Trump Is Not Racist: Change My Mind | Louder With Crowder

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people are arrested in Germany jailed for speech time for the latest installment of change my mind where we rationalize our positions on controversial topics this installments premise is simple and that while the media has been repeating ad nauseam that President Trump is a racist well Jesus Christ of course these racists basically threatening us with going full resus do you believe president Trump is a racist yeah no but look at what he's done it's racist I'm not convinced I don't buy it but you are welcome to change my mind including use watching right now in the comments section make your case and for those who missed it this topic ruffled some feathers before we even started supporter right to my face you want some talk yeah I don't know yeah I don't click the link in the description to watch the full video now once that wrapped up we managed to have a couple of people actually try and make their case have a sentiment in Finland well that would be interesting to sit down and talk about it because it means gonna hear more international approach we just had this ladies from the Netherlands and she sat down [Applause] oh yeah you can both all kneel you can both sit now kneel yes it's totally fine come on come on up come on up just your friend the wilderness so you're both finished with us no actually neither of us are finished we both live in Finland oh where you from really Germany Germany so you're both German no Estonian come on you throw me for a loop are you finishing a German so German by way of Finland Estonian by way of Finland okay understood all right aya actually was raised in French Canada by way of United States no yeah I had a good friend when I was being raised to his Finnish okay before we continue because I don't get to the Donald Trump thing let me ask you this there's something really weird my friend who was finished he would talk to his mother when she was naked in the bathroom oh yeah is that very common yeah but that's really common in Germany as well okay it's not here I know I know you guys have a weird thing about nakedness well I'm more so naked mom but yeah I remember I thought it was really weird he was a great friend of mine yeah yeah didn't speak English but we both spoke French and I remember one time he was talking to his mom in the bathroom I said what she was in the bathroom you said yeah she was just taking a bath I said but that's that's exactly what I was insinuating you you taught you so yeah I talked to my mom all the time which isn't bad so that's common yeah it's common because we love ourselves like getting naked in front of others well I'm not gonna lie that's a reason why I think the United States is better all right so you were saying here from Finland you said you don't necessarily feel super informed but it is a general sentiment in Finland that President Donald Trump is racist I don't think he's racist at all but I would I would love to hear why you think that or why that's the sentiment in Finland changed it's the sentiment and Finland based on his speeches you know for instance about mexicans saying that like some of them are rapists and like you know some of them are good people yeah but yeah i think it's it's a general sentiment that he's racist and like supports white supremacy oftentimes even just about not saying like not protesting certain things like we had the Charlottesville Charlotte's well exactly yeah when he was talking about like there's problems unlike both sides or like mistakes have been made on both sides yeah I find that very troubled worlds that normalized supremacy so what if I were to tell you that a lot of what you just said would would sort of indicate media bias if the moody or the one lying to you and not really Donald Trump so take the Mexican thing for example where he talked about rapists who's talking about ms-13 it's a notorious South American gang yeah he never said Mexicans are rapists he was talk about ms-13 and then said by contrast a lot of Mexicans are good people as it relates to Charlottesville you know I don't do you know that he specifically said in that same speech she specifically said I'm not talking about white supremacist or neo-nazis they should they're they should be condemned totally but he said that specifically are you aware that he said that would that change your opinion on him not condemning them if he said I'm not talking about white nationalists I'm condemning them totally he said but there were other people who were not white nationalists on both sides protesting and supporting the robert e lee statue being torn down yeah I know I know but in a way that kind of for me normalizes because like we've seen you know we've seen the kind of people that were there and saying that like they are not white supremacist they are just like you know protesting which I think that was most people there it wasn't all the white supremacist an into the protest there were there was antiphon one side white supremacist but there were a lot of locals at that protest just there over the robert e lee statue and he did say they were fine people on both sides they're protesting but they saw as a very important statue coming down said no I'm not talking about the white supremacist for the neo-nazis they should be condemned totally doing his duty like he knows he's poured a certain image we need to say like I don't understand like for example for example right now this guy right here right I think he's very rude and I appreciate you sitting down and I would say hey listen today there were many people here who were civil who were polite on both sides we knew more liberal these people more conserver and I would say I'm not talking about