The Candace Owens Show: Sheriff David Clarke

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really bad drug problem right does it impediment opioid yeah okay alright ladies and gentlemen we are rolling in to another episode of the Candace Owens show look guys I take all the bullets for black America I say the things you're not allowed to say when you're supposed to be babying a culture and making people think that there's some virtue in victimhood but I am so so glad to announce today that there is one man who takes more figurative bullets than I do and really goes there sheriff Clark welcome to the Candace Owens show okay thank you it's an honor it really is value your friendship I look at it this way you've taken the bullets I've taken the arrows you really have you really have you've done it before me and what I always say is that people lay down the groundwork it actually is easier for me because people like you and dr. ben Carson kind of went out there first you know what I mean so I people are a little more warmed up but it's still a pretty toxic culture in terms of just telling the truth that's the bizarre thing just telling the truth and you're in this really interesting space because you criminal justice man I think that's kind of one of the biggest conversations in black America and one that makes people very uncomfortable and you and I have both taken so many hits for being honest about what black lives matter is what black lives matter is not and what the truth is about black Americans in the way that we behave criminally in comparison to other races in this country yeah let's kind of dissect that for a little bit yeah I spent 40 years in law enforcement 24 years for the City of Milwaukee Police and then 16 as the elected sheriff of Milwaukee County and moved up the ranks worked a number of different positions but I've seen the devastation that crime can cause crime and violence on a daily basis people and in this is what I try to explain to people who really don't want to hear it anyway you know the overwhelming majority of people as you know black people that live in the American ghetto are good law-abiding citizens they may be poor they may be under or uneducated but they're just trying to get through life and when you're there on a daily basis like me and you see they can't let their kids play outside I mean stories like and this was not folklore where some of these neighborhoods they had to have the kids sleep in the bathtub to provide a shield for the bullets to fly through with the the random shootings the drive-by shootings he's a true story no way and so when you're when you know you're seeing what what people just you know they haven't done anything they're victims of crime that's another thing that doesn't get talked about as you know is that on the other end predominantly it's black people who are victimized by crime that's correct well I've always been on the side as a law enforcement officer I'm on the side of the victim I had no use for criminals I had no use for criminal behavior I understand the importance of law and order in a society in an orderly Society so that's kind of you know I grew up in Milwaukee native mom and dad raised us right my dad was you know veteran Korean War so he was big on discipline he was an Airborne Ranger he raised me with a lot of discipline didn't put up with my nonsense taught me to accept responsibility and use my head when I'm out there making decisions and judgments you don't get that a lot today because there's no real role model male role model and some of these families so I understand it least I understand the you know what a paradox this thing could be for people and I did what I could protect those people and give them some semblance of peace of tranquilly in a very chaotic world I want to pause there because you just said something that's really important saying that you grew up with a strong father figure and a lot of every time I hit the stage I talked about the biggest issue facing black America is father absence and what happens when you break down that structure and you don't have that father figure I had it in my grandfather there were rules and sup rules on top of regulations on top of rules that made no sense like no elbows on the table I still when I'm with my grandpa I don't put my elbows that's because I'm fearful that he's gonna give me a long lecture and work me into a prayer and ask God to forgive me for putting my elbows on the table and I think what naturally happens when you remove that sense of authority is that people don't respond to any form of authority at all it all feels arbitrary it all feels like why do I have to listen to you because you've never had to listen to rules within your own home is that maybe something that's going on in our community not maybe that is what going on in our community the lack of a male role model you know you said your grandfather my father was raised by you know a mom and dad actively engaged no my mom my grandparents were poor told my Beloit Wisconsin okay but my dad went off to the military and that's where he learned discipline and and he expected that of his his kids and you know it's not that that you know a mother can't raise kids without a man around it's not some mother's single moms do a wonderful job but you know what the studies are there the research is there I do my homework and the research says you are fighting against the odds that more times than not there's not a male around a responsible male I understand you know people get divorced or whatever but there's got to be some male role model in that kid especially black males white males too but for the most part it is if there's not around they're gonna gravitate toward some role model they're going to do it and usually it's going to be the athlete on TV who's a team and what's gonna become the drug dealers the gangsters in the neighborhood that's the importance of that we're the left tried to tell us that you know the man around isn't that big a deal it's a huge deal you know like you said you know with with the rules and the discipline it you had yeah I used to think don't take this wrong I know you won't I stick my dad was a meanest man on the