First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1534-1536 May 29th, 2021 Saturday Eve Columbia SC Live Stream.

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let them get comfortable so uh that's your life off to all my viewers you're welcome to come i i thank you the hebrews you let him not sure but his name is something israel but he's looking to be here he said he can prove that i don't know what i'm talking about and i believe that's wonderful confidence amen because i'm going to lay in the bible and i already know what he's going to do before you do it he's going to read a bunch of scriptures until they're ignorant they're going to think he's doing something until i place his feet in the fire amen i know what the action i know what scriptures to get to pin your shoulders down i know what biblical submission hole to put you in to make you tap out amen so we give him a chance to have his opening remarks and williams will help him if you want help with all the scriptures he wants all the scriptures all the scriptures all right before i get started y'all make sure william's microphone is turned up amen i don't want no interrupt rollins do me a favor just as mike can move it up to his mouth quickly please justin might because i want everybody to get get what he's saying and real real good real good amen real good it won't move well just tighten it up all right y'all make sure these microphones got plenty of juice so the world can hear this that's invaluable oh there you go all right you're good should be good yes that's good yes all right let's crank it up let's get busy in the book of amos chapter four i ain't even called for no chapter and verse the lord lord spoke to you this morning but you were ready to go you're ready to go huh you were ready to go you're ready to go and leave me behind all right wills pick up whatever you have we'll take it apart let's get busy amos chapter 4 and we'll start at verse 11. all right i have overthrown some of you as god overthrew sodom and gomorrah yes and as ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning yet ye have not returned unto me saith the lord yes therefore thus will i do unto thee israel will i do unto thee o israel and because i will do this unto thee because i will do this to you prepare prepare to meet thy god hallelujah that's what god wants that's right he wants everybody to make preparations that's right yes sir and meet him that's right everybody gonna meet everybody that's right even if you don't believe god exists that's right don't stop you from meeting her that's right you may not believe the sunshine sun ain't gonna stop shining before because of your foolish unbelief amen whatever god said whatever it's correct that's right either god have no flaws no errors he's infallible yes everything he said it's perfect that's right oh i hear the after effects out there as great as hey i thought they had a different message on all right what did he say therefore thus will i do this unto thee o israel all of you that are listening god want everybody everybody to prepare prepare to meet thy god they made him that's right not them thy god they made him that's right now regardless of your stubbornness your unbelief in your religious convictions that so many people have yeah everybody should be trying to make the right preparations that's right you know when i was in business school i was studying to be an accountant and bookkeeping and all that i love business so we had they taught us how to prepare balance sheets that was before there was any google or any of that you had to do it old-school way yeah put those numbers in the right columns to prepare your balance sheet in everything liabilities your assets number all that stuff up yeah now you had someone who knew bookkeeping better than you look over what you've done that's right make sure that all your numbers line up right yeah to you that are here to you that are listening god is looking over what we're doing that's right make sure that everything we do everything everything line up according to his word not according to the way you feel that's right and not according to geno jennings why who am i i'm nothing but dust that's right thus passing through here for a period of time until the lord come amen but while i am here god be my helper i'm going to call your attention to everything that god have i demise in the scriptures that's right that will aid you to make the right preparations that meet him that's right i was in the office and met with the couple for the first time and the sister said to me patrick jennings how do you stay safe that's a beautiful question you stay safe the same way you stay in business that's right not only do you got to work but you got to obey the law when you violate the law then the law shuts your business down that's right when you violate god's law god has shut you down amen so the way you stay safe stay safe follow god's order that's right i cannot follow a order that i don't know i don't care how right i'm trying to be first i must hear the order that's my introduction then i must understand the order then i can put the order into practice that's right faith belief come by what hearing hearing by the word of god the word of god so i must hear the faith of jesus christ that's what i'm preaching that's right god's faith that's right god's belief that's right god's faith have no beginning no in other words everything that god believes is without beginning that's right did you hear what i said according as he has chosen us in him no one said wait a minute pathogens baptism in the name of jesus christ that didn't always exist the act glory to god the act of baptism didn't always exist but it always was god's belief that's right amen that's right and that's true now god's belief have no beginning no but the fulfillment of god's belief that has a beginning that's right because for his beliefs to be fulfilled in man man have to start yeah and then the eternal faith of god listen at what i just said the eternal faith of god must be introduced to temporary man that's right eternal faith introduced to temporary man man holds within him the eternal belief of god within a temporary vessel that's right are you getting what i'm telling you in ephesians chapter one and verse four that's right according as you have chosen us in him according to as god chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy glory to god amen i hope you get this that's right before there was humanity there was a purpose that's right that's right humanity came here and the purpose of god already was in existence that's right humanity just had to come into the knowledge of the purpose of god in other words you know when you get hired at a company the rules is already in place that's right before you get hired that's right you just get hired you become introduced to the rules regulations and then you have to govern yourself accordingly that's right god chose us the human family that's right thank god to live holy that's right but before the human family came holiness was here already and holiness was here before man could live it that's right that's right was god living holy are you listening amen what's god living holy god eternal life is holy that's right god eternal existence it's holy that's right you see when you're living holy you're trying to master the life of god go ahead brother god ain't never tried to live holy that's right god is holy in leviticus chapter 19 and at verse 2. that's right now god had to demonstrate what was it like to live what he already was that's right are you listening amen i said god had to demonstrate to live what he already was that's right so god was manifested in the flesh in the flesh in the flesh seen in the flesh heard in the flesh preached in the flesh taught in the flesh and the flesh was a pattern an example of how man should live that's right the flesh of god was the son of god the flesh of god was the mediator that's right the flesh of god was the lamb of god the lamb of god was the sacrifice of god the sacrifice of god was an offering that's right that was offered for us by god oh my god that's right i want to say god offered up the sun oh yes how much more shall the blood of christ listen in the book of hebrews chapter 9 and verse 14. how much more shall the blood of christ tell the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit wait a minute how was it done through the eternal spirit wait a minute how was it done through the eternal spirit what did he do offered himself he did what offered himself he did what offered himself offered hallelujah himself without that's right that's right where is he gone you see in the old testament the priest was responsible for offering up offering that's right so god came again and offered up a offering that's right someone said is god the priest yes that's right what kind eternal preaching that's right in other words that's melchizedek that's right have no beginnings hallelujah i have no ending for this melchizedek foreign of salam which means king of peace that's right king of salam you see for the longest turkish pronounced it wrong yes they call it king of salem no way ain't no salem no as like when the jews meet you they say shalom alaikum when the arabs meet you assalamu alaikum when jesus met you he said peace be unto you which means shalom alaikum in the hebrew language wonderful peace that's right prince of salaam that's right prince of peace that's right are you kidding me hebrews chapter seven and at verse one that's what for this melchizedek male 1 the king of salam king of priests of the most high god of the most high god who meant abraham whom also abraham gave a tenth part of all and first being by interpretation first being by interpretation king of righteousness that's right there's only one king of righteousness that's right king of iraq is this mean you are the king of doing right that's right righteousness means infallible deeds go ahead go ahead you are the king of infallible acts that's right what else king of righteousness and after that all after that king of salam king of peace that's god which is king of peace now you got king of peace and you got prince that's right that's right of peace that's right a king is greater greater than a prince that's right jesus was called it said they killed the prince of life they killed the flesh that's right but they couldn't kill the eternal king that's right you see you had the eternal king then you had him that is born king king that's right it is written where is he that is born king so the flesh had the title of the eternal king that's right so when they killed the king they didn't kill the eternal life no but they killed the natural life that's right to hear holiness holiness living holy yes son of man come here living holy that's right leaving an example leaving us an example that what that you should follow his stick oh we got someone to follow for even heroin too were you called in first peter chapter 2 and verse 21 even here until where you go because christ because christ also suffered for us doesn't mean the flesh shove it for us leaving us an example and that's the pattern that you should follow his steps we should follow who's that his steps who's that his steps no paul steps that you should follow his step step to peter that you should follow his steps steps of genus that you should follow his steps bonus steps his steps johnson steps his steps on the steps his steps goodwin steps his steps lawson steps his steps everybody that come after jesus that's right you got to do what that ye should follow his steps that got everybody that's right everybody so what jesus said goes that's right that's right what jesus is against you better be against it that's right what jesus uphold you better uphold amen and what jesus condemned yes you better condemn that you should follow his steps now when you follow his step his steps you're gonna have a tough time oh yeah living holy yes you will you know some folks say living holy is easy you talking about it's easy you ain't doing it that's right i don't care who you are no any man say living holy is easy he ain't done no because that's not jesus teaching no it's not jesus said to the apostles