Virtualise TrueNAS to Save Space & Power! SMB & NFS Guide with HBA!

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hey everybody and welcome back to Jim's Garage in this video I'm going to show you how to do traz virtualized in proxmox but before I get to that there's a few things that we need to discuss first first I'm going to discuss the hardware you're going to require to do this then I'm going to talk a little bit about the virtual machine that we need to create and then we'll get into the steps of deploying an NFS and an SMB share that you can use within the rest of your network and you know that I've used these extensively throughout my videos so hopefully this will fill the missing piece of the puzzle so the first thing that we need to discuss is the hardware and to do this you're going to need one of these this is an HBA a host bus adapter but before we get into this why do we need one of these well if you've been using a bare metal traz installation you're okay that's because the operating system traz in this case has full access to the drives and ZFS needs direct access to the drive to do its software raid now if it doesn't have access to these drives I.E if we're using something like proxmox where if we have the drives connected to our motherboard through the SAA connectors proxmox will have control of those drives so when we create a virtual machine traz doesn't have full control of those drives because it's plugged into the motherboard so the HBA provides a mechanism for us to do pcie pass through I.E we pass through this entire card just to the trun as VM and that gives it access to all of the drives that are attached on this end here so what's the HBA and why do you want to use one well one of the most simple reasons for having a HBA is because of these ports here now these ports here if you combine them with something like this give you the option to add more hard drives to your machine this could be particularly useful if youve run out of sorta connectors typically you'll have something like four on a Mini ITX maybe six on a Micro ATX and possibly up to eight on a fullsize ATX it all depends on different chipsets and different manufacturers but at some point you may run out that's especially true for my Nas Where I have 15 drives I've used the eight that are available on the motherboard and I've had to add an HBA to give me an additional set drives so that's one use case for having one of these the Second Use case is what I just mentioned any drives that we attach to this port here or the other Port we can actually pass this entire card through to the virtual machine and therefore proxmox will not have access to those drives traz will have access and thus that requirement for ZFS and the full software based raid is possible because tras has Direct Control of those drives now before I go too far down this route and I'll tell you exactly which model this is and what I recommend and I'll also show you me installing this in a moment it is important to note that proxmox can actually do all of this for you without the need for Tress that's right you can create SMB and NFS shares in proxmox that are on ZFS raid that is a good option if you want to keep things minimal but the reason I like to use traz is because I love the gooey and there's some Advanced features that you can do in there more easily things like the scrubs are automatically set up to be automated you can do that within proxmox with Chron jobs Etc but I really like tras so I'm going to be showing you how to virtualize it so when buying an HBA I always recommend going for the LSI cards those are the ones most commonly recommended on the traz forums and they're kind of tried and tested I've used one for a number of years without any problems so I can attest that as well this specific model here is the 9211 d8i there are other models this one is actually about 11 years old and that comes with some interesting challenges mainly this thing here the heat sink because this is designed to be in a server with server grade calling I.E very loud very high air flow it does get hot in a consumer case now because I've got a couple of drives I'm interested to see where this goes and you can often see some interesting Solutions on Reddit where people have strapped the mini nocta fans on here and that might be quite easy cuz there's a few holes punched into the PCB so I could probably zip tie something on there however if you are looking for something I do recommend you go with one of their newer models just because with the advancement of Technology I.E the dice size is shrunk so hopefully there's less power draw required and thus less heat that's needed to be dissipated anyway have a look out there there's a load of stuff on eBay in the secondhand market and I would cross reference that with the trats forums where you can find a recommendation for all of the cards on there I'll drop a link in the description below for that but anyway I'm going to hop over now and show you how to install this into a machine and in a nutshell what we're going to be doing is putting this card into the times 16 slot in the motherboard and we're going to be removing the SED connectors from the motherboard and instead putting them in here courtesy of this cable here which this end fits into one of those ports and these are just your common sorta cables that you've all seen a million times before this obviously means that you can install ssds on this if you