Swapping Bodies w/ a Mannequin - VR Experiment

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- Have you ever wondered what it would be like to swap bodies with someone? - Let's talk about that. (groovy theme music) Good mythical morning. - Recently we posed the hypothetical question to you on our Facebook and Twitter, what would you do if you could switch bodies with your best friend? And you gave us some very interesting answers. - Yes, Spencer said, immediately eat 5 pounds of sugar-free gummy bears and hope to God I switch back before the impending lower-intestinal cataclysm. Which does happen. - Sara-Jean said, Oh man my best friend is an amazing musician while im more average so id probably rip the bass alllllll day. - Rip that bass, Ridgley says, Be a world class gymnast, compete in the Olympics, and fulfill my dream of winning an Olympic Gold Medal. Or get a ton of tacky and grammatically incorrect tattoos. - Thanks for all your answers, but today, what we're going to do Is take that hypothetical question and make it a reality. We are going to swap bodies today. - Now thanks to VR technology, this is a thing people have started doing. If you wear a VR headset with a camera that then captures your point of view, if you weren't wearing the headset, and someone else does the same thing and you look at each other's feeds, it can give you the sensation of switching bodies, if you do it properly. Let's do that. - [Rhett] Everybody - [Link] Yeah - [Rhett] Swap your body - [Link] Yeah - [Rhett] Everybody - [Together] Swap your body right. - Okay, so for our first experiment we are going to be pairing Link with this mannequin. That's why they're dressed the same, not just because tie-dye's in style again. - I'm tanner than the mannequin. - But you both have on tights, actually we all have on tights. - I'm a tannequin. - So what we have to do Link, is the camera on this mannequin is actually looking down right now, so what I'm gonna ask you to do is to put on your headset and then look down, and you are gonna basically begin swapping bodies with the mannequin. It's gonna feel like you're inhabiting the mannequin's body, do you see your feet and they look plasticky? - Yes and my hands are plasticky and they're not moving. - Okay, so now Chase come in, Chase is gonna help me with this, in order to complete this, and then I'll explain what we're gonna be doing with this, I'm actually going to touch your chest at exactly the same time, this is gonna complete the linking, with Link and the mannequin. Here we go, three, two, one. - Ooh, yep, just been touched. - See that? - I saw you touch me. - Now I'm gonna manipulate your left arm. - Ahhhhuhhh, yeah. - [Rhett] Is it happening? - I'm a mannequin. - Now I'm gonna reach across, I'm going to grab your right arm. - Yes, I see that. - And I'm going to manipulate your right arm. - Ho, ho, ho, man. - And then I'm gonna come back down. - I'm seeing you touch me, but I'm very porcelain skinned. - Okay, now you are officially linked to the mannequin, and we're gonna use this to help you overcome some of your fears, I know there are some things that you don't like, and we're going to be exposing the mannequin to these things to, stay over there, - Like you're in the changing stuff. - And by way of doing that, exposing them to you. You'll understand in a second. So I know you're a little bit of a germophobe. - Oh goodness. - So we have taken this toilet brush from the bathroom, just used it to wash the toilet out. Now I'm going to just gently bring this up and massage your lips with it. - No. - It's gonna bring it up slowly, and then just massage your lips with it, nice and easy. - Nooo! - Let it go in Link, let it go in your mouth, just open your mouth a little bit. - No! - It's okay. (Link cries out) - Okay, and now I'm gonna bring it down. - Felt like a paintbrush, but it looks like a toilet brush. - I'm gonna rub your belly with it. - Oh, harder. Wash that bowl. - Now let's move on to a different fear. - That was a little disconcerting, I didn't want to be there for that. - Alright, now I'd just like to introduce you to your old friend. - Uh, nope. - [Rhett] And now I'm just gonna bring him up to your mouth. - No, not up to my mouth. - There he is. - Be a rope! Okay, he's very prickly, oh goodness. - He's touching your mouth, he likes it. - Nooo, no! I think you're gonna switch it, as long as I can see the snake, I know you're not touching me with the snake, that's what I keep telling myself. - Okay, and now he's gonna play with your belly. - Ohhh, oh my god that's, ahhhh! No, no, no, I'm serious, no! - Link, it's a freaking rope man. - It got me when she's started crawling up, man, that was freaking realistic. - You've got to, you've gotta embrace it, man. This is about overcoming, - He's still there! - Okay, I'm gonna give Craig back. - I'm glad my pants are black, cause I just soiled them. Okay, that was really convincing, especially at the end, I mean I knew that that wasn't a snake, but my brain didn't know that, I could not convince my brain that I wasn't about to eat a snake. So now we're gonna do the same for you, well, a little bit different. You're a little bit taller, but let's do a body swap. Go ahead and put the headset down. And let's make a linkage. - Okay, so I'm looking. - You see me, waving at you down here. - Yes, I see that. - Hello, that's my hand right below your body. Alright so, I'm gonna poke you in the chest, three, two, one, poke. There we go, just a little poke goes a long way as they say. - Yeah it does. - But hey, let's get a little, coochie, coochie, coo, and stop. See, and one more, and coochie, coochie, coo. - I still don't like it, though. - And stop. - I don't like it. - Alright, and then let's lift the left arm here, whoooooop, sound effects added by me. - There it goes. - And back down. - There it goes. - And the right hand is being grabbed and, - That wasn't my arm Chase. - And then back down. - I know it's easy to get confused. - As long as you know that's Chase, I'm cool with it. - Alright, and then a little, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, are you linked? - Yes, I feel like this mannequin. - Rhett, do you remember back when I was in the pillow suit? - Uh, yes Oh gosh no. - You know what you did, well time for me to get my revenge here with this very hard, totally wooden, solid baseball bat. (Rhett crying