that guy who was screaming and cussing he should be condemned totally am i supporting that guy I mean how much more Express they cut off in Denville I say this because I genuinely don't understand how someone can hear a president most people don't know this when he says I'm not talking about neo-nazis or white supremacist they should be condemned totally what language would satisfy you all generally means is either you try people from getting out or you'd like stop people from getting in right and a little different than when you're talking about the Berlin Wall tomorrow's Human Rights tragedies inside that wall that they wanted to maintain the ability to rights tragedies happening right now at the border we're like children are separated from their families well you know that's actually before his consent policy that was you know goes back to 97 and Obama was the one who was doing that first a lot of the pictures you see you kids in cages that was from Barack Obama so the whole ideas that actually is considered inhumane to separate that to put kids in detention centers and so then people complain is they put them in detention their families I just don't think it's genuine to compare the Berlin Wall to protecting a border right I don't see you know mentioned white supremacy this is interesting to me there because I think a lot of Americans read to hear this and they watch it people who watch the full tape we go oh well he says neo-nazis Alexa promises should be condemned totally clearly he condemns it and then you say what's not enough and I think that that's there's a disconnect because a lot of Americans here everyone here who despises racism says well that's enough for me he says they shall condemn totally if you gotta surround unworthy to be said that but you say it's not enough so it's got to be hard to convince people that someone's racist you know the way that we like there are parts do in the system that are very much like race base you know protect your borders keep away conference from coming into the country okay who else how's that racist who else has a wall in the world Mexico [Music] apart from Mexico where has China wall great wall of china that was built like sure yeah a long time ago yes yeah the Vatican the Vatican is that that's a religious like that's very Israel okay so we're gonna throw out all the examples of valid walls the point is we have a problem on my point unlike Germany we have a problem with so many people are getting in our country right so many people wanted to come from Germany do any idea we have like one year seven refugees we accepted them all yes okay that wasn't how's that working it has been working out right well really they were like huge like happy okay maybe you haven't seen this but in Munich there were like coming from Syria communiques they were like people waiting for them and they had like teddy bears they have like presents for them and they opened their their hearts and their arms for them because we know how hard it is if you're going through a war you know or if you're like in any way repressed in your system like Germany knows where you all what that's like right and having like people that take you with open arms is so important in those moments and we left them in like we had our border okay like angola merkel said they can all come right yeah they've changed a little bit since then because run out of room yes yes and this guy in a skyrocketing crime and the rape and all that has been a real problem there has been no while getting in crime and there hasn't been an incredible husband's there has been a drastic increase in rape and crime and okay but then you are then you are wrong in Forbes here because I worked in German media I worked in German news that's not it is actually there's been a drastic increase in rate in the in Germany dramatically where do you have that information from well I you know I don't have it at the ready but let's start with Cologne you know you guys actually you guys have actually gotten to the point of standing out great pen skip out what happens in Dresden what happens in section eeeh we're like truth EG centers are getting burned down where people are getting like scream that when they arrive we're like you have like hate crimes we recently had a petition getting killed because he supported refugees yeah he got shorts terrible healed but that would also lend itself to the overall increased crime right in germany yes it hasn't been super easy and that would lend itself to the reason that merkel said boy we have a problem we need to cut but let me ask you this can someone can someone oppose open borders and not be a racist for example can someone support strong immigration policy especially in the most desirable country in the world the united states i think you can support strong immigration policy it's like no I don't think including so if we support a wall does that make someone races it goes into a certain races Lourdes that appeals to certain groups in the society so if we talk about a wall like why would we even need a wall I stop the illegal immigration because more than half of illegal immigrants enter the country are they going to the Mexican that is already working sometimes a promise we have many many many countless miles completely unprotected boy yes yeah that's what the problems are so again my question is that would be a part of the only thing that people Chicago right you think we have a problem right illegal immigration in the country we want people to enter the country me and she's from a meadow and she was talking about her parents being big American fans they want to my mother you know black light brown who also support a wall and stronger immigration policy oh just because you're an immigrant doesn't mean you can't