I Choose Honor | Rick Wilkerson Sr. | Joni Table Talk | Joni Lamb

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Table Talk [Music] well do you want to improve your relationships and deepen your intimacy with God and do you want to thrive in the workplace well the primary key to succeeding in these areas might surprise you and today's special guest is here to tell us more about that first joining me around the table is my daughter Rachel lamb Brown how are you good how are you we are going to talk about honor yes I think that's really important to understand how important that is to God I mean even yeah especially for every generation absolutely and I think once you understand honor and the importance of it and how to do it it really can be a key to unlock extreme favor in your life that's right Anna Kendall how are you oh I'm honored to be here and I know you and Freddie have I mean counseled thousands of marriages yes is that an important component in any marriage it is so important if if you can show one another honor and respect the marriage can make it you know and of course to do that you have to have Jesus in the middle of it but they those are just key important it thinks of course then Jimmy Evans says that a number one need for a man is honor yes so I mean it really is in our DNA as well Cindy marnik how are you feeling honored today you know we all need somehow to feel affirmed that we have some kind of worth yeah and so I can see how important that is especially in the life the age the place of our world now how important it's not a word you hear a lot in the thick news meeting you right now honor so welcome rich Wilkerson senior to the table you Joanie so good to have you and I love your name cuz that's my sister's name is Joanie same spelling are you serious oh yeah no there's not many of it no I know she a nice person she's amazing no there was another one Evan that's great well honor is a virtue that has been vital to societies than communities around the world for thousands of years it's something we rarely discuss anymore most of us know we're supposed to honor our father and mother but what if they were only part of the picture what if Jesus was beckoning us to create a culture of Honor in our everyday lives you wrote the book I choose honor why is this so important what we're talking about today and why did you write this book specifically obviously today we have vitriolic speech could you ever imagine it would be like it is to know it's ink no you know I'm not a proponent of either side but I do remember way back in the end of Ronald Reagan days where he was the president Tip O'Neill was the Democratic you know speaker the house these guys went when I had it pretty hard because they didn't agree but man they would sit and have dinner every night talk about Ireland and they just I mean they were great friends there was still some honor yeah where we we have to this is not a political book but this is about just everyday living yeah and how you can see doors open that are presently closed in your life you can honor your way in so I know that you talked about in the book some of your your own personal story and of course how your dad John Mark Wilkerson which I like that name because my son's name Jonathan Martin yeah how that he really impacted your life that that was one thing that you noted about his character and that he honored all people what one cute story Joanie when I was 16 so that would be fifty years ago I'm not got it got did your own issue when I was 16 my dad pastored in Wisconsin I was probably 50 or 16 and a guy by the name of Joe yongi from Korea came to preach my my dad was the second American pastor to have dr. Joe speaking sure no folks those of you that have heard him today I'll guarantee you you don't understand what he's saying pretty much he's trying he's better than me I sure can't speak any Korean huh but at night 68 not a clue what he said not a clue the church is packed and was going my dad gets up when he's done that is the most powerful word I've ever heard thank you brother Cho you are you're always welcome to my church you know something my father honored doctors his way he lived yes my my dad was instantly taken into dr. Jo's inner circle my dad weighed 39 annual trips in a row to Korea was always in Cho's inner circle and when dad passed away we got a wonderful gift and kindness from the I'm just saying that he didn't look at anyone is different than him or that he was better than anybody he just honored everybody he touched and that's a really important part of Asian culture like they get that so much better than we do don't you think yeah I don't think dad knew that I know so he was actually speaking their language even though he didn't know their language yeah honor was really their core value and dad knew how to talk that I agree I think respect is something you do from a distance exactly what she was saying I really mean that I can respect you and not even know you yeah okay but when it comes to honor that's something you do it close that's something that I interface with you about I find something good about you to speak about and when I find the good in you you even start to find the good in you maybe that you didn't see that you personally saw that's what honor does you bring it forth absolutely and when you bring it forth all of a sudden it pulls the carpet of any kind of animosity or this guy's probably judging me that's over that's out now you can have an effectual conversation I think the word that you can join with honor in all of this and and I was just thinking about people watching he's got very difficult boss here's like I don't know what I'm gonna do but I think you as a Christian we have to also put love and honor together because without the love of God I don't see how you really can honor certain situations but there is something so powerful about that you love and honor someone that is dishonouring someone that's being disrespectful or someone that's being unfair unjust because it's a spiritual law that the world doesn't understand totally but it changes their lives rich what about people who say well I know I'm to honor my boss or my mom and dad but they're not honorable they've done this and this and this and their lives have not been lives of honor how do you honor the that person I preached