I Ain't Scared | Troy Brewer | Lead follow or Get Out of the Way

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well good morning open door church bless the peace on you and the mighty name of King Jesus welcome my friends thank you so much man for being here today thank you for putting up with me that I am not here today but through the miracle of technology I am here like where in the world are you I'm actually preaching in Nashville Tennessee today yeah I'm actually preaching in Nashville Tennessee I'm at layer Randolph's Church today so everybody just right right now where you're at and cluding the crew that's in here but I just go oh it's so sad it's so sad I'm so sorry I am so sorry everybody oh my gosh but here's what here's here's what's real I'm here when you're not here so praise God that you're here today man I bless you I've got a very encouraging word for you one that you're going to want to share one that you're going to want to tell people about and this word has really been on my heart this past week and before I get off into it guys let's all come before King Jesus father God sir move in this place Lord God and do great and mighty things here today I pray God that you'd fill up this place with your anointing your presence father god I pray God that father we just declare sir that we are indeed teachable Lord God I pray God that you teach us and I love you Lord in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen praise the name of King Jesus doesn't want to just tell you that if you were if you're new to open door Church even if you're not new if you were just gonna ask me now what do you think pastor Troy that's your main responsibility or your main role is and my role is senior pastor of open door Church has changed throughout the years I mean a whole lot it's changed a lot just the my jobs the things that I do and how I do those things and those things are continuing to change but my role I should say has really never changed and if if you were gonna ask me Troy what do you feel like is the main responsibility of being a senior pastor of open door Church yes I'm responsible for preaching maga so we've got some other great preachers here besides here of course not as cool as me Amen brother Jerry I'm sorry you can just eat your heart out amen and then also yeah we do have great preachers here but and I do enjoy teaching and I obviously love that but I could talk about all the different jobs that I have but I would say my main role is to be the chief architect of the house when it comes to the culture the chief architect of the culture of the house that it's my job to say you know this is this is what we make a big deal out of and these are these are how we posture ourselves when it comes to the poor when it comes to people who are helpless when it comes to people that are not saved when it comes to people who are hostile against us when it comes to being proactive I'm the guy that has to say this is what we make a big deal out of and this is what we don't make a big deal out of and that's what sets a culture so even if it's in your own house the culture of your house is determined about what you make a big deal out of and I'm the guy that decides that for open door Church and nobody else gets to gets to define that and and you though however get to define if this church is right for you but I'm going to decide what we make a big deal out of and what we don't make a big deal out of and just like your house you if if you do not decide if you're not the guy who sets the tone and says this is what we're gonna make a big deal out of in your family the meanest and most disruptive people in your family will be happy to set that tone and that's one of the things that happens in churches all the time is that the church is actually the whole culture of the house is not set by the pastor but it's actually set by the most disruptive person in the church or maybe it's the most disruptive person on the board or maybe it is you know the the one guy that everybody is scared about what you know if if you're scared of him whatever it is that he makes a big deal out of is what you make a big deal out of friends we're not going to do that here so I'm gonna plainly tell you I'm gonna tell you this is what we make a big deal out of and that's I have 16 core values and principles that we operate by that now the principles do not define the methods and that's also very important for you to understand many times the church is really good at defining the methods and you can't do that that just controls people if if you know I'm gonna tell everybody say the greeters okay this is what we have a value for brush your teeth like why because hygiene is a big deal why because we love serving people all that goes into serving other people that's what that does so the value that we set is actually my value but you know how are you greet people or how you shake people's hands or you know how you hug me that's got gonna absolutely define those things because the methods are not what I'm looking for the outcome and the fruit is actually what I'm looking for I'm actually looking for those kinds of things so I am going to start off here today are telling you this that we have a value for what God says and we do not have a value for the mob of the world now when I when I start seeing this one of the things I can tell you is this the mob that says Hosanna Hosanna on Sunday well on the following Friday say crucify him crucified you do not trust the mob in one of the ways that the kingdom of hell works is in the mob trying to get you to join the mob why because the Spirit of God is not as never found in the mob never and that's why the Bible says over and over again come out from among them gots a sermon series that I'm teaching is called lead follow or get out of the way in the main scripture that we're using it Psalms 139 verse 5 which says you have hatched me behind and before and you have laid your hand upon me and friends