Guaranteed Victory

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[Music] [Music] one of the things that we try to do here on Sunday mornings is that obviously people come for healing they come from ministry we want to be able to minister to people and we do every Sunday at the same time you know we we kind of see ourselves a lot of because people come to us for healing they see us as almost like a spiritual hospital you know they come here and but they want to get physically healed so they come here and that's how they see us which is important because that's what we are at the same time we're not just a hospital but we're also a training center so the idea is not just to get you healed but to teach you train you get you to a place where you don't need healing anymore and you're free to give it away to other people and to train you how to give it away to other people now in that just like with any other area and it's amazing more and more God has been showing me how the spiritual and the natural mirror one another and usually what's going on in the natural you can see it in the spiritual also we'll be talking about that this week I believe give you some details on it for just as an example back in the from the 5th century until the 15th century was the time that was basically called the Dark Ages and the reason it was the Dark Ages was because there was no real advancement scientifically or socially we could even say to a large degree I mean there were some things that were changing but overall there were no major advancements and if you look at that same time period that's whenever the church became non spiritual so to speak and became more political and became more interested in being an organization than him being a display or a demonstration of the kingdom of God on the earth and so whenever the church went through a dark time the world went through a dark time that the world is it reflects as we would say so goes you know well as as the church goes so goes the world and even sometimes where we don't realize the impact we're having or not having nevertheless it is going on and so many times and in people's lives you know I was never interested in just teaching people religious stuff that wasn't ever the purpose of just saying let's just go to the Bible and learn religious stuff so you can do your religious thing every Sunday the idea was that in my mind was that if God said it's got to be true and if it's true it works and if it doesn't work it's probably not true and so let's find out what works according the Word of God and as we find that out then we should be walking hand-in-hand with God in what he wants to accomplish and so for me it was not just you know an idea of oh I want to be a preacher or something that was never my intention I was looking for truth and I found it started sharing it and it grew from there basically so when people come to us obviously we want to get you healed but mainly we want to get you to a place where you don't need healing and you're free to give to other people like I just said so that entails training and equipping you but just like anything else in the training and equipping during that time period you know it wouldn't it be nice if you said well I really want to learn all that God has for me and the devil goes oh whoa hey no counters back off while you go learn and I won't mess with you while you do that now wouldn't that be an awesome time wouldn't you be well you'd be learning the rest of your life you do you never come out I'm not done yet just leave me alone a little while longer I'm still so but that's not what he does matter of fact whenever you show an interest in the things of God that's usually when he goes oh no and that's whenever he pours it on to try to get you distracted to get your mind on something else so this morning I want to talk about something that that as people are growing and getting to a place where they how can I set where they don't need help that you're maintaining your life on an even keel so to speak during that time while you're learning and training and growing you also go battles and so we want this morning and I've taught not this before but I've taught something that would be kind of related to it under the title of becoming untouchable getting up to a place where the enemy cannot touch you which is a good place to be and the Bible is very clear that obviously that's where Jesus lived and he expects us to live there and he gave us the means to do it and I've already taught on that so if you want to find out about that you can actually go to the bookstore and I would assume they have it in there now this morning and this I mentioned this last week because one of the big problems that people tend to have in gaining victory or in gaining getting to that place is that they don't settle it and so I mentioned last week about just settling at some point you have to just just settle it you have to look at this and go you know what that's what it says that's the way it is this is what its gonna be and I refuse to back off of this and you dig your heels in grit your teeth and you go and you just look the devil in the face and go no more we're done the word says this and you dig in now it's one thing to say that's another thing to do it alright and and I'm not saying this it can't be done it's what has to be done and the people that you see that have great victories in their life every one of them have done this every one of them because this is the key now so this morning you know one of the the hesitancies or one of the reasons why people don't always see that is because many times our minds have not been renewed enough to the point where we could firmly establish and settle it in ourselves that I'm supposed to win I'm not supposed to get beat I'm not I'm not you know god isn't using this to try to make me a better person he's not using this to try to you know teach me something see that's that's still in all the religious teaching that's out there and because of that many times we still have those seeds in us and we think and whenever we go into the battle we start to have these sometimes hard battles and in the middle of that battle we stop and go well you know maybe maybe I'm missing symptom maybe God is trying to show me something me because that man I've hit this I've hit it and I've done it again and I've done it again and I'm just not seeing a breakthrough maybe there's something I'm missing and as soon as you say that you just moved out of faith and everything stops right then and then you look and go why didn't it working what you just stopped it because you just said why ain't it working all right and that stops it so in this morning if you listen very carefully what we're gonna say follow to the scriptures I'm gonna give you several scriptures and if you will look at this and you literally just embrace it in other words look at it and prove it out I'm not just saying take my word for it prove it out but what I want to give you is literally the scriptures that give us guaranteed victory because