TrueNAS Scale VM running on Proxmox PVE | OLD Laptop is my HOME SERVER

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hello everyone and thank you very much for watching this is me Mr P and let's Carry On Second setting up proxbox on my very old laptop in a previous episode I showed you how you can create ZFS pool inside the proxbox but that that works great no problems at all I have a backups I have ISO data set backup data set and VMS disk data set and this works fine but what if you want to share one of these things what if for example you went and met your friend and he says oh there's amazing visual the amazing operating system I recommending for you to try and he just sends you ISO file via Samsung transfer something to your Galaxy device so how to ISO file from your phone to the proxbox um visual proxbox host proxbox OS yes the samba will be the best way to do and yeah there is a way to install sample server on a proxmox host it's just I'm not feeling confident I'm very confident in doing that I don't really want to go and start messing up with the proxbox host OS installing Samba servers and setting everything else as everything else yes there is a way just I'm I'm not I'm not planning to do that instead I'm gonna create myself a virtual machine through Nas scale which machine to be exact and the true Nest scale will be my Samba server my iSCSI server and my basically ZFS pool management system so all the ZFS pool that we created a previous episode and we will just destroy that and we create a fresh new one inside the tail scale inside true Nas scale the there is a way to migrate the ZFS pool from the proxmox to a true nice scale and I tried that a couple of times believe it or not this is the third time I'm recording this because previous ones my migration hasn't worked that well so instead of just trying to find the solution and basically hitting my head into a wall trying to find how to get this working I decided just to go and do a fresh one so basically destroying everything in my Z people that I created in a previous episode and recreating a fresh one inside the true Knight scale so let's start setting up true Knight scale first true Knight scale is quite well known uh Nas operating system and there is two three versions actually there is three versions that is a true Nas score true Nas Enterprise which we're not going to use because that costs a lot and true net scale so true Net score is being built on FreeBSD as you can see free FreeBSD and this used to be called freenas and there is a true Nas scale which is completely Rewritten and on the Debian base Debian base and I'm gonna use tune a scale for a couple of reasons number one I quite like the UI and number two I think is more user friendly than trueness core yes you can do a lot of things inside trueness core but for home use and Etc I think it's um true net scale will be the best one to do go for so we're gonna right now then load ISO for True net scale to do that you click on a get through Nas and then select trueness scale if you scroll down a bit and you select basically click no thank you and this green button will be the your download button so you left click right click on that and choose copy link go back into your proxmox and I will select local to be my ISO storage because I don't want to store inside the iso data set of Z Pool ZFS pool because it's going to be destroyed anyway so I'm going to lose ISO so I'm going to select local ISO images click download paste that link inside here and click query URL and it's just going to tell you this is what is going to download after pressing the load Button as you can see mine's already done loaded so I'm not going to do that but basically you just make sure that this file is here and ISO ISO at the end and click download and wait for ISO file to get unloaded to create true Nas virtual machine first we need to click on create VM we'll give ID number of 200 I like to visual machines to be 200 and container starting with 100 name will give true Nas Dash scale yes I want this VM to start at the boot that means that as soon as proxmox server restarts virtual machine will automatically start it will be first in line to start that means that basically it's all the VMS will wait until this machine starts and they will wait for 30 seconds so plenty of time to give fortuners to fully start and fully functioning before all the rest of the stuff will automatically start under OS I will select local and then choose true net scale and the systems I'll leave everything as it is and the disks are 32 gigabyte disk is plenty for True Nas trunas OS CPU I'll give four four obviously is a minimum to have somewhat decent performance or if you have more you obviously give more four is the minimum the ram is a minimum suggested to have 8 gigs so 8192 megabytes in size megabytes don't do anything less if you do like what is it like do if you do like four gigs or something don't do that otherwise it's not you're not going to have a decent performance eight gigs is minimal by the way you won't be able to install true Nas because it's going to start shouting at you that you gave less Ram so eight gigs a minimum and the network everything is fine and confirm is great and let's click finish and now true nice virtual machine is getting created so once that is created I can press start now while this is starting I can click on