be racist wrong because or do I support stronger immigration laws yeah but if someone says for example Donald Trump it's because they're conservative and they have a fun really generation as I do as she doesn't find in front of us but you said you think to find some races who's racist raisin well I would go in the textbook definition replaces prejudice discrimination or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior right so I don't believe it's saying I believe that all members of each race possess the characteristics your abilities slip into that race especially supposed to distinguish it as an area or superiority in other words believing that members of your race appeared on see how in any scenario wanting and this is just me being ignorant because you know maybe everyone here is a racist including the black people and brown people who support stronger borders I don't see how supporting stronger borders and making sure that people are living here illegally is racist I don't see how in any combination unless they said it's because I got like Mexicans because they're brown like if someone said that I would say of course they're racist well there's a very you know there's a very fine line that is like kind of getting that it's a tightrope oh I think I've seen plenty of evidence that he's not racist I mean you look at the diverse cabinet the Jews appointed look at her sprays of Ben Carson you look at Arsenio Hall winning the Celebrity Apprentice he's talked about legal immigrants being great Americans and a great value to the society I don't see him walking a tightrope I don't I don't see any evidence of him being racist as you mentioned charlottesville and I would agree with you if he didn't say of course white supremacists and neo-nazis should be condemned totally so what we agree seems to me like maybe we weren't fully aware that we agree that okay he clearly condemned them let's move on from that let's say you get a good job right and now you're saying he's walking a tightrope what they didn't what would he need to do to satisfy woody what would he need to say outside of condemn them totally these protests you know our way of history repeating itself like going back to times that honestly I don't want to see in the US anymore you know we're like people or liberal or you know like are getting attacked like you have domestic terrorism here which is your ISM yeah I just think it's terrorism because again they didn't do it because they were white so pretty little racist for you to say that one of them did it because he hated immigrants and then the other one did it because it was a socialist environmentalist Elizabeth Warren one of social United States did you know that about the Dayton shooter that he was an extremist socialist who killed because he hates Republicans no no I didn't know that but so I say that because it's not like they all have the same ideologies like Islamic terrorism if they're killing in a jihad like Isis we can say well that's Islamic terrorism right white terrorism is not really they weren't all white supremacist that's my point but there's a person here who is a white there was one person there is a person here who is a white supremacist top end of story that is white terrorism that one person I want to say it's Islamic terrorism then the other one is that's why yes that one person yes yes yeah but I wouldn't say all homegrown terrorists is white terrorism no we you said you have a problem here that's white terrorism no you said we have a problem that's white terrorism and I was just saying there was one white supremacist and I'm not saying you don't have a problem with other terrorism Troy yeah terrorism is a problem in general sure all terrorism yes yes but why do you have more white supremacist terrorism than for instance we have in Euro we don't you do we don't can you just talk about someone trying to kill the president or the mayor in Germany didn't you just talk about them burning down refugee camps has that happened the United States I mean that's what seemed to me to be white supremacist terrorism right anti-immigrant area you just listed me a bunch of examples did you not that's far more extreme that we've had here we had one person terrible but it sounds to me like you listed multiple incidents right my point my only point is it happened everywhere they could be we do we do we have refugees at the border is what you were talking about we were just an asylum seekers will be deported do you do have it in Europe you have white supremacy in Europe particularly Germany it's a problem it's not good anywhere I'm not defending white terrorists yeah okay continue with your point before white terrorism we both agree terrorism bad we both terrorism Donald Trump is racist because okay Donald Trump is not racist because because there's no evidence that he's been or that he's a racist if you make an outlandish accusation that can destroy someone's life it is anyone of racism is one of the worst accusations in law second I just answered your question so I said he is not a racist because I've seen no evidence of him thank you no no I don't think he's a racist because he's never done anything racist he's done many things to the opposite effect why do you think he's a racist what have you done to the opposite effect I mean if you look at having been Carter honest at the time I mean the guy is repeatedly embrace people of all different colors as long as they talk in black person for the urban stuff before he ran for president Arsenio Hall won Celebrity Apprentice typically not something a racist would do are you serious so is it his job to prove to you that he's not a racist because why you're racist you're a racist I'm not a racist not be a racist why would I not be erased yeah how are you not a