earth they didn't beat us know we got spanked yeah and that's what I mean I mean I mean I had to be in before the streetlights went on I had to be in before dark my friends got to play out after dark not me I couldn't hang out at the corner store alright my dad saw me several times he caught me hanging out with my buddies at the corner store you pull the car over you beeped the horn I looked and I thought oh I'm a child because I'm hanging out see and he didn't want me hanging out because young man at that age are gonna find trouble so that's the importance that you know things that my dad instilled in me that we don't see anymore and so all of a sudden you get where these these young black males are gonna gravitate towards something and it's usually the gang it's usually some of these pathologies like dropping out of school joining the gang drug and alcohol abuse that sort of thing fathering kids out of wedlock which can happen to anybody but it shouldn't happen three four or five times with a different man that's a different pathology and we shouldn't tolerate right and I talk about this a lot too but there's an element of this that we should be discussing which is feminism modern feminism today because I really do believe that modern feminism encourages male absence it encourages it because it's become toxic they use terms like toxic masculinity right and I say to myself all of their examples the idea of what it means to be a man now is toxic they think oh this is a man masculinity is wrong there's something inherently wrong with being a masculine man and to me I always say that it was toxic masculinity that saved me you know I had a healthy fear of my grandfather nobody played around with my grandfather we still don't play around with my grandfather you know and it's just there's a certain level of respect when you're in his home there are rules and and because I had that healthy fear I was I guess more responsive to that sort of authority when I had to go out in real life you know I believed in structure and yet this version of feminism today we have women that are basically promoting men should act like women right and women should act like men there's all this confusion you can pick your gender you can do it you want and ultimately what I think it's doing is feeding into this idea of a breakdown of the family yeah you know feminism as a branch of liberalism you know it had a very devastating impact on the black community more than anything else I believe and that's not just an opinion if you look back and we don't have time to get into a lot of it today but I could support it if someone will come up and demand where'd you get that from I could show them the research and it didn't just like discourage a man being around it kicked a man out of the house it's right in other words you know you're not needed here who became the male role model the male figure in the home Uncle Sam alright the government that's crack took the place of a male figure inside in on the government Uncle Sam made this might do some things good right might do some things well very little but a few Uncle Sam it's been a horrible father yeah okay and we've never really put this thing back together this black family structure and if you go and you know this I'm preaching to the choir here but that's okay if you go back into 50s and the 40's black said a strong family you're unbelievably strong strong I mean unbelievably strong right that's why I said you know my dad you know his dad was around and but the thing is that stuff's important and this this feminist movement made it seem like it wasn't you made it voluntary made it a choice well it's had a devastating impact on kids you know if a particular person I don't care if it's a woman a man they want to go off on some tangent about you know well I want to do this and I think fine but it's having a devastating impact on our children they're suffering the most because of this selfishness and that's what it is like the description of that it is selfish it really is and but they're promoting that so here's where the culture starts to seize it and and we could say it's selfish and you say that they're saying that men you know it's a choice but I think it's much more Machiavelli and sinister than that right when you start saying that this is now the goal right right so men turning into women this is something that we should be aspiring towards and they're not just saying it's a choice not just saying oh maybe maybe you could do this or maybe you couldn't they're actually trying to make it smack there's something inherently wrong with the nuclear family the way it used to be like if you're a woman and you want to stay home and raise your kids shame on you you're a victim of the patriarchy that's the attitude now that's being instilled in the classrooms conduct without boundaries is what's hurting this country today there has to be limits on things okay I don't really care I mean this I sincerely mean it I don't care if people want to do I do not care I'll do what I want to do you do what you wanna do but that doesn't mean if I see you I don't mean you personally if I see a man trying to become a woman I'm gonna say man that dude that's some abnormal behavior right but now you attacked for it no it's abnormal behavior just because it's accepted today doesn't mean it's not had an abnormal behavior and so some of what kept some of this in check what's that shaming aspect Society would tell you not dude you know not here not whatever but I don't believe those people should be attacked I don't believe those people should be discriminated against with all connick has to have boundaries and right now the left has made it clear that we live in a world of conduct without boundaries we are now acting like there are no such thing as boundaries worse than that like there are there's no such thing as reality right like there's there's literally is no such there's no difference between being a male and being a female there's nothing up is down it's whatever you say suddenly becomes reality and that's a very dangerous slippery slope and I agree with you to accept that you don't want to acknowledge reality and you want to be harmless