this button with two arrows and and this is gonna go in a full screen mode and let's start setting up the true Nas installation process is quite quick you actually need to press buttons twice and that is it is is just a couple options two free options you need to follow and everything will be installed in no time so let's right now wait for this to start and let's wait for our first prompt to um enter the information during this installation process actually it's happened now let's select install press enter space to select this hard drive that I created inside the box box and turn that yes I'm fine for soon as to delete our own information enter the password press enter and that is it right now trueness will automatically carry on and do a install so once that is done I'll be back installation is done so I'm just going to click OK on that and do reboot and wait for pro true Nas visual machine to reboot and go through a first initial initial steps I suggest to do that before you do anything else just to allow true Nas virtual machine to go set all the files do all the downloads and Etc you're gonna see here in a couple of seconds it's gonna do a downloads uh uploading the loading uh creating Etc folders as you can see here so it's running right now through last update just leave that running allow true now fully get itself set up on this proxbox Virtual Drive and here you go we have a true Nest fully set up I have my AP address for HTTP access HTTP https access and options what I can do and option number nine is to shut down and that's what we're going to do we're gonna choose nine press enter choose y to yes and press enter and let trueness to shut down so all last is happening I can go into Window mode and wait for True nuts to completely shut down I think it's done so right now we have a true nice freshly installed with no configurations done I like to do a backup before proceed Jazz to make sure that I do have everything ready again make sure I'm not selecting the ZFS pool and we'll select the local drive and in here I'm just gonna put fresh install as a note for for future me to know exactly what was this all about I'm going to click backup and allow proxmox to back up this virtual machine with all the just a fresh no interactions no additional setup just a fresh trueness install with all the updates downloaded so I'll wait for this to finish so my backup is done I can see here ID number 200 created today fresh install true Knight scale so if I mess up something right now I have a safe point to go back next thing we need to start destroying a ZFS pool that we created in a previous episode first thing I want to make sure that nothing is in these drives or stored that might might be a problem you can see a virtual machine 201 using this so if I go to 201 virtual machine and the hardware I can see that the hard disk is located inside VM disks which is in a data set I'm just going to click on a disk action move storage select local if I still have a space on the local just one thing because my local disk is 240 gigs so I know I have space to move the stuff around yours might be not 240 gigs maybe less just connecting USB drive to your laptop and just migrate that way so I'm going to say yeah I want to migrate this drive to local storage while this is happening let's carry on checking local is fine ISO files do I have anything inside ISO data data set is so good on the backups nothing nothing so I can see just one virtual machine that's actually no longer here so do digital machine 201 has got migrated to a local storage so I can safely say that the data set or ZFS pool that we created in previous episode is can be safely disconnected and destroyed in a data center I'll select storage and I'll select backup say remove that I don't want that anymore I don't want ISO anymore and VM disks remove that I need to remove these first before destroying ZFS pull because proxbox will go nuts if I'll do the other way around so right now data set folders removed I can go inside the node by named X under let's move that one down a bit under ZFS I select tank I click more at the top right then destroy these two I think by default that is great I'm gonna say tank I need to give a name of Z Pool which was tank and click remove and right now proxmox deleting the drives destroying all the data on the drives but click on the details I can see that it's doing right now I think it's doing third second or first one sdb was the first one service this is the second one and it's just writing a lot of blank data and it's going to be all done here we go task is completed is it ZFS pool has been destroyed is no longer available for proximo now we need to migrate these drives to the true Nas VM because I'm using two USB drives two two terabyte WD external hard drives instead of doing all these hard drive pass through in command line Etc I can just pass as a USB device to a true Nas to do that I need to select the true Knight scale which is please note is off is turned off but at the moment I click on the true Nas scale VM and the hardware click add and choose USB device and now I can choose between spy sport which we will cover this in upcoming videos what all this is about there's two options use USB vendor I device ID or USB port I suggest to use device ID vendor device ID because Port if you choose for example this port to be elements 10 BB and you