Liberal Latinos Debate Conservative Latinos on Immigration, Trump, and Racial Identity (Part 1/2)

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these are man-made borders I don't care I care about people's salaries that's why I know there's a million Venezuelans that are in Colombia yes you care so much about American people congratulations I'm not like that I'm sorry I I do think I'm a community back home you assimilate so American is and that is saying back home but this should this should be home now I'm and I host a show for advise that's called Latin X the whole idea behind the show is to really look into the stories and the voices and the issues that are typically left out of the conversation right like what what are people not talking about one of the big things in the show is to break stereotypes right to really drive the point that our community is not a monolith no this is what we're looking into and that's why you're here because we want to see and show the right side of Latinos the left side of nothing is an everyone that's in between and maybe we can find common ground maybe not and and before I started I also do want to remind you all that 2020 is around the corner and as you all know probably our community has just become the largest minority voting bloc in the country so all your answers today are literally worth like millions of dollars for politicians that may be looking into this right so just keep that in mind so let's begin very simple question raise your hand if you voted for Donald Trump okay why did you vote for Donald Trump um it was really hard to get behind him at first especially with his rhetoric and the media and how he was portrayed through the media I was definitely influenced heavily by that but I also really did not like Hillary Clinton as far as policy wise so it was really hard to vote for Donald Trump but now that we've had a few years of him and seeing his policies I am happy that I voted for him oh well I voted for him because I've been a lifelong Republican of a lot of my views aligned with what he ran on I definitely did not like Hillary Clinton and I stood against everything she said before which is the political machine in Washington I wanted someone new someone from the outside and you know Trump's is uh he's not a spoken politician the way he talks about things away he doesn't parse his words and I kind of like that for those of you that did not vote for Trump do you have any questions for them for the ones that did where do you begin as a woman house way well I'm thinking that you're referencing to the one phrase that everyone loves to reference to about grabbing right that phrase just anyway he treats his women the way he treats his daughter his rhetoric on Twitter like the Khazar creepazoid but continue go ahead I'm listening Joe Biden is definitely not create there's plenty of creepazoids out there like but as far as I'm just gonna use what most people use when they talk about that and him referencing grabbing women by the you know he was talking about women who lets you grab you by that and there's plenty of groupies out there that will do that and they have been existence for a long time and they're gonna be existing for forever so it's that's what he's referencing to and me being a woman I don't carry myself that way so I didn't feel any type of way about that phrase because I'm not letting people do that to me so he's not talking about me so I just you know like women who put themselves in that position and are doing that like they asked for it you know that's what they're out there doing so you're saying so it's you're pretty much saying the same thing as a woman walking down the street with a miniskirt deserves to get ready no that's the same thing I know that's not a groupie that's not a groupie a groupie is someone who purposely hangs out with people who are rich and with money and looking for handouts you know they're asking for them putting themselves in that position that's the people I'm talking about it's not people like what you wear that's not that's not how what those people could still be raped okay I used to be okay I didn't say that I didn't say that that's not what I'm talking about that's really taking a stretch he was yet from what I heard that recording he was like you know sometimes you see a woman and I just can't resist with my lips and I just grabbed him by the cold like that and I didn't want for Trump I voted for Hillary but at that moment when that offended me I didn't know the context of it which is what she's trying to explain obviously the media and radio likes to cut things in bits and pieces so that you only hear the bad stuff and they obviously frame it so that you do think oh he's talking about raping women he's talking about grabbing them by the you know private parts and and that's just how he is he's a he's a terrible person his daughter being a creep whatever it is he was talking about groupies I mean I've have hung out with my very wealthy friends and around rubies these women don't care they are they're the ones also we have emails private parts they're the ones that will twerk for a dollar okay I was just at recording on my phone I was at the standard last Saturday and a big-ass sorry big yacht drove by full of women in thongs and all of them were twerking all of them were doing great tests are awful things and the guys were just there pouring champagne on them and that's that's those are groupies those are women that is that okay you see no you know what this is the most ridiculous thing for me as a woman nobody has a right to touch your body I don't care if you put your tattoos in their face if you say no nobody should touch you I don't care what you could be so-called respectable nobody still ever has a right to violate you in any kind of way and it doesn't matter what socioeconomic status you come from it doesn't matter what you look like I don't care if you rubbin on him from the moment that you say no it's very very - rape I think they breathe nobody that we know that we're not what are other questions that you all have for one other nothing Oh Trump supporters are here another question um my question has to do with the fact that people always um claim that Trump is outside the political realm of being bought how do you see him as outside the political realm it's from the private sector he didn't come from a lifetime of quote unquote public service where these people make millions of don't get yourself confused Bernie Sanders is a multi-millionaire with three homes anyway all I'm saying is that you know yes I see what you're saying that they're all wealthy people but at least he came from the private sectors you see you know worked himself for that money and yes I know you're gonna say well he took a million-dollar loan from his still worked for something whereas you have there where politicians Bernie Sanders has never held a job in his whole life not one yet he's worth millions of