15 Apps I use on NextCloud to replace Google and Other Services

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from novas Spirit Tech and welcome back to the channel and today we're going to be checking out my NY Cloud app so let's get started now this is a follow-up video to my NY Cloud video that I just did on the Raspberry Pi 5 and I do plan on doing another video on getting NYX Cloud to work outside of your network if you're hosting in your home now there are multiple ways to do this which is like tail scale or using VPN like wire or actually hosting it out yourself with your own domain uh there are different ways so I will be putting this tutorial together for the next NYX Cloud video now to be honest I just started fully using NYX Cloud probably like a month and a half or two months by now and before that I was always using it just as like a cloud storage from my phone or anywhere else where I could just dump stuff but now I'm actually using the web interface and I am convinced this is actually really really good now how I originally have it is is I have everything that you see here scattered over multiple websites for task management notepad stuff like that everything was just scattered to have everything in one location and have apps based it's so much easier to handle and navigate everything that I need that's why I switched over to ncloud there are some things that I don't want to give up like my Google calendars I just like to use Google calendars and it's easier to share that between me and my wife but otherwise everything else like notepads and stuff like that I have been using NYX cloud so to jump into my desktop uh you guys are probably familiar with this scene this is where you would hold all your files you can drag and drop stuff here and this would be where everything is located now the first thing I want to talk about is decks this is a software I just started using I used to use Trello this is the equivalent to Trello and you get your boards and your project management up I don't have much here I still got to transfer all the information over but I do have some boards up here and that's how it would look you could actually track them if you finish the project needs to be reviewed certain things like that would be placed up here I consider deck and task to be almost the same thing because task will just check off what you need to do and I just rather do this through deck even though it poses the same information so I kind of don't use task as much over uh the deck next one we have its notes now it might be a little confusing because I have some icons over here and then I have a menu over here I'm still trying to get used to this menu because once you don't have this menu which is plugin that I added in um all the icons spread across the top and it gets too cluttered but anyway I have notes over here now I used to use uh keep notes for my Android and Snippets for my desktop which is a Docker I use a lot of and now I started to keep everything in this one location now what I do like about this it has markdown so I could actually put HTML bigger fonts uh different things in this one uh notepad so it's not just regular text you could just pop in a lot of stuff another thing what's cool about this is that when you save the notepad it doesn't save just into a database itself it actually is in a folder called notes and you get the MD files the markdown files and you could just copy them over wherever you want and download them if you need to so I do rather like this a lot now next I use is passwords now this is going to be all blurred so now you know I use my passwords through nexcloud now I originally had it on keep Pass key pass has been great it still does wonders the only thing about this different from that one is that I'm able to share this with my wife so between me and my wife we're able to share our passwords for each account and it's much easier to do it through ncloud and then you have the ncloud password app and then you got also Firefox extensions or Chrome extensions that could pull information directly from nexcloud so I like using this it's very integrated very easy to use and it works with multiple people so my wife could get all the information that I have now after that um we have calendars now calendars I just started to sync my Google Calendar here now I don't do any interactive stuff on the NYX Cloud calendars I mainly just use it for the task and all that stuff that like highlights okay this day I'm busy I can't do this I just do that but most of the time I update everything through my phone through Google clouds and then I have it synced to Nyx Cloud I don't have anything showing but it does show up here on what I need to do now another thing I added to this which I really like is hosting my own office so this way I could actually just and go into an Excel document like this and then edit whatever I need to edit so it works off your phone works off the web browser so much easier than installing and whole Office Suite on my desktop now this is one of my favorite plugins right now which is called news and this retains all my RSS feeds from all the websites I like to read now I don't have everything here I still have to add some more but in general this has all the RSS feeds from websites I like and it'll give me the tabloids and basically what's coming up and I get to read all my unread articles uh right now I'm since it's October a lot of is coming back out so I added Screen Rant uh gaming on Linux is also a good one where you could check out if anything new game new gaming stuff pops up for Linux so I use this a lot and they also come with Android app so I could just go through my NYX Cloud News Android app and kind of read all my news through there again one of my favorite apps on this now there's two things I still haven't checked out that I do want to migrate over later which is bookmark and cookbook right now I I just use a standard bookmark system on my Firefox and then I'll dump it and then save it somewhere else it's not even syncing bookmarks it's just literally I have bookmark in one place and I try to like move it over to another so I do plan to move that over to ncloud and use their bookmark system but that's going to be a future project for myself now cookbook is another one that I played around with I do have something hosted on my P hosted setup for cookbook system I don't generally use it too much but since NYX Cloud does have cookbook I might try to start migrating recipes and everything over to NCL so those are the two that I'm not going to be able to show because I haven't installed yet but we'll be looking into the future otherwise those are the main plugins that are visible that you would see that I have hooked up on my next Cloud now next I have all the stuff that are not visible so I'm going to be showing you that I'm going to head over to apps and it's not in any particular order