How To Sign for a Pro Soccer Academy in Less Than 30 Days

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in this video I'm going to be revealing the exact steps I took to go from my JV high school and local Sunday League team at 16 to signing with the same Professional Academy that developed Al phones with Davies and getting call up to represent my national team at 18 without natural Talent connections or being rich and it's not just me there are a bunch of players around the world balling out signing for proy and making their parents proud using the same steps I'm about to show you going like me from below average honestly pretty out football to balling out week in week out living my dream life at a pro Academy about that in just a minute because I want to make it clear that these results aren't guaranteed I can't guarantee you the results I had what I can absolutely guarantee is that what you're about to see are the results of a bunch of regular players just like you who use this opportunity to change their careers like Kai here when from his local amure side in the US at 19 to LFC Academy playing next to the likes of B and Kini without ever having previously been at a pro club or Olivia went from her Grassroots team to signing for Chelsea FC Academy in the Premier League at 13 years of age rcad when went from playing for his local Sunday League team to a better club team and then eventually signing with the first division professional team in Canada at 16 in case you haven't met yet my name is haris s and if you love football and you want to improve way faster than your friends get Pro opportunities and become a confident fast and techy baller who's simply him if you want to finally be respected by your coaches admired by your teammates and make your parents proud Get Off the Bench and ball every time you play then this video is for you because I'm going to be revealing the simple training and routines I did outside team training and games to improve faster than my friends and get Pro opportunities the three steps you need to overcome in order to go from where you are to a stand out player at a professional Academy and I'll be doing all this in the next 16 minutes so look if you can't stick around for just 16 minutes then maybe improving in football and living your dream life is not for you and for those who watch the whole video until the very end I'll be giving you my ball Master guide for free and also giving you a very special gift so make sure you watch the full entire video and I want you to know I'm speaking from experience I've been through the ups and downs of football and life having moved to to Canada from Afghanistan as a refugee at a young age I was only introduced into football at the age of 12 yep only at 12 but I quickly fell love with this beautiful sport and by the age of 14 I decided I want to become a professional footballer but at 16 I was still stuck on my local Sunday League team and had just been put on the junior varsity team for my high school that's meant for ninth and 10th graders as an 11th grader it was embarrassing I wouldn't stand out in games I just didn't have the skills that's when I realized I needed to change I'd had enough I decided to spend hours training by myself doing Joes I found in YouTube are just taking shots on goal but nothing really changed I was still behind other players I would just watch hon as they bald out with confidence on game days and got all the love from coaches parents and other players there were even kids my age signing professional contracts and playing pro games I promise you I was this close to giving up until I came across a new method of training and living that changed my life and the moment I started implementing this my game began to change I finally started to feel confident I was stand out in games and other people began to notice damn Harris have you been training Harris how did you improve so fast these are questions I started to receive from coaches and Friends pretty soon I start to move up the levels to bigger team I was seeing results so I kept doing the trainings and routines that got me there simple and easy to do but so effective and then after months of hard work I'm moving up the Canadian youth levels I got to try the Vancouver YC caps and I managed to sign a contract for their Academy a professional Academy where I competed alongside the best players in the country and my performances there led me to receiving a call to my national U23 team to compete in the 2022 Asian Cup qualifiers along the way I asked over half a million followers across all platforms as I took people with me through my day-to-day and a question I get often is how did I do all of it well I'm going to be sharing that today let's get started so there are three steps you need to overcome to go from where you are to a stand on player and signing for a pro Academy but don't underestimate these 99% of players never overcome them and never achieve their dreams but if you can figure this all out you can become the top player in your team in a matter of weeks and be on track to your dreams Step One is building a base in this phase you're going to build the foundations of a player that can be a top baller and go onto the pro level if he wants to here you will build a physical technical mental and tactical base you'll be comfortable doing pretty much anything with the ball have a strong self-image have a base of fitness and good moving mechanics and know how to make the right decisions on the field tactically if you make mistakes over think or have doubts it's because you don't have a base of confidence and Technical ability which can both be trained you'll do this by putting in time with