HoI4 Challenge: What if we just bombed the Axis to dust?

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Hey, guys, bittersteel here. Back with another video and today we will be trying one more challenge before no step back releases January 36. We were playing as the United Kingdom and on Iron Remote with historical eyes focuses on what will we be doing? You ask? Well, let me give you a hint. I'm going to delete the army. That's right. We are doing a no army playthrough. We are going to try and win World War two without using our own troops. So I'm going to start off with building close air support fighters. And what else probably need carrier naval bombers, carrier fighters, maybe some regular naval bombers, but mostly it's going to be fighters, cast that sort of stuff as far as the navy's concerned. No subs. I'm going to continue building everything gets in the queue. I'll organize the navy itself at a later point. They're not that important just yet. I'm just going to group them all up. Easiest way to do that is just select one and to and every one of these send them all into the reserves. So right click the great bar here and they all become reserve fleet. Then you can all select them at once and you can merge them and just park them wherever you want. It's what I hate about the Air Force like that so scattered all over the map. I wish there was an easier way to just select all your airplanes. But all right, I think I think we've got everything now doing, probably just going to group them up. Now my plan here will be to go heavily into fighters, cars and bombers. We are going to level Germany's economy just completely. There goes King George, but we will be seeing democratic, so a purely democratic playthrough and in true democratic fashion, we will not put boots on the ground. Not a single British soldier will die in this. We will end this war with zero casualties, or at least we will try. It is entirely possible that we get completely stuck here and the entire continent falls. I hope it doesn't, but you never really know, do you? Now I do want the shadow scheme, but like a bit, just a teeny tiny bit of royal tension short. So while we wait for that, I will bow with a steady as she goes. Got to keep an eye on that. That goes over 5% at any point. Got a jump on that. Let's also hire our sound workhorse. That usually is a good idea early on. It's that if she goes still can get shadow schemes. What else? What else? Home defense, I guess based war support seems like a good deal. Like I said, are going to try to do this, mostly historically. So I'm not going to contest the Sudetenland crisis. We're just going to wait until Germany goes for Poland or France or the low countries and work from there. I think that's going to be a long game and concentrated tends to win out for the long game. Then again, I will be switching up my production very often, and this first might be handy. I'm not sure which is going to be best, but screw it, I'm just going to go with concentrated Hey, the hawker hurricane is here. Let's get the first strategic bomber next. And what else do we want to pick up? It's going to mostly focus on the industry, I think. And there goes king. Bye bye. I could start giving refuge to my scientist friends here. That's usually a good idea if a lot of research to do and world tension isn't going anywhere, so it might as well and prepare for the inevitable. Seems like a good deal. 5% factory output. They go to Spain. Does that mean I can get ou the shadow scheme? I know this is going to waste 16 days, but otherwise we'll be locked out a shadow scheme for too long. So we're just going to take it now. What I could also do is I could send an attaché that will give me enough war support to potentially ramp this thing up to a partial mobilization. All right, the at the show's end, that's going to give us a little bit of army experience. I'm not going to use the political power for too many things anyway. And if that allows me to get partial mobilization early, that's going to be great. Shadow scheme industrial efforts. We've got to keep moving. 20 minutes later. All right. Partial mobilization, it's not great, but at the best we can get and we might as well get it early. All right. See, we have the Halifax start work on doctrine also don't want to fall behind on naval stuff too much. So I'd like to do fire control and damage control so that what little ships we have a little don't get sunk instantly. The Royal Navy's large, but it's also pretty outdated. Also, I hate this, but I really need to figure out the air wings for this. I wish there was an easier way to do this because this is just stupid. This is absolutely stupid. All right. Industrial effort. We'll get the extra research slot and the Royal Ordnance factories, a couple of factories. Always a nice bonus. I Bulgaria. No threats, Bulgaria still empty promises. Why? Why would you do that twice? Why? I'm not going to give you that now. Oh, exercising the navy tends to drain the oil. 00, well, 150 people want to spend it on what they spend it on. So many options, though, I could just go to free trade. Yeah, free trade is a good bonus. John, Spain, you're awful. France wants to join the allies. Yes, no. Yes. Welcome. All right. 