Tiktoks That WILL Offend You

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the world is full of things that will trigger people like people who put pineapple on pizza it's delicious and if my pizza order offends you so will these tick tocks no no this is why cats are the spot of Satan yes I do agree because that was evil I just got squirted his face You Get Inked he could go Inked yo I got into square okay that's good is packing oh my God I thought it was a duck I was like I don't know Ducks could ink I love that he just sits there and he's like does all Brothers do this I don't know I got one right here yeah do I do this no they literally did yes no I never did that you didn't do that that much you would like open the door and like burp or something disgusting oh [Music] they lose my mom like wait I gotta pause there's a perfect moment when he realizes he fudged up you cannot ever show your face those people ever again you know whoever was doing this the way they're scratching it like stop well somebody was paid to do this this is one of those money back guarantees I hope you sign yeah I agree that is disgusting oh it looks fun I'm scared I don't like how the handle is a different color doesn't open to open it no what the heck oh that's kind of weird I like that one what do they do they take the handle off and screw it on the other side like did they want to just ruin the rest of everybody else's life it's mildly infuriating it's like you were so close first two ones were like okay but there's just some people in this world that it shouldn't exist on Earth on the planet like we should take them out Elon send them to Mars's new planet double tap when you're uncomfortable uncomfortable I'm double tap double top double tap no no no why don't this is all over Tech talk I don't know why people have a special soft in their soul like the red valve this looks like a fire department but in the bathroom what oh it doesn't work if you turn it only if you look to up or down I hate bathtubs I got can I talk about this this is like one of my biggest Peppers I'm not even kidding you go and it looks like you need to turn it but you have to lift it up like what the heck is that like what is the point who does this who was the bathroom like this nobody wants stuff like that nobody wants that like why do you want a coffee like that that is so stupid I found out what makes me mildly infuriating Dude Perfect oh starting off strong I love this trust's not broken though yeah I still know like you still believe me they still make great shots this is great oh yeah it's not full is it wait no it's plastic I think wait the ice cream I told you it's not full no way where is this I'm using the powdery orange no no there's something about this orange oh it's just gonna keep going yeah he got us but there is a tick tock account where all the guy does is squeeze oranges he's got like a sickle and he cuts it and he just squeezes it and it's never ending she's got a better sword than he does yeah that was weird wait wait hold on she gave him a thousand years of death have you ever done that before to myself do you want to do it to me [Music] creamy it's a whole new series is it dough it's paint no we can't have another cake but not cake wait are those real what is that stuff it's like Play-Doh like the camera's blurry right here oh it's cake wow it's so real man we're seeing Paul Hollywood you know the baker guy from British Bakery Baker office they bake each other off or whatever I'm really uncomfortable no no no no no not a lot no no no there's not a lot that gets me uncomfortable but fake Neapolitan that's not fake it's real what is happening no one knows she's up no she's a mouth breather freaking knew it oh this guy breaks yeah he defames The Magicians that's smart that's so good I love this guy this guy's good you know he brings truth to the internet I thought the sword swallowers were actually doing it monkey no this is so truly real dude wait a second that low-key kind of looked like Keely yeah like the hair it looks like they got this off of like a real or anything dude I'm just standing back because like God you're dead you can Smite him now he's forgiving me wow please guys subscribe Skye doesn't have a lot of time left to live after that statement oh wait that's cool no that's cool my trust is not broken this does not break my trust my trust is still very much there I will not thrust my trust what what that's this guy it's a beach what is it the beach it's a fake Beach dude no no it's definitely no no no no it could be something [Music] smelling it did he set up the camera this kid's amazing dude I love this kid's onesie what is it is it like rainbow Stitch I bet it's gonna be stormy and rainy no way what does it look like he um I'm realizing how much I need trust you don't realize how much you need trust until it's gone what's the least trustworthy app in the comments three two one instagram voicemails this is supposed to make your friend hate you forever oh I always hate this man why dude this is not your day wait a second look at it man wait a second yeah he's ready to give him a nice macaroon no no that's not a slap that's a fist he looks four haircuts coins oh that was weird oh the unsatisfying animation don't do this no Jack come back ah go in go go dude it's worse he took the time to animate this my breakfast oh the ball pits into the skate park dude you're just trying