Setting Up Your Own Cloud: A Guide to Nextcloud on TrueNAS SCALE

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foreign [Music] systems and we're going to talk about how to set up nexcloud on true Nat scale if you haven't heard of nexcloud it's probably one of the best document Management Systems it's open source so you own your documents because putting your stuff in some proprietary ecosystem well you're now subjected to that proprietary ecosystem next cloud is fully open source supports open document formats supports online editing collaboration it's a great way to keep your Cloud at home but I will put a big butt on this even though next cloud has gone through security audits that does not mean there won't be some flaw found in the future now I do believe the next Cloud team is very on top of this and will maintain the package very well and have an update ready but are you ready to do an update on this part of the planning if you plan to public exposes is going to be having a plan to keep it up to date this is something I really Hammer home with people who ask me help in assisting set up their net Cloud for their business because they want to publicly expose it I'm like well then you also I highly suggest have some type of maintenance plan or contract tracked and it's not a good way to just avoid costs if you're a small business because it can cost you dearly if a flaw is in this system you're not aware of the flaw you don't update it in time and your data becomes vulnerable my suggestion is to put this behind a VPN whether it's a VPN on your firewall such as if you're using pfSense and openvpn or something like tail scale tailscale is outstanding I really like it it's one of the tools that I've really used a lot more lately because I wanted to really put it to the test on a lot of scenarios I'm really impressed with how well it works and does not have to expose any ports on your system to keep all of your network private and of course I've got the video head scale if you go but I don't want to use tailscales public controller well there's head scale for you I've got videos linked down below for that now this is specifically setting up next Cloud on trinascale if you're interested in how to set up next Cloud independently on your own Linux server Jay from learn Linux TV has an entire write-up on that for doing it on a Linux server but we're going to be a little bit more narrow in focus to just covering how to set up and shoot now scale things I'm not covering this video because it's just out of scope it's going to be using reverse proxy for those of you that would like to publicly expose this but as I noted before be careful with what you do and make sure if you decide you're going to publicly expose this that you have a plan just want to read it one more time before we jump into the tutorial all right let's get started now we're doing this on true nascal22.12.3.2 the first step is creating data sets to store the configuration and the data for next Cloud I already have this data set called app configs I like to Nest all of my application config data underneath one data set to keep things less confusing and more organized that is up to you it is an optional step but we're going to create this next Cloud database data set this is where the database will be stored which means we can leave the share type generics we're not actually going to be sharing it the standard Unix permission types are going to be fine go ahead and hit save it'll automatically add the extra permissions that are needed when the application gets set up then we're going to go back to our root and add another data set this is we're going to store the next cloud data itself so this is next cloud data and this does need some special permissions so first we're going to set it to apps hit save now we're gonna go ahead and click on next cloud data go down here to the permissions hit edit and we want to apply owner apply group and now we can type www autocomplete for data data and you notice here now it says owner will be and group will be and go ahead and apply these recursively hit confirm even though there's nothing in there it's just always a step I take just in case there is some data in there we need to update and this will save the ACLS and set the permissions so ww data group and owner are there this is the permissions needed by next cloud from there we're going to go to apps and you see I've already installed the calabra application there's really nothing you have to do this one so I already put this installed if you look at this parameters outside of changing the password because the default one has just changed me I left everything here at default so that's the first app you want to make sure it's installed but there's nothing to change except for the password so it's not changed me that can be left at default now we want to go to the available applications again and we want to go to next cloud and we'll click install this is the official from IX systems so next Cloud certificate configuration we'll go ahead and use the default pre-nast certificate default password is change me let's make it much more secure by making it change me one two three we're going ahead and say yes to installing the extra ffmpeg and s p client and next we want to set the next cloud storage so we want to enable host path for next cloud data volume storage and this is where we do the next cloud data portion then we're going to scroll down here and we want to enable host path for postgres data volume we're going to ahead and go here go here and we go to our app config and this is where I want to store the postgres database that nextcloud uses if you wanted to also enable you could have created one more for extra backups of it but because I'm going to be backing up the database I'm not as worried about that that's optional might be a good idea to do it but for this demo we're going to skip it enable cron jobs definitely going to do that and after that we just hit save and go all the way down here to the bottom and we'll let it go through the process of spinning this up now one thing I will warn you it's about to say that it's ready but then it'll go back to deploying that is normal behavior and depending on the processor speed it may take it a while to get fully deployed the first time you set it up because it has to build out the databases this is something where people may think they're stuck but it may take and like right now it says up to date but if we go to the web portal we're going to get this error I just wanted to point that out that if you're impatient and we we go off the page and refresh it again it'll go back to deploying one of two this is the whole setup process this may take up to depending on a speedier processor five minutes to do in this particular system which happens to be a ryzen 3 2200 it takes about two minutes to get set up but just of note depending on how busy your machine is this might take a few minutes and just be patient all right I waited about two and a half minutes and now the web portal is available so we can log in admin and the change me one two three which probably not a great password but hey it works but that's just what we set up for the demo here right now that I put the password in properly we are in there's the next step though is setting up the collabora so the collaborative documents for that we're going to go here and we're going to go to the apps search and we're going to look for next Cloud office which is right here and we want to download and enable now that we have the next Cloud office app set up we want to go here to the administrative settings scroll down to next Cloud office and we want to use our own server this is to get the document and Collabera online server working and you can go to the web portal or you can just go here to click edit and the goal is to put in the IP address of the server which is these 192.168 3.8 happens to be my server IP and the port number and we have this set with a certificate to the freenas default cert so that means we're going to use the certificate with it and we choose that by doing https 192.168 3.8 colon 9980 and we want to disable certificate verification and it says collaborate server is online I'll click save but we know that works now let's go ahead and play with the document in here so if we go back over to our files and we'll just make sure this is all working so we can get into one of the collaborative documents and we'll actually upload something so I upload a documentary scale versus analogy this is what produced one of my other videos we'll go ahead and open this make sure we can open up the collaborative documents and here we are it's working now there's obviously a lot more you can do with next Cloud they have great documentation I just wanted to cover the basics of getting it set up creating those data sets the next steps you would have to do after this is going to be making sure you're backing up those data sets via replication via copying all that data somewhere maybe through one of the backups to a cloud provider there's a lot of different ways you can handle that but importantly is getting it set up first and then backing it up and making sure you understand and have a plan one of the other things to note is if you have to reinstall nextcloud that you can just point it back at those same data directories and all of your data was there those were some bugs in the early days if you had watched my early videos on this one sure nascal was first released more or less in beta coming all the way here to July of 2023 it's a much better much more stable integration and I've deleted next cloud and popped right back to those same data sets that I had pointed out and it restores perfectly fine I made sure I tested this numerous ways numerous times to understand that it works well and if you had an incident you'd be able to have all of your data this was sometimes like I said a little bit buggy in the early days so if you would experience that try it out here in July or whenever you're watching this video that it's moved and become a lot better of a product nonetheless leave all of your questions and comments and thoughts down below love hearing from all of you if you'd like to hire us for a project related to True Nash Consulting and storage Consulting in general reach out to us over at if you'd like to see more content to this channel like And subscribe and I'll see you next time thanks thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 98,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LawrenceSystems, truenas scale, nextcloud setup, nextcloud truenas scale install, nextcloud truenas, nextcloud truenas scale, nextcloud truenas setup, nextcloud truenas install, nextcloud truenas https, truenas scale nextcloud, truenas scale docker
Id: 8Cxg1mAYtL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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