Don't Worry, God Will Take Care Of You with Ptr. Peter Tan-chi (Dec. 9, 2018)

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my name is Maria ELISA de Guzman Enrique's married to Carl Armando Enriquez for 11 years I used to work for a multinational company as a salesperson before I met Christ I was a selfish person my sole purpose in life was to work hard and to gain material things I focused on money career and fame I was living my life worrying about what tomorrow would bring my way I worked 12 hours a day to finish my tasks and to satisfy the people I worked for I was never really never really serious about praying and going to church on top of that I was not submissive to my husband because my security was in my job during that time my marriage was in trouble and I was worried because we didn't have a child my fear was that my husband was going to leave me finally I decided to seek God's help I remembered my relatives who were always inviting me to attend the worship service in CCF Alabang since 2003 I decided to attend on my own since my husband would have nothing to do with any church worship or preaching while listening to the gospel being preached I was convicted to confess and repent of my sins knowing Jesus died on the cross so that I may receive eternal life made me think about how can I bring glory to his name after that I continued to attend worship service and read the Bible I remained intentional in knowing more about God and did not dwell on my husband's mistakes my perspective in life changed little by little by not worrying about tomorrow and be still because he's in control of my situation it was on my birthday last February 2013 when my husband agreed to attend a worship service with me there I saw God's amazing hand as he touched Carla's heart and moved him by his world by the way it was pastor Peter who preached the gospel that time then Karla then continued to join me every Sunday praise the Lord we also join CCF Bible studies and retreats to learn more about Jesus and eventually join daddy group to help us grow in our spirit well join me our spiritual search went on for months until finally we placed our faith in Jesus alone to save us and surrendered our lives to him that same year we experienced God's faithfulness because I finally got pregnant with twins despite my polycystic ovaries endometriosis multiple myomas and several and successful fertility work ups that lasted for seven years I was on bed rest for my first trimester to ensure that my babies would be safe but the Lord revealed this plan as I entered my second trimester on the night of May 25 2013 during my quiet time I was led to surrender the future of my unborn babies the following day I had my checkup and we were devastated to find out that my babies were gone it was only by the grace of God that my uh my husband and I were able to accept the truth and we continued to trust God but we never stopped praying for our own child in 2017 I found out that I was pregnant again we were amazed how the Lord orchestrated my pregnancy just at the time when I filed for a sabbatical leave from my employer to rest and conceive my pregnancy wasn't easy but we praise and thank God for bringing us to good doctors who took care of me and our baby in one of my routine prenatal checkups with my perinatologist I was suspected to have an immunological disorder that prevents implantation or pregnancy and attacks the cells that build the placenta which will result in miscarriage tests were done immediately to prevent the worst the findings were not favorable because I was positive with the three types of immunological disorders Carla and I prayed and lifted up all our worries doubts and fears to God because we believe that we have a big God and nothing is impossible with Jesus we started all of the treatments immediately to lessen the risk of miscarriage it got even more complicated in the last trimester due to regular preterm labor pains which was caused by the increasing growth of myomas severe vomiting hyper acidity moderate anaemia and recurrent UTI to make matters worse my asthma progressed which caused me to have difficulty in breathing through it all his word comforted me daily especially when I was in pain God made us understand that the pain that I had to go through has a purpose and that mine and my unborn child's life was in his hands a few months before my delivery God healed me of all my complications my Hamburglar beam became normal and my asthma was treated the Lord indeed these are great healer as I waited praise as I waited for my delivery I doctor instructed that I should stay in the hospital for close monitoring I praise God for all our family the group and other brothers and sisters in Christ who battled in prayer with us for the safe delivery of baby Eliana in September 28th Laurita 2017 I give birth to my baby girl Ariana at 35 weeks and three days God protected and took care of us throughout the procedure although she's a preterm baby Ileana was very healthy and she was not required to stay in Nikko for medical treatment indeed nothing is impossible with the Lord our lives today and baby Ileana ira living proof of his love and faithfulness I am Maya and Rica's a servant of Jesus Christ to God be all the glory so today we are going to talk about an amazing command from the Lord but before I do that would you like to see one of my great surprise from the Lord one of the great surprises I had but I let me tell you last December 1 the Lord gave us a gift this is my number 28 grand daughter number 20 and this is Joy's number 6 you got to understand our children are very obedient when the Bible says go and multiply they sure they are so good in doing this so praise God now the topic today whether you like it or not it's amazing it is