if you know that you have guaranteed victory then you know that all you have to do is keep going till the victory is seen but if you don't know you have guaranteed victory if you don't know it's a done deal if you don't know that God wants you to win in that situation whether that situation is a sickness whether it's a relationship whether its financial whatever it is if you don't know that the end result as far as God is concerned is your victory in it then the longer the battle goes on the more you start to waver and when you start to waver that Allah says don't let that person think they're gonna receive anything from God now it doesn't say that God's not going to give it because first off let's settle this God is not going to give you anything he has already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness now does healing pertain to life that he's already gave us healing do you give that so everything that Pirtle man says does food pertain to life yeah right okay if you don't need you're gonna die right now how many of you well don't raise your hand okay but how many no food isn't free food it cost money is that right so if food cost money then and God has given us everything that pertains to life and godless then he has given us in as far as he is concerned the finances we need to survive but God is even bigger than that and he has made it a way to where we can also help others survive amen it's not enough for just us for no more you can't think that way why because that's selfish thinking and selfish thinking isn't blessed thinking are you with me so far right so all I'm saying is that God is not going to give he has given he has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places right you say well that spiritual blessings that's not physical blessings okay everything is spiritual be cooked before it becomes physical right you have to receive the spiritual blessing of healing before you will ever receive the physical blessing of healing why because healing is a spiritual blessing that manifest in the physical are you with me so far all right all right now so I want to talk about guaranteed victory because if you can settle this in yourself that you're supposed to win that whatever battle you're going through you're supposed to have victory in it then you know that all you have to do is whenever that things look like they're really tough all you have to do is stand haven't even know there's verses that actually tell us that having done all to stand stand and now what it says stand there for right over and over over and over again he says stand stand stand and so many times the best thing you can do in a fight is just stand your ground that's when he says give no place to the devil right that give no place that ever the word placers topos where we get the word topography or ground give no ground don't give an inch don't you dig in your heels and you don't back up an inch right you you you you create you have and create a solid front against the enemy and you tell him no more this is it right you ever notice when it talks about God being our hiding place you ever noticed what kind of hiding place it always mentions he is my fortress my strong tower he's my strong fortress you ever hear that you ever notice fortresses are solid they don't move right you never see a fortress on wheels alright I mean they're built there there why because they are there to guard the kingdom right and those fortresses are solid they are built to be impenetrable they were built to withstand any type of attacks and that's what God is God doesn't does not say hey listen run back retreat into me he never says that he says run into me why because he's your strong tower but he never says retreat into me too often we think of retreating into God no we don't retreat most of you have not got on the battlefield to the frontlines and let me tell you where do you build outpost where do you build fortresses on the on the outer edges of the kingdom why to guard the kingdom territory amen say they didn't put the Great Wall of China in the middle of Peking or Beijing as it's now right where did they do it they put it as far out as they could to keep the enemy as far away as they can to keep the enemy at bay right well guess what God does he does not say retreat back and him he builds his fortress and his fortress is a great wall around the kingdom and he is that fortress that we are in do you give that so there's nowhere for us to retreat to we're in the fortress on the frontlines do you that I'm trying to give you the visual picture so now let me give you the scriptures and these scriptures I want you let's just go through several of them number one the first one new revelation out of the book of the revelation chapter 12 verse 11 and this is going to tell you not not just guaranteeing your victory but I'm going to tell you how to get the victory and what to do to guaranteed right first off you have to know that victory is guaranteed then you have to know what you have to do to guarantee the victory that's guaranteed right because as they would say in every who was it Wayne Gretzky I think it says he said that you know you miss every shot you don't take right there's been several different people that said something along the same lines every everything that you don't shoot for you're guaranteed to miss right so you have to first even though something can be guaranteed okay let's put it this way you ever see a boxing match or a fight or a game or anything along those lines that is fixed over here oh man that that fight was fixed you see that man he just tapped him he went down that was fixed right guess what it might be fixed but both the guys still had to show up they still had to get in the ring you get that because if you don't get in the ring the fight can't even be fixed right you just forfeit and that's the problem most Christians see we have to realize our fights are fixed but they don't even show up for the for the fight they don't even get in the ring and so they forfeit a fight that was fixed in your favor think about that right our fights are already fixed in our favor we are guaranteed to win why because Jesus is already won now think about this we are we have a more a more sure word of prophecy the Bible says then even the Old Testament Saints head why because they were still looking his coming it might not have happened as far as they were concerned that they were sure it was gonna happen but until it happened nobody was sure it was going to happen I mean cuz it was always that possibility and we say well it's God there was no possibility okay yeah that's big talk now but but living back then they would have been different right but the thing is we're not living back then we're living now on this side see they were living before the victory we're living after the victory do you give that so we need to fight from that position and understand that the victory has already been won and Jesus has it's not even a question this is done you give that that's how solid this is