healing yeah so i say to people when they come to our workshops oh i'm gonna take you way further than where you normally stop yeah because you're only gonna have two choices yes you're gonna let your energy drop and suffer and go get into time and my body and when's this going to end and i'm hungry and those are all primal drives or you're going to apply a formula and in the unknown you learn how to be comfortable in the unknown and when people this is so funny because you stretch a person outside of the known and it's not scary nothing happened to them and all of a sudden they relax more into the present moment they're not thinking about what's going to happen tomorrow they're not going to think about what happened yesterday now we watch 1500 people just by the end of an event just totally present yeah it's completely different people and where you place your attention is where you place your energy there's energy for them to heal there's there they have energy they're they're they can execute so it's something that it's hard to you can only talk around you know i don't you have to experience it's like how do you explain a mango to somebody what does it taste like you got it you got to experience it so so but the cool thing about it i think you know of course speaking from my present state of ignorance but i've been watching you know closely you know you can't tell me any longer that you're too sick to do this work i i have seen in the last couple years blind people seeing deaf people hearing people with strokes that were paralyzed moving their limbs people with parkinson's disease that had tremors or paralysis moving ms lupus rheumatoid arthritis rare genetic disorders tumors there it is then they're it's gone you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work i mean of course people come up against themselves and when they come up against themselves those sick people came up against their fear like you're gonna die in three months and they had every reason to not do the work but they showed up in spite of their fear and they overcame their fear a little bit more there were people that had self-doubt and they their their condition was getting worse and their family was worried about them they could have doubted and said i i give up but they showed up for themselves again and they overcame their doubt a little bit more there were days that they were really feeling sick and their body was really failing and they could have said i'm too sick to do this meditation they did it sometimes two or three times a day because nothing else was working yeah and and they overcame their body they could have said i don't have enough time i got kids i got obligations i got a job they they showed they made the time to do it and that was the overcoming process you can't you can't tell me that um you're too out of shape you can't tell me you know you're too old we have elders in this work i can show you brain scans that are so elegant and so beautiful and the arousal that they're having is ecstasy it's coherence in the brain so you can't even tell me that you've never meditated before because husbands who get dragged to our events by wives who are sitting there going who is this guy and they're listening to the science and it makes sense and it comes down to the practical they're just saying just i don't know what i'm just tell me what they follow the exact formula someone who's been meditating for 40 years doing the same thing that's the one that has to get out of that that's yeah habit not to say that that's a bad thing but when it comes time to to connecting i fully agree with you i mean i talk about this i've been fortunate enough to meditate for consistently for about 16 years now and i started when i was 18 years old and it's been part of my daily practice but i realized probably probably halfway into that which was too late like as i wish i realized it earlier but it probably took me eight years to realize i shouldn't have ever been trying to recreate the last meditation yeah right like you get into that habit with any good habit you get into the habit of like i want to meditate like i did yesterday yeah i want to do this like i did yesterday i want the workout that i had last week i want the body that i had last year yeah yeah and we do that to ourselves and that actually traps us from a new fresh incredible experience turns out that repetition and predictability are impossible in the quantum if you're truly evolving the experience the experience should be an uh an extension of the last one right so i always just go at it a different way if i could i always just try to mix it up right yeah it's usually better that way but tell us about how do we you mentioned something before which was around you know as soon as you're thinking about your problems you're thinking about the past right how do you think about a problem effectively let's talk about that because i feel everyone feels their life is full of problems how do you process a problem productively effectively through thoughts yes yeah great great question again i i think we're all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations and in order like for me personally and i and after looking through your book and reading a good portion of it i mean for me there's there's no school of ancient wisdom that you need to go to to be initiated your life is your initiation if you're paying attention so we meet challenges in our life from a certain level of mind right a certain level of consciousness or unconsciousness and even einstein said we have to go to a greater level of consciousness than the consciousness that's created the problem what is consciousness consciousness is awareness and awareness means possibilities that you haven't thought of before so we confront problems or challenges in our life and as a side note i was having breakfast with a researcher just last week who's studying what happens when we perceive a condition in our environment as a problem how it weakens the organism they're measuring this and when a person sees it as a challenge how they draw energy they raise the energy of their body back into order so if we said i want to be wealthy or i want to be healthy well what what you want to be that because you're not it so the initiation of going from not it here to it here you're going to have to climb some steps and there's going to be some blind spots so you try it out and it doesn't work well that's because there's a part of you that's still in a habit there's part of you that's still unconscious okay so what is it about myself and that circumstance that i am feeling about that circumstance and that feeling is causing me to think about it so you say oh it's impossible they'll never change i'll hire a hitman i'll hire the mafia i'll hire an attorney i'll have my friend's friend to talk to him and nothing changes right well you're not you're not separate from that experience you're involved in it and how you think and how you feel broadcasts energy into the field so your energy is the same every day and as long as your energy is the same nothing's going to change in your life either and nobody changes until they change their energy so then what piece of knowledge what piece of information what would love do what would greatness look like okay i don't know all right well certainly somebody in history has faced this problem don't get on facebook and say does anybody have any answers don't get go look it up and study and read and learn you'll own it and you'll say wow that person that was wealthy they failed 500 times well hell i had the wrong view of wealth okay then failure is not a thing i got to overcome failure well yep just climbed a step yeah okay i'm reacting to that circumstance with the same emotion that emotion is firing the same