I want to say that I want to take a leadership role in this church and I want to encourage you to take a leadership role in your home in your community in the work place that you live in and you need to you need to actually you need to show no fear and say we have a tremendous value for courage and we celebrate courage and a lot of people will call our courage stupidity when actually is how we walk out our faith we walk in fear and trembling of the word of God of the presence of God not by the lunatic media of the day that you and I are living in saying you have to drink this kool-aid we're gonna force it down your throat and I want to tell you something I I'm not drinking it of course I'm talking about the coronavirus and I'm talking about the terror and the impact that it's happening upon economies throughout the world upon families upon jobs and the whole thing is designed to stop the momentum of the kingdom because friends the sky is not falling the kingdom is coming amen the sky is not falling the kingdom is coming and in the midst of so much bad news it's up to us to set a tone now guys we know that this is a year 57 80 on the Hebrew calendar and 80 on the atomic scale is represents mercury do you know what mercury is its temperature it's thermometer it's what goes inside a thermometer what is that who is there's going to be a lot of warfare for the tones for the environments for the cultures for the settings of everything of should we have confidence or should we be terrified friends I I just wanted to you you you are not called to be Don Knotts you are not called to be Don Knotts you are called to be Charlton Heston hallelujah yes I was on I was actually on the Marcus and Joanie show last week and I was bringing some of these points to the world and I want to revisit a few of these and tell you that Oh a long time ago there was a brother by the name of FDR and he in fact was the 32nd president of the United States now friends 32 is a number that represents the crown of the king and it represents the house of creation 32 has to do with the king creating things okay with his kingdom coming all right and there's a there's a lot of different ways like that out but the bottom line is you need to know it represents King of Kings and God Almighty creating things that's what the number 32 is so with 30 second president president the United States get up he gets up and in his inaugural address he says this so first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and then he says this and think about how he is speaking into this generation the nameless unreasoning unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance friends of the past few years the people of God throughout the planet Earth led by leadership right here from the United States of America we have literally been trying to convert retreat into advance and we have been saying that the Spirit of the Lord is saying this is not a time to batten down the hatches this is a time to go go go go go go go go go this is that time and it's so important for us to do that right now however there is in fact nameless unreasoning unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advancement that comes from the very words of FDR when he said the only thing that we had to fear is fear itself the only enemy that we need a really pad but that we really need to pay attention to is fear my goodness friends you yes you know that you're saved and I do hope that you know that you're saved if you're part of so many people that are Christians and the Bible Belt oh no we have to get resaved over and over and over again because I watch something bad and I did something bad can I tell you something your salvation is of the Lord hallelujah and if you're not saved it's time for you to get saved and today would be a great service for you to give your heart to King Jesus and I would encourage you to do that but I would also say this to you that if you are saved the walls that are around you belong to the Lord and you're not the wall builder amen King Jesus is the wall builder he's the one who protects us and guys the walls around Jerusalem are called the salvation of the Lord but the walls is one thing to have walls and praise God for the walls but it's another thing to have your gates guarded and your gates had to do with your mind and your gates are your responsibilities your gates are where you meet Jesus in and out and how you contemplate that gates in the Bible are seen as your mind amen and they are also seen as being reproductive the gates of your mind our reproductive guys y'all know in Ephesians chapter 6 when it gives the whole armour of God it gives us the belt of truth what covers your loins is actually called truth so again why don't what is that all about it means this how you think is going to be reproduced amen it's actually reproductive and that's such a big deal there's not a greater example of a wall in the entire world than the Great Wall of China I have never actually seen the Great Wall of China I've seen it from the air I've flown over it but I have never actually been to the Great Wall of China I have been to Hadrian's Wall which goes all the way across England and I've seen some great walls but man there's not anything that's like it's like the Great Wall of China I know everybody says it's impossible to build a wall in the United States but you need to know that several thousand years ago they built a wall that was five thousand five hundred miles long yeah we're talking about 2,500 miles longer than the entire border of the United States like are you kidding me like no I'm not kidding you they got this done and it was incredible and just like a giant gigantic dragon it was up and down across deserts and grasslands and mountains and plateaus stretching approximately 3500 miles or 8000 851 kilometers how crazy is that absolutely ridiculous from east to west of China with a history of more than 2,000 years guys you need to know that it was incredible