Truth Matters - Know God's Will and Do It - Peter Tan-Chi

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as a father i consider myself passive irresponsible i thought that just working hard and earning my family would my make me a good father i relied on my wife for the rest of my family's needs making her decide for most things when complex happened i always resulted to me being violent and would speak hurtful words to my wife and child when my wife passed away last 2008 things changed a lot it was a huge transition for me doing things alone balancing work finances managing the household and taking care of my daughter who was in high school at that time i made me so confused and discouraged to make things worse my mother got sick and being the eldest i had to take care of everything it was then when god started working in my life i was curious at my sister who was surprisingly at peace even when things went wrapped in her life there's unexplainable joy in her that made me wonder what made her that way it was then when she said that she accepted jesus in her life and it was him who transformed her when she said that i got when she said that i got very curious and went with her to ccm and while attending the worship service that time i understood what jesus did on the cross for me and accepted him as my lord and savior slowly i saw how god transformed my dad being the only child in mommy's girl i was never close to him i just knew him as my violent father who provided for me but i didn't really have a close relationship with him i would rather spend time studying and being with my friends rather than spend time with him it surprised me a lot when i started seeing changes in him he would ask me how i am would spend time with me and would intentionally share with me what god taught him in his spare time i was also surprised with the gentleness and joy that he had even when things got rough i saw how he responded when i deliberately dishonor him it was so surprising i got curious who meet my dad like that it was in 2013 when i decided to go with him to ccf and understood the love that my heavenly father has for me and that jesus died on the cross for me i accepted jesus as my lord and savior that day people would easily assume that our life would be easier because we're just two in the family and we are both followers of jesus but no i still not easy it's still not easy we still have conflicts but it would always be resolved for example since ascendant uh and i know now i have a relationship she would treat me like a friend making me feel disrespected there would be times that we would have misunderstandings but god always reminds me of episode 64 fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and destruction of the lord by god's grace alone i am able to process my anger and lead it up to the lord in prayer and then we would intentionally process it together and ask for forgiveness i saw how the lord changed lord alone changed both of our hearts i would always be reminded to obey the lord by honoring my father the lord strengthened our relationship to our personal intimacy with him and as we both serve him in leading others to christ i am now a full-time campus missionary in elevate and i ministered to manila and intramurals campuses it was my dad who encouraged me to accept the lord's call to serve him and help young people in the campuses to know and accept jesus as i lead young women to christ i am reminded to share to them the powerful love of our heavenly father that can restore and transform we are still works in progress and please pray for us as we follow and obey the lord as a family i'm mariel casajo and i'm astrid casajo to god be all the glory it's one thing to know god's will it's another thing to do it now why is it important to know god's will all right singles are you listening to me i'm sure you have asked yourself lord who will i marry yes or no lord if you are a guy who should i marry there are so many girls chasing after me your problem is who do i marry ladies the same thing with you now if you are looking for a career you want to know lord what should be my career if you are thinking of migrating to the states lord should i go to the state should i go to new zealand should i leave this country see all of these are all important questions yes or no i know you want to know god's will and do it so this morning believe it or not in the bible it tells us how to know god's will and how to do it are you interested all right first let me give you the biblical basis of knowing god's will the good news is this god wants you to know his will more than you would like to know his will tell your neighbour god wants you to know his will amazing let me share with you romans chapter 12 verse 2 the good news god wants you to know his will let's read do not be conformed to this world in other words don't copy the values of this world don't copy you are already copying the world stop it everybody read but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so god wants us to be transformed this is a command you need to be transformed however it is in the passive voice you cannot transform yourself you have to allow something to help you be transformed it's passive be transformed how by the renewing of your mind you got to know the word of god you got to know the truth so that you will be transformed until your mind is changed behavior will not change you can change temporarily but the mind has to be changed and then when the mind is changed the heart is changed when the heart is changed behavior will change therefore why is this important let me tell you when for what purpose everybody read so that one more time so that so that's what you may prove you may experience what the will of god is what is the good news the will of god is everybody read good acceptable and perfect what is good is not always the will of god but the will of god is always good god wants you to know his will in fact in ephesians chapter 5 verse 17 let's read this together so then do not be foolish don't be a fool life is short but understand what the will of the lord is the reason it is so important to know god's will you don't want to waste your life you see there are two kinds of people in this room think about it number one those who are very serious and sincere in seeking god's will