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I'm jadden hesky a striker and midfielder for man city under 18s and welcome to my day in the life so how long have you been at the Man City Academy for now I've actually been at Man City since I was four but then obviously you signed your contract at 99: but like I was in like the pre Academy since 4 so it's been a long time how do you feel as G some personal development and growth in the years yeah yeah definitely like Technical and then you understand the game a lot better over the years and yeah just improved just gradually we've moved three times but like always been in the Manchester kind of area but yeah it's always been about like half an hour 45 minutes to get in normally it's aimed to get in at like 9:00 breakfast at 9:00 and you wait until like half 10 you do P2P then go out for training um 11:00 come in at training say half 12ish have some lunch and then we have education so we do education like half one for 2 hours and then sometimes depending on the day we'll have gym then the day though all good yeah all good so when you go for breakfast is there like a wide range of choices of food that you guys can have yeah yeah there's quite a bit so normally everyone just goes straight to the toasters is like bread like white bread brown bread Bagels got your beans scrambled eggs poached eggs I got porridge porridge this morning I wouldn't really say there's like a strict diet it depends but you just kind of know what the bad foods the good foods are to eat and yeah make the decision yourself we're going to do a run through now for your um assessment for your sport and Excellence professional apprenticeship and we're going to look at five Clips here that you need to analyze from a technical tactical point of view as much detail as you can so at the end of it I can then distinguish whether you're actually going to have a distinction or or whether you actually get a pass at any it most of the players are doing spot science like a sport Science course over the two years I did a levels last year I did my business a level in a year so I finished that I'm just doing the sport Science one for now sometimes once you come in from training then you have education you're kind of dreading it a bit but yeah I just try my best in education and on the pitch as well yeah so let's run the clip through what are you thinking here so at this point just to stretch the play like to give the midfielders as much space as they can have yeah so I'm pinning like the center backs back so they have like see all that space there big space in between with yeah yeah at that moment that's what I'm thinking anyway tactically and then yeah positioning there to receive um yeah tactically timing it timing it um correctly to drop down and what's your thought there with your body position got to hold the defender off first and like make sure get control of the ball and then yeah it's a strong position yeah yeah you have these personal development sessions what do they involve a mixture of everything really they sometimes get external people coming in just do chats about like mental health and stuff and one of them was just literally just sat in a circle and just have a conversation about like just go around asking people questions and yeah they just they just help with General things in life I think really right our press for um this weekend so most of you have seen this before but some of you haven't done it in a game for a long time the 17s guys will have this is how we're going to press okay Nine's quite a big lad as well fellas sometimes they do go direct into him from the goalkeeper so we need to be aware of that send the half need to be aggressive then with the ball we'll go back to um playing box Okay so we just do a little bit of work on that over the next couple of days just to get back into the rhythm of it and making the right decisions making the right movements etc etc for me it's just like to loosen up a bit before we actually go out I think it like reduce the chance of getting injured as well that's good part of it but yeah I just do a couple exercises like specific ones like to get my glutes and like hammies a bit unstiff but yeah it just gets me ready for training really [Music] whenever you're in training you always got to put like 100% in like there's a big focus on pressing as well so that gets the intensity up yeah out of possession you got to be on it and then in possession it will it's a high intensity so you got to be good technically as well him and Jamie get a little plan together what you want to work on throughout the season and then it's like technically tactically then you just come together and then yeah just throughout the season you're work working on it doing individual sessions after training like might be shooting first touch stuff like that [Music] yeah have you trained with 1 yet as all yeah yeah so I did it for the first time this season but since then yeah I've trained with them four times but that's that's quite a big difference I always thought it'd be a lot faster but once you're actually there you just feel tired straight away cuz like the intensity is so high with them but yeah it was a good experience though every time I've been with them you I wouldn't say like just one to one no but like once you're part of the session he's quite vocal anyway so he'll be speaking to all the other players and then like he's quite animated so you he'll get you involved like telling you what to do so you're always just listening to him whatever he's saying it's always going to be higher intensity the more you go up the age groups and yeah then once you've been playing in them you get you kind of get used to it with your body here I feel like I am more fit now last season playing and training with the under 21s Oscar was always in that age group so and just training with him you'd see the level that he was at and yeah you just you just see that you have to be at that level you're just striving every day to be like them [Music] throughout a day it's like quite full on like you've always got something going on in the between time like having like a half an hour maybe just to play table tennis or pool or whatever yeah it's good to just like relax and like P it so [Music] yeah [Music] whatever exercise you need to do there's five different stations for it yeah so just everything you need to do you got stuff for big weights on barbells you got the weights area just doing we are doing dumbbell row there yeah just everything's there so yeah it's good to just to [Music] improve being out twice last season it was yeah it wasn't the best so I just want to stay fit again play as many games as I can about getting injured yeah just through the season and obviously to win the league again yeah with the 18s and the [Music] 21s obviously having Harland and Alvarez as well I like Alvarez a lot as a player can play up front in the Midfield but then obviously Harlem just scoring goals all the time as a striker yeah he's someone just to look up to in the club [Music] yeah we moved from plat Lane so I was training at plat Lane it would have been I think under NES maybe and then we moved to CFA the difference from that to to here was massive the facilities here you have everything and yeah over the time they've just kept building and just getting more things more technology and stuff like that to help get better as a player to be fair and yeah it's just been it's been great [Music] so me and my brother we've been playing football since well since I was like four yeah just like driving us to football every day for that for that long yeah uh they've just been very supportive to help help me get to where I I'm now yeah Dad yeah yeah whenever he feels like he he can like have a bit of an input he'll tell me that's helped quite a bit but just cuz he's obviously been through it all himself so he knows and then yeah it's always good to get like some bits of advice really so and outside football what do you enjoy doing I don't really get uped much to be honest um I play Playstation a bit so FIFA mainly when I fre free time sometimes go shopping maybe I go for food with my family so I have two little sisters we end up going like the cinema or something or like a little trampoline park or something like that just try and like do certain activities with them yeah just yeah so that was a day in the life of me hope you enjoyed it yeah see you soon [Music]
Channel: Man City
Views: 532,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: man city, manchester city, mcfc, man city highlights, man city goals, city, city vs, man city vs, man city v, Jaden, Heskey, EDS, U18, U18s, Academy, Training, day in the life, DITL, Gym
Id: WsGzv3uUfds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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