okay Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 and they overcame him the enemy Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony now that's not all of it but I'm gonna stop there for a second notice how did they overcome by the blood of the Lamb what God did and by the word of their testimony what they did you give that there's two parts this idea that well God did it all and there's nothing for us to do that is not true you do not find that anywhere in the Bible there is a part for you to play there is a part for you to do people say well no God did it all okay then why isn't everybody healed why and everybody free why didn't everybody prospering why didn't it wasn't everything that God has given to us why aren't we realizing that Wow because there is a part he did there's a part we do right okay no and this last part and notice they overcome by the blood of the Lamb what Jesus did he poured out his blood and by the word of their testimony so now it is the word of your testimony that enables you to overcome which means the word of your testimony is going to be a word spoken in faith and so you're going to figure out what the word of your testimony is and the word well I'll have a great testimony once I'm healed well the word of your testimony is what you're saying right now not what you're going to have right so whenever you talk about the word of your test what is the word of your testimony by His stripes I was healed do you that that's the word of your testimony when you have that is the word of your testimony then guess what the blood of the Lamb backs that up and causes you to be healed God is not healing you right at that point you are receiving that healing and at that point you begin to function in that healing but God has already poured it out pushed it towards you done everything he can do and said okay what have you got to say about that because what you've got to say about it is the word of your testimony right I could give you so many stories of different people some I know personally some I've heard over years but I've verified mainly by hearing from different people that were around but there was a one young lady that I met when I was on Sid Roth's television program and it was her testimony was amazing she you would not believe this this young woman she was physically I mean there was no hope for her and she was in a wheelchair at that time and when I'm there she wasn't she was already healed and up you could never tell anything was ever wrong with her but for a number of year I'm coming with the exact number a year if I'm talking about years and years she was in this situation a matter of fact I believe she was born this way and then yeah and yeah I believe it was yeah I'll try to get the it's actually on a disk on a DVD that I have I'll try show it sometime on some Sunday morning where she gives her testimony that uh she wasn't born this way and she's her parents were Christian they went to church she started hearing the you know about healing and started praying Jesus why don't you heal me you healed other people you healed this blind guy he'll this guy's to pull up attested you healed this / what you heal me and so God started talking to her and started just she was just communion with God and finally he she actually said I knew whenever Jesus spoke to me and told me that I was already healed and she said I believe you and she started telling everybody I'm healed I'm healed I'm healed and never even at her church and her church believed in healing and her church started said listen and they say is he making her testimony she'd raise her hand and they say yeah what you tell me I'm healed Jesus has healed me and I'm so thankful and I just wanna praise God and she was sitting there in a wheelchair and after a while they'd say who's God says when she raised her hand and if anybody at all is there anybody here and they they just stopped calling on her and she did this literally month after month after month and she would speak up and tell him I've got one right here and she and she would sit and finally the pastor pulled aside one time see listen don't don't do that don't do that yeah that's it's not true you're in denial right and so she said it's not gonna Jesus told me that he healed me and so she went on with this and then finally one day she's sitting in her wheelchair sitting in the house and and in a room all by herself and she said she was talking talking the Lord and she said well you know everybody thinks I'm crazy because I know you've healed me but it really thinks I'm crazy because I keep telling buddy you've healed me and she said you're not getting any glory out of my testimony and she said Jesus appeared in front of her and he said all you got to do is get up and she reached out her hand to him he reached out his hand he wasn't reaching out his hand lay hands on her he because she reached out to him then he reached out to her and took her other hand and lifted her out of the wheelchair and from that time on she was completely healed but now think about that she did not stop giving her testimony when the pastor said well you're in denial no he was denying the power of God not her amen what is the word of your testimony what the word of your testimony is not what God's gonna do the word of your testimony is what he has done amen what do you see it let me ask you this do you believe this only whenever do you believe that Jesus died for your sins when you received him or did you receive him when you finally believed that he died for your sins say he died for your sins that's a truth whether you ever accept it or not but once you accept it now you get the benefit of it but you have to accept it first well guess why it was true way before you accepted it he died 2,000 years ago for you and there right and now you received him you know at some point in your life but you have to realize it was already a done deal even before them but you still had to do your part and accept it amen so there is that part but we have to realize it's true what do you believe it or not it's still true and the thing is once you believe this is true no matter what that's when it starts working in your life so and then the last part of this is well it says they overcame them about the blood of the Lamb the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death now that doesn't sound like a healing scripture here because it 11 not their lives under the death but literally you could even say what they're saying is that they didn't even take knowledge or take account of consideration of their body no matter what right now mark 9:23 still talking about guaranteed victory jesus said unto him if you can believe a couple of things are possible a few things some things say all things if you can believe all things are possible to him that believes now you have to drill that in because we are constantly inundated with doubt and unbelief and you know as we were talking about stalking to people this weekend even about the program's the fact that they call television programs programs one