TrueNAS in a Proxmox VM with SSD/HDD passthrough

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well it's 4 30. it's dark out already there's no blues games on tonight and it's negative 136 degrees might as well go ahead and virtualize truenass in a proxmox vm well let's look on the bright side though beer is nice and cold [Music] the first thing we are going to want to do is download truenast so i'll have a link in the description for this website make it a little easier on you it's going to want you to log in with one of your accounts you use whichever account you want to use i'm going to use uh my github account and then it'll bring it bring you to this page right here all you're going to do is click on download and wait for it to download with the download finishing up now finally we're going to go ahead and log into our server and we're going to want to upload the iso we just downloaded onto proxmox the way we're going to do that is we are going to go to our is it local yeah go to our local disk click on iso image and we're going to click on upload we're going to go to the downloads directory or wherever you downloaded that file click on it click on open click on upload once the uploads completed we're going to go ahead and we're going to create our virtual machine so click on create i want to give it a number of 203 just my preference i'm going to call it true mass and we'll click on start start at boot next it's going to ask you where that iso is i put it on the local drive and where is she at there it is truenass looks like i had two of them oh yeah i was playing around with it before so true nas we're going to hit next your uh graphics card is fine at default hard drive now i'm going to use the local zfs now this is just the boot drive for uh for your system here so i'm gonna leave it at 32 uh gigabytes that's that's plenty next i'm going to give it uh two sockets and yeah four cores should be enough now memory i'm going to crank it up to 48 gigabytes of memory because uh i plan on adding enough disks basically they say with your system if we go back to the truenass website you can see right here your requirements you need 16 gigabytes of ram memory just for the system and then you want to have one gigabyte of ram per terabyte of storage that you put into the machine so calculator let's see so 48 gig comes out to 49152 click next network we'll leave it as it is and confirm it and start after creation we'll go ahead and go into the console and we'll widen the screen out here uh let's see it's gonna auto boot in three two one auto boot all right the installation is fairly simple you want option one click enter it's gonna ask you which uh hard drive to install it on we only have one right now so we're going to hit ok warning this will erase all partitions we're good with that give it a password click ok you want to boot from let's see what it says here okay it says that bios is uh suggested for legacy and enterprise hardware well got enterprise hardware so we're gonna pick the bios and let it run let's go ahead and reboot okay once it gets done rebooting it's going to give you these this little council set up which basically gives you options to change some of your network settings or to reset passwords or your configuration all that the only thing we're really interested in is this guy right here this is our ip address that's how we're going to log on to our new virtual machine so let's go ahead and get out of this and open a new window and we're going to do https colon hack hack it's going to bring up your log on screen your username is root and your password is the password you gave it so then it's going to bring you up on your dashboard and here you can see it's got your basic information about your your machine it uh you know which version you're using your cpu threads which is for which we gave it your usage on those threads how many gigabytes you have and it'll break it down to how many are being used for uh for your zfs or your services or how much space is free here's your uh network interface connections and everything so it's just a nice little breakdown of what you have going on with this system over here on the left we have quite a few different different menu options you know your accounts where you can set up your users and your groups and a system let me just set up different uh options for your system now this is going to be a real high level uh look at true nassau i'm not going to go through each and every option on here but one thing i do want to do is i want to give this a static ip address so to do that we're going to hit network and we're going to go to interface click on this little arrow over here on the right and it'll show you everything about your your setup right now well i want to go to edit i want to take it off dhcp and i want to give it a static ip address of 29 get that set hit apply and then we're going to have to restart the system so power restart confirm restart and we can go over here to uh back to our proc proxmox machine and you know kick back have fun and watch it uh shut down and reboot and now that it has completed rebooting you can see that our ip address has changed to 29 so let's go back over and we're going to change that two four two to two nine hit enter and there we are re-log back in so now that whenever you uh have a machine or program referencing your truenass it's on a static ip address it'll never change your router won't change it so you're good to go the next thing we need to do is go ahead and give it some storage now to do that you click on pool and you click on add and you see there are no options right now for me to have storage for it because i haven't given it any more any more hard drives to use so i'm going to take these two these are real small 120 gigabyte ssds and i'm going to slide them into the server here now those are old disks that i just installed into the server and to pass them through i want to do a little prep work and delete any partitions that are on them right now so the way we're going to do that is we're going to go back to our uh proxmox server we're going to go to the low res node and we're going to go to disks and what we're looking for is we're looking to find the two a data disks which are these guys right here and we want to take note of what proxmox has designated them as so you can see right there they've designated them as sdc and sdd so with that information we're going to go ahead and we're going to go into the shell of the node and we are going to use an uh a cf disk command this guy right here to format those disks and what we need to do is we need to tell it which disk we want to format or we want to delete the partitions on so we'll do a sdc we'll hit enter it'll bring up the information on that disks for those disks and you can see right there are the two uh partitions that are currently on it and i want to delete those guys so i'll just arrow down to it and then on the bottom of the screen we'll go to delete and then we'll delete the second partition that frees up all the space we want to hit new and it's going to ask you how much space you want to uh make this disc out of we want to use the whole disc we want it to be primary we're good it set up the the new partition right there for us so now we can just go ahead and quit out of it and i want to go ahead and do the second disk so i'll just change it to sdc sdd from sdc and same deal delete go down delete delete delete all right new partition whole disk and we want to use the whole thing we're happy with it it made it so let's quit so the next thing we want to do is pass those disks through to the server and we're going to use this command right here and there's a couple things we need to know or to tell the command first one is it's going to want to know the vm number now we're passing it through our true nas server so it'll be 203 the next it's asking for the type of disk is the sata disk is the sas disk what kind of disk is it and then it also wants a number designation which corresponds to the bay or port that you plug your sata disk into in my case i plugged those into one and two this guy right here