God's Will And Your Vision

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[Music] [Music] so all right well if you have your Bibles you can open them first to Ephesians chapter 5 now to get there I'm going to mention some things to you and I'm I already see the direction that God is taking us through the rest of this year and this morning I'm going to ask you some questions I want you to think about and this is actually going to be a little more interactive well at the end it will be anyway but first off I'm going to ask you some questions number one what is your vision for your life what you know now well actually I could go through this but what is your vision for your life you know is it a good job nice home 2.4 children and I've never understood that 2.4 children I don't know anybody that has a point for a child there may be some out there I don't know but generally do the American what people call the American Dream is that your vision is that what you're going for is that what's on your mind is that what drives you is trying to achieve the house the car the job the where are you going right what is your vision so really this morning the main thing I want to talk about is God's will and your vision as a very simple but I do want to bring some points that many Christians that I've actually talked to will give different answers based upon where the question is asking who asked them and if I ask you in here what's your vision you're probably going to give me what you think I want to hear or you're going to give me a religious answer something like that Oh am i my vision is to you know fulfill God's will for my life okay that sounds good okay what is God's will for your life and if what is God's will and then where is your vision how close is that to it and then like I said sometimes it's you know who asked them where are you asking if they're asking Church they'll answer a religious answer I want to do the will of God I want to be just like Jesus you know but you also know that most people even Christians if you're asked that same question at your place of business your your job that's probably not the answer you're going to give them it should be possibly but that's probably not the answer you're going to give them so you know you might give a whole different answer well I want to run the Miami division of the company I want to okay is that your total vision is that what you're shooting for because a lot of people they live for their job and and and please understand I get it especially if you're starting a business yeah you have to pretty much pour yourself into it and it's like a brand new baby it keeps you awake at night and your you have to watch everything I remember when I was in even back well before I was in ministry I had martial art schools but before that I was also in fast food that was in fast food management and whenever even when I was off I was never off I'd drive by the store just drive by see how long the line is to the drive-through get out go in walk in surprise everybody check the floor check the dining room see you know check the trash cans are they doing their job that kind of thing so even though I was off-duty I still it was still on me right and if I was dedicated to that I'm even more dedicated to this so this stays on me pretty much 24/7 also right and so I'm constantly thinking how can we get the job done now this job is infinitely bigger and infinitely more important than any other job I've ever done and matter of fact and in the next couple weeks we're going to talk about how to understand your call what your specific situation is supposed to be but it's funny because here's here's the major problem this is just some notes I wrote down on this here's a major problem your head can have one vision one goal and your heart can have another now the problem in this is that if your heart and your head do not have the same vision one will overrule the other and what that means is one will sabotage the other and make it so that the other cannot come to fruition so and this could be either way you know your what's on your heart could be the American Dream and yet in your head you go you know I really should be tighter with God I really should be have God more in my in my thinking in my in my life in my consciousness or it could be the other way around it could be that God is in your heart to the degree that that is really what you want to spend all your time doing fellowshipping with him doing the work of the ministry or whatever and yet you have a job and your your head is somewhere else and you never really succeed it either one because one will you can't serve two masters so here's the thing what we have to do is we have to figure out according to the Word of God especially if you're a Christian I'm talking to Christians is because you can have a wrong idea about God's will for your life and you that that in itself can mess up your life because you know what I think those miles and rows said the worst thing you can do is be successful at the wrong thing you know there's a lot of people that are successful in ministry that shouldn't be a ministry wait you say what do you mean how could they be successful in it well because they understand how to apply business principles to ministry and because of that they're good at quote-unquote ministry but the life of God is not in their ministry so they can't produce life all they can do is reproduce activity right so now if well I'll put this way this is why it's so important for Christians to have a clear understanding of the will of God right and unfortunately that's probably you know this is one thing that Paul said and God through Paul said several times I don't want you to be ignorant I don't want you to be foolish I don't want you to be unwise I want you to be wise I want you to know the will of God he even said that he has made known to us the mystery of his will these are all scriptures we're going to look at so God's will is not hidden his will matter of fact I'm going to tell you right now in you are if you're a Christian you already know God's will in you now the problem is your will sometimes isn't exactly along with his will and it's like a well-trained horse and an untamed horse yoked together and you can have a well-trained horse it's you know a Buell even or whatever this plowin but if you've got one is untamed know he's pulling on the yoke and putting up then even the good horse will get kind of pulled off at different times and it'll mess things up so you can and I've mentioned this the other day or last seventy last couple of Sunday's that for instance if you've had wrong teaching concerning God's will for your blessing for you to be prosperous for you to be healthy you you name the area in any area if you've had wrong teaching in that area then in your heart as a Christian it's in you the will of God is in you God's truth is in you but if you've had wrong teaching usually they indoctrinate you to the point where now you will violate your heart your conscience and you'll try to live up to the religious standards that are wrong and because of that it keeps pulling you and because you're divided and a double minded person doesn't know how to receive anything from God so the key is you have to be able to put these two things together right and once these two are in alignment and you can see how they fit together now your life starts to change and starts to line up with the will of God and things start to work not saying everything's gonna be easy not that same you're not gonna have problems you know the storm according to Jesus you know hit the house built on the Word of God and hit the house that wasn't built on the Word of God and so the storm comes the smart thing is to build your house on the Word of God which means have God's will first and foremost as your will and making sure that in your mind that your mind is aligned with the will of God the true will of God not some man-made rule of God right and I want to talk about these things specifically so I hope you'll bear with me little bit of them get kind of specific on these things but I think if you listen to this and maybe you get it and listen to it again and again take it a piece at a time this would be a really good personal study for you just to sit down and study on there's a couple of things that I'll mention even some things that we've done that will help you along these lines one of them maybe you've heard before is God's master plan if you've never heard that I strongly urge you to get ahold of that listen to it it does not say now and gives your name and tells you what to do specifically but I have had probably more testimonies from that teaching that seminar that we did actually was a course in in our Bible school - pepperoni have more testimonies of people saying you know I did not know God's will for my life but while I was listening to that it became very clear because when you get everything else lined up then it makes it easier to hear and know and to recognize God's voice if you don't recognize God's voice as God's voice you just put it amongst the number of other voices you're hearing and give it equal standing with other voices whenever God's voice is supposed to be the strongest it's supposed to be the one that you listen to and it's the one that you compare everything else to right do that so let me go through this now as I said if you've been