and and and that's where you want to live yourself your life great but the problem is that it's being mainstreamed and they're legislating it right when you can get in trouble for misgendering someone that's a scary thing for free that's essentially saying you can now get in trouble for acknowledging reality sure think about this to remember before I talked about the impact this is having on kids young kids children who aren't developed in the head yet to deal with some of this sort of stuff but now when when parents are taking a young boy in school and dressing him up as a girl yeah what are they thinking about this kid cannot process what's going on you look at some of the sex education they're teaching now young kids very young kids you know in in grammar school books that have you know transgender kids or you know dressing cross-dressing we just call it cross-dressing right think of the devastation to me that's child abuse that is psychological abuse they're not ready for that there are the adults being abused as well so this is an interesting question and one that I've thought of a lot so we can say the children are being abused but what what would make an adult put their child through this oh and make an adult an adult subject their children to hormone therapy getting them injected right well I think it's when the media starts to sanction things and make it seem like it's normal the entire mass population gets a dose of brainwashing right where they make it seem like there's something wrong with you if you don't see it this way you become a product of your environment right or something with the human species where that is true I like that term mainstream because that kind of behavior used to be marginalized it was on the fringes it was there but it was on the fringes and now it's been mainstreamed and people are being affected by it a lot of selfishness narcissism is definitely a component of it weren't you signaling yeah I'm so progressive but I I allow this in my house it's the only thing and I didn't coin this phrase but I like it you know I think it was time a soul I admire we got a chance I'd like to be mentored by he said the only thing that progressives are progressing is human misery that's very true that's very true and it's so true and this is what I say about feminism today is that they're all miserable by the way and and one of the saddest comments I've ever read I had a Dennis Prager on my show I like all I'm thinking about who I had and here we are at Prager you right and he and I were discussing some of the stuff with feminism and under my YouTube comments one woman wrote thank you so much for speaking out against radicalized feminism I fell for the scam of feminism when I was young which is when most people don't fall for it you know it's fun it's liberal and she said I'm now in my mid-50s I can't have children I'm alone and I take pills every day to deal with like you know my mental grief and my heart went out to her like I so sad is that she realized that she fell into this mainstream suddenly she's going down the stream yes it's progressive it's amazing it's feminism let's go and then your life passes you by and you have nothing yeah because you think you can't turn the clock back right you know there's just some things you cannot you know you get past your child bearing age this is not much you can do it at that point you can still a job you can do some things but I know what that woman was getting at you know another aspect I don't wanna switch gears on you but you talked about feminism the feminist movement liberalism multiculturalism multiculturalism is destroying the fabric of this country and I want to remind people cultures don't blend they clash you know tell me that again Tom is soul they do not blend there's no multiculturalism where the cultures that have really taken off in our world and a history of the world are the ones that started with some base values some base customs some base traditions and then built off of that they looked at other cultures and said they're doing this thing over here Thomas old taught me this I'm not a sociologist Hey look at that culture over there there we like this part of of what they're doing let's take that and adopt it in Dart you don't try to do this with it right it's gonna be a disaster people are gonna gravitate you know when you talk about culture and culture define the way I define the way people behave customs traditions so on and so forth this has happened over thousands of years and people have a tendency it's part of the human condition to gravitate toward people who look like them and and act like that's natural and for people trying to break that up and say well no you got to have some of these people move in your neighborhood you got to take this suburban area and put some low-income people that is going to be a disaster but we have to have pushback you know that's one of the things that I admire about you you push back against these things that you know have become a part of the norm yeah and if someone's got to push back otherwise if there's no push back that's how stuff goes from being fringe marginalized to mainstream right and that and I do push back because I say to myself this is a society I don't have kids yet right so if I don't start speaking out against this but it'll be too late it'll be mainstream and I'm seeing that already happen case in point with the trans stuff going into kindergarten classrooms and learning that they are now allowing kids to pick their gender hell no if I had a kid I'm going to be the worst hey I will be in the principal's office every day I might as well do you guys know if they might as well give me a locker no it's amazing there is my backpack every single day they need that in school you'll be the best and but there needs to be more of this be more of this push back and and people need to wake up and understand this because this is what happens Society you just you wake up one day and you have subscribed to absolute lunacy and you don't know how and it can only be usually it can only be assessed in the retrospect we can sit in this chair and we can say how foolish for the KKK how foolish for racism how fool is for all