Truth Matters - Study, Apply, and Teach the Bible - Bong Saquing

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you were watching Christ's Commission fellowship changing lives for eternity I'm Gerald Rea yes ten years ago I found great pleasure in doing bad businesses to make more money to get ahead of my percent of a feel my selfish desires eventually but business has turned into bad relationships apart from the illegal business I also entered into an illicit affair this resulted to my separation from my family I felt so powerful and my ego was fully gratified however I also grew farther away from my family my life was so miserable and my daughter's hated me every time I visited them they want to throw me out of the house I thought I was happy living with another family and doing my illegal deals but I wasn't deep inside there was so much emptiness and guilt in my heart my name is Nigeria's growing up I thought I had everything a young girl wanted a nice home a good education and parents who love me however when I was in high school my seemingly perfect world was crushed when I found out that my dad was having an affair and that my parents were separating being the firstborn it took a huge blow on me emotionally as my mom and sisters confided in me my heart was full of anger against my dad and even against God I even swore to God that I would live life on my own terms I began to rebel going out and partying with friends every weekend and even having a boyfriend that my parents didn't approve of eventually a friend of ours who went to CCF Alabang endorsed my wife and I for marriage counseling I missed most of the sessions and never took it seriously after a few months my business eventually went bankrupt and my affair went sour I also got sick and found myself going back to my family my daughters resisted my presence and hated my wife were free for giving me another chance I wasn't so much pain and confusion the gospel was also shared to me a couple of times but I resisted however as we continue to be counseled I began to understand actually receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I realize how much I was sinning and turned to God for forgiveness it was a great moment of peace and comfort I couldn't accept how my mom could welcome my dad back into our lives however after they started to attend counseling sessions I saw a gradual change they got into less fights and started to talk about God at home one day they brought my sisters and I to one Sunday service and even placed us in a D group there I heard the gospel for the first time how Jesus Christ died on the cross to save a sinner like me and how he loved me despite how much I've hurt him with my rebellion I was hesitant but it made me long for more than what I settled for and after a couple more the group meetings I finally surrendered my life to Jesus but though I was reconciled with my Heavenly Father it took a while before I was truly reconciled with my earthly dad though we were civil there was still tension whenever the past issues were brought up when my parents started to attend the group and GLC classes I saw their eagerness to learn about God and how they strive to obey Him even when it was hard or uncomfortable I also began to enjoy attending these Bible studies and met friends there who invited me to join elevate but what really brought my dad and I together was joining the worship ministry volunteering in ministry my dad and I spent a lot of time together we would practice in the car whenever he took me to and from school and my dad would even encourage me to memorize Scripture during our car rides it wasn't always fun and he would still argue at times but it was a way for us to talk about what happened in the past say our apologies and move on my dad really went the extra mile not only in helping me love the Word of God but even in getting to know me as a person asking about my day even buying me snacks and praying for my concerns it was truly a time of healing for us as father and daughter as we serve and grow together in Christ slowly I regained her trust and respect with the grace of God my whole family has now reconciled my wife and I together with my daughters are all serving as while group leaders my lourdes also became actively involved in elevate God is truly faithful he did not allow my family to separate and it paved the way for all of us to be saved praise God indeed by the time praise God by the time Nagi graduated from college he felt a call to serve God as full-time campus missionary and elevate initially my wife and I refused thinking that she would be better off financially in a corporate environment though she obeyed after 10 months of working her calling to serve in campus ministry became stronger and I saw how joyfully she serve the Lord in elevate she would confide in me how much she wanted to obey God's calling in her life and eventually my wife and I began to pray hard to God for wisdom we realized that donor G's our daughter she's first gods and we have the trust that he will take care of her wherever she wants to serve we allow her to apply as full-time Campus missionary and God continues to be faithful to her until today in a four years of full-time work I saw how God provided for her every need God truly takes care of us and our children in ways we could never ask or imagine he is indeed our provider restorer and Savior I am Gerald Reyes and I am Nigeria's last week we were talking about knowing God's will know in doing it let me back up in port Antion cuz he life is too short to miss the real thing a cleaning woman boy not in I'm beliefs addition upon area looking at this child little puss on a pan and hop over it or bottom but a pupusa and i realized that most of us we were just like her when we were younger mr. parade enamel on Akiba toffee in the banana island apart and a middle tone and on butter a tuna palette I made you even Apple another me beside me mama a Google at the pump along my sake it may you can embark on my socket my you to hood my socket my humble acha but I'm finish them up on a Eric Cantona mean on your serving a key I want you to understand will because the days are evil we are to overcome evil with good Nepali elegant challenges are thin but ok I'm telling me how should we know you'd party pinnacle Island last victim ah we need to keep on standing the word of God we need to know our priorities we need to to walk by the whole a to really obey the authorities and walk by the Holy Spirit and in that we prioritize him in all things you need to be systematic Tarina Allah mu you can open and yours so may I challenge you let's do this with all of our hearts I love my own bucket I know that I own you Metallica uniboob it's the cannon in the end nobody in this room who is in his right mind the Gastonia Metallica young mung mung and Sabrina Bible do not be unwise mother septa welcome again Bob it's Sabrina be wise understand the will of God not important the Union can we need to understand the will of God now it to Polamalu King problema but Nikita upamana yachting is a poly adena time ago Goulet Pocoyo a connoisseur price before I was watching a TV series before now so from 2 1 2 hours of values I'm condemned and an ant in utero and surprisingly intimate evening Bhagu season Seany nipkow just the other day see me Nico safley pani bhana you