to be a pro skater and then this mom's dumping balls in your skate park Tony Hawk just decks one of the kids also this is like the lowest budget unspeakable video ever I had twelve dollars to fill a skate park with balls [Music] satisfy me a little bit man stop I need satisfaction somebody crushed something before I die oh I can Crush my own hopes and dreams oh right before it hits this is so unsatisfying so they just cut every time stop oh come on dude I hate that man don't do that to me that clip caused me physical pain yeah I mean physical pain Parker's causing me also physical pain so please like this video to ease my swelling what's this guy doing no don't do it that got me that tickled my gherkin yeah you can see the anger management oh no oh no no no don't punch it don't punch it don't punch it just print there we go you got it buddy he's about to snap he's rage monster from Dude Perfect dirty clothes though he's done yep that's it just throw away the clothes that he's so mad it's gonna be naked from now on that's just how it's going it's gonna open again it's gonna open again it's always the worst timing too ready three two look at our laundry mat back here if you get our doors shut I shut it just now this is fire laundry wow what videos Parker likes his eggs like this huh I love my eggs oh moist he's got Skittles is he replacing them is that what he's doing no he's mixing this is a very wholesome prank more pranks should be like this look at the duties I think he's playing Call of Duty oh he's editing he's editing a video right now oh we should hire him he don't like the Eminem oh it's a flower girl wait why did she throw the bouquet and then decides to go back handspring and knock the other it's more about like mild brain damage yeah I agree they warn you about playing football getting concussions but they never warn you about the flower girl I don't like how he's filming the ladder like why are you filming like this actually I think he's trying to throw the ice sheet on the brick or is he just filming incorrectly why does he have eight angles of this Vice but it doesn't show it breaking it just never ends it's a loop why would it daughter recording this he was like I got a great video idea this is the infuriated level I love furries what did he say infuriated hello is that okay horrible picture and of course now I can't tell you what's happening as we have no um picture I had on tape for that this announcer is so inferiorated [Music] see I wish we could do that in America everybody's so worried about people's feelings and that's okay I like the channel this energy on a daily basis I would like to just call everybody out for being an idiot that's what I'm saying if I'm an idiot Call Me Out Feel Free she said we can't see nothing there's no picture everybody's an idiot ew the socks with the flip-flops already no no he's got the Ninja Turtle feet and then he steps until the Moss you got problems please yes I actually have PTSD because you know what last year during the ice storm this is not I am not your psychiatrist last year during the ice storm I was wearing boots and Scott made me fall into a muddy Mossy Pond like this no no that's your turn just crack no I've seen this I hate this like just crack already dude it's kind of wild how strong eggs are yet also at the same time look at that one it's got a dent in it they shouldn't be cracking why why you no crack why are you not work I don't understand how these didn't crack on this one because these oh my gosh those look like legit sharp and hitting it you can't do it no matter how you try you cannot crack an egg with a grinder you cannot grind your eggs oh I love milk no milk first oh there's nothing wrong with that there's no that's fine I think it's so long you can let me know if you put the milk before the cereal in the comments I won't judge you I mean yeah she will comment below oh wow oh we have a cabinet like this in our apartment oh I get it the Constructor [Music] freaking spider Bob I asked my homie to watch over my dog for the past couple days [Music] his face already would not be allowed back in my house again oh that dog has no it doesn't it's cake it's cake it's cake it's cake so many nerves dude that's what she said or he said you Googled Glizzy once on Tick Tock and now you got another Glizzy this is a Glizzy I've never heard that term until five minutes ago you are so sheltered oh no what wait who did Winnie the Pooh Disney just copy and pasted their own animation wow okay to be fair though this is most YouTubers they downgraded they're like yeah in the first one we had a bear and the second one no bear what do you think they added a moving waterfall in the background that was good no no it's not I like that I got that is that a person flying in the sky oh it's the ball freaking footballer I don't trust that perfect I don't trust people who kick balls are wrong I mean baby sharks are not grown dude characters they use the extra part to make shredded carrots carrots are gross and if you eat enough of them they make you orange if I'm pale and I want to get tanner I eat a lot of carrots I can get orange yeah technically it's a good method daily and impression are you supposed to oh where he oh he likes sits oh no that's not all right you paying for that tailbone or what uh do you trust me enough please do it if not you're going into the wild you're gonna break Mr B's head I got you we just did