thoughts i'm broadcasting the same energy into the field if i were facing that circumstance and situation again with that person that circumstance what do i learn from that circumstance how could i do it differently the next time [Music] find out a solution and rehearse it install the circuitry so when you get in the circumstance you're not going to respond in an automatic habituation yeah now you're at a greater level of consciousness now you're looking at possibilities that you weren't looking at before because you were unconscious now that process of trial and error is so important in the spiritual path how many times do we have to forget before we remember and then we remember and we forget again and it takes constantly remembering until we stop forgetting and when we get to that point now we're conscious now there's wisdom and wisdom is the memory of the experience without the emotional charge now you're ready for the new adventure so then people draw conclusions and say oh it's that person that ripped me off it's that person that what now now you don't create your reality you only create your reality when things are good well somehow you got to tango through this somehow your objectivity in not reacting emotionally is going to change the energy of how you address this situation so then we keep going in introspection at the end of the day if you really wanted to be wealthy say how did i do today did i make the right choices was i ethical was i purpose driven was i was i was am i interested in making a difference was i fair was i tempered did i really think before i spoke what did i remember reading about that book about that person that did it how'd i do and if you said i when did i fall from grace when did i lose it okay i want that opportunity again i want another shot at that and i'm going in this way what would love do in this situation what would greatness do and now you you evolve your experience and somehow there's a door there's an opening something shifts something's changing and now here we go we climb another ladder and then all of a sudden there's another challenge and then people who finally arrive at their abundance they could care less if they're abundant they're already knowing that they've earned the right for it so so there's sometimes a shortcut in the process uh if we're if we really learn and we really get it but the trial and error is so important because not only is the person earning the right to be wealthy but they're earning the right to live in worthiness worthy to receive like hey you people people come to our work all the time for a lot of reasons and one of the common reasons is they want to get healthy yeah and they're because they're dealing with a very serious health condition and i always say the same thing to them stop wanting to be healthy learn the formula yeah on how to get healthy learn the formula on how to heal and the healing will be the side effect of it if you're obsessing about why am i not healed you're still the old person you're gonna become that person every day right turns out that when you sit down and the people that we interview that have had significant changes when it's no longer about their health but they are they are out of the bleachers and they're on the playing field and they are coming up against the belief like one lady said god i i always thought that this work really worked that this these concepts are the truth but i never believed it worked for me and i was in a car accident in a wheelchair and she made the decision that she was going to overcome that belief now it was no longer about her healing it was about overcoming the belief but she overcame the belief and showed up every day for herself when you believe in yourself you believe in possibilities when you believe in possibilities you got to believe in yourself you don't show up for yourself you don't believe in it yeah and that's why people don't do the work i mean if you you believe that your thoughts created reality you would show up every day and create and so a lot of people believe in their past more than they believe in their future a lot of people fall in love or more in love with their past or romance their past instead of romance their future or love their future it's it's that simple so the initiation process of life is always going to be there you're always going to be challenged if if you want to be a master well then you better learn how to heal someone else and you're going to fail a lot of times and if you think that you're a failure then you'll quit but if you feel like you just didn't quite ding it yet and you show up again to just ding it and you keep evolving your experience and go deeper how much more can i open my heart how much more can i surrender into this infinite field how much more can i become can i walk is it with my eyes open people do meditations and they have great meditations me included and then you get up you open your eyes and you're back in the program and people want to know why they haven't healed them we have testimonies of people they're speaking the truth they said my ms my rheumatoid and my lupus never went away i had great meditations i felt better and then i realized with my eyes open i was still that person and now next level they're in the game of catching themselves or catching how they speak or watching how they think they're not letting their body fall in the same emotional state to put them in the same past experience that the body's believing it now this is the this is a great part and when the person finally breaks through from the chains and there's a different consciousness of freedom that happens they look back at their past they want to change one thing in their past because it brought him to that present moment that's the path no longer existing that's the freedom so is it worth the effort yeah it's no longer about healing it's no longer about abundance it's about who you're becoming right that's what it's about yeah i love that emphasis on trial and error because again just like when we're talking about through some of your earlier answers around becoming comfortable in the unknown it's that same alignment again if like what we're trying to avoid is the trial and error what people come to you for is i want a definitive answer right i want the conclusion i want the path i want the decision the one thing that's gonna i would never tell anybody what to do yeah i believe in free will i would never tell anybody what to believe like politically or socially or whatever i want to provide them the tools and give them the free will to create life however they want and believe whatever they want that's totally cool with me so those people then that want to be healed and they live in fear that fear has to be addressed i mean and it's not easy because it's re it's hardwired deep in the limbic brain it's just a safety net it's a mechanism so then imagine being in the unknown that the instinct and the unknown is it's a scary place wow imagine not having a body and we practice lingering without a body in in in an infinite space and without a name without a face without a culture without a job without a social security number without a disease without a diet just as an awareness you you practice that you're going to be comfortable in the unknown you're going to relax more into it that's going against thousands of years of programming and the people who actually overcome their fear and they trade it for gratitude their immune system gets stronger their genes up regulated i mean there's just a host of everything their brain changes their heart rate variability they feel differently and it's it's being measured and and some of these people uh we're measuring this now in our in our events with with reputable scientists and and universities they're they're