in your heart hardness as a good soul as a good soldier heart hardness somebody say well jesus said my yoke is easy my burden is light that's to the spirit to the spirit here's yo concedion to the spirit that's right his burden is light to the spirit that's right his yoke ain't needed to know flesh no no just burning light to the flesh now therefore endure hardness enjoyed what indoor heart hardness that man used to having 10 cigarettes a day and he wants to live holy it's hard to break and lose that stuff oh yeah that's why he got to strive to do it that's right that man used to have in liquor for breakfast liquor for lunch liquor for nightcap and now he said you know what i'm going to live holy those withdrawal symptoms bring about hardness hardness yeah that's right i don't care if you're baptized and speaking tongue more than all the corinthian church that's right it's hard it's hard anybody come telling you it's easy it's a misrepresentation that's right of the faith that's right because the bible speaks plain now therefore indoor hardness you know what indoor hardness as a good soldier find it easy trying to go back with god raise your hand raise your hand come on let me see your hand i got a hand [Music] that's right somebody said well it's easy just make it up in your mind to do it the moment you make up in your mind to do it it's your heart and start right that's right that's right that's right now you gotta fight with your thoughts that's right [Applause] that's right you want to be saved the devil know you want it oh yeah but now you got to fight with your thoughts that's right because it is written in the very thought of foolishness sin it's sin sin you don't just sin with your body same with your mind that's right in fact the same with your mind more than you sin with your body that's right that's right are you getting what i'm telling you fight the good fight of faith what fight the good fight yeah you'll hear this and first timothy chapter six verse 12 fight fight the good fight of faith what kind of fight is it the good fight oh it's a good fight oh yeah fight the good fight of faith and they hold you see it's a good fight and it's a hard fight that's why some people lose it that's true that's true they lose the battle that's right because the worst enemy is themselves that's right and by the time the devil rise up in them and ignite that formal lust or ignite the lust they never had oh yeah you know when some folks say we're living holy it's easy you check that man and woman out and see what kind of experience they had when they was in the world that's right they mustn't have much experience at all no they were somewhere living in green pass that's right ain't enduring nothing ain't had no experience no nothing that's right but brother if it was so easy then the apostles lives would not have been threatened amen some of them killed oh yeah are you getting what i'm telling you fight the good fight of faith fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life all right we got some more folk coming on and come on bring the mothers on in and y'all slide over and make some room slide over we got some old folk coming in slide over that way wonderful i know you can't get nowhere where the camera is you are right hey man if you brothers can't get over nowhere some of you brothers if need be stand let the older brothers remain city yeah you young fellas stand and go over there in the corner and go over there in that corner sit behind the drums even if you can't play them amen let the old mothers come on and get yourself seated and oh mother want to come to the front and get a bird's eye view all right wonderful come on come on miss lucas you come on amen come on get seated anybody we got some more out there little morning wonderful let them roll on and get themselves seated until they just get jam-packed and they already like sardines but i squeeze you in tighter amen get as tight as you can that's right all right see the brothers up here they they save you know ain't no women coming up here but if we if we got in the old brothers out there and then these young fellows that give up they see to we'll make them surrender that's right all right come on william first timothy chapter six and at verse 12. let's go back to amos back to amos chapter four and verse 12. atomize this therefore thus will i do unto thee o israel yes and because i will do this unto thee prepare to meet thy god now israel prepares making preparations to meet god is the most difficult plans to make that's right planning to live right planning that's right to live right right now when you plan to live right there's more things that you can't do than can do amen fifth chapter the book of galatians galatians yes and you better begin at verse 18 if you will in galatians chapter five and we'll start reading in verse eight take my time i want you to follow me and get this galatians chapter 5 and verse 18. all right but if you be led of the spirit ye are not under the law yes now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these all right hear this works of the flesh amen that's right this is what happened when you plan deliberate amen listen at this now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these what is it adultery yeah man you get you got some real mobile to the front some of you you your elderly brothers you all right you young brothers get out the way amen you ushers let me help you out you got space in the front here too come on get the sisters in the front and get them wherever just just toss them in there that's right amen so i can cook them when they get here that's right the works now the words of the flesh are manifest which are these what is it adultery wait a minute yeah what adultery you got to give up that second woman and that second man that's right you don't need anybody speaking in tongues before [Music] now the works of the flesh that manifests which are these adultery now when you plan to live holy you have to surrender that's right some say i ain't never committed adultery on my wife or my husband in my life you sure are you sure you sure about that are you sure sin there's more than one way to do it that's right in the book of saint matthew chapter five delta is not something that just committed with the physical body that's right when you say you never committed adultery never on your husband or your wife never never that mean in your mind [Music] amen amen and with the body and with the body now you better get the eye then i want to get the dream first in saint matthew chapter five follow me and get me say in matthew five we'll start at verse 20 come on get seated quickly now just get seated don't worry about nobody else just get seated right away amen amen to us to take care of them i just need to work come on matthew chapter 5 what verse 27 yeah you have heard that it was said by them of old times thou shalt not commit adultery wait a minute that was said how long of old times that's old message been around a long time that's right but i say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman glory to god amen however look us on a woman look on a woman speaking down whosoever looks on a woman to lust no to speak in tongue whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her wait a minute it isn't just looking at her no [Music] it's more to that whosoever look us on a woman to lust look on a woman has committed a complete thought the complete statement but i say would you ever look on a woman to lust after her that's right read it that whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her unless after her has committed a notice not look at it just to lust that's right but to lust in pursuit that's right what did he do that whosoever looks on a woman to lust after her what did he do has committed adultery with her all right how quick already already in his heart amen amen amen whosoever that god everybody whosoever i find men and women brad i never went outside my marriage all right all right and when they say that they're just talking about one way that's right the body that's right but the holy ghost get involved whosoever look us on the right looking at your eyes that's right that's right now you're looking at how you look at that woman yes how you look at that man yeah that whosoever looketh on him god tie you down tight oh yes whosoever whosoever look all right now that kill your vision that's right now let's get your dreams now in the book of jude chapter one we're at verse eight a lot of folk don't know this is even in the bible no let's get the dreams now jude chapter one and we're at the eighth verse all right likewise also these likewise also these filthy dreamers dirty dreamers defile the flesh they do what do they flat defile the flesh filthy dreamers filthy dreamers defile the flesh likewise likewise also these filthy dreamers supposedly come to my mind i wasn't thinking about it don't don't blame me that's right don't bring me your argument that's right thank god man my job is just to preach us just the preaching and the rest is up to you that's right the holy ghost said likewise also these filthy daggers amen also these filthy dreams defile the flesh they despise authority and speak evil of dignities amen filthy dreamers and what did paul said in galatia back in galatians chapter 5 and verse 18. yes galatians 5 and verse 18. that's what now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery hold it hold it hold it now amen that's the other two forms of adultery now there's another form there's another form that's right not committed to what another man or another woman per se that's right but you can commit adultery by falling in love with another god now in the book of the wisdom of solomon chapter 14 oh another religion that's right follow me in your bible first in the book of the wisdom of solomon chapter 14 and verse 12. for the devising of idols the devising the planting the devising of idols was the beginning was the introduction of spiritual of spiritual fornication i don't want that yet i said adultery now god got israel right because they committed adultery that's right going after other gods now in the book of jeremiah chapter three pay attention to what i'm saying here beg your pardon yeah i beg your pardon amen yeah wrong thing wrong we'll get a doubt don't get fornication don't rush it don't rush it all right listen at this jeremiah chapter three we'll start at verse eight follow me and i saw went for all the causes whereby backsliding israel backsliding israel committed adultery committed adultery i had put her away i got rid of i had given her a bill of divorce why yet a treacherous sister judah feared not now but went and played the harlot also they went and played the heart at all and it came to pass and it came to pass the likeness of a through the likeness of israel that she defiled the land with what and committed adultery with stones and wait wait wait wait wait hey man [Music] no she kissed flesh and committed adultery with stones he hugged flesh and committed adultery with stones he embraced flesh and committed adultery with stones and with stars all nations that's right committed adultery with stones and with stocks and stocks and yet for all this a treacherous sister judah hath not turned unto me how can a nation commit adultery with stones they bow to idols that's right and gave those idols wish up and service and turn their back on the living god that's right that's right whenever anything become your god yes after you've been serving the god of heaven and you become one with that thing that's right other than with god you cheated on him that's right surely as a wife oh glory to god here it is in jeremiah's in jeremiah jeremiah chapter three we're at verse 20. surely taking a comparison that's right as a wife treacherously right that's right more than god when that happened you committed adultery that's right you have dealt treacherously with me if you put your house your job your car yes your clothing amen anything you possess that's right above god after you was introduced to him and serving him amen you have committed adultery even if you've been faithful to your husband or wife that's right that's something that's right