they did this one to me and they did not do it correctly nope that's wild that's wild Hello Kitty is not a cat wait I like Hello Kitty now if she's not a cat New York as a cat Hello Kitty has a cat so she's not a cat she has a demon what are the whisker things she has a demon inside of her and then and then it's just the claws coming out of her face there's a demon in it William Sutter I love Williamson oh I see that wait vowels bread bread cracks it doesn't like bread I always put the nudes inside of the light you put it in there first are you kidding me in the basket this is why I haven't trust issues oh no no way no it was a filtered Scott it was a filter that's not a filter that's just two different people no no it's just nothing there no it's like he's made up his skirt try to get mad oh no just cutting the cake up like that does not frustrate me actually I don't mind that I've seen you eat dogs you eat just like you've never had food before there's a cake here I like to eat don't do it that's the most maybe we can break the plate hey Jimmy catch nailed it oh he's trying to open a can of worms Oh no oh dude okay this is not rocket science yeah yeah you still know how to use a cane opener of course I do what do you typically open uh what I usually do to open cans is I go to an app called Postmates baby shark baby shark this guy looks so corn fed oh no milk no problem water wait whatever that's it he just has no milk oh so he just ran out of milk his dad's not bringing stuff back or what I eat my ice cream I know it sounds weird because usually people have sensitivity oh gosh yeah she's just doing it yeah Tom Holland's can have her that's why she has to date a superhero because she's so messed up the Deep Red Flag right there hey what are we doing this balloon I think they're blowing wait that's actually kind of cool that is fun oh one left one left oh no oh the guy in the back is trying to blow it up no so check it out we can blow away all these cups wow oh no okay so this is a processor for your computer you're supposed to line the pins up dude this is straight up me making a computer duct tape that's the best way to hold it up city is going to turn on and literally scream we should ask Linus Tech tips what do you think about this clip Linus some insightful information this is how you get blocked by zhc oh no oh gosh this is bad this is exactly what zht's girlfriend does to him every time he's doing art she just comes up and ruins it oh that makes me mad that's freaking nuts you ever do this with a rubber band wait hold on we should have a standoff three two one drop so he's trying to put it inside the folder and then it keeps moving what's more annoying is that this guy plays League of Legends you can't trust a man who plays League a man that plays DOTA is just built different though yeah Amanda please league is out of your league what is he doing wait we do know I know exactly what he's gonna do he's gonna get his hands all sticky and then put it all over the remote dude there it is my friend like that growing up I did he Cheetos then he'd be like well time to just play you a Minecraft I'm about to get mad for this lady yeah get mad I'm mad no I always hate these channels why does it never work when I try it it's always a prank on a person who's making minimum wage wait that's not even Hershey's oh it's a Mr Beast bar yeah that's got to be the worst thing to ever happen to humanity all right when you just got done and they hand you something else you did the dishes a lot growing up I can relate to this it was pretty easy the mom right there oh my gosh wait her reaction it was like oh but he deserve it though oh it's Duncan all right no it's Lee oh it's got a leaky booty hole what's up with others earrings oh my God the earrings were Rings oh they punctured it my area for your ear silly when Twitter really wants you to turn on notifications I will say all the software developers out here please don't do this to us we deserve a better more simple life when we're trying to waste our life on social media applications so follow me oh this is actually what I look like after drinking three iced coffees and I'm in a meeting and I really need to go to the bathroom this is actually what I look like on my thumb is I like it I mean spot on if you ask me are slightly off center are they really I'm not fully symmetrical so Lamborghini shouldn't be either because they're expensive they should be cheaper for that fact though no why you got me like that no you gotta love it you got the little puberty snatch right there like him he's just going through first stage of puberty and he's like have a good day I will not have a yeah let me comb those hairs brother no not this guy peeling ew it's not hard you just have to take it slow all right I know speed sometimes seems like the answer but it's all about the quality control it's gonna make people throw up I don't like this oh this is nice don't kick the Box why there's no reason um excuse me that is my package just get into my door stop shaking it around knowing our luck that's probably one of our packages I'm done I'm triggered my partner had the mouse speed turned all the way down sounds like a boomer move look how slow there's people who do the opposite though and they have their mouth speed super high and you're like yeah you can't even control what they're looking at oh I love Sharon Sharon yeah Sharon wrap the backwards