250 people get Bomber Harris, and this is probably a mistake. Yes, you can scold me all you want in the comments. I haven't played the UK in a long time, at least not democratically. I genuinely don't really know what I'm doing. OK, we got the world tension now to get general rearmament, not pick up some bomber bonuses here. Now I plan here is just to flood the skies of France and the low countries with fighters, bombers and Carswell fighters and cast mostly and just deny the Germans and Italians entry. And meanwhile, I'm going to use tactical bombers to pound Germany's industry into dust. Maybe the Italian industry? That might be easier. December 37. Mm hmm. Should I keep building sieves? I don't know. Maybe a few more. I think we'll follow these up with military factories, though we will need to produce a respectable amount of airplanes and also building up infrastructure in British Guiana, British Guiana just for the absurd amount of aluminum I can get there. All right. Austria got unjust. All right. We better start militarizing quickly. Airplane production starting to ramp up. We've got a good amount of airplanes here already, so about 1000 cars and 1000 fighters. That's a start. I've also got my first up there on the nationalists. I've also got my first wing of these are naval bombers. Here we go. My first wing of strategic bombers here, the Halifax, and we're going to use that to turn either Germany or Italy into rubble might be a good idea to get radar as well tends to be very helpful at sea spotting submarines, etc.. Bomber Command Yeah, let's get bombers as well. 150 people. Let's get super marine light aircraft designer. one thing I'm not looking forward to is organizing this navy looks like such a gigantic mess. I'll probably just split off the good destroyers like the Tier two destroyers and Tier two like cruisers set. I'll just set those up as some sort of patrol vessels. They've got radar, so they should be able to spot a lot of the German submarines. I'll set the rest of the fleet, the strike force. I really don't want to bother with it. It's just very bothersome. Wish there was an easier way of dealing with it, like the Royal Navy's powerful. It's very cool to have, but it's just so much work to deal with it. All right, Danzig or war has begun. Let's get our spies in position. All right. The French have issued their guarantee and we keep researching. I hope we have enough air to not fix the problem. At least slow the Germans down enough. Oh, for God's sake, pop off. You're useless. Poland refuses the German ultimatum. Let's see if anything happens now. It's happening. All right, I'll accept. I'll accept that it's called Poland. Then join the faction. Okeydokey, I don't think I can save Poland. Maybe I can slow down their decline long enough for them to be decently prepared as a collaboration government or as a government in exile. I'm going to set my bombers out as well, and we're going to be pounding the German economy into dust if we can probably focus on their military factories. Oh God, we are trading very favorably with the Germans already. seven to one odds. I like that, but Poland's probably not going to. Poland's probably not going to hold out forever. I navies also organized, so I'm going to sit out convoy escorts in the region and of course, will follow that up with strike forces of the bigger ships. At least they shouldn't be able to naval invade me this way. Shadow scheme. Thank you. I productions getting somewhere now. I want more casts or fighters want more of everything, really. Naturally, fuel and such is going to be an issue. Fortunately, we have very good friends in the United States who we can trade with that is going to help our stockpiles tremendously. Fuel is going to be a bigger and bigger issue as we get more airplanes up. Oh, there go. The Netherlands can put up my air, but I don't think that's going to save them at this point. We're doing disgusting amounts of damage, though. Oh, that course, Belgium. We're doing disgusting amounts of damage to enemy divisions here, but I don't think it's enough. Still, I'm going to give it my all and I'm going to keep funneling stuff in there. France, why are you trying to attack out of the national? It's just pointless. And now all of the low countries are involved in this. It's going to be nasty, isn't it? I just hope France has the troops to handle this. As for my navy, do I want to improve the navy or have other concerns? I might want to go up to war economy? Yeah, yeah. I mean, I'm shredding b one or nines, though, so that's good. All