about don't worry God will take care of you can you turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor don't worry God will take care of you now be honest with me do you worry all right whispered your neighbor just quickly what do you worry the most what are you worried about yes just whisper one or two what do you worry oh you know your neighbor if you don't know them just tell them also yes tell them this what I worry about pray for me Oh seriously tell them pray for me all right I did the research on what people worry about would you like to know worldwide including the Philippines can you guess number one money they're always worried about money how will I pay bills what if something bad happens number two they worry about health especially health of loved ones and then they worry about relationship how many of you are single raise your hand Singles web web let me say hi no singles can I tell you something the truth is this singles worry about will I get married well then I'll get married yes or no well I have good news for you God knows don't worry God will take care of you and those of you who those of you were married don't worry about how to get out of marrying me it's really I've been married for 45 years and it gets better and better as the years go by but the truth is this you worried the rich worry about money the poor worry about money we love to worry it's a habit already and God is so amazing he tells us don't worry have you heard of this story about a girl so paranoid about worrying because worrying can become a habit she's so paranoid every night she will hear something and tell her husband go down : I think somebody's down there now if you're the husband what will you do one night two nights you're probably tolerated but this husband loved the wife so much so anything I can imagine every night he will go down with a flash step because if it does not go down with the flash left in the wife cannot sleep though I've said no no I heard something called sound check check so the husband will check and then go up there's nobody okay let's skip you know finally after 15 years of doing this the husband went down finally he saw it coming he said welcome my wife has been expecting you for the last 15 years my friend we love to worry I don't know what you're worried about okay now let's look at what Jesus as the same ready go for this reason I say to you do not be worried about your life as to what you'll eat what you will drink nor for your body as to what you will put on basic necessities it's not life more than food and the body more than clothing I wanted to notice the first part for this reason every time you see that word for this reason because of this what must you do you go to the previous verse and the previous verse is chapter 6 verse you are smart 24 24 no one can serve two masters either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve God and wealth so the context is very simple Jesus is saying it is not hard it is not difficult to serve two masters is saying it is impossible you cannot serve two masters notice not hard impossible you see all of us are serving something and Jesus is saying either you serve God or you serve something else anything that you serve other than God becomes an idol and either cannot fulfill what they promised to do so many people we serve money because the tourist money gives us security the 2ds money makes you happy false sense of security but money cannot give you security no matter what my friend told me a few weeks ago how his friend from the state flew to the Philippines just to receive a dividend 300 million pesos now you can see their investment paid off but before he went to receive the dividend he first checked into the hospital because he felt something in less than one week he died without receiving the dividend you see if your hope is money no matter what it cannot give you security and you have every right to worry so Jesus is saying you cannot serve two masters you serve anything else you will worry and you have every reason to worry but you serve God is saying you don't have to worry why he now gives you the reason so let's read the first part one more time everybody for this reason I say to you do not be worried about your life grammatically let me explain to you grammatically the word do not be worried is in the imperative secondly it is saying stop worrying let me repeat when the Bible gives you a command it is either don't start or stop this command is they are already worrying so Jesus says stop it stop worrying what's the message today do not worry why God will take care of you so in order to make it very clear why they should not worry this is something that hit me do you know any king do you know of any government the use of any president that has passed a law that makes it illegal that makes it a crime to worry think about it and that's why I believe in the amazing Word of God why this is from God himself because I do not know anything I do not know any government that will give a law that says you cannot worry unless that King is able to help you not worry because our God loves you so much he knows you're worried some of you are worried and he's saying stop worrying now he gives you the reason can I tell you reason number one what he tells you look at the birds of the air let's do this together look at the birds of the air they do not sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not worth much more than they you know God is saying don't worry this is saying God will take care of you you know why because God is our Father he's telling you why you should not worry because you are more valuable do you understand the argument the argument is this look at the birds of the air I take care of them what makes you think I will not take