shocked at what they're witnessing on a cellular level on a brain level on a heart level they cannot believe the capacity of the body i just was i just got an email today of a sign one of our scientists said i ran this three times the virus that we expose the cell to in advanced meditators does not enter the cell it's outside the cell it won't a virus in novice meditators some of it's in the cell some of it's outside controls all the viruses in the cell there's an immunity so when the person's less reactionary to their environment there's less of response that weakens them they're less of a victim to their environment then they're less of a victim to their environment large scale small scale the body has a greater immunity to whatever it is and and that's the truth that is the true we're measuring that so so you never know the outcome when a person really catches that thought that leads to the same choice that leads to the same behavior that creates the same experience that produces the same emotion that discomfort that unpredictability that uncertainty that's that's that's the side effect of leaving the known that's what change is about and learning how to be comfortable in it instead of just white knuckling it go oh i have some tools to self-regulate i'm in fear oh excuse me and you excuse yourself yeah and you change that and then you're there and then here comes the fear again excuse me and i always say if not now when and how is the new later like don't wait and so a person who's no longer about healing their disease it's about overcoming their fear their attention is off their disease and their identity is changing because we're not identifying with anyone now they're looking at something right in the face and now once they're engaged they're showing up every day just like a workout is pain involved but you move through it a little bit more and the volume is lowered and their response to people and circumstances are different and then they know they're changing because people say to them i just saw this just yesterday they people say to them something about you is different yeah what is it you get a little work done you are you on a new medication because their memory of them is different they're out of phase we don't see things how they are we see things how we are so we feel in reality based on memory and all of a sudden the person is out of phase they're they don't they're not they're not remembering them that way they're they're not that they're in the unknown and it's obvious and then all of a sudden people get raises and they get all these great things going on why because they're leading by example it's not what they're saying it's who they are and they're less responsive and they have more patience and they're they're practicing being in their heart and when they're in their heart they're more patient they're more kind the more loving the more giving and you can't create a future without putting your heart into it and if your heart if you're throwing your heart into your future it better be activated and coherent and so we measure that stuff because it becomes a science and that is the language of mysticism now why is uh why is our memory for pain stronger than our memory of a success or a joy because it sounds like what you said one one thing that really hit me and i loved that was the idea of remembering forgetting remembering forgetting and so often we have a positive powerful experience but sometimes we'll just discount it as irrelevant and then you have a negative experience and we hold on to it and and i find that in all of this the memory is exactly it that you said that wisdom is when you've kind of gone down that process so far down the line where now your memory is stronger than forgetting we forget the powerful experiences we forget the moments where we relieve things so so why is that and where and what do you do about it well i'll answer it on two levels jay thanks for the question i i really think that when the survival gene is activated preservation is the key so we can have ten things that happen really great in our lives you have a family member or somebody you know that does this they have ten really great things happen in their one thing bad and they focus on that bad thing why because the survival genes activated they want to make sure it doesn't happen again so so you put your attention on it because you don't want it to happen again so what people do when they're aroused is there to start thinking it's gonna happen and so they actually select the worst case scenario in their mind and then emotionally embrace that future before it happens and they're conditioning their body to become the mind of anxiety and fear so in preservation and in survival if you prepare for the worst anything less that happens you have a better chance of surviving so that's the mechanism that takes place so survival means you better take care of your body yeah you better be aware of your environment and make sure there's no threats and so you got to keep your eye out there and you better be thinking about the future based on what you learned in the past now there's nothing wrong with that when the analytical facilities are in balance but when there's an arousal arousal there's three things that create arousal fear hostility and anger or aggression and pain and that arousal drives the brain into these high states of what we call high beta and most people need something or someone or some circumstance or some drug or some pill or some computer game to change that internal state and the moment they notice a change in their internal state then they pay attention to what's causing it they start developing a dependency on it right so it turns out that when we teach people how to self-regulate and change their brain waves uh we could actually see then that the incoherence the disorderliness that's taking place in the brain you know when you're over aroused you're overly analytical and you're shifting your attention from one problem to one person to one thing to one place to another problem to another circumstance to your phone to your car and each one of those elements has a neurological network in the brain so the arousal causes these different circuits to fire out of order and the brain is incoherent so take two waves that are out of phase and mix them when they interfere they flatten out there's no energy so energy leaves the brain right so then when you're in arousal you narrow your focus on the cause if there's something rattling in the bushes and it's dark you freeze and you narrow your focus on it and there's a rush of adrenaline and your pupils dilate and your heart starts to race and you're ready to run fight or hide i mean that's a survival moment but what if it's your co-worker sitting right next to you or six feet away and and you're judging them you're the same arousal's taking place and what's once very adaptive becomes very maladaptive this is where it gets challenging so when we teach people how to open their focus we've done thousands and thousands of brain scans and they get beyond their analytical processes and they open their awareness and go from a convergent focus to a divergent focus and they learn how to relax and regulate their brain waves start to slow down into alpha and then if they do it properly and they're connecting those different compartments of the brain that were once firing out of order start to unify different communities form bigger communities the brain starts to synchronize and then all of a sudden you start seeing different compartments of the brain all in resonance so now when they're all in resonance and they start interfering when those waves come together there's more energy in the brain so when a person dials down the mechanism this neocortex that plugs us into