Knots That Make Camping Easier!

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i was gonna teach you how to properly pitch a tarp today but then as i was going through the content and made me think maybe you should know this first what's going on everyone marty here from welcome back to the channel but if you're new here on the channel i cover all things canoe camping and gear so if that interests you make sure to subscribe in this week's video i'm gonna teach you three uh four very useful knots so that you can properly pitch your tarp let's go all right so just like any other skill before you go out in the backcountry on a canoe camping trip you need to make sure you master them so i'd like to encourage everybody at home to grab yourself a piece of rope and we're going to practice together today for me i'm just using simple paracord and it's usually what i use all the time anyways in the back country so practicing on the rope that you're actually going to be using is also a very important thing to do and mine is orange because i found over the years that black paracord just is so invisible in the back country and i kept clotheslining myself and tripping so i've moved to orange and that seems to be a bit more visible so let's turn you around and i'll show you guys my four knots that you need to practice before you can learn how to pitch your tarp to practice the four knots we're gonna be going over today you're gonna need some kind of static object so i'm gonna be practicing around a tree because all the knots we're gonna be doing are gonna be to literally attach to something whether it's a tree or a tarp basically uh so use a tree you can use you know the leg of a chair at home or of your table or even i don't know your child's arm it doesn't really matter it's just to get the motion in here and the first two knots i want to show you guys are knots that i would call static knots and what do i mean by static knots is they're going to be used to secure the rope to an object like a tree or to your tarp directly and they're going to be static from there on they're not going to be adjustable or anything and the first thing i want to show you guys is the ball line knot and it's a very useful knot in general to have because it's a knot that holds really tight but is really easy to take apart and i use it a lot for attaching my guidelines to my tent for example or to attach the rope to the tarp as well as a static line so it's very simple to do but where people go wrong is the starting point is everything in this one and i'll show you guys what i mean by this so you're going to have your moving line here and your static line on the left side i always go left to right myself and i kind of my stat my moving line is always going to be the one in my right hand so it's a good tip also to always practice your knots the same way so you're going to basically take your moving line and just kind of hold it in your right hand for now and the bow line is all in the way you start with your static line and what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to do a loop like that but where people go wrong is that they're going to take the rope closest to them and loop it over top and that's why it doesn't work you got to take the rope closest to you loop it underneath so that the static rope line is on top once you have that loop okay so just one more time you take the static rope you put it underneath you make a loop and then you pinch it with your fingers here all you got to do is bunny goes up the hole right very simple around the tree which is the static line and then back in the hole and when you pull it okay you usually want to try to oh keep your knots nice and flat there we go it looks like this okay and the beauty of this nut is that it holds really really tight but when you want when you want to take it apart it's very easy to just kind of unfold and play with it and it comes undone very fast so that's the ball line all right now so let's try this with a bit of an over uh the shoulder look here and uh let's look at the ball line again and uh hopefully this will be very clear for you guys i've got my working line here and then my static line and the way to go is you always want to start with your static line for the bow for the bow line and so remember what's important is you take the rope you go around the tree you take the rope of the static line that's closest to you and you're just gonna make a loop from underneath so that this line okay the static line is over the loop not the other way around where it's under like this really have to make sure you start properly and you start with it over the loop like this and now you're going to pinch this side and you're just going to do the riddle or the uh whatever that's called so your bunny goes up the hole right sometimes i adjust the loop a little bit but the bunny goes up the hole around the tree right and that's at the back don't go over top around the tree at the back and then back in the hole once you have it you can pinch these two right side of the static line and then just finish your knot by pulling on the tab and uh ideally yeah there you go ideally you always want it to be as flat as possible that's how your knot is going to be the strongest and that's it the second static knot i want to show you guys it's one that's actually new to me and it might be my favorite one now every time i'm gonna want to secure a rope to a tree that might be the way i go from there on because it's just such an efficient and a good way to do it it's also a slip knot so you can really undo it really fast and it holds super strong and it's called the siberian hitch and the reason why it's called the siberian hitch is because it really doesn't require a whole lot of dexterity so if you're wearing gloves when it's cold and you're doing that knot it's actually very simple to do with gloves on and it's super fast and super strong and again it's got a slip to it so it literally this might be one of my favorite knot to attach the rope to the tree and the way we're going to do this once again i go left to right both ends of my rope here and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take the moving line and i'm gonna loop it once around okay but not all the way around just just over top like this okay