and they want to do it they know it is important you have another kind of people who don't really care about god's will they want to do their own will which one are you the bible says don't be foolish understand what the will of the lord is i cannot force people to want to know god's will you have to decide for yourself at the end of your life you are going to be accountable to the lord jesus tells us why do you call me lord lord and not do what i say jesus is saying if you are a true christian and you call me lord then find out my will and do what i want you to do but in this room today i will guarantee you two kinds of people in this room those who keep on doing their own will you don't care about god's will or those who really are sincerely desirous to know god's will i don't know about you but many years ago i surrendered my life completely to jesus i'm not perfect but i said jesus i want to know your will so i can do it so at the end of my life i will have minimum regrets and have maximum joy minimum regrets what is very sad is at the end of your life you discover you are doing things not what god wants you to do so this is important what's the message today everybody know god's will and do it but i'm gonna give you a hint when you think of god's will the will of god many times you think of who i should marry where i should go but foundational is really surrender your life the next verse don't get drunk with wine don't be controlled by a wine for that is a waste of life dissipation you're wasting your life but be filled be controlled with the holy spirit i'm giving you a hint so what's the message today everybody know god's will and do it turn to your neighbor know god's will and do it now before i continue i want all of us to ask ourselves this question what is the question and everybody read am i really trying to know god's will or am i trying to know god's will in order to decide whether i want to do it or not let me repeat are you sincere in knowing god's will so you will do it or are you trying to know god's will to check it out and decide whether you want to do it or not you will never know god's will if you are not sincere in desiring to know his will because god's will is given for those who are hungry who are sincere in wanting to know god's will and to please him so how do you know god's word i'm gonna have five simple suggestions number one i suggest foundation study god's word everybody together study god's word you better know god's word why because god's will will never contradict his word god's word is objective it's written i call that the foundation the foundation of knowing god's will you need to know and study god's word what do i mean the bible is very clear about the importance of god's word for example god's will is revealed in his word psalm 119 verse 11 let's read together thy word i treasured in my heart that i will not sin against you god's word the psalmist said i treasure this i value this and that's why we ask you to memorize verses by the way can i teach you how to memorize verses rule number one don't try to memorize it what do you do read it every day read it three times a day before breakfast read it before lunch time read it dinner read it before going to bed if you have time don't watch the tv first read it i guarantee you in one week's time you memorize the verse that's the secret so now it takes longer because now before breakfast or after breakfast i had to read all the meme universes and damadamine i began with the first one isaiah 40 verse 28 have you not heard do you not know the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired his understanding is inscrutable yeah so that's how you memorize verses so treasure in your heart number two notice the importance of god's word everybody read i shall delight i do not know whether you delight in god's word or not what's your attitude if you think it's legalistic memorize they're asking us to memorize god's word again wrong attitude your attitude should be treasure delight i love the word of god you know why god's word is meant to protect us god's word is meant to prosper us to guide you not against us notice your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path that's how you get guidance so do you want to do god's will yes or no what's principle number one is study god's word tell your neighbor study god's word what's my proof now let's look at acts how did the apostle paul know the will of god how did he know what did he know let me tell you last last sunday we stopped in acts 15 35 do you recall last last sunday what was our topic how to resolve conflict do you remember conflict is inevitable remember and i gave you the ppp what's number one be proactive you have conflict with family members usually family members you must be proactive and what did i say pace to face personal face-to-face perspective here listen to each other remember so after stopping in verse 35 let's find out now okay are you ready you must know god's word look at the apostle paul after some days paul said to barnabas let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we have proclaimed the word of the lord and see how they are why did paul decide to go back to every city there was no angel telling him what to do there was no lightning but on his own let's go back can i tell you why here's the principle not only must you know god's word paul knew the word of jesus paul knew his goal is to seek god's mission what do i mean you see it is important that you understand god's word but you must also seek what he wants you to do what do i mean i love this quotation from dietrich bonhoeffer let's read this together everybody being a christian is less about consciously avoiding sin than courageously actively doing god's will you see let me repeat a true christian is not somebody trying to avoid sin all the time no no god's word will protect you from sin but god's word is supposed to inspire you to seek out god's agenda god's priority and what is god's priority for the apostle paul paul knew that the last command of jesus in the book of matthew what was his last command go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father son holy spirit teaching them to observe all that i commanded you lord i'm with you always even to the end of the age now every time i read this wherever i go europe