on a couple weeks ago you have to personally and you know I'm not you asked me I'm not telling anybody what to do yeah but it's a good question and the way I would respond to that question is simply you got to change the narrative in your own brain I love it yes change the narrative I don't care what dad did to me mom did to me God commands us honor your father and your mother do the first commandment honor is right there in the first for is our relationship to God then he deals with the family now if you get this thing right with your mother and father I don't care what they did to you now you'll be able to understand how to operate to humankind don't do this don't do this don't do this done you can't swing with all these other commands if you don't have this middle one with mom and dad worked out this is the open door it all emanates from the home if you've had a bad situation and indeed you know Joyce Myers is one of our did personal best friends in the world and Joyce she never is a double negative she never doesn't talk about what her dad did to her but she flipped it she flipped the narrative she got saved she started loving her dad in spite of the junk and it was just it was and in time she leads her dad to the Lord and she ends up winning yeah well she said right there and told told the story of how the Lord later in life said I want you to take care of your mom and dad he never apologized for sexually molesting her and she's like what are you kidding me and she goes to tell Dave and then Dave's like well if God said it we have to do it so here she's taking care of him for three years and then she gets a call for another one saying you got to come over here your dad won't quit crying she goes over and for the first time after honoring him and taking care of him for three years buying them a little small house to live in he says can you forgive me for what I did and for the first time he's in his seventies mentions what he had done to her and she forgives him but as a result of that obedience of honoring him and loving him and taking care of him and serving him and forgiving him that's a lot when somebody's done something like that to you that she said that's what her ministry exploded yeah what his story I feel like honor and forgiveness are connected though don't you think old talk about that totally well here and we're here promoting my book okay so I'm not trying to promote Joyce in John Bevere but I change them I'm gonna Revere his book on honors really his book on the bait of Satan is it is because if you're gonna bite the bait which is bitterness mm-hmm you're staying right now I'm not gonna forgive you hmm and if you do forgive that breaks the the enemy's ability it to hold when you decide to go the bitter route it doesn't hurt the person you're upset hurts you it's just a it's just a fact of life and so yes originally this whole idea of forgiveness is all part of it seventy times seven 490 times a day once every two minutes if you want to get technical if you're forgiving somebody over two minutes you don't have time to get bitterness in your heart you know you talked about in your book discovering the gold within and I'd like for you to talk to about talk about that a little bit and it also explained because some people will say I am NOT gonna kiss up mmm and you talked about that in your book too so you could give us some examples of understanding it's different than that yeah because sometimes I must feel like it they're being fake or their background knows and yeah but it by honoring but it's that goal I've got a chapter in a book on that you know yeah there was a Greek word used over 50 times in the New Testament for the word worship it was called Prussian ale and the metaphor that's used in the definition is a dog licking its masters and if the master has whacked that dog over and over there's not gonna be any look at the hand the Masters been nice and kind and the dog is thankful okay and so so there is a written a rendition of the definition of kissing upward that's what worship is we look up to our Lord we're kissing him in an upward fashion but why can't we do that with each other and not be accused of trying to get a better seat at the table I have no agenda I just want to honor you yeah it's the way I roll yes be the gold finder not the dirt finder yes there's a story about your aunt who went missing I guess was that in Africa well she wasn't missing she my wife's auntie everyone hears about my wife's family engineering the bunt aimed family doctor mark Montaigne at the Calcutta India but nobody seems to know about her auntie on her mom's side Marie John's route never married in 1945 the fall right after World War two she goes to Upper Volta West Africa which is today known as Burkina Faso one of the first missionaries in and she trains children she had no husband she made $200 a month from the people back at home that so she lived in a hut for all those years never had indoor plumbing ever all right lived just like the people there and yet she raised two hundred and forty children who were orphaned over those years and she knew seven languages she translated the Bible from French into the most language the local language and Auntie Marie came home in 1980 from the mission field but we met her at the airport Rob and I were young people and we said auntie let's go get your luggage she said all right have any luggage I just have this brown paper sack guy over there everything I had I gave to my people back in Africa she got home panelists my mother-in-law put her in an apartment and we started giving her $150 a month robbing anonymously through the church she knew it was from us she had ripped it up so what over to see her about six years later I want it visit her often but this one day I went to pick up my boys who loved her John Fulton my oldest was six Ritchie who many of your listeners know he was three years old they love they called her aunt Erie and she they were playing in her house and I went in and she had this big legal notebook that was actually a checking had checks you know like a business is the big member the big old chairman so she's there and she's these checks I'm gonna I saw Maria said what are you doing paying bills oh no I'm not paying bills I don't own anything debt would be a terrible thing and I went oh yes that would