volume number if you're using a partition instead of using the whole disk you're only using one partition you can designate that there and the last thing it wants right here is the drive identifier by id number now we can get that to get the drive identifier we're going to use this command right here ls space slash dev slash disk slash by id we'll hit enter and it will bring up all the disks that are on the machine again we want to look for our a data disks there's the two of them right there and we're going to want to tell it this whole string string right here so to do that let's go ahead and bring that command back up and we're going to take this information out and we're going to copy this and we're going to paste it in right there then we're going to go down and we're going to i'm not again i'm using the whole disk so i'm going to take out that uh partition variable i'm going to tell it it's a sata disk it's in bay one and then i want to connect it to vm 203 i'll hit enter it'll go ahead and do that for so let's run it again and get the second disk attached we'll remove that copy this right here we will paste it in and then it's actually in bay two so we're gonna change one to two we still want it to go to vm 203 so we'll leave that alone we'll hit enter and it passed it through so let's go back to our true nas hardware and you can see those two disks right there waiting to be utilized by the vm but first thing we're going to have to do is we're going to have to reboot the vm so that it knows those disks are there so let's go ahead and reboot all right with the vm rebooted let's go back over and log back in and we're already at the pools we're going to hit add let's create a pool and all of a sudden it knows those two disks are there so i want to use both of them so i'll just click this little guy up here and it'll check both of them hit the arrow that'll move it over to the the data v dab and i want to use all of them and it's truenas is going to suggest to you the the best setup for however many discs that you have in this case i only have two so it's suggesting a mirror uh if you don't want a mirror let's say you want something just for speed you can change it to a stripe it's going to warn you that if one of the disks fails uh that you're going to lose all your data whatever it's up to you choose whichever one you want if we had more disks though it would probably suggest a raid z or raid z2 if you don't know what those designations are check the description i'm going to add a link to a really good article that explains the different raid configurations for truenas so we're going to go ahead and we're going to force it into a stripe we're going to give it a name name it whatever you want let's just i'm going to call it well heck i got a bunch of tests disks out there already so let's name it something crazy how about test two and then create confirm create the pool for some reason i had to refresh the screen there it just got locked in that spinning thinking mode but it was done already and you can see right there there's our pull test little t2 uh and it has 211.18 gigabytes of available space if you go up to the dashboard here you can see it added it added that information right down here and it tells you everything that you might want to know about it so all right now that we have a pool created we're going to want to create a data set inside that pool and the data sets actually what you're you're accessing from different vms or whatever we're going to connect it to the desktop here by the end of this so let's go ahead and add a data set and we're going to name it low res because it's going to be uh one that i'm using and i'm just going to leave everything the same i'm going to hit submit and it's going to create the data set for us next thing we're going to want to do is we're going to want to edit the permissions because right now everything is under root and the group wheel which kind of everybody can get into that if you figure the password out but before we do that we need to create an account and i'm going to create a new user and i'm going to hit add and i'm going to name the user lores and then once you do that it's going to give it a username it's just going to change everything to lowercase though you can put an email address in there if you want and then we're going to give it a password and confirm the password leave the user id as 1000 and i am going to give the group write permission also because once we create this user it's also going to create a group under the same name and the last thing we're going to check is this right here microsoft account this will just make it a little easier for us when we connect a windows machine like my desktop to the true nas data set that we just created so let's go ahead and submit all right once it's done it'll you'll see we now have a new user called lores and he's right there and if you go up to groups there is our group low res right there so now that we have the user in group created let's go back to storage pool and we'll go over to our data set that we created let's edit the permissions we're going to change the username to low res we're going to apply the username it already changed it to group for us we're going to apply that group also we want it to have read write permission and i'm going to pick traverse and apply permissions recursively which will mean which means if we make any data sets underneath that data set we will already have a username and group of low-res set up for them so go ahead and hit save and let's go ahead and double check the permissions make sure they took and there they are low res and low res so now that pool is set up as a low resist pool as the user and group so great awesome fine dandy let's go ahead now and connect it to our desktop right here and the first step to doing that is to create a share we want to share that data set so we're going to go down to shares and i want to create a windows share so we'll click on that we're going to add and it's going to ask you the path so we need to tell it that hey we want to share test little t2 so click on your little arrow click that click it it picks it up here you want to give it a name give it a name or something i'm going to name it low res just so that hey i'm not the brightest guy in the world hey i know this is my data set now so i'm gonna leave everything as it is and i'm gonna click submit it'll start automatically cool let's do it and it has been enabled so all right part one done so let's go over into a windows explorer we're gonna click on this pc and up here we should have an option that says map network drive click on it uh you can change the drive a letter if you want to you can make it whatever a b can't make it see because that's our hard drive and then we want to tell it where our share is so hack hack slash low res and so when i set the uh share and the username up i use the same username and password to log on to this computer so once i hit finish it should automatically uh log into that drive so let's see if it works and there it is we double click on it you see there's nothing there right now we're just got the low rest and we now have access to that data share that we just created in truenas and there you go quick and easy install of trunas in a proxmox virtual machine job done we did it cool so hopefully in the future we'll go ahead and create a few more videos uh showing how to utilize the plugins that are built in to truenast like plex and sync things in there also and a couple other ones but you know we'll see how it goes uh if you like this type of video or material do me a favor go ahead and karate chop the like button and roundhouse kick the subscribe button and we'll catch you later
Channel: Lo-Res DIY
Views: 561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox server, proxmox, homelab, Proxmox container, truenas scale, freenas, freenas setup, truenas setup, truenas proxmox, truenas proxmox setup, truenas vs proxmox, hard drive passthrough proxmox, ssd passthrough lxc
Id: 7lwqdVmCiI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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