and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna and this is where you got to do kind of an under the line motion and twist okay and then you're going to grab the other end of the line and pull through when you do this okay it's going to look something like this you're going to grab both of the lines here and then you're going to cinch it tight on itself then the last move you're going to want to do is you're going to grab the knot and just pull it to the tree and now and then as you push it in there we go you'll see every time i do this and it then the loop always kind of flips on itself that's when you know you have it nice and cinch and now this is holding really tight to the tree it's cinched up really well and when you want to take it out you just pull on the tab and it just comes undone it's uh like i said i just learned this new this new knot not long ago and i'm absolutely in love with it because it is such a fast knot to do and you can literally do it you know in no time so if you're in a hurry to put your your tarp up or anything like this and it really doesn't require any um dexterity so if your hands are cold it's super easy to do and to be able to undo it like that that that is gold to me so let's uh go over the uh siberian hitch one more time but from a different angle once again so you guys can see it so you start like this all in your left hand so you got your static headline and your moving line you're gonna go around your finger once okay and you're gonna go you don't have to go all the way down here you can leave it up here okay go around the fingers and now you're gonna twist over and you'll see that this line here just falls right over top and then you take your hands and then you feed this out and you feed it out on a bite okay so it looks like this you don't want to feed the rope all the way through once you have this and you kind of you know make the knot a little tighter here and you can grab the static line and just cinch it really tight to the tree like so and then as you kind of work it you'll see the loop will flip on you which is perfect that's when you know it's nice and tight once the loop kind of flips on you once it's against the tree and to tear it apart all you gotta do is you pull out so the next two knots i'm gonna show you guys are gonna be called adjustable nuts and the reason why they're super useful is because you're going to use basically one of the static knots i showed you earlier to tie to the tree or to tie to your tarp and you're going to use these two knots to then kind of set it up and then be able to adjust the tension on the rope and basically make it more taut and using adjustable knots just really allows you to um basically do all the fine details and the fine tuning of your tarp so that your tarp is pitched really well and the first knot i want to show you guys is the tautline hitch and just to give you guys an example this is already done but what i like about these knots that i'm showing you guys is that you can literally this is out of frame now but adjust them in a way that you know you can make it tight or you can put pull it back on itself and loosen it and these are super super useful not to learn uh so that you can pitch your temp properly yeah your tarp properly sorry so let's start here with with the totline hitch the one i just showed you guys and what you're going to want to do is very simple again i always work the same way i go left to right so the moving rope will be managed with my right hand and the static line will be managed with my left hand first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to cross over the rope oh and by the way to practice these adjustable knots it's a lot easier if you use a static knot like here i'm set up the other tree has a static knot on it's an actu it's actually a siberian hitch and then now i'm practicing the adjustable knot on the other side otherwise you're gonna find it uh you're not gonna be able to practice them really well so just just something to keep in mind so let's do it again here so the first thing you wanna do is you go you take your moving line you put it over top of your static line and what you're going to want to do is you're going to take your right hand and literally pinch that together so it doesn't move and you're going to take the moving line now with your left hand and go twice on the inside okay of that v shape here one two okay very simply like that and then i'm gonna try to turn my hand around there you go so it's gonna look like this and then you're gonna take that same moving line and go in front of it now in front of all three lines and make a simple knot by literally throwing it over the static line and back through its own loop like this and now your knot will look something like this and that's when you can literally take it and adjust it the way you want very simply it you can make it super tight this way and then once you when you want to take your tarp down you can literally just take it down and the knot is actually pretty easy to undo now another version of this knot that i really enjoy is basically the top line hitch with a slip and it's exactly the same way so you take your moving line put it over top of your static line to start and you pinch it with your right hand okay and then you're gonna go twice on the inside one two okay you're gonna line it up then you're gonna switch hand so it's gonna look like this and you go one on the outside back in now instead of putting it all back in what you do is you just put a bite through it and when we talk knots a bite means literally pinching the pinching the rope this is a bite basically so uh you're gonna put it back in but just but just as a bite so in the top you're gonna tie it up like this so you're gonna have a massive or just a smaller bite here and then you can make it nice and strong and now you have an adjustable top line hitch well a taut line hitch literally but it's on a slip here so even easier at the end of the day when you want to tear it down you can just pull and it just all comes undone on you and it's a wonderful knot let's go over the top line hitch one more time here so you've got your working end and your static line here what you do is you take your working end you cross it over top of your static end like this and then you pinch it with that right hand