the ball on the field field doing mental training sprinting and playing pickup and a lot of game analysis of course it's more complicated than that but that's an overview this process is what Elliot took to go from his local team in Canada to getting multiple professional trials and signing with Minnesota United MLS Academy an important aspect of building this base is Progressive overload through difficulty you see most people will just do random drills with no progression but you really start to progress when you do drills specific to your position's needs and start to progress them making it harder each time people apply Progressive Overlord a lot to working out in the gym you can apply to football as well and make your drills Harder by doing them faster making them longer more complicated Etc it's possible to make massive changes to your speed technical ability and even confidence but only if you do the right training and I learned that the hard way spending years doing random training I found on YouTube before I finally changed and shot up to the pro Academy level it's very important you build this phas before you move on to the next one because if you don't none of the work you do in the next phases will have the same effects Ryan realized this and built a super strong base did the next steps and recently got called up to the USU national team Camp from playing Grassroots just a few months earlier at this point once you have the base it's very easy to think that all you have to do is keep training this way but that's not the case this is not what will make you stand out and one of the things that helped me realize this when I was younger was mentorship there's a point where I felt the same way you might feel now I was still unsure about the best Pathway to get to the next level and reach my dreams I decided to invest in mentorship but being a broke high school student with $27 in my bank account I had to work and beg my parents for money to afford the $800 forp but old boy didn't it pay off in just a few months of getting a clear path and how to reach my goals I was signed to the YC caps got $1s of doll in gear transportation and food and which later helped me get a full rise scholarship offer to play in college in the US worth tens of thousands of dollars our parents never regretted helping me out and I'm eternally grateful to them so that's a quick little life lesson on your path to Excellence as a footballer and so this brings me to the Second Step standing out which is the biggest challenge most players face on their Journey stting out on football is incredibly difficult but it's the main thing that allow you to move up to levels here you have to change your training and focus more on developing an X Factor something that sets you apart from everyone else something which will catch the eyes of Scouts and bring you opportunities here on screen are examples of an X Factor for each position that coaches usually look for make sure you only pick one and make it something you're really good at already this will make it as easy as possible to stand out it's easy to feel discouraged seeing players your age or even younger standing out and playing with confidence and even playing at the professional level you see them living your dream life and wish it could be you you might think you're too far behind you might question if you can make it and feel stressed and disappointed don't do this you can reach that level if you do the right training and have the right environment around you which I'll be showing you how to do in just a minute just like Roman did went from one of the worst on his team to one of the best and made his un9 debut as a 15-year-old and this brings me to the third step getting opportunities at higher levels once you build a technical base and then develop into a stand out player it's time to find opportunities at better teams so you can move up the levels you can do this with no connections and without living close to a big Club there are three ways you're going to do this and after I show them I'll be revealing the biggest secret of all to becoming an absolute baller so pay attention number one tell your coaches and teammates that you're looking to play at the next level you'd be surprised at opportunities they might have for you number two set up a LinkedIn profile on screen here's how I set my profile up you can search for agents and coaches here and ask to connect with them using this messaging template number three find coach's emails this is simple to do first decide that club you want to join then find the email of someone there take the format for the email plug in the coach's name TR to see if it's a real email on one of these softwares then you can send them a message like this on screen with these methods you got a tral with a professional Club in the a league Australia's first Division and Andrew used them to get a trial with San Antonio FC the Professional Academy of a second division team in the us but we aren't quite done so stay with me this next step is the most important in the process so pay close attention look if right now you're know your gamees a couple seconds too slow or you don't stand out in games don't worry you don't have to be born with fast feet confidence and quick thinking but you can build these up just like a muscle is grown by doing weights at the gym and I'll show you how in just a second but before I do let's recap what we've covered today right now you know that the three biggest things standing between you and your dream football future are one building a bulletproof Elite technical base two standing out in games and three getting Pro opportunities if you're struggling with just one of these