hallelujah all right even if you're faithful go away and that thing replaced god yes you are an adulterer and an adulteress that's right that's something they did it against stone that's right meaning they did it with anything else that was not flesh and blood that she defiled the land whenever you go after anything other than god you defile yourself you corrupt yourself and committed adultery and committed adultery with stones that mean you cheated on god that's right that's right the moment you tell that woman i go to hell before i give you up my lord you're cheating on god that's right the moment you tell that false church all men ain't gonna leave here yes oh no i'ma stay here i don't care how wrong you are you are committing adultery with the religion and you turn your back on god she defiled the land and committed adultery the moment you tell that false prophet and you see he deviated from the bible well bishop i know what's wrong but i'm gonna work with you anyway and stay there with you anyway and it's gonna take yeah well i would never i'm gonna be faithful unto you till i die you committed adultery that she defiled the land and committed adultery you defiled your own land that's right that's right that's right someone said wait a minute pastor genesis when you defile land you spill seed your seed is your words that's right amen and it's discharging out of your mouth yes that she defiled the lame hallelujah hallelujah did you hear this and it came to pass through the likeness of reporters through the likeness he making a comparison that's right you're the likeness of a horde of that she defiled the land he defiled the land and committed adultery admitted with stones and with stocks stones and stocks and yet for all this treacherous sister judah turned unto me with a whole heart go back to galatia back in galatians chapter five and verse eight i want to take this we're working on the difficulty of living holy that's right that's right is that difficult that's right of living holy amen because everything out there is pulling on you yes it is oh yes it's easy living holy don't pay them no mine at all at all no that's deceiving you that's right that's right easy living holy easy the most difficult thing to do is to walk with god amen more easy to go to hell oh yes listen back in galatians 5 and verse 19. all right now the words of the flesh are manifest which are these all right you back there give me some more juice amen the works of the flesh of your temple are manifest which are these what is adults all right we got adultery fornication [Music] now let's get the introduction what you read earlier yes fornication that's right that's fornication committed by the unmarried and it is not just committed between flesh that's right first i want to show you the introduction of fornication in the book of the wisdom of solomon chapter 14 and verse 12. that's right for the devising of idols the dividing of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication the planning amen of idols was the beginning what the beginning of spiritual fornication the setting up of imagery that's right what was the image that was set up it wasn't stone no it wasn't wood no no it was spirit that's right that's right for the image that was set up or the image that was first wish worship outside of god was lucifer that's right that's right when the third of the angels took sides with lucifer the fight against gardens seed was built in heaven that's right in the form of words you can hear the sea when it dropped from his mouth yeah in the book of eyes they are 14 and verse 13. he said what god has said in thine heart thou have said in this i will ascend into heaven personalizing it that's right letting you know who's the fornicator here go ahead man go ahead bible let you know who is the fornicator that's right go ahead aye for thy in thine heart i will ascend into my will of sin into heaven i will exhaust it above the stars of god above the other angels i will i will on the mount of the congregation upon the mount of the congress of the north side of the north i will i will sin above the heights of the crown heights of the cloud i will like the most high i will now amen the other angels the third that believed it and was tricked that was the idol or the spiritual fornication that took place that's right because they believe the seed that's right that's built from the mouth of the devil that's right they believed it enough until war broke out in heaven that's right now you have earthly fornication this is why the bible says to avoid it avoid it that's right i remember years ago in the basement years ago in the basement you know and wins was so hype and reading the scriptures you know when you hype you see what's not there that's right amen you know one scripture says abstain abstain williams was so hyped and reading it he didn't say abstain no he said attain fornication you know what that mean go get it that's right attained i looked at him i said what did you say he said excuse me that was a message that'll put a whole lot of folks in the spirit oh yes yeah amen hands will be waving everywhere somebody go off in the tongue [Music] take god even listen at this now first thessalonians chapter 4 we'll start at verse 2. for you know what commandments we gave you by the lord jesus ye know what commandments what instructions what orders what demands we gave you by the lord jesus gave you by the lord jesus for this is the will of god wait a minute who will listen this is the will of god yeah it ain't everybody else will no this is the will of god even your sanctity in your sanctification that you should abstain that ye should oh you ready to write this i read it right this time pastor i read it right amen when he read it the first time and messed it up he wasn't married [Laughter] that's why he said go get it that's the devil in him he ain't ready to wrong since he's been married come and take god listen at this point first lesson only in chapter four and verse three yeah for this is the will of god this is god's will even your sanctification give me your sanctification that you should abstain that ye should abstain from fornication from fornication amen now some say oh it's easy not to fornicate speak for yourself be for yourself you can't speak for everybody that's true that's true because everybody fleshy level of experience differ that's right am i right amen amen he's needed for someone to stand back and criticize another person man you can't stop well wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait let's wait a minute wait a minute there's some is a foreigner that was a fornicating addict you know you can be addicted addicted fornication that's right but yes you can oh yeah you could be addicted to sex worse than that person is addicted to drugs that's right that's right and only god can break that addiction oh yeah only god and ain't no need for no sister brother come along and say well look i i i know what it is you know i was a runner and i stopped first night that's your business that's right because you stopped the first night did you stop in every way amen pastor jennings i stopped physically did you stop mentally yeah did you stop spiritually yeah did you stop subconsciously did you stop with your eyes amen did you stop with the intent of the heart that's right you see i love to get everything that's right that's right do you still think about your past and say woulda coulda shut up [Music] amen so different people have different levels of experiences oh yes so for some the intensity of their struggle is greater than another that's right you got some people was raised up in a church atmosphere homegrown [Music] versus the person that was out there while on the street a person had been out there a while in the street they physical and mental and emotional experiences is greater than someone that just been sitting around at home that's right that's right but it is because if that homebodied boy or girl don't give in to the discipline they can become more experienced and run out there than the one that been out there that's true that's true i don't care how much holy ghost you've got daniel went into the lion then but i don't advise you to just go no you know paul said i became all things to all men he was an apostle that's right i didn't mean for you to run around and say well i'm gonna become all things to all men you mean i can't handle it amen right that's right amen that's right woman walk by one brother brother look ain't no big deal to him keep going another brother he just spin around spin around and whistle that's right wow god good lord amen that's right so i'm sitting the same way same way man walk by he look nice keep moving another yeah all right that's right do you see what i'm telling you in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 34 and verse 10 being sheltered this is why we deal with every subject in church we don't just preach jesus to him crucified we preach the reality of life that's right we will take god when the apostle was stoned in jail and the angels set them free they were instructed to tell the apostles go in the temple and tell them all the words this life of this life this life amen i don't want you come here and think holiness is like the boy scouts just walk around and give literature grinning that's right this is a tough walk brother yes it is listen in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 34 we're at verse 10. what is it he that has no experience wait a minute give chapter verse again in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 34 and verse 10 he that had no experience no experience no it's little that's right amen do you see how plain this is that's right amen if you know little you're not in no position to give advice that's right your experience is minimum yeah there's some women got experience their husband don't know nothing about he couldn't even handle if she told her that's true he couldn't handle it he may run down the street yelling hollering will put his head in the hole like an ostrich and there's some experience that maybe that husband got she can't handle it that's right that's right you find some say oh well we can talk about anything and everything well if that was so why you always arguing when the conversation come up that's true that's right you know if you talked about your past experience what you've done in the past why keep bringing it up let the past stay back there that's right and stop bringing your past to living in the present that's right and if you know you was not a righteous person in the past yeah are you listening to the old man amen then don't be so quick to bring up the dirt of another person's past that's right as if your past is just as clean that's right you can't say well i didn't do as much did you do any yes then that's enough that's enough how much did adam do to get put out to god amen all it takes is one thing to send you to hell oh yes listen at this now in ecclesiastes 34 will start at verse 9. oh this is good amen what is it a man that has traveled know with many man that had traveled know with many things let me explain that that's right travis don't mean you know that he's just going from different parts of the world a man to have traveled just simply mean a man that's experienced right hey what no it's many things you know a whole lot oh yes he can score you on the lot that's right it'll be wise for you to listen that's right he can score you know you know most folk is more eager to listen to a fool amen than they are a wise person that's right that's why you have more fools than wise people that's right listen a man that has traveled knows many things than what and he that has much experience he that have much experience will declare wisdom he will declare wisdom he that has no experiences that don't have no experience no with little he know little but he that has traveled he that have traveled is full of prudence full of proof when i travel when i travel i saw many things already amen that is good oh yeah when i traveled i saw many things i saw a whole lot and i understand more than i can express amen to retake god glory to god amen when you traveled when you get some experience under