it's the baddest thing anybody's ever built it was something else and it was useless like what are you talking about yeah in the midst of this wall being there for all that time they still had northern invasion after northern invasion after northern innovation why how could that possibly happen when that was so incredible because see you have to understand that they had gates every so often and they had people manned the gates and if you were somebody and you were low on the totem pole and you're somebody that you got stationed out at one of those gates you had to raise your family out there and you were completely isolated and you were disconnected from mainland China and from the government and you were out there all by yourself and nobody cared about you so I took what somebody on another side of the wall hey get keeper what how about I give you a million bucks and then you take that million dollars and you go buy a cool house on an island somewhere and all you got to do is leave a gate open and they would think about it and think about it and they would do it you know the wall was strong but their gates were easily bribed and just exactly like that there's a lot of people who are saved I'm talking about all the way safe they are saved as anybody can possibly be but their gates are easily bribed as soon as some talking head gets on television or as soon as some news as soon as some news media comes to you that you believe is legitimate and they say hey listen give up your piece just give it up just just listen listen you don't need to advance you need to stop just go ahead and give it up you say yeah you know what I think I'll just open up my gates don't you do it don't you do it man be somebody that man's the gates of your mind hallelujah Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 jesus said you need to enter into the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many people go in there go in that way many people are going in the wide gate of fear and panic in a time where God is saying stability this is not a time of fear and panic for you do I jump into that mob you need to wake up every single day with a triumphant voice of decla triumphant voice of declaration what is that it's a roar it's a roar is what that is man where you wake up and you say guys listen this this is a great day to be alive like I don't know peso Troy it's too hard well then you'll never make it five years from now or 10 years from now or 15 years from now this is the new norm where you are not swept away by the winds of the world but you're actually made stable by your faith in King Jesus hallelujah that's a good word alright so zechariah chapter 2 verse 5 God Almighty says for I says the Lord will be unto her a wall of fire roundabout and I will be the glory in the midst of her one of the key words that God gave me as this is a year that you ask God show me your glory amen hindsight is 20/20 and God showed him his backside when he said show me your glory glory and it's the year of 2020 ok show me show me Lord your glory all right well the glory of the Lord is seen in the midst of the wall of fire that is round about you you are protected you are blessed us we need to be very careful about what we choose to think about and how we choose to think about Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 finally brethren whatsoever things are true let me just thought how do I know what's true is it on target with the Word of God because that's what true means on target if you you know take a shot and if you're shooting at an eight hundred yard target and it rings true that means you hit it that means that you are on target so whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of a good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise think upon these things think upon these things I I am very aware of the dangers of the world and I want to just I want to tell you something funny about me and you just had to put up with me I'm kind of a germ freak now I'm I'm a ragin slob that is also a drug that is also you know a German freak like how can you be both of those things well that's just me it's part of the the experience of my madness but I can tell you this that I've been in Mexico more than 200 times in my life and virtually every time I've been in Mexico with maybe the exception of maybe 15 or 20 of those times I've been in trash dumps where I wasn't just there for five minutes I stood an unbelievable filth all day long I I can't tell you the filth that I've been involved in and I can't tell you how filthy I have got into and how it has given me the heebie-jeebies now then once it got across the border I go to the hotel I get in the shower I just turn on the shower on all my clothes leave my clothes and the shower leave my shoes in the shower like that's ridiculous no no you don't understand sometimes we were knee-deep in fish guts because Brownsville Texas and Matamoros Texas has fish canneries and there was children in those fish guts sometimes because we're in the midst of such unbelievable filth you know there's there's over a million people that live in the Madame Orr's area and they do not flush their toilet paper and all their toilet paper goes into the trash dump and I have spent all day long every day in those environments but somewhere around 200 times okay and again I told you that we're getting this I'm kind of a germ freak know when am I am I saying it wasn't dangerous no I'm not saying it wasn't dangerous it was dangerous am I saying that you know that there wasn't filth when my saying that there was not a disease no there was diseases here what I'm saying is it was not my role to be afraid it was my role to be the person that God has called me to be in the midst of a scary place and your scary place now is a mall if I can just say that that's what pansies Americans are and that's what pansies all Western society is that we're horrified of a mall now we're horrified of a mall because of something