Magic Johnson on Advice for Caitlin Clark, Inventing the High Five & Kobe Bryant vs Michael Jordan

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our first guest tonight is the biggest figure in the history of LA Sports he has five titles with the Lakers he co-own the Sparks the lafc and the Los Angeles Dodgers 2 here on night one of the NBA Finals the Hall of Famer the legend Irvin Magic Johnson [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very good to see you you look great you look especially good tonight I don't know what it is I don't know maybe it's some weight I dropped or something I see I see the suit's good too suits oh very good everything's good in your life everything's good what about these Celtics are you rooting I assume you're rooting for the Mavericks just because you're rooting against the Celtics I'm a Laker huh yeah you know I still have flashbacks with Larry wearing the little hot pants we used to wear everything so and also it's his start because it's 17 to 17 right 17 tit for the Celtics 17 for the Lakers we want to wanted to stay tied right now until we get 18 right that would be ideal yes but it's going to be a great finals though does Larry even care about the Celtics anymore or is he all Pacers now all Pacers man he don't care about the Celtics I knew he didn't care about he live in Indiana mhm he work works for the Pacers so he probably was upset when the paper Pacers lost but uh would you go so far as to say he dislikes the Celtics now um I don't know if he dislikes them let's say he does yes I'm just looking to start trouble for Laker fans right there's a Larry Bird Museum now in Indiana Were you invited to the opening it opened last month I was invited and uh but I sent a video oh you didn't go no I didn't go to congratulate of course uh-huh and then I'm still waiting on mine yeah yeah where is the Magic Johnson Museum I don't I don't know maybe it' be in Michigan or here in LA but uh or maybe two museums you got to have two like be one ahead of Larry yes always have all your stuff on display anywhere in my house I have yeah I have a uh incredible Sports room with all the five Tiffany trophies that we won as as a player wow and then I have all the ownership troph trophies that we won the World Series trophy from the Dodgers LA Sparks Trophy and uh then we just won lafc too as well and would cookie like to get those things out of the house well of course you know I had to make room cuz all the shopping cookie does m you know I had to move some of the dresses and shoes out the way so I make room for my trophies maybe there needs to be a cookie Museum also dresses it's already there you know I have um I have your shorts framed on the wall of my house and I was thinking maybe and this is you know up to you if you would like a pair of my shorts I would I have gladly have them framed for you to put in your uh your wing you know I got a behind back here it didn't seem like it from the shorts but I only you can only see the front of the shorts I don't think I can fit in your shorts oh you don't have to wear them I just want you to put them on the wall oh yeah yeah got it you going to sign them of course I will sign it be worth some money then put my number on them and everything you um I can't even get in the shorts we used to wear is you be tried come on man come on man them were super hot pants oh yeah they were they were can you imagine trying to wear them shorts today I never mind imagine let's get those off my wall at my house and sneak you into those things but the last time I was here when you had that fur that I used to wear back in right that's right that the funniest segment have you worn that since no not since we made you a beautiful fur coat oh nice now I know now I know what it feels like and everybody you know how many calls I got after that show from who from everybody around the world it was the funniest bit that they've ever seen on TV everybody kept saying it because it was great let me ask you about these uh WNBA players Angel ree Caitlyn Clark who many are saying are the Larry Bird and Magic Johnson of the WNBA do you like that when you hear that I like it and they are were you treated as roughly as they have been treated when you were a rookie of course you were of course just cheap shots yes veterans are are going to test you right and if they feel that you've gotten more money or more publicity you know they they're upset about that so uh when I came my first uh training camp first day of practice Ron Boone I was looking up to get the rebound he came and hit me real hard behind my neck one of your own teammates my own teammate and uh he said take that rookie oh so I said okay so I got up and about three plays later he was looking up to box me out M so I ran as fast as I could and I hit him bam right behind his neck you did really hard really and he fell to the floor and I told him I said don't forget I'm tough I'm rough if you want to play like that we can play like that and all the Laker players came ranning up to me and hugged me said we like you they did because I couldn't let him get away with that of course not now Caitlyn her teammates got to come to her defense sure you can't allow her to have to fight every battle right right uh but we have have to understand that both Caitlyn Angel and Brink who plays for my Sparks they made the WNBA better and um they're going to be tested by these incredible women who been in the league for a long time Caitlyn is the most popular WNBA player but she's not the best at this time just like Larry and I were not the best when we entered the league we became the best later on by our play Caitlyn still has to play great to become the best WNBA player you uh when after your rookie year I think and correct me if I have any of this wrong you got a 25e $25 million contract which seemed like a crazy amount of money at the time now it's like it's basically what you spend on lunch right but it was a lot of money and the other players other Lakers were not happy about it right no they were not happy because that was more money than anybody had ever received you think it would make them happy because they would see that there's potential for them to get more money no no no they didn't see it that way even though it worked out like that right right see players don't see the the long term it's all about the short term so what Larry and I did for the NBA to this day guys are capitalizing on sure yeah they are right right so now they making 50 million a year mhm but but remember the league championship games like tonight was on tape delay when I came in it's crazy and Larry and I changed that the finals were on taped delay I won the game the championship in Philadelphia went to the hotel and watch the game over again a't that crazy and then also Dr Jerry bus who