your belt i saw many things amen then you know how to express that's right you know what you're capable to say what you can't say that's right but you have to get some experience under your belt amen that's right you gotta travel a level in other words you got to live a while that's right they shall speak yeah but a multitude of years shall teach wisdom that's right but they're the spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them the understanding you better go back to the book of galatia i only got the first two things there that's right we're still working on the difficulty that's right living holy i hope you can get this amen i know some of you planned on shouting tonight but uh you should have got it in before i got up that's right thank god because you never know what the holy ghost going brent no no hey man and this is the type of message where your feet ain't gonna jump too often that's right you may pat your feet in the wild and shake your leg or shake your head and most times are you going to hear us listen at this back in galatians 5 and verse 19. now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these and adultery fornication uncleanness what uncleanness now i'm in areas of our temple can fulfill the uncleanliness of a person look at so many parts of the body that can fulfill uncleanliness cleanness every part of our body that's right can manifest that's right uncleanliness that's right starting with the head already god because the word of god says the whole thing is sick it's so sick the whole head is messed up that's right whole head is out of place oh sinful nature listen at this in isaiah chapter one and that verse four ah nation are people laden with iniquity people that's loaded with sin a seed of evil doer what a seed of evildoers they see that mean a bunch of evil duels that continue to multiply that's right they sprout they sprout they sprout they sprout a seed of evildoers a children that are corrupters children that are corrupters hold it before you become a corrupter you first must be corrupt that's right a corrupter is one that corrupts somebody else that's right that's right so one is corrupt and they share their corrupt ways with another and then they are corrupt like the other that's right they have forsaken the lord wait a minute why are they so corrupt children are that are corrupters they have forsaken the lord anyone that leave god you in a mess oh yes you that are watching me now many of you left god that's right that's why you're cussing at this program now that's right it's got your middle finger up at it yeah got your six pack of beer that's right sharing your dirty old hotel room with your no good boyfriend that's right children that are corrupters your corruptness they have forsaken the lord you left god that's why you're in that false church that's right you left god because your bishop promised you a cheap title that's right promising you to be a little old cheap deacon a half pint elder amen a quarter pastor and a half gallon bishop that's right and a one ounce deacon amen one ounce huh they have forsaken the lord you left god they have provoked the holy one of israel listen i'd rather make people angry oh yeah cause people getting angry at me don't mean nothing to me no but god being angry with me will make me lose sleep that's right people get angry with me man i turn over and snore amen but if god get angry with me my god man i'm in trouble that's right what is it they have provoked the holy one of israel onto anger yeah they are gone away backward what they are gone away back all right backsliders that's right cigarette suckers now amen vapors now yeah pipe suckers now that's right club dancers now pole dancers now bishops no longer preach the word of god for truth now they just patronize the folk for money that's right that's right they did what they are going away backward what direction backward that's right amen it's like that child say what that's right gone backwards backward and glory to god if you look at religion at large the whole world went backwards that's right you got a mind to go forward be prepared to fight fight them that already claim they're going forward oh yes they have gone away backward they've gone away they have gone away back back what why should you be stricken anymore now god want to know why do you want to be punished again that's right you will revolt more and more and that's what they're doing when they hear the truth of the gospel they revoke they rebel more and more the whole head is sick amen wait a minute williams the whole head wait wait wait wait how much of the pulpit the whole head is sick all the bishops that's all the elders that's right all the jack leg apostles amen all the fake evangelists all the no good deacons yeah the whole head the whole head is sick that means they don't have no oversight that's right something have corrupt the mind that's right they keep it from thinking the thoughts of god that's right so now the church is not being led by scripture it's being led by bishop's opinion amen amen i don't care about nobody opinion now how much planner can i make when i say nobody i mean nobody nobody i don't give two cents about nobody opinion that's right touching the scriptures that's right when it comes to the scripture don't ever give me your opinion never i got men all over social media arguing with me fighting with me call me a cult leader because i won't take their opinion no body on the earth opinion mean anything to me that's right touching the scriptures that's right nobody nobody but god that's right that's right i respect god's opinion amen i bow to god's opinion i would lean only to god's opinion that's right when you come after god and don't agree with him i'm like a icicle oh yes when there's a hundred below zero that's right i don't drip i don't move that's right i don't budge that's right i stay one trillion percent wonderful with scripture amen i won't move to get a member i won't move the keeper members that's right if you don't like what we preach that's your problem that's right it'll never be my problem no never you can offer me the world wonderful wonderful nobody can offer me what haven't already been offered that's right i've been offering millions oh yes if i detoured the scriptures i turned it down that's right i've been offered all type of luxury cars i've owned a luxury car i work and buy one but offering me one just to sell out on the bible like a cheap two dollar hoe that's not me that's right that's right some some woman uh laid me out over the internet and said he'd do all that talk but i heard he's worth 1.5 million dollars i didn't know that i didn't know that either i didn't know that i didn't know that either another man got upset with me and said yeah i heard he's worth eight million dollars they upped the price amen i'm going up in value john and i had someone after patrick jennings what are you worth man i'm priceless you can't put a price on me you're gonna put a price on me i'm a priceless human being that's right what i got to give you is more valuable than anything in the world that's right damn i know y'all say god you can't put no cheap figure on me no no a billion that's a cheap figure on me amen a trillion that's a cheap figure on me wonderful holy book says we have this treasure that's right earlier may be of god that none of us not of us you're gonna put some cheap number on me i'm priceless and i got sense enough to know it that's right that's it don't say that sound arrogant i don't care amen i come back and still say i'm a priceless minister wonderful wonderful the type of preacher that god made me it's hard to find yes it is i knew that take off oh yes and i know this that's right [Applause] hard [Applause] amen don't believe in church favoritism that's right we'll never put my family in front of god in nothing amen won't lean to my wife won't lean to my children won't lean to my sons or daughter won't lean to my mama that's wonderful and i always love my mama but i ain't leaning to my mama no no that's wonderful that's wonderful the bible says you're bought with the price of christ but that price was a priceless death that's right [Applause] you can set a value in numbers on the death of jesus to christ that's right that's right that's right i've been offering all kind of dollars god has made us a builder oh yes men have came and offered me their churches the entire organizations if i would just compromise i told them no no no me no no no supposed to meet a preacher this weekend got five churches came from under tdj from myrtle beach south carolina reached out to me thank god and said he had it out with jake's over 20 25 years ago over the homosexual questions he said he had women preachers and everything he said patrick jennings had to listen to you for a long period of time he said i set all my women preachers down he said me and my entire organization want to go down in water in the name of jesus christ amen he said i've never never saw nobody who can just explain the bible i hear that a lot yeah you got to give god credit for that that's right god has given me a biblical know-how that's right to split the atoms of the scriptures and show you the molecules amen of the wisdom of god it was given to me oh yes many of you write it and want to know what bible college i went to i never stepped foot in the bible college since i've been born that's right that's wonderful i got the best teacher amen and god is my teacher amen and the knowledge of god make me contradict the sayings of men that's right if men don't talk that bible talk we're going to contradict you oh yes if men don't come to bible way we're going to contradict you that's right who will take god what did he say the whole head is sick oh hey oh haters oh they sent with the head stand with the mind that's right same with the eyes same with the hand that's right same with the feet yeah same with the whole body so the whole body need healing that's right is there a bomb in gilead is there a physician there that's right the whole body the church is now sick sick viruses have crept into the churches in a form of teaching from the soul of the foot what from the soul of the foot listen at this now in isaiah chapter one and verse six from the soul of the fool of the fourth there is no soundness in it no soundness no soundness and holiness you got to be sound that's right what do you mean stable firm steadfast unmovable uncompromised amen amen i remember i was in cambridge maryland preaching new me before i before i was even pastor jennis he knew me when i was in false checks preacher offered me his churches i said what's the catch bishop he wanted me to change my stand on divorce and remarry i said bishop you insult my intelligence that's right the only thing you want to swap my belief for is uh uh four buildings not that i said not here bishop no way you see most young men would have jumped at it and almost tap dance they would have moved so fast that's right the souls of people is more valuable than materialism that's right all right let's see amen amen so i've been offered movements churches millions of dollars my lord my lord amen private planes private boats someone someone said yeah i've been offered all that but to me those things are nothing yeah in comparison with what god have offered me that's right now if you offer me something that can challenge or should i say beat eternal life with god if you can offer me something that's better than that then i consider you that's right i'll consider it didn't happen that's right because if you can help beat god i'm going to take you under consideration oh yeah but that mean i'm stuck that's right but ain't nobody coming along can i beat god no [Music] this is what i mean by when you walk with god the bible says ahab souls himself himself this epidemic of selling yourself yeah selling out on god turning your back on them committing treason have happened and it's far spreading rusting cancer that's right it's an epidemic from pulpit down the whole head is sick how much of it the whole head is sick from pulpit down churches are falling apart now oh yeah used to not believe in divorce now they go after that's right don't believe in living together