racist I've never committed a crime I've never used wording so you see ask me I was with you with everything because you were just like Donald Trump until you said I never asked for stronger border control do you think that makes someone racist okay we just disagree there's a report nope your problem isn't with Donald Trump your problems with the law but the fact that you assume all the illegal immigrants are brown Mexicans tells me you're racist but the majority is they're like we can't ignore that that's pretty racist no that's not racist at all that's just factual I was talking about illegal immigration you start talking about brown Mexicans I didn't say brown Romar you used to in France and white Mexican okay dude like are you kidding me I'm just saying you said to me he's not a racist prove to me you're not a racist that's not how it works if someone says Donald Trump is a racist it is your job to prove that he's erasing any one's job to prove that he's a racist I just don't see it what is the reason you need stronger immigration several reasons for national security reasons for economic reasons what is an intra security reason give me that reason to you have unprotected borders and you have people who are not being monitored from don't pay taxes you have people who are overstaying visas there is no right to secure our borders if there's giant unprotected swaths of our border wall do so well it's not just a wall but a wall obviously more cyber security more guards on that wall and of course having enhanced security measures that would crack down and overstay visas that would allow us to know who's in the country why are you the only country that needs a wall well because we have a huge border it's unprotected and we have people flooding through in record numbers over a hundred thousand people a month 100 thousand people run yes honey like there's exactly I guarantee you many people are ok sorry Italy freeze people coming from Turkey like we have what you asked me a reason why we would need a wall and because you don't want a wall in your home country you think Americans shouldn't want a wall in theirs we have more people trying to get into this country than any other country in the world do you disagree ok that's a fact let's just continue more people are trying to get in this country young people entering this company with 80 million inhabitants and handle 1 million refugees why can't America with 300 million inhabitants handle 3 million refugees well you just answered your own question we have over 300 million people in this country yeah and it's a problem to economic problem and it's a national security problem that will make problem for people who aren't on the books people aren't necessarily paying taxes coming in and benefiting from services here in the United States and make them legal well that doesn't help a problem that just encourages that just encourages more people to enter the country illegally in the end up for them separated in refugee camps as you put them because they're encouraged there's no reason to if you don't want people to be put in key onto the border but if you don't want people to be separated from their families or kids to be locked up with their families we need to stop the ability for them stop the incentive for them to come here illegally no for them asylum and we need to offer them away to needy what if we don't want to know why don't you want to what is your reason that you don't want them to go no not if they're here illegally no there is a legal way to Congress country they're not doing how that's racist most Americans don't think that's racist your friend said the netherlands doesn't think it's racist my French baby mom doesn't think it's racist that's okay for my friend from another but you think it's racist to believe that people should enter the country legally bring violent spring okay other other oh I have another beautiful example okay what about call caller Africa whole countries we didn't say Africa as a whole countries multiple countries that racist it depends on whether it's a country or not okay that's it that's not saying that you believe you're superior to someone by saying yours we are great I'm not gonna lie I think Germany is kind of a big country doesn't mean I think Germans are lesser than Americans I just don't like your policies well that is racist because you would say that like Germans are sheep know I think Germany is a traffic country for a multitude of reasons why is Germany aircraft funny well you don't have freedom of speech is one of them no you don't you don't you're not afraid of a speech to jail people for unpopular speech to jail people for a faster speech yes you do know I don't know you do not have freedom of speech enshrined in the German constitution it doesn't let me continue on down the way ripsi goose meat yeah we have freedom of speech we could write whatever you want to tear no you don't know politics in Germany I forgot eat the system what you're saying is a plant I don't know it's one percent accurate people are arrested in Germany jailed for started come on that's okay that's not gonna hear it any time that's seed we have to calm it down we if you want to calm down so people are rested for a speech so you don't have freedom of speech so I think Germany city thank you I'm sorry but where's the line I'm sorry where's all speech is permissible no line all speech is permissible no matter how offensive it's permissible okay in jail anyone for speech okay so I mean you would be the one in the 1930 80s it would definitely vote for Hitler no no we voted for the guy who beat your leaders asked no you didn't you were into life I wasn't alive you said if I were alive okay okay seriously there but um if we can't I mean I would vote I would vote to