TrueNAS Install Inside Proxmox & HDD Passthrough

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[Music] so if you've been watching this series so far you'll know that i started out with building a new server using a chinese x79 motherboard which is working really well although the documentation is not great on these boards it does seem to have fairly standard chipsets now if you have been watching you will know that i did plan to connect up eight hard drives using the sas connectors inside of the chassis that i got using some kind of sas card or hba card however after trying some multiple different cards that i do have such as this lsi 9210 card i have here and the hp p420 i was not able to get these to boot using the x79 motherboard now it could be some kind of conflict with the chipset not really sure putting these cards into it mode also doesn't really seem to have any effect it seems to be a conflict with the motherboard's chipset and these cards so i have to look further into that so what we are going to do in this video and i'm going to show you in this video is how to pass through hard drives directly to trunas via proxmox using the onboard sata controllers that are on most motherboards in this way truenas will see the hard drives as standard and will be able to control them fully as they would be if they were passing through some kind of hba card bearing that change everything else has been running super great with the actual server itself we have the media server running jellyfin right now i have proxmox behind me the server's been on for quite some time now a few weeks it's been really stable and so i'm going to take the camera over to the computer and then i'm going to take you through setting up trooners inside of proxmox as well as passing through the sata hard drives directly to trunas so it can see and set up a zfs share inside of truenails itself so now that we're at the computer we can see proxmox and you can see some information here as standard with the proxmox installations like the cpus the ram all the details here um just so you know this is running on the x79 chinese motherboard that we've been building in the last few videos uh if you haven't seen that do a click up in the top right to see the build of this it's been really interesting so far uh so you can see the 32 cpus these are two dual uh dual cpus with eight cores so 32 threads with 128 gig of ram um and as you can see here we already have one uh vm installed this is jellyfin this has been running really great and you can see the local as well as the network synology just so you can see it first uh why the drives do not show up if you don't have a hba card so if we click on to pve when we click in disks here what we can see here is we have one hard drive which clearly has some information as well as four hard drives here now you can see they're all connected here and if we click initialize with a gpt and we'll initialize all of these now so now all the drives are initialized if we go to the media server which for me is id 100 and we click on add hard disk and under scuzzy we will see the storage drop down as you can see it does not show here and if we drop this down and click on sata and try again you can see they also do not show up if you had a pci express uh some kind of hba card or sas controller you'll be able to pass through that controller directly through to the system under the uh pci device here and then you'll be able to take control of the hard drives that way but since we do not have a sas or hba card inside the server we have to pass through the hard disks manually to the system to the virtual machine that we want the first thing that we're going to need to do is we're going to need to create a virtual machine with tunas on it so we're going to click on pve we're going to click on the top right hand corner and we're going to click create vm so here we have the system uh i'm going to keep it under the same node we're going to keep it as vm 101 since that's the next one in line we're going to call this trueness and we're going to have this starter boot we're gonna click on next under operating system all my vms are under my synology i drop down the iso image i'm gonna select trueness and then we're gonna click next keeping everything as defaults on system everything is defaults as well click on next under scuzzy we're going to keep everything here as defaults as well i'm not going to change anything there next again under cpus we're going to give it six course uh so that it has enough i've got plenty of course to play with uh then we're gonna click next again and under memory uh we're going to need to allocate the correct amount of memory for this system now tuners requires that you have eight gigabytes of memory for the standard installation plus one gigabyte for every one terabyte of storage so in our case we have eight gigabytes that we need for the trunners plus 16 terabytes of storage equaling to 24 gigabytes of ram so in megabytes that's going to be 24 576 that is going to be the amount of ram very important to note here is the ballooning device option zfs wants to know how much it has all the time and if ram is not being used it won't be allocated under the ballooning device system so you need to turn this off so that zfs knows and truenus knows exactly how much ram it has and it's always allocated all the time so we're going to click next i'm going to change nothing about the network because i just have one card next again just double check all of the settings here everything looks good to me i'm going to click finish we're not going to start after created i'm going to click finish first and once that's created which won't take a second you can see here it's popped up on the left truenose101 that's great now we need to be able to give it the hard drives but if we click here again as before it won't show the hard drives here because we need to pass them through so if we click on pve and we click on the shell one of the first things that you need to do is you need to install the tool called lshw press enter mine's already installed so it won't install anything but you need this to list the hard drives after you've done this you're going to need to list the hard drives that you have using lshw space dash class space disk dash class again space storage if you press enter what you will get is a list of all of your devices this way you'll know that everything is showing up correctly i'm just going to maximize this so you can see you can see here we have disk 0 samsung this is the ssd then after this we have all these hard disks here 4 terabytes you can see on each of these so what you want to do is pay a note to this number here this is the product number as you can see it's the same for me but yours may be different and then you can see the serial number here this is also something to keep a note of um if you were to type in another command ls dash l forward slash dev forward slash disk forward slash by id and if you hit enter you'll get a compressed list of all of this and this is just an easier way to look at getting these ids here that you're after and there is one other way that you can find the list of these ids if you don't want to do it this way