values and la una una I see you first to see Sonia telegram it was sauce but but I'm so inspiring for leaders like us the para para heart why you can young values of morality good but that in an older sister NATO the gula Tom's economy re Amanda money values alum no don't you know 1910 : an American iron it is similar to what some 82 verse 5 says which says all the foundations of the society are being shaken to the core the ioniq the Telegraph to the very core grab yo upon him and who you can never know and only mixability many poor service Isaiah woe to those who call evil good and good evil who substitutes darkness for light and light for darkness who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter na ha ha Goulet the poem economy are you a union that in the haha dear a million para okay no Peter Butler do not let me go way and Brian gula Indy Kemosabe saying empiricism hakuna London ngawethu Hannukah Hannukah Annunaki Annunaki sub t be Sigourney yen per Coulomb company Walla and open on I mean Makita by by De La Vina garland haka DVD series on a bus paper come you come along Robbie Cassie Muhammad Ali never knowin pero no not increased in the whole bottom would know I apparently need a time I am so Allah Allah is Allah bah-bah-bah-bah ha-ha-ha Goulet me buddy no unpack epoxy Sabine say no no pakka Kanaka Saliba Moroccan tapa here comes the bride all dressed in white donkey no garland unreal named Aaron young veil Samaha just begun putting puta Kasim are you Claire a neighbor dawns upon the bus the whole Hindi papa gazelle one examiner a young maiden ohonta here comes the bride three months inside the buckle to rappin way hey hey hey please please don't push on us your moral standard our pocket mallanna battle against standard no indeed 99th in the end you must acaba I'm content oh here comes the bride baby beside no no we're nothing but this is really happening nowadays now I don't know yari the very call that made America America nagual honor not and I mean you now you Kristen is not turn the world upside down as in during the greco-roman I know culture and Baba a from Savannah by Willa property number by they have no say kya Cena because of Christianity they were given an abort right they were being honored among women because of Christianity bhagavata alamou ba ba ba ba ba da da Bahia non-hindi poppin aluminum bottle Dell it Nina panel on addressed Pegeen Dillon Augusto on on the first seven days pretty many banana pata in and it is an honor to the greco-roman rule a Roman Empire during those days now it is beautiful for parents who are willing to kill their children even classy now UNITA Milano pakka I will be belittling bata in terms of human rights human rights I see a human rights birth because of Christianity the Isle of Christians and a two row that we are created in the image of God in that way we are to honor and we are to value life Cuyahoga Noonan a poem Papa Bongo slavery because of Christians they fought against slavery you know you more on the Hawaiian island of Oahu no no no no Manik interview during the days of the rise of the new para allá England and England Parliament in general in terms of history one who young barbaric act nice Union Kahuna corrosion and bubonic plague a subdue me the I subdue me dice at the God not kendama time Iran in Tehran bombing the mama die Casilla dice do me but because of Christianity Nabokov pork Anila stamen abysmally means new hygiene a to rune on like two rules of the sanity because of the scripture now I saw then there was a train then a new policy Queen Victoria was why does the Sun never set in England a limit in aronia a new rule Bible that's our secret cuz he Okayama Hawke's Bay Marina pigan la la la you see see John Newton Amazing Grace Taliban yellow slave trader Ian slave trader pero no noggin Christian Finnegan up in 11th Poona names against slavery but he says a maluma bond say William Wilberforce be long and poor been a noble of mahogany I know you mr. Peabody monopoly CAI Yahoo nap evil of slavery say England Edina lion hungers America to the point and a sigma and pozzolanic are on a civil war why because they understood the value of human life and it is have occur if you want to turn this world right-side up back to its real us into its real values of Christianity Parimal Kelowna Carson we need to really take God's Word God's Word seriously Kelo challenge we inserted a Mohabbatein Kanaka behind aho cocina cinema to to ruin and tama now listen to this Marko didn't on to say no human greco-roman rule no unbalanced in grabbin ho see na la la Paz Alexander the Great Elana Alexander the Great a Sava at my boyfriend Monty Daniel nanny arena million when Christianity came in Gillian vigman in Yangon Sibylla paga are all non sociologists out of 88 civilizations serving a known human civilization all of them fell all of them fell when their morality degree an opera fan but newness in animal Eden bug sucker in who you civilization without exemption between sin a service a new casino our Alina Oxley Basava not in truth matters we are to change the world panel Nightingale giving an Abu Simbel mass Paganica says ayan mo Lhasa Inglaterra Lumi panic Iran Poonam corona religious persecution par Amanda Munoz neon gusu Nina a new religion a Hari unum religion and nation so Brian DePalma yagumo emiko - Eva - Marcus lumen epsilon and babuloopa in and they established the new world the USA the Constitution don't belong Musa own embodies a Philadelphia's genus on the New Zealand scripture Hanuman look at America today hello well at NAPA box at my America bucket because they're turning their backs on the toilet on the Lord beyond amazing you Christian is moment awesome sir Latin America moment ah who's ahsha hi Athena no it's a subpoena Kemal across the group una ash apartment Indian Athena I think as a cyanide Parliament Indian at econo manager al mundo Singapore Thailand and Singapore and Italy dementia there was a time in the strength of Christianity in Singapore ELISA minima 6000 students students we will not engage ourselves in premarital sex because of our fear of Christ nepali tions Acharya Oh Nina Nina manpack Camaro advertisement a.m. button and Baba's to some hakuna ah Papa angle advertisement iron bucket dial Indian my boating moral values amazing semolina keeping there is a Bible you are to respect your parents now it took long ago Angola diamond bands and cell phones in China she NASA Gaza NL entire ash I pray deal a demagogue we are in Dean a machinist ah ja okay now okay now Mughal it elemental she says hello B&E indigenous a job fair own otama onion back on offense at the exclusive right man Union pero work time accept a no political and the go serpentine and really dead back in Oman upon China a picnic table entire a la musica to see David Eggman my write them and use an entire magazine Sabini David Eggman he came out with a book article on humberto Jesus is in Beijing many Christians men upamana leaders they were under secretly mama secretly mana Christians and they're putting in values on Christianity even in the issue of capitalism market capitalist multi New Roman Christian is mo Indian communists are and I was anywhere hello ba he could use in a service a new big man you see in the bottom our Christian state Oh lobbying dalawa nama the goodest is a purpose living 120 tapas to the diamond diamond