wanted to okay so here you can see that the HBA is being installed and that's this card here in the top time 16 slot now as I mentioned earlier this has the ports on the back this means that this is an internal HBA that means all of the cables for this will be rooted on the inside of the case you can actually get external where those ports will be on the back those are typically for servers that would have a jbod attached to them that's just a bunch of discs but you can also get those pretty cheap on eBay because fewer people want them because what you'll typically have to do is root the cable out the back and then probably come back in through one of these PCI spaces here it's not an elegant solution but there's nothing wrong with it from a mechanical standpoint it will work so if you can get one of those for a steel do go ahead and do it just make sure that those cables aren't touched and you can try and keep any nudges away from them so the next phase that I have to do here is you can see over here I've got the SATA ports now going into the motherboard these cables need to come out and this cable here needs to go into this port and these cables here the two of them need to replace the two that are already in the motherboard so I'm going to show you what that looks like now okay so now both of those cables have been taken out of the motherboard and it's time to take this cable here and plug it into the HBA then I'm going to take the other end of the cables rout it through and plug it into my hard drives so now the cable is attached to the HBA here and that's rooted back into the case and into the hard drives that I installed and for those of you who haven't seen this is the build that I put together in the past two videos and if you want to go and see more about that and why I've chosen these components go and check those out obviously with this setup this cable here will support four hard drives and if you got another cable you could support another four hard drives there's also another 60 16 time slot in here that you can use I think that's only a Time 4 but this Lane here can actually be bated into two time8 so you could actually split two cards in this one slot and have 32 drives off the single time 16 Lane so now we have the HBA installed and those drives connected to it we're in a position where we can fire up this machine and see those drives but I want to get on to how I'm going to virtualize this so my choice of hypervisor is prox MOX but this process should easily be replicated on other vendors such as esxi hyperv or whatever else it is that you're using you simply need to know how to pass through the PCI card so I'm going to assume that you've installed proxmox for this video and if you haven't you can check out my earlier videos I've actually installed this now with proxmox on two drives in a mirror that's going to give me some fail over because this machine ultimately is going to be out in the field like I say I've spoken a lot more about this build in my previous videos but let's jump into proxx now and let's discuss how we're going to set up this traz virtual machine but quickly before we get on to that I just wanted to call out some of the advantages and disadvantages of going down this route the advantages are pretty obvious you've got consolidation in the machine that I've built I've put in lots of overhead to get this up and running with prox so that I can run tras plus other virtual machines that's great but it does bear itself to one disadvantage and that's chiefly that if you reboot proxmox you're going to lose access to your shares and you'll probably want to make sure that you do a proper graceful shutdown of tras before you then reboot the host now that may or may not be an issue but it is something to bear in mind typically if you enable this to start a boot then trun as will be back up and running as soon as proxos is but if you do have users using it at the same time they're going to get disconnected and you could risk some data loss or data corruption so do bear that in mind anyway back onto proxmox and let's get this thing up and running okay so here we are in proxmox on a fresh install on the machine that I just showed you and the first thing I want to do is to check whether those diss have been discovered so to do that we can click on the machine here I've called it ryzen and then if we click on diss you can see here that I've got the nvme drive this is where it's installed and then I've got SDA and sdb and those are 4 terabytes so yeah it's picked up the two discs that are attached to the HBA one important thing I forgot to mention earlier is you will need an HBA that's in it mode for this to work so make sure that before you buy it it's either pre- flashed or it has the ability to be flashed to it mode otherwise this isn't going to work but anyway let's crack on with doing the traz virtual machine now I say traz because there's two options you can do traz core which is basically the original traz AKA freas or you can do the newer version which is traz scale I'm not going to go into too much detail on that traz core is based upon on FreeBSD which is another Unix like operating system and truna scale is based upon Debian the same as prox marks and things like auntu and the two cater for different markets or at least trying to Tunas core is basically what it says on the tin it's the core Nas its function is primarily on being a Nas albe it does have the opportunity to have