How to ATTRACT Massive Amount of MONEY in 2023! | Joe Dispenza | Top 10 Rules

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i said so geez what do you want to work on next what do you want to work on i want an unlimited shopping spree now what am i going to say to her no hey it's evan carmichael and like dr joe dispenza says how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so let's help you create the state of being that you want with dr joe dispenza and my take on his top 10 rules for success need motivation watch your top 10 with believe nation okay let's kick it off with rule number one focus on your goals if you're alive in this world and you haven't been experiencing the quickening i mean i mean you know i said to uh someone the other day the day where you end your day and feel complete because you finished all your work you'll never have that you know there's always more emails and more things to check right so the demand has has has pressed us into this crazy realm of of of of um multitasking and i think that you start shifting where you place your attention is where you place your energy so if you're shifting your attention all over the board your energy is scattered yeah so then when you start disconnecting from everybody your boss your co-worker you know the news your cell phone your computer and you start going this way i think it's into the present moment then of where you place your attention is where you place your energy and you're truly in the present moment you've got a lot of energy to execute you've got to let that energy to use and you want to be able to do that eyes open the more scattered your energy the less you have to focus on pushing one thing forward that's why people's dreams don't happen because they're scattered there's no look look if you keep putting your attention on some future experience that you are imagining with your mind your body is going to follow your mind right there because that's where your energy is but if you're putting your attention on everything known in your life the shower the coffee maker you know the toilet and your body's following your mind every day to the known but we want your body to follow your mind to the unknown right enough people get to doing that and you could do better in creating things in your life that we see this wealthy people in our work that have focused on wealth some of them living in the back seat of their car some of them bankrupt that now have multi-million dollar companies what do you think they want to do with that money they want to give it away yeah give it back let me tell you why not because of any other reason is that they now know that they create more right well why why if you're abundant why abundance to me has changed abundance means i have more than i need like way more than i need so if i have way more than i need and i know how to create it then take it i'll create more of it so now you're no longer holding on in scarcity you're making a difference so wealthy people that have created a lot of wealth in this work they want to give back they want to make a difference and i think that that's how we're innately wired i think we're all innately wired to care for one another to make a difference in the living organism our living organism our community we heal one another that's what we do right we inform one another we encourage one another we support one another we shine for one another not to outshine another person to shine to show them if they can shine and that's that to me is super healthy so then i'm i'm applauding your success because i want you to succeed because you're telling me that if you can do it i can do it so so there's no longer any separation i think that's hopeful for the world then you start celebrating diversity then you're like wow you're way different than me i want to i want to study you because i want to bring that into who i'm becoming yeah you create a strong community that way rule number two go all in what are the things that disturb or disconnect our awakening and connection to the divine a lot of times when people they hit that point they try to reproduce it the same way as we talked about and you can't yeah you can't do it the same way because that's redundancy but also many times uh we have the experience and we start to try and because trying is matter trying to change matter and and so we're forcing we're controlling we're predicting and and then the uh and when we do that then of course we're in separation and we're waiting for the event to happen to feel the emotion right and i've done that long enough and it's actually have to lay down the very thing we used our whole life to get we want for something greater to occur and it takes practice of surrender right so that's one element i also think that our responses emotionally like uh uh let's just say that a person gets connected to the future they get connected to the energy of their future they feel it it's really great and then they start their day and then two hours later they're they're feeling something else because some person or some circumstance altered their state well they just disconnected from the energy of the future and now they're back to the energy of the past don't expect anything to change in your life because then work that way so then then when they get back to that old self again then they say what's wrong with me i failed they didn't do it right no that's all the program you show up again and you go after it again so familiar feelings cause us to no longer see through the lens of the future we're seeing through the lens of the past and and we color reality that way so um i think i think familiar emotions uh get in the way as well and then of course there's always belief and a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until you hardwire it in your brain and all beliefs are based on past experience so a person has an experience the stronger the emotion they have from that circumstance the more they pay attention to the cause and the brain freezes a frame takes a snapshot and that's called the memory the moment they draw a conclusion about that experience they'll think neurologically within those circuits and they'll feel chemically within the boundaries of the motion thinking and feeling thinking and feeling belief becomes an unconscious or subconscious state of being they don't most people don't even know they have beliefs about things about god about relationships about money because it's it's not a conscious thing it's a subconscious thing yeah so in order to change a belief or a perception about yourself and your life you got to go all in it's not like you go 50 in you got to go all in you got to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that causes the body to respond to the mind that the choice that you make becomes a moment in time you'll never forget and you would say i remember the moment i made up my mind to change and the stronger the emotion you feel the more you'll pay attention to the decision and that's a huge stone you drop in the quantum field big splash big waves rule number three make new connections your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life your brain is a record of the past it's an artifact of all the things you've learned and experienced to this moment so if you wake up every morning and get out of bed on the same side shut the alarm clock off with the same finger shuffle into the bathroom and use the toilet like you always do go and get a cup of coffee and drink coffee out of your favorite mug then get in the shower and wash yourself off in the same routine way drive to work get to work see the same people that push the same emotional buttons do the same things that you've memorized and do so well then hurry up and go home and hurry up and check your emails and hurry up and check your facebook and then watch your favorite television show then hurry up and go to bed here's my question did your brain change at all that day we could say that you were thinking the same thoughts performing the same unconscious actions living by the same emotions but secretly expecting your life to change so there's a principle in neuroscience and the principle says nerve cells that fire together wire together so if you're thinking the same thoughts making the same choices demonstrating the same behaviors reproducing the same experiences that stamp the same networks of neurons into the same patterns and then produce the same emotions you're going to hardwire your brain into a very finite signature because as you fire and wire the same circuits in the same way those circuits begin to become more connected and by the time you're 35 years old this is science now we become a set of memorized behaviors unconscious habits automatic emotional reactions beliefs and perceptions and even attitudes that function just like a computer program and if you do something over and over and over again the repetition of those actions over time conditions your body to know how to do it well better than your mind and a habit is when your body knows better than your mind where you've done something so many times that the body now knows how to do it better than the brain and so 95 percent of most people's behaviors attitudes thoughts beliefs emotional reactions are subconscious programs so why is that important because you're here this week to learn new information and every time you learn something new you make new connections in your brain that's what learning is learning is forging new synaptic connections physical evidence as a result of your interaction in the environment and the footprints of consciousness is called learning making new connections and the nobel prize laureate candel in the year 2000 found that when people learned one bit of information they doubled the number of connections in their brain from thirteen hundred connections to twenty six hundred connections but if they didn't review that information if they couldn't repeat it if they couldn't remember it those circuits pruned apart in hours or days so if learning is making new synaptic connections then remembering is maintaining and sustaining those connections rule number four open your heart your body rejects viruses all the time of course it has memorized certain viruses that you've been exposed to it's memorized certain bacteria that you've been exposed to and it's beaten those viruses not every virus wins in the body the body has an intelligence and it's and it has quite a library of memories in the in the white blood cells so your body is fighting viruses and bacteria all the time there's a constant competition going on really so our research shows that four days of opening your heart releases immunoglobulin a your body's primary defense against bacteria and viruses it's better than the flu shot it's the body's natural flu shot and that's the innate intelligence of the body saying i got this i got a lot of energy in fact i got a surplus of energy in fact i'm radiating energy and now too much around the world now my outer world is not controlling my inner world my inner world now is functioning independent of what's going on in my outer world and now you're manifesting your manifesto ah now you got it now you're in a creative state because people are coming