indoctrinated with the wrong idea of God's will you'll never fulfill his will for your life now think about this Jesus as perfect as he was in the garden what did he pray not my will your will be done which proves what that Jesus had his own will and I've been talking about teaching on the will I'm probably going to do it after the first year specific teaching on the will of God on not the will of God for your life but God's will that he has a will right and then on man's will and how man's will comes into play in God's plan for man's life right so we'll talk about that anyway so sample you see your children let's say you have children maybe you don't have children but if you can imagine this okay you you if as a parent you see your children maybe when they're small or even when they're grown I mean honest if you're a parent you know nothing changes whether they're small or whether they're grown well the only thing that changes is the price of their toys that's that's what changes okay so and and they get more expensive as they go you think Oh 18 years and I'm and I'm done with god help you anyway because that's I've not found that to be my experience okay so I understand now but you see them maybe they need something you know let's say you there okay let's say first we look at them it's small when they're small you say okay they need food they need clothing you know I gotta buy them new clothes I got to get them some second make sure they have food roof over their head whatever the needs are right just I'm not talking about above and beyond I'm talking about just basic survival okay then when they grow up and they have their own house maybe their own family or whatever it is they still have needs and you see sometimes the needs that they have and if you're a parent it's in your heart that if you can help them you want to help them you want to be able to help them and you do generally you know because you're not gonna let them go or if you have grandkids you know you're kind of like well you know the my kid makes me mad but that's my grandkid and I'm gonna take care of them make sure they don't suffer it because my kids an idiot so you know anyway you wouldn't say that but you know what I mean okay so you you try to take care of the your children your children's children right and the Bible says that Bible says that a good man leaves an inheritance for his children and his children's children right now we can say good inheritance and the Bible talks about leaving a good name Bible talks about an inheritance and we could say spiritually thinking well you know we're leaving an inheritance of faith we're leaving we're teaching them about faith and that's good but when the Bible talks about inheritance it's talking about money it's talking about lands it's talking about honestly the blessings of prosperity right and that's all I'm talking about today but I'm just saying that's what the Bible is talk about when it mentions that now you see them have those needs if you're a parent and have a parent's heart and I understand there are people that don't have that but for the most part especially if you're Christian you're to have that parental heart that you want to take care of them your goal for them if you're a true parent is that they have a better life than you did that now and it's funny because I look back in some of the best times in ministry were the struggles I hate to say it that way and I'm not believing I'm not believing for more struggles we get we got enough okay but you think back in those early days and those victories that you know they stand out why because they were fewer and farther between right so they when you had a great victory I was going through a five-year diary that I kept way back 1980 82 somewhere through there maybe even before that is around that time and I wrote it there need a haircut praying for the money praying for the money right and the next day money came for a haircut right and believed and I mean is I made notes as little as five dollars when that came in because I was believing for it right I wrote one time I'm in the perfect position for a financial miracle what does that mean I was broke that's what that means okay that was faith talk for I'm believing God because I need help all right and those I read that and as I read that diary this my own diary I wrote it and as I read it I'm remembering it and my faith gets reignited again because I remember what God was with me with the fire dogs he was with me with the $50 he'll be with me with this X amount amen that's the David principle right always applying past victories to the current problem so now you see your children they need something but if you've had an idea or a view if your view point is that poverty is spiritual okay in other words to be spirit yes to be broke you can't prosper and be spiritual again and believe me that's out there it's huge and and if you believe that then why would you want your children to be blessed why would you want them to prosper you want them to be spiritual you want them to prosper because in many people's minds the two can't go together right now so it's it's it's the same thing that in you as a parent and this is one of the main things that you know whenever I was talking about healing that if you one of the main points when one of the things that helped convince me that God's will is for us to be healed every time we're sick or any you know any time that something happens to us physically it's God's will for us to be healed and whole well one of the main things about that you say well which scripture did that it wasn't a scripture even though I had scripture to back it up it was when I realized that and what I did was I actually cut my finger and I would notice within a short period of time it turned red it sealed up and it began healing so that means that God made my body to automatically begin healing as soon as I cut myself my body rallied all of its forces to that spot so that it would start to heal so if God made my body to do that then healing must be his will otherwise that would not be there I would have to pray and oh god if it's your will you know let my finger heal right but I didn't have to pray that well because my body automatically knew one because that's God's will and he put that in the system that he created right now it's exactly the same thing with with your children it is in you to want to see them blessed it's in you to want to see them live a good life with as few hardships as necessary right where do you think that comes from that's the heart of God in you that's the Fatherhood part of God the the Fatherhood love of God is in parents to want that for their children so when people to see unfortunately you can be indoctrinated religiously to be to believe that you know poverty is spiritual and that and now I can tell you poverty is spiritual but it doesn't but to be spiritual doesn't mean you have to be being poverty right when I think poverty is spiritual it's because there is an enemy it's trying to keep you broke he's trying to keep you sick one of the ways he keeps you broke keep you sick because if you can get you sick he can keep you broke because you'll pay the doctor to try to get well right so it's all tied together because they well you know you can't talk why don't you know don't talk about money you talk about healing you can't separate the two because one's going to cause the other right and there's that thing working on you now in us there is automatically that that spark of life that keeps us keeps our heart beating right and there is that spark of life in us even at conception that spark of life is the light okay the life of God you would say and that's the connection that starts that every person has within them the knowledge of God that's why every person worships something because in them they know there is a God and they try to worship something because they're they're created to worship God in the sense that where they were created they know there's a god out there and that they are to worship Him they know there's something bigger than them so the fact that they know that and the fact that we would say pagan or heathen mankind has worshipped idols that in itself proves there is a God to be worshipped they just don't know which one which is the purpose of the Great Commission that we are to go and tell people listen that brand new you know 2019 model car is not God that you're worshipping trying to get right that brand new home is not God that you will worship and sacrifice for that make sense now here's the thing and I think Kourtney taught on this believe it was last week that if one of the problems is that as Christians we tend to try to chase the blessings when the Bible says you don't have to chase a blessing it will overtake you right we have a better covenant with better promises so but for some reason and that was under an Old Covenant situation when that promise was made but for some reason when it comes to New Testament all of a sudden now we feel like we have to chase him well if you have to chase blessings maybe it's because you're not living in a place where the blessings can overtake you see it's like I've had people tell me well you know I take medicine because I'm not sure God wants me well within your doing something you think might be against the will of God right I'm not against medicine okay it's kept a lot of people alive