Truth of God Broadcast 1148-1150 Pastor Gino Jennings HD Live Stream Rocky Mount NC!

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[Music] we thank God much for them at this time we'll ask to brother in the police repair themselves for the collection while the collection is going forth we're going to turn this portion of the service over to the pulpit so we will all right so let us all receive our beloved brother bishop jones at this time [Music] greetings brothers and sisters certainly we greet you the name of our Lord you say that Jesus Christ certainly we give him the highest honor that we can possibly render we thank and praise God much for sending the prophets and the apostles would thank God much law present day leader pasta Gino Jennings we plant can praise God much for all of the ministers that are with us here today truly we've been having a wonderful time in the Lord here for this combined anniversary for Rocky Mountain and also Florence South Carolina we're gonna hear from a few more of our ministers from the local ministers actually from the Florence South Carolina we've asked Minister Phil Williams to come give us a few words three days everyone we are so grateful to be back in the house of the Lord one more time knowing and realizing this verse of the law that we are here we can't thank God enough for His mercy as I say many times whenever the Lord sent in mercy we always stand in the need of it we're so grateful for the former prophets that no possibly thank God for them leaving the word on record for us in this wicked time we're living in and we can't thank God enough I would probably apostle Palladino generate one that God is using regularly in the last days and just to remember him in your prayers as well a defender we are so grateful to have a teaching priests Lord Jesus it was just a blessing oh my god I'm still feasting My Lord use our past for my garden just demonstrate using him my god by jealousy true at the dreams by God I'm telling you Saints thanks about how Nicodemus he said we know that now I teach you come from God over the God we know God has sent us a teaching priest no mistake come from God Almighty I'm telling you that sense of God that teaching death you can't find it nowhere come on say Amen gotta give all the way onto do you want to or not Amen this teaching is doing something my god and the last days I thank God for all the souls that were baptized on last night yes that you pretty much form that God will fill it with the gift of the Holy Ghost we're so thankful for you we ask that you would pray much for us and we do likewise for you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ even certainly we thank God for the minister Williams those words also we gonna have here from our other Minister Minister Bowser from the Rocky Mountain Minister bowels [Applause] [Music] greener brothers and sisters true I thank God that they've been back in the house of the Lord thank God for passengers thank God for him and his family I just think God's straight for being in this church and man you know Saints you know I got a problem since I got a problem and I got a problem here I let some passage in it and their whole stair y'all pray for me I'm not giving that guy sure Saints and it bothered me was associate bothered me because through giving and means some Saints I'm giving Saint but I ain't giving like I should do I thank God for my wife you know I think she don't go crazy I'm seriously she'll give her last to the house of God and Saints God have been blessed as one per through giving I'm not satisfied saying how I really want to support this ministry because God knew all thing and through my giving I can't tell it I can't tell a long single true through giving Saints if you give God give back to you and I think of for this sense I'm brand I'm fashion God I'm fast and seeking God for prayer fast I would support this minister that you like it's my honor yes I do but I would support this much gold you back for making first resurrection I don't see God in peace god bless you paper boy [Applause] all right we thank God for Minister Bowser we have for one last brother I'll ask him to be brief he helps out also in this area brother Grady's brothers and sisters give the highs on a praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ double on us or the holy prophets in the Holy Apostles of Oh double honors our present-day leader true fossil pastor Dino Jennings you know I give God praise for the first time in my life I can say I'm learning the Bible right wait I thank God first to be in first church cause God gave that apostle behind me the GPS system is flawless it's no favoritism no family Chisolm it's all about God I give God praise and I'm praying for more feel good holiday over to God that wherever he sent me between Rocky Mount wherever helping brother Jones on in South Carolina ain't no complaining man we use a devil you complain nowhere you win everybody want to cry about traveling you as a sinner income to your mind but I tell you one thing the scriptures say this is that without holiness no man shall see the Lord that's why the world hate us God then changed genders ain't changing and her ass ain't changing thank you all right we thank God much for minister harrison those brief words we thank god for all of our ministers that are here on the pulpit certainly we thank God for our pastor being here all right we're gonna get prepared now for the word I ask that all of you that have cell phones please put them on vibrate I'll put them on silent and at this time we're gonna present to you our pastor and our general overseer the pastor Gino Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Britta's brothers and sisters as always we bear witness there is no god but one there's no God with him no God besides him no God greater than him no God equal to him he is the one God that made the heavens by his power ik status the world by his wisdom he stretched forth the heavens by his understanding he alone is the true sender and teacher of all holy prophets and of all holy apostles we thank him for being our Savior our Redeemer God alone that made provisions for the church we thank him for another anniversary florence and rocky mound and you have made it out to all of our ministers and you that are watching and listening Villas you want to remind you that our international headquarters is in Philadelphia Pennsylvania 5105 North fifth Street where you're welcome to come and stop in and get a full tank of gospel in you amen we have high octane you know good premium truth it lasts you a long time if you take your time and run slow amen the Bible say he that believeth shall not make it you know a lot of folk get souls Elias they run ahead of the Bible they're so spiritual and in the spirit so much until they run past the scriptures you know I'm told on some machinery they put what is called a governor doesn't matter how fast you like to drive but when they put that governor on there you can't go past 50 well you just can't go past 50 the objective is save the machine so you don't tear it up and run it down or take God the objective of the Word of God is save yourself so you don't kill yourself you know a lot of people they come in this and learn a few scriptures and start quoting them to everybody then you have those that have homemade scriptures Homebase scriptures has not found no way in the Word of God at all just home a waste not want not homemade scriptures it's a sin to go to bed angry all made scriptures Gabriel gonna blow the trumpet and the dead gonna ride the Bible and say Gabriel going hit a note so when you're in a hurry and run too fast you imagine a lot and during that time of your sprint you're spiritually vulnerable for the devil to infiltrate his thinking into your thinking until you mistake the thoughts of the devil for the mine of God you so busy trying to fight everybody you forgot about yourself so we just want to put a gun on you this afternoon and get you to take your time because this is a lifetime journey isn't it this is lifetime you know when you just received the Holy Ghost you feel like you can run all the way to another state hey man I understand okay but uh I give you time you hear you'll come on then you're calm down but I do understand somebody received just to see the older goes I don't bother I don't bother him I let the word get ahold of them and start putting that Governor on them amen meanwhile there be on fire for the law they own fire for the Lord let them go on and help themselves I know in due time experience experience going to cover where they go reflect on the days that they will happen shouting the victory running around the church lifting holy hands they're gonna reflect on those days because something's gonna hear them go ahead take god that's cool he gonna feel that governor she gonna feel that government are you getting what I'm done that's right all right I want to work on zeal this afternoon all right to all the members of the truth of God that's watching around the world I want you to pay close attention and you that's not a part of this great message yet twelve went down last night in the name of Jesus Christ so far the Apostle Paul went into Italy in her own book of Romans word was not written by brother Paul no get me I want to soak your little scholars and seminary school folk says that Paul wrote the book of Romans but he didn't in the book of Romans chapter 16 I just want to lay some brick while we goes and you can have something up under your feet to step on you know that's right Paul by the spirit preached but he had a right up that's right just like Jeremiah Jeremiah preached by the spirit but Jeremiah did not write the Book of Jeremiah Wright the Bible said Barrett wrote it that's right he was described the writer and the Holy Ghost moved on Jeremiah who was the preacher at the same way it was with the book of Romans I want to educate you all right get this Romans chapter 16 and at verse 22 alright alright ortelius ah Turk Elias who wrote this epistle who wrote this epistle solutes you in the Lord Souter Tillis was the writer that's right God was the preacher that's right and Paul was the one that was used of God to rehearse what God was preaching in him alright let's lay a good foundation come on Williams let's go to work follow me in your Bible now in the book of Romans chapter 10 and we're starting at verse 1 yes brother in rather in church my heart started the church brother it there pastor Paul from Tarsus from the city of silesia said under the feet of God million a doctor of the law Pharisee they believe I am the resurrection brother Paul was thought according to the perfect manner of the law now you Bible scholars have said that Paul said under God Millia for 20 years Bobby don't say how long he was under the feet of God Millia so I can't say how long but brother Paul bless God was cloth from heaven by the Lord and God stopped him they light shine from heaven above the brightness of the Sun and knocked him down to the earth and the Babel didn't say knock him off his horse no a man I guess want to straighten out everything that men have added to the story you know that's right always add exactly that's chapter 9 and we're at verse 3 follow me now 9 and 3 of the book of Acts and as he journey as a genin came here the mess I made a mess suddenly they shined round about him a light from heaven and right and he fell to the earth no he fell off his horse to the earth and he fell to the earth Dawn's he was a bachelor dinners if you fell he had to been on something knowing it no other than on his feet that's right you can be on your feet you see how men have mixed stuff in there yeah they said Paul was on the horse I don't know what Paul was on I don't care what Paul was on all I know that got knocked them to the earth that's right so we have to stay right there right daddy fell to the earth today and heard a voice saying I do anavar cenotaphs also why persecutest thou me and Saul said what what are you who are you stopping me and the Lord said I am Jesus the Lord said is Jesus just what everybody else better said that's right that the Lord admit who is and who he was nobody cuz remember we only got one Lord we don't have to we only have one Lord that's right and the one Lord said that I am Jesus whom thou persecutors I'm the one that you're bowing in his heart for did it kick against the prick and he trembling and astonished said Lord was trembling and astonished and said Lord what would you have me to do viewers and you that are here you ought to hatch the same thing that's right what of God is coming to the world daily and you should ask what we'll all have what the Lord wants you to do now when you're overzealous you don't wait to find out what to do the with right it's like some people get a job and they're so anxious to impress their supervisor they make a mess hey man you know when you don't know what to do a wise person asks questions that's right that's right that way you don't make a fool out of yourself that's right you don't know how to labor it at somebody until then just be a brick carrier carry the brick to the site let's set it on the ground and then come back and get some more that's right until somebody teach you how to lay it and tell and say what is easy you just stack it no no no no will you put that