to you yes right exactly now you're a magnet now you have a field right and you have energy to heal and our research shows that that field around your body will actually expand you you radiate more light and information cells are getting new information that that are causing light to be exchanged between cells and information now the body's getting an upgrade so so that immunoglobulin a in four days went up 50 so now we now know that if it's going up 50 that then the immune system was getting a new signal and nitric oxide then causes another chemical to activate the arteries in your heart to swell and now just like when energy moves into your sexual organs and it swells blood and you have energy there the same intensity it moves into your heart and now now the heart is activated and what do you feel you feel an incredible amount of love yeah and you feel you feel you feel whole and now the more whole you feel our research shows then the less separate you feel from the things you want in your life because you feel like you already have them you only want things when you're in lack but when you feel whole then it feels like it's already happened and that tends to be the exact emotion that causes those synchronicities and serendipities and coincidences to happen in our life and you say to a person what are you doing and they're saying i'm not doing anything i'm just i'm loving life i'm being myself i'm yeah right i'm free i'm free from the past i'm free from my story of the past in fact i'm more connected to the energy of my future than i am to the energy of my past also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video i've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the lessons learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business i'll see you there rule number five tap into constructive energy i think that if we share the same experiences because we like the same things we share the same emotions and if we share the same experiences we share the same emotions i can relate to you so we can exchange ideas and information yeah and if we share the same energy energy is information so many people as an example they use each other to reaffirm their their dependency on suffering so i suffer more than you then you say i you i suffer you suffer more than me we have this thing we just complain with each other well that's the same resonance the same frequency and there's a match right uh but goes to the same means if you if you're if you're someone who's has a uh accountability partner that that you exchange ideas like this with and it's a different frequency and different energy so when energy comes together as constructive something comes out of it yeah you feel it right it's and you feel an elevation if there's dissonance then your your sensing meter is how you feel about that person many times in your gut or in your heart or wherever and there's decon there's a destructive interference and there's no energy involved so i think that's just a practice but really the ultimate mastery is to be able to be in such residence such coherence that when you walk in the room that you raise everybody's energy and you don't let your energy drop because of any circumstance or any condition then that would be greater than your environment right and that's that's the model uh that we use so imagine 1 500 people in an event where everybody's getting super coherent and the interference that's going on in the room is creating these high amplitudes and we've measured that in the room and the energy in the room is off the chart many times there's i mean there's energy for healing in there there's energy for all kinds of things that can happen so we brought it to life with our awareness and so the more elevated the emotion love gratitude freedom bliss ecstasy the higher the frequency so but it turns out you can have a collective group of people with a lot of energy and be incoherent and it creates entropy yeah you could have a smaller group of people that are highly coherent and put out a very big signal so when we see a collective really get coherent wow the energy in the room opens up doors of possibilities that i would i would never expect i mean i i don't i don't know how to explain some of the phenomenological things that happen but that's that's everybody's divine like everybody's everybody's in that state they're they're in that elevated state so i think our i think our truth meter is really whether we feel it lifted or we feel like we've been robbed rule number six have a vision if you are not defined by some vision that is bigger than you and you are not passionate about that vision then you're left with the old hardware of the past in your brain and you will be predictable in your life so would you agree then new thoughts new information should lead to new choices new choices should lead to new behaviors and new behaviors should create new experiences and new experiences should produce new emotions and those new emotions should drive new thoughts and that's called evolution so if your brain is a record of the past and you don't have a vision of the future then you are living in the past and you will never arrive at that new future rule number seven watch your thoughts if you have been an experienced uh if you had experience of trauma say for example and it's created the feeling of fear and your fear is that it could happen again and you're you don't know this but every time you think about that future that possible worst case scenario scenario and you feel the emotion you're conditioning your body to become the mind subconsciously of anxiety so now all you need now is some cue in your outer environment that says it's unsafe that if there's damage there that you're you're a victim something's bigger than you that could have an effect on you well now that feeling of fear is going to cause you to think thoughts equal to it so the person then no longer needs the environment to feel that fear they just have to have the thought about that condition now and now they're literally knocking their brain and body out of balance by thought alone and the body's constantly living in emergency mode and it takes a lot of energy a lot of resources to live in emergency mode all the time guess what system becomes compromised by the immune system your immune system why because you have two protection systems you gotta get a system that protects you from dangers in your outer world that's that's the gas pedal that's the sympathetic nervous system that's a fight-or-flight nervous system danger threat out there use all the energy because you gotta you gotta survive and when you survive you gotta take care of your body so right so so now that system can work really well short term it doesn't work really well if you keep it on all the time because if you're mobilizing all that energy for some thread in your outer world there's no energy in your inner world for growth and repair there's no energy for long-term building projects and energy leaves the brain and it leaves the heart and it moves into these lower centers because now you're tapping the body's resources because there is an emergency but whether the emergency is real or imagined whether your anger is valid or justified or not that the you're tapping the body's very energy to heal by doing this and the immune system says well we're part of really the other nervous system we're the break we're the clutch we need the we need to get into relaxation we need to get back into balance again and and when we do then we'll metabolize then we'll we'll assimilate we'll reproduce we'll excrete properly so so now you got a this kind of battle between the gas pedal and the brake and the immune system says hey listen if there's foreign agents if there's viruses bacteria molds funguses listen we don't have a whole lot of energy here to deal with them because we're fighting this war out there there's no homeland security so they shut down certain receptors in the immune system they shut down function of those lymphocytes those white blood cells that are your inner army of protection and it takes a lot of energy to fight a virus in a bacteria but if there's no energy hey listen it takes energy to raise the body's temperature where do you think that comes from that's part of that branch called the autonomic nervous system and the sympathetic the gas pedal is part of it and the parasympathetic is the clutch is part of that autonomic nervous system and it's a check and balance but so you stay in emergency for an extended period of time and now you're exposed to some antigen or some external substance some foreign agent rule number eight believe in yourself when we become the living example of truth when we actually embody this that there are no limits to what we can do and i'm hopeful with human beings that that uh we have this capacity and uh and of course when we believe in ourselves uh we believe in possibility and when we believe in possibilities we believe in ourselves and i think that is the ultimate belief rule number nine break the cycle feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences and you can remember experiences better because you can remember how they feel and when you're in the midst of an experience all of your senses plug you into the environment and as you're gathering all of this vital data from your external world all that information rushes back to your brain and it causes jungles of neurons to organize themselves into networks the moment those neurons string into place the brain makes a chemical and that chemical is called a feeling or an emotion and once you feel that emotion you create a long-term memory now reason this with me if feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences and you are feeling the same way every single day doesn't that mean nothing new is happening in your life and if those feelings and emotions drive certain thoughts and you can't think greater than how you feel because you had events in your life that have branded you emotionally and you feel sadness or guilt or shame or unworthiness or insecurity all of those emotions are created from past experiences and when you feel those emotions and those emotions drive certain thoughts and then those thoughts make certain chemicals for you to feel the same emotion and then those emotions drive certain thoughts the repetition of that cycle then conditions the body to memorize that emotional state better than the mind and now your body literally is in the past because if you can't think greater than how you feel then you are thinking in the past and so most people then spend the majority of their life talking about why they never arrive at their vision of the future because of some past experience and so if feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences you remember your first kiss you remember your wedding you remember the birth of your children you remember catching a fish off the coast of manzanillo with your three best friends because you caught the fish and it was a new experience and you felt great and then you went to the casita and you cooked the mahi-mahi and you drank sauvignon blanc and the wind was blowing off the sea and the sun was setting and you made a long-term memory [Music] but you also have