owned the team really loved you I mean Beyond you being his most popular play and best player he absolutely loved you to the point where he would like give you other stuff right yeah I mean Dr bus first he he was my mentor I wouldn't be C the businessman that I turned out to be it was a direct result of Dr Jerry bus okay and let let me give Caitlyn some advice okay go ahead yeah call Larry Bird really yeah call Larry Bird ask him for advice oh because you think about why not call you well she can call me oh what does he know I mean Indiana he's already there oh and I think that he could give her great advice on how to handle these situation because he went through it himself so it would be a perfect sit a situation he already lived there living grew up in Indiana on and on and on I think it would be great do you think a person with a mustach like that should be giving anyone advice about it might have a point Johnson is here we'll be right [Music] back I'm the Magic Man With the mightest touch got to play the right way to keep them moving up it seem to life cost more St but drugs in the I can't afford the pay [Music] yes just say time Waker saying no to drugs how did that happen you always get me man there's magic I for the we could go on for another 30 years and we have a video every single time you come I see that oh that was terrible how many of the guys were actually on drugs while shooting me say no to drugs video well on that team no nobody nobody the teams before us a lot okay um you uh boy this is a crazy thing I uh was reading a story um that said you invented the high five that's right is that true cuz I heard that Dusty Baker and Glen Burke the baseball players had invented and that is not true that's not true how did that happen at Michigan State myself and Greg keler he went in and I did a unbelievable no look pass he caught it and he dunked it so for us to uh point at each other first and then he came running real fast and just I threw my hand up he came high-fived me and then we started doing that all the time and at the time did you know that was a diff something different something different because everything was low at that time did you give it a name did you call it the high five no you know Brothers we we don't think that fast like that you know we we we just hit it real quick and keep it rolling you I got to get back on defense we can't be thinking about a name I got um there was a time that you were supposed to play a one-on-one pay-per-view basketball game against Michael Jordan oh yes and that deal that fell apart for whatever reason people blamed Isaiah Thomas foring that deal somehow not that deal he was the head of the Players Association or something yeah well you know we were talking about doing it and it became like I mean unbelievable people were very interested right and so uh people wanted to see it and then all of a sudden they just put a stop to it you know Tyson is still fighting I I don't see why you guys couldn't couldn't still do that I mean it would be no no man I'll be 65 in August I'm not playing oneon-one basketball save it for your 100th birthdays yeah but both of us right but you know Michael you know the game I would have seen loved to that seen scene one-onone is Kobe versus Michael Kobe versus Michael yeah that would have been awesome who would have won that that would have been awesome you but don't you feel like Kobe would I mean what how old are we talking about Kobe well that's the problem right you had to do the age thing but both of them in their Prime that would have been something to see oh I'd still like to see you play I would I really would enjoy that I I would have enjoyed that you know because Kobe idolized them so much that would have been just fun to see them too because they they played so much alike but you know Michael is Michael Kobe was Kobe was special yeah oh absolutely and we still love him here in LA right Kobe we got very much you um the Lakers are looking for a new coach and it's interesting again I think yeah I don't think they've had a coach for longer than three years since Jackson or something like that and the two guys that are well one guy that really came on strong today at least in the papers was this guy Dan Hurley who coaches a Connecticut a college coach never coaching the NBA before the other guy is never coached at all before he's a former NBA player JJ reck do you like these guys one you like you like Hurley I want the coach to be Hurley if we can sign him I think it works for both it works for Coach Hurley who won back-to-back NCA championships with Connecticut so he has a a championship background he's great with offense and defense strategy I think that the players would respect him mhm and he's tough the Lakers got to have somebody who will hold them accountable right and also we got to play physical basketball Denver will always beat us unless we become a much more physical team okay right so we got to get more physical that's why these two teams are playing in the finals Boston and uh Dallas because they're mentally tough and physically tough we got to get both mentally and physically who do you think wins that series oh man that uh Boston has the most talent but the hotter team right now is Dallas the hotter team sometimes the team with less Talent you were saying that's right one more thing I know you know summer's here um it's right around the corner every year you go on these fabulous um yachting vacations with Sam Jackson every year I ask you I ask Sam can I come on the trip every single time you guys say yes you can come never do I hear from you ever again but I was thinking that perhaps this could be a reminder I've got you a gift and this is something we could wear on our trip together this summer now this if you don't mind holding that up this is can you imagine us on you know on a jet SK together buzzing around Pino that's right that's right and your wife got to come as well well yes yes but if I have to leave her behind I will I'm not going to touch that one okay cuz you got to go home tonight yeah no no no so what do you say what do you think okay let's do it then you want and let's also get a uh company started so we can sell these oh yeah we sure we'll sell them at your Museum M Johnson you can get tickers to see the Sparks LFC Los Angeles daughters on websites we'll be back with Joey oh yeah [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 294,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Guest, Celebrity, Basketball, NBA, NBA Finals, Magic Johnson, Lakers, Showtime Lakers, Earvin Magic Johnson, LA Sports, Celtics, Larry Bird, Summer Vacation, Jerry Buss, Indiana, Michael Jordan, Pay Per View, Caitlin Clark, Kobe, High Five
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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