VMS jails and applications tras scale is a bit more down that path it has things like kubernetes so spinning up applications that are replicated multiple times like all of my kubernetes videos now because I've installed proxmox I'm specifically going to install traz core that's because I want it to do what it does best run a Nas and for anything else things like kubernetes or virtual machines or anything like that I can fall back to proxmox that's what it's good at that's what it's designed to do like I said before you can install SMB and NFS directly on ZFS through proxmox itself but I want to use traz because I love the UI I love the functionality and I find it really simple to use and I think the overheads of the virtual machine aren't too arduous for this setup so let's dive into what the configuration looks like the first thing you're going to need to do is go and grab yourself a copy of tras core you can do that by heading over to their website and just downloading for this version I'm using 13u 6.1 which is the latest available version but I don't expect these installation steps to change anytime soon once youve downloaded this ISO you need to upload it to proxmox or you need to give proxmox the URL for it to go and download it itself so I've already pre-downloaded this so I'm going to click on the local then I'm going to click on the iso images this should be blank cuz it's a fresh installation and then I'm going to click the upload button I'll then select the file from my downloads I'll open that and then click upload this will upload from the machine that I'm currently on to the proxmox server and then we'll be able to use this as a media device when we create the virtual machine in a moment now that we can see that that's completed task okay let's get on to creating this virtual machine so we're going to click create VM and in the bottom right hand corner just make sure that advanced is ticked because we're going to use some of these options during the wizard so I'm just going to call this one traz and it makes sense to start this one at boot because every time you start up your proxmox server you probably want your has to be available once you've done that you can hit next and then the iso image this is going to be the one that we just uploaded so select that one everything else on here can stay the same for the system it's important that we change this because for pass through on proxmox it's recommended that you use a Q35 machine which has all the latest benefits of UF so on machine we're going to click the drop down we're going to click Q35 and then for the BIOS we're also going to change that to ovmf which is ufv once we've done that you'll get an additional option for the EFI storage which is kind of the keys so we're going to click on that and just select the local storage you can obviously select whichever storage you want you may have more than I do once we've done that we're going to click next now it's going to give us the installation location so these aren't the drives that we're going to pass through this is a virtual drive that traz is going to be installed on so in my case when I create traz and when it finally loads up and we go into the dashboard we should have three drives we've got this one here which is a virtual drive and then we've got the two physical drives that will be passed through via the HBA now 32 gigs should be fine for this you could probably dial it down if you wanted I'm just going to keep it as 32 for this video importantly we probably want to enable SSD emulation and discard the SSD emulation will make it perform like an SSD and that's important if you're running this from an SSD like I am and the discard if you have trim which pretty much all modern hard drives have you'll be able to reclaim some of the deleted space from this virtual machine so for example if you deleted a gigabyte on the tras for I don't know let's say it did an update and then it deleted those files after to it it should be able to reclaim that space to be used again dynamically so let's click next then we're into the CPU settings now tras core is pretty lightweight certainly if you're going to use it Bare Bones I recommend you give it at least two cores and for the type we want to scroll to the bottom and select the host this is going to give it all of the functionality that the host CPU has and this can be useful for things like Hardware acceleration Hardware offloading certainly when it comes to things like Drive encryption once we've done that we're going to click next I'm going to untick ballooning device because it's recommended that for PCI pass through you have static Ram so I'm going to untick that ballooning device means that it will keep requesting more memory as is necessary I prefer to keep my Ram fixed because then I know what I'm working with I.E I know the total amount of RAM and I can divvy that up between each virtual machine so the recommended minimum is is 8,192 or 8 gigs of RAM and as you add more drives to it there's a general rule of thumb that you'll add 1 gab of ram per terabyte of storage now there's probably a bit of leeway on there I don't know how true that is but that's generally what's recommended in the documentation I think that's because as you add more storage it likes to Cache more of that data that probably makes less sense for a home lab where you probably only got a handful of users at M most but certainly in an Enterprise setup which this is kind