Try Not To Laugh ft. World's Strongest Man

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the world's strongest man might have the most discipline in the entire world but does he have enough discipline to withhold his laughter I love when people get scared she looks like she's gonna pee her pants after too that's out of you getting your hands after this video from laughter he almost made me laugh but your joke was better than the video oh that doesn't count now just like a cat Robert only has nine lives left if you do manage to laugh 10 times before the video is up you have to do the punishment in this briefcase but if you manage to survive I have to do it he's a dad oh average British person we're just standing on eggs now ever since the Tea Party that was awesome what would you call that British person Egghead oh no Robert oh no he's gonna oh no I've had a guy pee on my foot I'm standing at the urinal and it got all of my foot and I looked at this guy but he was really old and I didn't say anything I just walked my wet feet back into the theater what's in that cup that looks like people that does look like people oh [Applause] she's having a black but this is the average bachelorette party right she kind of sounds like a Windex bottle when I spray it dang it that's two down baby acting scared her reaction [Applause] [Music] she got so angry I like that she's confused right now she's like a little upset a little confused look at how furrowed her brows are and I don't know if she knows how she just got played right there if she's faking she's the best actor I've ever seen oh this is not smart that is not what you do don't don't don't do that this is so Elementary I guess you're playing hide and seek with me as a kid not knowing I could hear her laughing I know so many people who laugh like that that's so sweet okay he's got to play with like ear muffs on this is cheating I just love the fact that she's having so much fun and doesn't even realize that he can hear her that's the sweetest thing ever made a tick tock account on a new iPhone oh no I'm sure people think it's hilarious because she's created an account with the display phone all these women are busted no I don't believe it Oh I thought it was worth it it's just a regular on a car that's not bad though or is that one they have they cut a color match yeah they cut a cover match though it probably looks better than it did before this kind of makes my ears happy not gonna fix that redid this to my car not as bad all right tell your joke no you wanna get a chicken's so funny why are chickens so funny oh who are you waiting for my friends listen we never have seen 11 year old girl she said she was 12. the Englishman it's fake right it's a sound bite it's a big Trend she said she was 12. whoa whoa oh she got heels on it oh kiddo come on no I'm rooting for you I know this was a Triads of cringe and pain challenge but she's really struggling take them off kid take them off what are those called stellatos my ankles are so sore just watching that this is broken had dad test my daughter after 8.5 weeks of basic in the end okay we're getting some testing yeah you see her move she was on she was like ready she's like yes sir siblings are dating are they siblings that are dating yeah that's what I think okay yeah me too heartbreak engage well congratulations did you get a ring or something please congratulate the shaft in the comments trying to filter on my boyfriend no no then it's just what is this is this Bobby Flay I'm always curious if people are acting so if Danny DeVito pops up behind you you're not gonna get a little scared no no I would be scared oh that's a kid running to take a sh kid stuff gets me bro kid stuff is the best just seeing this little boy run across and he's like I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go we've all been there [Music] oh that's got to be his commanding officer behind him oh no oh no he's done he's cooked when I was a kid I was obsessed with making movies I decided I was gonna do a movie called okra which was like Oprah but different and I wore the dress [Music] she's dead she's dead she's dead at least she didn't fall you gotta get this makeup off the face they're just kids having a blast man I had Five Sisters man I wore makeup all the time yeah I had five brothers dang it they look like twins they do kind of like the hitter color is their cheekbones are the same why would you be afraid wait are these the Chicago Bears no Oklahoma City oh that's right I've never heard of them happy holidays oh dude these are those new fridges where they've got like the advertisement on the fridge I've never seen one of these in real life I've seen them at a couple gas stations no way he brought his friends to see the ginger okay this guy needs to play fortnite to get the gingerbread skin he's gonna lose his mind he brought his mom I think this is getting but at first I was like goddess lamb now that he brought his mom I'm like all right this point in time you've got to just humor him yeah is that from uh [Music] it's the static this guy's been collecting energy for years oh frick I love it I love dads with their presents yeah look at him oh no he lost it no I'm into the fireplace oh thank God oh never mind dude this is just the most abrupt Christmas you could ever ask for from like joy to death and he's probably sitting there like there was a laugh it's not looking good guys Robert's laughed six times four more lives will you marry me [Music] she's just gonna walk away and not even like is he not oh no oh no [Music] this is top 10 anime betrayals oh I went in to go fix my daughter's pacifier and I thought I saw someone in the monitor oh she saw herself okay come on Mom I understand that though like when you have a little kid you become like a zombie you have no like real brain power for the first few months for the mom like she just had like the whole birth and everything so the whole birth it's a lot okay what lovers my dog thinking about that time he ate a bee and had to be rushed to the vet look at that chunky little dude plane oh dude oh I would never show myself on that Airline again bro Pinhead Larry was in the way ladies and gentlemen this is the first challenge we've ever had in the trying to laugh challenge if you can prove to me right now that you're subscribed to Preston reacts we will give you a life for free but if not I'm gonna take it away I watch these videos at home with my son I'm hearing a lot of excuses so I have three YouTubes and I watch everything under coach Oberst you wanna see the kojo burst Channel let me see it I don't have the code so you don't have Coach O burst on this phone I do not this phone is all for looking up breath of the wild tips I'm uncomfortable we'll be worse if we snorted it don't okay don't that is hilarious oh man that's good oh hello dog nice that dog's got a good melon yeah I love that dog you think a dog would eat Breeze cat no no I know this poor old man's going down he's done he's done he's having too good of a time you already have one glass hip do you want another one possum but also what is he on he is on a flamingo there has to be a better way I saw the car and I'm using a discount card so I'm only getting 15 off there's no normal way to say this but I'll give everybody watching this video 15 off using this code just for you I wanted to scare my friends that's not our friend oh yes oh that's awesome I like that she looks like she's gonna pee her pants and she's literally in the stall oh this is an awesome outfit wait a second how did this person know what I wanted Brita cosplay as oh he stuck it in his nose oh no what's great is that the person's filming at the exact right now it's a little boy but he likes lights yeah oh and then he's like I love the hairy dogs too like I love the ones that are all covered in hair oh poppers you proved your discipline a stone faced it do me a favor flip this latch open it [Music] what a bowl of eggs what does this mean eight whole eggs right there oh man all right I'm going in oh oh
Channel: PrestonReacts
Views: 1,355,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Try not to laugh, Funny Videos, World's funniest videos, preston, funny, react, challenge, mrbeast, mrbeastreax, socksreact, brianna, ssundee, unspeakable, alia, dhar man, sidemen
Id: NbK11XCcZTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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