of they call programs because their programming you that's why they're calling programs there it's what else would they call them a program that's not a program they're programs because they are programming you to think a certain way in the matter of fact now according to a news source that's a legitimate news source that's not fake news it's real news according as a legitimate news source they actually now the UK has established a department basically that is over their television programming and that they are issuing directives and issuing some things that are basically telling all of the television networks that you will start including material that will make that that will make heterosexual lifestyle not the normal you get heterosexual right in other word what they're saying is what they're saying is the LGBT all of that now has to be included in every program because they are constant the idea is if they keep putting in every program people will see it as the norm and it will become the norm and there's and it's not just them saying we want to include say it used to be the thing well we want to include everybody they're not saying that they're saying we are combating the heterosexual normative culture and words we're going against heterosexuality as being normal that's what they're fighting against right you get that now so now there is no doubt at all that I mean there's there's me you can't even argue any type of doubt that that this is that they're not trying to program the viewers and one of the faster ways to do it is to put it in comedies because if they get you laughing you let down your guard that's a psychological fact and so that is the direction of television that the UK now is open about it whereas Hollywood is not so much open as saying why they're doing it they're openly doing it they're just not open about why they're doing it right so if you think you're just watching that and no it's just that's just the way it is no it's not there is there's a purpose there's a thing behind it to try to program the next generation right so now all things are possible to him that believes so you got to settle that in yourself this is a done deal all things are possible victory every victory is possible if you believe amen Philippians chapter 2 verse 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow how many knees every knee at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth that pretty much covers everywhere right and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father now notice it says that at the name of Jesus every knee you give that of things in heaven on earth and under the earth that means physical spiritual it means every aspect that in any way interacts with humanity everything has to bow its knee to the name of Jesus and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord that it does not that every person is going to get saved see that's people how people have read that oh right they're their everything everybody's gonna confess Jesus is Lord no no no it's talking about things under yeah that things in heaven things on earth things under earth so there are things under earth that are going to have to confess that Jesus is Lord and even confessing Jesus as Lord doesn't get them saved there are some things there are some beings that can never be saved you that and they're still going to confess Jesus as Lord why because he is Lord whether he's your Lord or not is up to you right but he's going to be Lord and you're either going to serve Him willingly or by force at some point in the future you give that and so whenever it says no what does that mean he didn't say well you know we're gonna coexist and we're gonna live you know amicably with one another and those that believe that Jesus is Lord and they make him Lord they're gonna live this way and the people that don't well you know we're just not not gonna live blessed lives see that's not what he said he said I'm giving you time I'm giving everything time to decide that Jesus is their Lord and to willingly bow their knee now if they do not willingly bow their knee at some point their knees will be bowed for them that makes sense you know I don't know how they're going to do it necessary maybe it's gonna be some angel standing behind them putting his foot in their knee and making them go to the knee I don't know right but whatever it is every knee is going to bow you get that that that means and there's not one knee that's not going about so if you're smart it's easier to do it willingly than to have an angel put his foot in the back your knee and drop it down don't go that route right so what does that mean now if every every thing has to confess Jesus Lord to the glory of God if every knee has to bow what does that mean that means every battle every enemy of God is going to be defeated is that right that means that okay now sickness and disease those are enemies of God guess what man has beaten some of those things and if man can do it how much more can God do it right and so now we have to realize that sickness and disease is an enemy of God and it's knee has to bow at the name of Jesus you know I've said this many times before backgrounds in martial arts you know we were always looking for that technique that worked every time and that one thing and we were always trying to strip away and narrow it down and you know get it get it well mention toward here and a few minutes anyway but we got it down to about eight things roughly that could handle any situation and the beauty of it is we're always trying to strip away more and more and going okay how about that if we change this how would that work would that handle more situations because the fewer things you could do that handle more situations the more time you had to practice those few things and the better you got at it so that no matter what you'd be able to do those things right there are certain every fighter is known for a certain technique or a certain way of doing things no Ali had his rope-a-dope you know idea everybody had a different a technique and once you master that technique the amazing thing is if you know what you can do you will always be able to maneuver yourself into a position to do it right it's like I said before you know you take the guy that his one goal is to bite your nose off you may beat him to a bloody pulp but he's probably going to get your nose what because that's what he's going after you know what that's called that's called being single-minded all right that gives you a whole new idea then it gives you a whole new visual I'm sure that I'm sure Jesus included this in his sermon about being single-minded I'm sure he was and when that guy is going after your nose he's going to get I'm sure Jesus talked that said that exact same example so but now and so the point is is that you you learn something well enough to use it under any circumstances and if you don't know something well enough to use under any circumstances you don't know it well enough to use it under any circumstance say why because you can't