right. There goes Chamberlain and with Winston Churchill the bulldog. Welcome. Welcome for this wild ride. All right. I've got my Polish divisions here. I'm going to assign them to an army and they will not be used until France falls. I think maybe not sure. I just wish France would stop being an idiot and attack out of them, I know you have other concerns, my friend. You have other concerns. Well, so far, so good. They're holding the low countries more or less. I'm just concerned about Italy. They're not in yet, and they will join. So has another flank for the French. So I got airplanes up in that region as well. Just wish I had more. Well, there it goes. Denmark have nothing left to spare for you, my friends. I'm sort of out of stuff right now. Yeah, sorry about that. Oh, Norwegians in as well. I think I can protect Norway now. Italy's in now as well. The southern French flanks under attack. And it casts any casts here to help the French. I don't have any casts. I don't have anything anymore. Everything is committed to the North. Still, it looks like the line's green right rear Holden. Holden. Sadly, we'll have to let Denmark fall. Not much I can do about that. My friends, I can invoke the lines of 13. I'm going to do that. I'm going to see what that does. Oh, Portugal, welcome ice. Another ally. That's helpful. Interesting Italy. More than half of your economy is in tatters and your plan is to go to war with Greece. OK? Oh, Italy, do I want destroyers for bases? Sure, I guess. Yeah, this is going about as well as you'd expect from Italy. Their entire Albanian core is in circles. You go Greece, you go. I wonder if Bulgaria is going to come in, not in the axis. Oh, they are in the axis. Yeah, it'll probably come in eventually. Oh, OK. Belgium is actually advanced. They've taken Bitburg. Yeah, I don't see. I don't see Germany coming back from this. I have not been bombing them extensively, so they're pretty untouched. But Italy, oh, Italy does look like the front lines moving a bit, so I should shift my case around. What's this Prince Paul? I'm sure all objects. Oh, Greece, why are you this incompetent? Just wipe out Italy and hold this line. It's perfect defensive terrain. Just sit on those two tiles. Stack your arm and no grease. No. Oh well, oh, Yugoslavia's in. I don't have any more planes for you. Yugoslavia. Oh, I do. OK, I'll give you 400 fighters, but that's it. Don't don't actually have any casts for you. Oh, man. At this point, the axes have to be incredibly overextended. No. twelve seconds later. Oh boy. Yeah, the Yugoslav collapse is rapid and dramatic. Yeah, I don't have the air to cover the Balkans as well. Sorry, man, I'm busy up here. What can now make fighter threes going? Well, 1941? Not bad. Not bad. Jack up the engine. Maybe some weapons. Aluminum, though? Yeah, we've we've pretty much used up all the France's aluminum by now. That's OK. France is using up all of its manpower for this. Oh, that's going to suck. They're still on toast to economy. France, you have other concerns than building toasters, go up a conscription law and an economy law. Please, even the Belgians are way ahead of you there in total mobilization and extensive as well as the Dutch Oh, France, oh, Japan's justifying on us. That means the US is coming soon. What do I want? I don't think there's anything really important here except for air production. I could do fortify East Asia, but that region is not important to colonial, sorry imperial conference. Don't think so. I don't have the political power to make it work anyway. Uh, could get the military training. I give me more manpower, but I don't think I need more manpower right now. No, what I need is more airplanes. In some places, the Yugoslavs are stabilizing now. If I was smart, which is fall back to the south, this is all mountains. It could defend it with the troops it has, but it just tries to cover its entire border. And yeah, that's not going to work, my man. It's not going to work. Just fall back to Macedonia and Albania. You can defend there. You'll hold that. I guarantee it. You can hold that, especially with my air cover. Oh, well. Meanwhile, casualties are mounting. We're still at zero, obviously, and 5.5 million Germans, 1.8 million Italians and Romania and Hungary, Bulgaria as well. They're also getting up there in terms of casualties, with the Japanese still around 2.3 million. Yeah. All in all, we're doing well. Let's see how our allies doing. We've got the Belgians 300 K. That's bad. Got the Netherlands 300 kilometers as well. Nice fight. 