dollars on a salary of 180 thousand dollars a year can you do the math for me on that because I can't sit around now for those of you that did vote for Donald Trump what is the biggest misconception that liberals have about you for being Latino Trump supporters what's what's the biggest misconception I think one of the biggest misconception is that the media pates people with a broad brush and you know when it comes to racism myself dude they say well you know you're for this or you you like this well you know you're racist then and like so you paint everyone as a racist when like you know do you know what kind of friends I have do you know like well my family's from like do you know who I hang around with you know what I stand for you like no you can't just automatically paint everyone who's a trump supporter as a racist because honestly that dilutes from real racism what is really a sysm real racism is right off the bat assuming things about a certain race or religion right off the bat if I'm gonna say something real quick in the United States when we talk about what we deem as politics we tend to conceptualize it as Democrats Republicans we it's a binary so binaries can be very dangerous so we have white black man women gay straight someone in the binary a group will be privileged men straight yet so black white white we live in this patriarchal heteronormative world that is systemically racist their racism manifests in many very different ways and that is important for us to understand because you're all you think about so real quick the binary anything that falls outside of the binary then becomes an other so what I'm seeing in this argument is that we'll say well Donald Trump this well Joe Biden did this too right I these are politicians we're speaking in binaries which is why I'm an independent a lean more towards the left this to reduce politics the governing of people to this binary is extremely dangerous do you think that by voting for Donald Trump they're voting against the Latino community the Latino communities in homogenous that's why we're here right the Latin X community they're our class dispositions right they're generators position their sexuality their differently-abled folks there are all these kind of levels and sociological concepts constantly playing at the same time so to consider us the Latin community I think there is no such thing as a community there are communities of Latin people so perhaps you are voting in the interests of what you believe to be part of your Latin existence but as I see it coming from poor brown communities absolutely I think it'd be voting against herself but I felt it was very dangerous um she said racism is happen I don't want to misconstrue your words but you said something along the lines like racism is happening because we're manifesting it I'm a woman of color racism happens to me every day I have to be in the end day I have to be aware of it like because I like the recess finish thank you it lives in my life every single day as I walk as I get dressed as I go to a store as I go to a supermarket I do race plays a part of it in my life as a woman of color so would you see you can't again thank you appreciate you mm-hm so you cannot say that I'm manifesting it if I live the in that life and'll if I live in that world every single day you don't have to live the life that I do so you cannot say I'm manifesting it if it's something that's in my everyday natural world would you guys agree with a blanket statement that the Trump supporters are racist do you guys agree with that to an extent yeah yes the answer is yes so let's go back okay to trump who here thinks that Donald Trump has done something positive for the Latin x community that web you know his prison reform had affects minorities in a positive light not just African American community but also Latin X communities as well he's his reform for the prisons has anyone else 'i'm an American perspective I'm not here as I I moved here from Colombia to be in America I'm not trying to continue to focus on Latin American problems because I live here so when I look at what the president is whether it's a more Obama or whoever it comes knives I'm looking at it as what is he doing for Americans overall is he cutting taxes for us the middle class because there's a lot of Latinos that could fall they're obviously in poverty as well but what he's doing house--he loosening up the free market economy so that we can create jobs in his economic policies right it's his economic policies for sure so there's more Latinos unemployment is down for both minorities for blacks and the unemployment level of the Hispanic communities at the lowest rate it's ever been before you'd like a policy that affects everybody you know not just designed for one group of people like there's Native Americans and you'd help you know there for me because I'm Latin I care that you do what you do for Americans because we're all Americans yeah like don't do it because of you know the way I look or because of my cultural background but do it because I'm here already I'm working I'm paying my taxes you know do something that with a vision for the future that I can you know they're really benefits me not just because you feel bad for me you know someone want to respond to that is it important to do something because of the way that the skin the color of your skin is so so like I this stuff right so I'm finishing my PhD I teach about this teaching a master's course on it right now race or ethnicity or gender these conceptualizations that we have were brought into existence for particular political purposes there is no biological essentialism to this these are political and social constructs so we've created laws that have historically murdered people for phenotypes for genders for their sexuality so we've done this historically through policy I don't see why we cannot also through policy create different types of reparations for people there are different ways so there are different ways that these things manifest and we can talk about the nuances of this as well but yes I do believe that people who have been historically disenfranchised through the United States through their policies yes when I say something like these words know that Donald Trump said Mexican immigrants know they're criminals they're rapists they're bringing drugs in countries like in Salvador Haiti and African countries there should whole countries who here raise your hand if you think that is a racist remark for those of you that did not raise your hand why is why do believe that's not a reason because it was misinstructed what by the media when I first heard it I thought the same and I was like this is terrible thank you saying this about all Mexicans but when you actually hear the entire tape of it it's like okay here comes CNN and the mainstream media cutting off bits and pieces and he's talking about the terrible criminals that ms-13 gangs the people that