you're going to struggle to stand out struggle to become the best on your team and get on the radar professionaly colleges and any pro teams Bruno realized this and took action which led him to signing for a second division Academy team in Slovakia in Europe a high level I want to know a secret Bruno had never been in a pro M before in his entire life I went from being a player who only started playing football at 12 started taking it seriously at 14 to playing in the same Academy as Alonso Davies and getting called to my national team at 18 if you started playing football before me then imagine how good you can be with the same training guidance and mentorship that I had there's a massive opportunity here and I saw just myself as proof as you can see I mean so be League went from never being in a pro environment before to getting called to his national team and competing the U7 Asian come qualifies as a 15-year-old an NOS went from Sunday League team to a first division team an almond signed for Watford FC Academy just one step below the Premier League as a 14-year-old now I know this all sounds super exciting but a quick word of warning if you try to do this alone you'll spend months or years trying to figure it all out I've done that and spent 4 years from 12 to 16 years of age stuck in the same place playing Sunday League barely standing out even though I thought I was doing the right things you have a very tiny window of your life to play football and an even smaller window to actually make big improvements just months of not doing the right things can destroy your chance of success in football much less years but if you get this right you can unlock a future in football you never thought possible because as you can see players are realizing you don't need any type of insane Talent OR love to become an absolute baller so the question becomes how can you get results like this like the dozens of people that I've shown you here in this video well you have two options the first one is to go and try to figure this out all on your own take the information I've given you today and really try to figure it out by yourself it's definitely a viable option and if you feel it's best suited for you please go ahead however know you most likely do some valuable months or maybe even years trying to figure everything out on your own and long term it's probably going to be more expensive considering that you miss out on all the extra progress you could have made by starting out the right way from the get goal remember progress compounds finally your chance of quitting just goes way up if you get stuck or have doubt and don't have support on this tough Journey that's why I created the player acceler the second option where I take you by the hand and show you every single thing you need to do to go from where you are to a confident Stand Out player ready to move up the levels whether that be just to become the best on your team or sign for a pro Academy or maybe one day play pro it's the program with the best success stories in the industry every single success story you've seen during this video has gone through my program where we take players from sometimes complete beginners in football to consistently balling out on their teams and ready for the next level so if you just got a few minutes let's look at what's inside player accelerator now s more just the course the course is really just a part of it it's like a virtual Professional Academy it'll be the best results oriented learning experience you will ever have period player accelery is composed of over 40 hours of step-by-step training covering every aspect you need to 10x your game and get opportunities at a higher level from Full technical sessions to Tactical breakdowns to the mentality of a pro to reaching out to pro clubs and colleges the program has everything covered for you this program is broken down to five phases the first phase is mindset Have You Ever Wanted the difference between those that make it big and go on to play at the highest level and those that don't how some players have unbreakable confidence no matter what or how you can perform like a machine that stays composed no matter the situation well that's what we cover in this first section here's where you will find out the truth about how others achieve success and although it may not have the most technical aspects students often say this is the part that has the biggest impact on their results now phase two is Technical Training with the ball here we show you how to master the fundamentals to a professional level ball control dribbling shooting passing defending Etc we cover absolutely everything and give you expertly crafted step by step training sessions for all levels of ability at any point in the season so you can train even if you have loads of school workk and a busy training schedule I mean I had a job school and played for two teams and still managed to put in the work and I'll show you exactly how you can too because this training works and will'll get you results like Malcolm who sent us this message after only the first couple of sessions I don't know what you did but my technique and forwork felt 10 times better I was Unstoppable today then the next phase phase three covers physical training no matter what H equipment you have we show you how to correct your moving mechanics and become the fittest and fastest player on your team even if you are athletically gifted so you can Dominate and stand out when everyone is tired at the end of games while you're still flying just like Nate who used to struggle with the speed and fitness but using the program got called to play on the first team for his club and beat most of