asia just a few weeks ago i was in indonesia i always asked the people according to this verse there are different verbs how many of you you must raise your hand once okay raise your hand once are we communicating according to this verse what is the command how many of you say go raise your hands go nobody you are so much ah a few see praise god higher higher higher okay go go domina go go mr go go all right how many of you say the verb is baptize them about this raise your hands how many of you say the main verb is teach teach raise your hands higher higher you know those of you who raise your hands i know you are you have not graduated from glc okay so i'm gonna teach you from now on when you read these verses the primary main verb is everybody make disciples say that with me make disciples that's the main verb how do you make disciples as you go how do you make disciples you baptize them how do you make disciples teach them to obey all commandments but what's the primary verb make disciples the apostle paul knew this and that is why he decided let's go back to these people go back where look at the apostle paul paul said let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we proclaim the word not just evangelize them and see how they are in ccf we believe in making disciples everything we do here has got to connect with making disciples you will help them grow you don't just preach the gospel you got to help them grow become christ-like so the apostle paul knew this so how do you know god's will study his word and then seek his agenda what's god's agenda everybody make disciples to make what disciples barnabas wanted to take john called mark along with them but paul kept insisting you should not take him along who had deserted them in pamphilia and had not gone with them to the work do you understand this scenario paul and barnabas wanted to pursue god's mission barnabas wanted to disciple people paul wanted to disciple people except there's a problem the problem is this barnabas wanted to bring john called mark why because john mark was his cousin in barnabas his nature is an encourager john mark is very people centered while the apostle paul is different the apostle paul is goal oriented so the apostle paul said no no i am not gonna bring john mark why he left us the guy cannot be dependent on and the bible tells us there occurred such a sharp disagreement that they separated from one another and barnabas took mark with him and sailed away to cyprus there was a disagreement paul chose silas and left being committed by the brethren to the grace of the lord and he was traveling through syria silesia strengthening the church churches my question who is right and who is wrong how many of you say the apostle paul was wrong raise your hand how many of you say barnabas was wrong raise your hand how many of you will never raise your hand would you like to know the answer both are correct why it's okay to disagree they kept it among themselves there was no slander there was no gossip the church did not split this is what you call minor issue it is not essential this has to do with style for the apostle paul i want to bring people that i'm comfortable with for barnabas then bring john mark paul said no what is my proof that they did not take this personally there was no animosity in fact there was no church split the bible says committed by the brethren there was harmony huh what's my proof years later i will show you in colossians chapter 4 paul wrote the following aristarchus my fellow prisoner sent you his greetings and also barnabas cassin mark huh they did not really separate just different team about whom you receive instructions if he comes welcome him welcome john mark paul did not say had nothing to do with john mark that guy is bad news no no they work together still different team notice the last writing of the apostle paul before he died second timothy let's read only look is with me pick up mark this time he wants mark bring him with you for he is useful to me for service so what's the point you see john mark needed to learn he needed to learn what he did was wrong and paul delivered that message but john mark needed somebody to mentor him barnabas mentored him john mark grew because of this experience what about barnabas well look at what the bible says paul and barnabas didn't fight or do only barnabas and i not have a right to refrain from working do you understand these are non-major issues so it is okay to disagree agreeably you see my wife and i praise god for my wife we don't always agree in everything because god did not want me to marry a robot god does not want you to be a robot so you are not a robot you don't have to agree in everything but on major issue we need to agree amen so are you relaxed now so how do you know god's will study god's word yes or no and then what must you do seek god's agenda look at what they did act 16 paul came to derby and to listeria and the disciple was there named timothy you're introduced to a new person timothy the son of a jewish woman who was a believer but his father was a greek mestizo poet the first cono mestizo understand mestizo and he was well spoken by the brethren who were in listeria in iconium timothy a young believer was well respected so what happened to paul the bible tells us so you know history from antioch they developed into two teams barnabas and john mark went to cyprus no competition is cooperation for paul they went to tarsus derby iconium lystra ah in this place he went back and there was a young boy by the name of timothy timothy wow who is timothy the son of a jewish believer and the bible tells us paul wanted this man to go with him and took him and circumcised him because of the jews who were in those parts they all knew that his father was a greek now let me ask you why did paul circumcise timothy in chapter 15 they all agreed you don't need circumcision to become a christian remember in chapter 15 there was a big issue should somebody be circumcised adopt the jewish religion in order to become a christian that was decided no need we are saved by grace in christ not by circumcision not by joining a religion but in this case why was timothy circumcised my friend paul's mindset to pursue god's agenda what is god's agenda let me share with you for the apostle paul to the jews i became as a