long enough to learn how to believe God okay but people will say those kind of things and yet it's in every human to desire to be well it's in every human to desire to be healthy that's in you that's that's what and as a matter of fact life is the very essence of life in you moves toward growth right even though technically our bodies you know we're it's moving upward at a certain point and it's at a certain point it tends to be that the body starts to degenerate there's nothing in the Bible that says it should be that way okay matter of fact a lot of people have bought into a lot of lies mainly because you listen to too much television and they will tell you that after you hit a certain point certain things are going to take place in you that's not this that's not Bible okay the path of the righteous grows brighter and brighter unto the perfect day amen I was talking recently for someone about this very thing about the scripture that says that even though our outward man perish the inward man is renewed day by day now the way I was taught that and play them this this is kind of a side step here or whatever you want to go it's not technically a bunny trail but it's pretty close so but the way I was taught that was basically what they're saying is and even though it doesn't say it in Scripture the way it was taught to me was even though our outward man perishes day by day our inward man is renewed day by day but it doesn't say our outward man perishes day by day it says even though our outward man perish and so our outward man will perish because the Bible says from dust we came to dust we will return that lesson of course Jesus comes and we're mortal eyes and all that takes place right so there will be a point at which your outward man perishes but it does not have to go downhill to get there in the Old Testament a lot of Old Testament Saints went to be with the Lord without being sick matter of fact the Bible says that God just takes their breath right and in a little bit they just go to sleep and and it's not a sickness thing they call everybody together they bless them all and then they just as we would say in the New Testament they give up the ghost they give the spirit like Jesus didn't Jesus gave up the spirit right it wasn't taken from him I think so a lot of these things now again what I'm saying is don't settle for your body to automatically start degenerating and and somehow equate that with age right Caleb and at 40 he was ready to go in and had to go around the desert another 40 years and then when he turns 80 now he's going into the promised land he tells Joshua I'm 80 it's been 40 years and what Moses he said now I've got I'm just as strong as I was 40 years ago I got the same vigor and I'm gonna go take that mountain now well that's why we should be amen I'm here they told dr. Summerall when he turned 50 which is funny now because I'm 59 so 50 when first time I heard this story I was on the other side of 15 it's ended a whole differently now it sounds a little bit different on this side of it but they said some raw you're 50 and you're finished and some Allah said finished he said I hadn't even started yet and now he'd already been around the world started three or four or five different churches started one in Jerusalem one in Manila Philippines which was amazing one in Hong I mean just all over the place and they said that because he had given up his Church in South Bend giving it to someone else and then he went on mission Phil and when he came back they said you don't have a church he gave it up you don't have anything here you're 50 and you're finished and I will tell you from that time until his death that I think 83 he did more in the last 30 years and he did the first 50 and it was amazing what he did and that's whenever he really that's what was when he went on television that's when he started doing you know speaking literally around the world and actually helping other young ministers get started so it was in him so this idea that you reach a certain point and it starts going downhill you don't have to believe that you can get better and better and better and better but you have to get it out of your head right now again this is my message because I want to get back on the on the point here so now notice as I said you've seen your children small or grown right you see what they need and your desire to be able to provide for them one of the heartbreaks of parents is not being able to provide for their children a life better than they themselves had and it it hurts you if you can't do that you want to be able to make their life easier you want to give them a head start you might say now but let's say maybe you've had a worldview or a viewpoint that somehow to be spiritual you know you got to live in poverty now the thing is maybe and how does that reflect how do how does that show up what one is is that you can believe you know because you have to say okay god I need I need to be blessed I need food I need the electric bill paid I need this bill pay God I need help but usually it comes in a form especially if you have a poverty mindset it comes in the form of the idea of Lord bless me and I'll be okay bless my family you know keep a roof over our head we'll be okay just bless us you know the old saying us you know my 4 no more you know just that your mindset that is extremely selfish to say as long as I make it I'm not going to think about anybody else I'm not going to think about the world I'm not going to think about the knees I'm not gonna think about widows and orphans and people that haven't heard the guy all that kind of thing so a poverty mindset is in you not from God but of the enemy so that he can keep you focused on self and so that you won't reach out and won't be a blessing to the rest of the world we are here to be a blessing not just to be blessed amen no now if I got up here and just preached oh you're to be blessed and that's it then you know we could pack this place out because that's what people flock to right but I try to give you the balanced biblical view of who we are and what we're supposed to be now let's go on so the problem with this is that your indoctrination that to be spiritual you have to live in poverty is against the very fatherhood nature of God that's in you because it goes against the the nature of God that was put in you when you got born again okay now the fatherhood nature of God wants to see you blessed prosperous and nellis see here's where people stop they wanted God wants to see you blessed he wants to see you prosperous but it's beyond that he did what he doesn't want you to just be blessed and prosperous he also wants you to be generous and that's when a lot of people when God does bless them they're not they don't become more generous they always think they were but they don't and because of that generally then the blood that because they use the blessings on themselves and they don't use it to pay it forward and because of that usually it dries up and then they go through the thing all over again right you can look at Israel see how Israel did this they're with God they fall away from God they're under oppression and then they cry out to God and God helps them and then they get back on top and then they go through that bit and the next generation falls down and they get away from God because they're only experiencing the blessing and it's a cycle that's not supposed to be our life not our life okay now so every parent wants to see their children blessed and successful and this is this is humanity wide right everybody wants to be blessed everybody wants to move forward everybody wants their life to get better you know if I said okay I want you cook around lay hands on you I'm going to ask them that God will bless you and he's going to bless you with true spirituality so that means you're really going to go through a lot of hardship and a lot of things call your all the blessed you saw going to be gone and you're going to suffer and I want you to lie to everybody wants to wants God's will in their life come lineup up here and if I explain to you it that way hardly anybody would come up front why cuz they're kind because in them they no no that's that's not right that's you know and you'd be torn if depending on how indoctrinated you were to that mindset does this make sense to you so now godly parents want to see their children blessed and prosperous as they follow God and His plan for their life now that's the key you're not blessed just to be blessed you're blessed to follow God's plan for your life and it Dharana me 8:18 says that it's God who gives you the ability to create wealth so that he can establish his covenant on this earth so the idea to be able to create wealth in your life and in your children children's children is not just so that your family will be blessed but so that you will be able to help establish God's covenant in this earth now if you realize or not but they said that that we're supposed to the new covenant was to put in us and to make available to us that things that would cause the Jews to be jealous right most Jews are not jealous of our spirituality right why because they don't see spiritually they say if you're really spiritual if God for the blessing you why don't you bless financially because they understood the Abrahamic covenant and that that blessing was supposed to be there so it goes again you're not