three-dimensional reality that keeps us aware of our body that's the autobiographical self where everything's stitched in memory in there when we start deactivating the mechanism here and we get beyond the memory bank of the known self and brainwaves move into theta we we've studied this so much when a person can let their body be in a light state of sleep and feel so safe that you can finally let go and surrender the body is sleeping but the mind is awake and now the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is wide open and if they can regulate and stay there something amazing happens there is a release of energy from the body and their brain goes into a very very super coherent state of gamma gamma is super consciousness now i'm not talking about a little gamma i'm not talking about a lot of gamma i'm not talking about a really loud gamma i'm talking about a supernatural amount of gamma there's so much order and so much energy in the brain like if we were in an audience and we were all clapping like this that could be alpha right theta would be and if everybody could do this it's slower we could do it the more we can get our timing down the more we can get coherent but if we were doing this it would be really hard for all of us to do that at the same time it takes a lot of order a lot of awareness a lot of energy to be able to create that kind of order so that's how fast the brain is and that arousal that's taking place is ecstasy that arousal is bliss it is the most familiar unfamiliar feeling that people ever have and that memory then that the person has that is so profoundly different than the feeling of success the feeling of wealth the feeling of orgasm or love or whatever this is a new one and it's a thrill and the person notices a dramatic change in their inner state and with that experience comes a very lucid picture a very profound insight a download of information that's the moment then the body many times rewrites the biological program energy is in forming matter and the autonomic nervous system is regulating it's in high order and remember disease is autonomic dysregulation now it's getting into a very very high frequency of order and it's sending very coherent information to the cells and tissues sending energy to the cells and tissues and cells begin to emit more coherent light and information and then there's the disease and there it's not and listen i've seen it too many times the person said i had we had a guy in cancun in our last event that was a veteran that was became in a wheelchair he had both his knees blown out he had broken his back he was extreme pain on the bottom of his feet he couldn't walk he was suicidal he had post-traumatic stress disorder tried everything first walking meditation he's out there lumbering around on two crutches next day he's on one crutch the evening in the evening of the final meditation i swear he is he's running down the beach without his crutches and the volunteers that usually help people with handicap are chasing him and he's running the other way he he hit he hit gold there's no pain in his feet no limitation in his body he got an upgrade now that arousal that experience he'll never forget that's a new one so i think that a lot of people you know uh we get you know we get conditioned like oh wow success but yeah you know sooner or later you're gonna be like when the novelty wears off yeah that's not what i meant but but but here's the cool part the cool part is like when you hit pay dirt like that when you connect when you connect to the field when you connect the divine whatever you want to call it when your consciousness merges with a greater consciousness and that arousal creates ecstasy bliss oneness whatever you want to call that you realize that it never came from anything out there it didn't come from the wardrobe or the facelift the sports car whatever it came from within you and so you stopped looking out there for it and now the love affair begins and you never want to miss a date because it's just too good so that memory then that is what i'm after because when you have those transcendental moments and you understand this yeah the experience of that transcendental moment lays down new circuitry in the brain that's what experience does and the experience produces a feeling but it's not chemical it's electric and it's orderly and every cell of your body is jiggling in an order and they're and you're aroused and you're awakened right you have to admit when that occurs your spectrum of reality is going to broaden some conditioning some illusion some belief about a white guy in a bee with a beard keeping track of if you did something right or wrong and you failed you let god down that's not how it something is removed and you start seeing reality as it is and all of a sudden you start seeing the part that we edit out for survival now you start seeing patterns and lights and information that are transcendent of three-dimensional reality and your spectrum why because your brain had the experience and the circuitry is there and now your your experience of the world changes you get an upgrade to the to the vr set the virtual reality said oh you got the upgrade you got 2.0 and now it looks different everything looks different everybody looks different the world look you're seeing beauty more well and there's more holism and more connection and sounds and words and music and sense and sight and light is all working together i mean that's the blessing of an awakening right that's where that's where we're going what are the things that disturb or disconnect our awakening and connection to the divine what are those that that source or that power that consciousness that you are speaking about what are the things that then disturb or disconnect us from that once we become connected because i'm sure many people feel connected they get it they they get a breakthrough yeah yeah but then yeah you know we kind of fall back well this is a great question also i mean i mean um wow i think a lot of times when people they hit that point they try to reproduce it the same way as we talked about and you can't yeah you can't do it the same way because that's redundancy but also many times uh we have the experience and we start to try and because trying is matter trying to change matter and and so we're forcing we're controlling we're predicting and and then the uh and when we do that then of course we're in separation and we're waiting for the event to happen to feel the emotion right and i've done that long enough and it's actually we have to lay down the very thing we used our whole life to get what we want for something greater to occur and it takes practice of surrender right so that's one element i also think that our responses emotionally like let's just say that a person gets connected to the future they get connected to the energy of their future they feel it it's really great and then they start their day and then two hours later they're they're feeling something else because some person or some circumstance altered their state well they just disconnected from the energy of the future and now they're back to the energy of the past don't expect anything to change in your life because then work that way so then then when they get back to that old self again then they say what's wrong with me i failed they didn't do it right no that's all the program you show up again and you go after it again so familiar feelings cause us to no longer see through the lens of the future we're seeing through the lens of the past and and we color reality that way so um i think i think familiar emotions uh get in the way as well and then of course there's always belief and a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until you hardwire it in your brain and all beliefs are