not mad now they have it churches flying rainbow flags oh yes many of you writing me say why don't you get on national television they don't want me no they don't want you we went to tbn no and totally is no trinity amen we went to trinity broadcasting network and told them trinity is alive that's right they said i was too militant amen we went to p.e.t they said i was too radical we went to the word network they said i was too strict we went to the star channel he said i was something other than godly why all i preach is what man refused to preach that's right and that is the word of god that's right pure raw unapologetic and don't care if you don't like it that's right you see i'm one man if i tell you i don't care if you don't like it i mean it yeah hey man that's right hey man go back to god let you let's finish out that's how difficult it is back in galatians 5 and verse 19. listen now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery what fornication uncleanness lasciviousness last seriousness is extreme lust that's right you become an addict to a particular lust you're extremely lustful for whatever that thing is that's right it's a long lingering addiction yeah don't claim your deliverance or some listen you can't claim deliverance over something you're struggling with no deliverance mean deliverance that's right struggling means struggling that's right that's right that's right give me the book of isaiah quickly let me explain this scripture that come to mind he was wounded for our transgression yeah amen he was a bruise for our iniquity isaiah chapter 53 we'll start at verse four i want to split this the pieces and give you some good knowledge here everybody all right amen listen good isaiah 53 we'll start at verse four all right surely he has borne our grief talking about jesus he what he has borne our griefs he has he hasn't even got here yet in the flesh no he has borne our grief and carried our sorrow carried our pain yet we did a steam him stricken we had steamed him stricken and he wasn't stricken yet no and smitten of god and afflicted of god and afflicted talk about what will be but was speaking as if it happened that's right but he was wounded for our transgressions wait a minute how did god make the prophet said he was wounded was was it didn't even happen yet that's right that's right spoke in the past tense and the wars didn't happen yet that's right didn't happen yet because he wasn't born that's right but he was wounded transgressions yeah gloria was supposed to he was wounded wounded for our transgressions prophesying what would be that's right he was bruised he was bruised for our iniquities didn't happen yet that's right prophesying the predestination of the suffering of the son of man the chastisement of our nation chastisement here but he wasn't beaten yet um it's something amen with the stripes we are we are we are here we that's right because he wasn't wasn't even born that's right wasn't even begotten and you can't put no stripes on the spirit spirit can't be beaten that's right you can't beat the no so he had to put on flesh hallelujah and then the flesh was beaten and to fulfill that that's right now the bible said with the stripes we are here we are healed that doesn't mean for you to claim your healing make that blame because when that was spoken we wasn't healed that's right we were still sick from the pain of sin that's right why stripes wasn't given that's right wonderful so you can't claim it and say with the stripes we are all killed so that means i'm healed already no i don't know because if it means you're healed already then why call for the elders of the church that's right go ahead give me the book of james quickly son yeah that's wonderful let's take this apart yes you can't claim that scripture says by our strength we all kill you so that means claim your healing no i don't in the book of james chapter 5 and verse 14 no it don't amen come on back the bible yeah come on back the bible that's right come on back the bible that's right if it means you're healed already that would cop to dick james james chapter five and verse 14. that's why is any sick among you doesn't it take him out let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him and while anointing him with oil in the name of the lord if any what if there is any sick among you but yet what the idea is and with his stripes we are here that's something now let's break down what it means the being of the son of god right he was wounded wounded for our transgressions for our transgression he was bruised he was bruised for our iniquities for our iniquity the chastisement of that's right that will take place upon our flesh that's right his healing of us the word healing have a larger meaning than what we look at healing that's right healing also means delivered delivered see we looked at healing narrowly yeah like a sword just all of a sudden got healed but it said with kind of sickness all kinds of mental sickness spiritual sickness emotional sickness that's right physical sickness that's right [Applause] with the with the stripes we are healed we are delivered we are here he didn't tell me to claim no my deliverance no but his suffering guarantees my deliverance that's right wonderful [Applause] wonderful wonderful but what he went through in our behalf that's right tells me if [Applause] that's right hallelujah [Applause] that's right jesus said can you drink yes of the cups that i drink of can you be baptized with the baptism that i'm baptized with that's right that's what jesus is talking that's right jesus is telling us that's right what i went through you can go through it yes how i stood yeah you can say it that's right he told apostles greater works than these shall you do shall you do because i go back to the father that's right he was one you drank of the cup that i drank can you be baptized with the baptism that i was baptized holy jesus wasn't only baptized in water not only was he baptized with the holy ghost but he was baptized into suffering that's right when you're baptized you simply mean you're taken down and covered yeah he said he was acquainted with grief that's right a man of sorrows he was engulfed in suffering that's right just like the spirit brought him through it the spirit can bring the church to it wonderful [Applause] we ain't claiming nothing no how in the world you gonna claim healing and you're struggling with it that's right either you are healed or you're not that's right either you are free or you're in bondage [Music] that's right god set you free or you're still fighting to come out of it that's right there is no middle no with the stripes with the stripes we are we are healed so the question is how are we here yeah how oh yes how are we healed that's right that was predicted that's right upon him that's right long before he was born oh yes it was predicted upon him amen he wasn't even born yet no but letting us know the results that's something and the power of the son of man and how we will benefit how the church will benefit that's right from the example that jesus left that's right listen but he was wounded for our transgressions notice it refers to him him didn't point back to us that's right that's right that's right he was wounded for what for our transgressions him than us that's right he's the worst we benefit yeah from what he done that's right but when this was written he ain't done nothing yet that's right that's wonderful our deliverance was held up yeah because no blood was shed it took to be shed oh yeah for our deliverance that's right the beating the bruise the suffering upon his flesh that's right represent the beating the bruise the suffering that you experience that's true as a person that's right for what is your beatings what is your bruise what is your suffering yeah it's whatever trials or opposition that come in your life you can be bruised more emotionally but not bruised physically that's true that's true we could be bruised mentally yeah and now bruce physically that's right you can be beaten beaten emotionally and yet a belt don't touch your skin that's right someone that says by his stress we are healed what is it about us that get healed um whatever the affliction of the pain right all right listen that's right it didn't say claim it no that you have it already no the healing come in stages and in various methods that's right that gods choose to bring this healing that's right you can be healed through preaching the word yeah the word can be preached yeah and your healing comes that's right turn your plate down that fast oh worship god hallelujah healing kingdom that's right that's right prayer healing can count there's more than one way to be sick that's right you can be sick and you don't need a doctor yeah you don't need a bottle of medicine that's right there's some sickness that it takes a divine power oh yes you can be ill by the power of satan that's right satan's sick in your emotions the sickness of satan started to contaminate your love towards god that's right they started to shift your heart from church to the world sickness set in like cancer oh yeah hallelujah beating represent pain with his strengths we are healed with his strength you can be beat by the stripes of god different ways that's right sometimes i take the strictness and the hard hitting of scripture yeah to deliver you out of something oh yeah you are healed you are delivered you are set free right healing bring you out of so never look at healing and attach the word always stick to it that's right the word healing simply means to overcome to get victory over god bring me out that's right someone said i've been healed from the power of satan and yet they never was sick that's true but yet they were spiritually ill that's right wasn't physically sick but yet spiritually ill that's right the press taken over by depression yeah an emotional sickness oh yeah not something that calls for a prescription but yet it does yeah for the prescription that it calls for is scripture scripture i have to go into my medicine cabinet in jeremiah chapter 8 and verse 22. see what can god prescribe for the depression is there no bomb is there nobody else is there no physician here there's no position there then it's not the hell why is then not the help of the daughter of my people recovered hallelujah now the recovery of a brother or sister you can be spiritually sick yeah physically excellent condition that's right that's right spiritually sick physically excellent condition that's right sometimes we catch our sickness from others amen what of god says evil communication communicates corrupt corrupt good manners good manner good manners so here i am in the prime of my health what do you mean my spiritual health go ahead i take my necessary vitamins in the form of prayer fasting faithful and coming to the hospital which is called church take what the doctor prescribed to me all the time i digest medicine in the form of scripture beloved i wish above all please spiritually i do all right that's right but the bible says now i'm in full foolish galatians that's right who happy with you be with you something happy with me right something tricked me something affected me now the way i used to walk don't walk no more and what i used to believe ain't not talking about what i used to believe from bishop and main opinion i'm talking about what god says that's right and my i socializing affect my belief that's right so the bible says it this way evil communication corrupted manners corrupt now i'm spiritually corrupt corrupted and besides coming to church eating the word of god now i inherited a judgmental spirit yeah that i come in and judge everybody else like i'm in position to judge everybody else that's true when god say judge yourself that's right that ye be not judged that's right in the book of third john chapter one and at verse two listen third epistle of john chapter one begin at verse one the elder unto the well-beloved gays the hell the glory take god to the world beloved whom i love you and what in the truth and the truth beloved i wish above all things i wish that thou mayest prosper that you prosper and be in health and be in hell even as thy soul process oh he wants