evil Thomas the bargain and a woman and look at the effect in acts 17 Sariah Samia this man referring to Paul and his team who have upset the world have come here also so how look at the impact of the Christians see Paul and his team Samina look at this man they have already asked a hominid brought this world and they upset the whole world and look at them they are here also panel not picked random boom Ando during the time unknown secret Anila goose Numa lawmen they took God's Word seriously captain anima crystal stone they were continually devoting themselves to the Apostles teaching to fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer all animals in lockup on your behalf as well what we have now and yet Salah in terms of political power voila in terms of military power voila Intel and kalila the Word of God the Apostles teaching what the fellowship with Milan did the love that they have for one another and prayer you didn't happen in a and they change the world right side up amazing now bakit Cucina Sami Zayn you made a bunt on you - I'ma be more male a band tell you if we will take God's word seriously made that but tayo and let me just tell you this when they take god's word seriously cuz I see we also see we also to simplify it what does it mean Sina scientist I'm saying yo gusto serious or innocent analyst that's mine I do not expect everyone to start amazing so everybody you want to take God's word seriously we want to bring change in this world amen now what should we do let's simplify it okay one study apply and teach the Bible the Caribbean I challenge the parents study applying maraming mama batta a union Venus emotions adjust because they feel that their parents are hypocrites market hypocrites they teach but they don't apply the world heya apply the apply we study how by attending by reading on our own studying on our own listen up having our own D groups to study together let's take it seriously let's read it then sure that we would know how to apply Dhamma and jebadiah then it's parents teach to children no human officemates teach them build them show them like a party the nothing can change the ending wonderful gift is a teaching no no this is our calling from God hang up or I'm popping nothing for tonight study apply and pitch the Bible you know point nothing study apply and teach the Bible Dominion salmon imbibe all the amino she pulled me smoke he instructed P musica salmon is a team you however ever continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of knowing from whom you have learned them Bana and that from childhood Oh Berta Valentino true honest Allah you have known the sacred writings so simple passages seem as a banana to rusev inna you know Linea a check on Elena Kasim potamia Greek will along survival so from childhood he knew true Anna how many weeks are able to give you look at the words the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus let me tell you something Alan you bow before market and mamata o neg pub they're running after pleasure Allah meeya why they are looking for something that will give them pleasure samu high because they only think that their lives is here on earth you boo-hiney to lhasa lupa came back passionate on you simply my clean Lumumba hi Kemosabe eat drink and be merry never a cocina Holly mutiny llama impaired no marijuana River Kenta my booty pod awesome pair no my beer NACO trust me hindi mama in on bucket Kumu hula indeed I think people are in fear Looney Magoon no caffeine on your pot inside minion ionamin it leads to salvation through faith which is in christ he says and look at the words look at the words indeed the top was done Samina all Scripture is inspired by God God's brief now a trap profitable for teaching at agreement either poxy not even God's breathe that's life unanimous temperament our own economy 'la boring and boring yet forgiving organic ooh ha but the moment you understand that briefs of God is life Nalani ohnoki breaking Tahoe you can agree to town when a moulage Anupa Oh and he breath life that's God's brief they aren't our only people without the word can analyse a mini Satan Jesus if you're truly the Son of God turn this stone these stones into bread and Socrates's it is written man shall not live by bread alone but with every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God oh the personal Samiha yamanami thorough detoxing a woman qubool hai boy well unlike me palaka okay George Buller see George smaller don't Magnum challenge when he became a pastor I will trust the Lord for my life I will live by faith like legation umbach's opinion at all but as a church needs aggregation and box at all para sake if you feel burdened to support me praise God if you don't it's okay even on the first year were London we begin samanya it's okay continue thorough praying to the Lord hung God a talk amazing the nature support emotional orphanages open it is trusting the Lord there was even a time and Ipanema orphans in a lagana not present anyway Lloyd Lloyd voila coming Elmo's on paddle on approval Menon garthe's a pineapple marrow boom deep in the Ganga nabela who uses a cane Jana Sela sobbing and nakooma pop honesty topic in the Kannada libel now if I got my open aids opinion the eternal Empire in um case I'm upon is didn't break past but the past but pray make Amato a beginner position approve I own a Syrah and po-boy okay Sam I see a human who got us saying you know long toe Gavi nanak brainless iran Big Momma mangas reality now pine for some reason be gloomy Baker and against it have you been a map and see what it is so the current in happen they so how God answered and provided for him and talked in a non shining television why did you put up orphanages he hoping a Hindi I couldn't put up the orphanages then our Samaha bata I put up orphanages because I want to prove the world that God is real and true to his words and he answers prayer amazing not really give an opinion challenge now vitamin D but Abbas I know secret the module smaller before eating breakfast I read my Bible I make sure that my heart is happy I make sure that my heart is happy every day of his life I make my heart happy para maana being happy every time I read the scripture I sensed the joy that comes from God Kyah the hundred times put on the bus I am Bible Samina I would always feel empty if I don't read my Bible kya I cannot go on with my day without first reading the Bible Sam Araminta oven damaja the excited pabulum copy let me tell you let me tell you this the Bible is better than coffee alone your own pocket you know serving Jesus I am the bread of life he who eats me will no longer be hungry and thirsty again pugna Topeka Mahakali because she's a mimosa mama kappa Hama Hama misinterpreting young what I'm saying is this is much better you know why pyrimidine Deacon akuto hindi kappa aha aha ahaaa tagging go mine cannot put to shake oh oh ha ha c'mon connects put meat hook yeah hello who knew number I mean I know Pakenham a new tree bun Oh been jingle unknown oh you know couldn't compete in cocaine and Pyun now we are all benching : what ribbon para bailar I'm gonna aluminium pero I'm sorry tan and Jose Jesus Christ the word Sabina Hugh it's me will no longer be hungry and thirsty again my cousin Damien now under subpoena oops God's brief kappa like a boo-boo here P but happy buddy one week