jew that i might win jews to those who are under the law as under the law though not being myself under the law so that i evaluate so that i might win those who are under the law what was his motive he wants to have the least unnecessary obstacles to bring people to jesus that's how you know god's will his word the boundaries and pursue his agenda and the bible tells us paul's philosophy to those who are without the law as without the law though not being without the law paul is saying to those who are gentiles who do not know the law of the old testament i have no problem but paul is saying i am not lawless but under the law of christ everybody read so that i might win his purpose evangelism make disciples so look at his philosophy everybody please read so then whatever you eat or drink whatever you do everybody do all for the glory of god do you see if you study god's word you will know god's real for your life you will know because you know god's heart notice everybody read just as i please all men in all things not just not seeking my own prophet but the prophet of the many so that they may be saved you know my sister visited us last week because my sister-in-law suddenly passed away and my sister was telling me peter i don't understand no she's from singapore she said i don't understand how come some christians don't have biblical worldview i said what do you mean for example i have people coming to me telling me it is god's will for me to marry this person and then i said what's the problem my sister told her but this man is not a follower of jesus why are you marrying that person and the girl answered it is god's will now listen to me god's will will never contradict god's word so you can never use that as an excuse somebody comes to my wife i want to divorce my husband why god's will how do you know god's will because god wants me to be happy you see they decide what is god's will or not god's will based on personal feelings what's the problem they've not studied the entire council of god the bible you must know god's word and you must not only know you must seek god's agenda do whatever you want to do for his glory the bible tells us submit to authority what do you mean submit to authority look you know god's will many times is decided by god given authority while they were passing through cities they were delivering the decrees which had been decided upon by the apostles and elders who were in jerusalem for them to observe so the churches were being strengthened in the faith and were increasing in numbers notice what was paul doing paul was visiting the cities and what was he doing delivering the decrees in chapter 15 it was a letter sent by the mother church remember they sent letters this sunday you discover those letters are now called decrees what are decrees these are instructions to be followed to be obeyed so the mother church has influence over all these other churches why that's the way of god you need to learn to submit to authorities if not you're going to have a problem the church will not be strengthened and you won't be increasing in number provided those in authority are preaching the word of god are we clear ladies and gentlemen do you know why people don't submit authorities let me tell you why because there are many people in authority who are abusive people in power tend to abuse to take advantage of people that's why young people today do not like to submit to authority bad examples and i don't blame them so i speak to all fathers today fathers god has given you authorities but please be a good example make it easy for your children to obey you don't make it hard the bible tells us there are five ordained authorities five in the bible number one you must submit to government every person is to be in subjection to governing authorities the bible says there is no government that has been set up without god's approval ha human attorney including the roman government the roman government was one of the worst when it comes to human rights but paul never said let's have a rebellion let's disobey no submit next parent parental authority those of you who are living with your parents will please stand up all of you whose parents are still alive stand up living you are living with your parents or living that's the condition living with parents stand up wow you know this is a young church you know i feel really young i really feel young so children you are living with your parents all children read this children ready go obey your parents in the lord for this right so children you want to know god's will very simple how do you know god's will obey your parents nothing mysterious god's will is revealed many times through his ordained authorities what's our problem we don't obey our parents i don't have any parents who will purposely tell their children will you rob a bank will you please commit adultery sell them maybe there are some crazy parents right now if they tell you to do something against the bible then don't do it but other than that submit to them thank you husbands stand up unknown another husband wipes wipes all wipes stand up wipes stand up wipes wipes wipes this is for you okay wipes will you please read this together with me wipes ready go no no read this with conviction ready go vibes wow gentlemen you are so happy today right because your wife will submit to you but please don't abuse your authority ladies thank you very much employers i want to ask all employees if you work for a boss stand up all employees stand up employees and look at my boss in girl all of your boss wow so many bosses all right all employees are you standing employees listen to me read this together all employees all of us employees be obedient to those who are your masters wow thank you siddha all of you who are part of ccf stand up all of you who are part of the church stand up you better stand up if you're if you don't stand up i don't know why you are here okay maybe you are our guest if you're our guest don't stand up okay now everybody look around you look at those people who are not standing up okay just just look at them now you got to love them or you got to love them okay love them because not everybody is from ccf do you understand so love them love them all right now what must you do obey your leaders and submit to them no i tell all pastors don't