Try Not to Laugh: Oblivion Edition YLYL #0044

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I hope I can help Necromancy may be legal in Cyrodiil but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the mages guild has banned it Farewell May you rest in peace Oh, yeah play video games Watch someone else play video. That's right. I'm joining you guys How stupid can you be Come on, you guys have been doing it for years. Well, I can't do it oblivion is it's my weakness This game is just God's gift to earth Thank You. Todd Howard son. Thank you. Fun fact ton Howard was in the Chess Club Nothing cracks me up like this game. So Let's just jump into it. The other one got deleted in case anyone is curious what happened to it But we have a ton of new of Lybian memes. Thanks to bacon who apparently took it upon himself to single-handedly resurrect this this game What's going on? Stop you Bow or serve your sentence your stolen goods are now forfeit Then pay with your blood That's great This game is too good. I never actually played this game. I just know I love it. That's all I know Todd Howard god bless your soul and they clearly were way too ambitious with this title And that's what makes it so goddamn beautiful. I was writing games when I was you know, 12, whatever and The other kids in the block would say, you know, I'm gonna play quarterback for the Cowboys and I'd be like I'm gonna make video games and everyone's gonna play You dork go back to the Chess Club Who's laughing now? Yes, I was in the Chess Club Who's laughing now, I like how it goes from confident to insecure just like that who's laughing now? Yeah God bless you Todd, I'm Rena brilliant. I love dogs doesn't everyone everyone does How do you get that perfect timing god damn it only in Oblivion I am ready burn it one thing. You need to know about me. I love dogs. Does it every How does that happen what in most games these days It's all about you know Duck and Cover and and wait for your enemy to come out and then, you know waiting for the right move It's a lot of waiting is very boring but not nothing speaks like a real action movie nothing tops the matrix times a hundred Thousand million like the Oblivion combat. Just why Brittani? You're pathetic Take that Goddamn it when you fail at the long range, you just gotta step in on that close range. You're pathetic Beautiful with that fire now ain't it a surprise No sign of them they do that in LA a lot it that's Skyrim to be fair, but they do that in life Just kill someone immediately. That's no sign of him. I guess he's gone Oh My god Does everyone have a dislocated shoulder. What is going on? Wait, what the hell is this Oh, Todd Howard seduces, you too, Matt. They're mad at Fleetwood Mac's right? It's me Bethesda's Todd Howard look, I know you told me not to come around and Know after we bought skyrim for the Xbox one. You said you were done At least let me plead my case No Poor is the perfect game. It'll have no lobe time. Yeah, did you like that? No, I can't I'm sorry, I'll save this for later. Yes. Oh great and mighty grand champion. Is there something you need? Can I carry your weapon shine your boots that road perhaps where it's gonna shoot room in the air. Oh, is it the classic? Oh Gee, you sure Okay. Well, I'll be hanging around the arena grounds if you need someone to share the ground you walk on Absolutely, beautiful. Absolutely magnificent oh my god He just broke his back he's fine he's fine it happens all the time he does that all the time Happening This game is so confusing. I think that's why it makes it so good. You see someone run past just now Well, if you do grab him and yell it bastard stole from me Did you see thump is that how Americans try to do like Nordic accent is that is that how you see yes, huh? Racism have you seen anyone in plain sight do you see that man right there? You know the action is very exciting of in oblivion and Skyrim, of course But nothing really entices me and immerses me like the dialogue that really makes me feel like I'm part of the world It feels like real dialogues real people real communication How goes it? I've been better. I hope things get better. Oh Hello How are you today? I've been better. How about you? I've been better. What's the news from the other parts of Tamriel? nothing, and I'd like to talk about So long Be seeing you at first. I thought it was the same guy. Just talking to himself But it's clearly the same voice actor for these two characters interacting. I've been better. How are you been better? It's as long as like this same person or something. It's incredible. I already show this one, but it's so funny This guy's an absolute an absolute menace to society, I don't know you Know it's this about. I don't know you and I don't They they test this game at all and I don't care Okay, we get it thank you that is literally me at school to everyone I don't know you I don't care to know you Thank You Pat sir. The voice acting is just impeccable lady. Amber Knox has hired a new captain lady. Amber. Knox has hired a new captain of the guard Todd did that intentionally I know he did Spriggans nature's Guardians my foot Mean things they'll curse you or they might call a bear to tear you apart Spriggans nature's Guardians my foot mean things they'll curse you or they might call a bear to tear you apart wow, it's so nice to see a game that really Articulates all the points that they want to say. It feels like I'm talking to a real person Don't you feel it too smash like if you feel it, too thank you something that's really innovative for video games is the fact that Characters will actually remember their interaction with you like that one Lord of the Rings game For example, that definitely does not occur in oblivion I mean oblivion really lives up to his name because it seems like a blue everyone just having amnesia I'm captain of the castle guard and Deon is captain of the town guard It's simple I don't care what goes on in town. That's Dion's problem Goodbye you're the gray fox You're under arrest for for for all kinds of stuff. You're wanted dead or alive. I'm i'm choosing dead I'll make captain for this. Oh great Man down he was just a captain that wanted to be captain. So sad only asking for enough to Thank you later. Gather Blessings of the shadow upon Thank you, sir, sir get blessings of akatosh upon ye, thank you kind sir Blessings of the shadow upon ye blessing upon you for smashing like on this video. Thank you. Can't there He was here a second ago you I've seen your kind before you've got blood on your hands Keep your blade sheath you murdering bastard, or I'll put you down myself Stay safe citizen say saves our dark times You just murdered some wine, how could you do this spell looks dangerous keep your distance Damnit will we ever get games like this anymore? I doubt it your money or your money or your life You're smarter than you look seems fair they have braids in his hair Take it it's worthless to me anyway The whole video of me just Goddamnit, I laughed at that how does that happen? You see this highwayman at existential crisis after you stole from him You see he makes a living stealing from others and yet he himself was just robbed You can't say you were in the wrong since he's done worse. I mean, yeah, I guess he's just calling us worthless Isn't he because he was comparing our life to the money Take it it's worthless to me. Anyway. Yeah. It's oddly like sad But of course the top of the cake the cake of the cake the cake inside the cake the guards, of course Nothing beats the AI Anyway, okay oblivion really has mastered AI it doesn't get any cleverer the cleverer really smarter than this. What is it? Very subtle Stop right there criminal scum Nobody breaks the law and my watch I'm confiscating your stolen goods now pay your fine or it's off to jail Then pay with your blood see my mascara watch out Take the fuckin do well sir officer. She says all flesh and no fury. I can't tell you It keeps stealing. So it's a perfect long live the Empire what's going on? It's all over law breaker your sprees at an inner I'll take any stolen. Could you have the next move is yours? Pay your fine or I'll haul you away Then pay with your blood It's all over Anakin I have the high ground Alright, that's it guys going right to subscribe to bacon. I'll link his channel down below he is still uploading these I wouldn't be able to make this video without it and Honestly, it's so funny. I I it's kind of weird I I feel like I shouldn't play the game because I have this expectation in my head that every interaction is gonna be like this Now because all I've ever seen from it, but if you guys wanted me to play the game I think I would be up for I think it could be fun I don't know. But if you enjoyed this video smash like and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Hope this video. It was enjoyable I'm sure it was. Thank you very much. Goodbye brofist
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,175,493
Rating: 4.9386678 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, oblivion, skyrimn, skyrim, gameplay, funny, moments, compilation, meme, memes
Id: BrMMYtkiEK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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