apparently in spend time reading simple indicator Bohanon Hawaiian Mindanao now it's back Daniel him dinner purpose not profitable for what teaching reproof correction training in righteousness so that the man of God may be adequate equipped for every good work Wow cinnamon my burgundy trabajo mo uh no resulta dream but penitent penitent Basulto mama now if you are equipped for every good work imagine de the result goodness Donovan but I'm gonna make a Bui Bui on remain even yo you know k7m Lord this is why I'm telling you having a study apply and it's alumni come back at you Bible means Anika are al-khattab Stan who knew you ha can see in the marina apply a barrage of dead sea dependent on Coppola outlet pea pot I wanna abou hey boy cried maraming minerals mama Popeye the sailorman more he applied para macaroon Ambu hi do not excite me the moment Indian Toto older look at the Word of God you seen a playboy sample sample scene ago what is a no worry worry o wo worry oh but I can't go worried I'm submitting my money do not be anxious about anything oh do not be anxious though a load no Manabu nominee Bob animal debugging answers and I go problemo I'm gonna go play in the proposed do not be anxious about everything but pray and supplication with thanksgiving bah bah bah Oh so I lived in Macquarie car the Daruma McBrain shabby hey mom you request monomer keen I won't worry Monica Mima I don't get about worried more Nordmann Pocoyo she didn't know mama yeah this enables a lot know maybe son will you knock on wood and signal mama yeah whatever hey mom that was happening on mock personal massagers no thank you Thank You Diane Tasha vodka in there my Baba Yaga my own oh ma coo coo coo coo coo before thank you ksama kita over 99 yo Dee Magana possible don't worry Sydney will be in Omaha to look at him are you open begin line and fall Swapna Barbara Aragon missin missin mean consequence pero there is something that you should understand mr. Donaghy turn on just three you at all Papa no alarm until we can induce and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will keep your heart and mind in crisis you need more apostle monotonically Jesus there was a guy who attended a service before a famine famine a buggy pinto cosa philippians 4 6 & 7 do mapping chanak exemption for becoming a fellow doctor Isha Paragon savvy Angela bounnam's allah azza billion yo mofos dito kumar candy maha Kanta worried in the manga fiction ischemia salud how come the clinics a message from a person who wore a puma peso x ii a to to luke abell shame at all of the war in war ii remember means having a agra india big lung scheana because do not be anxious the good nature must be nice having lord pitaya in yahoo kind and eternal gonna go annoyed muhammad sallahu sin have been lured to know when your tongue the pinko pasado or bergsøe thunder pink way to normal well happy sake selamat pagi known because you know best because Anaka focus is suffering Jesus Nikita can see somebody can say my booty knows only what they minitex the congratulation you have just passed you being a fellow amazing God answer this player means thanking also who knows by Rumaki tomorrow Iceman hello to eat challenge gets up in the Lord don't just apply it the moment you apply it it talks in common Sibylla practice what you preach ally mutiny an Indian trauma preach what you practice ok been practicing Munna soccer muy duro para el amor Perico Toto toto soo bahk una casa began and Bible and Christianity bucket machine share taste and see that the Lord is good o diba take money to me the master guna indicator and a streamer on the map on top you see Jesus sasayama hey more but the domain mallanna Jesus trabajo but I am agulu Messiah Dona Dona moça mo they were iron in the Mahato to hand and noon and syrup no Alamo tank up in Musa Jesus bucket height may problema makeup eye upon car would you believe Duncan I was a trabajo beer trash that the Lord now you'd me Rinna they happy yeah so big long Tamia Alamo Milano see Jesus be removed Pelican economic angle our hands apostle regardless of the circumstance on one side up man that's what we share because we have an encounter with the Living God Kenya we tell them wow this is really good now but that I kept pnina don't just teach when you do not apply you know why Sabina Bible but to the wicked God says what right have you to tell of my statutes and to take my covenant in your mouth an important NATO rule our King Selita chiming in on bucket for you he discipline you cast my words behind you yeah I'm gonna put them away in the winnaman in monkey in a gallon you shall eat taco well I can control society anymore in the Moshe notion of otaku I mean American Dominic Totoro made a poke on a myth not due to ruin and my bull in another marriage para su mamacita a tango let go under the castle pisani the past or lucky nella who did I come on Yuri you simply Nikola mobo cuento pero kite indecorum boom cuento not simply mrs. tan and Jos Ionian nobody knew mrs. Sibley la boca in the allow me my parents in a visa I say yeah bah-bah-bah semana para holly oh ho ho yeah whoo justified the wicked for a bribe and take away the rights of the ones who are in the right we ma are you going Tina Caronna Tama hello Chrissy indie company Magog Alliance at hola como Falcon and I'm gonna go on him the alumni bye-bye Nana amazing huh the one in your booty Pasha alumni they call him know what I'm saying is when to contusion is evident by both Gina justify tsubame get an unpopular guy never demand a haka tough economy are is a teen put an ice axe 17 Papa no Neela in applying it on began a tone motto to Ohio now let's look now when they had traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica where there was a synagogue of the Jews no Parliament in Dona Ana no yari they came from Phillip I D to cinema no Bobby no long been a popular participation understand Alana and after that they were asked to leave the place so troubling to Amphipolis Amphipolis and Apollonia they went to Thessalonica okay y'know Columbia hey now I'm killing me Paul because he studied the Bible he applied the scripture he took the word of God seriously buddy Chris army sir I will you shall be my witnesses Hama in Judea Samaria in Jerusalem Judea Samaria enter the demo despite of the earth they took that seriously an asylum Bible go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you and lo I am with you always to the very end of the age so he took that seriously so they went now amazing it was having a nap ah ha tenido Nepal Samia and according to Paul's custom since 2002 ruin and Bible as much as possible bring it to those who are familiar with the scripture the mother because I am here upon to refractive element Bible hello Anja pareo my authority lalamon Bible Baha Ranieri proxy navigator on the end to love and Europe personally love a mere enigma by mr. Lehmann Ababa a Sabina and asked just as I know silver is refined by fire so it's God refining you panini apply any element in the energy this Casa de Sol ginyu anima by del DeMarco ha Papa toss a blacksmith human wanama silver a no jewelries pin and also baby Sabine on the she'll be refining by fire-dependent hood get it a young mom the tomb on a silver night though that that is a boy ha ha I know you may not do me I know cotton girl not a boy if Peter Bob bantayan Mercy Mercy