abuse your position because there are many abusive pastors now everybody remain standing the principal obedience let's read this together servants be submissive to your masters with all respect not only those who are good and gentle but to those who are unreasonable you see the truth is sometimes you suffer for obeying god is saying that's okay provided they don't ask you to do something against the bible do you agree some bosses are really obnoxious no don't don't look at your bosses now okay are you agree some pastors maybe but with the holy spirit amen everybody read obey your leaders and submit to them for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account let them do this with joy not with gifts for this would be unprofitable for you this message tells me two things submission to leaders is for our protection my wife has discussed many times with small group leaders do not invite this guy to teach bible in your group because the way he's teaching the bible is not based on biblical truth it is ninety percent truth true but ten percent false you need to learn to listen our job is to help protect the flag from heretical teaching especially now in the internet so how will you know what to listen or not we have provided a way which we will be introducing to you an amazing digital information system where you will learn how to download those information next to those who are leaders please understand don't abuse your position because you are answerable to god exercise your responsibility with joy so fathers are you the pastor of your family fathers yes or no fathers you are accountable to god that's the idea here church leader we're accountable praise god thank you sit down you know the only major reason why you need to know this is this everybody the king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the lord he turns it forever he wishes the reason why i submit to authority is because god is in control of those in authority you know a few years ago many years ago i made a decision i presented it to the board the board disapproved my proposal i wanted to buy office space for ccf at that time it was a fantastic deal 10 years to pay minimum down payment it's right beside san francisco the board did not agree with me in my mind i am more knowledgeable when it comes to real estate than board members but you know what because of this principle submit i submitted to the board and i praise god i submitted to the board you know why as i look back now if i did not submit to the board we won't have this place praise god i remember another time somebody was offering us a property in china beautiful place in an island i presented it to the board i said this is no brainer let's accept it again i was surprised the board says just because it is being offered does not mean you should accept it and i thought about it i said you know what it's it's a small issue nothing personal so i don't want to fight it i said okay in other words submission to authority is for our protection tell your neighbor for your protection and sometimes you may not agree but you need to submit amen my wife is an example of godly submission up to today i'm married to a very submissive wife thank you baby be sensitive to the holy spirit you know what does it mean to be sensitive to the holy spirit do you realize god speaks to us he speaks to us through circumstances through peace through the heart look they pass through the virgin and galatian region having been forbidden by the holy spirit to speak the word in asia you see god guides us the holy spirit is real he's in your heart but sometimes he will tell you this is not the way no i do not know how the holy spirit did it okay i do not know was it a dream was it a vision but one thing i know let's read together after they came to maisia they were trying to go into bethenny the northern part and the spirit of jesus another name for the holy spirit did not permit them and passing by maisia they came down to throw us you notice how god guides us god does not guide us when you are lazy and doing nothing you see i learned this principle how many of you like boating sailing or you you sell a couple of times higher higher okay i i grew up with sailboats okay with boats i noticed something you cannot steer or navigate a sailboat or a boat when it is not moving let me repeat a sailboat cannot be navigated to go right or left when it is not moving when a christian is doing nothing just waiting for god to reveal his word just waiting and waiting and waiting my friend he will wait until the end of the world no you keep on being busy doing what god has made known to you so you keep on doing and then when he wants to change your direction he will tell you but don't think ah you know what i'm not gonna do anything yet no no i i don't have a job what are you doing i'm counting my fingers my friend be busy doing what you know god wants you to do don't be either so the bible tells us the spirit guided them and then as they were moving a vision appeared to paul in the night a vision a man of macedonia was standing and appearing to him come over to macedonia and help us there's a vision from god when he had seen the vision immediately notice the grammar the grammar change we sought to go into macedonia concluding that god had called us to preach the gospel to them do you understand what's happening the holy spirit was involved the spirit of christ the holy spirit and now is god himself because god speaks to us it is very sad today when christians don't ever hear god speaking to them my friend tactician life is very exciting it's exciting it's never boring but many of you have not lived up to god's standard what is god's standard god wants you to live life to the fullest but you are not able to live life to the fullest why you don't even understand that the holy spirit speaks to you why you don't have quiet time you don't read the bible do you know god speaks to us but you are not listening one of my greatest privilege of gracious joy is to hear god tell me what to do everything we do in ccf like buying this place like all of these things these are all from the lord i will never do things without god's gosignal it is exciting to see god at work but you need to learn to listen and you don't listen when you're so busy with your agenda you don't take time how does god