Setting up Nextcloud and Collabora on TrueNAS SCALE

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trunass scales native Docker and kubernetes functionality provides users a quick and easy way to deploy and run containers with just a few clicks in this video we'll be installing and configuring nextcloud and calabra on trunes scale ready let's get started hand over to your trunes scales web UI and log in with your username and password we're going to create a dedicated data set for our fresh next Cloud installation if you already have a data set defined you'd like to use you can skip this step head over to storage on the left and on the right side of the screen locate the three dot ellipses next to your data set and select add data set we'll be naming our new data set nextcloud data and then we'll scroll down to the bottom and click save all of the defaults are fine for us here it's the new data set is built you should see it listed below now let's get nexcloud installed head over to apps on the left we currently have no apps installed on our true Nest scale system so we see no apps listed under the installed applications tab let's navigate up to the available applications tab if this is the first time you've created an app on trunes scale you'll be asked to choose a pool for your app storage we'll select our pool named tank and click choose the process completes quickly trunes provides a variety of officially maintained apps and the selection is continually growing over time we provide an officially maintained app of next Cloud that we can install quickly locate the next Cloud app in the list below and click the install button on the card we'll need to give our new next Cloud app a name we'll name ours nextcloud and click next on the next screen our first stop is to select the certificate we'll be using to secure next Cloud's web interface using a certificate is not required for next Cloud by itself but is required when integrating nextclot and collaborate together and it's highly recommended to encrypt traffic when possible we'll click the drop down and select the default self-signed certificate that was created by trunes scale below you can set the local admin password for the next Cloud install by default the password is change me you can choose to change the default admin password now or leave what's there and change it from the web UI of nextcloud later click next once you've made your changes in the storage config section we can Define our host path location for our next cloud data this is where we'll assign the data set we created just a bit ago check the box labeled enable hostpath for next cloud data volume and navigate through to the new data set you created once selected click next next is the Cron job configuration setting next Cloud can be configured to execute background tasks via Cron job it's recommended you enable cron drops for nextcloud though the additional configurations of this are outside the scope of this video we highly recommend reading into the cronj app configuration features in the next Cloud documentation we'll click enable Chrome jobs for nextcloud lead the default settings and click next to continue on the next few screens we won't be making any changes so click next through them to continue [Music] on the final step we see all of the configurations for our new nexcloud app if you change the admin password you'll see it shown here as well as the path we configured for our next cloud data when you're ready to kick off the install click save once we click save the initial installation will begin during this process your trunes scale system will download the app and begin the installation we can check on the app's deployment status by navigating over to installed applications at the top here we can see our next Cloud application is in the process of being deployed this process can take some time depending on your Hardware be patient and allow the deployment to finish now that nexcloud is installed let's move on to collabora let's get Collabera installed head back over to the available applications tab locate the collabora app below and click the install button to start the collaborate installation like the next Cloud app install our first stop is to give our collaborate app a name we'll enter in calabra and navigate down and click next on the next screen we can choose to change the default admin password which by default is change me or change it later from the collabora admin UI we'll leave our set to default in the certificate section we'll need to choose the certificate we'll be using to secure the collaborate site like we did in the next Cloud app config we'll click the drop down and select the default true and assert and click next on the next few steps we'll be leaving the defaults and won't be making any changes so click next to them until you reach the final step on the last screen we see all the configurations we set for our new collabora app if you change the admin password you'll see it shown here when you're ready to kick off the install click save once we click save the initial installation will begin like with the next Cloud install your trunes scale system will download the app and begin the installation and we can check on its deployment status by navigating over to install applications at the top now that we've successfully installed both nexcloud and calabra on our true Nas scale system it's time to configure next file to use collabora we'll have multiple tabs open during this portion of the configuration so we've brought back the address bar of our Chrome browser our first stop is to open nexcloud have a look around and install the collaborate app click on the web portal button on our next Cloud card a new tab opens and we're greeted with the log on screen for nextcloud the default username is admin and the default password is change me unless you changed it during the app installation process enter in your credentials and click login to nexcloud our first login is greeted with an introduction of all the great features and functionality nexcloud has right out of the box we'll click through these screens to get back to the next Cloud dashboard nexcloud is a fantastic way to build your own private Cloud keep your data under your control and make it accessible anywhere you'd like next Lab provides a Dropbox like experience and provides access to your data via the web mobile apps Integrations and more now that we've gotten a feel for what nexcloud offers out of the box let's begin integrating collabora and take your web collaborations to the next level on the top right corner click the user settings icon navigate down to apps and click it nextclot has an impressive library of apps plugins and features that you can install to locate the collaber app we'll head over to the search icon on the top of the screen and type in collabora there are three different apps available for collaborate and the top option collaber online is the one we want so we'll navigate over to the download and enable button on the right and click it the app install into next cloud is very quick now let's head back over to our truenast tab in our browser navigate over to the collabora card and click web portal the default user for collabra is admin and the default password is change me unless you entered a unique password during the app installation process once you've entered in your credentials click sign in the admin UI for collaborate is very Lightweight by Design and doesn't require any initial configurations to be integrated with nexcloud when you log in you'll land on the overview page which provides you an at a glance view of open documents and users online as well as a few resource and usage statistics on the left side you'll find an analytics tab that provides a three minute running graph of collaboras memory CPU and network utilization the history tab provides you visibility into documents that have been opened or expired and the log tab provides a running log of the events occurring in collabora these Tabs are useful if you need to keep track of resource utilization or are having issues Within collabora only need one bit of information from this tab to complete our configuration in nexcloud and that's the URL in the address bar at the top of your browser window in the address bar make note of or copy the URL of your collabora instance now let's head back over to the next Cloud tab in our browser navigate back to the top right admin settings area and click settings this is the settings page for your user and if you have veteran rights the settings for all of your next Cloud instance we need to tell nexcloud how to reach out and talk to collabora navigate over to the left and find nexcloud office within the next thought office settings page we have a few options for configuring collabora with next Cloud we're running our own server of calabra on truna scale so we'll navigate to the first radio button and click it now we need to enter the URL for our collabora server this is the path we made note of from the collaborate tab just a bit ago you can either paste in the full URL including the port number or manually enter it collaborate requires SSL for security and we chose the default self-signed SSL certificate generated by trunass on install so we need to click the checkbox disable cert verification below to complete the setup finally we'll click save and the configuration for collabra on next cloud is complete let's see in action navigate back up to the files app in nextcloud we can create a new Office document quickly and easily by clicking the plus icon in the top of the middle window we can now select from a variety of different Office document types like word processing docs spreadsheets presentations or diagrams as an example we'll create a new presentation by selecting new presentation and click the right arrow button to begin editing the document collabora provides a few different templates to choose from we'll select simple and click create from this point on you can create a variety of different office documents share them with others and even collaborate with people on the same document in real time all from your new next Cloud instance running on true now scale this is a great time to mention that we have a ton of helpful documentation and resources to help you get the most out of trunes scale and our fantastic Community is full of great people who are willing to help answer any questions you might have we highly recommend you check out our docs bookmark them and join the community thank you for watching
Channel: TrueNAS Open Storage
Views: 39,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dpZurFVxh4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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