serious O'Brien Oh Serena Sub Pop animal element Amana but Globus mom Epoque mark akito-kun a mo kako Hyun is not or didn't agree not go on and do something ah you've believed upon me refine the Thailand time allah appoint a topic soo bahk on a fiery test poppin alumna no determiner a simple teaming them and lord caitanya nasa Jesus Christ opinion a surrealist art in okay man the comedian so I'm killing people green iguana us having an oh okay couscous and a costume brain who put the shadows at synagogue bucket as a synagogue been a bizarre you Bible we discuss in every Sabbath can extinction on priests Abbas riesen with them from the scripture Ripon palace lhasa explaining giving evidence that price had to suffer and rise again from the dead and seeing this Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you is the Christ to see demonic barbers and a Bible Pina Bausch and Lomb who may panic on just a couple quick test may panic on just hurting dieting pero seanryan killing and a Latina basa killing a man gallery so inexplainable dommatina see Jesus Christ Pepin and I wanna be an alum nuba Pogba navasana imbibe on the same par la la la la Bamba Saarinen Bible Joaquin bizarre in Parramatta panda body and Bible me Quentin Quentin Yin I you see Cristo takapa Glick toss no magnificus art in Paris Akasaka faha Makana impaired no Daraa ping Sybilla God Himself Sabina I myself will save you I will not give my glory to anyone kaya see Jesus indicia ordinary Amparo he is God who became man kasnian hello Peter - I own from the scripture NATO see Jesus darting similar to what Jesus did Casino namitha see Jesus made 1100 Allah God Nanette Apollo bakit manera que dicen disability says now he said to them these are my words which spoke to you while I was still with you that all things which are written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures and he said to them thus it is written that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day para para para allá moba see Jesus Hindi she loved you Hari bol Hari devotee 'no boxes affirm you nasha para la solana natin para la bolita and hi then now my Google Calendar birimbau bites a Bible see Jesus Don Dona so Genesis Palamon and una see Jesus Alan given a tenango marble is a nun so I've been at Genesis 3 through the seed of a woman you will be saying okay he loves the Genesis preach the Genesis 12 from the seed of Abraham Hindi long sigh ya know from eisah from jacob from two little from judah don't belong such a decision you Exodus Shannon pass over la la la la no but they do go the Doonan tupa made the goose opossum ah no but dominant Angel of Death dialog pass on her parents at a Opaka poetic I'm Italian but Nikita made do guna Chris to say you piccata or dialect assume angel of death Oh indicated that is a big know him an Ohio semi-mythical say you high priests and numbers pillar of cloud vinegar guides Avila so Deuteronomy prophet like Moses so Joshua captain of our salvation the judges the true judge so Ruth kinsman redeemer sub-sub Samuel prophet of the Lord circus reigning kings a chronicles flourish temple so Ezra faith prescribe Sania Maya rebuilded of the broken world which means our protection so Esther were your heroes he Mordecai the Simon on the job every living the demons the some shepherd in worship song see problems wisdom sake lees says this hope of resurrection the Song of Solomon lover and break group so I see her suffering sermons that Jeremiah sovereign God son lamentations prophet weeping prophet so execute the one with the right to rule the Daniel Fortman in the furnace in the history making nothing see see so say I say your faithful husband's a Jew is baptized with the Holy Spirit the emos burden bearer so but I a mighty Savior said Jonah forgiving God see Micah Fielden brings the gospel shi nae mam eva Avenger astrology Habakkuk watchman and intercessor since upon I am mighty to say suhaka cleansing fountains a zechariah built son an Amalekite son of righteousness can you imagine na hot dog - no - - in Jesus component Papa saga the new moon Endymion Jesus why listen to this what is it Ana life to know you Oh God and to the one whom you have sent Budhia I'm eternal life Indian Movement honest along it maganda streets of gold I know say salient part of Hanukkah Sawa and my Amin make coat jelly machine pero hindi KO nang mama Hollin hindi KO intimate I know sighs I kinda gimmick mama Harlan kinda numb behind your alluring cuenta okay behind on cuarto begin ago osa kya see Jesus an eternal life ganito you would not know intimate close Jenna in a commitment explanation some akazawa see a dumb permian what no came to know him and he be God I began I got pregnant Billy mo knocking Alan honorable tishner and a Bixby casino it's an action and power expression of intimacy between husband and wife okay man get to know God intimate with God Nell Olivia I never knew you depart from me cuz he worden and you how about all-knowing cigar yes or no Alicia Fox Tommy I never knew you bloom on you must have in hindi naman tayo close the candy bien hello now not in the only thing column no melody tomiyama yeah now Alan and Lily Gopal I see lelaki never so hot tip Carson doing comic in to hunker yo let's sabaha liver doctor greetings bhai forgetting my last dose in Hebei same oh sweet I know oh we now for oh go on go please a Bahama cool panna horn dice up in P Messina in our own dimension ISA Palma tosspot a las dos Tessa be intoxicated and among para kusuda team example I see you wanna horn in de casa que la mattina move along handgun della Nonna kesava na sempre Bona Quinto Kayla hanim a Hungama lucky you see the Disco Bremen are you imperfection is a visa imagining more perfect see god and he will perfect you to perfect individual tail on and on forever nikasha billion you keep on discovering god you know a big city in an eternal life that they may know you and the one whom you have sent without knowing you without such intimacy with God you won't care for eternal life oh yeah it's it's an eternal separation from God which means death imagine and boo-hiney know along not to one hour nope thermometers our kites a being upon indicate type yourself permit and a NASA when you pair bucket Paraiba perineum aroma Allah lays in yo misoo misawa's in you I was a totally I praise God for my wife I praise God a me for my wife UCP knowing mission a mágico Shani pop lantern and amid pooh-bah go home teratoma babies are arrayed in Allah from top to bottom but who in here in help and when I spray pinion parameter F nahin Dima Guajira like / in allegan mi Nam Asahi prion nice opinion the typical polisher Oh didn't you know para que la and I'm forever Parimal ok but if I apologize that was happen happen yeah demon oh I love you bug Napper important pin and Salatin and just the main thing they are Musa Jesus Christ shown in ano Muhammad is a Bible a bassinet oh he sang mahira Pella lucky at Mason my Yamaha lucky mallamma he repelled away keep analogy Lazarus the analysis Abraham's bosom parent pit Papa Calallen on para Eason and Jos cement along Numa Yaman nila gaya Hades Hades the hopping Elijah being in torment a lagoon Medusa and so Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried out and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool of my tongue for I am in agony in the spring now becoming tandino young young