mortar you just can't slap the brick on because the brick may be back too far or up too close that's right so you've got to have a brick mason to oversee it sometime here take the handle of something and gently tap it want to make sure when you look at that wall because he's using the plumb line you want to make sure don't go in and out that's right Laura take goddess flush that's right have to make sure there's no thin and your knowledge description that's right you wanna have a straight understanding a straight understanding of the one god I see all right back in Romans chapter 10 and verse 1 get me brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saying that's my desire for Israel that's right the natural house and the spiritual house that's right and that circumcised according to the flesh and them that are circumcised and the heart and the spirit who praise is not of men but of God what do you mean that they've been saved they'd be delivered woman from sin repent of your sin to you be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ like they did last night that's right Terry let the Lord fill you wicked ungodly wretched soul with the Holy Ghost proof of speaking in other tongues I had to spare the Living God to give up then take your time and learn then follow did you hear what I just said you can't follow what you're having learn take your time and learn Jesus said none of me then when you learn you can follow after righteousness you can't follow something you have not been taught you wouldn't know what to do when you're overzealous you don't wait the two in a hurry listen at this now well I bear them record oh I bear them record there's something recorded here that they have a zeal of God they have a longing to have a zeal to have a desire have a press the anxious to do sup to have a zeal of God but they still is flawed but not according to knowledge you got this here get me viewers all around the world you got the zeal of his war many of you here you got the seal that's why you in some church who better some folks have declared Sunday get here oh they humming gospel music as they call it singing smother singing going up yonder watch she's mixing eggs with cheese hey Manning got the grits and the pepper and the sodden bless guarding got the bacon just sitting up the kitchen woman got them biscuits blessed got him and all the flour on her hand and husband come downstairs smiled and feeling good kisses wife attacks oh what's that you got cooked a man she got the radio on somebody singing a lie in the kitchen [Laughter] somebody's singing holy holy holy that's right what God Almighty God in three persons Blessed Trinity and she's just mixing them Chris just singing right along with the lyre that's right getting all dressed up and he's into went in the mirror fixing his fake hair she's in the mirror putting on how just a bell paint that's right putting on a fake eyelashes getting ready to go to a Baptist Church that's right you serious they have a zeal of God you serious but what's the flaw well the problem but not according to no I don't blame you you don't know no better that's right even your pastor is Elias no get me he's Argus that's why you go to seminary school anxious to get in the pulpit that's right he's so serious he's blind he don't realize that school don't make precious school makes students and some time and do a poor job making that money school don't make gracious get me you fellas out there to claim your elders and bishops and prophets and evangelists and half-pint passed us that's right Amen not a fourth and a half-pint reach everybody score don't make pictures but youth they could do yours Elias Hollis so you can't wait to walk down the aisle of cemetery schools hey man get your roll of paper from you're lying Dean I got several letters from some University in Florida say they want to reward me the honorary doctorate of Divinity a man they keep writing me and then then and and I know they watch cuz they tell me we watch you we admired the work that you're doing around the world and we would like to give you an honorary doctorate of divinity I don't want your honor that's right such a cheap honor adopted of divinity woman give me the honor that God put on him let the brother upload the dream father say that the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is result give me what God gave you a cheap paper of a dr. Doug venon in lld or PhD touching the gospel don't mean nothing no we're leaving to get a reward from God I know many of you preachers feel important when I ride by your club that's called Church I see your name on your building Reverend huckleberry hound pH D DD L LD that's right and many of the members feel important because their power and Reverend huckleberry hound dumb dog and cat barking boy having a PhD does not qualify you to stand up here no way when your overzealous you become a DreamMaker preacher that's right made a preacher in your dream Haven when you overzealous and a man asked me last week he said he would listen that a preacher preacher said he became an elder in his dream he said Paul made him an elder you know I would be embarrassed to tell someone that it's knowing that Paul been dead for over a thousands of years Paul don't know you oh that's just lying on their bus that's all hey man I I when he told me that I laughed and scratched my head Oh me coming up ah so that's the devil out of men dream made preacher these fellas need to be on Saturday Night Live that's a skit that's right yeah that's right as a skin you see in your dreams you can come out anything you can come out the president you can come out in general amen you can come out a millionaire your dream that's right amen God don't make elders and bishops from dreams from number men that's overzealous without a little I used to dream I can fly but I wasn't dumb enough to jump out the window to try it no I remember one time I was dreaming that when I spin my arms things would appear that I walked I never forget in me of mine third oldest brother Rick then when I was very close then we were sharing the room and that dream seemed so real to me I got up out the bed I didn't want to wait Rick up because I knew Rick would lay me out so I eased out the bed I never forget it and tiptoe out the room and I forgot to close the bedroom door behind me and I got in that hall away spinning my arms full strip my brother Rick woke up and said Nicky what you doing I'll jump I said I had a dream that if I spin my arms things would appear he said go back to bed stupid that's right go back to bed when you're over there is you make a fool of yourself woman you better give me the book of numbers where the Lord talked to Moses after Aaron and Miriam rose up against him and let's see how the Lord says he would talk and deal with Moses that's right I want this to be good for anybody hell anyone watching that said God made you a bishop in a dream amen all right listen at this the Book of Numbers chapter 12 we're starting at verse 5 listen to the old troublemaker now not in that Bible come on Matt the Bible that's right come on back to Scripture here a minute get chapter verse numbers chapter 12 and we're at verse 5 all right and the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle all right and called Aaron and Miriam and they both came forth yes and he said hear now my word and a my word if there be a prophet among you if there be an elder among you if there be a prophet a massive among a prophet among my Deacon a profit of pastor evangelist a prophet among you you see the difference right if there be a prophet among you I the Lord read the law will make myself known unto him I will make myself known under that one in a vision but if there's a prophet if there be a prophet among you I will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him what in a dream getting shout will make him a prophet no speak unto Him they didn't say I will make up a prophet in the dream and will speak I didn't say I will make them a prophet in the dream no speak unto Him in a dream hold it go and say well it did say that it did not the Lord let you know that the one he gonna make himself known to it's already a problem that's right that's right you didn't see that digit if there be a prophet among me said if it be a prophet among you if you already want that's right you see where yoga's Arius you say God made you a preacher in a dream no he did not no no he did not no no they in the back I want this to be good of a Gandhi dream catches here that's right hey man that's right what did the Bible say if there be a prophet among you if there be a prophet among among you if there's a prophet already living that's one that God or he made him already right he's already made that's right God just pointing out other ways he's gonna deal with them after he's me that's right yeah that's right all right son I the Lord will make I'm gonna make myself known to in a vision in a vision I will I'm just gonna check with him in a dream in a dream that's right he didn't say I'm gonna make you a bishop no or elder none of that what more do you get what I'm doing that's right see where you're overzealous you run pass the scriptures having a zeal of God but not according to hoardings to knowledge when you're over zealous you make early declarations you declare things to quick oh yeah too fast that's right that God did not say all done to you that's right when you over zealous you declare yourself having all the ghosts and ain't never spoken tough and then when you over zealous you say you had the Holy Ghost because you feel the presence of God move apart of your body God can move upon you before he get in you that's right yeah that's right and then move upon you quicken your body move your spirit of God move on you then you say well I had the holy ghost no no no the holy ghost just moved or Bunya that's it you wanted to get in here that's right there's many manifestations of the Holy Ghost bless God but you want the Holy Ghost to get in here amen but it is that right bear them record that they have a zeal of God now judging you that are listening don't be overzealous don't be too quick that's right don't be too fast he that believeth do you hit it in the Book of Isaiah chapter 28 and add verse 16 he that believes shall not make haste you better be careful because you may have to retract your statements that's right don't run ahead of the revelation of the scriptures don't try to be deeper than the scriptures amen don't try to go beyond description that's right but follow the scriptures see when you're over zealous you won't wait for instructions no you take matters in your own hands why you think you have so many churches out here that's right men became overzealous and took matters in their own hands do nothing without bumping up churches that's right popping up so-called churches like many markets like a neighborhood full of 7-elevens listen in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 32 and verse 19 before you to read that i believe give me Deuteronomy chapter 23 amen I'm again at verse 1 let me see is that what I want listen at this Deuteronomy chapter 23 and at verse 1 all right he that is wounded in the stone whereas this probably member cut off yeah shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord yea even to his generation shall he not in a minute deaf generation even through his tenth generation where you don't add three more that's dirty generation thank you all right let's meet daddy hey bastard shall not enter into the confrontation of the Lord yeah even to his tenth generation I think I'll have to edit that all right come on even she was just generation yeah shall you're not answering to the congregation of the Lord and ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord even to their tenth generation yes they not enter into the congregation of the Lord that's not what I want to go back to Ecclesiastes let's get there not judge anything that's one time back to ecclesiasticus chapter 32 verse 19 alright listen closely do nothing without advice do nothing without advice what about getting a pulpit do nothing without advice what about fasting do nothing without advice what about praying do nothing without advice what about marriage do nothing without advice what about engagement do nothing without advice what about trying to cook do nothing without advice trying to build a chance do nothing without advice try to baptize do nothing without advice what about how to pray do nothing without advice amen nothing and do nothing without advice the Holy Ghost got it out of my so well that's right do nothing without advice the greatest advice he may come from God of a lasting word what's right the reason why the Word of God advise you don't do anything without advice because it instructs us lean not to thine own understanding what's right then the batterer set of full ways are right in their own eyes sometimes we get in our mind to do something and we don't want to hear nothing from no body that's right we made up in our mind that God told us this and God told us that let me say god never say anything that's contrary to what's written that's right yeah yeah yeah here view us that's right God Almighty never add no time say anything contrary to what's written that's right but a man can tell you God made him an elder in a dream