your spirit to prosper now let's look at prosperity the way the false prophets teach it money money house planes cars that's right big bank roll mansion yacht yeah that prosperity ain't worth dung in a dunghill amen true prosperity is the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of who god is that's right you can have all the money in the world i don't mean nothing no the bible says it plain you came in the world you shall be childish i don't give two sense about what nobody has that's right i know that if you don't repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of jesus christ have the holy ghost speaking in tongues follow the holy order and the holy instructions of god you will go to hell rich rich rich rich one thing i say about hell there's no special place for rich folk no it's not and a separate place for poor folk oh no you will burn all together that's right listen at this back in isaiah chapter 53 and verse five that's why but he was wounded forever transgression now wounded wounded and he wasn't born yet when this was written no for our transgression showing you a predestinated sacrifice yeah that would take the blame that's right for our carelessness that's right and our stupidity he was bruised for our iniquity wait a minute that wasn't fulfilled yet no it ain't talking about the spirit no no not at all it's talking about the son of god that's right and he wasn't born yet that's right it wasn't even begotten yet all right the chastisement of the old fool was said he said jesus did not exist i did not no i didn't say that i said the son of god jesus did exist then yeah but the son of god that's right well how is that jesus christ is god the spirit exists but that flesh which was called the begotten when you say begotten is talking about flesh you can't begin a spirit no mary was the mother of flesh mary was not the mother of spirit that's right the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth was the son of a god that consists of flesh and blood that's right came out to travel judah out the house of david that's right from the generations of shem the brother of ham and jeff the sons of noah amen are you getting what i'm telling you but he was wounded for our transgressions you can't wound the spirit no so jesus was here yes he exists but he had the title father that's right he didn't have the title then begotten forgotten he only had the title father because he was only in the divine state that's right he he wasn't begotten yet he had the title father eternal creator so when the bible said when your god shall come he had to come in a manner that he never came before yet he was here that's right that's right but he had the title father and he had to come put on flesh on flesh he didn't become flesh like you preach has been teaching no no god did not become a man god made a man and then got in the man that he made that's right that's right give me first timothy 3 16. verse timothy three times in philippians chapter two you preacher said god became a man i'll make you lick it up that's right listen to the old troublemaker now that's the genesis yeah make you laugh lick it out amen the moment you said god became a man now you give god a mother that's right god ain't got no mother you old catholic liar that's right held mary the mother of god you believe that lie you are go to hell that's right i said he made a man child that's it and then he took on the man child that he made first timothy chapter three and verse 16. that's what i'm without controversial argument without fight no need to go fighting about it that's right what what is it william great what great it's not ordinary it's extraordinary great it's unusual that's right hey man it's not ordinary it's just extraordinary and without controversy with that argument great grace in the flesh he didn't say he became flesh no he was manifested where in the flesh where in the flesh where in the flesh they say it became flesh that's right and said well pastor general when you manifest the something you become that that's a lie i'm manifested in my suit but i'm not the suit you're infidelity that's right i'm manifesting my suit amen hey man my suit can't move until i put it on that's right if my suit get off his hanger on his own i'm leaving amen i'm leaving that's right my suit gonna come walking to me come on gino put me on homie don't play that no no i'm getting away from here that's my suit right me down the street i'm running oh yeah god was manifest in the flesh that means god talked in the flesh god walked in the flesh god taught in the flesh god preached in the flesh god healed in the flesh that's right god did it the flesh didn't do it god did it that's right and the flesh was simply used to demonstrate it that's it god did it that way to take away everybody's excuse yes and without controversy i know you talking great great is the mystery of god it's god's mystery a mystery is something everybody don't know that's right god was manifested was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit the spirit justified what the flesh done seed of angels angel saul preached unto the gentiles preached unto every other ethnic group other than jews believed on in the world the world believed them that's why god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believed in him won't perish but have everlasting life and what received up into glory where it got back in that body glory father and ascended above all heavens now in philippians chapter two we're at verse seven let's see what did he do but made himself of no reputation what did he do and took upon him what did god do but man himself of no reputation what did god do and took upon him what the form of a servant did what took upon him the form of a servant and what else did he do with that form and was made in the likeness of men god wasn't made no the form was made that's right god wasn't me that's right the form that he took on was made and took upon him the form of a servant god formers god shaped god shape was god fashioned god fashioned was god figure god figure was god image god's image was the simplitude and the similitude was the second adam that's right hallelujah second adam was the lamb of god that's right the second adam was the mediator the second adam was god's son which was god's minister which was an apostle that's right about it said god was an apostle yeah god ain't never was an apostle no not listen to the old man now i said god almighty never was and never will be an imposter that's right why an apostle is called by god god don't call himself that's right pastor is sent by god an apostle is taught of god that's right who teaches god someone said i thought you preached jesus christ is god that's right wasn't jesus an apostle yes and no yes i know the flesh was what the spirit was that's right yeah that's right hebrews 3 1 says wherefore holy brethren of brethren heavenly calling what shall we think about consider the apostles the apostles the apostles what else is it and high priest of our profession give us his name christ jesus he's the apostle of all now he is the one that can bear the title singular chief apostle that's right yeah you you see you won't hear the people in the truth of god that been taught calling me chief apostle that's a lie that's a lie you better not someone said well wasn't peter the chief apostle no no that's another lie you have the stalwarts that said that's right you called peter the chief apostle and you lied on paul and said paul said he wasn't the wit behind the chief apostle paul ain't never made no such statement amen you're half liar you're half quote liar that's right paul did not say he was a witness behind the chief singular apostle read what the apostles had second corinthians chapter 12 we're at verse 11. i want to mop up all the dirt mop it up and mop it up that's right clean it up amen amen good what did he say second corinthians chapter 12 we're at verse 11. listen i have become a fool in glory i've become a falling glory you have compelled me you forced me to do it for i ought to have been commended of you yes for in nothing ain't nothing am i behind the very chiefess apostles spell it a-p-o-s-t-l-e-s bell chief yes c-h-i-e-f-e-s-t more than one more than one not chief chief apostles see i'd love to look at every nook and cranny about it that's right that stuff been quoted wrong for years that's right now we bring before you our chief apostle you the chief liar chief all men out there they say you are the chief yes you was a liar that's right you took jesus position in the book of first peter chapter five the apostles well who was chiefess jesus mean them that were in reputation which was peter james and john meaning those that was most popular among the apostles that's right that's what that means that's right but not one of the twelve and none of the ones was added was singular out as chief chief other than jesus in the book of first peter chapter five and verse four that's what and when the chief shepherd uh-oh shall appear amen you can't call pastor jennings we thank god for our chief apostle you're a liar you get that lies your mouth you're giving me honor that i don't have that's right the bible speak plain and when the chief shepherd chief shepherd shall appear shall come that's jesus that's right that's right all right you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away ain't none of the apostles and they ain't your pastor you may want to be but it isn't it isn't i can gladly say it ain't me and i'm glad it ain't that's right because if i went away i wouldn't want to come back amen amen hey man if i wouldn't have i went away what i would want to come back to this earth for you wouldn't want to come back i wouldn't want to put up with you amen my earthly journey with you is enough that's right amen i will go away and not come back for you with amen leave you right here when isn't that wonderful all right back in galatians chapter five verse 19. yeah now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adulterers foreign fornication began that's right witchcraft what witchcraft now god's people we don't flip cars for the terror no we don't go get our fortune read no we don't go to sisterlina and sister troy that's right there's somebody a house that got a neon hand up in the window tomorrow reading your old dirty unwashed palms amen we don't play with ouija boards no no no no we don't preach luck no either you're blessed of god or you cussed by him that's right that's right there's a sin to say you were lucky yeah ain't no such thing as a lucky god no you're blessed or your curse that's right nothing in between that's right are you listening amen all right idolatry what idolatry white house witchcraft now hold it let me enlarge you on witchcraft book of samuel first samuel chapter 16. someone said pastor jenny you're right i don't dabble in witchcraft are you rebellious are you stubborn are you hard-headed are you contrary to what god said let me enlarge on witchcraft the bible speaks plain that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft it isn't just gone somewhere and do some voodoo who do you do no sir rebellion is as the sin in the book of first samuel chapter 15. at verse 23 that's right for rebellion rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft what else and stubbornness is as i is as iniquity and idolatry if you're stubborn you're like an idol worshiper that's right stubborn why are you like an idol wisher because she's too stubborn to acknowledge the true living god that's right rebellion is at the spirit of witchcraft because when the spirit of witchcraft is a seducing spirit take you over that's the spirit that compelled the third in heaven to take sides with lucifer that's right it was a rebellious spirit that seduced them yeah anytime you rebel against god and you hard-headed and stubborn that's a witchcraft spirit that's right you that are watching that fight the word of god and fight the holy order of god you've got a witchcraft spirit from your bishop down oh yeah what did he say for rebellion rebellion his ass this is the sin of witchcraft as the sin let you know witchcraft is a sin yeah that's right we don't go to the terror matter i know your