tomorrow you swap the drive to another Port let's say it is gone because Port is no longer hosting this device so I will go to USB Bender device ID and I choose element will be my 1 2 terabyte drive it's definitely not USB free I know the laptop doesn't have USB 3.0 Port so I'm going to untick that and click add and I'll click again on this USB devices and next one was gonna well next one will be my passport and click add so these two are my two terabyte each external hard drives I'll click on the console and I click Start and for now true nice virtual machine starting again uh with the two USB drives attached to it startup process will be a bit faster than was after initial installation because through nuts already downloaded all the files and has all the file setups done it took about 10 15 seconds to start and I'm gonna use right now A P address so ending with 156 to access true Nas interface so I think I just wanted to 168 178 156 yours might be different and here we go through a nice scale the default user is root and the password is the password I created during install process and here we are we are inside the trueness dashboard I can see amount of ram I have six gigabytes is free but believe me one ZFS is going all these six gigabyte free will end up being a ZFS cache and about ZFS cache I might create a separate video how to speed up a bit all this CPU usage and network storage right now we have no pools created so first thing I suggest to do is just go over this one let's go actually go over this one and I'll show you because we need to create a user under storage this is where it's going to be your zippool um ZFS pool storage located shares is where we're gonna start creating shares for Soundbar Unix NFS iSCSI data protection is where you can set up scrubs automatic scrubs replications sync to the cloud like Google drive or OneDrive rcsync networks is where you can configure your network change the DNS change your name server change your DNS there is a IP static or dynamic under credentials this is where you create the users and we're going to create one user straight away the currently showing root because other users are hidden by default which is fine I'm gonna click on the ADD and I'll give a name to this user which I'm going to call it text using it will be Dex and a password create a password for this user and ID number by default is going to be 1000 this is great because all the VMS in the future we're going to create they're all going to use their users with AD 1000 and make sure that sample authentication is selected and click save that is selected great now let's start creating ourselves a ZFS pool to create a ZFS pool uh you need to go into storage obviously and then click create a pool and this automatically will detect drives that you connected to your true Nas virtual machine as you can see there is two drives 1.82 terabytes in size I'm just gonna tick and say all of them give a name tank and I'm just going to click this Arrow to migrate them to a date of edepth the true Nas automatically suggests to do a mirror which is great I'll press create yes I'm happy for all the data inside to be destroyed deleted I will take a confirm and then create pool and right now truenas is creating a mirrored pool um mirrored ZFS bull of these two drives these two USB drives that is still functioning one ZFS boost creators automatically refresh and go back to storage space so here we go we have ourself a CFS pool by the name of tank so right now let's start creating a data set to create a data set you just click on the three dots here on the right hand side and choose data set data set name I like to call this data it's going to be like a Top Root folder inside data set will be data scroll down everything else can be by default selected and on the share type I'll select Samba SMB and save it so now we're saving the data set or creating a data set inside this ZFS pool once that is done I will have to go and start creating other data sets within this data set anyway that is in which is created now if I click on the share actually now let's go back to this under data says I click on this and I choose view permissions and click on the pencil and now where's the root you delete that and give enter the user user group that you created I create a user by the name of Dax and automatically there is a group created by the you by the name of text so click create this and click apply what I'm doing here is basically I'm allowing everybody inside the group decks to have read and write permissions inside this data set so root will have access to this data set regardless of the group whatever group I select but the member of the group decks will have read and write so if I click save access list save Access Control list sorry so ACL and this is right now creating all the permissions that need to have so right now the Dax user has access to this share I click on the shares and let's choose top one SMB click add click on the triangle to go down go down go down if for for example by accident you're gonna click somewhere on this name it's automatically free pre-filled here I'm gonna delete that I'm gonna say data and I will select data in this one so Mount slash tank slash data will be shade and I'm just going to click save and because SMB is currently not running it's going to say oh do you want to enable SMB I'm going to say yes I would