speak to us many times in your quiet time many times when you're attending a worship service like this god speaks believe me he speaks but if you have never hear god ask yourself why not you know god's will is revealed one step at a time and god's really discovered one step at a time as you obey so putting out to the sea from troas we run a straight course to summit race and on the day following to neapolis from the from there to philippi which is a leading city of the district of macedonia a roman colony we were staying in this city for some days this is one of the most significant verses in the entire bible because the history of western europe was transformed the emperor of that time has no idea how a group of men led by the spirit would bring the gospel to europe this is the first time the gospel message went from asia to europe and europe is never the same why because god guided paul and his men the pronoun was changed luke was with them look what's the writer look say he guided us why my goodness instead of going malaysia going to asia the lord said no you go to philippi by the way a few months from now i'm going to bring a group of people to the apostle support journey and we will visit philippi we will visit thessaloniki we'll visit these places you know why because paul was guided by the lord and then use your common sense you know many times people are paralyzed i'm waiting for the holy spirit waiting for the holy spirit excuse me use your common sense tell your neighbor use your common sense after service where will you eat some people everything i'm waiting i'm waiting from god my friend god doesn't want to be a robot enjoy life you like chinese food go to chinese restaurant then when you go there the place is full wait the place is full lord thank you another place in other words relax and enjoy what god wants you to do amen not always i'm still praying then when you see the menu i'm still praying my friend use your common sense okay and on the sabbath day we went outside the gate to a riverside where we were supposing that there would be a place of prayer and we sat down and began speaking to the women who had assembled what was paul doing he was using his common sense how do i begin to evangelize he was looking for a synagogue there was no synagogue you know why not enough jews to be synagogue you must at least have 10 adult male not enough jews these are gentiles so he went to look for the place and he saw some women praying so this tells you the first convert in asia the first person to transform europe i'm sorry to transform europe was a woman what's her name lydia how many of you are called lydia raise your hands not man i mean why are you raising your hand lydia lydia okay lydia we have a few lydia here no lydia look look a woman named lydia from the city of tayatara a seller of purple fabrics the most expensive fabric purple the dye is so expensive very expensive so she was a upper class woman let's read it together ready go together a worshiper of god you see god was walking in their heart number two number three the response the lord opened her heart you know that's my lesson i will do what god wants me to do but i cannot force people to believe in jesus i just pray for people that god will open their heart and that's what happened god opened her heart and she and her household everybody read how do you know she should be baptized that's the command of jesus believe and be baptized so you follow god next she urge us together you have judged me to be faithful to the lord come into my house and stay you see common sense paul did not say wait wait let me pray lord should i go to her house should i not here's a young believer the first believer inviting you so what did paul do he went common sense it happened while we were going to the place of prayer a slave girl having a spirit of divination possess was bringing her master much profit that's the other person converted is another girl lisa high class very rich and now you have the lowest class a slave girl demonized what was she doing she was messing up paul she was causing problems and you know what paul did is what paul did she kept on messing up paul was greatly annoyed and turned and said let's read i command you in the name of jesus christ to come out of her and it came out of her at that very moment so ladies and gentlemen when god is at work the demons are at work also do nothing when god is at work and you are in god's will satan will be sleeping no satan was at work but paul did not want anything to do with demonic forces and the gospel being combined no so he cuts out the demons by the way are there people possessed by demons today yes or no yes you know last night i heard our pastor speaking same verse how an englishman came to him a few weeks ago after a family seminar and this english man told him can you pray for me because my daughter is angry at me my daughter is very disrespectful by the way we got permission okay to share this story and manny asked him do you have a bad temper he said oh yes yes i just fought with my wife i shot on my children manny said that's the problem the reason why your daughter has is angry and not respectful is because you are a bad model so he said okay okay can you pray for me so while they were praying the lord impressed upon money money went through our deliverance ministry okay remember spiritual warfare nothing wrong if you pray so many pray this prayer lord if there's an angry spirit inside this man i command the angry spirit leave this person and my goodness the person began to you know suddenly he changed his hands he said something is wrong something is wrong there's a lot of pain and then manny said i command you in the name of jesus leave this man praise god he vomited and he was delivered is god amazing i tell you god is alive but many times the devil is also at work when the master saw okay when the master saw that the prophet has gone they cease paul and silas drug them my goodness you know what they did the master was only after money invented the story you can read this on your own invented the story so they all attacked paul you know how they attack him my goodness they they brought the false accusations etc and the bible tells us the crowd draws up together against them and the chief magistrates tore their robes tore their robes off them