of designed for it makes sense that lots of different people can be accessing all of these files and as we know Ram is much faster than a traditional spinning drive it also helps relieve some of that wear and tear so let's click next the network I'm going to keep as is but if you're doing anything fancy with vlans or you have dedicated Nicks for this you might want to have say a dedicated 10 gab Nick or more if you're fcy for tras cuz it makes sense that you want your network storage to be nice and nippy if you don't know how to do some of those VLS and Etc I've got some videos on this as I said I'm going to leave this as is and I'm going to click next which will take me to the confirmation page everything on here looks fine so I'm going to hit finish that's now going to go away and create this VM and you can see it's being created up here in a moment this will change to traz and here you can see all of the hardware on this machine so so yeah that looks good but this isn't going to work if we just turn this on there's a few things we need to tweak the first thing we need to do is click on ADD and we need to add a PCI device now if you see this warning here like I do you need to make sure that you've enabled IO mmu this enables you to pass through devices to Virtual machines I'll drop a link on the screen for where to go and I also have a video video on this that I did earlier where I pass through gpus to Virtual machines for gaming or any type of Hardware acceleration things like jelly Fin and Plex do well with having a GPU available to them now that you resolved anyu options in the Bios and enabled virtualization if necessary you should be able to click on the raw devices and see all of the devices on your machine for me I need this one here the broadcom LSI so I'm going to click this one here I'm going to give it all the functions of the device I'm going to leave the Romar as is and I'm going to tell it that this is a PCI Express device because it is I'm then going to click add and that should show up here so now we've got that pcie device here which we know from the video earlier both of my hard drives are attached to the cool thing now is if we go over to proxmox on the left here for this ryzen machine and if I click on it and then I go to diss you'll see that the other hard drives have now gone that's because these are being sent to the virtual machine so going back to this virtual machine we need to do a couple of extra tweaks we need to go to options and we want to look at the boot order here so we want to click edit because we want the DVD drive to be the first much like a physical machine when you're trying to install a new operating system so I'm going to drag this to the top so it's going to look for that dis first so okay you can see that's reflected and now you think we might be ready but there's a couple of extra things we need to do so we need to go to the console and we actually need to change the boot order within the UF virtual machine remember this is replicating UF like on your physical machine so we need to hit start and when we hit start we want to hit Escape so keep hitting escape and then we come to this screen here which is the virtual boot manager so go down to the boot manager go down to secure boot configuration and for my installation or certainly my machine and most of the machines I've used I always have to remove the secure boot option so hover it over to the X and just hit the space bar press enter and then in the bottom right hand corner you'll see that it says F10 to save so I'm going to hit F10 and I'm going to hit Y to save that and then I'm going to escape Escape and then I'm going to reset this is basically like pressing the reset button on your machine now when we reset fingers crossed we go straight into the traz installation yes this looks good if you don't do this step you'll likely get into the shell the UF shell and you'll just need to make sure that you follow the step I've just outlined so now this is going to go through the initial installation steps so let's see what that looks like so sorry this is a little bit small but we want to do the install upgrade so I'm going to hit okay and then yes we can see all three of the discs so we've got the two drives here 3.6 TB that's those two 4 tbte drives and we've got that quemu hard disk which is the virtual one this is the one that I want to install traz on so I hit space bar to put a little asterisk in there and then I hit return this is just going to give you the confirmation that it's going to erase all data on that drive that's fine it's blank so I'm going to hit yes I'm going to leave a blank password we can create one when we first boot this up just for Speed but you can put one in here just remember it for later on so to do that we want to hit cancel not okay a little bit confusing and then we want to boot this via UF because we've set this up as a ufu machine and then it's going away now and doing the installation for trz this will take a little bit of time depending on your Hardware so I'll see you on the other side also with any look it should detect that HBA card so now it's got to the end of the installation process and there's a little trick that we need to do here it's saying please reboot and remove the installation media now to get past this we need to click on the hardware tab we need to go to our DVD drive and we need to click remove now when you click remove it doesn't actually remove it now