use it because you think about it it has to come out of you it has to be like sound and echo it has to automatically be there you can't think about it so whenever we use when we talk here in Philippians and we say that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow so you can't sit you can't when you go into the battle when you have something going on you can't go back whoever Neil Bell every Neil Bell every knee but if I father I think every knee will bow every I'm trying to believe it I'm trying to convince myself extrude no it's already got to be there that when that thing hits you the first thing comes out of your mouth you go in the name in the name of Jesus you will bow your knee and you can't just say it and go and I really hope you do yeah no Devils don't respond to that right you have to speak with the authority of conviction that you know that this thing can't say no amen so once you get that once you realize if I use that name soon and that's the beauty that's what the whole point I'm trying to get to is that in martial arts we were I was trying to find the fewest techniques that worked against everything well guess what in Christianity we have that it's called the name of Jesus one technique that works every time what I use the name and it didn't work well that's because you have to have faith in it and the problem is now you haven't you have not developed faith in the name of Jesus right you might have developed faith in the name of Jesus to get yourself saved but you have to develop faith in the name of Jesus and everything he's here he says every knee will bow do you give that that name you use that name everything stops you remember pod I've mentioned this before the Apostle Paul he's going through all this stuff they're beating him whipping him all this kind of stuff and now all of a sudden he goes that I appealed a Caesar and they're like we'll do what you know and he said I appeal to Caesar guess what as soon as he appealed to Caesar all the beatings stopped instantly what because now he has mentioned a name that was above the name of all those people that were beating him and they realized he had a right to appeal to that name and they had to stop legally they had to stop or they would have been punishable to the same degree you get that they imagine it imagine if you see think about this here's the Apostle Paul who wrote Philippians 2 about the name of Jesus and here the Apostle Paul invokes the name of Caesar why because he knew as soon as he used that name everything would stop now imagine if you had that kind of faith in the name of Jesus that the minute you say that name everything stops every bit of the attack stops what because at that name every knee must bow you give that it says it demons tremble at the sound of that name you give that nothing bad okay let's say they didn't stop let's say they just trembled well I'd rather be hit by somebody trembling than somebody that is not trembling amen but these demons they tremble see we have power that we have never realized that we have never moved into that we've never taken the benefit of because we live so much in the natural world and we don't see how invoking a name can make a difference but I can tell you you walk into some business of boardrooms and you use the last name gates as in bill gates that name means something in certain areas right you sue you know so well even like an apple the name Steve Jobs the word that name meant something right now with President Trump the name Trump he's guy's name on all kinds of stuff you go in certain boardrooms that name means something there are people who their names mean something because of things that they have achieved or accomplished and whenever that you use that name everything changes right that's one of the things I'm really amazed because generally you know I'll dress down I like combat boots you know I wear cargo pants and no casual shirts that kinda thing and my wife and I will go somewhere like maybe to a restaurant or something and it's amazing I can dress like this or I can dress like that and it's amazing how you're treated different it's amazing how they wait on you different based on how you dress well that's their problem because I tip good my wife has told them that before so oh you missed it on that one he's a good dipper right and and better but I typic at tip according to the service but I don't tell him I head of time hey treat me good I tipped good I don't do that well no come on cuz I want to get them I want I want to see what service they're gonna provide right but and so and it's amazing because they treat me how they see me and they'll treat you how they see you a lot of times based on how you dress and and it's amazing because if they knew the story Sam Walton you couldn't tell he was a multi-millionaire we drove around old pickup truck you know I always wearing pair of overalls and I mean you couldn't tell but he could walk into any store and buy the entire thing right now how do you think people treated him before they knew who he was and whenever they when he was probably checking out somewhere they said what ok now who do I you know write the bill of sale to Sam Walton you know at that point the proko oh did you see our premium line over here of this thing yeah because I was just trying to sell you the bottom line cuz you look like you ain't got no money what that's how people treat that's how the world does and then well guess what that's how this the spiritual world does too because you walk in there and that devil looks at you and goes yeah ok ain't nothing I can handle him I was around eons before he ever showed up but then you walk in and go he don't understand what family I'm with my family name is Jesus when you say that that demons got oh ok and they start back in a wine oh Jesus excuse me what because that's what I got to do at the name of Jesus every knee has to bow do you get that when you get that in you you'll walk different talk I'm not talking you're gonna walk around arrogant I'm not talking about that I'm saying you will walk without fear you will walk with certainty you'll know that what guy is providing what he said is real and true and you know that there's not a demon in hell strong enough to stop you hopefully not even to slow you down and he definitely can't put anything on you amen because the last thing you want to do let me tell you last thing you want to do to someone who has power is treat their kids bad you don't want to do that amen you want to treat the kid like you treat the parent why because the parent can make your life miserable if they have enough power believe me your parent has enough power to make demons miserable amen yeah you know we're talking about the spiritual warfare aspect too but I'll give you some more quick verses here first John chapter 5 verse 4 for whatsoever is born of God okay is there anybody here born of God okay then it's talking about you right say just talking about me okay now say it like you mean it there you go all right for whatsoever is born of God over