put it this way if I were in Germany at that time I would vote against the National Socialist who implemented gun control and speech restrictions I would vote against him I should all die and I don't have to end up in terrible to say yeah that's terrible and I don't like and shouldn't be jailed you don't oh you don't always end up in jail sometimes just get a pun oh oh my god I don't think okay I don't think you should be penalized for saying something offensive that's what I'm saying you don't have freedom because I don't want that power to be delegated to the government because we never know the next guy is going to be the government should not be in charge of who is allowed to speak or what they're allowed to say okay and if you think that makes me a racist I would never say that's liberal that's like you have a liberal view on that yes that's like I understand and I think that countries that don't support the United States is the only country that has that yeah I think it's so it's not because I hate Germans but I think that policy is a policy you may disagree with me but you understand my reasoning but not because I'm racist you understand right like I would be right there saying hey that's a thing to say if someone said that about Jews especially the supporter of Israel I hate it when people just go and anti some of the tabloids what they have the right to do it they have the right to do it yes in this country not in Germany so there is no not when it comes to speech not when it comes to speech okay so where is the line there is no line with speech that's fine okay good yeah we've calmed down now we're good I think you're misunderstanding me because you think I was supporting racist speech I'm not I just support people's right to say it no no I I'm trying to be as clear as possible there is no lie Anderson you're liberal like I understand that you're like liberal in that sense that you say everybody should be able to say whatever whenever right just like Donald Trump just like Republican that's what Republicans conservatives tend to believe freedom of speech is absolute we're very liberal okay but then like we will not like then we you and me will not find the common ground because I believe in the idea that discourse and that what we are seeing is shaping our society i agree with you too that's why I hope that you see this is productive that's all we didn't just sit and yell with him but oh what happened I hope that you would see this discourse as productive this is what I try and do all I'm saying is it even though I think that guy's a jerk and he was yelling and grading people and screaming I don't believe that I have the right to shut him down in the government that's a this is the discourse that I support and believe in even if we disagree it's like filled with hate speech if the discourse is filled with like then it normalizes then it takes the step with action like is a lot lower do you know what I mean I understand what you're saying but I think a far greater risk is that step in giving the authority to the government indeterminate speeches felicity so I agree with you if you say it's a slippery slope right because we allow people to speak freely and they might say something that could inspire someone to do something terrible and I agree that could happen but I would say more of a concern particularly as you'd mentioned in historically Germany Russia Cuba these places more of a concern is once the government gets that power in determining what is offensive what is hate speech they expand that power and that's a far greater risk an individual saying very liberal like freedom oriented like we value certain ideas security over freedom right ok I don't want to take I don't want to take up the whole time but I hope you left it better than when we got wow look at that we went from a 1 to a 10 in intensity and then back down to a 2 thanks Jessie by the way if you want these segments to continue please consider joining Mudd Club at louder with Crider comm slash mug not only do you get access to the full daily show not available on YouTube as well as this hand etched dirty mug but it's the only way for this content to continue on YouTube since the tech overlords have deemed this series too controversial to monetize or even be included in the suggested fee okay on what the hate speaking shines [Music] once again my name is hajeck Aisha yeah what are you Stephen Stephen okay nice to meet you sorry I should have said my name while shaking your hand there's just so much going on you all right so Taisha right got that correct if I get it wrong again I apologize this is pretty simple I'm gonna hear this guy yelling I'm not convinced that Donald President Donald Trump is a racist I don't buy it change my mind okay what because Donald Trump don't understand the difference between living several lives you know saying some people grow up growing up we'll with silver silver and gold spoons in their mouths and some people or not right right and I really feel that we lean towards acai this grow up with silver and gold spoons in their mouths right so my son is high they didn't grow in that type of quality no signature and I just think that you know he's not for the people you know saying he's selfish and he just won himself he'll say yeah but at the end today I don't want to be a part of the problem I'm gonna be a part of the solution you know saying so I guess apprec gotta let him serve his fourth term for four years and hope he don't get elected for a second term probably well huh probably will and he probably won't you know it's a 50/50 chance okay you know saying I'm a because at the end of day my phone's gonna say that he would not get a secretary I agree yeah I don't need a secretary oh no I I wasn't raising the silver spoon