the grown men in the fitness test as a 16-year-old phase four is all about tactics have you ever wondered how players like Sergio boset dieago Silva and Modric are able to control the game even though they are way older and slower than the other players it's because of their football IQ how they understand the game this can be trained and in this phase we show you in excruciating detail how you can easily develop an edge over all your teammates and competitors and impress everyone who's watching with your composure and decision-making just like Chris who struggled with nerves for four games but only a week after joining the program quickly earned the respect of all his teammates and coaches at his high school with his dominant performances as a ninth grader now the fifth and Final Phase covers how to find and contact higher level teams whether you want to play on a better team one they play in college or even join a Pro Club you must know how to find the contacts you need in football and know exactly how to reach out to them we show you out proven methods to find any contacts you need and give you messaging templates for reaching out all part of our exact system for getting high level opportunities plus we show you how to create a highlight video on CV that will leave coaches begging you to come on trial don't worry if you don't have these yet or you're not even sure what they are it's really simple and we'll explain it all in detail and walk you through it step by step if you follow these steps you'll soon be like you who using our system got interest from an A League Academy team the highest professional division in Australia and is set to go on trial with them but I know he'll crush it and get signed because he's prepared now we want this program to be the easiest most plug-and-play way to develop into a stand out player that's why we've included a wave of exclusive bonuses that could be sold on their own for thousands of dollars combined first off we have my exclusive personal contacts at professional clubs andies all over the world so that once you've done the training and gone to a point that you feel that you're ready all you have to do is reach out and secur your trial like yug but also like Andrew who after just sending out a couple of emails to our contacts got a response from San Antonio FC a club in the second highest tier of professional football in the US and they invited him to trial with them but on top of that you get the ultimate trial day guide a complete walkthrough of how to prepare for your trial crush it and get a spot on the team the nerves of Trials are completely removed and replaced with true confidence knowing you are fully prepared you also get seven exclusive never seen before Pro Player interviews that are all 30 minutes plus where I interview professional players who have play in the MLS Europe and the Canadian national team so you get an insight into how they live and train so you can fall in their footsteps then you get the injury prevention and Recovery guide if you're injured or not fully recovered you can train to the best of your ability which means you want to improve and you won't ever move forward in your career meanwhile if you get a reputation as injury prone you're going to play less and less because the coach won't be able to plan for the future and rely on you to be a part of it to make sure this doesn't happen to you you must take Elite care of yourself so in this guide I take you through all the same routines and processes that I follow along with hundreds more Elite footballers to stay injury-free and recover faster than everyone else instead of playing hurt and looking weak you'll feel strong and confident you'll trust your body to hold up to the pressures of the game allowing you to play with freedom and Swagger you also get our meal plan and nutrition guide so you can remove all the guest work and easily plan your nutrition knowing you're eating the right things finally you get the Unseen behind the scenes at a pro Academy where I go through exactly what the day-to-day life of a pro Academy player looks like so you can live like a pro before you go pro drastically increasing your chances of making it like Daniel who went through the program and now plays for a pro Academy in the US hear from Daniel himself what his thoughts are on the program since I'm a U6 and I'm playing with 9s I need to be on top of my technique and my speed of play Harris's program is going to help with that because it will develop your fundamentals make your touch great work on your dribbling and pretty much everything in the game here's program will help you with that 100% when I used it I felt drastic changes almost instantly but research has shown time and time again that what actually gets massive results for students isn't even the content itself it's an essential part of the learning but the main driver of success is actually the student community and so we decided to create an exclusive private Z Community only for those that are in the program it's the perfect place to meet other players get your questions answered and find accountability partners and friends we also do weekly football related giveaways and events many of our students consider this the most valuable part of the program like ad of here who joined us recently and said this my experience with zth has been very positive overall with the community it's helped me so much whenever have a question it'll always be answered positively and everybody in the community is working towards a common goal and inside our community students love to post their results almost every day we get stories of massive improvements from the hardworking balls in there like G