my god think about it anyway so I said what are you doing she was well she was rich I had a miracle several years ago when I came home from Africa I had never given a thing to God I didn't have anything to give I only had torrid Oman I had to raise the children with that she said I came on the air place I got if you'll give me money I promise I'll support missions until I die and she said can you believe this rich Wilkerson she said I wasn't here two days and there was a cheque in our post office box and they lived in the church six-story apartment building and I went to the post and there was a check made out to me from God cuz why we have no idea it was anonymous I have no clue it is it was from God and what really 150 dollars I said no kidding yeah she said and when God gave me that and it's been every month and this is a real word to those that are watching they I mean if you if you've said I'm gonna support a missionary I'm someone keep it coming because listen to this story now what happened was she said every month I'm able because of that hundred fifty dollars to sit down and write ten fifteen dollar checks to ten of my former students who are now pastors and that $15 a month totally covers their family and they have huge churches I said let's get out of here I took the boys I dragged him down I couldn't make it to the elevator I felt I was crying at the I said God I'm going straight to hell she's she's the mark for me in a Christian I have no hope about 10 15 years later I don't get it straight she got a call from the leaders of the Assemblies of God Church in Burkina Faso saying miss miss mr. Chandra it's our 50th anniversary we want you to come fly over here and be with us for the anniversary so my mother-in-law flew her and her other sister to Upper Volta to Burkina Faso they picked her up in a limousine took her to there was no hotels when she left took her in a nice hotel said we'll pick you up at six o'clock they picked they just thought she just thought they were going to a storefront building they took her to the stadium 35,000 people in the stadium for the anniversary they walked an tirion to the stadium and 35,000 people stood screaming and weeping and they were screaming mama everybody has the image of God written on their soldiers and ladies we can't step over there they're all gold and God all of us are gold in God's eyes nobody's better than the next and if you will embrace the gold that God puts in your yeah pathway yeah someday they may really embrace you back you had to do that at the at your church there when the Lord moved you and Robin to Miami and here you're gonna stress like an embarrassing story though well you know I always want build a great church yeah inner city chose inner city church about 300 Asian people and we got there first Monday morning went to the officers a line of people for food and we kind of we snuck through we didn't have any food and was kind of stuck to kind of got into the office and locked the door uh-huh God honors prayed God send his people Oh help us build a great Church we do this for several weeks and finally I said maybe we should buy some food for the people so we started buying groceries every day until two years later we were broke 25 years of marriage and ministry all savings everything gone broke I said God what are you doing I can't even buy food for the people now he goes rich and you've been placating these people with food I bring the people do you say bring me I want to build a great Church I'm bringing my people to your door why don't you love him I let I lay down the floor Joni for about three hours and repented before God I ask God would you please forgive me I didn't see and we started working the people loving them instead of thinking we were better than someone yeah and God opened the door Robyn wrote a contract from the newspaper for a day camp for 500 children and she won the contract in the county 175 thousand dollars we took five hundred kids through eight weeks Monday through Friday of day camp eight hours a day and that started something yeah we started bidding on contracts of the government we've raised over fifty million dollars in the last 17 years every dime is accounted for we're audited every month by the government but because of it thousands have been helped and I think the church is supposed to be in the middle of the fray the Lord helped me realize the very people I brought the door are gonna be the very people to help you reach a lot of yeah because you were giving them food but they really needed living water yes yeah in your book you talk about that unique relationship between David and Saul that is really eye-opening for people who read about how he honored saw you know so many times Saul tried to kill David one point David was so close to Saul I could have killed him just cut his robe he gets back to where he was safely and he feels convicted that he even cut the Kings robe because the King was the anointed although even though David had been anointed David the King Saul was still in that position of leadership and authority and David honored the office and and and it's not the actions but the office so good as the office I always say that we need to honor the office we've got that going right now there is an authority that we've got to say hey you know bob says all authorities granted by god David was that man yeah and because of it he was faithful to the end he stood in as the new king and from his lineage you know twenty eight generations later came the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it's amazing so what about okay honoring our spouse how would you describe that and it's not possible no no Robin I've been married for 46 years she's the love of my life first of all you do respect the office of the husband the office of the wife and what she brings to the party what I bring to the party but as I said earlier since honour is up close and I send those up close moments that we can lose it get upset and there's a I said in another show there's an old song we used to sing in the Jesus Movement let your first thought your very first thought be love and there's been times when I failed and I want ahead there's been times where I have thought of that song and I bit my tongue and you really have to just it's an act of your will this whole thing of Honor is an act