but what specifically makes you think that he's racist because that's a very that's a very lofty accusation right to toss out there well you know I mean and I understand I mean he has a great argument about putting the wall up at the end of the day but I don't like the simple fact that he separated their children from their parents you know saying I mean I'm a child development major of course in of course it says that a child needs to be with someone that cared for them and not with strangers you know saying right I mean I believe in children being around either the mom or dad or someone that they know right now saying it was I remember it was one situation where he's separated he completely separated the bomb from the child for at least six months and I believe the child was why not even ten years old right you know saying no and you you believe that makes him a racist yes okay yes I mean what do you want his son separate no I don't think anybody would no not really I mean well Barack Obama was for everybody but he did that huh he did that I don't have separate notes go to Milton it goes actually back to the 97 Flores consent policy where they said that you can't separate you're asking their parents right about ramen so then they stopped doing it because they saw it basically as cruelty for children to be separated and then they ended up putting them together which is how you see these families and what they refer to as children cages which actually the pictures you saw happened under Barack Obama but he did that exact same thing right and I matter of fact Barack Obama deported more illegal immigrants and I'm right up to four hundred thousand a month Donald Trump stayed under 300 so today but at their the day truck is still in his first turn by Marvin service he does the same thing the matching the ratios the boy in the second election I'm pretty sure his his numbers were you know basis so I'm not saying totality obviously brocco bomb would you support more I'm talking about on a consistent sort of birth period of time basis you know I don't I don't think WB's racism if Barack Obama and Bill Clinton did the exact same thing believe that they are racists because that was what you said right justified you know so I'm so like I said I mean Barack Obama okay when you speak of Barack Obama Barack Obama was for all races right but he did the same for separating families okay absolutely okay I totally agreed that he separated families and all that but at the end of the day but at the end of the day level change Barack Obama for office tonight Trump is not y'all saying he's ready to come in there and cut this cut that cut this cut that stuff that people actually rely on he'll saying I mean he's not saying well in within five years he's not even pre warning people and said within five years I'm pregnant within ten years I'm cutting this I think it's owning there if you see poor people you need to pre warn them so they can make changes in their life they get prepared for things to be good right so you are saying I just want make sure they understand this you said because he separated families that was racist but it's not racist for Barack Obama to do it because you believe that in combination with the fact that was not for everyone you believe he's racist after you today I think everybody have racism him okay then I don't care who you are you have racism so no sunlight walking at me say like you driving down the street somebody don't get a second but just don't okay right but I do think it's important I mean because accusing somebody of racism right they can't get a job so it seems to me that you doing wrong things that are benefiting everybody okay help everyone right because people who in the middle class they didn't they didn't qualify for the benefits and so they were harmed right so what Donald Trump is trying to do and I agree isn't gonna happen health care but he's trying to fix it on different ways I think here's what I would ask do you think that maybe you have maybe never enough symbolism there that guy are screaming and yelling just hold on Thanks um that maybe you have a preconceived notion about President Trump and so you sort of attribute racism there where it may not be you maybe have some prejudice do you think that could be fair to say I wouldn't say I'm prejudiced all races that it worked around I mean Donald Trump Donald Trump residence against Donald Trump because you seem to you seem to sort of presuppose that he's a racist before you guys in action I just personally don't like to die because of the simple fact you know how could you elect the president that got away with so much y'all saying I mean yeah he don't even like women y'all saying I mean while I think he likes women a lot no not for super PAC it oh he grabs about a crown shit out that another you like he might like them a little too much but that's disrespectful that's disrespectful yeah you know your wife was walking down a trail grab you I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to knock the map all right I'll force it upon my life I thought you were saying he was gay no I wouldn't say no whether they pass or press well I just don't see any evidence that Donald Trump is a racist I see a lot of events of the contrary and that you see it can keeping praise and all kinds of black Americans he was the first he was the first president to release but I forgot her name the black woman who was an effort drug-related crimes he commuted his sentence she was out the lady who created her sentence black lady drug-related crimes well maybe he likes them remember that if something really quickly the black lady for Donald Trump commuted her sentence for drug-related crime which it wasn't finita wasn't was a though Allison Alice Alice Alice Murray