who shortly after joining the program went to go play pickup with his friends and said they kept asking him on how he got so much better or denil who after only a week in the program was seeing crazy results and not making his opponents three or four times in a game or amilio who said in his own words I'm actually so grateful to you guys this community and then I saw the zth ad on my Instagram and I actually work to join this it's already so good students will go as far as making compilations of their before and after videos and post them on the community just to compete with each other and show how much they've changed as a player but they show a lot of love to each other as well ZT training program has helped me develop so much I mean like just look at this after following the instructions in this program for only a few weeks I'm so much more confident while playing and I'm able to do so much more with the ball hi zth time for Chelsea and you've helped me a lot um to become the player I am and my son has really benefited and I've actually seen a big difference uh with my son's game in general but you know the main reason that people just don't find success with online programs is because as they go through the course they end up having a lot of questions but have no expert to advise them and they end up getting stuck or Worse quitting that's why we have weekly Q&A calls and classes for the students inside the program where every week you can ask me questions directly and I can personally help you get unstuck and back on track so there's no way you fail and it won't just be myself we have professional players pop into these calls sometimes where you can ask them live questions and get advice face to face like the student summed up guidance makes a big difference and he's glad to have a coach and Mentor by his side having access to someone who has done what you want to do and face all the same problems can come in handy on your journey so let's review everything you're going to get when you join the player accelerate today number one you'll get full access to the player accelerate program for life all the technical tactical mental and physical training in it plus how to get opportunities you'll also get my personal professional contacts thought on the child guide seven behind the- scen Pro Player interviews oury prevention and Recovery guide nutrition guide and meal plans and the behind the scenes at a pro Academy handbook you'll also get access to our exclusive private community and weekly giveaways and events and finally a Q&A coaching call with myself every single week where Pro players occasionally drop in to answer your questions as well so now let me ask you this how much would it be worth you to have the career of your dreams without having to worry about poor performances what other people think and sitting on the bench how much would it be worth to you to effortless ball out in whatever situation you're put in and have Unstoppable confidence in yourself and in your skills how much would it be worth to you to have your teammates respect you your coach need you and have professional opportunities lined up for you just think about that for a second how much would it be worth to consistently enjoy every single game you play in because you ball out with ease and potentially sign for a pro Academy and open up the possibility of a pro career to make your parents proud and see the smile on their face after your performances and achievements $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 can you really even put a number on it well don't worry you're going to be able to experience this from nowhere near what you're thinking this isn't about the money for me this about knowing what it feels like to have your full potential confidence and happiness stolen from you this is about having lived through the endless pain frustration and helplessness of sitting on the bench not making an impact in games and not being able to do anything about it I don't want you to needlessly suffer any longer the way I have I've been blessed to have the right mentors to figure this all out if you were to work with a top personal coach it would cost you between $6,000 to $15,000 a year I mean if you just had to hire one speed coach for just two sessions a week for a month pretty much in any first world country it will cost cost around $50 to $100 an hour so $2,000 to $4,000 total for just 6 months that's just for a speed coach now you still have to find a way to train your stamina strength technical ability tactical ability and mental ability all on your own at high level because lowle training won't get you results you want see how it gets expensive all in all to get personalized Pro training like those in topies you'd have to spend tens of thousands of dollars a year just on coaching it cost me thousands of dollars hours and years of my life to learn all this training a lot of people told me to price something like this in the thousands but but I want more players to be able to access Elite Training so I put the normal price for the player accelerator at a onetime fee of $697 but that's not your price today as promised because you watch this full Master Class I'm letting a select group of dedicated players get in at a ridiculously low price only $397 for Lifetime access to player accelerator that will come out to 32 bucks a month for the year for an elite level mentorship it will never be this slow ever I promise and this offer ends very soon as we will then permanently increase the price to $697 and likely increase to $897 as we add more content to the course in the future which you will get full access to if you join today and I'm so confident in the offer that