that's contrary to what's written because what's written Paul told Titus 2 our day our day elders in every city well they've got to be ordained that's right yeah that's right you got to be our day go it take God you been my god never want you to link to your own understanding that's right what did ecclesiasticus tell us soon nothing without advice yet chapter verse again in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 32 and verse and 19 begin at verse 17 at verse 17 all right a sinful man a central man will not be reproved you get a hardhead stubborn rebellious held bound man a woman but they won't take correction that's right they won't take correction they can run too fast and you see when you just come into the knowledge of the truth when you just repent of your sins and been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ is don't need for you to go out I don't care how happy you are trying to tell the people about Jesus and the Bible that's right that's right even after you received the Holy Ghost don't go out there and try to tell the people about the Bible no first learn amen Lancers it's like when you first when someone first teach you how to jab that I mean for you to go out and try to call someone out to fight that's right yo you just learned how jab to men you don't know how to time a person you don't know how to determine what kind of punch they go and throw by looking at the feet you ain't learnt that yet someone just teach you how to throw a few jabs and next thing you know you're going through your neighborhood well yeah I'll take you on and they can look at you and tell whether you knew what you're doing or not and let me tell you they want to spare you the embarrassment and they tell you enough know you know go here Youngblood that's right you busy selling your wolf ticket in custody trying to be all pretty and old hair just taking his time and just he's just he's just timing you yeah you thought he just sad stuff and why he starts to be telling you you better let cool dumb blood you all while he stop stepping Bobby better calm down young but you're so overzealous to prove yourself and swing one side wrong oh hey except to the side tetchy and I and then you're beginning become you're ending when you're in a hurry you're careless when you're in a hurry you're careless and you want to compete with others and outdo them that's right I used to run track in school jump hurdles sprint man I wasn't a long-distance runner but you don't run the same way and long distance like you're doing spread it no way you gotta take your time and long distance that's right you got to pace yourself that's right yeah you have to do it you got to pace yourself and that one of the methods of training that they would do is have you in a swimming pool running then the swimming-pool going against pressure that's right the results of different methods to fill up your breathing got a train you just can't run in a weight room and start grabbing waste and just keep going keep going your muscles may get a crap and lock up on you then you can overdo a thing you know years ago I was working out and I did too much I didn't realize it - the next morning when I got out the bed my arm my arm locked I can shake your head all day my wife put a pot of War him board it till it was steaming she said I know her go hurt mm-hmm got that hot towel and wrap that thing on my arm they try to loosen the muscles then I got down to start doing push-ups trying to get that bend so I was able to get it down sound and I had to go preach and nobody nobody knew them arm wasn't straight the cost I kept it in my pocket I preached the whole week in Panama Panama pocket you know how to improvise that's right seals will eat you up that's right see it will kill you Bible says in the book of ecclesiasticus do nothing without go back to verse 17 son right alright hey sinful man head for man will not be reproved won't take correction but father's an excuse he always found an excuse according to his will that's right that's right am i right you get US senators how even some folk in the church hardhead stubborn you tell that brother look you ain't got no business being a pulpit all the Lord told me this the north told me that the Lord told me other and you can't find not one thing that God told them in the book of Scripture Amen if you're learning how to do something they don't get mad with someone if they put you on hold before you do it they want you to get better first half if you're learning how to play the organ or the drums or the good talk learning then if you're not ready to play in a congregation don't get upset or so I said well you know that's right especially if you only can play in one key that's right you only can play in b-flat and songs is in G and a minor and C and B natural Danya there's no transpose on that instrument get better way till you learn more finger coordination there you get what I'm telling that's right if you're learning how to sing versus knowing how to sing then a wise person will practice more until they read it before they go before the public that's right but when you're hardhead overzealous and then not a good listener in order to be a good student you gotta be a good listener man What did he say they're a sinful man will not be reproved and if a man won't be reproved but finest and it's not an excuse according to his will Paul made me a preacher Paul Ben did all these years and they still lying on the apostle's amen what else a man of counsel a man of counsel will be considerate a man of counsel counsel one us in position that's right to give counsel will be considerate he looked at your condition looked at what your need look at how anxious you are and is considered know what to tell you know what's already for that's right no it's you're not ready for but like you're having these stretches they're slapping their hands on men so fast yes they are Danan anything and ordained it anybody that's right and letting anybody ordain them through listen a man of counsel will madam sense it will be considerate but a strange and proud man wait a minute a strange and proud man an arrogant man is not daunted with fear no fear in him don't respect rule of law that's right don't respect God's law right house even win of himself even when of hymns out he has done without counsel you can tell many of the men need counsel I know well you won't lead somebody and God haven't made your no leader without a vision the Bible says the people perish that's right not to have a vision that's right God haven't given you one you only gonna take your people but so far and stop and just doesn't matter how much you want to do how bad you want to do it if you haven't been given a vision from God you're gonna go over so far stop your knockoff that's right hey doesn't matter how bad you want to do something if God say no you ain't going nowhere no you won't you can't outrun God that's right and you can't past off that's right What did he say do nothing without advice do nothing that is good without advice and when thou hast done and the thing about it will you get advice make sure it comes from a wise source that's right because you can get advice from a fool and when you listen to the fool and do what the fool said you become a product of the fool you listen to what's right and you're made foolish and then why do you say that do nothing without advice do nothing nothing without ever anywhere you read the scriptures that's true you've got it the Bible said give attending attendant to read it you gotta pay attention to how you read that's right you don't go in there with your own opinions but your own idea well I think the Lord is trying to say the Lord don't try to say nothing thank God he say what do you have to say are you getting what I'm telling that's right do nothing do nothing without advice don't try to explain the scripture you don't know stay within the confines of what you know that's right when you try to go beyond the scripture you think flesh and blood is in heaven that's right you think it's Trinity of that you think there's a little Jesus sitting next to a big Jesus you're going beyond what's written that's right the Bible says do nothing without advice get advice good advice sound advice and that advice when it come from the Word of God then the Word of God must be rally divided before it's given we men and do nothing without advice you're nothing nothing you get up and conduct pray service if you don't know what you're doing acts don't look back at vasogenic I have the reason to conduct ray service for you acts that's my job with you preach the Word of God I do not preach the Word of God acted up for a service acts and then make sure you got knowledge of what to do before you get up there that's right Bailey said do what do nothing without advice if you're not a collect offering acts that way when you collect offering you don't put your offering in there and then make change for yourself that's right there's all people all people do it they see you taking money are you getting what I'm telling you hey man don't say God amen but he said do nothing without advice how can anyone hate the Word of God but a child of the devil oh yeah knew nothing your attic got without advice and window has once done when you have once done repent not when you got it right then you don't have to go back on your word that's right who will go Drive jump in the car and just start taking off and you don't know how to drive because it look easy mm-hmm then you hit every car that's on the street and the cars you hit apart can't even get off the parking lot without the port a lot when you take advice take advice for someone who's a good safe tribe that's right good safe try one who look both ways and ain't trying to text while they're teaching you that's right they're not trying to down while they treat why they teaching you man safe drugs you know some folks say well I'm a tick here your car gets like I take care of mine and then when you look at theirs and then look at yours or wherever sometime you got the instructor alright you better take your time don't go too fast yeah don't be trying to text and drive that's right pay attention that's right do nothing do nothing without advice don't go jumped up in the pulpit and you didn't give permission to be up there that's true well pastor Jenn is out there was no minister that night so I took matters in my own hands what do you think this is well bad dinners I've got the feeling James Brown is dead no got to fill in here no no dealing with the souls of people and if these men would understand the value of the souls of people there wouldn't be so anxious or it take got to get up and pull pips that's right ah that's right What did he say do nothing without advice no nothing nothing without advice now go back finish that up and go back to Roma's do nothing without advice else and where thou has once done when you watch that rip it not all right back in Romans chapter 10 and adverse to listen at this why bear them record that they have a zeal of God I bear them record that they are serious but not according to knowledge not according to knowledge it's just like some men got cameras like what we have here they film services they overzealous no good shots of nothing people had cut off arms cut off no legs no feet no heart nothing nothing but yet they're anxious baby cameramen when you're wise you're less than one train you teach you what to do how to do close-ups and how to pull your camera back when they're struck to tell you all right pull back on your shot he don't mean lift the camera up and go to the back of the building and there's a device on there that's right zoom in and zoom back and pull back so when someone don't know back take the Cameron put it right on your head leave it there for takeoff that's right holding Oakes at where I bear them record I bet them record that they have a zeal of God you testify if you don't know how to testify let someone teach you I'm just laying a good church foundation the way things should be done in jets that's right when you testify you don't say give honor to God no the Bible said whatsoever you do in word or deed do all in the name not the Lord Jesus so you recognize the name of the Lord Jesus first the one God you don't say give unto the Spirit of Christ Christ got a name that's right that's right you don't recognize pastor Jenna's before you recognize Jesus your way you don't recognize pastor Jennings before you recognize the former apostles and prophets all right no that's right you recognize them that were before us all men Noritake God then you keep things in right perspective that's right amen amen they're nothing nothing without advice or take God without advice out advice testify to the glory of God what God done for you short precise to the point right that's not an opportunity for brothers to try to slip and preach North Shore sisters testify until someone mistake her for an evangelist that's right getting up quoting scriptures and all that and being loud a Bible to other men cried out God to the woman to have a meeting quiet spirit which is in a sight of God a great price that's right nothing you do nothing without advice when a brother conduct praise service you conduct it someone is up too long you don't stand there not you hear that them they don't know what you're