invisible that we cannot see well what if someone touches me yeah god forbid we do anything relational friends I want to tell you I hate the fear that has come with the crown of Corona and I will not bow my knee to it I am very aware of filth and disease I've caught diseases I had scarlet fever when I was a kid I had scarlet fever when I was a fifth grader Leanna has had it's caught terrible diseases all over the world one time she got a parasite she was sick for four years we couldn't get the parasite diagnosed I I know that it's flu season I realized that and here's what I can also tell you to pull up your big-boy pants and be the person that God has called you to be this is not the time this is not the time to fall back this is not the time to retreat this is the time to advance advance advance and if the only way you can do that is turn off the news turn it off just turn it all the way off and put a praise tape on put a worship tape on get your mind in the spirit of the Living God and do not listen to the world tell you to be a coward because you are not a coward you are a worshipping warrior you get up and declare Psalms 91 around yourself right if you're like well pastor Troy these environments are scary oh really tell me about it you don't think I'm aware of scary stuff dude you don't know anybody that is a that is as afraid of heights as I am afraid of heights you don't know anybody that is that is as afraid of flying as I am and I fly constantly the reason why I'm not with you now is because I flew to Nashville and then I want to fly back before the windy service I'm constantly in an airplane and I just can't even I feel so much pain when I get it when I get into an airplane I I literally I mean I am just full of pain from one enemy to the other end and then after a flight it takes me a couple hours to actually recover because I am so tense I hurt everywhere I just hurt and like well what do you do that because the point is not are there scary things the point is who has God called me to be the point is not you know can a plane go down yes I'm saying mine Kate Howell okay but planes have been known to crash okay dude i am i aware of that yes am i gonna stay home like a coward to go will it's just too scary it's just too scary when i have an opportunity to save over a thousand girls a year out of sexual slavery when i have an opportunity to preach the good news of jesus christ on television all over the world when i have an opportunity to have orphanages and have thousands of kids in them when i have an opportunity to feed more than 130 thousand of people here out of the open door Food Bank on I can I could just dis all that and go it's just too scary well I'm gonna set a tone for you on this and tell you this quit it stop that come out from that friends I can remember a few years ago when the BP oil rig that they called the well from hell went off the Gulf of Mexico you know guys it was the zombie apocalypse and I said yeah the Gulf of Mexico will be forever contaminated fish will never live in it again boats will not be able to gain buoyancy and they will sink and then it will spread to the entire world and it's over and then it went away in one day in one day this unstoppable hell that freaked everybody out that caused so many people to panic it caused so many people to to lose so much and went away in one day it's done and that's how this is gonna be and then what will happen is another scary thing will happen the day after this one goes away and you'll even forget because you're caught up in the mob you know oh my gosh SARS SARS no no oh my gosh oh my gosh ecoli yukata Oh oh my gosh oh my gosh some some jungle fungus is gonna come and kill us and and you'll forget you'll forget that you were in panic mode a few weeks a few weeks ago over the last lie that the media told you I'm sorry but I'm not happy about it where are the people of God where is the body of Jesus Christ that says we will unite and we will pray if my people who are called by my name Amen will humble themselves and pray he says I will heal their nation that's what the Word of God says because the whole entire world is praying about this virus that's good we're finally united let the people of God be united because there's only one way to deal with fear it has to do with the principle of displacement if you're going to deal with fear within your life you're gonna have to deal with this the same way that I deal with getting on airplanes the same exact way that I deal with if I stay in a hotel room that's over over a third story or whatever I have to get in an elevator and it's a funny thing to be in an elevator with me my friends make fun of me really bad and I can't help it I totally I have so much pain that goes through my body when I get in and out in an elevator I'm completely worthless you would not be impressed with me and then even though it is a quarter-inch you know a little quarter inch to be able to gap when you go out I jump over it about ten feet I don't know why I'm scared of that little bitty tiny inch gap but I just am and you know what I do it anyway and do it anyway why because I love God what are you talking about there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment he that fears is not made perfect in love I get on an airplane because I love God I go into trash dumps where it's filthy because I love God I go into prisons not because I'm not aware of bad things but because I love God I get involved in saving girls out of sexual trafficking not because I don't think that there are bad people involved but because I love God if you're gonna deal with fear there's only one way you could deal with fear one way it's perfect love you show me a church that says we're not gonna gather together we're not gonna be the people of God we're not gonna go on missions trips we're not gonna feed the poor we're not gonna help girls that are vulnerable we're not gonna help little boys that are vulnerable we're not gonna be the