proceeded to order them to be beaten with drugs beaten with drugs when they had struck them with many blows they threw them into prison commanding the jailer to guard them securely and he having received such a command threw them into inner prison and fastened their feet in the stacks i want to imagine you are paul doing the will of god proclaiming the gospel and then suddenly people attack you not only attack you they beat you up with drugs until your back is black and blue and bleeding then they put you in jail put your feet on the stop be honest with me how would you feel be honest how would you feel you probably say where is god lord what are you doing you see this is so important god doing god's will does not accept you from problems let me repeat doing god's will listening to god's spirit does not accept you from trials in fact many times god will allow trials why to mold your character to accomplish its purpose but you don't see it you don't understand and here is where many christians fall apart i've seen many people they become disillusioned they become discouraged they become depressed and they stop following jesus in tagalog tatampo what is temple in english temple disillusion they lost interest it's useless to be a christian why he did not answer my prayer my child died my mother died disillusioned friends you better know god's will god does not accept us from problems and the bible tells us the last thing i want you to remember how what is god's will supplication with thanksgiving when you are in a bind when you are feeling like you're in prison no more hope what must you do you pray and give thanks are you able to do that pray and give thanks my goodness the bible tells us about midnight paul and silas were praying singing hymns of praise to god and the prisoners were listening this is amazing paul was in prison beaten up what was he doing having a pity party oh come on where is god where is god no no no he was praying and singing praising god you know why paul was in philippi in jail years later he wrote a letter to philippi you know what was his instruction exactly the same everybody read be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your minds in christ jesus how many of you are worried or anxious today raise your hands be honest you're anxious you're worried higher all right stop sinning okay from now on stop sinning be anxious for nothing do you know the worry is to sin you know why people worry you worry because your god is very small you worry because you think your problem is bigger than god that's why you worry but for god's people the solution is very simple when you begin to worry remember what must you do supplication with thanksgiving that's a statement of faith that saying lord i don't know why but you commanded me by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving you must include thanksgiving thanksgiving is the key that will unlock the power of god in your heart don't just pray you must thank god in advance for what he will be doing in your life lord i thank you in advance and the bible says something supernatural will happen the peace of god will come to your life and you know what happened if you read the act 16 at the right time suddenly god appeared they were praying singing the prisoners were listening they were evangelizing and boom after praying after singing suddenly god appeared there came a great earthquake the foundations of the prison house shake him immediately all the doors were open everyone's chain were unfastened supernatural power manifested can you imagine all the doors were open all the chains is that amazing yes or no are you in an impossible situation today are you in an impossible situation today what must you do pray and give thanks is god bigger than our problem louder praise god yes or no praise god this god bigger than a problem so what is god's will god's will is very simple pray and give thanks no need to be depressed you know when the jailer awoke saw the prison doors open he drew his sword was about to kill himself you know why he thought all the prisoners escaped this is another miracle they were in prison but no one escaped why because under the law if a prisoner escaped the jailer will pay for his life if this law is applied in the philippines i tell you we will run out of jailers because jailers will pay anybody that's escaped you pay with your life roman discipline but the bible tells us they did not escape my goodness and the jailer was about to kill himself in the most amazing verse he called for lights rush in checking trembling with fear are all of them here and then he asks a question sir what must i do to be saved what must i do to be saved is that a good question have you ever asked yourself what must i do to be saved a beautiful word what must i do to be saying here's the answer you see how god uses events hardship pain everybody read the answer what's the answer believe in the lord jesus and you will be saved you and your household many people misunderstand this verse this verse is not saying if you are saved your entire family is automatically saved this is not what this verse is saying this verse is simply saying believe in the lord jesus if you believe you'll be saved if your family believes your family will be saved understand there's no automatic evangelism believe and you'll be saved if your family believe they'll be saved and the bible tells us they spoke the word of the lord together with all of his household now the most amazing thing how do you know the jailer got saved how do you know the jailer believe how do you know today you are a follower of jesus how do you know i always say evidence what's the evidence has your life been transformed the jailer was transformed he the jailer took them that very hour and washed their wounds look at the kindness the jailer was washing the wounds of paul and silas and then the jailer was baptized evidence and he brought them into his house and set food before them and rejoice greatly having believed in god with this entire household friends is god amazing yes or no [Music] do you want to know god's will what's number one study this world what's number two you must seek his mission what's number three submit to authority what's number four be sensitive to god's spirit and lastly what must you do supplication with thanks giving let me