doing you conduct it oh just a minute brother you talking too long and why I should have cut it short I'm just a minister some people ask you to cut it short you got hands use them that's right am i right I said that's right I wanna leave Treach rule here amen do nothing nothing without advice Oh Ted Kord Cory - god yeah amen Bible says do nothing without advice brothers that read for the ministers there's no need for you to get up and try to find 25 scriptures and the minister having to explain one that's right don't even do that no you don't know how to read for the minister then sit down now let me teach you how to read for pick your time pronounce your words right that's right don't try to read like Williams the way he read God gave it to him we taught him but God move immediately hands on him and God did the increase and then who try to do like him that's right you have to do as the ability that God gave you that's right you go read 30 scriptures and the brother hadn't even made two statements you're making a mess with the Bible you're nothing do nothing the wanted - 2 o'clock are you forgetting what I'm telling that's right do nothing do nothing without advice without advice and when thou hast what's the way you want something zip it up yeah when you get it right you know where you over there you're just too anxious you mean well too anxious Bible say he that believeth not make haste not take your time yeah I know it is like there being a hair I was once real young anxious in a hurry but my god the lord taught me quick through other people how to take my time tune down when I was a young I love that y'all some folk get anxious and fasted and try too fast three days and three nights every other week you won't last long no you won't somebody gonna put you in a corner where nobody can see you because you got a lifetime to do this that's right I read with Jesus fast 40 days and 40 nights yes I read that I read where Moses did it but I'm not doing it no I'm not doing it unless the Lord leave me now if the Lord leave me I know I can make it that's right when a lord years ago led me to fast seven days and seven nights well my fast was over I was down to about 90 or 95 pounds I didn't go on that long fast because I wanted to see how long can I go without eating eating isn't one of the great pleasures of life isn't it I was in my teens the Lord led me seven days and seven nights not a drop of water until my eyeballs ate my eyeballs literally felt like it was a charley horse in my eyes that's how intense the pain was why my body was dehydrated but Lord said God I had lost strength in the seventh day then I did in the fifth day then some time went by God moved on me again seven days seven nights time went by God moved on me again say get it several times then later on he moved on me again 12 days and 12 nights my lord not one meal a day not sucking on a lifesaver not sipping water he meant he moved on me to go on 12 days and 12 nights on a few occasions they didn't save the bones protruding through my back my shoulder blades yes but I turned my plate down and my plate down what Holy Ghost told me to do it wonderful now I see the results oh yes all around the world to reject God I see results of [Applause] that was he making that up I don't care what you think okay one time I was fast in seven days and seven nights and I was preaching in Frankfort Avenue downstairs sitting down sitting down reaching that's right then I have enough shift to stand up that's how I was sitting down human rich in the Word of God but I didn't do that unless the Lord move that's right now you may be inspired by this testimony but don't let your inspiration cause you to run out there that's right there was a brother who heard of mine fasting by God's permission and I got a call from Illinois and he went to make an attempt to do 21 days like Daniel I told the brother don't do it I said don't do it God didn't move on you to do it and I asked him why are you doing it his reason was just to see could he I said man this ain't no game that's right you ain't had none of the prophets fasting just to see could they go without eating no so he wouldn't listen he's dead he died he died on that 21-day venture where show me he didn't do it right cuz after Daniel was done Daniel was still alive that's right that's the difference Daniels God called God said God moved Artem overtake God 21 days do nothing do nothing without advice don't take matters in your own hands you men that are watching and listening there's thousands of you in the pulpit and you just took it upon yourself to get in there or you wanted to impress people or your mother wanted the preacher in the family so she coached you to get up there or your wife wanted to be the first lady so she can feel important so you went up there so your wife can get special privileges man or they got the Holy Ghost don't miss nothing do it no how many of you overs arias you declared yourself to be an apostle that's right that's right don't have no revelation listen no pasta believe in divorce no no pasta believe in Trinity in fact they're supposed to bring a pasta here today today was supposed to debate me on the Trinity he's supposed to bid here two apostles called to square off one believers one and the other believers three Lord he wrote me and told me I lacked revelation well he should have loved me enough to come help me Trinity come from hell and we're gonna beat it back into hell where it came when your overzealous you declare yourself to be what God did not make it that's right what did the Apostle Paul tell us where I bear them record something is recorded here that they have a zeal of God yes yeah yes but not according to know but you don't have no knowledge and when you don't have no knowledge you're anxious make a mess that's right anxious man is careless don't take advice don't listen to nobody when you're anxious and that man going along fast just say if it listen if I'm going fast three days and three nights I'm not gonna put my here I got children eight nine ten seven and five angle have my little kids fast incisions be nice because I'm doing it no way amen that's be no vain yeah you see what I'm talking that's right they mean well but overanxious that's right I remember years ago a fella called me from New York and told me the Lord moved on him the Lord told him to walk from New York I think to Boston my lord and that was a brother who called me and told me a passage Jenna this was years ago but with 25 years ago he's a pastor dinner with I wasn't on television then I guess on radio he said would you please talk to my brother he's on his way out the door to walk all the way to Boston so I asked the brother why are you going walk to Boston yeah he said the Lord told me I said What's in Boston waiting for you otherwise in that you can join a walkathon that's right I mean if you generally if you just want to walk you see what I'm driving when God told the Prophet I say I believe it was to walk the streets naked he wasn't just doing it to streak no there was a purpose that's right God told me to be as a side well God ain't telling you walk around naked now for a side for nobody no way overzealous hey man when you're over serious you read certain things in the Bible and then you try to duplicate it thinking that is meant for you to do because you don't know what it is for you to do that's right I believe they were bused around the wall in the days of Joshua about seven times wasn't it yeah celer I came up with in Illinois he saw a building that he wanted for a church and he wasn't a preacher who wasn't appreciated then he's not a preacher now and him and his brother it was thundering lightning pouring down rain then he said he the Lord told him to walk around this building this building was almost bigger the stadium and he marched around it walked around seven times said the Lord total if you walk around seven times I give it to you somebody else is in that building and he's still walking I listen to the old man I bear them record now you're not I hear you that are listening let me educate you before you blame something on God and said the Lord said this and the Lord said that and the Lord said the other don't you think you should know the Lord enough or have some experience with the Lord enough before you falsely accuse him that's right and falsely indict him women many of you men out here saying God put you in the pulpit and you're just telling a blatant lie that's really a lie on got your blessing you're bluffing yep Paul made your elders that's like saying a donkey can shoot dice ain't no donkey can shoot dice though God yeah yeah fabulous God Almighty and never made no bishops no eldest in drinks no never give me the first chapter the book of Titus in the book of Titus chapter 1 I want to lay rule Church rule that's right church order you see after you repent of your sins and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and had the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue that's the new birth that puts you in the church now when you come in the church you've got to have rules regulations to govern you after you come in after you're born it's in the shack and then you've got to have rules listen at this Titus chapter 1 we started verse 1 pollenate Paul a servant of and an apostle of Jesus Christ ain't no of pastas now Paul the servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ so hold that give me figures 411 of first Corinthians 12 28 right you get when you're over zealous you say the order of bottles now well we're gonna see are there pastas now down let's read this in Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 11 what happen and he gave some apostles no he stopped giving it and he gave some apostles no he stopped giving it he gave some apostles and some prophets some evangelists and some pastors and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the say wait a minute why did he put these officers in a check for the perfecting of the same the church cannot be perfected the church cannot be complete without all these officers that's right so if there's no apostle's now then the church will have they won't have the ability for completion right because the Bible tell us what he put in the church and he gave some apostles and some prophets prophets and some evangelists evangelist and some pastors pastor and teachers you see an apostle come all that he's a pastor because he's a shepherd right he's an advantage because he's told to go in all the world that's right hey Shirley is a teacher cause he sent to teach all nations that's right I have for the perfecting of the same I like for the perfecting of the same what else is these officers given for the work of the of the ministry alright let's go to Corinthians now in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and at verse 28 yes and God had said some in the church first apostles to come out reject God has set some I want to say to all you give us that says there are no more apostle's now right send me the chapter and the verse where God stopped putting them in the church or similar chapter the verse where God took them out the church that's right you better give me the 15th chapter 1st Corinthians and the book of Ephesians least of All Saints and least of the Apostles that's right I want both I said I want both 15 chopped the first restaurant is chapter 15 and we're at verse 9 as in the scriptures that infidels use who don't have no teaching and said Paul was the last applause that's right that's right Paul was the last of pasta we'll see all right and first Corinthians 15 and at verse 9 we're laying a good holy ghost' foundation here this is a Sunday school now yes all right for I am the least of the Apostles I am the least of the Apostles and I'm not meant to be called other parts ever Paul say he the least of the Apostles he wasn't say he the last no he was saying he was unworthy to be one that's your eyes listen I am the least of the Apostles and the least of the above Adam not be to be called alop are not worthy to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God see what Paul stating his case he was reflecting on his past right why would God called us in a man like him that's what he was taking out that's right but you blind unlearned men look at the word leaves and thought Paul said he was the last right all right let's go to the book of Ephesians find correct now in the book of Ephesians chapter 3 listen and add verse 8 all right on to me now we're right back the Apostle Paul fishing again that's right unto me Who am less Who am less than the least then the leaf of all saints was he the last thing no no way what does thanks in the script is the last thing you got the word leaf dance that's right they said I'm the least of the Apostles and you sit on the less of the least of all safe so if he the last apostle that were making the last tank right that's right you dumb ignorant oversell your stains and then as long as the church is just right at sets of integers all the offices will be in a touch [Applause] the church is God's it's sad no rosters now then tell me what office is first amen tell me who took the apostle's place and tell me who's first that's right because the Bible said their first garden centers they're not here now what office took their place and made it first that's