memories that are connected to trauma and crisis to disappointments and those are the memories that people remember more than anything else and so if you haven't overcome some emotion that keeps you anchored to the past then you tell a story about the past and people say i am this way because of this experience that happened to me 15 years ago i am this way because of some event that happened thirty years ago and from a biological perspective it means i haven't been able to change in the last fifteen or thirty years and scientific american a prestigious magazine says that 50 percent of what you talk about in your past isn't even the truth you make it up because you don't have the same brain that you did 15 years ago or 30 years ago so then your brain and body are typically in the past because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so if you think insecure thoughts in a matter of seconds you are going to feel insecure the moment you feel insecure your brain is monitoring how you're feeling and you think more insecure thoughts which then makes you feel more insecure and the repetition of that cycle conditions the body to become the mind of insecurity and then the person says i am insecure and whenever you say i am anything you are commanding your mind and body into a destiny so then how do people change they wait for crisis trauma disease diagnosis loss something has to go wrong in their life where they feel so uncomfortable that they finally make up their mind to change and why is that because after the trauma or the crisis they don't feel like of themselves and the moment they don't feel like themselves they could actually observe themselves because they're looking at themselves through the eyes of someone else but my message is why wait you can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering or you can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration and rule number 10 the last one before some very special bonus clips is stop excusing yourself memory is creative that in fact fifty percent of that story you embellish people make up that story let me tell you why they make up that story because they excuse themselves for the fact that they haven't been able to change since that event they'll have to make it sound worse than it really was to make it harder to grow and change so that they can reaffirm their limited sense of their inability to change so then that story becomes more and more of a story it's less of the truth because you got to work yourself up into a state there were lions and tigers and they were right you know they were helicopter snowstorms and everybody was firing bullets worse than you could possibly imagine and then you got to feel that emotion right and then you look at this oh yeah it must have been really bad now that's that's your identity now that's your identity when things are bad you feel bad so there's dramatic contrast and polarity and this is the realm of polarity right so how do you find the middle path well the heart is the middle path it's the union of polarity it's the union of opposites it's it's oneness it's wholeness and this is where we have to begin to create from all of this down here is all humanity this is all our animal nature we get up in here things change right you go from selfish to selfless and something else happens so it's really funny too because when a lot of people come they say i i don't know i'm having difficulty opening my heart i'm you know i'm practicing but i'm not feeling anything yet and then it comes time to do our healings on other people and the moment you it was no longer about you all of a sudden something happened well of course that's what the heart is about right so so it comes in ways that we least expect at times a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition a habit is when you've done something so many times that the body now knows how to do it better than the mind so now the person running through the same routine every single day is on autopilot and their body's now dragging them into a predictable future based on what they did in the past and they've lost their free will to a set of programs right so now you have the familiar past and you have the predictable future those are knowns so the only place then reasonably where the unknown exists is the sweet spot of the generous present moment that is when the body and mind are free from those conditions so along with those emotions that influence the same thoughts people start becoming more judgmental they start becoming more impatient they start becoming more entitled they start getting more afraid more anxious more depressed and now the body is literally being depleted of energy because it's believing that it's living in an emergency situation and in emergency you tap all the body's resources for some threat whether it's real or imagined and so then when you're releasing all of these chemicals we are literally drawing the body's life force and turning it into chemistry and so for the short term that's cool but the arousal that's created from those stress hormones is a rush of energy and so then people use the problems and the conditions in their life to reaffirm their conditioning or their addiction to that emotion and in a sense they become addicted to the life they don't even like and this is why change is so hard so then when a person makes up their mind to change and they say okay i'm not going to say i can't i'm not going to judge another person i'm not going to blame i'm not going to complain i'm not going to make excuses i'm not going to be a victim i'm not going to talk trash about anybody i'm just going to stop well that works out really well for the first couple hours when the bodies sing you're out of schedule you normally at eight in the morning you get in traffic and you're angry then at 11 o'clock you check your emails and you're really judgmental and frustrated the body's saying well you've been doing this for the last 20 years you're just going to stop today so now the body which has been conditioned emotionally to be the mind wants to return back to its familiar territory to the known so the body starts influencing the mind and it says you know come on this is a good time to judge that come on this is a good time to suffer it's your ex's fault it's it's your it's the government's fault it's uh you know it's the weather what the news whatever it is and if we accept believe and surrender to that thought without analyzing it it slips by and it begins to program the autonomic nervous system to make those pharmacy of chemicals and so that's when the person makes the same choice does the same thing creates the same experience just for that familiar feeling okay i'll complain just so i can feel suffering then they'd rather be unhappy and step into the unknown well look i mean i think that emotions are energy in motion and so let's just say that um we share the same experiences okay i don't we're friends and we share the same experience you're from london i've been to london my daughter lives in london and we have hey you do this i do that you did the you know you own this i own that you know so what we do is we actually look to see when we meet people if we're matching neurologically if we're matching emotionally so if we share the same experiences we share the same emotions and if we share the same emotions we can relate to one another so this is where it gets sticky so then the moment you start saying ah that person did that to you once yeah that person i had a similar experience to that person that to me now now we open the door like i'm going to use you to reaffirm my attachment to that emotion and let's just work it up so that you can suffer and i can suffer and then we can have a conversation and literally we're sharing the same energy and if we're sharing the same energy we're sharing the same information and we're bound by an invisible field of energy that keeps us connected yes so then what does it take to break that energetic field and energy that's greater than the energy that's holding it together that's how you separate atoms that become a molecule you they're they're bound by an invisible field of energy that's keeping them connected so you got to use a greater energy than the energy that's holding them together to separate them well in order for you to change then you can't have energy without awareness or consciousness you've got to go to a greater level of consciousness and change your energy and nobody changes j until they change their energy when they change their energy they change their life so then you may say well this person you know i i use this person and i use my enemy to reaffirm my addiction to hatred i use my co-worker to reaffirm my addiction to judgment i use my ex to reaffirm my addiction to resentment that we have these different people in our lives that we need to remind us of who we think we are the enemy dies and you find another one you know you know your co-worker uh leaves and you start judging another one it's just it's not any it's not that so then when there's no longer a vibrational match when you start doing the work there's no longer a vibrational match with you and your past present reality that that person or that condition any longer that person or condition is going to spiral away because you're no longer you're no longer in need of that so then our life begins to change when we change our energy and we begin to take our power back that's essential for us to begin to create with now some people can't handle that because they're not conscious that they're doing it so they'll be working on their vision of the future and yet they'll spend two hours lowering their energy back into victimization or suffering and they want to know why their future isn't happening well there's an unconscious program let's go after that and once you start going after that now all of a sudden your life starts to change again so you can't say it doesn't work on some level we don't work and if you're really invested in this the question is what is it about me where am i directing my attention or my energy who am i using to reaffirm some conditioning that i need to remember as my old self so then when you stop reacting to the person or the person is now complaining to you and you're not complaining back it's going to be an uncomfortable moment because you're all of a sudden seeing a part of you you used to be that you no longer are and you have to be willing to not go there and over time that person will thank you and they'll say i didn't even know that i was complaining that much and by changing yourself you help unconscious and not go unconscious and it turns out that 95 of the time we're unconscious so if you're going to stay conscious then there's an element that also requires a certain amount of awareness or energy and you got to step outside of that unconscious state so the thoughts that they're thinking are slipping by their awareness unnoticed because they're hardwired in their brain because they've been saying i can't it's too hard my life will never change it's someone else's fault those thoughts have consequences in the body so then if a person then becomes conscious of those unconscious thoughts becomes aware of how they speak and how they act and