of this stuff but we have to be aware of this stuff now because this stuff is catching and it is completely deteriorating and disintegrating our society you know you mentioned people need to weigh and speak up I think people know I think generally in this country this population knows but they've been silenced they've been bullied into being silent about it you know it's like I said about you know if someone wants to go and try to change their their gender and think their this I go fine okay but I'm not gonna attack them I'm not gonna do but it's weird okay I'm not afraid to say that but people have been silenced alright this totalitarian left has taken control of speech okay they have cornered the market on it they control the language what you can and can't say you can't say it's weird you can't do this you have to call it this you have to if you control the language you control the narrative right and so because we're not sharing a lot of pushback I don't take that as people don't know and they're asleep they're afraid but I tell people you know what be not afraid because at some point you know and people stronger than me people and more influential position and me have spoke up you look at people I gave her Hamlin Lincoln you look at people like Frederick Douglas all right okay you look at people have come before me you look at dr. Martin Luther King you look at Gandhi all right they had the courage and a conviction to go no wait a minute all right some people with their lives right like Lincoln like King some of them survived that but somebody's got to push back and so I see that as part of my role not to save the world in the country but at least to be a voice a a counter voice because we need a plurality of voices in this country and we're getting away from it right now the left is dominating the narrative and you know I think this is sad I really do but I don't know that they are I think there's an illusion that they're dominating a narrative but if you look at I mean we've got look who we have in the Oval Office right now right if they weren't if they were in fact dominating the narrative we would be talking about president Hillary Clinton the first elected female president that's that's a fact and even when I I consider just look at their the numbers of how many people are watching that stuff anymore right just completely plummeted over time the only time the only place that you can really see the only reason CNN has any viewers left it's cuz it's mandatory watching in airports you know in salons and in bars it's mandatory watching and I think that what we're seeing now with this undercurrent of culture shows like mine right popping up on the Internet is people know in the back of their head something's not right they're starting to turn off that mainstream narrative and they're looking at alternative sources on social media and finding people like me and like you and and this is the pushback this is sort of people saying no enough is enough sure and it's our role right now whether we want it I think it was thrust on me I didn't map it this way I didn't I couldn't have scripted it the way it went but you know I'm a deep faith in God sometimes God calls you mysterious ways and you know if you if you know that it's it's it's his will and not mine sometimes you got to go in that direction okay because it's not fun being these positions but you know you mentioned President Trump it was very good to me and I got involved with his campaign early on got behind him early on I sensed something different I didn't know what it was yeah weird I said the early people like you is interesting so you when when was the first time that you spoke out and supported him like I want to hear that story yeah I was doing a weekly podcast myself on the blaze okay and when that started when he came down that elevator I started to do every segment and as the can't the the primary started I'd do a segment for that week on the primary and he fell into a little rut where he lost like before enrolling everybody thought eyes done he's finished you know if it was what do they call that there's a phrase he started leaking oil you know and I said I would get on a podcast and those things are all still there people can go back if they think I'm lying most people they know I'm not lying and I said you can dismiss this man at your own peril he's gonna be the next president United States I said it before he won a nomination Wow all right he came to me during that process because he'd see me on TV on Fox and but I met him before that at an NRA convention before he announced and he was a speaker I was a speaker and we ended up crossing as he was coming out off the stage and was coming into the building and and we talked and I just you know I just I saw him everyone else who Donald Trump is okay I never watched one episode of The Apprentice no one but everyone knows who Donald Trump is right he's a brand that's what I mean and I I had the people who are escorting me and I said hold on a sec I want to go say hi to mr. Trump he was off a little way and I went over and I waited for people trying to get his on their autograph and everything I waited my turn and then I just Nissan said mr. Trump before I got on another word he said David I think you're doing a great job keep up the good work it's amazing Dave is amazing everyone knew me as sheriff Clark most people don't know my first name right and that left a mark on me I said that's kind of cool not cuz he said hi but he saw obviously beyond the symbol of din the uniform because he knew my first name so anyway the next year at the NRA hit announced and we're in the backroom again we're speaking on the main stage and he's coming all he's coming off the stage and I'm in one of the green rooms and I had I'm getting makeup put on because I'm going up in a couple speakers and and I asked the makeup artists I said hey uh well the president be coming down this way here when you know I pointed to our tour the hallway and she says yeah that's the way you went in I said give me a minute oh and out there and I'm looking over this ramp that's elevated and I'm waiting all of a sudden I see here this bustling you know everything you know