right come and get me precious come on make it lit up that light oh yeah you can't jump off pastor Jenna's here come on you let says there are no apostles manual iron soon God said God had said some edge God said I'm a dog that changed not the middle silver with God change it right surely when God changed it he said I'm the same today and yesterday yesterday he had a pasta he said I'm the same so today he have a fossil that's right that's right I'm jump on pastor Jenna's I do like the gangsters just to tell you I'd take you for a ride thumbs up on Tasha Jenna's with that rotten cheap teaching mm-hmm I take you for a ride with the Bible that's right there's no apostle's now then who took their place in there who's first in the church now then Ana Papa's got cold God said God is something God me and God taught that's right walk around and clan yourself in a posture you don't have no work Amen God happen you have no revelation you can break down scripture you can out of my scripture and a posture he's a biblical surgeon today he's a scriptural surgeon amen it was a ready to fight the word of truth go to the prophets and go to the apostle's and they never contradict each other where is somebody else go to the Bible and say well that's good to contradict that scripture but when I hustle get a hold on he still had all interlocked perfectly joined together the purpose and the Apostles agree that's why I round the throne you had twenty four seats and sitting on the seats with twenty four elders clothed in white raiment and they all had on their heads crowns of gold you had twelve tribes of Israel and you had twelve apostels twelve and twelve or twenty for all the prophets and all the apostles was anointed by the same spirit that's right Christ was in the prophets and Christ was India pasta Christ another the prophets and Christ are not at the Apostles when God appeared to the promise they saw one and when he appeared to the Apostles they saw one that's really any Old Testament the roughest preach water and spirit that's right so say what yeah any Old Testament thank God the prophets preached water and spirits don't you hear the problem is talking about how to spear the Lord come upon him upon him and they all pass through the cloud in the sea and were baptized unto Moses in the sea oh are you kidding what I'm telling you dando apostle's now the church is half done and complete that's right well fasten general we don't need your love Plaza that don't take nothing from me I'm able to say like Paul I am what I told the church on one occasion ye are the seal of my Apostleship the Lord our work speak for us that's right it's pretty awesome amen oh it take God well did he say and God has set some in the church God set it in there fresh ahead you you come on and take it out the church now Paul was the last apostle Dustin you didn't even tell the last lie that's not even the last lie Paul was not the last Buster though Paul was not the last one that God called and said give me the Book of Luke 11:49 and Luke chapter 11 in that verse 14 I see what the Lord said he gon do therefore also said the wisdom of God anything else the opposite from that is not wise to say that's right therefore also said the wisdom of God I will sing we're right that God talking again amen God say I will send them prophets I will will I will do it amen not I have done it I will I will mean a continuation that's right I will that's continuation I'm gonna keep it up that's right I will send unto you I will send them prophets and apostles and some of them some of them not all and some of them of them they shall slay they're gonna slay him and persecute notice all of it wasn't slave you know some of them some of the some of them there's many ways of persecution now more ways now than it was dead that's right go Ritchie got its first chapter the book of Titus back inside us chapter one and verse one I want this to be good for the dreamcatchers many of you men in pulpits all around the world cuz you had a dream and if you didn't have one your momma trip you was up there that's right Oh your twin brother dreamt it Oh your wife dreamt it was and then you went up in the pulpit because of bunch of dreams a bunch of dreams a bunch of dreams that's a man suffered from Martin ISM I had a dream if God didn't put you up there you better get out for dreams have the sieve mini yeah you hear this in the book of ecclesiasticus chapter 34 and verse 7 drink have the cement prick minute and they have failed and they have failed that put their trust in them God have never anywhere anytime any pressure out there said God made them a bishop or our elder in a dream they told a flat concrete solid concrete line with steel rebar it's so salad of a lot women let me show you how a man to come elder first chapter book at Titus I could tie this chapter one in verse one we got a control our zeal that's good then we don't run ahead of the scriptures that's right alright Paul a servant of God 0:07 up behind an apostle of Jesus Christ also Jesus cry according to the faith of God's elect what and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godly now if you're after godliness you will acknowledge the truth you know and I write any one that's after what's right they're going to acknowledge what is right hell on time in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie a god that can't lie what did he do promised before the world began nothing do times manifested his word through a preacher how is God getting Edoardo life through preaching how is God getting that word over preaching you ain't preaching less you preach the word that's right all right which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God I was saved what is it the Titus my own son after the common things now here you had the Apostle Paul teaching a elder which is a bishop teaching brother Titus that's right ah to Titus my own son after the common faith what grace mercy and peace mercy and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our scene all right for this call now here you had the apostille instructing dismissive instructing this elder for this reason left I be entreat who did what for this cause that I V increase their posture Paul left Titus and Crick the impasto got the right to tell you where to go when to go what to do when you get there and how long to stay that that's right you men left Heidi in Crete now should have set in order the things that away you do you hear Paul Paul is laying and structure stood out that's right he'll know what to do that thou should have set in order the things that O God ain't land the structures don know the apostle paul's laying instruction so that's right set things in order that they walked and ordain elders in every city as I had appointed thee know our Dan elders from the Lord made in the dream and ordain elders in every city as Oh get the ones that dreamed it as I had appointed thee you had the instructions given to the minister for a day now a church that's right Thomas you attach agendas you're not all Daniel elders in every city the Bible didn't tell me rush into it no qualifications you got to meet before it's done that's right I'm taking my time that's right I don't care to be able to quote the Bible so much until you got scriptures only engraved on your toenails gotta take my time and evaluate you I want to know you I want to know what we are doing that's right make sure you stick with the word and not hanging around just to get a license but get a license later and then turn on the truth later on some stick around just to get a life when they get it take off then they change up on the ducting of the apostle's you're no elder you believe in remarriage in divorce doing no elder you ain't never spoken tongue of the Spirit of God to others you're no elder you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you're no elder and you got a second wife and your first wife is livid and I rise you're no elder and you condone homosexuality you're no elder and your wife runs the touch with him amen amen he Paul told him to do what and ordain elders in every store him to do what for this cause left idea treat that thou should have said in orders and in art of wooden their posture called instructing Titus set things in order get it in order who brother tanks will you see them want to sell tickets they're coming guard house set that stuff in order we see them what the have so-called praise dancing when they dance all up on a pulpit set it in oil in the water when you see them try to bring wirless songs in the church set it in order well you see them have raffle tickets in church set that stuff in order that's right when you see there was a gamble in a church or here is that it in order when you see them trying to be illness any other way without being all day set it in order we go hold to the doctrine of the apostle's they go hold it tight come on back to Bible come on back to Bible that's right come on [Applause] will you see a woman try to lay hands on that man and I'll daenam try to get your hands off him there's many of you fellas in a pulpit now was ordained by a woman you know more pressure than I am a circus performer you're no friction you don't find a women lay hands on Dana nobody to be rich yeah yeah posture Paul was instructing Titus here that's right if you claim your elder and a woman is or overseer you're no richer your know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're no pressure know what said in order to things that are wanting said in order certain things that people walk that's right and a bishop by the authority given to him from the apostille is being instructed said everything in order amen amen Saturday know when you see them trying to clear out they married because they living together and then got no license set it at all break it up that's right have it the pieces amen set it in order will you see a little fake doctrine rising up amongst the Brethren shoot at the pieces I don't care if you can do him all your life shoot at the faces that's right set it at all this is the foundation here oh yeah this is written that's right What did he say for this cause left out the entry well you see them trying to be ordained being brought in front of a board of bishops and then the bishops catechized them and then give them an exam and then if they pass those if they pass those questionings and that exam then they get all dan univision no yeah you ain't no free shot the Bible said examine yourself extroyer's she was you in the fifth or not will you see that bishop about to die and he knew his son and qualified but yet he want to keep the church in the family so he grew his son or his nephew or his daughter that take over after he's gone he no pressure no he's no bishop he's no elder if the bishop died the bishop wife after her husband died should not be running the church what that in order set it all our things that are wanting amen if I die first Church of the Lord Jesus Christ not in the hands of my wife Santanu overseer she sister Jin is now Jimmy's sister Jin is dead I die my wife take over I die and my family my children and daughters take over this ain't the Mafia this is touch that's right owner in the church order and the church you men now here claim you elders are you ain't all day you're liars Goliath that's right that word ain't gonna change I don't care if you claim you had a dream until you got on the top of Mount Everest and you got frostbitten but when you come back on the earth and toe out you will come right back to what the Word of God said that's right Heelys dealers that's why preachers tell you folks that are watching don't listen to that man don't watch pastor Dennis because even your fake pastor know you're gonna learn what your never learned before and you'll realize you're following a fraud all of you viewers that got a elder and that elder said he was made in a dream by Paul you don't have no preacher you got a three dollar bill that's right they've got a full dollar bill fake fraud there's not an elder in the history of the Bible God made him an elder in a dream that's why they tell the members don't watch passage in don't listen to him because they don't want your eyes to come open that's right they give you these dramatic callings like they went out of space and walked around the Milky Way and I skate around salary's move and sit under one of the moons of Jupiter I don't care if you got on the bicycle with et and pedaled in the heavens will you come back yeah better come on here with the Word of God that's right bless you and et right out of the heavens all that dramatic calling don't move me go with roll it's dramatic and then they try to make it sound dramatic that's right I look at everything from what the Word of God said that's right hey that's right hello in Santo Richard God for this cause left I'd be an orator this cause for this car left I be in Crete 5 D in Crete that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting hey man where we send brothers I stepped it up brothers that said everything in order that's right amen set it in order hit award on the thing that people won't let them know all right when you can do this but you can't do that so what's the Word of God said that's right never mind your opinion never mind your idea set it in order in order and that's the reason why many people