card and we get these cards and flip them over we don't we don't do it not even for fun for fun that's right i don't care how many young people come together and fellowship with each other and play games your games better be contributed to the bible yeah y'all go to hell playing something that violates the bible that's right that's right god people don't play spin the bottle um amen amen and when that bottle point to somebody you go kissing them and hug them amen spend your way in hell amen that's right young people come together keep everything clean yeah keep everything holy that's right that way when the lord comes he can accept what you're doing yeah this is all about god acceptance oh yeah all right go back to where you were son back in galatians chapter five and at verse 20. the god real quick idolatry idolatry witchcraft witchcraft hatred what hatred oh my goodness there's some hateful people out here amen you can listen at some of the comments that folk made against this message here you may hate it can't stand it hate it a man want me dead something said i want to hang them and lord one man wrote me and said you should have been tar and feather lord amen that was a wonderful letter hateful hatred some tell me when i come to the area it'll be my last trip that's when i tell my secretary i want that first that's right that's the kind of place i want to go there first i want to go right in the hornet's nest and beat him out the high that's right that's right amen why because i know holiness is a invincible shell oh yes hallelujah and that's the reason why i'm like this is because we got the greater things amen we got the greater thing that's right saying that god gave his apostles make us unafraid that's right make us bold and very cool about it very calm about it we go into your town and burn it down with bites don't care who's there don't care who don't like it don't care who rises up hey man your rise up we got the thing to put you right back down that's right yeah that's right what is that variance variance unstable i don't trust an unstable person no i don't care who they are that's right the bible says the double-minded man is unstable in all their ways always unstable always uncertain they're only stabled about carnal fleshy foolishness that's right but when it comes to the spiritual thing they're always unstable unstable you get an unstable person you give it time they may leave god yeah unstable person not really with you no i know because they've got too much flexibility in them that's right emulations what emulation really quick what else rest rash strikes right sedition conditions here's what you're saying wait a minute here's that hearsays stop being nosey don't go by what you hear that's right mind your business and leave everybody else business alone that's right if william pull up in the maserati don't ask how he got that i can't afford that with business that of yours amen amen brother jones god bless you with a mansion with about 15 bedrooms and 37 bathrooms what business that'll be yours that's right well i like saying he don't need all that that's not my business no i don't care what he need or what my focus is he need god that's right that's right are you getting what i'm telling you amen the holy ghost that hearsays yes don't believe everything you heard no not everything here saying what taught marriages that's right have wives jumping in husband's face based upon what she heard that's right you wouldn't be so newsy you wouldn't not like a fool so much amen here's some husband's jumping up in wise faith based upon what he heard you wouldn't be so nosy you wouldn't hear so much that's right what kind of woman are you somebody coming to you and dog your husband out yeah you believe it and jumping his face like a fool but the moment someone dog you out and he come to you you gonna let somebody talk about me like that they want you to take your own words hypocrite that's right what is that hearsays what hearsays take your own way jerome that's right amen take your own words i said hi chad take your own word that's right that's right hallelujah amen here i hate to be around nosy people yeah they're mine everybody business but they're home that's right amen that's right why would you want to google someone's address to see where they live oh you that desperate yeah that you want to see what kind of house they live in or what cars they got on their drum why would you be that nosy why are you so concerned about him or her why that's right as a person who got too much time on their hands amen you have to give yourself over the fasting and plenty of prayer that's right go about the lord's doing that's right here says jealous murders jealous over simple childish stuff yeah jealous over a pair of shoes and a hat a pocketbook a suit that's right how weak and hellish that's right sister come in with a dress like y'all so what what is that to get mad about yeah yeah if they got on a hat like yours stalkers like yours pocket books everything oh yeah i look better than mine did she do y'all you know how childish that is man my red truck is better than his amen what i care if a brother come in here with a suit shirt suspenders down down to the socks like mine i don't care my interest is get into the kingdom that's it when you got to prioritize get all this frivolous folly out of you yeah some of us was in our 40s and 50s and 60s and still like we in our grade school worrying about yeah imagine 10 20 30 years and still in this mental stage yeah you're worse than the child oh yeah ah amen i don't care if you're a man or woman you're worse than a child there's more than one way to murder you can murder without shedding someone blood that's right you can murder with your mouth that's why i tell all ministers wives you got to be so you don't bring a reproach upon god the church and your husband that's right don't be gossiping don't be on the phone gossiping with a bunch of church folk over a bunch of foolishness don't be talking about marianne suzy kathleen gretel and mother harvey and sister pauline and get off the phone that's right i don't care how good of a minister a brother is if he got a wife that's a gossiper and jealous shall tear the church up and she will be in everybody business that's right and if your wife is wrong don't try to defend her yeah at the word chastise you gotta take the chastisement that's right and if you try to protect it from chastisement then the word will beat you yes it will huh amen amen amen amen amen they don't need for william try to protect his wife reese no no word beat reese and nothing reason can do but say hi to ladies that's right amen no need for no i don't need for none of my sons to protect their mother after what a god beat my wife i don't care if she gets so mad she'll become a shape-shifter turn into all kinds of things that don't matter no need to comfort mama you're all right the word gotta leave her alone that's right let god deal with her that's right that's true amen amen you don't speak to me to the next 20 birthdays you better come back to bible yeah what if she don't pastor jenny then she'll go to hell you see some preachers won't say that because their wife roll them yeah and they know they got to ride back home with them and if they be driving they're going to be cutting their eye [Applause] amen my wife know me i preach it and head hard and drive and look at you [Applause] amen that's right william i was made a preacher yes your word amen i was made a preacher that's right god make you a preacher you're tied to him tighter than you are to anything in the world wonderful that's wonderful amen you live by that law you came in the world you shall return you live by that loss are you getting what i'm telling you amen what is that murders what murders be careful will come out of your mouth speak what you know now what you heard that's right murder you can kill a person and kill their spiritual influence know what you're talking about that's right murder murders whatever drunkenness what drunkenness that's more than being drunk off liquor yeah drunkenness just simply means you've been overtaken by something and you're not of yourself that's right you're gonna be drunk off pride drunk off wealth drunk of fame drunk off notoriety drunk off money drunk off men drunk off women drunk off arrogance drunk off power that's right that's right anything that takes you over and you become emotionally mentally or spiritually intoxicated until it moves you from being yourself out of the will of god you're drunk drunk revelings real quick and such like such light of the which i tell you before that day as i've also told you in time past that they would do such things what are they shall not inherit the kingdom of god shall not inherit the kingdom of god and you're going to tell me it's easy to live some people's quick temper yeah oh yeah quick temp oh yeah you tell them something they just jump up in the air like a rocket ship that's true ready to fight you got church folks still carry guns that's right i'm out they go hunting you don't hunt with a 38. you hunt with a 45 45 you hunt with a german luger church people that's right you got preachers that carry 38 in a glove compartment yeah 38 in a briefcase 38 in the arm rest oh yes amen preachers they got switchblades straight razors and they ain't shaving either that's right that's right folks write me do your security carry guns no no we don't believe in no such we don't believe in carrying guns or knives or knobs we don't believe in that that's right amen anybody in security have a gun they'll be fired yeah you can't take guns from someone else they come in and you got yours that's right if you're gonna take theirs and yours ought to be taken that's right no guns no knives no tasers mm-hmm you got taser wigs no i don't have a taser festival no what you got don't have anything you don't have anything well actually somebody gave me an axe someone gave you an axe yeah somebody came to church gave me an axe as a gift i wouldn't even expect for you to see that one and axe what you do with it i believe it's in my basement it's in your basement yeah i don't i'm not using it what you gonna do with it no past it yep everything's good everything good all right i'm watching i want everybody to in the world to know that brother williams on the axe amen you watch them now amen [Laughter] and such like of the which i tell you before [Laughter] go ahead and read the bible remember come on william as i have also told you when time passed they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god so living holy is the most difficult task oh yes because you have to constantly fight against you that's right are you listening that's right constantly i believe brother paul made a plan when i would do good people say god people express evil it's prison presence now when they say evil was present who you think he was talking about yeah himself oh wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of this death let's not have this in the book of realm romans uh seven and at verse 21. many of you out there say this man preach like he expect for you to jump up and live holy overnight no i don't no you that think that way because you're not paying attention to what is being preached that's right takes time to be converted you better understand that let me make this earthly example when you have a caterpillar a caterpillar is slow yeah takes his time at the appointed time the caterpillar spins its silk and in tune itself in what is called a cocoon within that cocoon it goes through a change it's being born again [Music] or it's a god but to be born again to be changed or to go through metamorphosis have to separate itself from all other caterpillars that's right at the appointed time the cocoon breaks open and what was in there but winning come out different he went in caterpillar but now he got a new body yeah and a new name oh yeah and new behavior that's right went in the caterpillar got born again transformed come out butterfly yeah but he don't become above a butterfly overnight no no no and it struggles to come out of that cocoon that's true gotta fight his way out when you come out the world to walk with god your transformation