surrounding the president even before his president it's always a crowd right and I hear this crowd coming out I looked down and it was then Canada Trump yelled ah I said hey mr. Trump he looks up and he says hey I got to go up here and say hi to my favorite sheriff he detoured around the way that he was supposed to go out you know his car is waiting and he came up and he talked I got pictures of this I don't make stories up and there's no need for me to blow stuff up that doesn't need it right and he said David I'd like your support you know I knew he was a candidate and I said I want to wait till the primaries over I said because I want the voters to decide who's the nominees gonna be and I wasn't a registered Republican anyway I said I want the voters to decide I told him I said but you're gonna win this thing and when you do I'm gonna be there for you sure as heck fast forward he wins the nomination and his camp gets back to me again Sarah when you know you said and I said I'm a man of my word if I give my word you can take it to the bank I said just tell me what you need me to do and they got me involved in worked my rear end off that whole summer all over the country did two tours across America on the Great America tour bus tour and it was fun it really was but got to meet a lot of great Americans I found out what this country really was this is a great country it's great because of its people I wanted some areas you would not think a black guy beats up except that I've been into some of the most rural areas of Tennessee that you're gonna find I've been to backwoods places and states with nothing but white folks and you know what every time I came they treated me and except they knew I was a sheriff but that doesn't mean anything a dude's racist they don't give a damn who I am and what right they're like doing here right exactly treated me like I was their favorite son right and these are Trump supporters okay okay so when I'm watched today and I watch them you know labeled the Trump supporters a racist it is I got nothing I think yeah pump the brakes pump the brakes on it no they're not because I met I didn't just hear about I met these people and they easily could have I would go to places in rural areas and like barns for the GOP event that country right I'd be the keynote speaker normally I know the one I can't remember the city in Tennessee but they said we'd get about 50 people here at this event every year they had 150 and standing-room-only they had people in a waiting line cuz I was the keynote speaker why would these racist student for a black guy I mean because because they're not racist and and what they're running towards and and I know exactly what you're talking about because I now have the blessing where I speak all over the country and I've spoken in almost all 50 states same thing back country places that you just wouldn't expect and every time I visit a new place I say I realize how ignorant I was more and more how ignorant I was about what America is because I grew up you know just outside of New York City right and we are the people these are the elitists we are people that think that we know everything I lived in the city for seven years oh we're so educated we're the ones that are writing the articles because we understand and yet we've never seen America we've never seen real America back country America and understanding that they were just losing and somebody finally said it and and they've been labeled and lied about and libeled and smeared people that are just calling them racists because they have different values then then the people that live in these coastal cities and that's just the truth sure that's why they call this flyover country I'm born and raised in Wisconsin and they don't say that as a compliment flyover country they think the only thing that matters is California and New York everything else in between doesn't matter what we do matter and the president understood that Trump understood it he said there is a group of people in this country feel disaffected they don't feel like they matter anymore they're disenchanted they probably bailed out of the political process my name probably didn't vote anymore please I said to hell with it right well that's when he galvanized yeah and that's what he resonated with and that's where his strength King but but here's the thing that I like to caution people about Trump threaded the needle okay in an election all right he won Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania by a total of 70,000 votes okay 20,000 in Wisconsin 12,000 in Michigan and then the rest of Pennsylvania that's a razor thin margin and you had a low Democrat turn oh so they could easily flip that that's on a caution people come on yeah he's gonna win well he's just look at the economy I told people to act like we're gonna lose you know I'm a veteran of campaigns I had to get elected to be the sheriff and I always made sure that people that worked in my campaign had this mindset that we were gonna lose you know why because fear is a great motivator made him work hard and my voters and when I'm taking it for granted hey you won the last two elections I want four elections in a row right one alas to us I don't care we might lose this one we'd get polling data to show him slightly ahead I never put it out I know because people might go out good he's gonna have this but getting back to the president he's been great to me my family whenever he came to town this is after he's elected I did a couple Brown County events Brown County is a stronghold on GOP stronghold in Wisconsin my family would be invited and he'd always you know they let us in the green room he'd always take the time to come over and and talk to any you know my brother-in-law my sister-in-law my my niece and nephew my wife we don't have kids and when he take the time to say hi to all of them and it wasn't a rope line right and I remember one day my niece she's about 16 at the time she says hey can we take a selfie he says sure good I think that's the kind of guy he is I know trunk right cuz I've been around him and I've talked to him I've had private briefings with him I know what's in his heart is he a perfect man