comes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith you hear that even our faith the faith is the victory so if you got faith if you're if you're if you're born of God then you overcome the world how do you do it by faith how'd you get born of God by faith so if you have faith guess what if you have faith okay let me read this again and this is the victory now let's jump ahead even our faith so what's the victory our faith so if you got faith you got the victory do you get that if you got faith you don't you're not going to get the victory you hear I'm saying if you got faith you're not going to get the victory if you got faith you got the victory you get that the victory is a done deal if you got faith as long as you got faith you got victory now if you quit having faith you don't have victory so it's really easy to tell where somebody is and if they got faith or not because they got the victory they got faith if you got faith you got the victory it's the same thing why because it's the faith the victory is our faith the victory that overcomes what is our faith so if I have faith I got victory amen so if you got victory you ought to be talking like you got victory not acting like you're defeated if you got faith and if you talk listen if you talk defeated you don't have faith because if you talk defeated you're not gonna have the victory I know it sounds like circular reasoning I get it but that's because it is right and it says it's a closed circuit all right so you have to decide listen the victory is our faith I have faith so I had the victory as long as I got faith got the victory if I get rid of my faith I get rid of my victory so what's important faith amen now second Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 now thanks be unto God which sometimes causes us Frazer which always causes us to triumph in Christ you hear that not in yourself not in your own strength not in your own plans not in your own intelligence but which always causes us to Trump in Christ that's why Paul said when I'm weak then I'm strong why because when I'm weak I realize I can't do it myself and I rely on Christ and I go back to cry I can't even save myself I rely on Christ to save me right so here he says thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ now always means always so what does that mean that means guaranteed victory but all you have to do is show up with faith right so you so the victory is guaranteed now watch he goes on he says and makes manifest the savour the taste we would say her the flavor right of his knowledge by us in every place now notice what this victory this triumph that you always have notice what it's supposed to do it's supposed to produce and manifest the glory of God by him giving you victory you get that your triumph is to manifest his glory say so if you say well yeah but you don't know you don't know me and I don't deserve to be delivered I don't deserve to be healed I don't deserve ain't got nothing to do with you what you deserve it's got to do with him getting glory he gets glory when he delivers you so be delivered what if you want to bring God glory don't bring God glory by well I'm just suffering today I'm suffering I'm not complaining about it I'm just suffering this and no you're not bringing God glory by suffering without complaining you're deaf and I bring God glory by suffering with complaining right use you you bring God glory when you overcome the suffering by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony which is by His stripes I'm healed yeah but how do you feel now what in the world has that got to do with anything what does it got to do with how I feel well you know I just want to know how you feel why do you want to know how I feel what do you care about how I feel what what matter what you ought to be saying is well what do you believe because what believe what you believe is what counts because what you believe is what you're gonna have how you feel can change right we can have you laugh in one minute and crown another minute your feelings change with it right but what you believe will determine how you live or die we could even say right so in Revelation chapter 2 verse 7 he that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says under the churches to him that overcomes notice not to him the ghost of the battle not through him that suffers through to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God to him that overcometh all the blessings all the promises are to him that overcomes right not to him that that goes so battle but tinit overcomes revelation 2:17 he that has an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna and we'll give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knows saving he that receiveth so who's going to get the white stone in the new name him that overcomes you say well what's the benefit of the white stone and a new name and all that don't know don't care all I know is you got to overcome to get it okay we could go in and we could set it out we could show you what you don't have time today right but the bottom line is even to get a white stone and a new name you got to overcome right right I mean you know not to mention you know that mansion and glory and all that kind of stuff now I mean come on this it's it's you got to overcome just to get a white stone right with your name in it so you know yeah if you're going to overcome to get that you got over going to get everything right Revelation chapter 3 verse 21 to him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and a.m. set down with my father in his throne and look what he says even as I also overcame how did Jesus overcome you say well he didn't overcome you know because you look at from the world's view they thought he lost what he was crucified he was whipped he was beaten he went through all this stuff well if that's how you gauge overcoming then Paul overcame also right because why because Paul went through those same things he went through shipwreck and what do beatings stonings everything he went to all this stuff but it's not that he went through these things that caused him to overcome it said he went through the singer last week what are you going to or are you just going through know that it wasn't you know listen it wasn't the fact that Jesus went through these things it wasn't the fact that Paul went to the is that they went through them without breaking without wavering without giving up without quitting to overcome does not mean always that you're going to march through it without a scratch or without anything going on it means you come through the other side without denying Christ without giving up without backing off without being broken amen because the enemy's plan is to break you the enemy's plan is to is to train you mentally to think like the elephant that's tied to the stake in the ground you always heard the story about that and and to where you think what we can't do that and see that's the biggest problem in Christianity one of them is the fact that even those that believe in