hate this tie on my opinion Magnum attenti o automatic console Orca danke UK cosa he discarded oka I gotta be been my opinion you are premium eventually some final judgment it atop when you hear this the lake of fire okay and Aeneas regulations after 20 Varma Allah Allah now Marik tayo dito aunt in demeanor agony Baca comma but Minnetonka gun over running tobik a llama no it's a bitchin a tow I'm request Allah is some particular mentally Hindi Nibiru you can jump in and add the onion can recapture permanently really Lazaro please please even to something to do service aqua NATO now's a good angle absolutely Abraham per se in Savannah support given nothing the lower Mary Sigma locking banging nanaka talaga para human Augusto fermentation Hindi maracas partying at you gusto c'mon toñito hindi maracas perrito Magnum Atika attendee kenapa honda indica Nakano in the moral abyss solution Dada Lincoln aagadu say hey this mean - a man at Nandu new solution Co not the Lincoln Dulce lugar Nanjo stahma the Canadian hot was an enlightened who came upon opening them Sumati no - depending upon gloomy Papa Dominica Hindi kanima cockily pot 1907 any at something Iran at the lava blue girl on yon then he said McMahon ahaha se llaman I made that the pedal Aman Aman possible Tata KO yung Chi Lazaro para naman po daily make up a tip back on the main power in Dina who Cena begin synonym bubala at Indian improvement as a new garment on copper rose on and Simon gained on Sabine Abram pika pika by saying ii marinus alonso de pinna moisés at ma appropriate r-rahim axilla in depot a monobrow bhagam bhag Minamata at the boy bank money Maggie Kidman cccc now pero submitting a brown bear moving this in a mankini commotions Asama property' Hindi cinema bikini at Marina varlas a cinema tie and the marina mikuni huh Mia prepared our mimosa is prepared and Yan obviously Mohammed Ghanaian he be a new Bible among unique T no using a Sabina Bible opinion Philip found Nathanael and said to him we have found him not a koala nimisha um Tino to feel emotions ammonia Bottas at namana Profeta messiness original attila see Jesus of Nazareth Molina na hindi Topanga in the taça da Bao hindi ko saing new girl Jesus of Nazareth in Detailers engineers in the gallagher up some young Jesus of Nazareth at Indian carpet behavior he is the son of Joseph Molly Wagner the new to crochet a system Bible she rose and amethyst acoustical Vario say Susanna the Bahama male on the third day he is the one who Moses and the prophets wrote about unless they believe in him they will never be saved Matsuyama little smaller pasa hardest and goosey Malika's Mother Superior sobbing a mechanical Otunga pin you see Jesus unison sobbing end of a Pattaya impact in Hungarian entire manual abandon L AM problema Co see Jesus you were the beginner in our looming by Bullock IANA in our emotion in our play we shall bucket because I want to be in love with Jesus their challenge to papal neck shiridi turn a garland by becoming a dellamorta pass Machado Makaha Luke or don't just read is that D so that you would see Jesus Makara minion what makes it so exciting you begin to understand what Jesus thank you the more you meditate on Jesus and I said the more you become so you are successful in your own work with the Lord the cavalry nadaya now Tony tire so and some of them were persuaded and joined Paul in Silas along with a large number of god-fearing Greeks and the number of leading women mock I know Pannonian bhai mm I got about that and yet they were being discipled by the Lord at maha Greeks pero humble Oh God but the Jews you just they were the ones who understood the Bible supposedly maintaining Bible Serena I Mia becoming jealous and taking along some wicked men from the marketplace former mob and set the seat in an uproar and attacking the house of Jason they were seeking to bring her porn and the team out to the people now listen to this Panna Munna Naaman not now Tom I am by massaman Bible no alum no Papa no demon a pro tanto de reading the Bible they study every Sabbath Peter poopoo noon and garlic only a perk a eunuch barbers and a Bible at the poopoo no rain and garlic some behind in any novellas in yo gabba Hank are you hindi and basa kasi anthem on buses a Bible Nichkhun a guy a bong Lonnegan a palpable Illuminati keeper see Jesus Nikita Mulan narrator Bob Arum Leviticus welcome pokémon malarkey and the NEEMO McGee impure and then he became pure all people back to me mama Eureka that alarm a putt-putt cup and Allah no bucket cause he hold is he gonna know I'm just a middle school well I see Jesus in the Cosmo giving up and up and up solenoid economy an economy then a panic break break now didn't you come but oh the dome a pink cuz he come come along male but participants are leaving him behind señorita much as a meter per second indicating accommodation ro Maron appetite for the wages of sin is death Booton allow me condemnation but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus can happen impossible yes thank you Lord number the novel published a slogan painfulness adores about what our own anime are' bucket because Jesus is real because I didn't die oh no brick tile veto it to Mata on the pop and I wake up okay let me get that blogging money on a cheeky Thomas I mean Totoro and he money cannot market that but but mama howl crazy cool militia money need a man kappa yo pillow at least a sense and above a para hostile miss Marie any sensors caplet annoy sensors Jesus a Jose shall I make a turbine power no matter is a cruise the boy McMullen a capoeira perimeter stay oh well an even par on cudapah market and ammonia are America's ko UN essentially on pneumonia vaccine I'm sorry see Jesus at Akiba para para Malik Tosca made to tag Ripken are now warning up now Iman and ascension you go pit you know all never me Monica's having bucket c'mon open up o ulama baba yaga Pantaloon animal bus a by born I'm gonna throw shortening the Midna bundle Aki I clean a supplement and even if it's a big enough impact a loon onion Macau but no indeed Papa Cupid What did he say you welcome boo boo ba ba boo money needs to be him hey what I'm saying is people no money in the bank a woman a portaloo Nanyang of a boob an ottoman empire translation of Bible the King James lung Hindi woman ain't Indian cooking asking judge kappa issue you can see interest nation Indian seen our son Bernard see Jesus okay but I oh hello baby mama need o Muhammad Amin in the inner man to have dominion Colin Cowie dominant eye you preach my dignity Emily happy de Kooning Mullane Gustavo Getzel mcaren Poonam William the man pop on me Timmy come motivate the biker opinion a tournament undertake ain't nobody you know pero are normal Kony Mulan you my papa Hannibal and Mo you they eat upon mo oh hey but I done now miss I'm ik mama to tie solution at a party but Kanta was talking so limb okay so I think I know I mean I may open on my English taco Johnny yeah I'm gonna go grow listen kappa gloom and a group was a pokémon mahaan alla munich balcony secrecy jesus but indeed as a limo in a cemetery talk about mama holla de nada lumber Amparo okay Jesus Oh heaven can you're a newest album Omaha luma daily movie Jesus enough no Mahatma welcome began langmaster the lead mocha Jesus girlfriend mama halma work muy big lambda Co the lead mocha Jesus alright the Caribbean the cipa be examining