if i minimize this in the hard disk lists that you have under pve you'll actually find the model number here as well as the serial number here so i'm going to open up my shell and you're going to want to type in a command to pass these through to your virtual machine the only other thing to keep note of is the number of id that you gave to your virtual machine in my case it is 101 so if we type in qm set 101 uh keep this to the id for your virtual machine you want to pass it through two press space uh since this will already have a scuzzy device um you need to give it scuzzy one mine already has one hard drive if it has more you're going to need to pass through and add another number every time you add a hard drive if you don't know how many hard drives are attached if you go to the hardware properties of a virtual machine if i minimize that and show you under hardware under trueness you can see here we have one scuzzy device scuzzy zero which is where it's storing the actual um kind of operating system of trueness itself so i'm going to open up proxmox here the show again so we're going to assign this scuzzy one space and then you're going to assign it dev disk forward slash by id we're not doing this by host point because that can change so you want to ignore this kind of sdb sde sdc these can change it doesn't happen often but they do so you're going to list it by id after the forward slash here then you're going to put in the actual serial number and model number in its entirety i've got these on a notepad document to the side so i'm going to copy and paste the number here and you can see here this is one of my drives i've missed the first part of this i need to type in the ata part there we go now it's showing up and that's good so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the same command by pressing up i'm going to change scotty 1 to 02 and then i'm going to delete the last part of this because all of my serial numbers are the same and then i'm going to take the next one and i'm going to copy from my notepad document and i'm going to paste it in and i'm going to hit enter again and then i've got the next one i'm going to press up again i'm going to go to scotty three this time i'm going to delete the last serial number i'm going to copy and paste the document again hit enter and then we're going to do it one more time scotty for delete the last number and then paste it in enter now so long as that's good i'm going to type in exit to get out of here and you can see here um without refreshing i have scuzzy one two three and four the hard disks all showing up correctly under tunas which is perfect so now that we've uh set this up we need to install trunas so we're going to hit the console button we're going to hit start and then it's going to start up the console for this and we're going to hit enter for the first option okay and then we'll get to the console setup i'm going to press our number one to install and for the selection i'm going to press spacebar on the ssd that i want i'm going to say yes to wiping the system and i'm going to type in a password hit enter boot via bios since this is an enterprise board hit enter and then it's going to do the installation so now that the installation is complete i'm going to hit ok on this i'm going to shut the system down the reason for shutting it down is i want to remove the iso image from the um hardware options so that it doesn't get confused in the future so now that's all looking good now what we can do is we can start up uh trueness uh once again we'll go to the console booting from the hard disk and we're going to boot trueness so now that this startup has actually completed we need to change a few things the first thing that i need to change is i need to change the network interfaces because i do not want this to be giving random ip addresses all the time so i'm going to hit number one to go to network interfaces i'm going to select interface number one to change i don't want to remove anything from this and i don't want to configure the dhcp what i want to do is give it a static ip address so i'm going to give this because i want that to be the default configuration for that i'm going to hit enter i need to press enter first yes i want to configure that now you have to tell it the interface name vt net 0 hit enter and now we have to type in the ip address forward slash 24. uh i haven't changed the locale settings on this yet apparently then hit enter now it's 10. i don't want to change ipv6 no restart the network it's okay now it's got the right ip address but to make sure i have to hop over to the udm pro that i have on the system now we have the tuner system here and as you can see it's still on the one two seven so i'm gonna select that i'm gonna go to configuration network fixed ip address change the last one 2.10 and apply the changes so it has the ip address there to make sure uh we can now uh go to that address and we hit enter and see what we get and there we go now we have that so now what we need to do is we need to log into this system and now we can see everything into trueness we've got the cpus the six threads we also have the order of the ram and it's now it knows that all of the ram has been allocated this was really important about the ballooning device and now if we go to storage and we go to disks we can see exactly what we want to see here which is all of the um information pass through enough to be able to see this so and this is how you can do it uh now you can use trunas to manage the sata hard drives connected onto your motherboard without a hba card and without a sas controller now since zfs drives will have all of the information of the storage on this will work perfectly fine and so long as that you have these drives and if you were to plug them into a sas controller later or a hba card or order another system then in theory you should be able to see these under any system um so long as that the drive's datas remains completely intact of course since the raid setup is on the drives themselves um and you can do it this way and it works perfectly fine and if you want to upgrade the system later to a hba card then again it will work fine so long as you pass that card through to trueness from proxmox and so i'm going to leave all of the information about the commands that you need to put in below i hope this was really helpful but if you liked the video please press like and subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content from me and i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Robert Mizen
Views: 36,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truenas inside proxmox, robert Mizen, proxmox, truenas, hdd passthrough proxmox, vm inside a vm, nested virtualization, nested virtualization proxmox, server build, x79 chinese motherboard, x79 chinese motherboard build, x79, proxmox server build, truenas core virtual machine, hard drive passthrough proxmox, hdd not showing in truenas, hdd not showing, share hdd to vm, hdd no hba, hdd share without sas, hdd share, hba card in server, hba card it mode, sas controller card
Id: 2mvCaqra6qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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