the new creation all you think it does is get you into heaven let me tell you the world has never been moved by a person whose greatest goal is to leave Earth and get into heaven the earth is moved by people who believe the Word of God and are actually believing God's Word enough to where they act on his word to change things here right or is William Booth once said no one ever built a statue to a man who left well enough alone right you don't see it well what did he do well nothing much but he never caused any trouble so we built a statue to him no they don't know statue people they build statues too before they were heroes usually they were rebels of some sort they were something that people put down and they were hated and despised before they ever had flags waved in their name and just like Jesus right so now in where we at yep next one that was Revelation chapter 3 verse 21 the next one Galatians chapter 6 verse 8 for he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that sews to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life ever lasting and that's a statement that shows what you do matters your that well you know it doesn't matter what we do doesn't matter this God's gonna know right there he says you sow to the flesh you reap destruction you so does the Spirit you will reap life everlasting you decide it's exactly what God told her in Deuteronomy 30 behold I put before you life and death cursing and blessing you choose you choose God doesn't choose it for you you choose it amen then he says look at verse 9 and this is the main point I want to get to and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not now what does that mean if you faint see too many people go through all these things that make them weary and the problem is when they get weary they faint and then they've just gone through the problem for nothing because they don't reap because they fainted you give that so but and that's what people do is they go through all the problems and as they get ride near to the end they get weary and they faint and they quit and then they don't reap and then they try and go see that stuff didn't work you know it works you just didn't go far enough you know that's like running a 440 race but you only run 100 yards and you go I'll just see no no nobody can win this no somebody does whoever finishes see it's not how you start it's how you finish the key is you got to finish if you don't finish you faint and if you faint you don't reap so you got to finish to reap so if you haven't if you're not reaping guess what you ain't finished that makes sense easy but you don't understand the that the fires are too hot it's too tough the the problems are too big no no nobody's you're not going through anything anybody else hadn't gone through so keep going don't stop like we said last week if you're going through hell don't stop because you'll just stop in the middle of hell don't stop in the middle of hell keep on going right don't get weary and even if you do get weary don't faint amen and if you don't faint you shall reap you get you see see this is sometimes the difference that want people come to me it's because they don't see that they see this as words on a page this is not words on a page this is a voice of God this is what he said it's what and his voice is eternal his word is eternal if you if you were to step into heaven right now these words would be there eternally written in heaven you get that this is the way it is that's the difference between me and somebody that doesn't reap the benefit of walking in the Word of God what they don't see that as a done deal listen I will die before I deny anyone of these words what because if it's in the Bible it's true whether I like it or not whether I want to walk it or not it's true and and the one of the things that how we raised our kids listen I haven't always walked a chord in the Word of God there's a lot of times I've messed up a lot of times I get mad and you get mad at God sometimes that's how I'm just sitting down I'm not doing nothing you know I've had that have my kids have seen it especially when they were growing up you know I was up and down and all this kind of stuff but I always heard him this this is the one thing this isn't flattering at all in my on my part but I've always told them whenever they they see me up they saw me down and when they saw me down and I'd say you know what regardless of what you see right now this word is true I'm just not living it I never told him well you know God didn't really mean that I never tried to make it easier on myself and try to make it sound like I was okay when I wasn't I always told him listen God's Word is true this this is the way it is and when he says if you don't faint you will reap and bless God guess what if you don't faint you will reap and if you don't reap is because you've fainted it's not because God said oh I'm not going to give it to you no guys not making that choice you're making that choice by whether you faint or whether you don't you got that just the problem is and we're seeing it more and more we're seeing it in the physical but the spiritual problem right now across America not just America but literally the world we're seeing it more and more is that people do not have the grit that they had 30 years ago 40 years ago 50 100 years ago they don't have the grit why because most of life has become so easy and we're so used to the shortcuts the hacks the the you know microwave mentality that if it doesn't happen in 30 seconds that I'll go do something else and we don't have the grit to stick it out and let me tell you you know the reason let me just be real blunt the reason world war two only lasted for years well actually literally even less than that for Americans you know the war was going on from 1939 right when it started September 1st 1939 everybody is involved in it except America we were neutral we didn't get involved right when America got involved in December of 1941 going into 42 and the war was over by May of 1945 at least the European aspect of it do you know why that's only three and a half years two and a half years roughly three years think about that the world was at war for six years America was at war for three why because when we jumped in we had the grit and the guts to win you want to know why we've been in Afghanistan twelve years because we the American people don't have the backbone to win a war we tried to keep everybody happy with us and you don't win wars by keeping everybody happy and you have to have the guts and the grit to be able to go in there and say we will win this thing and when you do when you win it fast you save lives you may have bigger numbers in the battles but you save lives in the end right just like with Japan when we had nuclear bombs there those things yeah there were big numbers there but we also saved lives by ending the war much faster than it would have went on and the problem is now most people Americans included of course don't have the grit to just grind it out and to keep on doing and the