Macomb and become a hollow the linimo conditions and Toto magma maja did not the luck Jesus Neil Allah PK Jesus Neil Allah you move akiza swollen to tompa mama Hani the taboos in an attempt I remember this now when they did not find them they began dragging JSON and some resin before the city authorities look at the words this man who have upset the world have come here also today then jason has welcomed them in they all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar saying that there is another King Jesus and two enough they were proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah the king and they stirred up the crowd in the city authorities who heard these things and when they had received a pledge from Jason and the others daily listed neck began him bond like beginning none bill sohe palapa Susilo so what I'm saying is even if there is injustice at that time they were still following the law the Carolinian they were still some submitter now listen to this Mindy Massa mama expressed the a-team Apuzzo against injustice against mustang DITA you can dip the Carolinian tire down Okinawan Hindi time ago girl it's a Kabir no Catalina Sabina Martin Luther King no not the demonstrates Allah against injustice among the blacks that during the upper time Sabina Martin Luther King during our rallies make sure we will leave the place better than what we have found them how we have found them the tyranny Molina's for the listener the anima are your spoken is no in this era amazing now Vito Pizzarelli bolita Sirisena and diming cannot that's a people who yell piscina okay Comerica you a lot came under will go walking money ran and commitment was no because he makes precision on the money market is ready market baba Sargon well on Colonel Casey as Christians we express because we care for justice but we do not destroy are you following bucket Linden and on destroy because the Bible tells us this Sabina why do not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good and amazingly humanity better solonius human believers another guys are Anila our gospel did not come to you in word only but also in power and the Holy Spirit and with full conviction just as you know what kind of men we prove to be among you for your sake they applied and look at this you also became imitators of us and of the Lord having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit you see Keaton get a link like Google mission of Messiah Peninsula so that you become an example to all the believers in Macedonia in akia for the word of the Lord has sounded forth from you not only Macedonia in a Kia but also in every place your faith toward God has gone forth so that we have no need to say anything they were very encouraged they were very encouraged now let's go to verse 10 how are we now to study the Bible importantly now so separate tomorrow a Susilo the bread and immediately st. Paul and Silas away by night phenomenon gabay to Berea Nalani by mapa from Thessaloniki Berea and when they arrived they went into the synagogue of the Jews do manimala at Mozilla now this were more noble man yet now listen to this function among noble-minded they are considered educated and its ambient dignified okay no come upon Camaro pasta machine no Castle Tannenbaum Presidente and OPC kami the pitaka formation Communion and rach oh we are to listen intently why because we are to be noble-minded but give me noble by the indicated but Appa panacea McKinney McClellan row in a table a table a not to to log Mattapan todo para pokémon nobles an accessory Tahari well I am bow Alma - lugia agajanian dama accept a for recently say it's a military group a gulet aho again Euler not forget you know seppuku Srilanka you a tease I don't know Boland the tympanum Pelican taken axilla Christina you know the attack Nicole Jordan dama hello good join then you ask yourself are you noble so you come on on the GU latina inspired by the Holy Spirit they were very noble why they received the word with great eagerness super see not excited and examine the scriptures daily okay I don't know in are on the Sabbath I mean I don't even a daily Marty live in the palma by young Tama ban to see whether these things were so Toto bomb see Jesus am i keep again the provinces have been appalled and they were doing that they were studying it now let me teach you how to study okay guys be noble let me teach you how to study parenchyma Burlington first listen intently on a bishop Eden listen faith comes from hearing hearing the word of Christ number two when you read read graciously rigorously daily read Messiah as you read observe observe on your back to see Nabi annamaya know observe yo son an ascetic Neto an acoustic and civilian see known as a septa see no audience Nahanni observe mr. young then try to interpret and no sinister donítö lay on it correlate Musa ibn Abbas ammo at Siham o we apply ice but I am okay so an agree more observe observe observe interpret then correlate then apply okay man so please observe translate or interpret then coronate apply money wanna you need a window pentagonal car that was K&R yamaha Siddhanta Cosabella simple and gakuen aha it's a murmuration acquaintance and Bible from Genesis to Revelation para Hindi Cana la la una canción I see no but now um minion I love your name is Sabina Bible Synod eating Christian anima one year and above or two years and above Cristiano - you said about pastor come on wow I encourage you start studying the Bible let me move and about Taemin and Genesis and I'm a demon Exodus and a feminine Leviticus never tell my name baba sali bugging about horoscope on by bully Oh whoopee please halt your own Sabini Lords of Illinois Indian horoscope Vinnie McQueen too young I am Quentin Ian and Quentin upon a big name Jose Peraza okay so a tough challenge and Jose when you read listen to this don't be arrogant but love edifies remember hindi chaya a bum because the more you get to know God the more you become humble you know why we don't get annoyed they're so great and holy and yet you love us and you reach out to us ok Hindi kamagaya bong pero una caja bunka because of your knowledge of the scripture Molly Massimo because when Jesus Christ summarized the Bible love God with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself my Papa senior you seen Amarista nahama Papa maja said yours llama Papa maja sakip amo Iceman I got an in the end now the many pawns have been a Bible but he said no father but if someone goes to them from the dead they will repent but he said to Moses I just want to repeat this if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be persuaded if someone rises from the dead and let me end by telling you this in a no Vanina but the bone what motivates you to keep on preaching honestly and tired and weak I'm not feeling well how could you know why because first I encountered Jesus he showed his mercy to me number two as a Filipino India medallion boy in my pilipino rich or poor they're really having a hard time in life every day I would see people Gabanna sasaki on pilla laitanan gabay Agata Paso Sobran Hyrum and imagine if these people will go to hell when an asylum Nikitin Messiaen like butta lupa but that imposes eternity impaired mm maybe then deport all of this are happening because of sin the envelop and Saddam frustration at Cebu hypodermis marami cases Holly