care of you you are more valuable can you turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor God bothers you so much you are valuable because you have a heavenly father observation number two the Sermon on the Mount which we have been discussing for last so many months is only for God's people this is not given to people who don't belong to the Lord the assumption is this God is your father everybody is our creatures of God we are created by God but not everyone are children of God you become a child of God according to Jesus according to the Bible if you repent of your since and you come to Jesus as your Lord and Savior and he imparts to you his life once he gives you his life you become his child but until then it's very hard to tell unbelievers don't worry your heavenly father will take care of you you know why they cannot relate and the truth is this many of us grew up with dysfunctional family what do I mean how many of you can honestly say you grew up with a father you first learned you had good memories and you you just had a good time your father was very responsible you had that good experience will you raise your hand what do you know this most of you don't raise your hand why this is reality there are many fathers who don't know to be fathers they shout abusive some of you probably grew up with a family you cannot really relate when we say take comfort God is your father because your image of a father if somebody who is abusive somebody was irresponsible and therefore I understand it's not easy however can I tell you something God is the best father when I became a father I began to realize how much a father a normal father will love his children I have five wonderful children I remember one of them got sick so sick I brought him to the hospital he had mononucleosis and you know what I prayed I look at him I was crying I said Lord transfer his sickness to me it's okay that's how much I love my family today I began to think if I'm a sinner and I love my children so much that I only want what's best for them how much more God who is my father the perfect father cares for me and that changed my perspective I realized I can trust God completely because many fathers love their children but they lack resources they don't know how but not our Father so God is telling us today stop worrying don't worry God will take care of you how will God take care of you he trusts you look at the birds of the air you are more valuable we have a member from CCF his hobby is building taking pictures of birds last month there was a competition in Palawan international you know photo birding contests you have teams from Hong Kong from Thailand Indonesia would you believe it the Philippine team led by him there were other Philippine team but his team won okay amazing photos of birds I told him can you give me some pictures of birds so that when I share with the congregation they will understand when Jesus said look at the birds of the air they don't toil yet I take care of them can I show you some beautiful pictures of birds in the Philippines most of them are endemic to be seen only in the Philippines not in other parts of the world because they are native was many of them here are a few the blue cape Kingfisher Wow beautiful busy eating hudud pita the mommy bird feeding the baby bird what about this one olive back flower pecker Wow you know this when Jesus said look at the birds of the air what does it mean it means don't be lazy you don't see a bird waking up late in the morning birds get up early and then you know what they do they don't open their mouth and say warm warm warm know there are busy scratching looking for food my friend when Jesus tells us your father will take care of you he's not saying be lazy he's saying do your part she was a difference between concern and worry many people don't understand this concern is legitimate it's a god-given instinct you think ahead in fact Jesus tells you learn to be concerned he gives stories he said which one of you you want to build a building you want to build a tower you don't compute the cost first so it's okay to be concerned it's positive you think ahead you prepare what's the difference between concern and worry usually concern is this you do your best and what's outside your control you leave it to the Lord you entrust it to gun war is different worry not only are you so preoccupied with your part you are all so preoccupied with doing God's part and can I tell you something you are not God tell your neighbor you won't have done and you will never be God so this is what I do anything outside my control I surrender it to the Lord and say Lord I've done my best you will take care of this you see concern is different from worry worry you carry the load you're anxious all the time you cannot sleep it's subsea of energy and if you are careful worry fear they are closely related pretty soon you get depress and pretty soon and this epidemic today people commit suicide so Jesus is telling you stop pouring don't worry whatever you are worried about I wanted to listen to the Lord today he's speaking to you he's saying my child don't worry God will take care of you who is God he is our Father you know Jesus uses birds as an example a lot of times for example Luke 12 verse 6 are not five sparrows sold for two cents let me ask you a question when you say five sparrows are sold for two cents how much is one sparrow hello wake up wake up in other words the sparrows are so cheap they are less than one cent and God is saying they are so cheap yet not one of them is for God and before God indeed the very hairs now he's not make a comparative statement now are all numbered do not feel everybody read you are more valuable than many sparrows why because you're a child of God now I'm not looking