going to win a Jew by tell them hey guess what come to Christ you'll lose all your money that's not how you're going to win a Jew I'm not being racist I'm just saying that's not they're raised from the beginning to believe God's hand is on your life and you're to be blessed amen now blessing can be health I'm not talking just money but health and money is the two main place where most people need help but you can be blessed in health you can be blessed in wisdom he could be blessed an understanding right there's there's all kinds of areas in which you can witness God's blessing no it's in the heart of every human to desire to be well and healthy as I said every human desires for their life to be good or to get better when a person gets sick the instinctively desire to get well if they've been taught wrong about God's will they will still desire to be well but they will feel guilty or bad for wanting it now think about that and it's may I remember when I was in word of faith heavily into word of faith and I still bless them because and I still consider myself a lot you know if it wasn't for the word of faith I would not have had the understanding that would have allowed me to know what I know today it's just the way it is you know you'll never hear me talk bad against any of the people that I learned under because they played a big part in my life moving forward you know Kenneth Hagin Charles Capps of course doctor some wrong I mean you you know a lot of these people I bless them began and even though I see where there were places where they didn't see things exactly right the the light they did have helped me attain like that I have so I bless them for it amen no so but the problem that I saw in that and this is one of the big things that stuck out to me was you'd see people in some of the Word of Faith churches that I went to that you would see them here when everything is great you see them and then whenever if they went through a bad time either with physical health you know through sickness or something or financially they were struggling they disappeared they wouldn't come to church why because they weren't allowed to say how they were actually doing and so they didn't want to feel like they were lying so they stayed home until they got well or until things got better or they found a job or whatever and that's that's that wasn't right and I saw that and I said there has to be an answer to this and it there had to be some some changes made right and so that's what looking at now I don't know how many of you've heard of a man named Victor Frankel but he wrote a book called man's search for meaning he was a Holocaust survivor and one of the things that he noticed was that the people in the death camps they everybody in there over a period of time when they realized that they were being systematically killed they started talking amongst themselves and the big question came up of why is this happening to us why is this happening and the thing is is this they would come up with reasons why because they had to come up with a reason for this bad thing to happen why because it didn't make sense and there was this unknowing this uncertainty in them and their thinking there has been reason surely this suffering can't be for nothing there has to be something and they started coming up with the idea of and it's in every human to do this well then when if you go through great suffering you start looking for why not first you look for a way out when you don't see a way out you start looking for one and then you start buying into this religious garbage which started with Augustine and it was talking about God's hidden will well you don't understand there's a hidden will of God and this is God's will and this is meant to work some good thing in you that's not Bible right now the Bible says that all things work together for the good in Romans chapter 8 yes that's a partial paraphrase it is not talking about things happening okay in that entire chapter it's talking about praying in the spirit and it's talking about how the spirit prays through you the perfect will of God and so whenever you are the Bible says that all things work together for the good for who for those who love God and are the called according to his purpose what that and it says that God will turn things around we talk about that all time well God can turn things around what if he has to turn things around that means that the way things are going are not his will you get that so God's will is not always done amen so what we have to realize is what happens is people will start to actually look for a reason for why this is happening and then they start questioning themselves they start wondering well God is trying to teach me to be patient God's trying to teach me this and we we come up with something rather than realizing and this is the part that 99% of the world today doesn't get and and it's what the the many of the people in the concentration camps didn't get there is this thing in the world called evil and evil by its definition it recognized it of course the last part of evil is the last part of the devil the mark of the devil is evil okay anyway okay so but you realize that there is this thing that is just pure evil and pure evil has no good for you intended in it it is meant to steal kill and destroy that's what it's meant to do and when things kill still in destroy that's not from God that's the devil trying to do his will in your life rather than God's will so if the devil's will is to kill steal and destroy what do you think God's will being the opposite is and then life right and and what is that life in abundance right now I'm not sure about an abundant life necessarily but I'm sure about life in abundance that's what Jesus said he came to give us was life in abundance and so we have to realize that if the devil has his will then he's going to steal kill and destroy if God has his will he's going to bring us life and he's going to bring us blessing why cuz all through the Bible death what you see God even told the Israelites he said look look at these two mountains there's a mountain the blessing the mountain of cursing he said today I put before you life and blessing cursing and death and then he said now you choose what you want in your life now people say well that's why would God even say that that's a that's a no-brainer well it is unless you include religious people because once you get religious people involved in it it all of a sudden get real muddy because they say the sickness is going to cause you to empathy or compassion for somebody that's sick then how did Jesus have compassion because there's no record of him ever being sick right so you don't have to be sick to have compassion for people that are sick I mean so no I'm warning today is not just a straightforward teaching point-by-point which you know there is some of that in it but I'm trying to make sure you have a right viewpoint or a right opinion of God is one way to say it so now here's what Viktor Frankl said he he postulated okay that because of man's innate sense of right and wrong and his innate desire to make sense of his life man has a default reasoning system that causes him to try to find a reason for everything that's that's an automatic thing in you because things are supposed to make sense and when you I'll give you an example a few years back kind of you know a man named Chris Kyle but he was the one that the movie American sniper was made about and it was after he got out of the military of course lives here in Texas actually we had been in contact with him and before his passing and about some of the seminars he taught on combat hand gunning is what it was about predominately and about security and this was before a lot of the things that were going on in churches and stuff and for a lot of church shootings had taken place but we were in contact with him and then the next thing we hear he's dead and he was killed by a man he was trying to help matter of fact when they had his funeral he came through and they headed out here at the Texas Stadium and I was there I went to an attendant and it was phenomenal but that's one of the things that has always since that time I look back and it's a perfect example of that's just not right it's just not right that that man would go out that way and it's just it's one of those things like god that's wrong you know rewind and fix it you know do something different because things like that you hear about this situation with you know a child you know kidnapping murder whatever it is anything it's just not right right and then the the natural human tries to come up with some type of thing that makes it reasonable right and so what do we do we come up with this idea of mental illness oh that person did that because they are mentally ill right and yeah they're mentally illness since that their mind doesn't necessarily work like the average person's mind does but being mentally ill does not eliminate the reality of evil and that's one of the problems that now we have people that do not admit that evil exists in this world and so everything is a sickness and so no one is responsible for what they do because if anybody does anything that's not normal they must be mentally ill and therefore not responsible by reason of insanity right and that does not take into account the reality of evil in this world so going back to what we're talking