you can see that it's got a line through it which means that next time this machine shuts down that's the crucial word here and then restarts it will remove that drive so let's hop back into the console and we're going to hit okay here but instead of doing a reboot because that will reboot the virtual machine but it won't actually turn the virtual machine off for that drive to be removed so we actually want to shut down the machine that's going to turn this off and then we're going to go to the hardware Tab and you can see it here this hasn't yet turned off yet we can see that that's now completed and we've got the start option come here and this green little tick here will disappear in a moment so now that's disappeared we know it's off and look what happens when I click Start this should disappear so now when I click Start that drive's disappeared and now let's go to the console and instead of going into the installation script we should actually get into the first boot of trunz so I just heard my diss spinning in the background so that's a good start and I could also see the hbas and the versions in the installation script files as well now that it's completed everything is looking good and we've been given an IP address to go and access this and it's saying it's on 7124 for me so I'm going to put that in my browser now and let's see if we hit the admin page so here I've put the IP address in and with any look if I hit return yes we've got true na up and running but we're not out of the woods yet we need to make sure that those drives are passed through and they are visible so as I said if you haven't set a password it's now going to ask you to set one so set a password or enter the one that you created during the installation and now we're going to sign in so now that we're signed in everything's looking pretty good we've got the AMD ryzen Pro because we set it to host so it can actually see and query what the CPU is and we can see that it's got 8 GB of RAM and that it's ECC memory excellent so let's go and see if we've got our discs available so if we go down to storage on the left and then we go down to diss we can see that yes we've got the two 4 tbte drives here and the 32 gig one which is that boot pool brilliant everything's looking good so the first thing we're probably going to want want to do is to create a pool that's the precursor to being able to make any network shares so over on pools just above we want to add now we're going to create one but bear in mind that you can import and it doesn't have to be imported just from trz you could have created a pool with a different tool and you could import it into trz there might be some nuances that you have to put in ETC there might be some encryption but generally speaking this should be compatible across all Z FS infrastructure so we're going to click create pool now we need to give this a name so I'll just call it truez just to keep it simple but call it what you want you also have the option to do the encryption and that should take advantage of the way we set the CPU to be host mode because it should be able to offload Hardware acceleration to the CPU rather than being emulated by an emulated CPU I'm going to use both available diss but just bear in mind which ones you're choosing in case you've got more or you don't want to use all of them Etc hit this Arrow to make them go over to the right and then I can just click create this is going to confirm whether or not I want to create this because creating a pool with discs will destroy all the data on them these are brand new drives so hopefully there's nothing on there there's certainly nothing that I care about so this is going to go away now and create that pole and this should be really quick I can actually hear the drive spinning up in the background so that's reass draing so now I can see that this has been created and I've got 3 and 1/2 tab of drive space free excellent so now that I've created a pool I want to create a data set and this is a bit like having a folder within the pool so a pool is basically a pool of drives and you could have multiple virtual devices in a pool so don't just think because you've got two devices here two hard drives in this pool you can't expand it you could add more drives and create more Z volumes and add them to this pool to increase the storage size so to create a data set and you can have as many data sets as you want in a pool I think you can certainly create a lot so we're going to create a new data set and I'll just call this one test to keep it simple I'm going to keep all of the defaults on I don't want any encryption and things like that but have a read through the documentation and if you want this to be encrypted turn that on and follow the recommendations that are in the documentation I'm just going to hit submit on that and that's going to go away now and it's created that test data set so in its most simplistic form this is now able to be shared via an SNB or an NFS now since traz version 12 you can no longer use the root user as your only access to your shares so what we need to do is to create a new user and then give that access or even ownership of the share we just created so to do that we want to head over to accounts and we want to click users we can ignore that message and then we want to click add a user so for this one I'm just going to call myself James and I'll give myself the username of James and I'm going to give myself a password