nobody's so I don't get into him well you know it's but I know what's in his heart he wants what's best for this country he loves his country I love this country too and because of what it afforded me the opportunity we've got over that ugly period of slavery all right stain on this on a fabric of the soul of this country that will never go away however at some point and this is why I had an epiphany Candace I just decided to forgive America for the past sin of slavery you know why because the God that I pray to every day teaches me to forgive the God that I prayed to every day extends forgiveness and if he's going to do that for me the least I could do is do that to somebody else and so I I didn't forget and I say never forget slavery but it's for me it was time to forgive and you know what it was very liberating right when people say how'd you become it was just you know I just realized I had to get into the mainstream if I was gonna reach my potential you can't do it on the you know with these fringe groups of black lives matter and so on and so forth you're gonna get into mainstream right and that means you're gonna have to mix it up when white folks I never had this animosity never even before that epiphany but I say this publicly I say I forgave and I moved on and I said it's been liberating you know what's funny is that you say you forgave it I never felt that I needed to forgive it I felt in every way that I needed to honor the history that our ancestors went through and I just can't think and I speak about my grandfather all the time he didn't grow up on a sharecropping farm in the segregated south and work his entire life to give me this opportunity so I could go shrieking in the streets screaming right about about the injustice 'as of a life I I live in a lap of luxury compared to my grandfather that I have every opportunity so I just I couldn't be such a coward as to not go out in life and try to do even more than the ancestors before me and the people before him right so I do it out of honor for my grandfather because he never complained he never called anybody racist he got up every single day and he worked he still has it today he doesn't after he's retired but he can't not work as it's in his DNA so my motivation has always just been this is the time for us to be great right this is there is nothing nothing holding us back and yet if you speak today to black Americans and I tell you I do this in every room when I'm on college campuses I say who in this room believes that America is a more racist country today than it was 60 years ago and I say I just want to know what planet I'm in right now so just I'm just gonna ask the basic question okay great we don't there's no gravity up this down let's get started right these people have no idea you and I know this they have no idea and you know what I don't have too much of an idea other than what my mom and dad went through because there was still the fringes of Jim Crow all right it was more in the south but check this out by the way a lot of what I'm saying today is in my book and you know we're gonna get a chance to do a plug here couple far beyond what's the cause the cop under fire beyond hashtags of race crime and politics for a better America my dad served in the United States Army fought in Korea he was an Airborne Ranger did several parachute jumps under fire getting shot at as he's coming down out of the skies lost several of his um but toon doing that in a segregated army the United States Army was still segregated he had to serve in an all-black but if there's anybody in this country my dad served his country risked his life for America that would not allow him to serve with white soldiers Colin Kaepernick can't C stand for the national anthem but my point with that is if there's anybody that I know that could have a chip on his shoulder about racism and descriptive live in the Army right me my dad never they seemed for my grandpa that is what the insanity is is I'm like he lived it my grandfather lived the KKK shooting bullets inside of his home he lived it right they what they did to him what they how they terrorized his family he lived it I've never heard my grandfather say a single bad word about white people they were always a part of his life growing up there was never any animosity so it's just stunning to sit and think that the most privileged black people that had ever lived in the history of the world are black Americans today right they are also the whiniest the most entitled and the ones that can't seem to do anything without making it into something and saying that they're oppressed how is it possible how did we get into this paradoxical bind they're fed that BS and there's fun their brains are like sponges they they are not curious about anything they don't poke and prod they don't question their brains like a sponge they hear it and just soaks it all in it yeah yeah yeah it must be true it must be right we don't teach in our universities high schools either we don't teach people to think we don't teach people to be critical thinkers that's what education used to be outside of the you know things like you know the math and some of those you know sciences like that is to teach people to expand this thing that God gave you and explore okay and question things and be there's nothing wrong with that sort of thing but they don't teach that anymore they indoctrinate so that's why you get this these people have been indoctrinated with the thing that you're talking about it's had a devastating effect on several generations of people we're intellect a third generation like three generations ago this stuff started right well these are the ones these are the ALCS right who went to Boston University right this is this is where they they're indoctrinated right and they can't think and when you present stuff to them they go off on some tangent whatever because they can't even put forth a counter-argument that makes any sense so then they go now you're racists are you massage are you this you know it's it's it's a shame but think about this this is the the thing I'm worried about these people on the doorsteps of being in power I know gonna doorstep now haven't come through