are rapists the people that are criminals that people got art killers the cartel members that are coming through the borders I actually didn't listen to the whole thing and he doesn't just stop at Mexico he says Mexicans and then Central South Americans and then Middle Eastern countries he doesn't even just go far as Mexicans and where is he talking about that he's not talking about the white Cuban sang about the white Latino he's talking about the brown central South American is my biggest problem with these conversations because that's he no and itself is not a race in this country the people who are getting deported are brown they don't even some of them don't even speak Spanish they speak Gnawa they speak a cheek L they speak Kichi and the border is saying we need people that speak these indigenous languages because we don't have translators from these communities but then it gets paintbrush by like the the the Latino label and Latino means that you know Hispanic in Spanish and whatever and this is my biggest frustration so when we're talking about Donald Trump saying hey these people are bringing drugs crying he said some are good some are good some like I hate when when I saw that you know it's a little fresh in because all this indigenous people that you're talking about are gonna end up you know my our welfare system was indigenous here would you like to respond to that yes okay so that is honest number one we don't get welfare we are undocumented we cannot we had to have a Social Security to get well we based the check from the government so please so again people are ignored for example the biggest attention center here is in Homestead in the country or the second-biggest and people are not talking about it they're supposed to be we're supposed to all be Latinos and oh no like we're all the same race we're all it's a madrasa whatever no the the reality is that Latinos are not one monolithic culture they're not one a minute ik group there's black Latinos there's white Latinos is needed and growing up here Miami this has did not start after Donald Trump this was before done our job my family has been called indels they have been caught the other flecha my preference yeah my boyfriend's family called my family dirty Indians and this has been going on before Donald Trump Donald Trump it's just a random figurehead in this whole thing we talk about policies we talk about immigration but like sometimes I feel like we don't even know how to refer to each other or address each other we don't even know what the color of our skin means so how do each of you identify racially identifies a lot American would you say your white brother like I would say I'm white yes black wait black oh wait I guess right are you talking about sorry ID yeah when you're saying like physically like oh yeah I would say away I mean based on my skin color but usually all will put like if there's a box for Hispanic I'll put that yeah just white at this idea of checking a box can mean a lot of things so that's how we identify right so my family is from Nicaragua right if that's what you want to know ethnically Nicaraguan American I was born here right but my politics are very brown black I come from Indian people period in the box I typically put other I'm NATIVE I'm P how to be specific and that's how identify so I'm Nicaraguan and for Nicaraguan especially from Lakota Atlantica the lines of coasts the Caribbean coast which is indigenous black and Creole coaches I'm very light-skinned and my family I'm very light-skinned so has anyone here experienced racism within the latinized community life systemically are like on the you do whatever is in your face all day long how have you experienced it so for me within the Latin ex community I believe that colorism is a huge issue I'm just as a Dominican woman or even just dealing with people a Latin next people in general and you gonna race you're in any country of people of color so like in our media and our music and you know in every aspect of our life a lot of the things it's like we're your race like if you look at our media in Latin America you would think that we're just the help or the print of criminals I'm treated differently within Latin X community I'm either too too black or if I don't know my Spanish well enough then now I'm not Latin enough or I get spoken people speak Spanish around me assuming that I don't speak to Spanish or it oh you or your lucky night so it's like little things like that it's just a huge issue of colorism yeah I feels a major issue within there my next community who else people you know I'm light-skinned so I benefit from some of that light-skinned privilege and I'll talk about that but I have been called dirty Mexican I've been called dirty Brazilian yeah my job I used to work at a pet store and his lady came to me and I didn't uh I couldn't return one of her collars and she called me a dirty Mexican she called me a dirty Brazilian and again my family's been here for before 1492 we've been here for millions of years and ironically this lady who is European is gonna be calling me a foreigner a dirty Mexican dirty Brazilian etc so race changes a lot for me people so my Middle Eastern people assume a lot of things within my family people you know we come from a multi hue family so my grandma she's very dark-skinned and people colored you know onna India and unfortunately this is the reality and in Homestead ice raids happen a lot and it's predominately affecting the Maya community there that no one knows about in Homestead is a huge man population no one talks about them because they're indigenous they're just you know they're just there and it's all focused on the white Latino Miami experience as opposed to digis communities here in South Florida as well as in the United States as well as in central South America raise your hand if you are for the wall [Music]
Channel: VICE
Views: 1,116,910
Rating: 3.5694885 out of 5
Keywords: debate, Spanish, immigration, politics, Conservative, Latina, Latino, democrat, discussion, republican, Liberal, right, latinx, roundtable, left, vice, journalism, documentary, videos, culture, interview, film, movies, underground, vice videos, lifestyle, independent, vice guide, exclusive, vice mag, vice magazine,, world, documentaries, short films, docs, yt:cc=on, mexico, venezuela, refugee, migrants, polarization of politics, american politics, freedom of speech, race, liberals vs conservatives, united states
Id: I9I6b1JEb2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
Reddit Comments

Khe vergas

Pura pinche pena ajena

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/aliensarehere 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Me canse muy rápido, ya no vi en que acabó, pero la política me da diarrea aguada explosiva 🧨 💩 💦

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Shostygordo 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
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