at people with no hair because this is not the meaning of this verse don't text literally but God loves you with or without her amen so what is this argument about the argument is so simple God is saying why do you worry he's really speaking to you I love you you're valuable for example Romans 8:32 let's read together he God who did not spare his own son Jesus how he delivered him over for us Jesus died on the cross to suffer for your sins and my sins do you understand if God who loved his son so much and he gave us his son look at the argument how will he not also with Jesus freely give us all things so my friend don't worry it's not to trust the Lord you don't know the Lord perhaps you have religion but you don't know Jesus so the Bible tells us don't worry what's the message today everybody one more time don't worry God will take care of you if I see you next week I bump into your example and I ask you what is the message what do you tell me don't worry God will take care of you but if you tell me pastor the message was good so I said what is the message Busta it's good no no I want you to say your message is don't worry God will take care of me and then I'm gonna ask you the next question did you worry this week and you will say pastor I believe in Jesus he tells you to stop worrying you know why who among you being worried can add a single hour to his life what does that mean he's saying worrying is totally useless it cannot add anything so why do you worry somebody once said worry is like a rocking chair it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere so worrying it's useless in fact it is not only useless you know what the Bible says God is so smart he knows what is good he knows what is bad so it cuts you worry it's useless but worry is harmful that's why he gives you a command be not anxious for anything have you heard of the Mayo Clinic Charles Mayo I don't know the pronounce his name Charles Mayo the founder of the Mayo Clinic said people do not die of working too much of working hard they die because they worry too much so I did the research on the problem of War II if you war is bad for you physically emotionally spiritually for example when you worry your cortisol level goes up cortisol is that good for you it does something to your blood it's like poison it affects your digestive system that's why you have in digestion it affects your heart in the face the other parts of the organ it's slow poison my friend if you want to die early worry okay now you're worried don't worry because it's bad for you and to show you why he tells us not to worry amazing teacher Jesus tells us why are you worried about clothing observe how the lilies of the field grow how they do not toil nor do they spin now he is telling you observe the flowers see the figure of speech is the lilies of the field it is like their way of describing flowers not exactly literal lilies but no matter how you interpret this in Israel you have beautiful flowers all kinds of flowers okay and you know what Jesus is telling us I say to you not even Solomon in all of his glory clothe himself like one of this and then he tells you now if God clothes the grass of the field which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace will he not notice the argument will he not much more clothe you oh you little faith you see the argument is you are valuable and our God is your father he loves you so much so why do you worry about these things when you are so much more valuable and you see how I take care of the world I'm taking care of you what is the real problem oh ye of little faith what does that mean I thought the Bible says if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can say to the mountain move and it will be moved so what do you mean by all ye of little faith let me explain to you what is the root cause of problem what what is the root cause of worry it because we a problem what do you think what's the root cause of why you worry is it circumstances I should problem think about it why do you worry now listen when Jesus has little faith I worry not the thing if your problem is big you should natural to worry yes or no of course it's natural because your problem is big but if your God is bigger than your problem is your problem big or small louder small ah so the issue of worry is how big is your God a big faith in a little God it's little faith a little faith in a big God is big faith the prop the problem is this do you know God you see most of us have a wrong view of God most of us don't realize how great how majestic how powerful God is you know why let me tell you why most of us have religion but we don't have a real encountering God do you know it is okay to be worried at times but don't remain worried what do I mean for example when I'm afraid I will put my trust in you notice the grammar when I'm afraid so from time to time when suddenly something happens your initial reaction is oh no but then you must process it so it says when I'm afraid I will put my trust in you so here's the solution and then look verse four in God whose word I praise focus on God's Word I have put my trust I shall not be afraid so faith and fear cannot coexist in your heart let me repeat when I'm afraid it's because faith is not there anymore I'm focusing on the problem so fear is not the king but once I invite God to be the king I put my trust in God fear goes away so fear and faith cannot coexist most of us have a habit of being afraid of worrying you not change this have a habit of trusting in the Lord the psalmist tells us I have put my trust I shouldn't be afraid so how do you develop your trust how let's read together the Bible tells us how do you grow your faith it depends on the object of your faith faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ therefore faith cannot grow in a vacuum you must have an object and the object of my faith is the Lord but I will not know the Lord if I do not know the word of the Lord I always do this maybe almost every year when I'm when I'm here I ask many of you and I'm gonna ask you today how many of you believe the Bible is the word of the Lord raise your hands you really believe the Bible is the Word of God higher higher because if you don't raise your hands I'm gonna ask joby to talk to you thank you bring it down how many of you have read the entire Bible raise your hand you see the problem the problem is called religion you have religion but I am not so sure whether you really know the Lord or you love the Lord why let me tell you why if you love the Lord you cannot avoid the reality you will want to study his word because the Bible is God's love letter to you and to me I make it a point to read God's love letter to me every year and I've been a believers for more than 50 years I've read this book many many times every year I make it a point I remember years ago during my courting days I think babes in power will relate to this we don't have internet with an email so I love I write love letters to my wife and my wife will write love letters to me so when I was in a state she would write letter from the Philippines to me and you know what I do when I received a letter guess what what do I do I really analyze it did or dearest Peter important this opinion dear oh dear s ma and then the wordings so I really study you know why I read her letter then tell me why there is love guys if you love Jesus you want to read his word Amen if you love God you will read but if you don't have relationship with him why do you want to bother to read so that's my concern many people think they have a personal relationship with Jesus I'm not judging anybody all I'm saying is examine your life why do you not bother to read the Bible why tell me why head knowledge or heart so the same thing the Bible closer look at how repetitive Jesus's do not worry then saying now the grammar changes a little instead come on except the grammar is not something like this do not even begin to worry you see the difference the first command is stop worrying your already worrying the command here is this I'm giving you the reasons therefore don't even start worrying that's what is this thing here don't even begin to worry so it says do not even begin to worry saying what shall we eat well shall we drink what shall we wear for the jumpers eagerly sick all these things for your heavenly father notice he repeats your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things he's saying don't even start worrying don't be a Christian ATS don't be like the Gentiles the Gentiles do not know God as their father that's why they worry but you have God as your father and your father knows the truth is this God knows all your needs what a comfort my friend do you believe God knows all your needs let me show you a verse that repeats the same idea everybody please feed my God will supply some of your needs no did I read it wrongly okay one more time my God will supply some of most most of your needs is that what it says no what does it say my God will supply louder or what is all integral lahat what is all in Chinese long-term what is all in Spanish us what is all in Russian I don't know my God will supply what your needs notice not once needs God knows your needs singles waiver do one more time single most super single okay Narayan Singles if getting a wife is what you need getting a husband is what you need because it is good for you I guarantee the Lord will provide but if getting married it's not a need if getting married will be an encumbrance to you I guarantee you don't worry be happy do you believe God loves you your perspective of God will impact the way you respond because my theology has changed I believe that God loves me so when I prayers that are not answered in the past I used to feel bad I make tampo you know how you make temple you come late for worship you don't really read the Bible because you want to sit at the furnace and except in Alabama Alabama people you like to sit up front except you don't have enough space by the way I like you guys to begin praying for a lot pray for a bigger place have you begin have you begun to pray for that I want you to pray that God will give you a bigger place amen because you are maxed out already no matter what and I believe God will provide because God knows our means so this what you need to do guys change your perspective about God because he promised he will supply all our needs according to what read according to his riches in glory my Heavenly Father I don't know about yours my heavenly father has everything my heavenly father is super rich my heavenly father is all-wise he knows what's good for me he knows what is not good for me therefore I trust him I don't mind asking but if he knows it's not good for me he will not do it now let me give an example of how God can supply our needs would you like to know the example all right how many of you are familiar with first Kings chapter 17 raise your hand but some of you have not read the entire Bible so you have not heard this story is about Elijah remember Elijah was going to encounter famine in God or allege Elijah I'm gonna help you the way you will overcome famine no water no food you go see a widow living in surf at now I ask myself why will God as Elijah to go see a widow because Widow are the poorest of the poor in fact up to the time of Jesus under Roman law if you are a widow it's a crime you are forced to marry they don't want single Manor because single mother is a burden you must marry it's only when Christianity became more and more prevalent that