I'm just going to put in James for this one do remember that because you're going to need this to access your share later on so now that's created everything should be fine here so now that it's created we can hit submit and that username is created great so now that we have our user created there's one last thing we need to do before we can get this share up and running and that is to head back to the storage click on pulls and then the data set we created we need to change the permissions so edit permission missions and now we need to change this to have our user we've just created so the owner of this is going to be James so that should be at the bottom and is in the group of James as well which should be at the bottom and we want to tick this box to apply this user so if you hover over the question mark you can see that only these changes are made when this box is ticked so I want to apply both of those I'm also going to do apply permissions recursively this shouldn't matter CU there's nothing in there at the moment but if you were changing permissions to an existing share you'd want to make sure that all the folders are reflected you can also do Traverse so that means that any data sets within this data set that's right a sub data set it would also apply to I don't need to do that because I don't have any data sets but if you do just understand that that option is available to you so if we look at the permissions here we can see that my user James is going to have read write and execute and that's fine that's exactly what we wanted if you want to you can click use the ACL manager and this will give you more options so here you can do things like set a preset so you could have this open restricted or home or you can create your own custom ACL that's an access control list I'm going to create the custom one but I could have just accepted what was on the previous page but if you want to go into a granular control we can do it this way so if you want to do it this way we can see that there's three users here I'm going delete the other two because I only want to set this up for myself I'm again going to change this to James and at the bottom I'm going to make sure I tick apply this user and apply the group and then on the right hand side who is this so the owner is going to be the user and the user is going to be James everything's allowed I've got Advanced permissions and I've got the ability to do everything on this drive and for this flag here I need to make sure that I in inherit once that's done I'm also going to click apply the permissions recursively for the same reasons as before click continue and then I'm going to click save now this should go away now and change all of the permissions for this data set this now allows us to go to the share which is down here and create an SMB share so I'm going to click add and then it's going to ask what do I want to share well all of your pools and data sets are under SL mount and here you can see the pool traz if you had more than one pool you would see it at this folder level within tras I've got the test with that ACL applied to it and if you had more data sets within this pool you would also see them at this folder level so I'm going to click test and now that's populated and then I should be able to click submit once submitted you'll see that this is now on screen and it's enabled yes so with any look I can now hop into one of my machines I'll demonstrate this on Windows just because it's simpler and I should be able to mount this to my machine so to do that and here you can see a sneaky version of how I record these videos and how messy it is if you rightclick your this PC and then you do mapa network drive you'll get this dialogue box and this is going to map it to drive y you can click this box and change it to any letter that's available and it's going to ask for a folder now for me it's SL1 1921 16871 124 you could also use a DNS name name here if you've got it and we know from up here on the back of the screen it says test is the name of the share and it requires a share name so I'm going to put test now the box for reconnect at signin is ticked and that means that every time your machine boots up it will automatically Mount this which is probably the behavior that you want also we need to click Connect using different credentials if you're not using the same account or you're not using active directory Etc you'll need to provide new credentials now this will be what I set a moment ago which was just a username of James and a password of James but you set this to whatever user you created with in trunz or if you want to tie this into active directory I won't get onto that in this video you could use those credentials so I'm going to click finish now and it's going to ask me to put in my password hopefully I can click remember my credentials and when I click okay it's going to load this on my machine and now you can see that this drive is mounted under the drive letter of Y when you're going through that for the first time you might get a prompt to make sure that the SMB service is active obviously that needs to be active otherwise this won't be available and if it doesn't pop up for whatever reason and this isn't working just make sure that over here on the left you click services and you make sure the SMB is enabled and you probably want to make sure that that starts automatically every time you reboot tras so now you have an SMB share on