about God's will for your life that you have to see God as he has presented himself through Jesus is that he is a loving father that he desires the best for you now I love Charles Finney I was raised up on a lot of this material and one of the things matter of fact the reason I'm in ministry today what got me to a point where I said I should be in ministry was a statement that Charles Finney said and I'd love to say I was walking down the road one day and the bright light came from heaven and I heard God's voice and he said I'm calling you to ministry and go thou into all the world that didn't happen all right what actually happened was I was reading Finney's systematic theology and he said that man man's highest purpose is to dedicate himself to the highest good of God and mankind that that is his purpose on this earth to dedicate himself to the highest good of man and God and he said so and he was going through this and so I'm reasoning this out as I go unfit all right at that time I think as a matter of fact I was working fast food and working in management and so I remember thinking okay how can I help the most people for the most time and do the most good for them because it would it be in serving them you know a meal and I realized okay when I served a meal I'm limited in space I'm limited at a time I can only serve so many people this food and I'm only doing them good for a couple of hours and they're gonna need more food so my good that I was doing for mankind was severely limited and so I started realizing what could I do that would do the most good for the most people for the longest time that would be an alignment with God's will voilá ministry okay that was my call to ministry so then I've moved toward ministry and said okay this is I accept that responsibility so now how do I do that and I started moving toward it now I can look back now and say the fruit of the ministry proves the will of God that this was the will of God for my life right but now that's very and people say well that's a very non spiritual way of doing it well nobody said that it's supposed to be some really supernatural type thing right let me tell you this if everything has to be supernatural and God has to do something special for each person then making disciples makes no sense say how could I make a disciple truly if I'm gonna make a disciple I'm gonna have to teach them what I know and teach them to do what I do and then tell them because I go all the time so I'm gonna have to teach them and tell them now if you're gonna be a disciple you're gonna have to go all the time Oh a unless of course that's not God's will for you honestly I just now stop that person from being a disciple because a disciple means that I have to reproduce in the person exactly as I am you know follow me as I follow Christ okay the other stuff ignore okay still work on that part okay but you follow me as I follow Christ and so I have to be able to tell you I have to go into all the world so you got to go into all the world I can't tell you well listen I've got to go to all the world because you know Matthew 28 mark 16 I mean that's what I got to do because that's why do I have to go into all the world because of Matthew 28 not because I heard a voice right because of Matthew 28 so if I'm going to teach you to obey the Bible I got to teach you Matthew 28 which means I got to teach you to go into all the world I cannot give anybody permission to just sit in church every Sunday that is impossible right why because I would not be true to scripture amen no okay so now I've already talked about Augustine's theory that everything and basically it was his theory that everything that happens is the will of God okay and that we should simply accept that there is a hidden will of God that we don't know about and whatever happens must be the will of God now if you've ever read practicing the presence of God brother Lawrence he had that same mentality and he would talk about accepting and welcoming hardship and things as as directly coming from the loving hand of our Father right which is not true right so we have to realize there is something and this is what is hurt the church so much over all is that if you are indoctrinated to believe that everything that happens is the will of God number one you can't pray the prayer that Christ told us to pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven because we don't have to pray that if everything's the will of God and we would be guilty of vain repetition which Jesus says don't pray vain repetition right so that means and we also know that it's not God's will that should perish but everybody should come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and yet we know there are people that are dying without knowing Christ so therefore we know that God's will is not always automatically done right and there's many scriptures to talk about us fulfilling the will of God and that we and that there are certain requirements that we have to walk in to be able to fulfill the will of God okay for instance in Romans chapter 12 verse 2 it says to be renewed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can prove what is the good acceptable and perfect will of God right so that means that's a good acceptable perfect will of God is the Word of God because that's what ever my Entre Nous - so and you don't find anything in the Word of God saying that it is God's will that you be sick so he can teach you something that is not in there that's only in religious books written about God not written by God all right now okay what eventually came out of Augustine's teaching was one of the two worst doctrines in church history and that was simply the unconditional sovereignty of God that's probably the one of the as I said one of the two worst doctrines in in church history is the unconditional sovereignty of God is God sovereign yes what that what does that mean actually God's sovereignty doesn't mean he does anything God's sovereignty means he does not have to check with you before he does it that's what sovereignty means see if we are a sovereign nation that means that we do not have to check with another nation before we do something okay if we're a sovereign state we don't have to check with another state before we do it within our own state you get that so sovereignty does not mean we can do anything we want it means that we can do anything within our sovereign realm without having to ask permission that's what God does okay now that does not mean that God does anything there I've asked been walking God do well God can do anything no he can't I was very clear God cannot lie well yeah I know that but well then God can't do any because anything would include lying right so we have to look at the Bible as a whole and get a right viewpoint or we will fall prey to wrong religious doctrine right so there are certain guidelines that you can always have set up that will tell you what doctrines are true and what is false okay now if people do not have an accurate understanding what comprises God's true sovereignty they eventually accuse God of committing or being evil himself if you don't understand God's sovereignty eventually you will either accuse God of doing evil or accuse him of being evil why because you're saying now that generally you'll say well God made me sick so he can teach me something or God made me sick for you know whatever he to punish me right none of which did you get from especially out of a new covenant relationship with God now and one solution to this is to understand the warfare worldview that the Bible presents and this is sometimes as a church is almost totally neglected and even those that understand somewhat of a warfare worldview they still take it off in the super super spiritual area and it's not practical or applicable right one I've talked about this the other day or a couple of weeks ago where I talked about the reality of the spiritual war that's going on we're in a spiritual war it's going on and it's either going on against you or you are participating in it to resist it the Bible says to resist evil that means that we are to resist something right that means active participation against that does not mean well whatever happens happens see a lot of people have the Doris Day gospel and if you remember Dorsch day I know I'm showing my age now but if you murdered Doris Day she had a song called que sera sera whatever will be will be right that's the way that's the gospel most people have you know whatever happens is the what happens but no the Bible is that's not what God says God says we are to do his will to know his will to an force his will and part of that will is to resist the evil you got that now we resist evil not with evil but with good we overcome evil how with good right so if you're going to overcome evil with good if sickness is evil how you overcome it with healing amen now what I'm showing you partially is how to spiritually reason right see people think spiritual and reasoning no there is spiritual reasoning God himself said come let us reason together right but most people reason on an earthly level which is with earthly wisdom which James says there's two types of wisdom there is a divine wisdom that comes down from God a heavenly wisdom and then there is an earthly wisdom which is what devilish so you're either going to think like God or you're gonna think like the devil