people began to understand the value of single the value of Widow they take care of each other in the past when you were widowed nobody will take care of you it's pathetic so God does this Elijah you go see a widow so here's the story the word of the Lord came to him go to serifs Alpha which belongs to Sidon stay there I have commanded a widow [Music] to provide for you so Elijah went to see the widow now don't look at the verses first I'll tell you the story it will be fast so the widow and I Jason please take care of me in short a righteous and copper couple come on a young widow and then Papa to land mapa you say take care of me do you understand the background so here's the background so the widow replied as the Lord your God lives I've no more bread only a handful of flour in the bowl and a little oil in the jar behold I am gathering a few sticks that I may go in and prepare for me and my son then we may eat it and die now if you're a ledger what would you say you know what the lady did Elijah said to her do not be afraid don't worry do as you have said but it's on top a little but make me a little bread cake from it first bring it out to me and then afterward you make one for yourself and for your son do you understand what's happening the widow told Elijah already up enough bread enough flour enough oil just for one more cooking and yet you are telling me to cook first for you there are certain things about God and this ways which you will never know which you will never experience until you walk by faith and many Christians are very shallow because we are afraid to walk by faith we are worried about many things in fact the smarter you are the more you worry because you try to think of so many things what may happen what about this what about that when the Bible is very clear my advice is this when the Bible is clear you have only one response you obey praise God this Widow a baby and I just said the book the bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor shall that jar of all be empty notice Elijah was adding faith to the heart of this Widow he was giving her promises until the day that the Lord sends rain on the face of the earth the object of your faith must always be the promises of God God's Word you cannot put faith on faith that is never taught in the Bible your faith is only as good as the object so God is telling Elijah tell this girl the Lord God has said the bowl of flour shall not be exhausted nor that jar of all be empty in other words were humanly impossible is now becoming possible only on one condition because God said so now this lady has two choices to obey or not obey if she chooses not to obey this is what will happen to her she will eat her last meal and then die her other option is to walk by faith you know what she did she did the other option people say what will happen to Elijah if the girl did not obey the Lord God knows how to take care of Elijah God can find another person who take care of Elijah understand when I do God's work I always tell people what you do for God is a privilege when we raise up money for the building fund by the way we're building another building I'm telling you in advance it's all about walking by faith you don't give no problem God's work will be done you give your bless this girl has a choice obey or not obey please God she'll be she went and did according to the word of Elijah and what happened she and he and her household ate for many days many means Mucho the ball of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of all become empty according to the word the Lord which is spoke through Elijah friends the Christian life is a supernatural life and God is telling you don't worry because worrying is a grievous sin let me repeat the most committed sin among Christians you ask me or one of the most committed sins is the sin of warring we think it's okay to worry it is sinful let me tell you why it's a serious sin worrying is so serious think about it when you worry you are questioning the very character of God you are saying lord I I don't believe you I don't trust you that you will take care of me to worry is a say Lord I doubt you to worry is the Lord I doubt your promises to worry is say no I question your integrity you see is very serious I call that Christian ATS you believed in Jesus to save your soul and yet you are not willing to believe him to take care of your body so why are you worried because we take this sin lightly shame on us to worry is sin so it tells us stop worrying then he repeats don't even begin to worry so what must you do he tells you the antidote everybody read seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you what do you mean seek first you see that is you always seek something he now connects verses 33 to the previous verse when he tells us no one can serve two masters you can except to master he is saying seek first his kingdom and his righteousness what does that mean what does it mean to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness you put God first in everything let me give you example we have a member I like to believe he used to live in Alabama his business was in the labor recruitment business and one day he received a call that his principal or his potential principal from the Middle East is coming so the principal called him can we meet on a Wednesday let's have dinner many of you know years ago where Bible study every Wednesday night so he said sir I'm really sorry I cannot meet with you where Bible study was he worried about this business he's concerned what will happen so the principal just said okay so the principal called him the next day all right let's have a meeting Sunday sir I'm really sorry because sunday is my day of worship and I volunteer the other partner was getting irritated you