they notice how they're feeling they're no longer the program they're the consciousness outside the program and that's the first step to change so there are when you when you're distracted by your environment and you got your cell phone and your tweeting and your instagramming and facebook and whatever people do you're distracted by that feeling but i now know that if you take a person and you say okay close your eyes sit in the in the silence of any external stimulation remove the environment sit your body down like an animal body is the animal tell it to stay i'm gonna feed you you can check your cell phone you can shower you can have your coffee but when i say and so then here comes the challenge right so and and then if you say then you're not going to live in the familiar future familiar past or predictable future you're not going to think about how long you've been meditating what you got to do you you labor uh for that present moment people think when they do this that they're doing something wrong because there's such discomfort that comes with it but they're in the unknown they're actually doing it right people say i think i'm meditating wrong i always say oh no no no you're doing it right because when you notice that your body wants to get up and check your cell phone or have a cup of coffee and you become aware that it's on autopilot and wants to do that and you say come on over here and you return it back to the present moment you're executing a will now that's greater than the program and if the person wants to just get angry while they're sitting there there's an arousal and they notice the body is amping up and revving up and they settle it back down now they're telling the body it's no longer the mind that they're the mind now we've researched this and it's tedious in the beginning at first because david is fighting goliath but if you keep practicing it just like training an animal sooner or later the body acquiesces sooner or later the body is trained to a new mind and when that happens there's a liberation of energy the body goes from particle to wave from matter to energy and there goes that emotion literally liberated from body as energy so the person who has the strong emotion to some circumstance in their life and they're working and lowering the volume of that emotion the more they lower the volume of that emotion the more they're going to take their attention off that person and problem and they're going to take their power back there's going to be a break in their attention from that circumstance and now they build their own field and now there's energy to heal now there's energy to create a new life now there's energy for the mystical moment because they've overcome their old personality self so i think you know it's not like thinking positively that's not the message it's it's overcoming overcoming overcoming overcoming until we become somebody else and when that occurs and the person starts thinking differently and they start acting differently and they start feeling differently they're a new personality and yeah they they start seeing those synchronicities and serendipities how bad does it have to get i mean to what denominator to what lowest level do you have to reach before people really make up their mind to change my message is why wait i mean when you're feeling so altered emotionally you feel so bad that's the moment you could actually see yourself for the first time because you're you're not answering your cell phone you're not responding to all your texts you're not watching tv you're not going out to dinners you're not calling people back you're something's altered in you and you're starting to become self-aware right so then people wait to that lowest moment where they can start to see themselves through the eyes of somebody else well if you're waking up every day and you're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion and you're changing your emotional state to be elevated you could still see the old self from an elevated point of view and be state conscious then from a limited point of view and that's what i want for people like let's go i mean what do you got to lose what people are going to start wondering like did you change your medication what's up with that guy something's different about him you're not predictable any longer right then we say to our our community you know when you're changing you just stop talking about it you're just too busy being it something's happening you know and that's the repetition of getting a few days in a row of that really well i always say god if you had a great meditation you wake up feeling better at the end of that meditation than when you started and you do that the next day and then the next day you're gonna start feeling better all the time and that your body's gonna start feeling better and everything's gonna start feeling better and you're gonna start feeling better about life so you ask the person why are you so unhappy why are you so frustrated why are you so resentful the moment you ask that their brain is going to associate that emotion to a past event through a memory into a memory that's because they have nothing to look forward to in their future so if you're not being defined by a vision in the future it just means to me that you're more in love with your past than you are with the future so how do you teach people to believe in a future that they can't see or experience with their senses yet but they've thought about enough times in their mind that their brain is literally changed to look like the event has already occurred the latest research in neuroscience says that's absolutely possible we know that and how do you teach a person to select a new possibility in their future and begin to emotionally embrace that future before it's made manifest to such a degree that their body as their unconscious mind is believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment and they're signaling new genes in new ways ahead of the environment now to their body begins to change to look like the event has already occurred we've proven that that's possible now think about this so the more you think about your desired future the joy the gratitude the uh the feelings you want to have that are more positive the more you think about it as it's as a future thing happening the more your body shifts now exactly so your body is believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment now think about this the stronger the emotion you feel from some condition in your life the more altered you feel inside of you the more you narrow your focus on the cause and the brain freezes an image and takes a snapshot and that memory now is embossed in the brain it's branded in there so then people think neurologically within the circuits of those past experiences and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and the stronger the betrayal the stronger the trauma the more the body's living in the past right so then so how you reverse that so now if you truly got passionate about a future we've all done this you get a wild idea in your mind and you start holding on to that vision and you're preoccupied with it all of a sudden the thought in your mind becomes the experience and you start feeling the energy of the future now the stronger the emotion you feel from that vision the more you're going to pay attention to the picture in your mind and now you're remembering your future and vice versa the stronger you pay attention to the feeling of the past pain you're going to create the pain in this moment exactly so then so it requires a coherent brain and we now know that there's a formula for that and we've got beautiful research to show that people can do it they just have to practice and it requires a coherent heart because resentment frustration in patience creates a very incoherent heart yeah and when that heart becomes incoherent you stop trusting yourself there's no energy you stop trusting in your future so then if there's physical evidence in your brain and body physical evidence to look like the event has already occurred it's quite possible you'll be thinking neurologically within the circuits of your future and you begin to feel chemically within the boundaries of that emotion of your future and how you think and how you feel is your state of being and now your state of being is living in the future instead of the past now the moment you disconnect from the emotion of your future because traffic or some co-worker or your ex or whatever people come up with now you're back to the energy of your past and now you're going to start looking for it analyzing why hasn't it happened well if you're feeling the emotion of your future why would you look for it because you would feel like it already happened and that is the place where the magic happens so then you can't just do this get up and then return back to your old state of being you got to maintain that modified statement when life happens small let me finish with a face right now how do you maintain well of course of course i mean we all take blows in our lives yeah and and we all react emotionally but the question is how long are you going to read right so then if you can't mediate and regulate your emotional reactions and those emotions linger for days that's for some people mood and then months temperament years personality trait so then the person's personality is literally based on the past but they don't know that because they're doing it over and over again it becomes a subconscious program so now if it requires a coherent brain and a coherent heart then we have to train people how to self-regulate what kind of attention and intention do you want to place so that that becomes the loudest voice in your head and if you keep practicing it the hardware becomes a software program and it'll say jay you can do anything jay you live in no time and accomplish everything jay you're unlimited you just got to hang with it on the other side of this is greatness whatever you want to program in there you get the program in there if you sat down and say how am i going to be with my wife my husband my partner how am i going to be with my kids i'm going to be at work with my co-workers how am i going to be in traffic and you close your eyes and you begin to rehearse in your mind if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining so now the brain goes from a record of the past to a map to the future now you're installing the hardware keep practicing it it becomes automatic comes easier now it's a software program you may just start behaving differently in order for you to to really begin to explore the unknown aspect of yourself you got to learn how to get beyond the known aspect of yourself and if you keep coming back to the known you're going to miss out on the unknown so you would say well i don't know anything in the unknown of course it's the unknown and if you try to control it there you're back to the known if you try to predict it you're back to the known so you got to go through this trial and error of just kind of refining your attention refining your ability and and it's just got to be something like playing tennis or playing golf or doing martial arts or working out or crocheting or dancing the salsa