6 Crucial Settings to Enable on TrueNAS SCALE

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all right how's it going y'all so today i'm continuing on to my true nas scale tutorials and this one is going to be on everything you need to do as soon as you start up the very first time and just things you really want to set up and you do not want to forget about this is going to be things like taking snapshots making sure scrubs are running making sure you've got smart tests running all these different things that you need to make sure are set up whenever you start off on a new trunas build so i do this pretty much every time i implement one for a client and we're going to make sure that these are all running because if you don't have everything running especially something like a scrub test it can really hurt you then for something like a snapshot it is so nice to be able to have i'm going to talk about those here but these are going to be some really important things that pretty much everybody should enable and i'm going to talk through different settings for different people though for some things specifically like snapshots and so the very first thing we're going to do is make sure our backup is running and so this is just something general that's more of on a trueness course thing than trying a scale thing because truenas scale automatically backs up the configuration file basically your entire web interface every single night to the system data set at 3 45 am so just make sure your device is not off at that time if you have like a scheduled power off make sure not to have that at 3 45 and if you do you probably can figure out when to change it you might have to really dive into it or you could do things like just make sure to manually back it up the way you can manually back it up is go in here and we are going to go into system settings general manage configuration down here and we're just going to download the file so this right here is the file and anytime you make a lot of major changes it's not a bad idea to just download one of these off just leave it in your downloads thing if you need you need it if you don't you don't but they're very small and it's not a bad idea to always do that anytime you do a lot of big things or especially if you're about to just reconfigure a lot of things it's not a bad idea it takes two seconds to make that click just download it really quick just in case but that is backups thankfully now it's automatically backed up every single night especially considering how small that file is there's no reason not to all right so that is backups and so now the next thing we want to go ahead and do is make sure that our disks are having smart tests run smart tests there's two different types a long and short and essentially it's a self-test of the drive so the drive can say hey am i about to fail and so you want to run a short one very often and then a long one every few months or so because the long ones can take a long time but to do that we just go into data protection and go down here into our smart tests and we're actually going to create two one of them a weekly one that's going to be a short test and then a bi-monthly one so every other month for a long test so we're just going to add it i would do all drives no reason not to unless you've got a specific drive you want to test more often because it's starting to throw some errors it's not a bad idea and we're going to select the type this one's going to be our short one and we're going to call it short smart and for the schedule we are going to do it weekly sundays make a lot of sense at 2 a.m so that is going to be our short test on all drives and so we're going to save that one off and now we're also going to add one here for all drives as well that is going to be the long test and long can be very long and we are going to do it by monthly and so this will do it by monthly as we can see every other month and so that will run the test every other month long tests are not nearly as crucial to run as smart tests the short ones i've never really had a long test be that useful for me but they can be helpful and so running them every other month is not a bad idea you can also specify the day if you need to so just say only ever do on sunday and get to some very specifics like that but it's not a bad idea to let them run all right and so that is number two so number two is setting up smart tests making sure our disks are healthy i'm actually quite surprised smart tests are not automatically enabled but that's there all right and so now on to number three and it is just right here and that is going to be our scrubs you want to make sure you're running a scrub at least every probably three months they are very aggressive here and running every single week which i think is probably too much but it does not hurt it totally depends how long it's going to take for you if you got a multi-petabyte pool you probably do not want to run that every single week because there's a decent chance by the time it's done it's got to run again and you're never going to have good performance and realistically bitrate's not going to just set in overnight with a ton of errors and so running every three months is probably fine but it's not a bad idea to leave it at that and you can change it here thankfully they do have it enabled by default we can also just set up it anything we'd like to hear and unfortunately it is all by pool you can't just say do it always they've already got this set up by default so that is very good but make sure those are running and a scrub essentially goes through reads every single file on the pool and make sure it does not have any errors so it checks all the check sums says okay yep there's no bit rot there's no corruption there's nothing bad has happened to this file we know it's good now in the case where bit rot has occurred and the file is cropped it'll be able to detect it and actually be able to clean it up and fix it without ever even really telling you so it'll just go well that's not right and fix it and that way the file never gets corrupted as long as the file is not too corrupt the smart test will be able to fix it no problems whatsoever and so that's why you want to run them fairly often is because if you have too many errors stacking up well now you've got a real issue because it can only repair so many errors and so those are our first three and now onto number four is going to be very custom depending on exactly your setup but it is also just as crucial and it is snapshots the best feature of zfs in my opinion other than the data protection it has is the fact that it has snapshots that is why btrfs and zfs are just such amazing file systems is the ability to have snapshots and even snapshot replication snapshots allow you to restore your entire file system point in time at any time with a very low overhead and only storing deltas it's practically the reason why copy on right file systems were created and it is so useful so you really want to make sure every single pool you has has at least some kind of periodic snapshot even if you're just storing them for a day this way if you make a stupid delete or anything like that you can recover from it it's also built in ransomware protection against your most common threat and that's where a computer on the network that has access to the file server goes hostile and gets infected it will then go ahead and encrypt the entire file server demanding ransomware if you have snapshots you can just roll back those changes just like that it is so nice and means you never have to restore from backup and even if you don't have a backup you should have a backup you can still restore your files from this so everybody should have at least some form of this so we're just going to go ahead and hit add and we're going to do it for every single set we've got and for our basic schedule for most users what i would recommend is probably two weeks is fine and dailies you can do a lot more custom ones there's so much more stuff you can do here but the default one here where you've got a snapshot of the day for two weeks is fine you probably can even expand this out to probably four weeks and essentially what will happen is from the moment you take a snapshot till the moment you remove it which it will be in this case four weeks it'll be essentially four weeks from the moment you delete a file to the moment you get your space back but in those four weeks you can restore that file without having to go to backups or anything like that so it's still on the disks so that's what it costs but a nice thing you can do is just bulk delete snapshots and then go okay i'm running out of space i just cleaned up my nas i've deleted a bunch of files i don't need i know i don't need them i know i need the space today and so what you can do is you can force that to happen and just select all those old snapshots delete them and then you will immediately get your space back but definitely make sure to set up snapshots i've got a more customized video on that they are super super super helpful alright and so now on to our very final one and that is not going to be actually shown fully in this video it is going to be a backup you can backup your nas however you like to there's rsync replications and cloud sync cloudsync goes to a cloud rsync can go to pretty much any other server in the world that runs rsync so synology anything and there's replication replication is essentially sending a copy of the exact file system using zfs snapshots actually to another truenas scale box and so that way you can have a active backup file system that can turn over just like that and so if you do have an entire file server go down you can recover almost instantly but make sure to pick one of these and back up your data i'm not saying you have to back up your entire file server no for people that's just too expensive and people aren't going to do it but what you need to do is you need to sit down and say these are the pools i care about these are the family photos this is my employee's tax information that i really need to make sure we've got everything like that make sure that it's backed up somehow there's a lot of options here pick one of them and go with it i'm going to do in-depth tutorials on every single one of these options eventually and so just pick one of them and go with it and make sure to check your backups at least once a month at minimum set up a thing on your calendar every six months to check your backups and make sure you can restore from them even if it's just restoring a single file make sure you've got the ability to restore in some capacity because a backup that's never tested it's going to end up failing and then it's going to be absolutely useless all right well that's gonna be it for this video i really hope this was helpful i've wanted to do just a basic hey this is everything you need to know to get started and just things that if you don't set them up they can kind of bite you in the butt later on so that was this video i'm going to have a whole series on this so check the playlist down below for it on a full setup guide for truenascale so leave any other tutorials you'd like to make in the comments below and have a good one bye [Music] you
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 67,989
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Id: dP0wagQVctc
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Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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