there is no in-between right and your mind thinks like God to the degree that your mind is renewed to the Word of God right now to the degree that your mind is not renewed you think like the devil and this is where many people become double minded because they think like God in some areas but then other areas that come into contact with that now they're torn because they're trying to figure out which way it is and they're being torn between earthly devilish wisdom and divine wisdom alright yeah so hopefully this is helping you understand some of the sometimes why you have a struggle your struggle is in the area where your mind is not renewed that's where your struggle is right as Joyce Meyer said the mind is the battlefield right so the devil is not a real problem he's not a problem he's defeated right but he will trick you into believing certain things and then you become your own worst enemy even worse than he is because he can't stop you only you can stop you you get that okay so now eventually they accuse God of committing or being evil himself and as I said one solution to that is to understand the warfare worldview that the Bible presents now two things you can do and give you I don't say homework at least not yet but as I've already mentioned God's master plan that we taught it's probably in the bookstore if you get a hold of that it'll give you that's one solution okay it is understanding God's master plan because once you see God's total plan then you see your place in it and we show you that in the teaching itself and then things everything just starts to fall in place and you go oh okay I get it here's what I'm supposed to be doing and here's how I live my life and while you're you're making that decision then specifics come out and things get very clear for instance you say you know right now I've got a chance to take a job but it's going to be you know in another state and I've got this this job in another state that I can go take but you know I've already checked up there and I can't find a church up there that preaches truth but I'm gonna make $200 a week more okay but is it worth $200 $200 a week more worth the lack of truth in your life but see now it's real easy to decide whether to take the job or not even without God saying take it don't take it no it goes beyond that what what because he gives you the tools to be able to decide his will for your life his will for your life is that you know truth and that truth is a part of your life make sense that's just one example I give you more but that's just one now another good another way to solve this problem of understanding this this warfare worldview is there's a book that I highly matter of fact that you've been through dbi we mentioned this book we've suggested it to you it's called God at war by a man named Gregory Boyd Gregory Boyd matter of fact not too long ago somebody sent me an autographed copy of a book that had written because I had mentioned him before and they knew it and they go to his church and so they had him send me a copy of it so but it's called God at war by Gregory Boyd's an excellent book sometimes you've not read it you should read it okay it's about that thick that day okay depending on whether it's laying down but it's about that thick but it is worth the read but I'll tell you when you start reading it be ready to be challenged because you start to realize more responsibility in your life to affect the will of God now one reason many Christians spend most of their life on a roller coaster is because they have a battle going on inside them they don't even realize it okay they have the innate god-given desire to advance in their life but they've been indoctrinated to believe it's wrong to get better to have a better life so their life is two steps forward one step back if it's even that okay or two steps yeah two steps forward one step back many even eventually give in to the wrong teaching and turn away from God all together because they say I can't serve God and take care of my family and so they just say well I can't I can't by religion doesn't make any sense because religion says I got to get worse and worse and worse and all this stuff okay now so they think that they have that just to have a better life they have to walk away from God not realizing that it was God's will for you to have a better life all along but now you've separated yourself from God for it so now so what is God's will whether it's God's general will which is the same for everybody right gets a love God love your neighbor take care of your family sport church support missionaries take care of widows and orphans that's just a general overall right then there's God's specific will for you who to marry where to live what career to go into what kind of job to have those are specifics and in a lot of these things now some of them God definitely says yea or nay and if you're asking him he'll tell you but some of them he says you know what your choice but whatever you go into live the principles of the Bible right but whenever somebody says well God called me to be a doctor mmm not necessary the way you think okay well God called me to be a bank teller God called me to be a car salesman not so much because you don't find those callings they're God's calling is for you to follow Christ right and in that and if you're going to go into a job or a career where you cannot follow Christ then you can't be in that career right so if they tell you to do certain things that are immoral unethical not in keeping with biblical standards then yeah you can't take that job whether you like it or not wait but that's what I'm really good at too bad sorry you know make a choice be a this or be a Christian one of the other because you can't Christianize everything just because you put a fish symbol or a dove on it or you know something you can't you can't Christian eyes everything right now just get into specifics so if he's in Chapter five have you found that yet okay Ephesians chapter five verse fifteen see then that you walk circumspectly not as fool's but as wise redeeming the time what does that say don't waste time because the days are evil hear that the days are evil what they are geared there against you time is not on your side eternity is on your side but time is not and time is not in eternity you got that okay wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is so there he tells us if you don't understand the world of Lord you're unwise a devil wants to be unwise he wants us to know the will of the Lord so God does not have a hidden will do you get that God has revealed his will okay in Jesus and in the Bible no he says and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess so to be drunk with wine I guess any other alcoholic thing or anything else I guess would be in excess but be filled with the spirit how do you do that speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord now listen carefully giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ now understand this he is not telling us here that this sickness in your life that you were to thank God for the sickness right that's not what he is saying what we have to realize is that we thank God and that the Bible tells us very clearly that we are to acknowledge every good thing that is in us in Christ so we are to acknowledge what he has put in us but we acknowledge it in connection with our circumstances and even though we may be sick or have something going on we can acknowledge that but we acknowledge what's in us and what's in us health healing well how by His stripes I'm healed right so we acknowledge the situation but we thank God for the answer for it you give that you don't thank him for the problem you think for the answer for the problem and this goes right back to exactly how you're supposed to pray what do you pray you don't pray the problem you pray the answer to the problem do you that always pray the answer never pray the problem why because you're gonna have what you say and if you're saying the problem you're just gonna have more problem so you pray the answer if you're gonna have what you say what do you want to say the answer not the problem just make sense okay then he says yep well I want to move on the next one Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ notice that hath blessed their already given to us right he's given them but you have you received them see a double minded person can't receive it doesn't think God won't give how can God not give when he's already given say he's already given but double minded people can't receive what has been given he did that this is big you need to study this up according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world now if you're saved that means that you were chosen before the foundation were no words God knew that you were going to receive him okay so you are the chosen if you're saved you're chosen you got that it's not if it's a fact that we should be holy and without blame before him in love hey how are you holy and without blame in love okay having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will you hear that God's will the good pleasure of his will is that we were predestinated to be in him so getting saved is his will and we have fulfilled his will by being saved you give that and by being saved now he has blessed us with all spiritual blessings because we are in Christ and in Christ is