out) Did it hurt? - It seems like it should. - Okay, let's see what else I got over here. - Why you gotta punish me like, oh come on, no. - It's nothing, it's just a knife. Man, look at that, boy, that thing is sharp. Let me just get a little, little poke right there. - No, no, no, no. - Start up here at the sternum, and then go down. I'm just letting you know that there's a knife here. Oh, where's it gonna stop, nobody knows, maybe there. And then pull the hand out. - No, come on, no. - And then, we're gonna, (Rhett grunting) I'm not, I'm just, I'm just caressing the skin, putting the hand back down. - My heart is beating really fast. - Maybe I should go up to the neck, just touching the neck, caressing the neck, back and forth, back and forth, and then. - So tense. - I'd say right here, just below the sternum, is the first soft spot. - No, no. - [Link] And three, two, one. (Rhett grunts) And out! Three, two, one. (Rhett grunts) - Why are you doing this to me? What are you trying to prove man? - I don't know, it just seemed like fun. Okay, we've each body swapped with a mannequin, now we're gonna see if we can body swap with each other, and see how we can exploit this technology for practical applications. First, we need to link up, Rhett you need to link with Link. - Yeah, so, put the headset on, look straight ahead to start. - Oh yeah, I got it. - Now put your hands on your knees, and look down. - Oh, there they are. - There we are. - I'm moving my fingers. - Okay, so just, I'm gonna move slowly through some hand motions and just follow me. - Oh my goodness, there's my thumb. - Okay, and then, (making sounds together) now bring this one up, now interlock. - Oh wow. - Turn, crack it. - I think this is great just for me and you, but that's, - Now let's rub our thighs, oh wow, this is the most, woooahhh. - Alright, let's move on, this is getting weird. - Okay, so I'm gonna look straight up again. Now, I've been wanting to eat healthier recently, and of course, I don't like the foods that are healthy, I like the foods that are unhealthy. So a potential real-world application is to trick my brain into thinking that I'm eating something that tastes good, when it's actually something that's healthy, let's try that, bring in the bowls. - Which I think means I have to eat something, let's look down at the bowls. - Oh, I get M&Ms. - Now I see, I'm grabbing, can't find the spoon. Now I'm just seeing peas and carrots, and a big old spoon in my right hand. - Okay, let's eat. - [Link] I can't find my mouth. - Mmm, M&Ms are good, more. Get more. - Man, those are the best-tasting peas and carrots I've ever had. - Look down, look down, I can't see. Okay, let us get em in there. Boy these M&Ms have lost their crunch. - This is a trip, oop, got a delay here. - What's this doing to you, though, psychologically? - My mouth is loving it. I'm starting to believe that peas and carrots taste amazing. I think it makes me want to eat peas and carrots. - I don't want M&Ms anymore. I think this ruined M&Ms for me. - The opposite is actually happening. - Right, we're learning something. Now for another potential real-world application, let's say I'm traveling, I'm on the other side of the world, but I still want some quality time with my dog, Barbara. - And let's say that I am babysitting your dog Barbara. And so you brought your equipment, and we're gonna have a dog-petting situation. Let's look down at our laps and our hands. - Oh hey, hey baby. - Hey Barbara, you look like a pillow. Hello. This pillow, this pillow is alive, I'm freaking out. This is the most lifelike pillow I've ever felt. - So now, let me do the leading like I'm really interacting with my dog, here. - Look down a little further, there you go. - If I wanna be like, that is, and I wanna scratch that belly, I wanna scratch the belly, yeah. - Good job pillow. - Now I wanna take her, and pick her up facing me. - Lift your head up, lift your face up, higher. Lift your head up higher, oh, there we go. - And now I wanna just, just, get some kisses. I wanna get some kisses. She's not kissing back. - I don't know where she is, I think she's, It's like, it's crazy. - Let me look at you, let me look at you. - It's like I'm looking at a, a pillow. Look up a little bit. Look up higher - I don't see, oh there we go. - There we go, that's it, I see the head of the pillow. - Okay, and I just wanna reach up, and just grab it, woah, woah, woah. Okay, now she doesn't like this, so let's bring her back down. Hold her like a baby, she likes to be held like a baby. - Like this? Like this, good job Barbara, good job Barbara. - Okay, now let's just let her go, let's let her go, just let her go, we're just gonna, let her free, let her free. - She's just laying there. - That was so therapeutic. - I think I killed her, she looks like a dead pillow. - Oh baby, it's gonna be okay. Okay, well I think, you know what, this is the beginning of something. In the future, the people are gonna look back on this video, and be like, man, those guys invented something. - Actually, this is the end of something, the episode. Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hello, my name's Caitlyn, I'm from The Netherlands, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - The best way to do a body swap is to have matching clothing, and the best way to get matching clothing is to go to RhettandLink.com/store to get beanies, and hoodies, and T-shirts. - RhettandLink.com/store, click through to Good Mythical More, we're gonna open some mail and have a dog update, out dogs are here. - Let's Get Textual. This is when we ask you to send a text to somebody, and then screenshot their response. What we want you to send to somebody is my farts smell like grapes. - Screenshot the response. - Hashtag LetsGetTextual. - [Link] Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And click the circular channel icon to subscribe. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 11, Body Swap Experiment good mythical morning, good mythical morning Body Swap Experiment, Body Swap Experiment rhett and link, rhett and link Body Swap Experiment, Body Swap Experiment gmm, gmm Body Swap Experiment, body swap, experiment, 3d camera, mannequin, VR experiment, Swapping Bodies w/ a Mannequin, bodyswap
Id: tn2nsJAfDfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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