based on past experience so a person has an experience the stronger the emotion they have from that circumstance the more they pay attention to the cause and the brain freezes a frame takes a snapshot and that's called the memory the moment they draw a conclusion about that experience they'll think neurologically within those circuits and they'll feel chemically within the boundaries of emotion thinking and feeling thinking and feeling belief becomes an unconscious or subconscious state of being they don't most people don't even know they have beliefs about things about god about relationships about money because it's it's not a conscious thing it's a subconscious thing yeah so in order to change a belief or a perception about yourself and your life you got to go all in it's not like you go 50 in you got to go all in you got to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that causes the body to respond to the mind that the choice that you make becomes a moment in time you'll never forget and you would say i remember the moment i made up my mind to change and the stronger the emotion you feel the more you'll pay attention to the decision and that's a huge stone you drop in the quantum field big splash big waves and in this in essence we're giving the body a taste emotionally of the future we're aligning to a new future now how many times you have to do that i don't know i've done it over and over again until it becomes uncompromising and people say i remember when i made up my mind to change i remember i made up my mind to heal i remember the moment i can tell you where i was who i was with what time of day it was it wasn't like 9 11 something out of the world changing your inner world your inner world is changing your inner world which is ultimately going to change your outer world so i mean people say well i i i believe god lives within me the vine lives within me okay you sit them down and do a meditation ten minutes goes by and they're hungry and they quit if you knew the divine lived within you you you wouldn't quit you would not you would you would be like i'm here yeah and you're gonna go a little deeper a little further you're gonna get past your hunger you're gonna get past your pain you're gonna you're gonna go a little further because like you wanna know right if you knew it was there so that's a belief that you're not aware of right so we all have them i i face them every day so people have beliefs that like that the divine has a as an opinion about them it's it would never it's impossible to judge it would divide itself it can't do that so as we start having these experiences i think then our paradigm shifts many times at least for me i mean i can't tell you how many times i've had a transcendental moment come back to joe this benzett and looked at looked out in this world and i said i got this all wrong this is not about abstaining from life who's the opposite it's about going all in and really engaging and really living and really experiencing and tasting and smelling and eating and loving and have explore here for that we're here for all of that so you create the experience and then when it gets predictable or it gets boring let's change it up let's create another one and then how far can you go with that it just goes on so i think there's i think really belief is the other thing that some it's a blind spot that we have to become conscious to yeah one of the other blind spots or beliefs that i think where even that sometimes goes the other way and not what you're saying i i i know what you're saying but one of the ways that we find our audience struggles is deducing the energy of the people around you and the energy that you attract into your life and the people that you keep often like you said there are people coming to your seminars that are dragging their partners yeah and they have to drag their partners there because their partners are not understanding it initially where is that is there a method for people to start deducing the energy of people they meet and connect with to be aware if they're on the same frequency or on the same path uh uh well well i don't i don't know if there's a machine that does that but once again like i think that if we share the same experiences because we like the same things we share the same emotions and if we share the same experiences we share the same emotions i can relate to you so we can exchange ideas and information and if we share the same energy energy is information so many people as an example they use each other to reaffirm their their dependency on suffering so i suffer more than you then you say i you i suffer you suffer more than me we have this thing we just complain with each other well that's the same resonance the same frequency and there's a match right but goes to the same means if you if you're if you're someone who's has a uh accountability partner that that you exchange ideas like this with and it's a different frequency and different energy so when energy comes together and it's constructive something comes out of it yeah you feel it right it's and you feel an elevation if there's dissonance then your your sensing meter is how you feel about that person many times in your gut or in your heart or wherever and there's decon there's a destructive interference and there's no energy involved so i think that's just a practice but really the ultimate mastery is to be able to be in such residence such coherence that when you walk in the room that you raise everybody's energy and you don't let your energy drop because of any circumstance or any condition and that would be greater than your environment right and that's that's the model that we use so imagine 1500 people in an event where everybody's getting super coherent and the interference that's going on in the room is creating these high amplitudes and we've measured that in the room and the energy in the room is off the chart many times there's i mean there's energy for healing in there there's energy for all kinds of things that can happen so we brought it to life with our awareness and so the more elevated the emotion love gratitude freedom bliss ecstasy the higher the frequency so but it turns out you can have a collective group of people with a lot of energy and be incoherent and it creates entropy yeah you could have a smaller group of people that are highly coherent and put out a very big signal so when we see a collective really get coherent wow the energy in the room opens up doors of possibilities that i would i would never expect i mean i i don't i don't know how to explain some of the phenomenological things that happen but that's that's everybody's divine like everybody's everybody's in that state they're they're in that elevated state so i think our i think our truth meter is really whether we feel it lifted uh or we feel like uh we've been robbed yeah yeah and often often our feeling of feeling lifted is based on everything we've just talked about it's based on a void based on unhealed trauma based on a gap or a part of ourselves that we haven't yet broken a belief and so often feeling lifted is not feeling lifted in the way you're saying right it's feeling lifted in the just the external superficial sense reaffirming the emotion you need just as just as you said earlier at the beginning that an external event could make you feel sad right the external event is making you feel good right right but it's still extensive exactly the opposite right so then that means then when things are good you feel good yeah when things are bad you feel bad so there's dramatic contrast and polarity and this is the realm of polarity right so how do you find the middle path well the heart is the middle path it's the union of polarity it's the union of opposites it's it's oneness it's wholeness