I have a crazy guarantee for you I have an unconditional money back guarantee for the first 30 days meaning at any point in the first 30 days of having the product you can ask for your money back if you don't like it no questions asked I'll give you your money back I do this because I know you're going to love it and want to stay forever but I have an even crazier guarantee if in 12 months time you haven't moved up a level in your career but I've done all the training come to all the calls and can prove it I'll write you a check for $11,000 and do free one-onone trading with you until you do that's how confident I am in the product and how much I believe it will change your career I'm literally going to give you $1,000 on free one-onone trading if this program doesn't work that's how much I believe in this and that way there's literally no risk on your part you either join and become a stand out player on path to being a pro Academy baller or I'll give you your money back it's that simple no questions asked think about it the only way you lose is by taking no action you may be asking why I'm doing this was because I saw how many talented hardworking players outside proy and footballing families won't reach dreams because they don't have a proven pathway I saw my transformation and realized that pretty much any footballer my can do it if they put in the hard work following the specific steps that I did go from an average player to the most confident stand up player on the field and move up to levels I want to change the game of football training blow everyone out of the water and make Elite Training and guidance available to all and our 100 the students results so far show that we're doing that now a quick warning before you go as I said before this offer is running out fast and we have a limited number of players we can accept in this program doors will close soon as we focus on getting results for those already in the program because we pride ourselves on our results here at zth and when we open the price will likely double but that's not all there's a very small window of time in your overall life where you have the opportunity to make massive improvements in football that then affect the rest of your life the opportunity is here for the taking ultimately you have to decide if you want to take action or sit back and watch others succeed so what are you waiting for you don't want to pay double the price one month from now do you take this great opportunity life is presenting you while you can go below this video right now and click the link in the top of description to change your career and your life today and in case you need to convince your parents to help you out financially I created a quick 5-minute video that explains the whole program to them and has helped many students join which you can access on the page in the description below you also have split pay options and support for any questions you may have because even though you may not realize that at this moment right now you've come to a very real Crossroads of a once in A- lifetime choice you must make between two very different realities the First Choice has a reality where you do nothing to transform your football ability and future and leave yourself stranded on the sidelines as other players Live Your Dream Life the one that you deserve a reality that's full of even more pain frustration and despair as your performances worsen your confidence continues to drop and you fall further and further behind a reality where you never feel truly happy and free never feel free to enjoy the game to play the way you know you can play and shoot past your potential have the career that you dream of at night until one day not so far off you find yourself a sh the player you once were and could have and should have been with your opportunity to reach your dreams gone now that this is what I want for you I know this is not what you want for yourself there's another reality available for your choosing a new reality has been chosen and celebrated by hundreds of players that have been to the same once in a lifetime Crossroads as you a reality where every time you step outto the pitch you have unbreakable confidence in yourself and your skills where you know you're going to play well before you even step out there a reality where your friends are amazed by you where your coach needs you and where your parents are proud of you a new you a reality free from po performances and watching others fly past you free of pain and frustration and suffering that was holding you back from the career you truly deserve let's face it this is a reality you've been waiting for your whole life you may never forgive yourself if you let today's once a left out opportunity slip between your fingertips it's a smart thing and the right thing to do for your life while you still can click the button in the description below and take advantage of today's 100% risk-free opportunity to claim the career and the life you truly deserve see you [Music] inside
Channel: ZTH Training
Views: 463,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, soccer academy, how to become a professional soccer player, soccer highlights, no days off soccer, soccer skills, training like a professional soccer player, becoming a professional soccer player, how to go from amateur to pro in football, how to become a pro soccer player, how to become a pro footballer, football, How To Sign for a Pro Soccer Academy in Less Than 30 Days, How ANY Amateur Can Sign For a Pro Soccer Academy in Less Than 30 Days, zth, pro academy, academy
Id: 5m5n9ryQ-Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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