toilet paper is fine okay my bed does this all the time I hate it don't put your toggle in like that yeah okay just put it in dude look at his head oh they've been stealing the heads nah they'd stole from Todoroki man wait a hobo bag there's over 80 bucks for that oh you're done that would be hundreds of dollars rip your bank account blow up dude do you know how much those are it's an inflatable Peach have you ever bought a LoveSac those sacks are so expensive they're not painted are those carried paint pieces stop it your trust is so messed up right now you can't even trust what you already know do you know how long I've been on the internet's gone uh 11 years what my guy I've been on the internet since Neopets no way dude this guy's got his crafting level up this looks like it's going in reverse no no no no no it can't be why is it so fuzzy around his hands he got little fuzzy hands you think he just like craps the ABS of the wall no it's not no no that's not what it's meant no dude we have to get a pickup shot trying this that's a big drink yeah that's a Whataburger large no you're gonna do the non-sharp side the Don sharp side doesn't go in I would just do it normally because I like the bend that's what she said I don't think this is an efficient way to suck juice the flex tape commercial lied they literally lied slap it no way dude wait if it doesn't work then what's the point of the tape that flexes don't ever buy Flex tape or Flex Pay or Flex Seal why does he have a hole in the shirt no with cookies you didn't know usually there's sewing materials in there is you think this person is not the same as this person no nobody she can at least those on demand dude I just don't like how she talked to me I don't like it either she's in my soul dude where did they go into her hand she put her hand that's crazy have you seen Parker do the magic trick with the coin it was like oh and he threw it into the oven yeah so fast we can't make a comment don't make a comment don't make a comment I've definitely eaten more than one of those and they're not satisfying I need at least 10 of those guys well bro like 10 doses with the size of one Hebrew National I saw this wait how did they unpaint it though they don't unpaint it what how does it get back to the normal oh I think they're repainted every time because it eventually melts wait but it's paint they do a layer of ice they paint it white and then they paint the stuff on it and then they do another layer of rice on top of it so you're telling me these guys are playing hockey or beating each other up on concrete that was not a new thing it's just that the concrete's white now oh no she's dead no dude you do not eat The Cattails my guy Mr Beast all that was inside that yes dude you've never eaten a cat tail you've done that I'm not proud bro what are you doing okay no no this blue guy is making me mad yeah he's filming it like the guy in the white truck is doing the mean my guy is on the line what oh no what are you doing to that dog oh my God all right so we've got a nut that's being unscrewed I can't take too seriously with that Glizzy what's he doing I don't know he's just a mess oh is this a puzzle is is he undoing a puzzle oh my gosh I love these man little jelly boys get in there oh the cat what that is came in and smacked it around Preston you feel mad right now oh no ow oh the poor guy he lost the Hat oh he's very angry about his hat too oh it's it's right there close your eyes Parker oh what do you guys I'm gonna whip your hat off oh no I want to keep it on no no the gloves are on [Music] how long all right all right Preston We're not gonna get angry for this all right Focus not angry that's fine that's fine that's how I eat kitkats that is actually a good way to eat the cake yeah you got to be efficient with it like how he spit back on the cat oh goodness first of all that's too much oh oh we did that all right you did that all right all right my Angry here's going up on this wait so that's what we were supposed to do with the plate I'm genuinely getting a little bit a little bit anxiety right now this is so bad though wait I thought it's supposed to be a coin is that a pull ball yeah somebody somebody donated a pole ball somebody this is worse than the DVD this is worse than watching golf bro this hurts go go go in oh God that's little you with the wiener sorry I must have heard you wrong um scoozie that's not how bananas work oh the mirror is the worst though man dude do it too when he's driving next time that'll be way funnier this needs to be car stereotypes this is great especially like late for a meeting or something like late for school you're just messing with your mom just moving around so irritating that is rough come on get it get it no no it's gonna just get dropped get it get it you're gonna drop it he's gonna Drop It come on man he's gonna drop it dang it come on almost there let's go boys please let's go please do it for the culture if you don't click the video on the end screen I'm gonna be so offended you better go get I want to see me
Channel: PrestonReacts
Views: 3,654,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny TikToks, Angry TikToks, Dumb TikToks, preston, funny, react, challenge, mrbeast, mrbeastreax, socksreact, brianna, ssundee, unspeakable, alia, dhar man, sidemen
Id: gVgyi-Jlwcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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