dudes who are so he did that and talked about what a great woman she was I mean my point I made with some black people right but the point is I don't think we've seen him do anything but he couldn't turn that because he don't want people to believe that he raises he can appear something like that I like this just a little if you see these ring Sisto see you're saying cuz you don't but you're assuming that he is racist whatever he's not I'm never gonna be convinced that he's not shouldn't approval to lose races yeah you should I've been accused in from the racist just because I believe that we should have border security right from the pointers dozen people just because these are racist okay and the reason is just because I do this is an exercise it's not a gosh well I don't want to tell you first okay I had let's read these as Donald Trump Kooks no no these are real quotes I promise okay all right so homeless like when we find this here really quickly reading if you're you know yeah yeah I'll give you credit afterward but I want to see because I this is a mental exercise I think you're attributing a little bit more racism than is actually there and we've all done it if it's someone we don't like right I'm not gonna lie to you later I wasn't a huge fan of Barack Obama I come from Quebec socialist province so I might have had some blind spots right should be dead motive in my mind where I shouldn't have so I'll admit that all right so let me ask you this do you take this as a racist quote legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society and countless ways I want people to come into our country and the largest numbers ever but they do have to come in Legally is that racist that's not racist okay he just saying that he don't want to cut it okay okay America probably welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation but all Americans are hurt by uncontrolled illegal immigration okay but you wouldn't say that racist yes we're not always legal here no he said said but all Americans are hurt not always hurt all Americans are hurt all right what about this so maybe all right I'm reading these in progressive order right the American people who are a welcoming and Gipp American people are welcoming and generous people but those who enter our country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders we could not allow people to form the United States undetected undocumented and unchecked Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of immigration laws we are a nation of laws undocumented workers broke our immigration laws they must be held accountable especially those who may be dangerous you know there's a corn or racist art is is concentric or four people could be black white brown so you don't think it's racist you think he's more classist okay or maybe I'm little racist well with class well that's fine that was shit that was productive I think we both discussed that and figure it out somebody that I understand all walks of life feel saying you need somebody to help our country not hurt our country when our country's doing better than we do have record low unemployment we have higher wages you know I have more we have a job surplus there are more jobs available than ever before our country is doing really well so everyone is doing right there's more class mobility now making it's never perfect but I would say that that is indicative of someone who's trying to improve the country for everyone but you know we can disagree on that all right okay but when you start cutting stuff from the poor people because why they can start talking to people that have more whether they work for an hour they've got it you know I think an antidote to more crime is more employment employment totally I have no tolerance but I don't wanna what about the people that relies on the government and all that stuff and then if you cut that cut it no why what you people who don't want to work cut it what do you mean cutting cut that I wouldn't want to cut it why because anybody could fall on a hard time somebody can lose a job for sadhana don't want to okay we're with recipients cut it okay but at the end of the day and I don't think I was raised in and the people that watch everybody fall so hard fall on our time so that's very different than say a measure than people right so you know when you look for example the I don't care if it agrees I don't think it will but I don't care if someone doesn't want to got my rate increase I don't want nobody to be raking in my house the girl she got this you got that Jenny what a brand-new car coward well if your before I on your car because you're working that's a good day yeah I don't think I don't have a gun my head held hostage by someone who doesn't want to work saying hey give me this free stuff otherwise I'm going to commit crime that's not how it works oh well but you don't forget free stuff commit crime we lock you up right right but guess what somebody I think it's a better solution than necessarily hey if you enjoyed this installment of changed my mind click one of these other installments in the videos playing in boxes here that's the only way you'll find them because if you search change my mind they might not show up because YouTube's deemed them controversial subscribe hit the notification bell and you know we'll we'll see you but we probably won't
Channel: StevenCrowder
Views: 2,838,587
Rating: 4.8698878 out of 5
Keywords: steven crowder, crowder, stephen crowder, louder with crowder, LwC, mug club, Change My Mind, Crowder Confronts, comedy, politics, news, liberal, libertarian, funny conservative, current events, fake
Id: nrMuWLUxtGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 21sec (2841 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
Reddit Comments