your Windows machine and if you install things like C UT for example you can go and install this on things like Aon 2 Etc so let's jump into NFS now and get that up and running now NFS is different to SMB because it's a volume share not a file share and because of that it's recommended that you create a new data set for this otherwise you're going to have a bit of a permissions nightmare because NFS likes to lock files Etc so add a new data set and this one can be under the same pool as trunz I'm just going to call this one NFS D test leave all the options as is for now and hit submit that will create the new one here so you can see NFS test you could obviously change all the available storage if you wanted to if you wanted to restrict this to a maximum of say 1 tbyte Etc but now that we've done that we want to create a share now thankfully that's the same process as before so if we go down to sharing we want to click on NFS and then we want to hit add now I'm just going to keep this one really simple so I'm going to go into Mount I'm going to go into our pool of tras and I'm going to select the NFS test share I'm going to specify all directories and quiet and if you wanted to go to the advanced options you can restrict this to specific users I'm not going to do that for this tutorial but do note you could change it to the user for example we had before with all of that just left as default I'm going to hit submit when you do that it might ask you to enable the service if it's the first time so go ahead and do that and it might be worth checking just in Services the NFS is enabled and to start automatically you may also wish to go into this and configure it and change this to number of servers it's typically on 16 by default I've dropped this down to four without any performance issues and I've also enabled NFS version 4 because it has more advanced features you can leave it as three if you want but I recommend you put it to version four and then hit save now that we've done that let's hop over over into a Linux terminal and try and mount this drive so here we are on one of my rk2 admin machines which I've used in a previous video and there's just a couple of things we need to do to get this running the first thing we need to do is to install the necessary dependencies so Pudo apt install and then we need nfs-common this will go away and pull all of the necessary tools to be able to mount this once that's installed we're going to require a folder where we want to mount this just like any other Linux Mount so now that's completed and you might need to reboot if there are certain services that need to be restarted we want to create a folder so I'm just using the example pseudo make directory and I'm going to put this in SL NFS so this is a root folder on the device that it'll be using to mount the NFS share we created in Tres so now I've done that we need to do another pseudo and it's a pseudo Mount and we need- t for type of NFS we then need to specify the IP address which is 7124 then we need a colon because we need to specify where this is in trunz and we can remind ourselves of where this is if we go to sharing we click on NFS and we can see that it's SL Mount tras NFS test so we need to write that in here so SL Mount SL traz sln fs- test and then we need a space because we need to tell it where to mount it on this machine and that was simply SL NFS now when I run this and make sure that you've got any firewall rules in place to enable it we should simply hit return that's now completed without any error messages and now if I do a df- I should see this here and yeah I do I see the mount at the bottom here and I've got 3.6 terabytes available which is what we expected so great we've now got SMB and NFS enabled so hopefully now you've got everything you need to virtualize true we've discussed the hardware that's required and how to actually plug that stuff in we've talked about some of the advantages and disadvantages of using traz in a virtualized environment plus we've talked about the configuration of the VM itself and I've showed you how to create a pool and data sets and even SMB and NFS shares so this should give you a comprehensive package that you can deploy in your home lab and give shares to everybody on your local network this is really useful because this is ZFS mirrored storage so it's got some built-in redundancy which is great for your important files and chiefly backing up things like your home lab itself let me know if this is something that you're going to do or whether you're going to stick with just the bare metal installation of traz or hey maybe even just use proxmox shares themselves anyway if you've liked this video and found it useful please give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and I'll see you on the next one take care [Music] everybody
Channel: Jim's Garage
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Keywords: hardware, homelab, best homelab server, best CPU for homelab, amd, best hardware, build best pc, how to build a homelab, psu, corsair psu, amd homelab, ryzen, cheap homelab, cheap server, budget homelab, budget NAS, nas build, how to build a nas, computer build, seagate, ironwolf, truenas smb, truenas, truenas nfs, truenas virtualise, truenas virtualize, truenas core, truenas setup, proxmox truenas, proxmox, truenas core setup
Id: -qm-m4q8hIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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