want business or no he said I want business but any other day check Sunday in this mind seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be what are you sure it says all of these things anyway they don't want to show you the verse so it's okay yeah seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all all would you believe it Monday here is a backhaul this guy says let's meet of course when so they stir it up either Monday or Tuesday I don't recall when they met the guy I said you know I interviewed so many business people I interviewed so many executives company who are providing labor but my conclusion is this I will only deal with you because you feel God and therefore I can trust you my goodness is God amazing in this mind business gun I remember maybe two months or two years ago I was starting a Bible study with a group of businessmen and the father talked to me he said you know my son has become a fanatic I told you man you know my son wants to pay taxes in all our businesses I said so what's a problem you know I'm just telling you the story I said tell me the story now you have to understand many business people don't understand seek first his kingdom and his righteousness his righteousness is how you live Christians this is an amazing promise the promise is conditional but the promise is supernatural what is the condition seek first his kingdom and his righteousness do it God's Way you see if you are in business or you are having a job in your band and you forget that God gave you this position to seek first his kingdom meaning to expand his kingdom the kingdom of God simply means this when Jesus is king and there are followers that is the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is both in our heart and coming it's future it's inside now it's happening now and it's future that's what the Bible says is repeated almost hundred fifty times the kingdom of God the kingdom of God when Christ is king and there are followers that is a kingdom of God so how do we seek the kingdom of God first I try to preach the gospel to share the gospel so that people will surrender their lives to Jesus and make Jesus as their king that's what I do in putting God first seeking his kingdom so your job wherever you are you must think my role is to seek first his kingdom so this job has given to me if you are a housewife if you're a teacher this job that is given to me is given to me for a reason that I will seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and my means of support is a byproduct of what God will support me how he will support me are we communicating so this friend of mine because he understood seek first his kingdom and his righteousness would you believe it he runs the company saw well the the father for the longest time belonging to another religion had no choice but to see that the god of my friend is real and that it works they are now one of the tax 10 taxpayers in this country I wanted to imagine now what kind of business has been happening because seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and what all of these things will be added unto you in my own life man I cannot explain how years ago when I learned this truth this is the verse that started CCF seek first his kingdom and his righteousness many of you know I was involved in business and church work in fact by the grace of God I by the grace of God is still supported by our company and not CCF and there are many business people like me when I put God first can I tell you what happened my son finally told me dad you have not been in the office for the last 25 years therefore can we sequester your room I felt bad in your table Oh in your chair so I finally visited our office for the first time after 20-plus years and I didn't even our office move already another building way so we move already no I knew it but I don't know what it was but can I tell you I put God first and got two cameras our business today I cannot explain this the blessing the income the volume I cannot imagine because God is so faithful it is true seek first his kingdom and his righteousness you know my job today I pray for my children they run the company but they run it the Christian Way they don't shout they don't curse that it's Bible and my son became the president of the subdivision developer Association of the Philippines why did he accept that position he wanted to influence all the other subdivision developer you see once you have this perspective God has called me to seek first what his kingdom and his righteousness and my friend this is true so my question to you this those of you are single how are you using your time are you putting God first in the way you use your time your money your resources you see I made a decision God is going to be the king of my life king of our family king of our business king of anything I do including shishya God is king so we do it God's Way not my way what about you if you think of your job is just to support you you are missing something god bless you there for a reason and I don't think you will be representing the Lord properly if you and I are lazy in our company if you go to the office late you don't do your job well how in the world can you bring honor to the Lord therefore I believe this message is so crucial if you're a housewife be the best housewife seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and what and all of these things shall be added unto you then he tells you do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will care for itself its day has enough trouble of its own can I suggest something two days you should never worry number one don't worry about yesterday you cannot change it you don't believe me okay try what did you do yesterday when you come a lega off you get change it