I haven't watched this yet, but I'm almost 100% sure this entire video is just going to be him saying "Well, technically, they aren't sending their best so how is that racist!" or "Well, he's just telling "The squad" to go leave the country if they don't like it, what's wrong with that" or some bullshit about Charlottesville having a lot of "normal people just protesting the statue, it wasn't really all neo-nazis"

👍︎︎ 114 👤︎︎ u/BaseLordBoom 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

How many swastikas would a fine person have to see in their peripheral vision before they realized that their precious monuments to traitors might not be the key issue?

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/skrilla32 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I have not watched this but knowing Crowder, who is literally a crypo-facist, there is nothing Trump can do or say to convince him that he's racist. Even if Trump came out and said "All (insert n-word here)s need to die" Crowder will still defend him and probably say something along the lines "WELL HE DIDN'T SAY ALL BLACK PEOPLE. JUST CERTAIN ONES."

I feel like Destiny going through this will just be treading old ground. He'll probably watch a few minutes, say it's the same dumbshit conservative defenses, get bored and close the video.

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/vaulke 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I need someone to tell me if this is worth watching.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Tman1027 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I saw him try to argue that refugees dramatically spike crime rates in germany without citing anything and that was enough for me

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Logical_Sans 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

NPC trap dialog tree Andy

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Brickmannen 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Going to finish the 2nd half of this tomorrow. Right now it's Crowder: the media lied to everyone, Trump said he denounced white supremacy before saying "both sides" meme. Crowder: the Mexicans rapists thugs comments, he's referencing MS-13. (Tangent about immigration, wall, etc)

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Trickshotjesus 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I just skimmed to a random point in the video, around 23:00 mark

We need to offer them asylum and we need to offer them a way to legally -- [interupted]

What if we don't want to

Why don't you want to? What is your reason that you don't - [cut off]

I want them to go through the legal channels as all Americans have

What if we make it legal?

No, not if they are here illegally. There is a legal way to - they're not doing it.

He then pivots to saying he doesn't think thats racist, lists X Y Z People who don't think thats racist, and then says "But you think that's racist."

They then moved the discussion on to whether or not calling a country a shithole is justified or not, and it's not racist if the country is a shithole.

I might try and watch this a little later, but so far the two minutes I've spent watching this have made my life measurably worse since my brain now has to store the memories of watching this.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Deltaboiz 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

holy fuck, even the first sentence in his little intro triggers the fuck out of me, how can one person be so dishonest (or stupid, i'm not sure tbh)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/module-91s 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
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