don't want sound straight hard o fashioned church because they don't want order Amen God church is the Church of order well you take order of the church is stop being checked that's why these false prophets telephone don't let in the pathogen and because they don't have order in the church that's right what of God demands or water the Word of God commands Auto man we gonna have to order up the scriptures or everything is going to hell for not having it we don't have no women preachers because when you put order in the chest that moves them the pulpit yeah yeah hey man that moves them out the pulpit you got a full pit full of women preachers you gotta come with the broom or the scriptures see them out they look back we'll go what you get out get out of here try to clean up the house women preachers are writing me from all around the world some actually mailed me their credentials telling me tammer pathogenic and at our house Campbell went down in ward in the name of Jesus Christ we see the baptism of the holy ghost came out the pulpits one day coming out there coming out from around the world that's what your missions upset exhauster woman's of coming out the pulpit make it upset over this stuff but ain't moving they got me on the front page again of the newspapers in Jamaica hey men and women preaches down there fighting I didn't bother them women preachers I didn't know they exist amen but that message that went viral about the way women looking churches half- and I was saying how they look like Church and amen organ playing halls and and that I broke it down to women preachers got upset and then went and got an interview with the biggest one of the biggest papers called the star in Jamaica and the star put my face in the front page they didn't get permission they use my name but as they walk and then another one of the women preachers got on the talk show and the whole talk show was about passage in Laura I didn't say nothing I didn't say a word but then I challenged them I told them I'm a challenger I'm an answer my critics they didn't take over say anything my god met before I know it they got so upset they got the attorneys hopeful my piggies got their attorney send me letters wanted me to stop advertising stop don't have this discussion and all that stuff we're going through you I don't care what should do god he never called and sent a woman to preach the gospel in the past thought he never called us in a woman of Christian gospel in the present God ain't never gon call Warren in the future that's right I want you to get this P aw upc-a many of you Apostolic churches and Pentecostal where you men are so weak and spineless that you've got women ruling over you a woman that's a real woman she don't want to rule over her man that's right she know her place she respect the place that God put her in they say that passage Genesis era in it he's me you call me what you want calling me names they're gonna make you be apprecia no and that ain't gonna stop different preaching let's say God I go to jail and dry rot and die so I go against and not preach God everlasting words that's right take more than a letter to get me out the full of it but it is happen for this cause left out the improve this God left by being creature thou should have said in order the things that are wanting and right and ordain elders in every city as I had appointed thee who appointed Titus Paul your postal appointed Titus yeah posture Paul no tighter supported himself and ordain elders in every city as I had appointed no he became an elder in a tree and all day ordain elders in every city as I had appointed stop eating fast-food maybe you'll stop dreaming so much come these whopper elders and cheese burger elders and and fish fillet or family size fries elders and milkshake elders hot apple pie elders in amen sonic elders Amen hardihood Kentucky Fried Chicken elders that's right take god I'm a dip you in the grease of the Scriptures alright and ordain elders in every such a happy meal elders that's right happy meal el to get all happy if I'm a tree and what make is so bad blind people believe this stuff they believe it and follow it that's right and you can tell them that's never been in the Bible they say well well it don't matter it's not in there Myra plainly tells us how elders army listen and ordain elders in every city as I had appointed this ant look at the criteria they got to have if any be blameless what if any be blameless hey you out here making babies and you marry you ain't fit to be Noel that's it you gambling you don't need to make you Noel you hint that don't even make you Noel you cheat no you income taxes can't be known claiming children that's not yours no wealthy a man if any be blameless what else the husband of the wives one wife no he divorced one who got a second one the husband of one wife no two wives one one three one I want you PA WP C fella to get this amen well anytime you see when these fellows come preach the boss they come to wreck your home they come to put you asunder that's right and then these men who don't want their wife no way who they leave her and leave those chosen behind get another woman and start a fresh new family Lord and then the dumb teaching of a blind preacher encouraged them to do it that's right so now you've got all these families from one end Fidel that's right that's why people love these churches they love these fake churches get all the wives you will look how dangerous that teaching is your voice the first wife get another all right and then they get a second family telling that wife don't get along get a terrible start a third family definite their wives don't get along get a false for for family and these so-called apostolic menace and well is that wrong with that you just keep trying even God only have one wife what's right and this the church god only had one wife and it's the church that's right it is written I had two spouse you to one husband husband that's one one go ahead take off what did he say the husband of one wife one wife having faithful children the children longer the children under your roof they got to be faithful and not accused of riot or unruly you're held up longer the children under your roof you got to make them follow the Word of God children get to the point they don't want to follow the Word of God then go get your own roof no compromise and no bargaining no nothing you don't want to follow the rules of the house the next move to make get your own house get your own roof be your own man be your own woman otherwise impacting long under the roof of the Eldar under the roof of the bishop you got to follow what you're told to do amen the Bible speak claim yeah having faithful children having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly well I don't want to go to church are you sick no then get out of here nothing there's a game on tonight who cares get yourself up and go to church that's right I remember when I was young in elementary school and I was raised in falsehood I was traveling with the preacher and that's one thing he did instill in me you got to get up and go when you don't feel like it and now I remember when I married him for like going to church that night we was in Raleigh North Carolina he was running a revival there so I tried to be slick I got him bed early he will come by my uncle house and pick me up and I got him bed earlier so he came at the house my uncle Redbirds said Nicky Nick is in bed my former preacher said he's where he said his only uh about 6:30 7:00 o'clock in the evening he said what he doing in bed he my uncle said he's tired he said tired from what walking my former minister was my great uncle he can't run that bedroom get up he said i'ma sit right in this living room until you wash and get your clothes on he said you don't see me in bed he said get yourself out that bed my uncle laughs he said you go here at the church I'll make sure he get there I got up out the bed and got my shower and got wash and got dressed when the church played the organ for the false prophet but he instilled it in me no laying around when it's time to go go people complain about churches too long but they never complain about when they want to do something is too long they have Church every day you're fond of food Wow every day but they never asked themselves why they got to go to work every day if they job said you got to be at work 7 o'clock in the morning 7 o'clock in the morning they gonna be there by 6:30 if we say we're gonna have Church 7 o'clock in the morning why you gotta start it's so early when they come to church is always questions but when it come to the flesh they go right along with it alright come on sir having faithful children not accused of the roof they gotta be faithful they don't be a riot it shouldn't be heard all the way outside that's right you play music in your house played in your house so you can hear it not for the neighborhood all right for a bishop must be blameless a bishop is an elder is not two different offices that's right what was he told to our den in every city or and ordain elders in every city and what else did he call them for a bishop must be blameless same tank same thing that's right u fokin these false churches you were elder and then you supposed to get a promotion that's a convention and he ordained you a UH a bishop that's like you give me $5 and then I give you five ones you think you got more they gave me $5 and I give you five ones we're good and you foolish enough to think you got more that's right they don't know a bishop is an elder when you are bishop you're an elder yeah but you've got to be ordained you must be our game that's right all right Tory bishop must be blameless as what as the steward of God all right not self-willed can't be stuff will you got to be a humble elder you can't throw off on the preacher can't tell off on God's a posture right you've got to be humble if they're after preacher lay you out take reproof take correction they'll go try to calm Emma's in the church to get on your side it is no side but God side that's right when your humble brother you're not trying to start a church within a church so then you're not going behind the preacher's back trying to give members little CDs and little recordings in yourself to prove to them that you got some word also that goes to show you you got a deal and you're going to cause a mess but is that not self-willed self will the person I won't hear and bad by when you are like this and you got a preacher and you run out there God gonna make you reap the same thing you're so sure all right not soon angry wait a min you can't get mad quick let's Bible a Bible don't forbid you to get angry just can't do it quick I don't get the Word of God and beat you so bad you lose twenty pounds after each message and do your smallest tiny tip very small yeah hey man you're so small somebody can hold you in the palm of their hand and ask you what happened the water did it to me the world did this to be shrunk it quartic God who shrunk the kids work the front you I don't digest a word and give back tall all over again come on William not giving the world oh we won't put the church in order according to the Bible not feeling not tradition not personal Vince Bible that's right scripture there is no man come elder or Bishop by dream no I saw television calling me tree master dream dream dream just a dream go there check on did you kill that talking I make mockery of hypocrites alright Williams come on but give it to wine not given to wine no why you old drunken elder go ahead go ahead come to church with all that liquor in your gut and then you gotta eat all the chain gum and halls and lifesavers and tic-tac they try to wash all that alcohol without your system right you're not fit to be a elder here use an old wine bill block yeah that's right all right no striker wait a minute two ways to strike with your hands and with your mouth when the word of god hurts you don't say nothing but thank God for it and you can't get some mad so mad you ready to fight the preacher that's right put your hands down and keep your mouth closed and just bear witness to what the Word of God says here all right not given to filthy lucre oh my god well that almost ruin everybody very very few men don't love money very few men very very very few almost everybody you meet in a pulpit they love money yeah some men go from church to church they don't make it their business not to preach nothing to offend nobody so they can get the biggest offering possible that's right they love that mean green you've got these weak preachers now if they want you to preach they say well just don't preach doctrine that's what they tell you don't preach doxy ain't nothing else to please but the ducting of your mouth words doctrine put things in order doctrine straightened out wrinkles doctor remove the spots doctor remove the blemishes you love money you ain't got no business being appreciate your not appreciate you don't even want to pay your debt you don't even want to pay your debt and you want to be all day you go somewhere and sit down Indian style I know this gonna upset a lot of men but it doesn't matter this is the rule of scripture here that's right you can't be an elder you are dane or rather you baptize people both ways in your church Father Son and Holy Ghost for them that