you just got to keep going man in the beginning it's tedious and then when you start finding your groove like our our community they don't miss their morning meditations yeah you know why because the magic is happening and they know if they miss it they're gonna they're gonna cut off from the magic so they whether they're tired whether they're hungover whether they're what they're right they're in right you know and if you if you wake up in the morning and you can't get your butt out of bed you know what that means it just means you can predict the feeling of everything that's going to happen in your life your body's resigned so then so then you know when you went on a school trip when you were a kid you know you woke up before your parents yeah you knew something new is going to happen that's the body going wake up wake up it's something unexpected is going to happen what happened to us christmas day so why not you know put in your put in your time and then and then measure the effects of you would cause i mean become a scientist in your life and really start to experiment with it okay let me change my energy let me just write down four thoughts that like i can it's too hard i'll start tomorrow this doesn't feel right whatever it is it's be this person's fault just write those down and say these thoughts like gandalf on the bridge yes you may not pass today this is the end yes so then if you become conscious of those thoughts now you're the governor of your thoughts what what what actions what behaviors do you want to change do you complain you blame you judge do you make excuses how do you talk do you speak limited just pick four things that you're not going to do any longer yeah what emotions get you in trouble what are the emotions that you're addicted to too right that you're addicted to that keep you returning back to your past if you don't know close your eyes for about 30 minutes and just watch where your mind goes and watch your feelings and just say okay it's frustration it's unworthiness it's self-doubt it's guilt it's frustration it's shame just become conscious of those and just review them in your mind so that you don't go unconscious them in your waking day we have a thousand reasons i have more than a thousand reasons every day to be unhappy with managing companies and staff and people all that but but then when you rise above that and you choose just who you want to be i think it makes a big impression uh on your on your family first yourself and your family and your friends and the people you work with and then finally our communities so i think that people are starting to figure that out there and and when they imagine oxytocin levels in our student body the love hormone the love chemical 200 times outside of normal the latest research on oxytocin is slight slight elevation in oxytocin it's impossible to hold a grudge now so then what that means is you feel so amazing that why would you want to hold a grudge against that person so forgiveness then is not something that you have to try to do to be spiritual it's the side effect of saying i don't want to give up this feeling for you or anybody so i'm letting it go i'm freeing you i'm freeing myself and my goodness there's more liberation of energy i call that the natural state of being and we're knocking on that door why because as you begin to open your heart to life again and you start trusting in your future and trusting in yourself a little bit more and you start self-regulating with your heart you do that properly and you lead from that place from that level of awareness your life will change in dramatic ways and why is that essential because when people start doing that effectively oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals a chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor and that causes the arteries in your heart and lungs jay to literally swell just like when you're when your sexual organs are aroused and blood flow moves into them male and female that's a different consciousness there's a different energy in there imagine the same intensity moving into your heart that's what people are experiencing that is a level of love it's not like a love for your puppy it's not like the love for your partner this is transcendent of that this is the most familiar unfamiliar feeling you will ever have it'll be distant and at the same time very close and you'll start to see the hidden meaning behind all things and now when you walk in the presence of your greatest betrayer the person who threw you under the bus whatever it is when you walk in from this place there will be no emotional reaction you will just see that person for who they are who you used to be now compassion then is no longer something that you have to try to do it's the end product of doing the work and i think that mystics and saints and masters of old understood this so when they thought of that person they didn't allow that thought to produce a feeling or an energy that would lower their energy they understood that when they had the thought of that person they saw their limitation it wasn't hurting them it was only hurting themselves now i think that if the world was doing that wow we'd have a very different world thoughts uh to me produce an electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings produce a magnetic charge in the quantum field thoughts wait thoughts produce a what an electrical charge okay and feelings produce a magnetic charge and how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends the signal out now think about this and the feeling draws the event back so you could have the intent that you want wealth you want health you want success that's your intent that's your thought but if you're waiting for the experience to happen to feel it then you're not drawing the experience to you because you're not feeling the emotion right so then teaching people once again how to balance their thoughts and feelings because you can you can enter that cycle either place sometimes we do a meditation we start opening our heart we start elevating the body's energy and then those emotions can drive certain thoughts of your future other times you open your awareness you create brain coherence you have the vision of your future you begin to emotionally experience it however you want to jump on that cycle and then sustain it because the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you're drawing your future to you so then most people spend their lives right they we live in this realm called space time three-dimensional reality and you move your body through space in three-dimensional reality it takes time yeah so everything all your goals all your dreams all your visions you're going to have to get your body up and drag it through space every day to pay off that you know that home that's in your future right right when you create from the field instead of from matter when you use a vibrational match between your energy and some potential and your thoughts and feelings are coherent now you are going to begin to collapse time and space where the experience is going to be drawn to you now now you're the vortex to your destiny and now you don't have to go anywhere to get it because you're not playing by the rules of three-dimensional reality you're playing by the rules of energy and the quantum if the word meditation means become familiar with right then you know people say oh well you shouldn't focus on the negative well really that's 95 of who you are and you got to begin to dismantle or denature that old personality and that means you're going to have to come up against the cravings that the body has emotionally you know like it is it's eight o'clock in the morning and you're doing your meditation you're normally in traffic and you want to get angry and your body's going hey you're off schedule so let me just find something that's mapped in the brain that i i'll bring up a past experience why you can feel a little anger well once you become aware of that now now the game is on right yes because now you're working to become conscious of that and not go unconscious again and it takes an incredible amount of awareness yes it takes a great amount of consciousness and you can't have consciousness without energy so you got to raise your energy in order to get to otherwise you're going to be consumed yes you're going to return back right so gosh so if you start becoming familiar so conscious of those unconscious thoughts they would never slip by your mind unchecked by you now that is when you really catch yourself right and the research shows that you can get better at this you could actually sense the thought before it comes so then you start firing and wiring new thoughts you start thinking to yourself who am i going to be when i open my eyes well how am i going to how am i going to make a difference in the world today who am i going to be how am i going to love how am i going to give how am i going to serve how am i going to contribute what what things do i want to really do today and the in the act of closing your eyes and just thinking about and rehearsing what you're going to do your brain doesn't know the difference and if you get caught up in it you begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain to look like you've already done it now the brain's no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the future you are priming your brain and if you keep doing it yes the hardware will become a software program you know what that means you just might start acting like a happy person well there's no surprise there you install the circuits stress hormones arouse the body so you have your attention on your body stress hormones alert the brain so you're aware of everything in your environment like an octopus with tentacles in all different directions you got to control and predict everything in your life and if you're living by the hormones of stress you're always investing your attention and energy into the known future based on the past so you're on you're on a you're in a line of time here in a timeline so then let's think about it how you gonna make thought more real than anything else are you gonna create from thought well let's close our eyes let's disconnect from the environment right less sensory information coming into the brain less distraction as you said let's play some soft music in the background let's stick some ear plugs in our whatever you want to do diminish sensory way now you're sitting down you're not eating you're not tasting you're not smelling you're not feeling so there's more less less sensory input coming into your body so then now your brain waves begin to change they start slowing down and you move from this beta brainwave pattern where you're aware that you have a body in space and time or your attention is on the outer world or your senses are giving you information less sensory information now your inner world starts becoming more real than the outer world and you're not the voice in your head that's always talking to you as your brain waves change you start seeing images and pictures and symbols unless in that vocalization that sub-vocalization so your brain waves start changing the alpha you're going to start creating start dreaming pretending