close with the story when i visited my sister-in-law in the icu last week i saw this verse in action i usually comfort family members or friends who are in icu i've seen enough people in icu and i know she was dying we all knew russ to the hospital that week but what comforted me was this my brother told me that his wife one day before she died one day before she told my brother i see jesus jesus is holding my hand i see angels waiting for me when my brother heard that my brother knows enough that she's ready to go home so my brother knew she's going to die but my sister-in-law told my brother she did not use the word die when i am rested i want you to shout entire family you must shout hallelujah the power of god in the midst of death because god showed up in the icu and god told my sister endo i'm with you it's the greatest miracle if you ask me before you die you see god's presence you see jesus holding your hand and you see the angel waiting for you that is the legacy of god's people the ability to have an encounter with god his spirit nina my sister-in-law never complained never complained why she was not here she never turned her back on the lord she never grumbled she never doubted god i was with the whole family never she'd just say i thank the lord for everything i thank the lord friends that's the heritage of god's people i don't know if god has spoken to you god wants to have a real intimate relationship with you the greatest privilege is to know the will of god and to walk in accordance to his will that's a great privilege the peace that surpasses all understanding that's your heritage god wants you to know his will and to do his will your life will never be the same if you are living a boring life your christianity is not joyful is it possible you are not doing what god wants you to do let's bar heads if god has spoken to you and you say you know peter i don't have peace i don't have joy i don't think i'm a real christian where he gives you the answer believe in jesus believe that he's your savior believe him and the bible says you will be the same if you really want to be saved if you really want to be sure you belong to jesus why don't you raise your hands higher praise god today you said i am not sure but i want to be sure raise your hands higher now those of you whose hands are raised up i want you to know what you are doing you are saying today you want to really surrender your life to jesus and you want to do his will no matter what it is that's the meaning of coming to jesus without condition you are saying lord jesus i give you my life i want to know you know your will and obey you if that's your desire raise your hands higher i want to pray for you keep them up you want to really know jesus as your lord and savior you have never seriously surrendered your life you don't have peace you don't have joy because you have been playing games with god all right those of you whose sons are raised have you prayed this prayer with me lord jesus here i am i want to be honest with you i've never really surrendered my life completely i've never really been very sincere in wanting to know your will and do your will today i believe that you are the savior you are the lord i not only believe that you died for me i also believe you are my lord you are my master i accept your gift of eternal life i accept your gift of salvation your forgiveness help me from this day onward to know your will help me to study the bible and help me to seek your mission for my life if you pray that prayer just just now all of you whose hands are raised up i want you to stand up stand up between you and jesus i want to pray for you stand up you pray that prayer you raise your hands stand up because god is watching you and god is saying if you want to know my will my will is to save you what is god's will he wants you to serve him what is god's will he wants you to seek after him anybody else praise god between you and the lord i know it's at this time when you struggle should i stand should i understand if god is speaking to you listen the problem is you don't listen because you are so busy you will not hear god's voice until you take the first step you hear god's voice one step at a time anybody else you want to be serious with the lord stand up praise god i always know there are people who is waiting and god is speaking to you god is saying make today your day know god's will obey his will and god's will is for your salvation you have no idea how much god wants to save you why doesn't he stand up and be saved not because you're standing up but because you're repenting trusting him anybody else praise god now to those of you who are seated i want to challenge you that starting today you be serious in studying god's word to seek his agenda for your life and listen to god's spirit and learn to submit authority if that's your desire to know god's will and do god's will will you also stand up please thank you you are serious in wanting to know god's will and to do god's word like the apostle paul to be guided by the spirit of god i want to pray for all of you you are saying lord i'm serious i want to know your will and i'll do your will i want to learn to listen learn to listen to the inner voice look at circumstances and look at your own heart father god in heaven i thank you for being so real in the lives of the apostle paul and silas and your people today i know they're listening to you and that's why they're standing up help all of us to learn to listen and to obey because it is your will for us not just to know your will but to do your will to live an amazing life full of abundance of joy and excitement but lord i know it does not mean there is no problem but in the midst of problem we can give thanks lord just like mina just like the entire family how joyful they were when death approaches full of peace full of joy because lord you showed up in your presence there is joy there is peace bless your people here in jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless you
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 75,277
Rating: 4.7939396 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: Vbn7LNlpRfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 57sec (4317 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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