Callaghan we've get so frustrated in so many ways we thought when we get married mahasaya tayo all the more devastation the aggravated niba uShip nothing but now besides época are else I said you might suggest except again are inanimate opposed become atop was knowing that that was never cinnamon X escuela Hank I see well well any patent Bashan but leave Kappa Paula I'm here appeal reporter about Abajo indica Baja obscene someone on a school like I've seen makka pakka in me back upon me alabama Ghulam oh here up when that be but it's a good mojito Ghulam or Kayla no nothing I'm billing you support can be canal Abu me Billy Lilly go can anyone even accessible I say Mahan kappa-b Nizami Psalm 91 beliefs medicine upon horn that was poor operate under a NASA and the only hope that people have the people have is Jesus Jesus who died for our sin to give us a new life and to assure us that by believing in him we would be saved we would be with him pocket as you get to know him the more you get assured messolonghi gonna okay anti wind Enoch Barbossa Indiana garland bible de la vela Underhill on either potential spiritually he does not need spiritual food or he is sick spiritually by him he has no parent appetite for the spiritual food because the Bible is a spiritual food Jonathan or Sobran dominating even priorities mainly not enough easy nong bua lupa I not habilis at some the real Emma so I challenge you you study so that you can apply it in your own personal lives and be able to share it to your office mates non la colina problema Cebu hi your classmates I'm lucky in a problem Isamu hi your failure community and it was a home owners and because the union that they have they need someone who would really save them from their great frustrations in life even latinum manga mascara see no sadhana pain mascara nama gana tandem a mascara nama gundam jewelry's pero alum not and deep within our hearts we are so frustrated that we need someone to deliver us from such hello do you love your office mates do you love the relatives study apply and teach the Bible tell them about Jesus tell them that Jesus is our hope tell them that Jesus is our only Savior the only way the only life the only truth and no one can come to the Father except through Jesus the Carolinian de todo and the pellagra somebody came to me born again kabah and put a mix of being in am born again Sabina humanik sarcastically AC Co indica RL Panama's as a good team you managed a circus ecology are gonna be managing in a parasomnia agar number per se in Sahana Google you know it was a born again India Co may be in the original Thalia peeing in a para the Carolinian except ASIMO piscina attended in a better I'm not born again can't be and really wanna come last John chapter three wanna be Sabine I'm born again Misha at poker table Sonya gusto green samokhin Allah who so one tank up in see Jesus and she prayed right there and then to accept Christ as her personal Lord and Savior competent listen to this you study you apply and teach the goodness typing lapping you Mahatma make it quick ow I personally you have no hunger for the truth you have no hunger for the scripture you have no hunger to know Jesus you ask yourself but they come battle God spiritually if you want life and I know you're listening now it's a kind of a puppet I have a Madonna training because you can hear because God said to Lassa Lassa was dead samuel rice Lazarus rise up and he rose up and I'm know God is speaking even to the dead if you're dead and you feel that tugging in your heart telling you enough I'm telling you now I know how how hard it is for you to live I know how difficult your life is I know that you're looking for something that you cannot find I'm telling you you need me Sybilla Jesus and you need to surrender your life to me I died for you I died for the very reason why you are so frustrated you're so born I died for the very reason why you hard we do not have life I died for it that is sin and I want you to know that that same will bring you to eternal death a greater frustration because you will be separated from your maker from the rest of eternity and I want you to experience the joy that I have for you in that I myself died on the cross for you and to assure you that I paid it all I rose again on the third day do you believe me will you accept me as your Lord in a stranger friends if God is speaking to you you pray to God you say God I need you Jesus I accept you as my lord in my Savior thank you for dying on the cross for me thank you for dying for my sin and thank you for rising up from the dead because with you I know I would also be alive if you have overcome death why to will overcome death because I now belong to you Jesus so I surrender my life to you and I accept you as my Lord and my Savior friends pray that seriously pray that and take that seriously and if you are sick somehow you have lost your appetite of the Word of God you have sinned you have you have turned your back on God and God is telling you know son I will forgive you I died for you I'm back to me so I'm anymore so sobbing Jesus if you confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from your unrighteousness come and I will give you rest come and I will give you life thank you Jesus so if the Lord speaking to you and you're sick you say God healed me I need you you're my healer heal me Lord heal me my spiritual Lord sickness heal me God thank you Jesus and for the rest of us I challenge you for the sake of those who have not known the Lord yet study apply and teach the Bible study apply and teach the Bible if you truly love God if you truly love people listen to this don't think about yourself don't think about your comfort think of how to bring these people to Jesus your children your family your relatives study apply and teach the Word of God thank you Jesus father in heaven I thank you that you know every one of us in this auditorium pitcher South of study pitcher so listen studying with the preacher studying with a small group and studying on a personal level by observing reading it carefully observing learning understanding what it really means by interpreting it and helping us all get to see the whole picture so correlating it with other passages and help us to apply them in our own lives may you may allow us to be like George smaller reading and studying and making himself happy every day instead of you're putting breakfast first may you teach us to read read our Bible study your word every day before even eating breakfast for we find strength in you Lord Jesus I pray to really help us all to take your word seriously knowing that your word is life to us it's a lamp to our feet thank you God that you will make us wiser than our teachers because we meditate on your word and thank you God that you afflicted us and we went back to your world thank you for loving us thank you for giving us your word for us to know how much you love us thank you God in Jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you and good night [Applause]
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 120,520
Rating: 4.8012171 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: EPQ4-G6Sqv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 49sec (4429 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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