True Day In The Life of a Semi Pro Soccer Player

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[Music] that's me my name is morat and I play soccer [Music] [Music] semi-professionally one of the first things I do when I wake up is I get a protein Rich breakfast as well as high fiber this provides sustained energy essential nutrients for muscle repair and growth and promotes digestive [Music] health and a lot of athletes don't do this but I kind of enjoy it it helps me clear my mind and helps me focus on what truly matters [Music] all right so first up we start off with warm-ups I like to do just a little jog and then get into some dynamic stretches and then after that I go into more of my light cardio and the reason I kind of start off with the light jog is just to kind of warm up my body a little bit before I get into those dynamic stretches you don't really want to do static stretches before you start training I'm also wearing my jacket cuz it's absolutely freezing brought my buddy out here what did you say oh okay yeah so when you are doing those light warmup uh runs before you actually do the diamic stretches you don't really want to go too fast you literally just want to get your body moving and that's it don't worry about like sprinting speeding like really jogging fast and if you're doing it with friends you know don't make it a competition for this one literally just make it a light jog just get your body warmed [Music] up now if you're here by a soccer field one of the things that I like to do is do my dynamic stretches on the six-yard box and I don't really do a big um session of dynamic stretches during like a very light morning workout uh mainly because I'm not going too intense if I'm going intense then yeah that's when you know I'll go all the way to the 18 yard box but because today is just a easy morning training we keeping it easy okay I usually don't bring my dog to my morning trainings um and this is exactly why he okay he's not barking right now all right so now we're focusing on more of the ball control drills this is to kind of get yourself warmed up and wow that was awful [Music] okay okay like I was saying this was to get you warmed up just get yourself ready and good on the ball so when when you start doing your actual tactical training you'll be good to go so one of the things I do the most is I put the cones in like a little box and like it's not a big box at all like I can it's literally that big and that's it and the whole goal is to get yourself to do control juggles to try to stay in the Box for as long as possible and not do that another fun thing to do is when you're juggling you can just bring it down to the ground you can bring it around a cone and bring it back to the center and continue juggling chop it down again Bring It Around a cone go over and go back to it now I move on and I keep the Box exactly the same but I just move on to another set of cones over there all right so now that I have some basic touches on the ball I want to focus on more of dribbling and just getting more touches on the ground then you can do single footed you can do weak foot all right now going back to the Box another thing I like to do is just kind of bring it up a little bit control it and keep doing that you can do different heights to get yourself warmed up you can start off low you can then go medium you can then go up to your head and then once you get really good you can go as high as you want but again your goal is to keep it in the Box and another thing you can do is kind of bring it down go to a cone bring it around and come back to Center to work on more of like turning when you drop it so if you're trying to turn that way you know you bring it over like that like this and if you're trying to go that way you can just kind of pivot your foot that way go around the cone and keep doing it so because I'm focusing on more of the Winger and attacking position right now I keep the cones in more of like a little triangle wall shape and then I have to go around it and then I have to go to that cone and then once I go to that cone I have to do a Juke because that's a Defender I Juke and then I'll take my shot yeah you can hear my dog barking maybe that's why I don't bring him so when you are taking on that Defender you don't really want to do you know some crazy neyar type trick you really just want to focus on getting one M away because once you're one M away that's when you can take that shot here take it out go in go out all right now that we're done football training we all oh my God sorry soccer really gets too all right now that we're done soccer training we have I Liv pretty close to a gym so that's where we're going to get our next part of our training in now today I'm really just focusing on stabilizer muscles as well as working out thep flexors so the first part's my shin um it's more to stabilize my kneat when I do make those big balls or those pivots and turns I need to really have a strong and supportive knat and then the hip flexors I'm actually working out to help me increase my speed because you use that muscle when you're lifting your knee up and driving up so the stronger your hip flexors are the more speed that you actually have and then the final thing is my back you know you see a lot of people with rounded shoulders like that or rounded necks like that but having those stabilizer muscles really keep yourself at a good posture when you're doing this you really don't want to roll your ankles too much uh cuz that's a whole lot of weight on just your ankles so you really want to keep them keep them strong and if you have to you can grab them too cuz again you're not working out everything you're just working out your shin so if you have to support you can support that's fine once you get better you know just do like [Music] that [Music] so chances are you'll see a lot of old people doing this and that's because they are working out usually at Physical Therapy there just stabiliz your muscles you actually can start off with not even using weights once you start building them up you can use weights so I'll show you without weights and again it's really to stabilize your whole entire upper body and neck so it's called eyes teasing wise so i t and then Y and you don't want to relax fully and arch your back you just want to kind of keep it up straight the whole entire time so by the way check this out you ready there's chandeliers in this gym isn't that insan one of the other things I like to incorporate is Plyometrics and even Tom Brady vouches for it it's one of the most optimal ways is to keep your muscles fit for [Music] longer now if you have a ton of time for these stretches one of the things that I've always enjoyed is stretching it not like extremely far but just you know where you feel a good stretch for maybe like 30ish seconds even to a minute and then just kind of relaxing for like maybe 20 seconds and then going back you can feel where you're stretching it so instead of reaching here you know reach a little bit farther and then doing that for another you know 30 seconds to a minute relaxing and then going again even farther and if you do that for every single muscle group you're going to get so much more [Music] bendy so now I'm working and that's the part about semi pro that a lot of people don't understand is yes you're still playing semi-professionally but most of us still have to have some sort of day job and fortunately for me I get to be able to make content for my day job and it's a whole lot more fun than if I was sitting at an office now how much does a semi-pro athlete actually make it really depends on the type of person that you are how much of an audience you can bring and how good of a player you are now I'm going to put you on this is one of the best things that you can get at Costco just read the macros but please please please don't make it sell out also one of the most annoying things about playing semipro is the fact that some days I still have to get work done even though I know I have a big game coming up and there's a few of us that get to play soccer fulltime as a semi-pro athlete but that's very very very few cuz there's even a lot of pro athletes that don't get paid enough to be able to play full-time and one of my goals that I really really really really want to achieve by the end of the year is to go full-time into socer and YouTube by the way I created some membership plans you can see them right there but you probably can't really see them too well and if you ever wanted to find a way to support me this is probably the best way because not only am I able to help you guys out in becoming a better soccer player or being able to be tactically smarter but you're being able to help me out so if you ever want to find a way to support me and you have $5 that's the fastest way and it helps me be able to make more quality content so that not only can I provide you good information but I can provide you the best information and if you get the coaching pack that means you and I can play FIFA and chances are I'll beat you but you can give it a shot next thing I do is indoor tactical skill training this is where I primarily focus on small ball control [Music] movements then I use my game simulator from be your best and this helps me refine my tactical [Music] Vision after that I review my game footage and write a log about how I did and what I can do to improve so that I can take that with me during the next game [Music] game and now it's time for dinner Wawa always loves us sometimes we play punt where I punt the ball and he fetches yeah Wawa you already told him don't don't be greedy I know I know you're very nice [Music] Wawa [Music] and now it's FIFA time pick a team any team and I'll beat [Music] you
Channel: Soccer with Marat
Views: 9,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, professional athlete, pro athlete, playing soccer professionally, professionally, soccer player, pro soccer, professional soccer, becoming a pro, soccer training, soccer tactics, soccer skills, soccer tips, football, how to play soccer, how to become a pro football player, how to become a pro soccer player, day in the life, semi pro, semi professional, semi professional athlete, footballer, day in the life of an athlete, day in the life of a footballer
Id: 2DDoqM05B8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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