right so then if you say to your body you're going to sit down for an hour and i know you're on a program because you wake up every morning and do the exact same thing and now i'm going to make you sit just like said to an animal you sit you stay and your body's going to say i'm going to die my bladder is going to explode i need a coffee i got a lot of emails to do that's the program and you say to your body today we do battle today this is it and you sit through that and you make your way even though your body's trying to get up and you keep settling it back down i'm telling you when you start your day that day you will be more kind more loving less judgmental more patient more present because you're mastering the present moment that means you're not in the predictable future you're not in the familiar past you're mastering time and so then if where you place your attention is where you place your energy and all of your attention is in the present moment you've got a lot of energy to do amazing things and you know when someone's present with you in your life because they're paying attention to you yeah and you know when they're not present because they're not paying attention to you so so the act of getting more present means you're putting a lot of energy in the present moment and you're taking your power back from all these things and people in your life so we teach people this as they start breaking through and they start being able to unfold into this field as an awareness and they're not putting their attention on their boss or their ex or their wife or their kids or their cell phone or their whatsapp or their facebook they're they're they're they're not thinking at all so then as they're sensing the space they can't think and if you can't think you can't analyze and if you can't analyze the analytical mind is what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious you just open the door wow and so now wow you can reprogram and if you could give everyone in the world an experiment to do for 30 days or one activity that they'd have to do every day for 30 days what would it be oh i would ask them to take out a piece of paper and write down every thought that they've been thinking that's standing in the way between their future and and where they are to write down every habit or behavior even how they speak that stops them from becoming the person that is healthy wealthy or free and then to begin to recognize the emotions that keep them in the same state of being every single day and become so conscious of those thoughts behaviors and emotions that they wouldn't let any of them slip by unnoticed by them then i would have them write down the thoughts they do on a fire and wire in their brain i would have them write down what the behaviors look like of a great person that they wanted to become and i would have them practice thinking about it and practice rehearsing it and then i would say to them what emotions would you feel when your future happened because you have to teach your body emotionally what that future feels like before it happens and every day if you practice that diligently and sincerely and just become conscious of who you no longer want to be and keep becoming conscious of who you do want to be you should begin to see evidence in your life and when it comes in a way that you least expect that surprises you and leaves no doubt that it's come from a greater mind then you'll be inspired to do it again and now we believe we're more of the creators of our lives if you said well listen i'm not going to wait for my healing to feel gratitude i'm not going to wait for my new relationship to feel love i'm going to actually teach my body emotionally what that future feels like before it happens now this is a big turnaround for a lot of people because we're so reliant on the outer world to change our inner world right waiting and perspiring and waiting is not creating i mean period and when people are they could have the greatest intentions in the world but if they don't combine that with an elevated emotion there's no signal because the elevated emotion is the carrier it's the energy that carries the thought so then when we're in separation in lack waiting for our wealth to feel abundance we're basically living our whole life in pain right so then if you reason this and a person can get up from their meditation and they literally feel differently and they're feeling the emotions of their future before it happens this is turning the whole process around they can't be looking for why would they be looking for it if they felt like it there it already happened now there's no separation now this is when those serendipities and coincidences and opportunities begin to show up in people's lives so it's work but then when they start seeing the experience in their life all of a sudden they start believing they're more of the creator of their life yeah and less of a victim of their life a community of like-minded like like ant similar energy of people uh everybody understands they get one another you know you you communities tends to be the thing now that in terms of our social media and the feedback we're getting everybody wants more community because you get a you get a thousand people an audience and their energy is synchronized now you're looking at something so much bigger we're just gonna measure this i just talked to a researcher yesterday we're going to measure a thousand people when they reach that synchronized moment when they're we can we know that the entire social coherence in the room is orderly then if you're producing a ambient coherent magnetic field in your heart and you're tuning into a thought or an intent and you've got a thousand people doing that and your energy is going to start interfering and co-mingling with the person's next to you when that energy starts to synchronize it's going to produce a bigger wave the higher the amplitude the higher the wave the more energy there is so now you have one mind and one heart and now when it comes to healing others and we've done the research on this now and we're collecting the data that we're teaching people how to administer a change in energy in the person that's laying there because it's not matter that emits a field that's the wrong way to think about it it's the field that creates matter you change the field you change matter you're not it's not your job to change the tumor the tumor is the illusion it's the pattern in the field that's that that has to be changed so once people start reversing this then you start seeing tumors disappearing you start seeing blind people seeing deaf people hearing you start seeing people with parkinson's disease switch on i mean you start seeing stage four cancers reversing because now they're you're you're you're swimming upstream you're going to the headwaters and making that change it's so important then that of the infinite places you can put your attention let's put it on your heart now where you place your attention is where you place your energy why because we want this center to bloom 1400 1300 different chemicals that we storm regenerate the body let's breathe let's open this up let's practice this let's start learning how to lead with a heart a different consciousness yeah in the beginning it's a little difficult but you stay with it and you practice it pedal by pedal by pedal placing your attention there you're putting your own life force back into your heart you're turning your love inward and the body will start responding and in a week's time if we're doing that three times a day or over and over again sooner or later that thing is going to start blooming and just like when your sexual organs are aroused and they're engorged with blood this center when you start feeling love you make a chemical called oxytocin oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals a chemical called derived endothelial relaxing factor you know what that is it causes the arteries in your heart to literally open up so your heart is going to be filled with blood and oxygen and nutrients it's physiological it's going to feel full you're going to have a heart on in a sense your heart is going to fail right and when that happens you experience a level of love that passes all understanding you your cup runneth over i mean it is and people are in they're sobbing because they realize that this this center finally like a child i think we're all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations and in order like for me personally and i and after looking through your book and reading a good portion of it i mean for me there's there's no school of ancient wisdom that you need to go to to be initiated your life is your initiation if you're paying attention so we meet challenges in our life from a certain level of mind right a certain level of consciousness or unconsciousness and even einstein said we have to go to a greater level of consciousness than the consciousness that's created the problem what is consciousness consciousness is awareness and awareness means possibilities that you haven't thought of before so we could we confront problems or challenges in our life and as a side note i was having breakfast with a researcher just last week who's studying what happens when we perceive a condition in our environment as a problem how it weakens the organism they're measuring this and when a person sees it as a challenge how they draw energy they raise the energy of their body back into order so if we said i want to be wealthy or i want to be healthy well what you want to be that because you're not it so the initiation of going from not it here to it here you're gonna have to climb some steps and there's going to be some blind spots so you try it out and it doesn't work well that's because there's a part of you that's still in a habit there's part of you that's still unconscious okay so what is it about myself and that circumstance that i am feeling about that circumstance and that feeling is causing me to think about it so you say oh it's impossible they'll never change i'll hire a hitman i'll hire the mafia i'll hire an attorney i'll have my friend's friend to talk to him and nothing changes right well you're not you're not separate from that experience you're involved in it and how you think and how you feel broadcasts energy into the field so your energy is the same every day and as long as your energy is the same nothing's going to change in your life either and nobody changes until they change their energy so then what piece of knowledge what piece of information what would love do what would greatness look like okay i don't know all right well certainly somebody in history has faced this problem don't get on facebook and say does anybody have any answers don't get go look it up and study and read and learn you'll own it and you'll say wow that person that was wealthy they failed 500 times well hell i had the wrong view of wealth okay then failure's not a thing i got to overcome failure well yep just climbed a step yeah okay i'm reacting to that circumstance with the same emotion that emotion is firing the same thoughts i'm broadcasting the same energy into the field if i were facing that circumstance and situation again with that person that circumstance