the door on a doorstep right I mean III try to be I try to think more optimistically just because what I've seen happen just over the last few years of me being in politics is that the conservative movement is growing and the leftist movement is shrinking believe it or not on campus what were able to do and I think partially it's because we're getting banned and censored so for the kids conservatism starts to feel like punk rock rock and roll like you're not supposed to do it so we're gonna do it right and we have a president who's irreverent and saying things and that's sort of appealing and I think that also people are just getting exhausted with being upset about everything it's it was exhausting I'm like why everything's racist and people are becoming immune to those words so because they're over playing their hand my hope is that it's actually gonna benefit us because people are getting tired of being offended yeah not everything you're right and we can hope I mean I hope to but I always remind people I don't mean this kind of sending League hopes not a plan great we have planned for these people being in power one day before that conservative movement actually stands up rises up isn't enough it's enough and engages in the political fight because this is that's what this is we we've had political war declared on us war I don't think that's hyperbole no it's not as Steve Scalise asked his people who've gone to Trump rallies have been beaten asked them whether you know to say that we've had political war declare on us ask them if it's hyperbole it's not no it's only escalating by the way the violence is escalating it's not deescalate I thought I actually there you go hope that once he once Trump was in the office things would die down I don't real real we just keep going up-up-up-up-up-up-up missus that's been a natural progression after an election elections real contentious right and people settle down okay and it's okay well will politically oppose you but you know you'll get the government they won't let Chum govern no this is different the generation of thinkers are dying which is why I took the time to meet i sat down with Clarence Thomas a voice admired that guy if you ever get a chance read his book his biography my grandfather's son he's raised by his grandpa yeah miles is his name Clarence talked about in the book I thought my mom was a meanness memoride said I did too I thought but it's what we needed it's what he and his brother needed and he insisted that they become educated you know his mom had some mental problems and she turned him over to the grandparents she couldn't raise him but at least there was somebody there see who was not gonna abuse him was gonna care for them was the grandparents but the thing is I reached out to him and it took me a while to get in you know it's hard to get it's not like you called the Supreme Court and say yeah I'd like to come in and meet justice sounds okay when would you like to it doesn't work like that but I don't take no for an answer and the Secretary was very nice you know she'd say I'll get him the message you know I kept it and blowing off a little bit I'll sit in one day I'm sitting in my office and get a call and it's justice Thomas's office his assistant said the justice would like to you know meet you and whatever and we're gonna get the date together I'm like yeah persistence pays off I sell it to people a side note here the best thing that you could instill in a young person is the ability to overcome obstacles and persevere that's what I did here couldn't get in deep enough tried his wife at were kept calling the office I didn't give up I tell its young people all the time so anyway I got to go in he and I sat down like you and I I thought he would sit behind his desk you know I go into this great chambers right I thought he'd sit behind I was I was nervous this is a Supreme Court justice he came out from behind his desk and we sat in two occasional chairs like this just sitting across talking from which first of all is boiling away by that cuz I put me at ease we sat up there Candice we talked about stuff many of the things that you and I talking about I saw this bust his his he's a big fan of Booker T Washington he's got a bust of Booker T Washington Abe Lincoln and I asked him I said how's that smile he has a bust of his grandfather and he said the reason why I have him there cuz he's looking down at me I love that so much see you know it's just I love that so anyway my it was kind of ironic and then he signed a book for me and he wanted pictures I'm leaving I'm like okay I got more than I'm supposed to be in it goes hey sheriff I'd like to get a couple pictures we took a couple pictures great man funny person you never see that comes across as very austere yeah no this guy's yeah we talked like we've been college buddies and then he asked me he says hey you ever meet Thomas so I said no he's on my list of people to meet and he said let me see what I can do but before that happened I ran into Victor Davis Hanson holds on the Stanford / Institute with Thomas Olin I met him at an event and I said hey Victor Davis Hanson he says anymore of course he does I could give Thomas stole him from me sighs I'll tell you what I'll give you his personal email just don't tell him you got it from me so he gives me is email well I ended up going out there flew out to California and spent an entire day with him just tapping his bringing about everything and of course you know where it was so he didn't he wasn't holding his guard down and I said you know what we're losing you guys man because he said yeah he's on old man Thomas soul Clarence Thomas that's it generation think Walter Williams Condoleezza Rice I mean they're all hiding out in California and I'm like you know what I think it shortened this last one Thomas so Lee said you'll meet Walt Williams no stop you understand do you know what you're doing to me right now this is like you know how many emails I've sent to Thomas Sol do you understand like clarity you're just you're making me very jealous I'm not the hole I'm in a hotel we're gonna meet at Stanford in his office and I thought I'd be going there right I got a call that