water that way and in the name of Jesus Christ with them that wonder that way that's the way that false prophet Charlie Washington was Johnny Washington he passed away now but he was no apostle but he baptized too both ways if you want father son the Holy Ghost he gave it to you if you want the name of Jesus class he gave it to you and he had wall-to-wall women preachers Lord brother these fellas gonna give an account to God for God knows all right not given to filthy lucre and love money but what but a lover of hospitality ELISA he's hospitable he knew how to treat you know how to deal with you know how to handle you that's right mm-hmm a lover of good men I love good men when it says good men that I mean men that sleep with men no you eat you too good that's too much goodness that's too much goodness that's right are you kidding what I'm telling what a lover of good men of good men men that as men that love God fear God respect the Word of God don't mind following the Word of God honest with themselves if they know they ain't up to something they would admit looking up there yet men that would admit their own weakness and flaws that is in them that's right good men lover of good men man all right sober what sober you're sober you're stable minded people can't persuade you after the word of God get in you they can't persuade you the word is wrong right nobody kept us wages hey you used to believe is one guard now you believe it's two and three here used to believe that there's one church now you don't believe in church at all what kind of mine sober sober minded person is stabled sound and just honest have you stole the church money yeah if William stole 25 thousand dollars in the church and I actually if he's honest here say pastor dinner yes forgive me I said no 25,000 from the church and I'm gonna forgive him and fire and man I'm gonna forgive the thief that's right I'm gonna forgive I'm a fire her that's right then if I see he got himself together later on he won't stay fired forever but the reason why I'm a fire I'm to give him time to get her stuff together that's right cuz he still may have issue fingers so imma set him down until he overcome his love for stealing I'm a forgiver and sit him down naturally overcome this love for stealing then when I am there when he overcome it then I can put them back to work that's right I'm gonna put him down and let him stay there and yeah he don't have that problem no more I can't hold that over his head all right listen a good manner Oh God What did he say holy Baptists holy Messer - holy apostolic holy it's gonna elder he gotta be holy what kind of hell there you gotta be holy yeah you can't got no right being anything else that's right Pentecostal LD ain't no such thing of the Pentecostal elder no ain't no such thing of the Baptist elder Lutheran elder none of that stuff that's right Bibles be playing yeah holy we gonna live within the confines of God everlasting word today what is it temperate temper self-control you can't practice getting all what you can get you may be able to get everything you want but don't practice getting everything you want because God may put you in a predicament where you can't get it that's right but being that you won't being that you practice temperance you practice self-control now you won't send to get it when you can't get it it cost your template you got self-control down through all right holding fast the faithful word how did the elder get it as he hath been taught who taught the elder the apostille know it ain't no apostles now the apostille know it ain't none now well this cause left I thee in Crete Paul the servant of God and apostle of Jesus Christ how plain is that amen and if we're the same chest that stato on the day of Pentecost then every office every officer that was in it then God put it in it now that's right holding fat faithful words as you have been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine adapter sound or this is sound Holy Ghost persuasion here amen you can't put that stuff over on us you become an elder in a dream that's a nightmare that's not a dream that's right you can't put that stuff over on God's people that stuff can be put over on foods that don't know the Bible what is it that he may be able by sound doctrine new new ministers come the first church all the time but they can't come expecting to get a license in our first mission no Bible said prove all things you got to prove yourself and the humble man AHS for a license he anxious to learn to sharpen himself suffer his spiritual whip they take guff so he can dive into that Bible and ready to by the word of truth and give God people the right information that's right what is it that he may be able by cell duck when you get sound what can you do both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers oh there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they are the circumcision what should we do with their mouths mouths must be stuck job's mountain with the babe amen shut it up or a dead God with God's Word all right read wait whose mouths must be stuck yeah he's subvert whole hey wait a minute you see when these fellows don't wait they go somewhere subvert the whole house and teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre see get up they're lying for money lying for money you can divorce women can preach all these Apostolic Church is picking up the like giving the preachers more wise than what they should have given the members more husbands than what they should have these preachers are ruining your marriages that's true Jesus said let not man put asunder and then what you the server is there all right one of you brothers give the elder gentlemen a hand so he pushed that for him why did his hat one of themselves even a prophet of their own said said the cretians are always like that when some of the members come today's sentence even there realize that the preachers always lying always lies what else what they see he is evil beasts and what else is it slow bellies low belly he's lazy this witness is true what should we do with him wherefore rebuke them sharply a say pass again is as arrogant because my preaching by the gospel is tough oh yeah sure sure God made me a sharp hard-hitting pit bull preacher I'm not simply licky I'm sent to rip the devil out of you with the Word of God that's right yeah that's right why are you wherefore rebuke them sharply about sound when you're rebuking for what reason that they may be sound in the faith that bucha tell her get that wig off tell him get that to pay off tell the men and the women get your earrings out of there stop watching your eyebrows do you know your lips ain't that color get them fig lips get that lipstick off of you get that hair off your hair that don't belong to you push your eyelashes back in the box you took them out of and so the Box in the trash that's right that one is miniskirts what you're trying to prove what you're trying to show brother put a shirt on we're now walking out here we're so bad just like you someone in the street rebuke you come sharply rebuked the church that do church twerking rebel Communion the beauties Bridget acclaimed into about a full-body anointing there's one preacher that made the women take all the clothes off and pour oil on them Tamar some hear annoying the whole body I bet he is yeah I bet he is these dumb ignorant hellbound churchgoers sit right there gonna be speaking in tongues Church what's a church full of buck naked women getting the massage by a greasy hand preacher time out is he give him a full body anointing you know they love that kind of church oh yeah they hit a man like me to say he's militant he's mean and the famous quote about passage into this he don't have no love he don't have you see I'm not like their preacher their preacher don't don't beat sin no they just you better stop being a bad person don't do that don't do that you're a bad person bad bad bad that I come along with the Word of God did not tell you what the Word of God said the Word of God standeth it we bet top - hi [Applause] you'll get what I'm telling you after where we preach the Word of God [Applause] I'm old-fashioned that's nice you preachers have gotten so weak you have the audacity to self don't priest option the Bible says they continue fast dad is your pasta pasta da same that's right ratios who don't want the doctrine of your pastas our backs lattice nothing but a pull pit of backsliders are listening amen nothing but a pull pitting a backside from you fake apostle's down nothing but that sliders it was the dust and I gave you salvation it was a dusty now how you received the Holy Ghost man you've got so big and got such a large following we don't want doctrine here long live the ducting of the apostate man half a man long live the ducting of their posture that's right they cost a dusting of the Apostles is the doctrine of God yes Solomon says I give you a good dog hello Chloe say God it's God or I take got that Constance built upon God of a lasting word that's right but it is that wherefore rebuke them sharply bill come sharply they may be sound so you say sound stop being so thrilled and so weak when it comes to God everlasting words that's right yeah not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth yeah on to the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is the fire but the condition of the churches now they profess that they know God we claim that they know God but when it come time to work in worse they deny him they claim that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ but yet you got women appalled fit divorced don't believe in the one cup that's a work worse that's a work that's right that's a work in works that way you say you ain't got to do something that god save must be done and works they deny when you deny washing feet they in works they deny where you did not using wine and the Lord suffer and works they deny where you can add the one cup that the Lord help and worse they deny him in it will you deny speaking in tongue when works they deny him that's right how did God tell the church to treat them that denied is worth being abominable they are at bottom and this overly disobedient unto every good one everytime the good work of God go on reprobate that's why they constantly preach and speak against the word they're reprobate they're in a state that God gave them up that's right God gave them up today old vowel affection go on and use your cheap weak opinion we stick to God everlasting world that's it Villas if you want to learn the truth of the gospel tune in the truth of God you can watch any other program on social media all you want but I guarantee you will never run up on something that would hate you the way of God like the truth of the gospel No you will never run up on nothing up you know there's a whole lot of organizations they got similar names to this first church of our Lord Jesus Christ a whole lot of them got similar to names but don't have the work that's right and don't believe in a docking of the Apostles the Church of Jesus Christ is starting on the day of Pentecost stood for one God they baptize in the name of Jesus Christ they believe in the Holy Ghost springing tongue there was no women preachers in that church there was no women in Vangelis in that church there was no junior pastors there was no junior elders there were apostles in that chest there was no divorce committee in that church none of that went on in the church that started the day of Pentecost had to rosin up not I remember the one that started that church said I am the same yesterday and today go red take quarter forevermore wreak wicked ink about the Romans Walker knock off everybody all right all right they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient wait a minute they are at bamaca abominable there hardhead and disobedient and they're just so billion and unto every good work reprobate is that it that's it for that all right go back to Roman's like a knockoff brethren box back to Denver back in Romans chapter 10 we're starting at verse 1 brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved why so I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to 2 now and according an outlet they being ignorant of God's right this is why their zeal is in a condition that is it for they being ignorant of God's righteousness of what's right and going about to establish their own righteousness that's why you got all this damnable rotten fig teaching out here that's right they all righteous man they set up their own opinion their own views their own ideology their own philosophy and they try to get scripture to justify their own righteousness have not submitted everything to submit submit submit surrender bow down themselves em sell on to the righteousness of God unto the righteousness of God and then for Christ as the end of the law you don't want to bow down to the righteousness of God you might as well quit going to church well you might as well quit repent of your sin hear us you that I hear you that are here glory to God if you call yourself Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Luton nondenominational Pentecost or whatever titles you got you ain't something that Jesus ain't never told you to be in here the old man an old man now you're in something that's right that Jesus ain't