what do i learn from that circumstance how could i do it differently the next time find out a solution and rehearse it install the circuitry so when you get in the circumstance you're not going to respond in an automatic habituation yeah now you're at a greater level of consciousness now you're looking at possibilities that you weren't looking at before because you were unconscious now that process of trial and error is so important in the spiritual path how many times do we have to forget before we remember and then we remember and we forget again and it takes constantly remembering until we stop forgetting and when we get to that point now we're conscious now there's wisdom and wisdom is the memory of the experience without the emotional charge now you're ready for the new adventure so then people draw conclusions and say oh it's that person that ripped me off as that person that what now now you don't create your reality you only create reality when things are good well somehow you got to tango through this somehow your objectivity in not reacting emotionally is going to change the energy of how you address this situation consciousness is awareness awareness is paying attention and noticing and so 95 of who we are by the time we're 35 years old is a set of unconscious automatic programs that we've just practiced so many times that we're not consciously thinking about those so in order for you to change to answer the initial question that you asked the first step is you got to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts and you gotta you gotta start looking at those hardwired thoughts that that you think every day that are just circuits that have been fired and wired together how do we do that should we write a list at the end of the day or one of the most common thoughts we had that day like how does someone become aware you don't have to do that you just have to sit down close your eyes and not move and then you'll get you'll you'll start seeing what am i thinking about right now yeah and all you want to do is observe the thought because when you begin to observe that thought you're no longer the program now you're the consciousness observing the program and you're starting to pull out of the program but thinking about the thinking yeah who's doing the thinking of the thinking about the thinking that's who you are when you're not the program that's awareness right you got to become aware of how you speak how you act become so conscious so aware of it that you won't go unconscious and let that thought or that behavior run you you got to say oh my god this feeling that i've been living by for the last 20 years is actually guilt i didn't know it was guilt because it just feels like me and all of a sudden as you start becoming conscious of it you're beginning to objectify your subjective self you're you're pulling out of those programs and nobody likes to do that because it's uncomfortable they'd rather turn on their cell phone start texting get on the internet you know watch tv to distract them from that moment and that is what they have to move through in order to get to their to their own personal freedom so the first step is becoming conscious and meditation means to become familiar with to become conscious of to to become so conscious of your unconscious self that you won't go unconscious to any thought any behavior or emotion and get ready because it takes a tremendous amount of energy to do that and awareness to stay conscious and so we fall from grace yeah fine you gotta you got you're awake you got another day let's go again how often do you fall oh my gosh i mean how many times have i done it thousands but i'm not gonna give up because the moments in which i do connect or the moments that i do have that transcendental experience what matters the most after it when i have that transcendental moment i look back at all of those difficult meditations those difficult days and those are the ones you remember you don't remember the good meditations you remember the ones where you came up against yourself and you went a little further and you said i'm gonna go a little further and go a little further or you had a rough day and you just went in and you just you at the end of the day you surrender and you have the classic oh my god moment there's no linear correlation it's just whether you're willing to live in creation instead of living in survival and so you get better at it you know we just get better at it and for me staying conscious and staying aware and staying present is an art because you you know when someone's present with you in your life because they're paying attention to you you know when they're not present with you because they're not paying attention to you so imagine this field of information this this this intelligence that lives within you and i that's governing everything material in this world it's a self-organizing intelligence you have access to it so you better get present with it as well as you can get present with anything else and just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist that that that realm you can't experience with your senses you can only experience with your awareness so then people have to take their attention off their bodies and go from a somebody to a nobody take their attention off the people in their life and go from that they identify with and go from a someone to a no one take their attention off the things in their life their cell phone their computer their car and go from something to nothing take their attention off where they sleep where they work where they're sitting and go from somewhere to nowhere take their attention off the predictable future in the familiar past and time and go from some time to no time and now if you're taking all of your attention off of everything material in this three-dimensional reality now there's only one other thing that's left that means you're an awareness your consciousness and now that is the bridge that is the door to the quantum field and you can't enter the quantum field as a somebody so if someone has spent their whole life working on having the perfect body or so much so they have so much attention on their pain where you place your attention is where you place your energy it's going to take some work for them to take all of their attention off their body right because they'll go they'll do it and then they'll go back let's see if the pain's still there oh the pain is still there so it's a little bit of a waltz in the beginning but as people start applying this you start getting better at it let's demystify meditation because it has so many stigmas around it close your eyes retreat from your life disconnect from your body disconnect from your environment disconnect from your schedule and just give yourself an hour or 45 minutes or 20 minutes because when you invest in yourself you invest in your future and when you believe in yourself you believe in possibilities and when you believe in possibilities you believe in yourself and if you don't believe in possibilities then you don't believe in yourself and you don't believe in yourself you don't believe in possibilities so then but if you have a community a living organism yeah where it's becoming the new normal yes and you want to join that living organism and you want to you want to be a part of that and and every every stride you make feeds the living organism every stride every effort you make to connect is is amazing because that which we are seeking is seeking us it's not like it is it matches our efforts and so then when when people have that uncompromising will the same way that they go shopping for a dress or a pair of earrings or go to the gym and work out with the same intensity with the same passion come up against themselves and just say when the body's going given everything it has it's when you say that's all you got that's it that's all you're going to put out to work i'm ready yeah and so then when you start overcoming that the side effect of it is that all of a sudden you're happy for no reason and you're less seduced in believing that something else you need something outside of that outside of you to make you feel better all of a sudden you're feeling better every day without anything outside of you and now all of a sudden you start showing up unpredictable in your life you're saying that ed guy he's different he's on a different medication but in actuality you're just freer right and so so then as we begin to remove these layers that stop the flow of the divine in us that had an essence in us the side effect is we become more willful we become more mindful we become more conscious we become more loving it's it's it's nature you know it's just it just it comes becomes who we are at the end of the day if you really wanted to be wealthy say how did i do today did i make the right choices was i ethical was i purpose driven was i was i was am i interested in making a difference was i fair was i tempered did i really think before i spoke what what did i remember reading about that book about that person that did it how'd i do and if you said i when did i fall from grace when did i lose it okay i want that opportunity again i want another shot at that and i'm going in this way what would love do in this situation what would greatness do and now you you evolve your experience and somehow there's a door there's an opening something shifts something's changing and now here we go we climb another ladder and then all of a sudden there's another challenge and then people who finally arrive at their abundance they could care less if they're abundant they're already knowing that they've earned the right for it so so there's sometimes a shortcut in the process if we're if we really learn and we really get it but the trial and error is so important because not only is the person earning the right to be wealthy but they're earning the right to live in worthiness worthy to receive like hey you people people come to our work all the time for a lot of reasons and one of the common reasons is they want to get healthy yeah and in their own because they're dealing with a very serious health condition and i always say the same thing to them stop wanting to be healthy learn the formula yeah on how to get healthy learn the formula on how to heal and the healing will be the side effect of it if you're obsessing about why am i not healed you're still the old person you could become that person every day right turns out that when you sit down and the people that we interview that have had significant changes when it's no longer about their health but they are they are out of the bleachers and they're on the playing field and they are coming up against the belief like one lady said god i i always thought that this work really worked that this these concepts are the truth but i never believed it worked for me and i was in a car accident in a wheelchair and then she made the decision that she was going to overcome that belief now it was no longer about her healing it was about overcoming the belief but she overcame the belief and showed up every day for herself when you believe in yourself you believe in possibilities when you believe in possibilities you got to believe in yourself you don't show up