before you are taken up like the butterfly your transformation takes place here in the cocoon that's right are you kidding me that's right and just like the caterpillar you know i was a child likes to catch bugs i had to have a big jar man i caught every type of bug you think of she did wasps yellowjacks mosquitos worms garden spiders garden snakes did we wear them that's right oh man we had a ball yeah we'd get big old jars and we'd see a big uh grasshopper or locust or praying mantis we'll put the jar over it and then it'll jump automatically in it if there's a big b in the flower we just put the jar over the flour then when the beef fly go right in the jar have all type of insects in it that's right then we shake the jar up so they can fight each other amen then then we get a match light it throw it in the jar and then the match will go out then the smoke will go up and then look at all the insects fight for life look away some of y'all looking at me like oh my god some of y'all looked at me and said oh no one eats like the way he is you can see the spiders shootings web everywhere and i remember as a child there was a caterpillar made a cocoon and i remember to this day i opened up the cocoon out of curiosity to see what it looked like in other words i broke it open before time before it was time to come out and it wasn't yet born again so when i broke it open it went in a fat juicy caterpillar but when i broke it open it was as skinny as a twig it lost all his body fat and the silk that is spent it entombed itself and i was like oh man that's what it looked like and they look dead you know in order for you to change you got to die and you got to die daily daily in the old testament says i'll wait for my change to come yeah don't try to keep up with nobody else in church nobody nobody run at a peace where you can keep on running that's right that's right i wouldn't say you've been here 15 years you ain't up to that yet i need to worry about where i'm up to you worry about where you're after yeah they like some of these preachers look at some folk who've been tying for the holy ghost 10 years and a preacher or a mother or a brother in church said you've been trying for the holy ghost 10 years you should have been had it that's one of the that's one of the dumbest statements somebody can tell you amen the holy ghost is a gift so how can you tell me what i should have been have right it's a gift it i can't go get the holy ghost that's right i have to ask god for it so he can give me the holy ghost that's right that's right yes again i don't have the right old authority to tell you you should have been had something that's right my job is to tell you what the apostle said tarry until that's it that's it terry until that's what the bible says that's what i got to say that's right is that right amen so that's like the caterpillar transformation takes place time go by so will yours oh yeah you got to die daily ideally take your time and allow yourself to be transformed by scripture that's right let the scriptures transform you that's right when you try to do it on your own you ain't gonna keep it up no you're gonna do it just to keep somebody from fussing with you you're gonna do it to keep somebody off your back that's right but when god pricked your heart and that word hits you in here don't really take god you're gonna find yourself making modifications oh yeah it's like children who come to church because their parents make them come but when those children get a mind to start walking with god you're gonna find themselves getting ready parents ain't got to be like are you almost ready oh they ready get ready sitting waiting for the parents to get ready to go that's right why change took place in here change took place in here take your time go getting the harry and then you start making a bunch of claims amen and go on a vile spree making a bunch of foolish vows no no no no take your time you that claim you got the holy ghost make sure you have the holy ghost and not some homemade self-rising flower tongue amen make sure you got the stuff that come from heaven right not no angel mama tom that's right amen amen amen not that homemade stuff i know i know the holy ghost when i hear it some of this junk make casper look bad not the holy ghost it's not even a good casper to go amen holy ghost speak you have nothing to do with it that's right i say you don't have nothing to do with it what if god speak plain it as the spirit gives a give utterance as the spirit spirit give us give us that mean as the spirit speaking remember years ago a sister can't mention that pastor jennings why i spilt the spirit only when you spirit only when you feel it i said that's the devil dealing with you she said passage i said you heard me right i said what you mean you only feel the spirit when when you see me that's the devil dealing with you kind of holy ghost is that is a geno jennings ghost i don't have no williams goats no no williams can't feel the spirit until he sees me i don't care how close we are but tell them the same thing you've got the devil in you that's right that's right we're yeah you only can feel this thing when you see me you're of the devil that's right the devil but i don't pass it yes you don't and they're wonderful that's wonderful it is wonderful oh yeah because if you only feel it when you see me a lot of time i travel we ain't there that's true then where we gonna get our comfort from that's right holy ghost bible said the comforter will come yeah you don't want no type of holy ghost that many of these people have they feel it when they see bishop ain't your holy ghost no not bishop ghost you need this thing when nobody when nobody's around that's right you need god's presence there that's right nobody's absolutely nobody hallelujah you need god keep it loud you need god moving there hallelujah that's why it's called the comfort that's right hallelujah a holy ghost you can't fail unless you see pastor jennifer that flat of false prophets yeah i'm one that'll tell you straight up you go back and try for the holy ghost that's right i don't care back to genius oh mama messiah messiah zion after jesus i can't feel the holy ghost until i see you zion zion zion i'm gonna tell you go back go back go back you need the real holy ghost that's right that goes for any visitors here from any church that's right if you only can feel what you clawed the holy ghost is when you see your bishop you ain't got the holy ghost from heaven no no ah you got bishop's ghost that's right what i'm talking is a gift that only god can give james said every good gift every perfect gift come from above come down from the father of light so whom there is no veritables no shadow of turning that's right amen when i received the holy ghost in tongue over 45 years ago wonderful i received this speaking hallelujah who will take god speaking another tongue and the spirit of god give out wonderful and ain't nobody had to tell me geno you got ain't nobody to tell me nothing i knew i had it wonderful you know many of you go to these churches where you are taught that bishop got to hear you speak and when bishop hear you speak then bishop put his approval on it that's the devil's ghost bishop got to hear you speak bishop issue where is that scripture amen you don't have the holy ghost unless you got bishop approval oh yeah well who's the same bishop even have it that's right don't you know a lot of these men in the paul pitt today who's pastor in churches they never spoke in tongues it's true next time you go to a false prophet church your church listen at him when he preaching and watch when he speak whenever he feel like it yeah he loses train of thought god said uh he lost his train of thought yeah so he threw a tongue to fill in the blank you know get the real thing all right action 38 let's close out then peter said unto them repent all right colombia it's time to get yourself ready now amen you've been in your false church long enough time to get your sins washed away who everybody everybody overtake god to have an old baby this is time to get ready to do what the bible says do if you bow your head and raise your hands you're not saved you're still a sinner you've been to the catholic church had been sprinkled the priest threw water on you should have threw it back at him yeah you're not baptized if you've been baptized father son the holy ghost you're not baptized that's right jesus said do it in the name and the name of the father and the holy ghost is not father son the holy ghost that's right i'm a son i'm a husband i'm a father but if i tell you to do something in my name you're not gonna say son husband and father you're gonna call my name jennings right the bible says in action 38 then peter said unto them repent and what and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ all right for the remission of sins and what did he say and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit if anybody want to get bible right tonight bible right that's it and be baptized the right way in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet if you want it wonderful wonderful wonderful all of you that are standing go check outside wonderful all right come on evans get ready [Applause] go baptizing you all right all right gather up your fragments that nothing to be lost give him his mask amen god is good isn't it amen like i said before so saying now again a holy message guarantees wonderful holy results and you're not going to tell me otherwise oh no amen a holy message i don't care what city what state what town we go in oh no is that right william that's right we are gab the truth of god is guaranteed guaranteed holy result that's right how often patrick janet well all the time all the time all the time all the time never at no time do we go anywhere and come back empty-handed that's right am i right with you right never never amen byron never did it get plenty never amen never never have we been anywhere amen they came back empty-handed that's right never never that's true am i right that's right never i said never that's a testimony that god gave you yes never never every time we go that's true souls give up that's true and surrender and go down in order amen amen one time williams mocked me we was going somewhere he said do you think anybody gonna get baptized in the name of jesus christ this trip i said no he said what i said i know they are knew it victory hours before we get on the plane that's right before any trip is planned before i sit with my traveling staff and outline where we're going victory is already ours before we get there amen god purpose it to be that way amen somebody said i can't see it that's all right that's all right blessed are your eyes yes before they see all right come on back tomorrow better get here early you want to see service begin at 11 o'clock let us all stand eternal god in the name of jesus christ we thank you for your divine wisdom and your perfect understanding of all things we thank you for the gospel that you have given the apostles and lepen record for our learning we thank you for being consistent in your word giving us victory in every place where the feet of our souls may tread you fulfill your word we thank you for the souls that are given up pinning of their sins going down in water in the name of jesus christ not just here but around the world manifesting yourself through preaching we thank you for thine word in these last days fill them with the holy ghost speaking in tongues as the spirit of the living god to give others as we go back to our separate places watch over us and protect us and keep us and preserve us till we come back again give us strength continuously that we may continue to thunder the word of god bless us and protect us always in thine perfect will this blessing we ask in the name of the lord jesus christ the one true living god let every heart say amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 195,755
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Id: YhLzbZk2X_Q
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Length: 136min 0sec (8160 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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