00, the French 765,000 losses. That's impressive. France is out of manpower and the Greeks 300 K as well, or allies have given much and the U.S. 800 and look at that number going up. Yeah, they're going for it. They're just they're just bashing against those lines. But it does look. Yeah, that's Italy gone. Probably France is actually looking all that spicy. Army stockpiles are pretty low deployed, manpower is pretty low, but that's because they've refused to ramp up their conscription laws and the economy. They probably still don't have any political power because they still have disjointed government. And meanwhile, France is just merrily going through its economy focused instead of doing something useful for a change. But I don't know what the historical air actually does, but it could start with expanding the citizenship. Maybe do something useful here. Help start with defensive stratagems that will get rid of your disjointed government. You'll actually have some political power. Oh, well, at least the American troops here will pretty much solve the issue for us. Meanwhile, we have Luxembourg here scraping the barrel 6000 manpower available. They got two divisions. They've got two divisions. three divisions, though. Wow. Oh, you're trying Luxembourg. I'll give you that a little disappointed that, oh, I was going to say I'm a little disappointed that the Soviets aren't coming in, but it looks like the Soviets have other concerns . Bye bye, Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey as well. Oh, do I? Oh dear. Fine, fine. I like how this has completely spiraled out of control. Well, at least the access is going to get neutered soon enough. Really, Turkey. You'd rather be part of the axis to think I honored my guarantee of your independence. Shame on you. Yeah, this is going to suck, isn't it? I'm going to call this after the axis folds, assuming it's not going to take another five years. But the Russians, the Russians are making sure that's not going to be an issue. This is pretty much going to devolve into a slugging match between the Soviet Union and the USA. France has no manpower. The low countries probably have very little manpower left. They're already scraping the barrel here. All adults serve. Wow, and you got seven k left Netherlands and the French are still still not ramping up their recruitment laws. Yeah, this is going to be a long one. And why are you doing infantry tanks France? Why you have other concerns? Take expand the citizenship to defensive stratagems. I'm getting more and more annoyed by the AIS unwillingness or inability to do anything. They're just sitting on their front lines here, not taking alone. They could easily overrun whatever the Germans and the Italians have left, but they're just not moving and it's annoying. Another useless American naval invasion. But Italy doesn't have anything left, so it shouldn't come on Italy. 2.4 million casualties The Germans 6.7 UK zero casualties Ladies and gentlemen, MVP. Look at all those divisions in Balkans. Just why? Why would you do this? Oh, this is so disgusting. This is so disgusting. And France, what are you doing now banning the league's still low on power, though still on toaster economy? Belgium's almost taken 1,000,000 casualties, like 8.9 K 890,000, that's harsh scene for the French, almost up to 1,000,000. They're out of manpower, though, so that's that's really bad. 2.4 million for the US still, like the Italians, 2.5 Germans, 6.9 and they're still fighting. Why just just give up, give up. You're not winning this Germany one eternity later, don't it's this the anti Bolshevik accord? Okay, Turkey, what? Oh, oh, there we go. There it is. It's over. Happy days. Oh OK. What do I want to do? I don't think I'll be able to really do anything. I can puppet Bulgaria. That's about it. OK. Pause. What are we looking at? Oh, no enemies. Enemies everywhere. Oh God. Oh, the Russians got all of Germany. Fortunately, Italy isn't the allies, at least. So as there's the Republic of Croatia as the thing. Instead of just giving that Yugoslavia, communist Albania, communist Bulgaria, communist Romania. Yeah, yeah, this is disgusting. I don't think we'll be continuing this run, though. It's a very interesting Cold War gone hot scenario, but no step back is very close. I don't have the time to do another one of these videos. I have other stuff to cover, but who knows, maybe we can revisit this with the new DLC anyway. If you like the video, leave a like. Consider subscribing and hit that bell icon to be notified whenever I upload more content and check out this next video. I chose it, especially for you. I'm sure you'll love it. Goodbye.
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
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Keywords: hoi4 bittersteel, bitt3rsteel, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 guide, hoi4 guide, hoi4 imperial federation, hoi4 uk guide, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 new world order achievement, hoi4 battle for the bosporus, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 no army, hoi4 uk
Id: 2uuDCj3bjAc
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Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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