and this is where we have to begin to create from all of this down here is all humanity this is all our animal nature we get up in here things change right you go from selfish to selfless and something else happens so it's really funny too because when a lot of people come they say i i don't know i'm having difficulty opening my heart i'm you know i'm practicing but i'm not feeling anything yet and then it comes time to do our healings on other people and the moment you it was no longer about you all of a sudden something happened well of course that's what the heart is about right so so it comes in ways that uh we least expect at times yeah i love that you've incorporated that element of people having that experience and and often most people can't open their heart to others because they haven't even opened their hearts themselves right like they haven't been through that process of sitting long enough yeah to let the heart i mean i always say to people when was the last time you sat with your heart and just worked with it like so that it's not contracted and afraid and protected it takes practice to to do that and and so we we work with people in letting them we give them numerous opportunities to practice this over and over and over again and sooner or later pedal by pedal it starts to bloom and all of a sudden there's an authentic smile on their face and once energy meets the heart it goes right to the brain we have we did this study where we hooked up an electrocardiogram to an electroencephalogram and an electroencephalogram is a brain mapping machine so we measure 19 or 26 different compartments and we're looking to see all different kind of activity in the brain but we measured the heart along with it and when the heart starts beating coherently in a sense of order like like taking a big sheet j and going like that the heart sends a wave right up to the brain and the brain goes into these beautiful states of alpha the heart is telling the brain it's safe to create again it's safe to imagine it's safe to dream of a new future and there's the stroke volume of the heart in order and then you see these two or three seconds of beautiful coherent alpha the brain is in it's it's in that creative state then there's a pause and it happens again and it's it's it's beauty it's a it's a symphony if you don't have that mechanism you can have all the intention in the world but there's no carrier wave i mean when people when they make energy reach their heart there's an external field that's created it's it's it's magnetic it's it's it's measurable and that energy is frequency and if that frequency is coherent it can carry the intent or thought on a coherent brain of that future the energy of suffering cannot carry the thought of health or wealth it's not consistent with it it carries a different set of thoughts so then the training then is getting people into those hard states because once they start trading that fear or that pain or that frustration or trying or whatever forcing you know control for gratitude and they just let all that go and i say to them listen if you can't feel gratitude if you can't feel love i just want to know what you've been practicing feeling every day because that feeling that you're practicing is what you're always feeling now let's practice feeling something else in the beginning it's not going to be easy but you got to keep following the formula keep doing it keep doing it keep doing it well when they start feeling gratitude it's very interesting because the emotional signature of gratitude is that something wonderful just happened to you something favorable is happening to you right so you've just received something or you're receiving something you say thank you so gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving emotionally so when you move into a state of gratitude and you open your heart you will accept believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to that emotional state and you'll program your autonomic nervous system into a different destiny you could say i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm healthy i'm wealthy and wealthy and wealthy and wealthy and free i'm free i'm free and your body is conditioned in the misery and it's saying no you're not and that thought stops right at the brain stem it never makes it to the body because the body is on a different program so then while the person starts trading that and they start opening their heart well their immune system gets stronger by 50 50 in three days they start making immunoglobulins their body's natural defense against viruses and bacteria 50 not a little bit a lot that's that's one study and so trading that telling the body it's in the in the environment where it already happened and so that's when the miracles start happening that's when people say i'm not doing anything well of course you're not you don't have to yeah so then last point about this because it's so important that people understand that most people are creating matter to matter so the more you live by the hormones of stress the more altered you are inside of you the rush of those adrenal chemicals narrows your focus the senses are heightened and we become materialists and now all of our attention is on our bodies and our environment and on time and now we're lost in the vr machine of three-dimensional reality everything appears as separate so i'm here and you're there and there's space and time between us then there's me here and there's my dreams i place them way out there in the future why do i place them out there because i'm estimating how much i have to work to get that house to get that car how much i have to save how much overtime i have to work what things do i have to do how do i have to cheat rob steal lie whatever i have to do to get it right that's matter trying to change matter and so when it doesn't happen we feel more separation we try harder we force we pray we control all that stuff so then creating from the field instead of from matter means that you have to take all of your attention off your body all of your attention of all the people in your life all your attention of all the objects and things all the places and even time itself and become nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time and if you're not any of those things what are you your consciousness and now you are liberated from the rules of three-dimensional reality where everything takes time and energy to get what you want now when we create from the field instead of from matter because it's not matter that's emitting the field it's actually the field that's creating matter change the field you change matter right now this is not something you take one bite of and you get it's something you got to really practice so then by doing this properly with a coherent brain and a coherent heart you got a wi-fi signal and if you're creating from the field instead of from matter you no longer have to go anywhere to get what you want if you were connected to that invisible field of energy called the unified field the quantum field which connects everything physical and material and you're aware of it and you're connected to it you're connected to source why would you if you were source why would you go get anything you'd draw it to you so the thought coherent brain is the intent it's the electrical charge the elevator the motion the heart has a magnetic signature it's the magnetic charge the thought sending the signal out it's the directive the feeling is drawing the event back create that combination and now you're going to collapse space and time and you're going to draw those synchronicities to you now i'm here in this lifetime i'm clear that i want to master that i want to get good at that because i don't want to i did the other stuff