for yourself you don't believe in it yeah and that's why people don't do the work i mean if you you believe that your thoughts created reality you would show up every day and create and so a lot of people believe in their past more than they believe in their future a lot of people fall in love or more in love with their past or romance their past instead of romance their future or love their future it's it's that simple so the initiation process of life is always going to be there you're always going to be challenged if if you want to be a master well then you better learn how to heal someone else and you're going to fail a lot of times and if you think that you're a failure then you'll quit but if you feel like you just didn't quite ding it yet and you show up again to just ding it and you keep evolving your experience and go deeper how much more can i open my heart how much more can i surrender into this infinite field how much more can i become can i walk is it with my eyes open people do meditations and they have great meditations me included and then you get up you open your eyes and you're back in the program and people want to know why they haven't healed them we have testimonies of people they're speaking the truth they said my ms my rheumatoid and my lupus never went away i had great meditations i felt better and then i realized with my eyes open i was still that person and now next level they're in the game catching themselves or catching how they speak or watching how they think they're not letting their body fall in the same emotional state to put them in the same past experience that the body's believing in now this is the this is the great part and when a person finally breaks through from the chains and there's a different consciousness of freedom that happens they look back at their past they want to change one thing in their past because it brought them to that present moment that's the path no longer existing that's the freedom so is it worth the effort yeah it's no longer about healing it's no longer about abundance it's about who you're becoming i will never work in a relationship i just won't if i'm working in a relationship something's wrong i work on me i'll bring my best you bring your best and we get together and we celebrate it should work it should work and if it doesn't then i'm going to step back and see what is it about me not you what is it about me that i need to really look at and change now if there's a vibrational match and it flows and it's fun and you connect on physically mentally mind body soul you know that's cool i i think that's healthy uh uh but a permission driven person can't be in a relationship where you have to keep going back and and and trying to fix something i just i just won't do that i just think that when it when it's right it's right and i'll know yeah yeah so i think that i do think that uh relationships uh can be easy and i i do think i i and i think that they should be and i and i think that if you're heart-centered uh that's a different place you meet yeah uh than than uh other emotions and and and i and again every time i have a mystical moment and i feel that transcendental love that i don't even know the word for uh every time i have one of those moments i think i got this all wrong it's just that it it's it is not chemical it's electric and you got what all wrong well the way we view the world the way we i mean we don't see things how they are we see things how we are you know and every inner experience that's transcendental experience enriches circuitry in your brain experience produces emotion or energy in the body so you start having transcendental moments where you start connecting to that field it's signature it's love i mean but not love like a love for your puppy this is like this is like an arousal this is i don't know the other word but spiritual arousal yeah and we have the we have the evidence we can say oh watch this watch this person's brain and scientists are studying our work i'll say oh um watch she's gonna pop in a few minutes what do you mean just watch she's going to pop and all of a sudden this person goes into an arousal the sympathetic nervous system is so switched on but the arousal isn't like an arousal that from the environment that produces anger or aggression or fear anxiety or pain or suffering that's survival in the environment that produces the arousal this arousal is coming from energy in the body that's moving up into the brain and the arousal is bliss arousal is ecstasy the arousal is freedom but it's it's it's not chemical it's it's you'll feel it in every single cell in your body now here's the outcome of that the outcome of that is that when you open your eyes and some conditioning some layer has been removed your spectrum of the way the world looks broadens now because now you're wired to perceive what's always existed but you didn't have the circuits in place to perceive them so then it's the inner experience that literally trans transforms our experience of the outer world and so when you start having moments where you hit that kind of frequency or you have those moments of love you're less dependent on anyone to bring you happiness you're you're okay you can love the person for the flaws because you can see a part of yourself you used to be that you no longer aren't instead of judgment you have compassion and you can encourage and and and communicate from from a level of connection instead of intimidation or or competition or however relationships work the person's doing the vision board and they're saying when i get my new car i get my new house i get my new relationship then i'm gonna feel so great now that well then they're back to the program waiting for it to happen for them to feel the emotion they're believing their outer world has to change in order for them to feel better there's there's no effect of drawing the experience to you with that way so the person has to use those tools to get them into the emotional state for them to feel like it's already happened now think about this if you get up from a creative process and you feel grateful you feel a love for life you feel a joy for existence you feel a passion uh to for the moment uh you will not be looking for your future because you'll feel like it's already happened it's the moment that we start feeling those self-limiting emotions that we feel separation and then we start looking for it again well then if you're waiting you're not creating you're you're in separation again so then yeah so then whatever it takes for you to move into a state of being and what is a state of being thoughts are the vocabulary of the brain feelings are the vocabulary of your body how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so then if you wake up in the morning and you come come back to your senses with a clean slate and you say i don't feel anything you say well let me start thinking about all the problems in my life well all those problems are connected to different people or different objects of things at different times and places the moment you remember your problems a memory is a record of the past you're thinking in the past every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them so all of a sudden you start feeling unhappy you start feeling bitter you start feeling frustrated so now your body's in the past so then most people then create a state of being that's connected to their past and if they're in the familiar past then they are going to crave the predictable future and they're going to fall back into routine so then we want people then to get very clear on that vision of their future however they do it and begin to combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion and the stronger the emotion they feel from the vision they're creating the more altered they feel inside of them the more they're going to pay attention to the pictures in their mind and now they're remembering their future and biologically it's exactly the same as remembering your past in fact if you're not being defined by a vision in the future it means you're making your past more real than your future you're falling in love with your past you're more in love with your past than you are with your future that you're believing in your past more than you're believing in your future when you get to that moment where you have that feeling that's your compass because that feeling is going to drive your behaviors it's going to drive more of those thoughts and when you feel that feeling and it's visceral no person no thing no experience will stand in the way between you and that vision and and you will be initiated in by the universe into wealth you will be initiated into health you'll be initiated into freedom those people all those people that have healed themselves of all those different health conditions they are so humble and so happy and they feel so great that they would never trade this feeling because of what you thought of them they they've they've left that program behind a long time ago they actually don't care how you think of them they actually are so happy with themselves that they are no longer dependent on anything outside of them now i think that's a really important moment because that's the moment we give people permission in our lives to do the same right and i think that more and more people are beginning to figure that out one of the things about the global pandemic that i said to my staff and to my family the moment i heard how the circumstances in the world changed i just said i refuse to be a victim to these circumstances so a victim consciousness is when um we allow something in our outer environment to control the way we feel and think so i say to you jay why are you so upset today and you said oh it's because of this person or circumstance what you're really saying is something in my outer environment some person or some condition is controlling the way i think and feel and that's not the truth that's just a response right so anything that controls our thoughts and feelings causes us to be victim to those things and the stronger the emotion we feel to some circumstance in our life the more we pay attention to it and where we place our attention is where we place our energy so we're giving our life force we're giving our power away to that circumstance and so i just made up my mind that it was a great opportunity to get into the cocoon if you want more top 10 videos they're not on this channel anymore i have a dedicated channel just for it go check it out the link is right there next to me continue to believe and i'll see you there
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 1,145,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, dr joe dispenza, reprogram your mind, entrepreneur mindset, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael motivation, joe dispenza top 10 rules, success motivation - joe dispenza top 10 rules for success, how to build your future, joe dispenza, how to manifest, law of attraction, joe dispenza meditation, joe dispenza law of attraction, unconscious mind
Id: ln-CFvfWSEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 51sec (5691 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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