and you take your left hand with your moving line you go twice on the inside so that's one twice on the inside like this and you can switch your hands around and it should look like this if you adjust your knot properly and then you're gonna take this line okay with your right hand the moving line again you're going to go underneath the ridge line and just through on itself like so you're going to work the knot and then after that you can now adjust it the way you want it okay or pull it back the way you need it now if you want to do it with a slip once again you do the same motion crossover pinch two on the inside one two and then third one on the outside but you don't feed the end of the rope here you feed a bite of the rope through okay and then here it goes same thing happens but when you want to undo it you can just pull on it and off it goes so the last knot i want to show you guys today is what we call the trucker's hitch and the trucker's hitch is a super useful knot uh to really give you all the strength and the ability to cinch in and to taut align as much as possible because it creates a pulley system so the best time you're going to want to use this is on a static rope for example so if you want to make a ridge line that's a really good knot to really crank that ridge line as taut as possible and it's also not that's used quite often to literally secure any load or even to secure your canoe to the top of your car so the way you're going to want to do this you're going to take your static rope here so this is my moving rope this is my static rope in my not making you're just going to make a loop over top right so you're going to take it as close as possible to the tree and go over top and a little bit like the bowl line if you do the next step wrong the knot will just fail on you so what a lot of people do is they'll then take their hands through the the loop they just created and they're gonna grab the static part of the line and create um sorry and create their loop like this the problem when you do this and i'm showing this to you guys because i'm sure it'll happen to every one of you guys that is just learning this knot is as you're going to start pulling back the whole loop on itself will will basically close and that's not what you want if this is happening you're doing it wrong so pull it out undo it now we're going to do it again so you're going to make a loop so closest to the tree over top the static line and then you're gonna come through the loop and you're gonna grab the actual moving line okay and that's how you make the loop that won't collapse on itself then you can take your working end feed it through the loop and use this as a rant as a literally as a mechanism and a pulley system to pull back out as much as possible and um well in this case here i didn't account for my loop to be at the right spot so i'm just going to redo it and the beauty of this is that it just comes undone by pulling so let's try this again so loop over top here and you might not see this in the shot but i'll show it again after loop over top and grab the working end i make a nice loop here as you can see i go around the tree it's a lot easier if you're not trying to film it at the same time and once you have this motion here you can really crank it oh yeah there you go that's a trucker's hitch and now you can really make this as tight as possible now the next move will be very simple is you're going to pinch that right here with the one hand and you're just going to basically make a simple knot over top and what i personally do myself is i put it i do like a simple knot on a bite here so just to show you guys at home is that i i go underneath around this the the this line here and through the loop and literally just leave that on a on a slip like this and now you've got something very very strong when you want to adjust it because let's say it got a little loose or anything like this all you got to do is pull on the tab adjust it a bit more repeat the process so that's why i like to leave it on a slip like this myself or i use you know i make a bite here with it and when you wanna take it out all you gotta do again you pull it down one way you unfeed it and then you take that static rope and then you just pull it out and you're good to go so one more time here for the trucker's hitch again the most important part is how you start so you're going to take your ridge line here which is the static side of the of the of the line and before you wrap it around the tree i usually kind of do my loop first so you're gonna do something very similar to the siberian hitch where you're gonna basically wrap around with your moving line around your fingers once you get to here you're gonna this time go underneath right twist grab this line here and basically make a bite or a loop but in the not making that's what we call a bite now you have your the loop that you need to then go around the tree okay so now it's nice and strong this way you're going to be able to adjust it and when you want to take it out all you got to do is pull on it and it comes right undone all right so once you have your loop done now you can go ahead and pass the rope around the tree you feed this the moving line through that loop right and then you can just really pull on that make it as tight as you want use this as a pulley and you take your other hand you pinch it right here and once again you're gonna go under and just through like this you just kind of feed through a bite and then this is how you lock it it'll look like this when you want to adjust it all you got to do my recommendation is hold it here pull that adjust it pinch again repeat the process here we go just like that so that covers everything that i wanted to show you guys so basically four knots that i think that any backcountry canoe campers needs to know
Channel: Marty Morissette
Views: 67,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knots, basic knots, basic knots for beginners, basic knots for camping, camping knots, camping knots tarp, camping knots to know, camping knots and uses, camping knots for wilderness survival, camping, canoe camping, tarp shelter, tarp camping, pitching a tarp, 4 knots, climbing knots
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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