you can get successful the other way but you're too tired it takes too much energy i would rather synchronize my energy to synchronicities in my life and be mystified yeah by wow this stuff really works and every synchronicity that happens that catches you off guard and brings you joy and awe and wonder you're going to use that energy to create the next one and it gets weird i've had some crazy synchronicities in the last three days i'm laughing while i'm driving going oh my god this life is so incredibly mysterious what an amazing ride this is that's a different perspective one is when you're not synchronizing well you asked the person was it worth it you showed up every day was it worth absolutely so when it starts happening and you start seeing those you see feedback in your world you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to do it again and you're going to be like okay i've done this i've done this and this people who heal themselves have very little difficulty healing someone else yeah that's just the next step and then with covid and we couldn't do the healings in our events we had students just get together and say if we're in the quantum okay and everything's connected do i really need to be there i just need a target give me the face give me the coordinate love transcends space and time yeah okay give me that coordinate i'll love that person in the life and these people do it and we have we have reputable universities now that are studying this phenomena and they're saying they're telling me these are universities that have some of the most advanced laboratories this is i'm talking the nobel prize researchers they want to change the conversation in medicine and today i got a video of somebody being healed remotely and she's laying there her cancer went from really bad to nothing and she videotapes herself when the group works on her she is laying there and her body is moving all over that floor it's twisting and turning there's energy manipulating that body they're changing the pattern in the field they don't need the body is the illusion the tumor is the illusion that's the hologram change the pattern in the field you change the projection in three-dimensional around our person who's healed themselves and been in a circle where they've healed someone else how and then when you do that what's next i don't know you won't know until you have that experience yeah i've sat in on the groups where they get together on the zooms and five people that they've healed tell their story you know a mother whose daughter is unresponsive with a with a with an injury or a handicap from birth who's now looking at her brothers who's trying to talk who's smiling who's present the mother's telling the story there's 40 people on the zoom we're all crying not crying for any other reason but the species is helping the living organism called the human being is healing one another they're informing one another taking care of one something innate is awakening us we're we're crying the experience of that produces an emotion that's different than any other emotion you could ever feel that's a new experience do you think that that person who goes to heal the next person is going to have a problem opening their heart after that they know what the payoff is and so they don't contract oh my god that person has in a coma you know how many people have come out of comas because of this healing group they're spot on they can hit a target and they lay their energy over that field and another one over there and another one over and all of a sudden you get these complex coherent patterns and it's creating a change in matter and and they they figured it out and we have universities that are we're collecting all the data and they're crunching all the algorithms we know that it works really well for anxiety it works really well for insomnia for neurological disorders parkinson's disease inflammation we're capturing that pain huge changes in pain and they're they're on the other side of the planet it's kind of and we're synchronizing we're measuring heart rate variability and we're sending electrodes and sensors to the people that are being healed and we're seeing if there's a correlation between the coherence of the group that's doing the coherence of the person who's having the experience and we're measuring dna before the healing and three days of healing we measure the dna after why because evidence has allowed his voice you see that it's the four minute mile that you can't go back to being the same person i scratch my head sometimes when i'm standing on the stage and there's someone speaking to the audience who has had a very serious health condition and they don't look like a vegan and they don't look gluten free and they don't look young and they don't look buffed and they don't look like they're in shape they just look like a normal person that has struggled with a health condition and they're telling the truth they you are witnessing the truth they are the example of truth in other words they have the scans they have the blood test it's gone and i'm looking out in the audience jay and everybody is leaning in nobody is moving there they are in awe of the four-minute mile right in front of them somebody broke through somebody pierced that veil somebody broke out of that level of consciousness and that story is filled with truth not not my words yeah it's star wars they just showed up every day for themselves they just kept showing up and believing in it and they became it right you asked that person where's the disease they'll tell you it's in the old person i'm somebody there's i'm not the same it doesn't can't be there the person in the audience who's relating to that person with the same rare genetic disorder the same lupus the same cancer don't you know that their belief is gonna change right in front of them and instead of taking two years to do it they do it in three months why because as soon as the four minute mile was broken yeah the next one that broke it was two weeks later and there's been 1400 people have done it i mean it's not a thing anymore right so to me that's we have such compelling evidence in science with brain scans you make your brain work better you can make your heart work better you make your immune system work better you can make your cells go from really sick to really healthy we've got great evidence you can become immune to serious viruses you can be immune to bacteria we've got the measurements you can blame in your life we have great evidence and the people aren't monks they're not they're not nuns they're not religious scholars they're just common people and then we have testimony of people who are the example of truth they are they are the example of truth i would rather have dinner with those people than anybody anybody else they know something right so evidence then becomes the loudest voice right and and that's what i think what people are looking for right now the truth is so lost in sensationalism and the truth is so lost in emotional agreement and so people who want to feel fear they program themselves and accept believe and surrender that people who want to be hate be hateful it's all there it's all there and it's a it's a matrix to find the way out right and and i think i think there's a door i just i just think that we have to trust the innate information that that comes from within us absolutely fascinating and i can't wait to actually experience an event in in really i'm going to invite you one more time and then i'm going to send somebody over here in a car to pick up you well i think the last time we wanted to do it and then the pandemic yeah so you know from from last time better no i would i would love to i can't wait to experience that and to experience it personally not just