never told you to be in that's right he said behold it and you ain't never been holy until you get ready to obey with the Word of God say acts 2:38 lets us know what the whole world must do to get on God's side there's only one chance there's only one way to get him to that church there's only one way to get in you can't join it you gotta be born into God's church you gotta be a bun of the water another spirit you ain't never been born of the water unless you repent of your sin to been baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ you ain't never been born of the Spirit unless you have the spirit we're just the Holy Ghost freaking in town oh yeah and the Spirit of God come on red that's the new birth that's it that's the way you're born again that's right you don't have it that way you're not saved you're not saved anybody here wanna be baptized the right way and get on God's side the right way and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ stand on your feet anyone poverty go anyone else want to be baptized the right way you ain't never been saved unless you've got it right all of you that are standing you see what that brother standing right there or you better stand and go where that brother is right there all of you go they'll go right way is all of them that are standing come on go right where the brother is right there oh it's a god or that once you repent of your sins and go down in water and the name of Jesus Christ once you do that come out of the false religion you're in don't get the right baptism didn't go back to your false church no no no come out of that church stay out walk with the way of holiness like so many thousands are doing now around the world that's another thing that's making the devil hot viewers viewers the devils and you with you preachers are angry with you because the preacher says you are coming by the thousands like a herd of cattle that's right yeah man let the man told me I'm sick and tired every time you get over there or you talk about so many got baptized I'm tired of him well some or about to go down now why is this work so effective nor did God I was called and sent to do that's it I can say like Peter God have made choice among us that's right yeah that's right God made choice among us have made me a minister of the New Testament by the effectual working of his great power and and then if people are coming from all around the world loving it want to be a part of it preachers are coming toward what the work along with it and be a part of it anytime you got the right spirit or even want to be right it's gonna draw you to what God said it's your thought says my sheep will hear my voice and the stranger they won't follow anybody else wants to be baptized the right way come on because have you been baptized father son the Holy Ghost you're still a sinner you know more say than that aunt can wear sneakers and coats the Boston Celtics well I bound my hair to raise your hands Jesus ain't till you bow your head or raise your hands but so hands down to raise your head up well I enjoyed the Jersey does they never tell you joining a church know what I will to the church and held the preachers hand and pray the sinner's prayer ain't no such prayer in the Bible please that pervert hand alone is going to church touching appreciate great that we pray and acts 2:38 then Peter said unto them repent you up repent join the church reap it no bow your head and raise your head reap it you gonna do this you middle brother go on do it your father going do it your second wife going do it your husband your mother your grand father your pastor that's right I don't care if you're white as chalk and black as the blackboard half million brothers go and do this that's right if you don't do this you will never step 1/2 foot in the kingdom we may what is that man and brother abandon brother what shall we do Menem brother men and brethren what shall we do I don't care if you're a rich man pulled mad okay what you up no Loretta God I don't care about your position if you were king or a prince or a Duke oh that's right that's right oh you got this to do then Peter said unto them repent to your tick repent and be baptized anybody else wanna get it right stand on your feet come on you can do it every one of everyone [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a man who you a man poetic God come on take it off gods are you yeah you that are watching around the world you'll Bowser get prepared to come on - that's right the whole state of the skyline everyone on it thank God every King give it Queen every rule you might as well come on and get on God's side what you're presently in is no good that's right you got the cheap religion that God ain't never started you got a cheap religion in a fraud for a preacher yeah huh God Almighty said repent and be baptized who every one of you every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ and one name in the name of Jesus Christ so I for the remission of sins ha ha that's the name of clothes removing of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost has anybody else there's anyone else you're mad girl come on and get on God's side you may as well forget about the first resurrection unless you got this that's right that's right all right then Peter said unto them repent we thank God for you God gave us all something good that's the name I don't know how many more that was we add that to the twelve from last night thank God the Bible said God added daily such as should be saved there's a wonderful thing I'm glad God don't give us a type of ministry that's left that's right man I was when I was in Monroe Louisiana a few months ago when we baptized 49 a PA W elder said to me he said man when I saw because the first night 31 now he said when I saw themselves good I know what he said I couldn't believe he said I went back to my church and told them he said man do you know it take us over two and three years just to get to people and this man he said man them folk baptized 30 people in one night it's not us God is gone not us or a kick-started the power of the doc and you don't hear nothing like this being done nowhere in the country one you may not like this or may not can't stand us but you can't find a move of God like this like this honey you know in a country you can't find it and you preach it out there fighting but you can't find it hey man you got a limp got lost with no power yeah gospel that jesus said my sheep will hear my voice all you got to do is do what God's they do and we're determined to do that and preach it and God give the increase every city every state every village every country every I love every town I got tons of mail now people want to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ oh through the continent of Africa throughout Australia New Zealand amen Canada South America and so many areas I got some mail ported out of Nepal we got a Ramos to get them baptized all round letter came in from Turkey a man said he was lived in he's worse than Africa now he lived in Japan they say he wants to go down in water in the name of Jesus Christ is like a chain reaction people hear this gospel lover they start calling family started calling friends here they sitting in foreign countries packing rooms out where we don't have a church watching a message on YouTube wonderful all the followers of the truth for the gospel the truth of God message around the world stay out of your churches stay out of them if you're meeting in the house contact pastor unity Laura take God we're sense a food-truck to you we're sent a food truck half-brothers be rolling the highway unloading gospel Houston Texas look out Houston Houston Dallas God willing we're making our way there you that is in Charleston South Carolina God willing I've been making my way there this year we you've been getting it from the air we're coming to shoot you from the ground out and an you down there Justin we're looking to roll on in there thank God a bang Justin with the Bible Chicago we on our way there Chicago Detroit Laurie tech gut we on our weather we look at all them temples in these areas too and we ain't got no money but we're looking to open up the couple's anyway ain't got no money but that's way God do it he's always do it for us we haven't even finished a cargo yeah I've been to Illinois but I haven't been in the city of Chicago amen but a few months ago we sent Bishop Ellis there to Chicago baptized about 12 to 15 already in the name of Jesus Christ I can't even count the amount of mail that got out of Detroit were you forced to come there want to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus David we got to get it all and just have to give it to them we can't help it it is the will of God that this thing be done be back at 5 o'clock God willing evening session prayer will begin at 5 o'clock come on back and then we start at 5:00 God willing prayer and then God we're closed wonderful anniversary a man again isn't it wonderful wonderful how this thing just keep growing keep going God willing God willing next week we're being the Cayman Islands next weekend this weekend coming we're being a Cayman Islands after that we're that following weekend we're being Jamaica and after that we're being Pratt's fuel Alabama after that and after that thank God I'll be home for a little bit and I want everybody to remember get prepared for the International holy convocation July 26 I believe it is through the 29th look to be there on the closing don't try to prepare to go home after the first service on that Sunday let's be there Sunday morning and Sunday night I know some of y'all are one gospel sings here a mess the Sunday morning thing got enough there heavy for the rest of you and I'll be prepared for their fall or be there for the cold meetings and make plans for the whole meeting we've got plenty of bread you gave you God willing we looking to serve the Lord supper that's Sunday night I'm gonna give you bread and wine and give you wine the right way give it the right way all right let us all stand brother minister estimates will close us out in prayer Lord Jesus for this danis are eternally grateful to you for things allowing us to be here to feast on manna from heaven today Lord there's nothing like your word preached under the conviction of the Holy Ghost and with power to move on the hearts of men and women that they might be saved we thank you for the souls that have repented of their sins and will be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ we ask today fill them with the Holy Ghost and fire help them to live a holy and righteous life before you in these last and evil days we actually burn those that are sick and shut-in in hospitals and nursing homes even those that might be sick today among us we asked by faith in the name of Jesus Christ that you would touch their bodies and give them a testimony that you are still a healer you're still a we make and provide of all things for us we thank you for our pastor Lord Jesus please keep your hand of protection over him and continue to feed him from on high Lord let his thoughts be your thoughts that come to us and feed our souls Lord Lord the service feeds our soul that we need this nor should we esteem your words more than our necessary bread lord please protect him lord please keep him healthy and strong to deliver the Word of God so that men and women won't have excuse when they stand before you because they've heard it at his mouth we asked you to forgive us of our sins our transgressions that we commit that nobody know about but you Jesus we ask you please Lord forgive us of our sins and have mercy on us according to your love and your kindness we come to you because you're the only one that can forgive us of our sins Lord Jesus we ask you please Lord to continue let that mercy and that grace be poured out unto us just one more time Jesus we need it we need it give us ears that we would hear the word of God that when the Word of God falls on us it would be found as good ground Lord we want to be saved that's why we hear and we keep coming Lord please let that be our heart's desire that we want to be save and meet you in peace we don't want our running to be in vain we just don't want to keep coming and being the same people over and over again but we want you to renew our minds in our hearts cast the devil out of our minds and free us from ourselves please Lord Jesus we want to live for you we want to do righteous we want to do the things that are right and pleasing in your sight Lord as we go to our separate destinations Lord if there was confusion that we ask that you please they give us that peace that passeth all understanding we love you today Lord Jesus we ask you to help us to please you more than we please ourselves or try to please anyone else help us to please you and live for you that we might see you in peace these things we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who is God Almighty and God's people say Amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 76,493
Rating: 4.7974682 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, Holy, Holiness, Religion, First Church
Id: 43eG_cc9KSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 24sec (9324 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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