hands and feet of Jesus I'll show you a church that knows a verse about love but doesn't know love because perfect love casts out all fear perfect love does recently we've had to actually cancel some some trips and it's not because I cancelled the trips it's been because the government cancelled the trips and those things are beyond my control when it comes to things that are beyond my control just coming up there's nothing I can do about that nothing and I have a real weird attitude about that I am going to do everything that is within my control I'm going to five five five five five but if it's out of my current if there's like okay well then Plan B let's go to plan B and I don't I just don't freak out about it I'm very strange about that did a tremendous work in India for more than twenty years I have little boys and little girls that call me papa they called me daddy literally called me daddy and whatsapp me constantly in India and when India did not renew my visa I went well there's nothing I can do about that there's you know 200 something nations on the planet Earth I guess I'll just go to another one there's nothing I can do about that by the way I don't know if you know that India has is refusing to renew the visas of Christians like I don't believe that we we don't care if you believe it or not we know what's real and we know what's true and if you drink the kool-aid of the media you're not going to know what's real and you're not going to know what's true and what I just told you is real and it's absolutely true so I just go well there's nothing I can do about that and that's a really good way to live the stuff that you do have control over men you fight for those things and the stuff that you don't have control over you just don't worry about because I want to just show you this there's two more points I want to make and one of them is this King David said in Psalms 27 verse 13 he says I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and it says you will not make it without a culture of Hope you just need to have the muscle memory of hope that every time something comes against you you're so well-developed and wait a minute my hope is in the Lord I'm gonna see the goodness of God in the land of the living I you know I'm always talking about or have been talking a lot and just being very real about how I hate to fly we were on a very small private plane a friend of mine owns a plane he floats down the sand he's fluent in San Antonio I'm back which thank you for that brother should he love you and on the way back we got into an ice storm and I spawned on the wings and then I swear at 19,000 feet and ice formed on the propellers and we had to drop down to 17,000 feet to get the ice off because it changes the aerodynamics of the plane which is a big deal if you actually want to continue to fly and I want to tell you this it got my attention as I mm-hmm mm-hmm now I'm not freaking out but I am literally dealing with the pain that is in my body because I hate that whole scenario I'm just like oh gosh it hurts okay I'm good I'm good thank you Jesus and then whenever we got down to 17,000 feet the ice started to melt which was good news but all the ice that was on the propellers when it came off it slung into the fuselage it was like BAM and I was right up against the window and there was just this huge back and I started to climb the walls of the plane like a scalded cat it it scared me it was like it really did scare me like that's true what's your what's your point my point is this I'm immediately scared what I'm scared of things but then I immediately go into but God's gonna show up you watch what he's gonna do because see you will faint you will not last you a bell we'll run off if you do not believe you're going to see the goodness of God in the land of the living right now that's a huge part of hope like well I don't even know what hope is hope is the joyful anticipation of good what it's like you know what I'm just anticipating God's gonna do something good and amazing for instance you know that there's gonna be multimillionaires made by the financial moves that they make while everybody is bailing out of things and they're gonna bye-bye because they're in a different spirit and they're gonna bail out of things that everybody else is buying why because they're not caught up in the mob just exactly like that there's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna be positioned for four key positions of authority in influence because while everybody else has going one way you're going a different way hope is the joyful anticipation of good and while everybody else is saying it's all gonna go bad you're gonna say no it's not and then I want to say this that hope is a choice hope is a choice and you have a choice you do not have to be freaked out you can actually be full of hope I don't care what the media tells you Jesus Christ tells you you can have hope in him and that's on you it's not on anybody else and then the very last thing I'm going to say is this any area of your life where there is no hope is under the influence of a lie any area in your life where there is no hope is under the influence of a lie so I want you to just look at your dashboard of your heart you have hopelessness yet panic what you have is a liar with his hands on the steering wheel of your life any area of your life that is without hope is under the influence of a lie Prince I just want to just encourage you that's all this is and say this this is going to pass and it might not be today and everybody's gonna freak out and panic but that's not gonna be you because God is offering you open doors for you to go go go go go and you're not going to miss it because everybody else is freaking out
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 1,886
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: rVud3qWfzns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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