to watch others but to actually go through it myself too but with all of that said and seeing these breakthroughs seeing these breakthrough patterns you having transcendental experiences what do you believe in this present state of ignorance as you said what do you believe is the purpose of life overall to figure out the purpose of life okay i know i mean i mean i i really think it's i think the mathematics that i've looked at says there's infinite experiences to have you will never know the end so then if you study any religion i i mean i've looked at a lot of them this concept of eternity that the soul is going to be around for eternity that's a long time and that means you got to be okay with you for a very long time yeah so i think it's i think it's the creation of more experiences and i think to to i think we came from source from singularity from oneness and we have descended down into density a fooled by our senses into separation and every single being has a spark of oneness of the divine within them and we got so separate that we now have our own free will to answer the question is there more because if your oneness it gets kind of boring after a while like is there anything else well the moment you ask if there's anything else you're no longer oneness you're something other than oneness right and you're a a different consciousness separate from oneness so i think then we live life and then when we can predict the feeling of everything that can happen in our life and gets boring and we're not impressed by anyone or anything we ask the same question is there more and that's when the soul goes all right well it's been how many lifetimes you've been doing this okay there's an awakening and the and we ask that question and then all of a sudden we start getting information and books and stuff and meet people and it gets exciting and and it's the it's it's how the universe works and so we climb out of this and i just think there's so many incredible experiences that are left in the unknown uh that we get to have and and then of course when on the journey is over and you evolve to that point then you take that wisdom and you went you say here's what i learned and it was scary down there and i was like boy i tell a great story and then you hang out there and you go is there anything else besides and here we go again it just never ends that's my theory that's a great answer i loved it i i resonate deeply with many parts of that answer i think it's a it's a really beautifully put way of thinking about it and bringing in that like i said at the beginning bringing in that spiritual that science and the experience of of what it would actually look like to live for eternity so it's a beautiful beautiful answer dr joe we end every episode with the final five these are the fast five questions where the answers have to be one word to one sentence maximum okay so this is uh i don't remember this from last time so this is good yeah and i'll probably break my rule with you because you give phenomenal no i'll i'll do my best i'll try my best as well me too i'll try my best as well okay so dr joe these are your final five uh the first question is what is the best advice you've ever received how to show up for yourself what's the worst advice you've ever received uh believe what people tell you what's something that you've said in the past that you were confident about it then but now upon reflection you're like oh i should have changed my mind about that oh that it takes a long time to create reality okay i'm going to ask you to expand on that because i like that answer i want to know more that's fascinating well um i think just like anything else uh you learn how to snowboard you go through that learning curve you learn how to ride a bike you go through that learning curve uh that that i used to think that creation was hard i just thought it took a lot of energy and it took a lot of sacrifice and you had to work for it and great onsen and uh god i mean even my definition of surrender today is very different than it was just three months ago because i'm always doing it and so i think that it doesn't have to be that way i just think that it could be any way you want and that and then working on that uh changing that belief i love that beautiful answer thank you for sharing yeah question number four uh what's one thing that you think people value but you don't oh other people's opinions if i really cared what people thought i would have stopped this a long time ago and now it's so great because i have so many researchers and physicians and everybody i'm very glad you didn't stop and we are very happy you didn't stop i think it's deeply meaningful work and the more time we spend together and the more time i hear where you want to take people where you want what you want people to experience is just beautiful so thank you for what you're doing thanks uh fifth and final question if you could create one law that everyone in the world had to follow what would it be take care of one another nice and simple that's beautiful i love that everyone dr joe dispenza an amazing amazing interview so many fascinating insights i hope you're going to listen to this one twice make sure you go through make some notes and you can follow dr joe on instagram on facebook on youtube is there anywhere particularly you'd like anyone to find you or anything you have right now that people can start getting excited about you know uh yeah sure first of all website we just built a new website and i realized uh in during covid that my greatest value is our community we have our community is we're doers you know we we do the work you know and i love us i love people who walk their talk you know and so we built a new website so the website dr joe the spenza is super cool it's got really great resources there we're releasing this new program called the formula and after after all the research that we've done we figured out that if we could just teach it in small episodes and give people the meditations to practice and each meditation builds on the next and it's not too overwhelming and you want to turn it on to your boss or to your spouse or to somebody you love it's it's just it's in smaller by chunks and there's a lot of content there so the formula will be out at some time and i think the end of april will be i love that i love hearing that yeah that sounds fascinating i think that's what we need more than ever i think people uh right now especially in their homes and needing the formulas [Laughter] well i'm happy to contribute anyway yeah i love that make sure you go and check out the formula end of april it will be out so probably by the time you listen to this it will be available go and check out the website we will put all the links into the description so you can follow dr joe on social media and check out his website and the formula program uh dr joe dispenza thank you so much thank you for your beautiful answers and heartfelt answers thank you so much thank you thank you if you want even more videos just like this one make sure you subscribe and click on the boxes over here i'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book think like a monk from think like a check below in the description to make sure you order today
Channel: Jay Shetty Podcast
Views: 1,109,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay Shetty, Jay Shetty Podcast, Jay Shetty Interview, On Purpose Podcast, Jay Shetty Inspiration, Jay Shetty Motivation, Jay Shetty Video, Self help, Self improvement, Self development, entrepreneur, success habits, purpose podcast, Jay Shetty relationships
Id: J0AibK15MwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 22sec (4882 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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