blessing and no cursing he did that so now he says verse 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace were in his he has made us accepted in the beloved in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence he has abounded toward us you get that in Christ now having made known unto us the mystery of his will near that so if you're saved and you're in him and it's his will in that you be in him now you fulfill that now he has made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure it was his good pleasure to give you the mystery of his will it is not Goods pleasure to keep his will hidden you give that which he has purposed in himself why that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one Christ write the body all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance this is all about you you get that this is all you do you have an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his own will in other words you may doubt why he called you but he never doubts it all right he knows why he did why he called you he knows why he let you in right then he said that we should be to the praise of his who first trusted in Christ in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise here that you were sealed with the Holy Spirit after you believed after you got that okay which is the earnest one translation sound says the downpayment of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his glory now let me give you some others real quick mark chapter 3 verse 35 now we gave these to a courtney and she can get you copies of these notes so you know you can't down the scriptures if you want her you can get a copy of them from her mark chapter 3 verse 35 for whosoever shall do the will of God the same is my brother and my sister and my mother is there any question about that who is his brother his sister is about who who's related to Jesus he who does the will of God what does that mean that means that every person on this earth is not a child of God there are children of God nurture another devil you get to choose one which side of that fence you're on right now so this idea see this this Brotherhood of humanity this the worldwide family this idea that we're all children of God no we're not all children of God right now we should treat even the children of the devil with love because that's how we win them and that right we want them to be converted committed but that does not mean that everybody is a child of God okay now Romans chapter 8 verse 27 and he that searches the hearts this is the Holy Spirit father son Holy Ghost knows what is the mind of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God so what does that mean it means that the Spirit makes intercession for the Saints that's us according to the will of God the Holy Spirit okay there actually Jesus it says lives to make intercession for us daily okay and Jesus by way of praying in the spirit through us praise the will of God for us people that do not pray in the spirit meaning in other tongues predominantly are not praying out the perfect will of God for their life and whenever and allowing the Holy Spirit to pray that through you and whenever he prays it through you let me take if there's anybody it's gonna get their prayers answered it's gonna be Jesus and he's praying for you amen but now we allow that prayer to come through us by praying in other tongues that's why it is important that you pray in other tongues you got that yeah you say well I don't like that stuff well too bad you know you didn't make the system God did why cause he knew it's the best way to do it right so Romans chapter 12 verse 2 of already talked about this be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God what does that mean that means that we can prove the will of God well nobody knows God's will you know nobody knows what God's gonna do you know his ways are mysterious his ways are above our ways now that's the Old Testament Saints God's ways are not mysterious to you you had them in you let me give that that's important that you realize that Galatians chapter 1 verse 4 from the King James says who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father you hear that God's will is that we be delivered from this present evil world which includes sickness disease poverty lack unnecessary pain okay now the Weymouth translation says it this way who gave himself to suffer for our sins in order to rescue us from the present wicked age in accordance with the will of our God and Father it is God's will that you'd be delivered you hear that it is not God's will that you remain in any type of bondage physically emotionally spiritually financially socially oppression and bondage is never God's will you got that now Colossians chapter 4 verse 12 it Patras this is Paul writing it Patras who is one of you a servant of Christ salutes you always laboring fervently for you in prayers hear that laboring fervently for you in prayers that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God notice the will of God didn't just happen here at Patras and it shows us that you there has to be fervent prayer for others that they would stand in the will of God right now first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 2 for you know what Commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus notice Commandments not suggestions you know the commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus for this is the will of God even your sanctification and that means separation and to be made holy ok that you should abstain from fornication that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor that is the will of God for you you get that that's what he just said this is the will of God for you that you are sanctified separated set apart from the world unto God to live holy lives you get that ok 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 now we exhort your brethren warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble-minded support the weak be patient toward all men see that none render evil for evil unto any man but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and to all men rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything in everything not for everything here in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you as any so so far already you should no more possibly the will of God for your life this is the will of God you rejoice pray without ceasing don't render evil but do good you that yeah he says quench not the spirit this is the will of God okay despise not prophesying well I don't believe in that stuff well you're pretty close to the spies and be careful right well you know we just don't believe in that stuff we don't know he says right there don't quench the spirit don't despise prophesying okay prove all things he didn't say just take in everything he didn't say you know if somebody's prophesized over you oh yeah whatever you say out it see people tell me that you know they may I give you a word well you give it and I'll decide if it if I accept it or not well because you may be giving a word out of your mind and not out of your spirit right and it may be by your mind and not by the spirit I'm not going to just say yeah I'm go ahead and speak into my life I'm not gonna say that because I'm giving you permission to say anything you want and that becomes part of my DNA so I'm not going to do that I'm gonna say you speak and then I'll decide right and I will judge prophet the Bible says we're supposed to judge prophecy okay well you don't allow it first you know you have to you have to judge it before you allow it so God didn't like Congress we don't have to pass it before we read it anyway okay you gotta pass it before we know what's in it okay you know now I don't know how this stuff always works in here I just don't know how but anyway so to prove all things hold fast that which is good abstain from all appearance of evil and the very God of peace sanctify you separate you make you holy holy whil it completely okay and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ hear that spirit soul and body preserved blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ right and finally almost finally Hebrews chapter 10 verse 36 listen carefully for you need of patience and that word patience it doesn't mean put up with it means consistence you have need of consistency be consistent you got that that after you have done the will of God you might receive the promise when do you receive the promise not before you do the will of God most people want the promise before they do the will of God you receive the promise after you do the will of God if you have consistency to continue doing the will of God then you receive the promise you give that that's big big okay now and first John chapter 2 verse 17 and the world passes away and the lust thereof but he that does the will of God abides forever now I got a sheet I want to pass out to you where's our there they aren't there all right we're going to pass these out here's your homework ready for some homework okay it's homework not classwork I'm gonna send you out of here it's lunch I know okay so yeah and these this sheet is called the will of God for my life okay there is seven points here we're gonna pass these out now I expect you to take this with you and fill it out okay and the first one says God's will from my salvation and then I have