like to SMB service to be running great and that is done and next thing is I need to go inside system settings services and where is SMB which is here just make sure that this is automatically ticked that means that once the true not switch machine automatically starts SMB will work automatically so go back here so I have one data set created with the name data and a Samba share already an IP address is 176. so if I click on the Samsung my files click on the plus sign I want to add SMB it might detect automatically let's see if it's gonna do it should be one one five six IP address sending one five six let's see if it's founded in my network list one five six one five six I don't fee don't see so add manually 192 168 178.156 445 username is Dex and the password I created and click add here we go this is the data if I click in there that's it this is the data set we created inside the true Nas If I minimize that let's create one more data set where we're going to store let's say proxmox backup so inside the data I'll click on the plus sign I'm going to say add a data set and I'll name this rocksmok scroll down make sure you selected SMB and last option and click save it might ask you to update ACL certificate ACL configurations again so just do the same thing as we've done before select decks as a group or whatever username you created set scl for this data set I'm going to say yes delete delete the root from here put decks inside apply to this group click save Access Control list and renounce the data I have proxmox and inside the proxmox I can put data sets all of them in one single line but I like to do this kind of structure tree so this is why it goes from tank to data from data to proxbox from proxmox is going to be backup so we'll know that this is where it's located uh Samba yes and plus in the future if I want to migrate just a just I want to migrate just the proximox backups I have ACLS the content setups done I just need to mount sample Mount somewhere or sync thing or something and push it outside assignment premises to another server somewhere like thousand miles away so here we are we have a tank which is our ZFS pool inside we have a data set data inside that data set we have data set proxmox and inside that we have backup like I said I have all I can have them all in one line but like I like to have some sort like a folder tree structure happening so right now backup is the the data set where I would like to store proxbox backups I will go back and click on the shares and say I want to add a share go down go down go down go down to a backup select that name is already pre-applied that is great and then click save right now this data set is being sample shared across my home network if I go back to a proxmox I click on a data center inside the storage I'll select add and then choose SMB cifs ID number will give backups IP address is uses Dex the password that I created if I click this I should see all the shares that happen I see two of them because data and backup is a sample shared inside true Nas as you can see here so I'm just want to make sure that I select the right one which is going to be backups so backup is going to be this one content is going to be VZ dump and Snippets click apply and that's it there is my data set attached as you can see backup Stacks I can see that this has almost two terabytes of storage and currently backups none so let's select this for example virtual machine which is should be still ticking as you can see still working I will select backups and then I say create a new new backup and now I'm going to choose backups this is a ZFS data set I created snapshot etc etc that's fine clicker backup and right now it's running a backup to the ZFS pool that we created within a true Nas virtual machine if I click on this and click a dashboard I should see some action happening in here as you can see there's a couple of spikes happening read and write happening uh C CPU getting tanked a bit as you can see just jumped to 35 and went back and right now is the fs cash or at the moment doing basically 0.4 gigabytes of RAM but that will definitely go up once we have more data storage happening another quick thing that I like to do here as you can see there is a true Nas help I like to go to config and say I don't want to see help tab so just condense this a bit more so right now if I go back to proxmox backup is done so if I'm gonna go to my true Nas I can see there is some usage happening here if I go to backups I can see 210 megabytes is used right now so here we are we have a true nice virtual machine using two USB drives attached to it in the mirrored ZFS pool and I'll be doing Samba share to share these folders to all the devices within home network in the future we're going to start in a well not yeah in upcoming future and upcoming videos we're going to start setting up virtual machines for cloudflare for tail scale for pie hole and everything else so stay tuned for more I'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: MRP
Views: 15,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, home lab, self-hosted, self hosting, truenas, truenas scale vm in proxmox, truenas vm proxmox, zfs mirror setup in truenas, proxmox server on the budget, cheap proxmox server
Id: RS0EabrH6hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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