but the first thing I would highly recommend installing is two Factor authentification and also root for SCE and two Factor identification notification what I'm using right now is two-factor top provider so I could actually use aie or Google Authenticator or whatever it is to set that up two Factor email so if I need to send an email and my authenticator app is not working this also has it and then the two Factor authentication via NYX Cloud that is a huge one where I could log into this browser over here on this computer or another computer anywhere and instead of asking for two factor of authentification number it could actually send a notification to another account that's already logged in and you could approve it so most of the time my phone I could just see the notification and hit approve and that's a huge uh step up it's just so much easier to log in with just being able to approve the login now next up uh this is a personal thing which is 3D model viewer this allows me to view stls and um freead files and a bunch of others so let me show you right here if I go into files I could pop over to to my 3D prints go over to desktop this is the one that I was working for my nextcloud logo so this is STL file I can hit it and there we have our little 3D file over here and if I want to see the freead file I could just click on that and it'll load freead as well fread actually gives me the color because I was editing in this color blue which is pretty cool you can also adjust the background if you don't like this background you can change it to something else solid color whatever you want so yeah that's another addin that I use uh let's go back to apps next one we have something called extract uh this is um probably self-explanatory gives you the ability to right click and extract files again let me go into files I could take a look at this 2D dzip file right click extract here and then it'll make a folder and it has my files in here who let me open that and it has my files extracted in there simple as that actually very useful when I just dump files in here and I need to know what's in the zip file I could just extract it another one is UB viewer cuz I actually don't have any UB viewer on any of my computers I have it on my phone but I don't have any UB viewers on my desktop or anything so it's so much easier just to be able to open an UB without worrying about what program I need to download to read it so I just leave with UB viewer another one is Google Integrations which is something I talked about earlier Google Integrations allows you to sync up your Google calendars with your account and everything there's two forms of this this is the one that's officially from NYX Cloud that only does a one-way sync where pulls the data and that's about it there's another one that is actually not compatible with the latest version yet uh also called I think Google integration where it does two ways it actually will pull and push data so if you have um updated something on your calendar on nexcloud it will actually push it to your Google Calendars if it worked it would be great but now I'll just stay with syncing and pulling the data so there are two I'm just waiting for that other one to be updated as far as the backend stuff I do have a few things for the back end even more backend than this which one of them is called OC web and it gives me the console to allow me to use the OCC command it's really cool though so if I go here and go to OC web now I get a console and in this console it allows me to run the OC command now why I use this is because there's a lot of times where I transfer files through the network to my NYX Cloud without going through the Nyx Cloud interface and these are F big files I could be like 20 gigs 30 gigs of photos and stuff like that and transferring it through the user interface of Nyx cloud is super slow it might take 5 hours just to do something that would take 20 minutes of your direct transfer because it's trying to create databases and all the backend stuff so it it takes a lot longer to upload a photo this way doing it normally like the cloud if you're uploading five six photos that's fine but once you get up to hundreds and thousands of photos and you're trying to transfer you need something like OC Cloud so you could use OC commands so one of the commands I use is called files scan files scan like right right over here this will actually read the user or users and pull in all the new files that you dumped into the folder because if you just dump a file Direct ly to some folder in NYX Cloud it won't ever show up on the web interface because it's never been cached so you need to run that command called files scan um just so you could actually pull up all the new file system it'll rescan the file system itself there's more uh to this command you could actually just specify users specify folders it's whatever you want to do so if you're running some sort of like downloader that downloads daily into this spe specific folder you might want to run a Chron job for this file scan and then you get test it through here the next one that I like to show you guys is called preview generator so if you go over here there's this command called preview generate all this command is not native to OC this is something you have to install as a plugin so if I go over to apps pop down into preview generator this will actually tell you that it gives you a command to pre-generate previews for the images so when you're again uploading or pushing hundreds of thousands of files over to this one directly in the back end without using the front end interface you would use OC file scan to scan all the new files that came in and then use preview generator and it'll create all the little thumbnails that you see on the pictures so in in combination of those two I was able to quickly move all my files to Nyx cloud and get all my photos up and ready and videos and stuff like that so yeah you can also set those up to do cron jobs so it automatically scan and update or whatever you want with those but those are the two back back end uh programs I would recommend OC web and um preview generator well anyway that is it for me guys I haven't used any of the talk or any of the video conferencing uh programs that they have actually in nexcloud which I know they do but since I have usually use my phone for something else I wouldn't even use the talk or the video streaming service that they have now if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I save my nerd cave hack tail it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 72,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, nextcloud apps, nextcloud, nextcloud apps best, nextcloud top apps, linux, cloud, linux tutorial, nextcloud setup, self hosted apps, nextcloud app list, apps
Id: gvaOdOKq4WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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