in parentheses now this is for you to write a one-sentence summary of your belief concerning your salvation now gave you some hints are you secure in your salvation is your salvation by works in other words are you accepted based on how good you work or is it by obedience okay do you as we used to say in the old Pentecostal churches do you have a no so salvation or a hope so salvation right and so I want you to write in one sentence your the basis of your faith of your salvation one sentence all right number two God's will for marriage yes no now later okay now you say well that's too late for me to make that decision I'm already married right but then I left the last one there for you that's called effort if you're going to have a successful marriage it's going to take effort right do you realize it you have to fight for your marriage you get I'm not talking about fighting your spouse that's not what I mean all right I'm done you have to fight for you have to decide no I'm not going to quit no I'm not going to you understand that and so you have to fight that you have to fight for peace in your marriage you have to decide I'm not if they're upset at you you have to decide I'm gonna remain at peace one because Jesus gave us peace and everybody had noise in peace but if you both get out of peace that's called a storm right so you have to fight for peace you have to decide I could say something right now and man it is the perfect jab I'm not going to do it because I'm trying to maintain peace the Bible says be at peace with all men so obviously that was written to women no I'm kidding as much as be in you okay so that's why I said so it takes effort in this way number three God's will for my work your career your job what is God's will one sentence at one sentence summary about what your job your career may be okay number four God's will for my finances okay what is God's will for my finances now that would include your needs giving and the limits what limits do you set on God for your finances do you believe that God can bless you to the point let me put it this way right now you know how much money you make let's say on a weekly or a monthly basis now think about this if what you made on a let's say a monthly basis if you took that and that was your tithe how much money would you have to make for your monthly income to be a tad so another word were we doing times it by 10 now I'll give you a story real quick maybe you heard the story of RG Letourneau he started a major earth moving equipment company down here in Longview Texas years ago and he got to a point he was taught tiling as a child he tabbed all the way through school and all the way to his life actually when he died he lived on 10% of his income and he gave away 90% he lived on the tithe and gave away 90% and he and when he died he personally was a multimillionaire that means that he gave way way more than multi-millions because multi-millions was what his what his 10% that he lived off it now honestly speaking how many of you would like to make 10 times what you make right now so that you could give 90% away amen that let me tell you that's God's will for your life not but not even just that limit I'm just saying that's I'm trying to give you an idea of how God thinks God doesn't God has no limits you limit him about what you believe and then does that help so now you would write that down what are your needs in other words how much do you have to live on what are the limits and and forgiving you come up with a round number there and you multiply that by at least 10 if you want to go 100 hey the Bible says if we give or supposed to get up to 100 fold back right and that's just a journal example it didn't have to be a hundred fold could be a thousand fold but start from there right gives you something to think about number five God's will for my health okay does God want you what what do I believe what do you believe about divine healing and divine health does God want me to live in health or now think is there times when God wants you sick for a reason now I can tell you the answer is no but if you believe there are times okay now how would you know you believe that well I got sick oh god what did I do wrong got weird I mess up what are you trying to show me here I'm gonna say you got a wrong view point it should be father I sorry I must have taken my attention off your and and here The Devil's attacking me so I'm gonna face him now and I'm gonna resist it up so sickness and disease leave my life get out of my like you have no place here and ever you're not getting in my life you're not getting my health you're not getting my money to try to make me healthy amen okay number six God's will for my education there are people that go to college never even ask God if they should go to college right your your education you might even say what is God's will for my education spiritually should I go to Bible School you know should I take courses online sure what is God's will for my for me to grow mentally in in my intellect secularly and or spiritually right you have to come up with a one sentence summary of what you believe God's will for you is and number seven God's will for my social community that means what is God's will for me to interact with people how am I to interact through service usually but also friends and people that most people that serve their their church their community of whatever it is they usually do it with friends that also serve the people you hang around with will determine a lot of your everyday activity that's why it's so important that you choose your friends carefully and it's even more important that you choose your children's friends carefully right there's a lot of my kids were growing up a lot of times we did not allow our children to go to youth Church because of the both the garbage going on in there but also who was teaching it we knew their life and said now you're not going to listen to that and so they just sat in the main church service with us okay so you write out one sentence what how do you believe you're supposed to be interacting with other people both as a community even here or wherever you're at but also in serving and then at the bottom you'll see it says a date and you just fill in the date of when you fill that out now here's what you have to remember listen carefully remember next Sunday bring this with you you will be needing it you got that you got homework do it you got all week you can do one a day easy right all week bring it with you now if you don't bring it with you I'm gonna send you back home to get it they'll bring it with you all right we don't want it I don't wanna see you back there next Sunday whenever we talk about this new code if you have another one of those and you're trying to fill it out real quick no no bring it with you I don't care if it's folded I don't care just bring it with you filled out amen I'm trying to help you write this for your benefit not mine right I've already done this and so I want to give you clarity on these things amen joke anything out this this week amen all right well I'm going to now if you need ministry then we are going to minister to you those of you that do not need ministry you are free to go we bless you and we will see you again next week those you watch them by internet with bless you we say in the name of Jesus right now right now be healed and whole head-to-toe healed and whole in Jesus name matter of fact you know I got a report today ISM in its article testimony about bipolar and the fact and some other test ones that came in different areas that we've seen he's healed before and we see him healed usually progressively but we're seeing testimonies coming in now about bipolar about there was several others left remember Courtney probably Rd gave him this because I think they got hurt too but so if you've not made Jesus the Lord of your life do it now right there's no reason to wait do it now make him Lord that means you will obey Him and everything then get into the Word of God no I'm not saying you're it perfect but obviously what I can't do that because I'm not gonna obey Him and everything cuz I'm gonna make mistakes he's made provision for that and as long as you as soon as you recognize you made a mistake you turn to him and you receive the for the forgiveness you receive the cleansing you've received as we would say restoration even in the fellowship at that point you are doing part of the Covenant and therefore even though you messed up you're still perfect because you're still doing the word by doing what he said when you mess up now think about that that's a win-win amen so make Jesus Lord let us know so father we thank you right now we thank you for your word and father I thank you that the word is going forth that the people have received it and that father by your Holy Spirit you will work in them and upon them to remind them and to stay with them and to bring these things to pass in their life so that they can know that they know that they know your will for their life and know how to fulfill it in Jesus name so be it amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 28,583
Rating: 4.8763638 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: qvrtwrhaJc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 18sec (5178 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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