the second day you must never worries tomorrow because you cannot do anything about it you try sigue what will happen tomorrow worry no good so just leave for today honestly when I think about tomorrow sometime I'm burdened I have so much things to do like this week a little bit this week every night I was up every night Monday Tuesday Monday I was in a week I did the wake service Tuesday meeting Wednesday night Thursday night Friday night Saturday night tonight and had a meeting tonight but you know what I worry if I think of the future now I'm so happy because today I'm going to be with you ingesting of today today I have enough schedule because worrying is scaring tomorrow's law with today stress getting two days at once which you are not commanded to do leave one day at a time surrender it to the Lord it is moving into tomorrow ahead of time worry does that empty tomorrow of its sorrow of its problem it empties today of its thread let me close with a true story of JC Penney how many of you have heard of JC Penney raise your hand do you know JC Penney was born the father was a pastor they were born poor but the father taught him something exactly Matthew chapter 7 in Matthew chapter 7 the Bible says do unto others as you want them to do unto you it's called a golden rule so the first store that JC Penney put up in a mining site is the Golden Rule store meaning he'll be honest the price tag is reasonable he made sure people can buy something without too much down the Golden Rule do unto others as you want them to do and he saw the business prospered he had hundreds of stores and then the recession set in he began to loose money with his other business banking real estate and he began to worry and if you read his story he was so sick they sent him to the hospital and the doctor said this guy is dying but we don't know what's wrong with him because he was depressed do you know and you're depressed when you're worried they cannot kill you one morning in the hospital he heard people singing because in those days in their Chapel you have doctors nurses singing worshiping God and some patient so he heard the music and this is the music I want you to hear this very same music is what transformed his life he had religion he never had a relationship with Jesus in his own story he said it was this music that God really spoke to him and that's how he became a real Christian would you like to know the music I wanted to sing you know that music is about God will take care of you he was over it when he heard this music he prayed crying he said Lord will you really take care of me so let's sing together are you ready to hear this music [Music] will God take care of you as bar heads and pray some of you have never committed your life and your problem to the Lord you are not even sure that you belong to him perhaps you have religion but today I want to pray for you if you want to be sure that you are a child of God or you want to become a child of God you want to be sure will you raise your hand praise God anybody else raise your hand you want me to pray for you you want to be sure that you become a child of God raise your hand higher praise God many of you keep them up because I'm gonna pray for you keep them up my second challenge is keep your hands up okay if you don't mind I'm gonna pray for you but before I pray for you I want to challenge another group of people you have you know you're a child of God but you are still worried you have never entrusted your life to him because in your mind is okay to worry but now God is convicting you are you saying stop pouring and you also want me to pray for you will you raise your hands also okay you know warring is a sin and you want me to pray for you raise your hands I want to teach you something to cast your burden on the Lord all right so to those of you who raised your hands the first time many of you and the second time keep your hands up okay so raise them up high in fact raise them up because I want to pray for you and you pray this prayer with me something like this Lord Jesus the first group Lord Jesus I'm not so sure that you are my father I want to be sure I admit I've been in control of my own life I admit I've been depending on myself I'm not surrendered my concerns to you so today Lord Jesus I humble myself I invite you to be my Savior in my Lord Lord Jesus I accept your invitation for me to come to you so those of us were weary and heavy-laden we will come to you I accept you as my Lord and my Savior to those of you you're invited Jesus in the pass but you're not sure but today you know you're guilty of worrying you know you're committing the sin of worrying why don't you pray this prayer with me so Noor Jesus I confess that I'm guilty of this sin the sin of not trusting you the sin of worrying Lord I know I don't bring honor and glory to your name or to your family because I don't really trust you today I depend on my sins I want to trust you Lord Jesus I trust you all my burdens my family problems financial problems my heart problems not whatever is bothering me and now whatever is bothering you will you commit it to the Lord right now would you say Lord Jesus I surrender to you whatever that whatever is your problem no Jesus thank you for speaking to me speaking to all of us that you care for us and we are not to worry because you are our Heavenly Father help us to learn to be joyful to be free from anxiety and worry in Jesus name we all pray amen amen god bless you
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 174,655
Rating: 4.8404522 out of 5
Keywords: ccf, alabang, sunday, service, peter tan-chi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 50sec (4070 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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