morning from his assistant I said some what he'll tell you at mr. soll will be picking you up I'm like picking me up what are we picking me up I'm like what is this sure as heck he pulls up in a car he's driving you know he's 70 some years old still you know it's mine still with him but see these guys don't have this this sense that they're bigger than anybody better than this guy comes and picks me up right Clarence Thomas had me on his calendar for 30 minutes I'm in there for an hour and I did him I came out I knew I was in on I know what's in our 47 is cuz I checked my watch I said holy crap I just tapped chapters brain cuz I want to learn from these guys see that's what I'm trying to do now is become the next generation I want to be known as a thinker I'm gonna be known for being able to make coherent thoughts and stuff and not just be a firebrand because that's what I had to be on fox you know you have to throw flame you have to be a flamethrower that's all you're gonna get time to do it give me three minutes and so you got to throw flames you got to throw bombs you can't make this long like you and I can't do this on TV now so I met him and then the only one I haven't met and I haven't really worked on that one is Shelby Steele yeah Charlize do right but we're losing these guys they're not dead yet but guess what these guys are tired they're getting up there in age what's the next generation of black thinkers laughing right throw them left they're not thinkers though you're a thinker you're not black but they're in these universities yeah all these gooks right right they're not thinkers that's the whole thing you're not no but but we're losing that right yeah their worries me yeah that definitely worries me too when I talk about that all the time like these they are so important right now they really are and as much as they're willing to do they should do because you're exactly right we're losing an entire generation of thinkers and that means it's problematic for just the future of black America which brings me to a question I want to ask you to wrap this up are you optimistic or pessimistic about black America and I ask this and I'll go first because I was really optimistic when I got into this and I can see how people fall into the trap of feeling pessimistic because I've just never seen like there's just so little critical thinking and such such a belief in culture I mean we're just so tied into culture and what I mean when you have cardi B telling you who to vote for on Instagram it's just scary the amount of likes I'm looking at millions of likes because she's like vote for Bernie and yet three months ago she's ranting about how high her taxes are and I'm just going does anybody think anymore let's say the answer my answer would be the jury's still out I I think it's somewhere in between because and it probably leans a little more toward pessimistic until we break free until we become independent thinkers until we start to reassociate ourselves with our history because our history is rich and it's about families and it's about hard work it's about overcoming things like slavery and Jim Crow we were attached to that and we were making great progress in this country post-reconstruction yeah yeah we were absolutely stopped in the 60s when the Democrats got ahold of our minds but I think with you with me and there's a couple others out there we need thought leaders right and then we need to have our voice be included in the conversation and not be told you're not wanted here you're we're not looking for a plurality of voice you know yeah this your Uncle Tom yeah I might be I mean if they want to call me that I mean by I might be my voice still matters right let's get over there name-calling and just let my voice be heard if people want to reject it I'm good they don't want to hear your voice they don't want to hear my book I don't want them to hear live what you know why it's gonna resonate cuz it's the truth it's there because because the truth always resonates well I cannot thank you enough for doing this with me but we wrap every episode with you leaving a voice message for the world so what you're gonna do is we're gonna give you two minutes and you can say whatever you want if you wanted a message to fall onto the ears of every single person in the world what would that message be you're gonna look into that camera and you're gonna deliver it and you're gonna do the countdown are you ready on your mark get set world I give you Sheriff David Clarke well that's interesting world and I think people like Gandhi and people that have had a kind of worldly influence but you know basically I just want to talk about America because I think America is the leader in the world I think it is the best country in the world I believe when Ronald Reagan said you know I said shining city on the hill for all the world to see and emulate I believe that sort of thing America has to there's you know there's this concept of Western culture and American culture is real but think of what it's led to in terms of the world think of the things the inventions that have come out of the United States of America the medical inventions those sort of things so that's what our role is in this world and we can't shy away from it and we can't allow other even foreign forces to diminish that because without America for the rest of the world and not much Goods gonna come out of that thank you so much and that's a wrap thank you so much for coming in on such short notice that was awesome thank you guys for watching the latest episode of the Candis Owens show I hope you guys enjoyed the conversation as much as I did as many of you guys already know Prager U is a 501c3 nonprofit organization which means we need your help to keep all of our content free to the public please consider making a tax-deductible donation today I would really appreciate your support
Channel: PragerU
Views: 659,714
Rating: 4.9358549 out of 5
Keywords: PragerU, Prager University, Dennis Prager, Candace Owens, Sheriff David Clarke, David Clarke, Father Absence, Multiculturalism
Id: MUKomh_UiSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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