ones that do are the ones we look at and go wow they are really lucky and it wasn't luck that got them there it was the fact that they had the grit and the guts to grind it out that's called discipline and the fact the bad part about this is even Christians don't have that discipline and the ones that don't have it are always having to go to the ones that do have it to get help that's the way it works and whenever in reality every one of us should not need help we should be the purveyors of help we're supposed to be the light not have to be drawn to a light does that make sense all right let me finish up here he says let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them core of the household of faith especially proverbs 24 verse 10 proverbs 24 verse 10 if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small if you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small now try somehow to correlate that with the scriptures that tell us the Lord is my strength so if you put those together what you're saying is if you faint in the day of adversity your God is small and that's why people quit because I think that God's arm has been shortened and he cannot deliver he can't help and so they faint people faint they lose when they have no vision when they have no purpose when they have no reason to believe that God is going to help them so finally okay give you a quote I like to give you a quote you never thought you'd hear in church alright so I'm gonna give you one here's here's a quote here's here's what this man said and I'll tell you who he hasn't been you might be able to guess if I come I finish saying it I do not fear the man that knows ten thousand techniques I fear the man that has practiced one technique ten thousand times you may know who said that Bruce Lee yeah there you go you got it okay he also said it's not a daily increase but a daily decrease stripping away the non-essentials to get to the heart to win the fight they look at the people who whose lives depend on their skills to live right they they're not fancy you will never see a Navy SEAL doing a jump spinning back-kick okay number one he's wearing way too much equipment number two he doesn't need to that's what he's got that in for for okay it's much faster more potent right but guess what he knows his craft most Christians don't know their craft they don't know how to win battles and the number one way to win battle number one focus number two discipline don't faint don't quit keep chipping away keep going until you get to where you're going what what's that called that's called faith faith doesn't quit until it gets what it came for amen now so as Christians I got to throw this in here is the last thing I promised you do not need to constantly chase a new add-on right what you need to do is to be able to simply focus on the truth and do it every day right you know it's amazing every year people join gyms you know December 31st January 1st and they never go and the thing is or if they do go they go in there and man they do a full body workout five times a week for the first two weeks you know and by the third day they can't even move because they're so sore I mean you know it hurts for them to blink their eyes I'm saying I mean they just can't move and they go I can't do this and because of that they don't go back for a month if they go back at all and it's not doing the full body workout every day like that it's doing a little bit every day and that every that little bit every day that consistency is what causes change it's the same thing in mine renewal it's not whenever you jump in and you go to the seminar and you come out and go alright for the next you know two weeks I'm gonna for eight hours a day I want to quote scripture yeah and a month later don't be doing anything it's just it's the same principle of cramming for a test in school when you cram them for a test you might pass that test but a month from then you won't even be able to remember the information what counts is you study every day a little bit at a time and you keep building and the cumulative effect is what does good and it's the same thing every day you keep going every day just a little bit every day it's not perfection it's progress its movement toward improvement amen you don't look at it and go well if I'm not fit by next week then I know this Fitness stuff is all garbage and I'm not going to do it no that's you might as well just not even try the key is a little bit every day and you don't stop they meant think if you think about that's that's honestly - that's the way God does things and it's way DEP the devil does things why one of the devil try to do he tries to get you to violate your conscience a little bit every day he tries to get you to lower your standards a little bit every day well you know they've only cussed they've only showed a little bit of nudity you know like twice in this show I mean oh if they if they keep it down see they didn't the way it used to be even for you you would think oh as soon as I see something I'm gonna turn it off yeah so okay now I have a limit of three okay now and before long would be a limit of five and pretty soon it's through the whole show and you're sitting there still laughing or whatever it is it causes you to do what because habits first you make the habit and then the habit makes you right and the real key is that habits what you do every day every time you do something it makes it easier to do it the next time and that's why it's good not to break boundaries right and that's what the enemy is trying to do is he's trying to break every boundary in society because he knows that most Christians live in society and they visit being a Christian so we have to decide I will not break these boundaries amen the Bible says those that did these things and those that this is the people that were guilty those that did them and those that took pleasure in those that did them that pretty much is anybody sitting in front of a television so if you're watching it it's just like you're doing it because your spirit can't tell the difference if you're watching or doing think about that I mean y'all get anything out of this today all right well you know we are excited about this week we're looking forward to it now if you do need ministry we will be glad to minister to you as I've already said please fill out the card have it ready and then we will where asked you to come forward and we'll line you up up here and then we will minister to you and set you free in the name of Jesus which means every knee has to bow and then that means guaranteed victory I mean we ain't trying right it's like John Lakes won seven times it's not try it's trust or in the words of Yoda there is no try there's just do or do not there is no try well we don't try we do amen all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 63,121
Rating: 4.861702 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: raNYWq0Y1Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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