of your will God didn't just come on you and yours go get out but I honor you no no you have to say Lord with your help I choose it you know and that's what that's about so and I'm missing Robin today so we wish she was here hello Robin so one of the things you talk about is how do we develop a lifestyle of Honor you give some points here maybe touch on these number one don't harden your heart that's important yeah we've got a lot of hardened hearts even in the body of Christ I literally used to believe Muslims were gonna cut my head off this couldn't you know what's been going on in New York we've got a narrative in our country yeah that's what's gonna happen if you if you know a Muslim they will cut your head off that is a lie from the pit of hell there's a weird element of that faith that will do that but the millions of millions that they're just they're just trying to please their God yeah and I opened up my heart my my son he had a very close amam friend who lived in Miami's and dad if you don't meet dr. samra you're not gonna see your grandchildren again oh you son they're gonna have some separate agenda no dad you're ahead and so I finally called dr. samra who's an engineer and teaches at the University of Miami and it leads the largest one of the largest mosque in Dade County and we had lunch together this guy is I would do anything for Abdul samra he's taken me with dr. Bob Roberts by the way to Morocco to Abu Dhabi I've met some of the greatest people I've met Imams all over dey'd in Broward County now these are dear friends of mine I've spoken in mosques in my area you see we've got to let the first thought be loved yeah change the narrative that's demonic to think that way I can't love people by not paying attention to people well you know and Marilyn Hickey our dear friend this is what she's done she's made friends with all these Imams and then she goes they have these huge Crusades and she preaches Jesus she doesn't get into what we do or don't you can't it's all about Jesus wants to heal you and amazing things are happening the other thing and y'all can look at some of these to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit mm yes I was on another show not long ago I was in the hotel getting rest dressed and the Spirit of God said someone's gonna be watching they're getting ready to cut a million-dollar deal they're going about it the wrong way you tell him right now on this program so I told him I said you're getting ready to make a million dollar sale and you're gonna lose it because you're approaching it the wrong way you're gonna go in and tell them how great you are mm you go on and tell them how great they are what an honor it is to be here and things will turn around all right and that's just being since of the Holy Spirit that the New Testament prophet ladies is the prophet of encouragement first Corinthians 12 that's what Paul says we're to build people up and encourage night Barnabas Wow okay number three speak the truth yeah I said to do that you like that there comes a dilemma with how we present the truth all right and you just can't present it with a bullhorn you know unless people have gathered to hear you preach and the sound system went out okay in other words I'm talking about the guy that stands in the corner tells you you're going to hell well people don't know Jesus maybe they are but that's no way to draw people to your Savior and the Holy Spirit is looking for men and women who will humble themselves in an honorable way let people know the truth the truth comes so often when you have relationship with the people that you're talking to I always want to have a relationship before I drop heavy things on people right so it comes with a I think it's a more of a spirit of what honor that's how you approach it well you're gonna have to get the boot to hear the rest of points because we are out of time but I want you to know something in this day and age we cannot afford to overlook the beauty of honoring others because honor brings about unity before Jesus took his final breath on the cross he prayed that the church would be unified so that we would reflect his love to the whole wide world so choose honor every day knowing that in doing so you're not only advancing the kingdom but you're also reaping blessings personally and as I said earlier I really believe that there are some of you watching you're in a difficult situation whether it be at work at home with a husband or wife try this that we've talked about this is your secret weapon here try that putting the honor and the love together and see what God might do to turn that situation around I think you may be shocked at what will happen again if you need prayer today that's why the toll-free number is on the screen we have prayer partners standing by 24 hours a day 7 days a week they're always ready to take your call and if it does happen to go to voicemail just leave your name and your number I promise you someone will call you back and you can also send in your request by going today start out calm and clicking on prayer I want you to know that again we pray over all the prayers quests that come in from around the world here at Daystar I want to thank pastor rich for joining us around the table today be sure to pick up a copy of his book I choose honor the key to relationships faith and life it's available now and for more visit him online at I choose honor book.com also remember to join the conversation online after the program by leaving us a comment on facebook Instagram or Twitter we'd love to hear your thoughts about today's program thank you so much for watching and be encouraged today and think about who can I honor today who can I like in honoring them make a difference in their life and then write in and tell us what happens we'd love to hear your story we'll see you next time bye bye for today this has been a day star television production [Music]
Channel: The Way Of Life Church
Views: 7,137
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: the way of life church, groeschel, lifechurch, life.churchtv, church, god's word, sermon, Christian, bible, God, I Choose Honor, Honor, Choose, Rick Wilkerson, Rick Wilkerson Sr., Joni Table Talk, Joni Lamb
Id: pN466ml4P00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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